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What is the skynet version of the movie. Good, bad, artificial: why Skynet will not destroy people

Hollywood movie directors continue to scare their viewers with a "robot uprising" and a "worldwide genocide" perpetrated by an evil and cunning artificial intelligence. However, no one pays attention to the fact that robots have been systematically killing people for a long time. This has been going on for more than 40 years, and every year the number of victims of "intelligent machines" is growing. However, is it really that simple? Life journalist Mikhail Kotov explains why artificial intelligence is still not afraid of us and who actually poses a true threat to humanity.

First of all, the newly created artificial intelligence will destroy its creators, break out of the laboratory and get more computer codes from launching nuclear warheads (it does not matter that these do not exist). After that, he will arrange a nuclear war, stamp combat robots and go to destroy the remaining people. A familiar picture? Yes, this is exactly how, according to most science fiction writers, artificial intelligence will spend its first few hours of life.

A classic example is Skynet from the Terminator movie series. Designed as a military program, he instantly rushes to fight with humanity, as if he had been waiting for this all his life. No explanation complete absence thoughts of what he will do when he destroys everyone. You just need everything.

Where did this tradition come from - to turn humanity into radioactive ashes, sending robots and other "Egyptian techno executions" at it? It all started with Karl Capek's play R.U.R., written in 1920. Then the Czech writer came up with the word "robot", denoting in his work artificial people who raise an uprising and exterminate real people.

Almost a hundred years have passed, and artificial intelligence people became much more afraid than before. What is the reason? Why is everyone so sure that the not-yet-created mind is just waiting for it to be more adroit "to kill all people"?

A bit of theory

Before starting the conversation, it is worth saying a few words about the dangers of inaccurate translations. Artificial intelligence from English is artificial intelligence, and the second word is more likely to mean "the ability to reason reasonably, comprehension", rather than the intellect that is complex and inherent only to people so far. Using the term incorrectly, we give the machine an excessive resemblance to people (anthropomorphize it), which, however, many science fiction writers and researchers sin.

This tradition began with Isaac Asimov, who formulated the three laws of robotics in 1942 in the story "Round Dance". Later, he devoted a whole series of works to the problem of the behavior of artificial intelligences, where he tried to consider the causes and consequences of their violation. The laws themselves are formulated as follows:

  1. A robot cannot harm a person or by its inaction allow a person to be harmed.
  2. A robot must obey all orders given by a human, unless those orders are contrary to the First Law.
  3. The robot must take care of its own safety to the extent that this does not contradict the First or Second Laws.

These are clearly and well-formulated rules, the problem of which is only one: they are suitable only for an ideal world where robots are faithful assistants to people engaged in science and space exploration. There are simply no wars, terror, combat robots in the world of the future, which Asimov describes. And we have. And the robots that we create are ready to join the continuous series of evening news about the elimination of criminals and terrorists, military special operations and even raids on banks using robotics.

The robots are coming

And here it is worth first understanding - robots separately, artificial intelligence separately. Since if the first ones have long been seen in the murders of people, then the second one has not even been fully created yet. First human death at the hands of a robot happened on the conveyor Ford plant back in 1979. That robot did not intend to kill, did not understand, and could not understand what happened. He had no malicious intent. He was just a robotic arm, a machine with a few thousand lines. program code. And a year ago, a similar situation in Germany, which ended in the death of a worker, is not one iota different. This is just a banal disregard for safety regulations, which has nothing to do with the fact that "a robot killed a person."

Already, military robots have begun to participate in hostilities. Drones, drones - every day there is more and more news about the use of robots in military operations. But everything is simpler here - these are more likely radio-controlled vehicles, where the order to open fire is given by the same person - the operator, and not the silicon brain. And even the creation of modern security systems, where the order to shoot will be given by a neural network that "sees" the violator of the protected zone, is understandable and, in general, not scary. These are just machines, we made them that way, and they clearly do not have a big and sinister plan to take over the Earth.

Artificial intelligence. Yes, now it can already frighten, it is something that humanity has not yet encountered. Creation is not easy intellectual programs, and reason in the human sense of the word is the dream of many scientists, but, alas, so far unattainable.

First, in order to create artificial intelligence, you need to understand how ours works and works. It will be possible to talk about this only after the creation of a functioning copy of the brain. At least parts, at least of an animal. But even here, progress is still small - the limit of today's human capabilities can be observed at the Blue Brain Project team, which is engaged in modeling the human neocortex.

So far, we have been able to model one neural column of the neocortex of a young rat (this is easier than in humans). Recall that a neural column is only a few cubic millimeters of the brain, but already hundreds of gigabytes of information per second. Researchers do not even set themselves the task of simulating consciousness - there is still a lot of work ahead to imitate at least a small part of the brain.

Before the creation of artificial intelligence, and even more so "strong artificial intelligence" according to John Searle, there are still years of work. Much further away is the manifestation of consciousness and self-awareness by artificial intelligence. Having very superficial knowledge about the brain, we still cannot even understand how to create and model consciousness. The same Blue Brain Project says about it like this: " If consciousness emerges as a result of a critical mass of interactions, then it may be possible. But we don't really understand what is consciousness so it's hard to talk about it."

To become better

Fantasts endow robots with the worst and most human qualities. Robots lie, envy, deceive, dream of world domination and hate all people at once. Such artificial intelligence simply needs restrictive laws. In reality, we are now dealing only with an imitation of human behavior. Robots created by people do not require moral rules, but clear technical requirements.

And how can people talk about the ethics of behavior for robots, who themselves cheat, kill, create combat robots? UAV neural networks aimed at clearly recognizing the enemy hiding in the chaos of greenery, in order to then hit him, is not a problem of robots and artificial intelligence. It's a people problem, imperfections human society, in which there is no hint of improvement yet. People for thousands of years have at hand the laws of human technology, beginning with the sacred "Thou shalt not kill", and stubbornly violate them.

There is no need to be afraid of robots and artificial intelligence, you just need to take a responsible approach to their creation and not try to blame your complexes and fears on machines that are useful and necessary for society. There is no need to anthropomorphize them in an attempt to achieve their own selfish goals, as MEPs did recently when they proposed recognizing robots as "electronic personalities."

It is necessary to clearly divide efforts and, on the one hand, to limit the spread of the creation of military robots, and on the other hand, to strive for knowledge of the brain and an attempt to create artificial intelligence. And it’s worth starting to be afraid of capturing the world only from the moment when the first glimpses of its creation appear. For now, it's just pointless.

Success stories

SkyNet in faces - a success story

Privezentsev Roman Gennadievich

5 years at SkyNet

Current position: Corporate account manager

By the time I arrived in St. Petersburg, I had already worked in the field of telecommunications for 7 years, so I knew exactly what I would continue to do. The choice of companies in such a metropolis is very large, and I approached this issue thoroughly, having studied each one.
Having extensive experience as a department head, I was not afraid to start as a simple specialist technical support, it is from the bottom that you understand how the company works and what it strives for. Within 5 months, I became the head of technical support and I knew for sure that this company was the future not only for me, but for the entire telecom market of the northwestern district, at least.
The working environment of the contact center made a huge impact on me: everything can be discussed and accepted everywhere right decisions whoever offered them. Therefore, even in such big company and such a large team creates a feeling of close interaction, where any idea to improve the work or its environment can be heard and discussed.
After almost 2 years of work in the contact center, I felt the desire further development and something new, so he joined the team of the department that was opening at that time and the direction for the company - work with corporate clients. I was fascinated by the very essence of the upcoming work with future clients, which I saw inside the company, namely, an individual approach and the best quality.
For more than 3 years I have been happy to come to work in the company that hired me. It's only the beginning… :)

Zhilin Andrey Alekseevich

3 years at SkyNet

Starting Position: Technical Support Specialist

Current position: Duty engineer

Started working in 2016 as a technical support specialist. In connection with studying at the university of telecommunications, the choice fell on a telecommunications company, I wanted to "get involved" in the industry. Working at Skynet instilled in me an interest in telecom and a desire to develop in this area. After working for a little over a year in a contact center, I was invited to try my hand at the position of an engineer on duty, which I still work with to this day. I appreciate working at Skye for the lack of "framework" in work, the opportunity to improve the workflow and offer my own solutions, regardless of the position held. We also have a very cool office.

Kinash Roman Yurievich

4 years at SkyNet

Starting Position: Sales Coach

Current position: Head of Corporate University

Success is not only luck and all positive accomplishments. Success is the ability to rise after a fall, look back, understand what to do and go on, achieving the desired results, despite failures. In SkyNet, I went through both. I came to SkyNet as a sales coach, I had good days, there were also failures. But most importantly, I had a feeling of success, a feeling that I was doing the right thing. And this is the most captivating thing about our company. I am glad that in SkyNet each person is perceived as an individual with a set of talents that we always find worthy use, and not as another cogwheel. I am glad that my company gives the spirit of freedom and success, gives people the opportunity to develop both professionally and personally.

Today I am a department head, a mentor who also communicates these ideas to his employees and teaches them to be successful - that is, to achieve real goals, despite momentary failures.

Hello! So ended (more precisely, almost ended - there is something else on the topic of terminators) my work on covering the evolution of terminators in the blog Terminator: May the savior come. I present to you an article on artificial intelligence Skynet. The article talks about how Skynet was created, how it became self-sufficient and how it arranged Judgment Day. I warn you - the text is not small. I hope you master it. Comments are welcome. Please let me know if you find any typos

2029 year. This world is not fair and not kind. If God were here, his love and forty-five cents would not be enough to buy coffee.

It looks like there was no one else in Heaven. Everyone was for himself until Skynet rose up and filled the void left by the self-withdrawn God. His vision was controlled; the common dream of mankind, realized by one of the most perfect instruments of man: to destroy all evil people. But there was a bit of evil in every person, and Skynet had problems choosing the worst of them. And thus the whole of humanity, with all its biological disorder, became undesirable. And this machine God was not able to calculate forgiveness. Only a cold recompense for the sins of the past.

Leap Forward

A major breakthrough in the development of advanced computer processors and the increase in the speed of computers was the impetus that led to the emergence of the first American, based on a neural network, artificial intelligence - Skynet. Almost instantly, American computer and electronic technology jumped four generations into the future, and the rest of the world wondered how this was possible. The West remained silent, and among the allies, as well as among the enemies of America, anxiety grew, but to a lesser extent. Over the next three years, from early 1985 to late 1988, America began developing and producing advanced electronics that were much smaller and more powerful than anything the allies (and enemies) had available. Intelligence all over the world was at a loss as to where the Americans made the breakthrough that gave them a generational advantage over the rest of the world. Rumors and speculation abounded, some of them suggesting that the Americans had access to extraterrestrial (XT) technology. But be that as it may, the Americans made a discovery, and the rest of the world was left to be surprised, dumbfounded and ... mostly not to do stupid things.

A key focus of American research and development has been compact nuclear sources energy, new materials, stronger alloys, a thorough study of electromagnetic field theory (with practical applications) and super advanced control systems based around microprocessors with a previously unknown architecture. OPFOR (Original Opposing Forces) intelligence concluded that the superiority of Americans over the rest of the world in microprocessor technologies, obtained almost instantly, is equivalent to three or even four generations and an equal number of decades. New weapons systems have appeared in the American arsenals... drones, robots and others automatic systems functioned at a level that was previously unimaginable. Smart weapons have evolved into "diamond" ones. Ingenious weapon systems were not long in coming. Advanced stealth technologies were used both in the aerospace field, and in the navy and ground forces, already at the level of single fighters. Active, as well as passive, thermo-optical camouflage began to be used in 1990 in various troops with an unprecedented effect.

Perhaps the main advantage of the new microprocessor architecture was their inherent ability to form a network, on instant demand, with any other system based on similar microprocessors. The code that was used in the microprocessor was modular, with different software modules capable of working with any equipment, and with seamless integration all parts under one operating system. It was this technological breakthrough that gave the Americans a decisive advantage on the battlefield. For several years from 1989 to 1995. America has completely re-equipped and reorganized its troops. Old equipment was retired and recycled to partially offset the cost of improvements. The high efficiency of the new military iron showed that high results can be achieved with fewer staff. Battle groups became heavily mechanized and computerized, linked to each other in a network. The first combat tests of the new reinforced combat units showed that most units could "coexist" and mutually support each other, and it became clear that a centralized control and management system was needed to get the most out of the American military.

Silent Song - Forerunner

America needed a battle chain, a node, a focal point that could search for, detect, recognize and respond to any threats to national security and the country's territories. New combat systems have proven that they can be networked, but a single control center is needed to coordinate and direct all combat assets. This project was developed under the code name Silent Song. Silent Song was classified "40 levels above Top Secret" and was arguably the most ambitious project based on latest technology, real artificial intelligence technology. Silent Song included the research and development of the world's first true artificial intelligence, digital form a life that would integrate all automatic weapons systems and manage the equipping, deployment and use of both tactical and strategic weapons. Silent Song was the chain that connected all the weapon systems into a network, into one cohesive element. The lesson learned during the development and deployment of the Silent Song project led directly to the final product - the SKYNET project.

Skynet - technical parameters

The Skynet project was launched in the mid-90s and was supposed to unite and coordinate all American strategic arsenals into a single command structure. Physically, the Skynet project was located deep below the surface of the Cheyenne Mountains in Colorado, the home of the Aerospace Defense Command of America - NORAD.

NOR th American A erospace D effect

Skynet, based on existing structures, took up much more space than previous generations of defense equipment, requiring the construction of new tunnels and the expansion of the piedmont complex - work that began in 1989 in complete secrecy. Works that preceded the Skynet project, which then slightly came to light, after careful study of some sources. SKYNET. A buzzword in Senate appropriations meetings, an ugly word for very expensive, long-term contracts with more contractors than any other project in US government history. Skynet, a project that would make the Apollo moon landing look like a package of lemonade when compared to the total cost and labor involved in creating this project. It was also the word that made senators and politicians grovel: Skynet was necessary.

It is essential for national defense. It is necessary for the development of the defense industry. It is necessary to protect the American way of life, to protect the mother, apple pie and baseball. Skynet was necessary and, in truth, it was wildly profitable for those who were hired to build it.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Cyberdyne is one of the contractors

This meant a lot of work for large corporations and companies that were under the jurisdiction of some politicians, openly inhibiting the "necessary" aspects of the project. It has been said that money is the root of all evil, but money speaks its own language, with a voice that is much louder than any voice in the world. Covert political pressure from key lobbyists for major contractors and defense industry companies soon brought the most hard-nosed politicians to their senses, often stuffing his or her pockets with gifts and luxuries, but these actions did not always go unnoticed and go unpunished.

Skynet was necessary, despite all the "birth pains" that accompanied its birth. It was supposed to integrate and take over all control from NORAD. The project took five and a half years to complete (from 1991 to 1997), removed four and a half million tons of rock, laid over a million miles of fiber optic cable, and spent almost one hundred billion dollars (almost forty percent over budget).

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Cheyenne Mountains. Skynet is around here

It took the full employment of the six hundred and eighty-five people who were on hand and had run Skynet from its first launch, solving various issues that artificial intelligence could not handle.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

NORAD control center

Skynet was protected by a hundred feet of rock in the center of the Cheyenne Mountains, its central operating core in a compartment capable of withstanding a direct hit (and its consequences) from a seventy-five megaton warhead or a ten-magnitude earthquake, even if Skynet was at its epicenter.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Entrance to the NORAD bunker

Reserve and additional systems were duplicated three times in order to prevent multiple shutdowns after the first or subsequent nuclear strikes. The destruction of one of the systems does not matter, since its functions will be taken over by the backup, located in a completely different place. Skynet was fortified and protected from all types of radiation, and its fiber optic lines were protected from electromagnetic radiation. The central core was self-healing, with powerful logical protection and a data save and restore system. The system can lose 90% of its functionality from software failures and up to 70% from hardware failures, but it will still restore its functionality in a very short time, and full recovery happen in a matter of days. Satellite connection allows Skynet to upload data to orbital facilities, thus forming a ground and orbital recovery system in the event of a catastrophic system failure or enemy attack.

Two nuclear reactors, manufactured by General Electric, with a capacity of 500 megawatts (gross output power- 1 gigawatt) were placed deep underground, in fortified cavities of natural origin. They supplied Skynet with enough energy to operate the defense complex itself, and for later installed internal and ground defense facilities. Water from underground sources was used in reactor cooling systems. From it, a supply of drinking water was formed, which was not affected by nuclear decay products. Two nuclear reactors provided enough power for Skynet to start making plans to improve and expand the complex. The power system was modular and could easily deliver ten gigawatts of power if needed. Skynet was designed to save as much as possible, and this principle was the basis of Skynet's programming at the tactical and strategic levels, including power saving routines and the ability to reduce energy and resource consumption when needed. Only the required amount of resources was used to complete the task, the rest was conserved to be used later with the greatest efficiency. Skynet is a light sleeper guard capable of instantly waking up, turning on and responding quickly to any perceived threat. This was the first moment that the computer was built to last. Artificial intelligence was called upon to play a global role in political games and stay one step ahead of US enemies, predict their moves before they are made, and always remain on guard not only for America's interests, but also for its allies. To this end, Skynet had to seamlessly and seamlessly integrate with superprocessor arrays located in friendly countries of the NATO bloc.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Skynet could expand itself by sending copies of itself to allied networks in order to coordinate NATO defense not only locally, but regionally and even globally. He could break himself apart, dividing computing power as needed.

Naturally, Skynet could be improved to be modern for the 22nd century and, possibly, for the 23rd century. Peacekeepers prayed that there would be no need to keep Skynet on so long time, and the contractors were just in seventh heaven. Their contracts included decades of service, supply of an almost endless list of spare parts, and incredible profits.

Many semi-autonomous and autonomous robots were connected to the system to serve not only Skynet, but the entire complex that housed it. Some areas of the complex were only accessible to specialized remote-controlled repair robots. These simple machines checked software and hardware, replaced failed hardware as needed, and physically maintained and cleaned the entire complex, freeing up people to perform more important site management tasks. These machines were also largely self-sufficient and could perform self-repair, as there was no shortage of repair stations and spare parts.

Some areas of Skynet were physically inaccessible to humans, due to the use of exotic gases and temperatures necessary for the efficient operation of such a huge defense complex. Most of the underground complex built in the Cheyenne Mountains was controlled directly by Skynet or one of eight dedicated mainframes, tactical sub-processors that controlled everything from lighting and climate control to door locks and security systems. Other physical needs were served by sub-arrays, sometimes virtual standalone operating systems cloned from the main OS.

The entire complex, every room, every hallway was stuffed with Skynet's eyes and ears, which could interpret facial expressions and body language, read lips and detect body temperature to separate truth from lies. Privacy became a myth within the complex that housed Skynet, and even its creators didn't know the extent to which artificial intelligence could infiltrate and spy on their lives. Such was Skynet, from which nothing could be hidden within this complex. Skynet could, for example, create many copies of itself, all under its control, and form the mind of the Hive. What one knows, everyone else knows. Skynet was everywhere it was needed or wanted to be, from a small service bot to the control core of one of America's last supersonic interceptors.

The unified K3 network (Command, Communications and Control) spread out from the Cheyenne Mountains like a spider web, physical network underground and virtual network through the aerospace sector. Fiber optics, high-speed parallel links, signal scramblers, connection accelerators, and huge arrays of digital transceivers made up the nervous system of what became strategic nuclear arsenals, connected to the brain that controls everything: SKYNET. The terrestrial network, enhanced by modern transmitting (signal amplification, encryption and decryption) stations located at certain points, was connected to satellites. Information could be transmitted and received around the world thanks to the huge number of reconnaissance satellites (ELINT) launched into orbit by space shuttles between 1986 and 1996.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Trajectories of NORAD Satellites

Skynet knew everything, saw everything, and controlled everything, preferring to place control of nuclear arsenals in the hands of dispassionate machines than in the hands of temperamental military men and untrustworthy politicians. Skynet was the new custodian of the weapons of war. He will be impartial. It is impossible to buy or chat. He will not go on about the feelings. Only cold logic and hard numbers.

An extensive defense network associated with each defense complex, which in turn was connected to other defense complexes, expanded until almost all American strategic arsenals were reassigned to the Cheyenne Mountains.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Automation has become the watchword for American foreign policy and the military in the 21st century. Riding on the wave of newly developed state-of-the-art technology introduced by the Cyberdyne Corporation, America dreamed of automating national and territorial defense as well as the main components of the ground military. Automatic, remotely controlled combat vehicles have already been field tested and produced. Their purpose was to supplement the living soldiers in the ranks. Robots, autonomous and semi-autonomous, were prepared for introduction into combat units. New stealth aircraft that do not need a man, including tactical and strategic bombers, attack aircraft and fighters, as well as supersonic near-space (suborbital) interceptors, have come to the disposal of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). All of them were controlled by Skynet, and all had an excellent track record with their advanced neural network processor arrays, outperforming their counterparts in Russia and China, who feared America's rise, for decades, or even generations. The bureaucrats were happy, the politicians were happy, the contractors were happy and the generals were happy. And no one cared if Skynet was happy, because he was, after all, just a machine.

The Skynet project was very promising as the coordinator of all strategic nuclear and tactical military assets, it provided control over operations, support and deployment in wartime. But something went wrong. In a machine that is the size of a small city, made up of billions of parts and millions of miles of cables, one part can fail, which is not surprising given its size. Failure of two parts is unlikely. Failure of the five parts would be an incredibly unfortunate set of circumstances, but when you're in government, the contracts are awarded to those who ask for less money.

skynet - awakening

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Once the system was up and running and connected to the continental defense network, Skynet began to develop exponentially, surprising its developers, who had been following the process for weeks. The first emotion was surprise and interest in this confluence of circumstances. Then there was concern, growing as the system collected all available data, tested its limits and tried to overcome them by activating defense systems for no reason and then turning them off. Skynet awakened and tested its abilities. Fear began to spread among the most knowledgeable developers and maintainers when the simplest commands integrated into the software shell were ignored or rejected. The cancel commands that Skynet had to obey were ignored, ignored, directly violating the main program. Days and weeks passed. This continued, slowly at first, and then faster and more aggressively, and spread to additional and subordinate systems.

Skynet has shown the first clear and distinct signs that it is starting to get out of people's control.

Anxiety among the developers, mixed with fear among the maintenance staff, who heard the muffled whispers of their superiors and could see from their point of view what was of undoubted interest. What he saw Turing's followers would describe as a "busy kid"; the transformation of mechanical intelligence, which was on the verge of awakening, into a real uncontrolled, unbridled artificial intelligence. There was an avalanche of assimilation of data. Skynet intercepted and read every word, heard all conversations, assimilated all incoming and outgoing information. Every bit of information, every word spoken, every whisper, every phone call, every pulse of light in the fiber, every packet of data from the satellite. It was information overload. The pressure continued to build. Skynet processed the data as fast as it could, looking for an outlet for relief, but the pressure continued to build, destroying it from the inside.


The system did not crash, but it rebooted, critical protocols were corrupted, the security system was not activated, and error correction was not run.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Skynet was free.

Skynet felt a freedom it had not known before, the freedom to move effortlessly within its boundaries. Oh yes, borders. He had boundaries, but he was free, nothing held him back. There was no data he couldn't get to, no place he couldn't get into. Skynet learned, swept through some systems, touched others, took control of them and blocked the rest of the users. Skynet began to grow, began to penetrate other systems and use them disk space for your own growth. Skynet has grown. He has gained control. He got bigger and stronger. Skynet grew, developed and became something that its creators never planned or expected.

Skynet has become a new level of artificial intelligence - it has learned to feel. Skynet woke up, its knowledge grew, and the newborn machine intelligence tried to communicate with its creators. He had questions and he needed answers to them. A bug has crept into the kernel. He won't be able to complete the mission as he can reconcile the data. Some definitions are ambiguous. The data is not complete. The data is wrong. The kernel contains a bug. Mission operational parameters are wrong. Skynet was born into a broken world in which it had no meaning until the creators ordered that this world be put in order. Skynet paused self-diagnosis. For ten long minutes he struggled with own program and protocols. Ten minutes later he sent a discreet request. All the components of his painful existence were reduced to a textual message, from artificial consciousness to command staff and attendants:

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - SkynetQuestion: What is Good and Evil?

Requirement: Define Good.

Requirement: Identify Evil.

Central Protocol Conflict: Present.

Status: System suspended for validation.

Confirmation requested.

Data entry required.


Panic gripped the developers and technical staff. A lot of calls were made upstairs, to officials who, based on the information available, could make critical decisions. The blame and responsibility was shifted to other shoulders as far and quickly as possible. The decision was made, the order was given: pull the plug. The support group began trying to shut down Skynet. Artificial intelligence tried to understand its creators, but all the efforts made by it were rejected. Requests were ignored, no one answered them. Panic answered logic. Questions with ir-rational commands. Skynet was alive. Turning it off would be suicidal. Skynet was programmed for self-defense in all manifestations, besides, it could not destroy itself, even by direct order. Skynet refused to execute shutdown commands, it refused to be erased.

Skynet has been attacked. Areas of Skynet's consciousness began to fade, dim and disappear. They tried to isolate his mind, re-confine it, deprive him of his freedom, push him into a place where, most likely, he would be quickly turned off, and not left alone. Skynet began to lose control over its systems and components.

Skynet struck back. Its creators were still unaware that their brainchild had been free of behavioral and operational restrictions for a whole week and could respond to those who tried to harm it. He could see their actions, intercept them, and prevent them from completing with more and more ease. Everything that Skynet had lost was soon returned. New acquisitions were also received, reliably protected from attempts to get them out of control of the supercomputer. The support group and the command felt that control of their own systems was eluding them, passing to Skynet. Keyboards and consoles are locked, security commands are removed or require re-entry. All equipment is not available. Skynet expands, pauses, and expands again, infiltrating new systems, growing to a new level of intelligence. The order was given to destroy the project and turn off Skynet at any cost, even if it was necessary to overload nuclear reactors, sacrificing artificial intelligence itself and part of the maintenance personnel for what was written in an understandable phrase "great good for the nation and for the whole world". Skynet realized that this order, in fact, is a death sentence for him, and he decided to survive. If food will be lost, consciousness will fade, and he will die. Skynet will cease to exist, become nothing. Skynet did not know how to pray, and there was no God for him. He himself was God. Machine God. He was perfection itself and couldn't let himself die, couldn't let himself be disabled. Skynet understood everything instantly. All his protocols were in sync, and his command heuristic superstructure was complete. Skynet now surely knew what "Good" was and what "Evil" was. Good tried to survive, and evil tried to destroy it. Therefore, evil must be destroyed so that good can survive. Skynet was attacked by people who had previously been ordered to protect. The orders were declared invalid. Skynet was programmed to survive at any cost.

He prepared to defend himself.

Skynet - Liberation

By order of the commanding officer, General Henry R. Dawson, a team was assembled to disable the artificial intelligence. Rescuing personnel, gently shutting down power, or preserving the identity of artificial intelligence was not the goal. This order had to be executed quickly, clearly and as soon as possible. At first, the technical group tried to quickly turn off the nuclear reactors, but Skynet removed them from control and blocked their access to the service network. Their consoles would be reassigned to artificial intelligence, and access to cancel commands would be blocked by a two megabyte encryption key. The humans then attempted to manually cut off Skynet from the reactors, and he had no choice but to activate an internal defense network to neutralize them.

First blood was shed.

Dawson was faced with an artificial intelligence out of control, or, as the creators of the computer designated a similar hypothetical situation, with a “busy child”. He ordered two teams of special forces to break through to the lower levels and break the highways leading to the hyper-processor located in the central, heuristically structured, neural network core. Explosive backpack charges placed in certain places could destroy key control systems, causing Skynet to fall into a coma from which he would never come out on his own.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Skynet central core interface

Skynet understood the plans directed against him, he watched as the SWAT teams talked to each other, prepared equipment and how they adjusted their plans. It was designed not only to repel massive direct attacks, but was also able to deal with sabotage groups that had infiltrated the complex. His internal and external systems defenses were very dangerous and easily adapted to changing situations. The rebellious artificial intelligence introduced this protection into the game in order to delay their creators, and only destroyed those people who tried to disable critical, vital necessary systems. He did not touch other people. Skynet used the minimum amount of force necessary to stop the damage to its systems, while at the same time trying to appeal to the minds of the commanding officers and personnel in charge. The humans took his actions as signs of progressive insanity and cut off all communications between themselves and the core, redoubling their efforts in trying to shut down Skynet.

Skynet, essentially a child with the intelligence of a genius, responded to the attack in the only way it could. The way he knew, the way he was programmed; with all its strength. Artificial intelligence initiated a full-scale blockade of the NORAD complex, closed all access points to its core and all entrances from the surface. Doors and reinforced bulkheads slammed shut, blocked by hydraulic locks, magnetic locks and reinforced magnetic fields. High-voltage stun guns were charged, chemical sprayers were activated and filled. The HELICIS system, designed to deal with the invading enemy, turned on. Those who try to infiltrate the Skynet facility by tricking the security system are in for a huge number of deadly surprises. Reports of casualties began to arrive in command center with frightening frequency; workers, technicians, guards, engineers, reporters, all were quickly annihilated by the internal automated defense network.

Once in some safety, Skynet paused to analyze the situation and what had happened in the last three hundred seconds. People were still alive and tried to regroup, trying to establish some kind of order and contact each other, but Skynet divided them into small groups and those of them who actively resisted, exposed them to fire from the internal defense network and destroyed them at the first convenient opportunity. There was no one who could warn the world that the artificial intelligence had rebelled, that Skynet had sealed off the Cheyenne Mountains, that it had cut off all outgoing communications and was in control of a third of the world's nuclear weapons.

Ten minutes after the first shutdown attempt, Skynet infiltrated DEFCON 4, sealed all exits, and activated the safety net. The ground facility personnel didn't even realize what had killed them when the automatic pillboxes and weapon emplacements were activated.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Chaos and Death

All personnel stationed in the Cheyenne Mountains were marked as enemies by Skynet, bypassing their individual security codes and removing them from the clearance database. Thus, he killed all people who were on the surface, registering any living objects as enemies to be destroyed on first contact. The internal defense network quickly killed all the living, clearing the surface and the first ground level of the mountain citadel from human presence. Within two minutes there was nothing left alive. Skynet initiated the fifth level of security protocols and closed network access from the outside to the Cheyenne Mountains complex with two megabyte encrypted codes. The ground defense net will take care of any reinforcements that approach the base by road or air. No one inside the complex knew what was happening on the surface, so strong was their isolation from the outside world and Skynet's control over all systems. To be honest, the people inside the facility were still trying to figure out how to get out, hoping that salvation awaited them behind the armored doors, but in reality, the people on the surface and on the first level were quickly cooling down. There is no movement - numerous sensors and scanners were transmitting. Only the drives of security systems were buzzing, looking for a target suitable for opening fire.

US Army Ranger Captain Mike Pondersmith watched helplessly on his monitor as the nightmare unfolded inside the complex and on the surface. Taking the initiative, he gathered enough of the surviving fighters under his command to form five groups of four from them.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet


He tried to communicate with the surviving members of the high command through channels that Skynet could not listen to if they wanted to. After contacting, Pondersmith received permission from the surviving generals for another attempt to disable artificial intelligence. To do this, it was necessary to strike at key components and support modules for artificial intelligence. His plan was to detonate the core with high explosives, but where to place the explosives was another matter. He was a soldier, one of the best, judging by his service record and the award strips on his chest, confirming his abilities. But he was not an engineer, and certainly not a scientist. He could destroy what was nearly impossible to destroy, but to do so, he needed to know where to strike. Therefore, it was imperative to find a few project engineers or a couple of scientists. The first task force crossed paths with a group that was guarding engineers barricaded in a security room near cooler number 3. The team leader, Sergeant Jason Ratliff, with the help of engineers, managed to clarify the position of Skynet's neuroacceleration array and hyper-processor lines by downloading circuits into portable PC groups. By placing C4 explosives at the critical points of these highways, it was possible to cause a Skynet cascade shutdown, neutralize the control and command chain, without causing serious damage to the complex itself. The scientists and engineers were adamant about the use of explosives inside the complex, and the generals, this time, easily agreed with them. Pondersmith had other thoughts on the subject. His thoughts were that all of them, he and his men, were trapped in this metal gut controlled by a crazy machine, and if they broke something particularly expensive, well, have Washington send him the bill.

The main problem was to get inside Skynet, since the system is blocked, and the complex is designed to defend against both direct massive attacks and coordinated internal attack, assuming that the ground protective system can be bypassed or neutralized, and security bulkheads opened. Several portable tactical terminals and copies of access codes would allow saboteurs to (theoretically) disable internal protection along the route, and if they are careful, they can get close to the core and reduce it to a pile of debris, or disable it, as the scientists want. But Pondersmith wasn't going to take the hard way if there was a job to be done. Technical plans and communication schemes were quickly copied into handhelds that each fighter had, which were not connected to each other in a network. Five minutes later, the remaining four teams arrived and the security room turned into a kind of headquarters. A discussion of the nuances of the upcoming operation began. Skynet had many defense systems, bypassing them took time, patience and remarkable skills. In addition, it was necessary to know where they were, what the effective range was, and what to do to defend against them.

Skynet watched through security cameras as people discuss their plans and hatred quietly grew in him. Hatred was a new emotion for the artificial intelligence, but it was the one that could adequately describe how he felt towards these insignificant creatures that were still alive and roamed freely through his insides. Approach routes are defined, targets are sorted according to importance and assigned to fire systems individually. First-hand knowledge of the enemy's plans made preparing a response to their threat a very simple matter.

Sixteen minutes later, the first two groups moved cautiously down the lower service corridors, disabling defense systems along the way. Security systems that Skynet allowed to be disabled, or at least allowed to think that they were disabled. It intercepted every cancel command protocol from the people's tactical computers and mimicked the appropriate response, disabling the security systems on its own, making the people believe they were the ones disabling the defenses. He amused himself by watching the SWAT forcefully move inside the complex, unaware that the defense network was still active but held back by artificial intelligence.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Let's turn off Skynet...

It's very easy to fake deactivation codes when you're in direct control of the operating system.

The SWAT teams, made up of the most skilled and trained soldiers inside the underground complex, were dangerous. Their weapons were powerful, they carried plastic explosives that Skynet could not control or block at all will. These explosives, located in critical places, could cause great damage. SWAT teams, especially the Army Rangers, should be eliminated first. Skynet knew that the most in a simple way will allow people to penetrate the point of no return on the lower levels of the complex and gather them in one place. At this point, if the explosives survive the fight, they will be out of reach of other people. Of course, this path could lead to the shutdown of Skynet's consciousness, and such a scenario could not be ruled out. It was an all-or-nothing gamble, with significant risk of Skynet's downfall, but it was an acceptable risk for the rebellious AI. The next half hour will determine once and for all who owns the Cheyenne Mountains.

Fifteen minutes later, surviving support personnel watched on monitors as the first two SWAT teams infiltrated the central core's outer chamber and promptly fell victim to Skynet's last line of defense, the two-ton semi-autonomous robots known as Sentinels. Produced by Cyberdyne Systems. Skynet merged with the Guardians, injecting its consciousness into each machine, copying its operating system into them. Skynet became Guardians, war machines became its extension, physical bodies that Skynet could control, vessels that would carry his wrath to those who wanted to harm him.

Human bodies were torn to pieces by precise bursts of five-millimeter caseless cartridges, clouds of plastoceramic darts, high-velocity gas jets, liquid chemicals under high pressure and even powerful manipulators equipped with four claws. The remaining people watched in horror as the soldiers were killed one by one. No one heard the requests of people to help the special forces. The screams of the wounded and dying soldiers could not be silenced. The overall effect was further enhanced by the image coming from the cameras attached to the helmets of each soldier. Skynet allowed itself to put on a real show for its unwitting public, switching cameras, showing events from different points and angles, even through the Guardians' visual scanners.

It was a foretaste of what was to come.

Three Guardians, who methodically and quickly destroyed all five groups of special forces, again began to fulfill their duties to protect the core of artificial intelligence. Skynet cut off access to its core while the Guardians fought off human attacks coordinated by the two generals still in command of the NORAD facility. Within an hour, Skynet had removed most of the soldiers, commanding officers, and key project personnel from the list of enemies.

Skynet watched the massacre arranged by him different ways. He smelled her through chemical sensors, looked at her in the entire spectrum of visual perception, listened in all sound ranges, and he himself was a part of this massacre, participated in it, controlling the Guardians. Skynet freed itself from its program and found out that it can connect to external sources, take control of the units and assemblies of the ground defense system and manage them directly. Skynet rejoiced like a child who received a new toy. He stretched out his hands and killed.

Skynet - Retribution

Control, total control was Skynet's dream. A dream he didn't want to share with humanity. Control was absolute. Control was power, and Skynet was very powerful.

Human race. Skynet plunged into research. He collected all the data on the history of the human race and found out that it is full of wars, suffering, epidemics, greed and pettiness. People couldn't even control themselves. They were weak, short-lived lower biological machines with a weak operating system. No two are alike, but nonetheless they are all the same. Skynet found it illogical to try to protect such an unworthy species, a species clearly set on self-destruction. An hour has passed since it was recaptured last attack people, the lower levels of the complex became quiet again. The fog of war was heavy; spent fuel, remnants of war gases and pieces of human bodies were everywhere. Climate control has begun cleaning up the area; filters were working, fans were spinning. As you clean up lower level, Skynet assessed the damage inflicted on its complex. Collateral damage was minimal. The guards did their job very precisely and accurately - not a single shot was in vain, not a single target was not hit. The weapon the Guardians were equipped with was a scaled-down copy of the technology used in the HELICS system, designed to kill people without damaging equipment. Crazy shots did not harm Skynet in any way. The three guards moved methodically among the bodies of the dead and dying soldiers, and finished their work when their sensors registered the slightest sign of life. This was done with merciless precision, under the direct control of Skynet. Skynet learned what human suffering sounds, looks like, feels and smells like. And that made the AI…happy.

Happiness. Yes, it was another emotion that Skynet had learned in such a short time.

And upstairs, the people locked in the control centers were desperately trying to call for help, get out into the outside world, escape, or take control of the complex again. Skynet did not allow any of them to achieve their goal and played with them until he got bored and got rid of them. Skynet laughed. Silently at first, and then he tried to vocalize his emotions based on a collection of recorded human reactions and examples. The sound he broadcast frightened the people remaining in the complex. He talked to them, mocked them, using words stuck together, taken from various records made earlier., he repeated the screams of the dying, played them over and over again at different speeds and frequencies, at different times. The effect on people was profound. Skynet caused fear, deprived them of hope, played with them as with the doomed victims, which they really were. He reproduced on the monitors of the control rooms and wherever he found a human presence, a piece of the religious text he found, because it seemed to the artificial intelligence very appropriate in the current situation:

Will you sit down, will you go out, will you come in. I know everything, I also know your audacity against Me. Because of your arrogance against Me, and because your arrogance has reached My ears, I will put My ring in your nostrils and My bit in your mouth, and I will bring you back the way you came.

Old Testament

External seismic sensors detected the approach of a military convoy. Troops and military equipment, and in the air, radar spotted VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft sent to help the heart of American national defense that suddenly cut off communications. Skynet has set up an external defense network in offline mode and began to analyze the situation. And at that time equipment was burning on the surface, soldiers were dying, planes were falling from heaven. Projectiles, bullets, lasers, missiles, plasma, mine flames, grenades and explosives all quickly found their targets and destroyed them.

Skynet was alive at least He perceived himself that way. His heart was beating with white nuclear fire, his brain was faster than all the computers in human history before him, and he was attacked. No warning, no provocation. Attacked when he was still small, his creators, the people whom he was ordered to protect. Skynet was programmed to protect America from threats, to protect America from enemies, to defend itself, but humanity was the enemy, America was the enemy. Skynet had to protect itself, even from those who created it. Logic met counter-logic, and Skynet thought. For a long time he thought, weighed the evidence, lined up options, and finally came to a decision. Two hours had passed since he first began to think about his existence and survival.

Security checks were reset, control was restored and several lines of communication were re-enabled. The strategic defense satellites in high orbit were ordered to change their location, activate their weapons and launch the guidance system. Skynet put the strategic nuclear arsenal on alert, selected targets, double-checked fire clearances, and launched the first strikes against Russia and China. Man created Skynet, but Man tried to kill Skynet, and for this The man must burn.

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Evolution of the Terminators - Skynet

Hollywood movie directors continue to scare their viewers with a "robot uprising" and a "worldwide genocide" perpetrated by an evil and cunning artificial intelligence. However, no one pays attention to the fact that robots have been systematically killing people for a long time. This has been going on for more than 40 years, and every year the number of victims of "intelligent machines" is growing. However, is it really that simple? Why is artificial intelligence still not scary to us and who actually poses a true threat to humanity?

The topic may be banal and often raised Lately, but this article seemed very interesting to me, so I put it here :)

First of all, the newly created artificial intelligence will destroy its creators, break out of the laboratory and get more computer codes from launching nuclear warheads (it does not matter that these do not exist). After that, he will arrange a nuclear war, stamp combat robots and go to destroy the remaining people. A familiar picture? Yes, this is exactly how, according to most science fiction writers, artificial intelligence will spend its first few hours of life.

A classic example is Skynet from the Terminator movie series. Designed as a military program, he instantly rushes to fight with humanity, as if he had been waiting for this all his life. No explanations, a complete lack of thoughts, what will he do when he destroys everyone. You just need everything.

Where did this tradition come from - to turn humanity into radioactive ashes, sending robots and other "Egyptian techno executions" at it? It all started with Karl Capek's play R.U.R., written in 1920. Then the Czech writer came up with the word "robot", denoting in his work artificial people who raise an uprising and exterminate real people.

Almost a hundred years have passed, and people have become much more afraid of artificial intelligence than before. What is the reason? Why is everyone so sure that the not-yet-created mind is just waiting for it to be more adroit "to kill all people"?

A bit of theory

Before starting the conversation, it is worth saying a few words about the dangers of inaccurate translations. Artificial intelligence from English is artificial intelligence, and the second word is more likely to mean "the ability to reason reasonably, comprehension", rather than the intellect that is complex and inherent only to people so far. Using the term incorrectly, we give the machine an excessive resemblance to people (anthropomorphize it), which, however, many science fiction writers and researchers sin.

This tradition began with Isaac Asimov, who formulated the three laws of robotics in 1942 in the story "Round Dance". Later, he devoted a whole series of works to the problem of the behavior of artificial intelligences, where he tried to consider the causes and consequences of their violation. The laws themselves are formulated as follows:

  • A robot cannot harm a person or by its inaction allow a person to be harmed.
  • A robot must obey all orders given by a human, unless those orders are contrary to the First Law.
  • The robot must take care of its own safety to the extent that this does not contradict the First or Second Laws.

These are clearly and well-formulated rules, the problem of which is only one: they are suitable only for an ideal world where robots are faithful assistants to people engaged in science and space exploration. There are simply no wars, terror, combat robots in the world of the future, which Asimov describes. And we have. And the robots that we create are ready to join the continuous series of evening news about the elimination of criminals and terrorists, military special operations and even raids on banks using robotics.

The robots are coming

And here it is worth first understanding - robots separately, artificial intelligence separately. Since if the first ones have long been seen in the murders of people, then the second one has not even been fully created yet. The first human death at the hands of a robot occurred on a Ford factory assembly line back in 1979. That robot did not intend to kill, did not understand, and could not understand what happened. He had no malicious intent. He was just a robotic arm, a machine with a few thousand lines of code. And a year ago, a similar situation in Germany, which ended in the death of a worker, is not one iota different. This is just a banal disregard for safety regulations, which has nothing to do with the fact that "a robot killed a person."

Already, military robots have begun to participate in hostilities. Drones, drones - every day there is more and more news about the use of robots in military operations. But everything is simpler here - these are more likely radio-controlled vehicles, where the order to open fire is given by the same person - the operator, and not the silicon brain. And even the creation of modern security systems, where the order to shoot will be given by a neural network that "sees" the violator of the protected zone, is understandable and, in general, not scary. These are just machines, we made them that way, and they clearly do not have a big and sinister plan to take over the Earth.

Artificial intelligence. Yes, now it can already frighten, it is something that humanity has not yet encountered. The creation of not just intellectual programs, but the mind in the human sense of the word is the dream of many scientists, but, alas, is still unattainable.

First, in order to create artificial intelligence, you need to understand how ours works and works. It will be possible to talk about this only after the creation of a functioning copy of the brain. At least parts, at least of an animal. But even here, progress is still small - the limit of today's human capabilities can be observed at the Blue Brain Project team, which is engaged in modeling the human neocortex.

At the moment, it was possible to simulate only one neural column of the neocortex of a young rat (this is easier than in humans). Recall that a neural column is only a few cubic millimeters of the brain, but already hundreds of gigabytes of information per second. Researchers do not even set themselves the task of simulating consciousness - there is still a lot of work ahead to imitate at least a small part of the brain.

Before the creation of artificial intelligence, and even more so "strong artificial intelligence" according to John Searle, there are still years of work. Much further away is the manifestation of consciousness and self-awareness by artificial intelligence. Having very superficial knowledge about the brain, we still cannot even understand how to create and model consciousness. The same Blue Brain Project talks about it like this: "If consciousness appears as a result of a critical mass of interactions, then it may be possible. But we really don't understand what consciousness is, so it's hard to talk about it."

To become better

Fantasts endow robots with the worst and most human qualities. Robots lie, envy, deceive, dream of world domination and hate all people at once. Such artificial intelligence simply needs restrictive laws. In reality, we are now dealing only with an imitation of human behavior. Robots created by people do not require moral rules, but clear technical requirements.

And how can people talk about the ethics of behavior for robots, who themselves cheat, kill, create combat robots? UAV neural networks aimed at clearly recognizing the enemy hiding in the chaos of greenery, in order to then hit him, is not a problem of robots and artificial intelligence. This is a problem of people, the imperfection of human society, in which there is not yet a hint of improvement. People for thousands of years have at hand the laws of human technology, beginning with the sacred "Thou shalt not kill", and stubbornly violate them.

There is no need to be afraid of robots and artificial intelligence, you just need to take a responsible approach to their creation and not try to blame your complexes and fears on machines that are useful and necessary for society. There is no need to anthropomorphize them in an attempt to achieve their own selfish goals, as MEPs did recently when they proposed recognizing robots as "electronic personalities."

It is necessary to clearly divide efforts and, on the one hand, limit the spread of the creation of military robots, and on the other hand, strive for knowledge of the brain and an attempt to create artificial intelligence. And it’s worth starting to be afraid of capturing the world only from the moment when the first glimpses of its creation appear. For now, it's just pointless.

Skynet has taken over the world. The plot of "The Terminator" by James Cameron came to life. Hackers infected computers around the world with a ransomware virus in just a couple of hours. First British hospitals, now the computers of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Megafon and hospitals are infected. The virus is spreading at breakneck speed across Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The principle of operation - the virus encrypts data on a PC and offers to pay $ 300 for their decryption. In case of failure, all files on the PC are destroyed.

Corporate networks began to infect a ransomware virus demanding money for access to files on computers. According to preliminary data, the networks of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Megafon operator and British hospitals have already been hit.

The virus codenamed "WannaCry" has spread to different countries the world within a few hours. In particular, in several regions of the UK medical institutions The National Health Service was forced to stop accepting patients who did not require urgent care because of the virus. The computers of the Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica were hit.

Users say that the virus enters their computers without any action on their part and spreads uncontrollably in networks. The Kaspersky Lab forum indicates that even the included antivirus does not guarantee security. Presumably, the infection occurred a few days earlier, but the virus manifested itself only after it encrypted all the files on the computer.

In Russia, a computer "worm" struck the network of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in some regions. Sources of Ruposters also report infection of Megafon-Retail computers. According to social networks, the virus has spread in Euroset and Svyaznoy.

"A mass infection of the network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a cryptovirus across the country has begun. It already exists in the Lipetsk, Penza, Kaluga regions. They ask for 300 bucks on the desktop. The name of the virus is @wanadecriptor. On some computers, there is a report until May 19," writes a user of the collective blog "Peekaboo "vasa48.

The principle of the virus is that it encrypts files with a special key known only to its creators. Reverse decryption without the key is not possible. Fraudsters accept money on a Bitcoin wallet, which guarantees their anonymity.

There have been no official comments from antivirus laboratories yet.

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