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What is google play service on the phone. Now go to the "Third Party" program tab

The owner of the Android OS is the Google IT company. Therefore, on the overwhelming majority of modern devices running this operating system, Google Play services are pre-installed, that is, sewn into the system. On the one hand, this is good, since without licensed Google products, a mobile device loses many useful functions. On the other hand, not all smartphone and tablet users need such software. Let's look at why Google Play services are needed on Android devices, what functions they perform and what to do if you constantly get an error when using them.

Purpose and main features of Google Play services

The software built into the Android system from Google Play performs many functions, among which the most popular are:

Google Play services interruptions

Like any other software, licensed software from Google Play periodically fails. This may be manifested in the inability to install this or that application on a smartphone from the Play Market, constant popping up on the screen of a message like "A file reading error occurred", incorrect operation of the Google voice search engine, etc. In these cases, you should not panic and take rash actions, since most problems with the functioning of Google Play can be fixed without third-party help.

So, if, when downloading a game from the Play Store, the message "An error 20 has occurred. The application could not be installed", try restarting the gadget once and reinstalling it again. If this does not help, most likely, the selected game is simply incompatible with your phone (tablet) model or Android version.

If such an error occurs constantly, that is, it appears when downloading any programs, then the problem lies in the Play Market itself. First, try clearing its cache:

If the same thing happens during the download, that is, the error has not gone anywhere, try rolling back the Play Market to the previous version. To do this, enter the properties of this program and click on the "Remove updates" button.

The described operations are suitable not only for the Play Market, but also for any other Google service. Therefore, if, for example, Play Music does not work correctly on your phone, try to perform exactly the same procedures with it.

Recovering Google services after deletion

All programs from Google are integrated into the operating system, so you cannot remove them from there like a normal application. In the properties of the same Play Market or Google Maps, there is not even a virtual "Delete" button. However, you can still uninstall Google software using special utilities.

Why should a smartphone owner get rid of Google Play? There may be several reasons for this:

  • this service is constantly in active mode, which leads to an accelerated discharge of the battery;
  • the gadget has little internal memory, and the user needs to free it;
  • the owner of the phone or tablet simply does not use the pre-installed software.

And if, after erasing Google services from your device, one day you need to install them back, you may face certain difficulties. Let's look at what to do if the user uninstalled Google Play from a mobile device.

The first way to restore Google Play is to install it using the apk executable file:

Although this method is simple and affordable, it is not suitable for many Chinese gadgets. And if you don't have GApps on your smartphone, then when you install software from Google that the user previously deleted, a message like "An error occurred while performing the procedure" may appear on the screen of the mobile device in the described way.

Sooner or later, almost every user of Android devices encounters errors in system applications. And one of the most common and difficult to fix is ​​a bug in the Google Play Services application. Most often it occurs after some user action, but sometimes - spontaneously and unexpectedly, as if from nowhere.

Today we'll talk about the causes of the Google Play Services application error and what to do to fix it.

What are Google Play Services

Error elimination methods: from simple to complex

The solutions are listed in order of ease of implementation. If one doesn't work, move on to the next. Or, immediately do what you think is most appropriate for your situation.

Date and time setting

Incorrect date and time settings on the device lead to failures in the launch of many applications, not only Google Play Services. Also, at the same time, there are often problems with access to Internet resources.

To fix the error, run "Settings" (Options) on Android, open the "System" section and the subsection "Date and Time". Set the desired indicators manually or synchronize the time over the network.

Clearing the cache and data of Google Play Services and related apps

Launch "Settings", go to the section "Device" and "Applications". Find among them:

  • Google Play services.
  • Play Store Store.
  • Google Services Framework.

Open their properties one by one, click "Stop", then "Clear cache" and "Erase data". If the problem persists after updating these applications, uninstall the updates. Restart your gadget.

Transferring Google Play Services from SD card to device memory (root)

If some of the applications on your phone or tablet are located on a memory card, it is possible that the Services also got there. If so, transfer them back to the device memory - to the system or user programs folder. For this, use any utility that has the function of transferring programs between drives, for example, Link2SD, Files To SD Card, Move to SDCard or analogs.

Removing recently installed applications

If the crash occurs after you have installed one or more new applications, try uninstalling them one by one. Reboot the device after each uninstallation.

Checking for viruses and cleaning the hosts file

An unexpected, spontaneous error on Google Play Services and other system applications may be a sign of a virus infection on the device. Especially if it is accompanied by such characteristic symptoms as:

  • too fast battery discharge;
  • unexplained shutdowns of functions most often related to safety, as well as the inability to change system settings;
  • inaccessibility of some resources on the Internet (for example, mail, social networks), advertising banners on web pages, redirection to other sites;
  • Non-application related ads on the device's desktop;
  • spontaneous installation of programs you do not need and the inability to remove them;
  • hidden calls and SMS-messages to unknown numbers;
  • the disappearance of funds from the balance of the phone and electronic wallets;
  • sudden removal or malfunction of the antivirus.

Our site has already told. But sometimes removing malware alone is not enough, especially when the device is rooted. If a virus has made changes to system files and settings, then they, as a rule, persist and work even in the absence of the root cause.

Some malware writes entries to the hosts file, which, like a computer, stores IP addresses and their associated website names. These entries can also cause the Google Play Services error, so after scanning for viruses, regardless of whether they were found or not, you should check the hosts.

User access to the hosts file is only possible on devices where root is obtained. In addition, you will need a file explorer application with access to system directories, such as Root Explorer or Total Commander. The required file is located in the / etc folder and does not have an extension. You will need any text editor to open and edit it.

The hosts file consists of a comment block, lines of which begin with a # sign, and a block of entries. Comments do not affect anything - they are just reference information, and the records tell the device by what IP address to look for this or that site on the Internet.

Initially, the second hosts block contains only one entry - localhost, which means that this IP belongs to the device itself. And all sites mapped to, it will search on itself.

If you see anything other than " localhost" in the block of records, remove that.

After saving the file and restarting the device, the Google Play Services error often disappears.

Deleting and Re-creating a Google Account

Described in detail in another article on the site, so we will not repeat ourselves. After deleting, create a new account on the device, and then clear the cache and data of the Services and related applications again, as described above.

Reinstalling Services (root)

Reinstalling helps fix an error that occurred after updating Gogle Play Services or installing an unsuitable version after manually uninstalling. It is better to download a file suitable for your device from here, since the link contains old, obviously stable versions (how to determine your own, see the section on the causes of the error).

After downloading, the apk file of the application should be placed in the / system / app (/ system / priv-app) or / data / app directory using the same Root Explorer or Total Commander. Next, do not forget to give it permission to read and write (on Root Explorer, this is done by touching the button surrounded by a frame in the screenshot to switch from R / O to R / W) and start the installation.

After rebooting your device, chances are the error won't bother you anymore.

By the way, if a problem occurs after updating the Services, it may repeat itself as soon as the device downloads a new version from the Play Store. Therefore, you may have to disable the installation of its updates. In any case, until the real culprit of the situation becomes clear.

Factory reset and flashing

If all your attempts to fix the error are unsuccessful, the last resort is resetting Android to factory settings and flashing. Resetting is a pretty effective solution for all sorts of system problems, but it will not have the desired effect on rooted phones and tablets. In addition, you will lose your personal files and settings. Use it only on non-rooted gadgets and only when you've tried more and more simple methods.

The reset function is available through the "Settings" application - section "System" - "Recovery and reset", as well as through the Recovery menu, the method of opening which is usually given on the websites of mobile devices of various brands.

Re-flashing a device on Android is tantamount to reinstalling the operating system on a computer, that is, this is the most radical solution there is. It doesn't matter to her whether the device was rooted or not. After flashing, you will get a pristine system, mistakes will remain in the past, but you will have to set up and settle it again.

Hello users Are you studying Android, want to make it fast and uninstall applications? Well, well, just do it carefully. For example, there is such an application called Google Play Services, and you know, it seems like it’s nonsense, but in fact this application is needed to carry out the process of updating Google applications from the Google Play store, here’s such a twist, guys!

Google Play services provide the work of key features, well, for example, authentication in Google services, synchronization of contacts. Also allows you to access the latest privacy settings and better energy-saving services that use location data. Something here is a lot of clever words and little interpretation on a simple one, don't you agree? Well, I took this information from the official site, I have nothing to do with it ..

Even on the site from Google, it says that Google Play Services make applications and games more convenient, that is, some kind of search there is accelerated in some kind of offline mode, the maps become more realistic .. In short, they write something that is not very clear .. But the main thing is you know what else is written there? That if you delete Google Play services, then some applications may not work, but this is an important point!

Yeah, I understood what the enticement is. The whole problem here is that Google Play services write that an update is needed, but it is not really there! Users write that they also cleaned the cache and removed the updates and manually updated the Google Play Services, but it still takes and writes that it is necessary to update the services, are they mocking them in Google? I understand that many users suffer from the fact that Google Play Services will be forgiven to constantly update!

Well, what can I say guys, the man Dima wrote a very important commentary about this program, I think you should read it:

The only thing that I do not agree with him is that if there are problems with the application, then the owners of the smartphone are to blame. process, and secondly, on the official Google page it hints that there may be problems if you delete this application, some programs may stop working!

So guys, yes, I know that you may have a bug with these Google Play services. You need to look on the Internet for what can be done in this case, I would help, but I have to admit this is not particularly cool, and secondly, there are reasons why an error appears, then there are many reasons for these. And there are many mistakes themselves. I told you what kind of Google Play program it is, but about the error, damn it, then sorry .. And yet, if you want to delete Pts or try to solve the problem, then ... Maybe freeze Google Play Services? For example, titanium .. And like that, use smart, and if everything is OK, then it can delete the application in the future .. Although the application is kind of important .. In short, I don’t know if you google the Internet about titanium for Android, read the forum still , there is a lot of useful information ..

Why would a user need to disable built-in Google play services?

There are several possible reasons for disabling Google Play services on Android:

  • In older versions of Android (4.1 - 4.2 and some KitKat and Lolipop), Google Play Sevices drains batteries very quickly due to poor optimization and bugs.
  • There is no need to use the built-in Google Play services (Google Maps, account synchronization, authorization in Google Play and Gmail, settings synchronization, etc.). In other words, you want to customize everything, even the synchronization and backup process, since you are not satisfied with the built-in tools and you do not want to contact Google.

Disconnections of Google Play services due to errors in the work of built-in applications

So how to disable google play services on Android? It is impossible to disable or remove all Google Play services without root-rights using standard means at the same time, but you can go into the settings and disable all services separately. To do this, go to Settings - Accounts - Google.

ADVICE! In the new versions, I only managed to return to the factory version of Google Play services. And then, immediately there were messages about errors in the built-in Google applications. At the same time, I noticed that in newer versions of Android, the problem of power consumption by services has been eliminated, so I recommend it if possible.

To get full access to the removal of Google play services, you need to (otherwise, you will only be able to return to the factory version). Obtaining these rights is a separate article with its own characteristics and risks.

Once you make up your mind and root, you can install tools that can remove the search giant's built-in tools. And the way out of this situation will be either a complete shutdown of these components or an upgrade to version 4.2+ (if there is such a possibility, where the power consumption problem has already been solved). If you are well versed in custom firmware, then you can put something like Cyanogen Mod or any other convenient for you, but more on that below.

Custom firmware, in turn, provides more flexible access to the resources of your device, but in return requires more accurate and experienced use. But they are absent or it is possible to disable completely incomprehensible background processes that drain the device's battery.

But you should be aware that removing / disabling the built-in Google services may result in the incorrect operation of some programs, for the operation of which you may need to access these components. Also root - rights remove the warranty from your gadget.

Disabling Google Play services for personal reasons

If you belong to the second category of users, then you, most likely, have found an alternative to the components of the great search engine, or even adopted some kind of custom firmware. You also thought about what application you can use to back up your contacts, documents, accounts and other important data (for example: Titanium Backup, Root explorer, etc.).

In such cases, the removal of services is associated with the user's unwillingness to send information about himself and his data to Google servers. The company constantly collects data on the location of gadgets, your contacts and stores all this on its servers. To some, this may seem wrong, then your choice is custom firmware and third-party application developers, as well as obtaining superuser rights (root) and alternative app stores Amazon App Store, F-droid, etc.

For those who can update to the latest version of the operating system, everything is much easier, since in the latest versions the developers have optimized the operation of applications and at the same time minimized power consumption. But if you do not have the opportunity to update, your device does not support the new version of android, you should look towards the "superuser" rights and the applications that work with them. Use other app stores to download the software you need.

To save energy on your device, disable unnecessary background operations: sync, backup, listen to the microphone for “Ok Google!”, Positioning, etc.

If you've ever looked at the battery settings screen of your Android device, you've probably seen "Google Play Services." But what is it, and why are they using so much battery?

What are Google Play Services?

Google Play Services is a little more confusing than most apps, as they include all of Google's services in one package. In earlier versions of Android (7.x Nougat or lower), you can see exactly what Google services include by clicking on it. Here's what it shows on an Android 7.1.1 device:

  • Google Accounts: there is little information on what exactly this service does, but it seems to handle syncing Google account data, including email and other related stuff.
  • Google Services Framework: The Google Services platform supports various communications with Google, including cloud messaging.
  • Google Backup: this service allows Android apps to back up their data to Google servers. When you perform a factory reset on an Android device or set up a new one, your app data can be restored.
  • Google Play Services: this is the level of services that Android applications can use. This includes location services, which are the most significant battery drain. Google Play Services can be updated on the fly without updating the operating system.

In a way, Google Play Services is how Google offers new features for Android without updating the entire operating system, but that means one package can do a lot of things and can drain your battery just like the rest of the OS.

Check what's going on with your battery

Android shows you which apps and system services are using the most battery power - just open the Settings menu and tap Battery to view this information. The information here is usually self-explanatory, but depending on which version of Android you're running on your phone, things might look a little different.

For example, in older versions of Android such as Marshmallow (Android 6.x) and Nougat (Android 7.x), you will likely find "Screen" at the top of the screen - this is the amount of battery power used by your device's display and its backlight. You can reduce the power consumption of the screen by lowering the brightness of the display.

In Oreo (Android 8.x), however, the battery menu is very different.

This list displays individual apps, so you can see exactly which apps are using the battery. For obvious reasons, the apps you use the most will likely show up at the top.

How to make Google Play services use less battery

Previously, individual entries were merged into “Google Play Services” on the Battery screen, so it is now more difficult to know which of these services is draining your battery.

But there really is only one setting you can tweak when it comes to making the Play Service use less battery: Location. When applications want to use your location, they ask Google Play Services and it wakes up your GPS equipment, calculating your exact location. GPS uses quite a lot of battery power, and all of this GPS usage will be pinned to Google Play services, not the app that asked for your GPS location.

To reduce battery consumption associated with location services, go to Settings> Location (Settings> Security & Location on Android 8.x devices) and change the mode to Network Coordinates. This will prevent Google Play Services from turning on your device's GPS hardware when applications request your location, which of course affects accuracy. You can also turn off the location tracking features entirely here if you're desperate to conserve battery power. If you need accurate location tracking in the future, return to this screen and turn on High Accuracy Mode.

Many apps use Google Play Services to update your location. The Google Search app often queries Google Play services to get your location so that it displays information about the weather and other locations.

If Google services are still draining your battery after setting your location, then there might be another culprit -
synchronization. Try going to Settings> Accounts, hitting the menu button and unchecking the Automatically sync data box. In Android Oreo, this option is under Settings> Users & Accounts, and Auto-Sync Data is a toggle switch at the bottom of the screen. It's worth noting that Android will stop automatically syncing data in the background by disabling this option. For example, you will not receive new email notifications in your Gmail account. You will need to open the Gmail app and perform a manual sync to update the data. If this stops the battery draining, it means you have a sync issue.

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