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What is a postal money transfer? Postal money transfer "CyberMoney" (in Russia): tariffs for electronic money transfer, registration

"CyberMoney" - this is the name of the postal money transfer of the Russian Post. Postal money order Available for registration throughout Russia in more than 40 thousand post offices.

Russian Post today is the largest partner and a very serious competitor of the banking system of the Russian Federation in terms of electronic money transfers (postal transfers) to all corners of the country, even to the most remote and inaccessible areas. And for remote regions, sometimes it doesn’t matter how many days the translation takes, the main thing is that it can be delivered there at all.

Cyber ​​Money, what is it?

With this logo symbol in the branches
Russian Post is marked with presence
postal transfer services "Cyber ​​Money"

"CyberMoney" is a system of electronic money transfers of the Russian Post. “Cyber ​​Money” appeared to replace simple postal money transfers in 2003 and became the most accessible and widespread among the population. Why is electronic money transfer called “Cyber”? After all, this is a rather rare and unusual term that has something to do with cybernetics, and not with translations!

To carry out CyberMoney transfers within Russia, the Post has a wide network of post offices - more than 40 thousand post offices. Even the Savings Bank of Russia, which has the most extensive branch network among banks and has more than 9.0 thousand points serving the transfer of money from the population, cannot compete with Russian Post.

The service is provided even in the most remote regions of the Russian Federation, and payment of the transfer is carried out in the shortest possible time. However, it is necessary to take into account that post offices in many remote villages do not work every day, and it is necessary to make a request for money in advance to issue a transfer, and therefore receiving a CyberMoney transfer may take several days.

An undoubted advantage of the Russian Post is that electronic “Cyber ​​Money” allows you to carry out postal transfers throughout Russia between individuals and legal entities.

Thus, Russian Post divides postal orders into types:

  1. postal money transfer from individual to individual,
  2. postal money transfer from an individual to a legal entity,
  3. postal transfer of money from a legal entity to an individual.
Postal transfer "Cyber ​​Money" can be addressed to:
  1. at a specific address to a specific recipient of the postal order (individual or legal entity);
  2. post restante (indicating on the postal transfer form the name of the postal service facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the recipient);
  3. to a subscription box (indicating on the postal form for transferring funds the name of the postal service facility, the box number of the subscription mailbox, the surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee or the full name of the legal entity).
The amount of the CyberMoney postal transfer has the following restrictions:
  1. The maximum transfer amount is 500 thousand rubles;
  2. The maximum amount of a transfer accepted from the sender to the current account of Russian Post divisions is 250 thousand rubles (except for transfers of a social nature).

How long does it take for a postal transfer?

How long does it take for a postal transfer? Previously, the Russian Post declared the implementation of CyberBenga postal orders within 72 hours, although the actual passage of the postal order was significantly different and took much longer.

Now the delivery time of a postal order is determined by the total demarcation, as well as the availability of equipped electronic exchange points in the postal service. The delivery time of a postal order, or rather how many days a postal order takes, can be determined from the following table:

* The maximum period for making a transfer by Russian Post is determined in working days - from the moment the transfer is accepted until the possibility of its payment, including the day the transfer is accepted.

How to send a postal money transfer?

Money transfers are accepted by all post offices of the Russian Post, and in order to send a postal transfer, you must have with you:
  • passport;
  • exact information about the recipient of the postal money transfer (full name or company name, exact address, post office box number, postal code);
  • index and address of the place of residence (registration) of the sender of funds or residence address;
  • and of course money.
To process a postal money transfer within Russia, citizenship of the Russian Federation is not required, but foreign citizens may need to present a migration card indicating the temporary place of registration. The main thing is to correctly fill out all the details of the recipient and sender on the standard postal transfer form form 112eff. Explanations for the filling procedure and a sample of filling out the form f 112 can also be found in the material at the link provided.

The post office operates a centralized system for monitoring the movement of each postal transfer, which eliminates the possibility of misuse of funds transferred by clients or loss of documents for delivery of the transfer during the period of their transfer. And to deliver money transfers to hard-to-reach areas of the country, Russian Post uses a combination of electronic and traditional means of money delivery. The technology of applying bar codes to postal order forms has been introduced and is being expanded geographically. The barcode contains all the information about the postal order, which can significantly reduce the time spent servicing one client.

How to receive a postal transfer?

The recipient of the CyberMoney postal transfer is notified of the receipt of funds in his name. The postal order is issued at the post office or at home (optional). In this case, the recipient's passport and a coupon for the postal transfer are presented. The addressee (recipient of funds) fills out the section “Receipt of the Addressee” on the postal form, indicating the address, which must correspond to the registration or migration card and passport data. All completed information is verified by the postal worker.

And in order to receive the transfer at the post office faster, you do not have to wait for the notification to be received, but visit the post office every day 2 - 3 from the moment of sending and check the receipt of the Cyber ​​Money postal transfer. Believe me - this way you will receive the translation faster!

Tariffs for postal transfers CyberMoney

Tariffs for CyberMoney postal transfers in Russia at the end of 2013 look like this:
* The tariff includes VAT in the amount provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. ** The given tariffs for postal transfers by Russian Post are periodically revised; changes can be clarified on the Russian Post website.

Please note that transfers can be sent starting from an amount of 1000 rubles, and postal transfers up to an amount of 5000 rubles, one of the most expensive among all money transfer systems in the Russian Federation. Russian Post is also trying to get rid of small transfers!

And the method of calculating the cost of a transfer in the form of summation is at least twenty years out of date, and Russian Post is unable to change it.

When making a postal money transfer, you can use additional services of Russian Post, which include:

  • free notification of the recipient about the arrival of a postal money order;
  • transmission, along with the money transfer, of additional information to the recipient (free message 70 characters long);
  • receive notification of payment to the recipient of the postal order (for an additional fee)
  • order delivery of a postal order to your home. This is a paid service and can be issued and paid for by both the sender of the transfer and its recipient. Such a postal order is delivered to the recipient on the day it arrives at the recipient's post office.

In some cases, Russian Post carries out postal money transfers from individuals to legal entities (corporate clients) and, vice versa, without individuals paying for the cost of the service, in accordance with the “tariff-free postal transfer” project. In this case, postal services for money transfers "CyberMoney" are compensated by legal entities under an agreement with it.

Cost of postal order in regions of Russia

In certain regions of Russia, regional branches of Russian Post have the right to set individual tariffs. These regions include:
  • Amur region
  • Irkutsk region
  • Kamchatka region
  • Kirov region
  • Krasnoyarsk region
  • Moscow region
  • Omsk region
  • Sakhalin region
  • The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • Tomsk region
  • Tyumen region
  • Khabarovsk region
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • Primorsky Krai
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  • Republic of Karelia
Individual tariffs of regional representative offices of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" for postal transfers can be viewed

In accordance with the “Rules for the provision of postal services”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2005 No. 221, the following transfer instructions can be carried out and issued:

  • Based on a written application, the sender of the transfer may order its return (before payment of the transfer to its addressee).
  • Based on a written application, the sender of the transfer may order its payment to another person and to a different address or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;
  • Based on a written application from the sender or recipient, the storage period for postal orders may be extended until the time of issue.
  • The sender has the right to receive back postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. Fees for already processed returned transfers are set by operators on site.
  • The recipient has the right to refuse a postal order received at his address by making a note to this effect on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.
  • The recipient has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal orders received in his name.

And postal orders, if it is impossible to pay them to the addressees, are stored in postal facilities for one month. The return of a postal order to the return address is carried out:

  1. at the request of the sender;
  2. if the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to receive it;
  3. in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;
  4. if it is impossible to read the addressee's address;
  5. under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Cyber ​​Money money transfer system

So, summing up the work of the CyberMoney money transfer system of Russian Post, it is worth noting the features and advantages of this service:
  • Possibility of money transfers between legal entities and individuals;
  • Possibility of forwarding after the transfer has already been sent;
  • High level of protection of transmitted information and guaranteed delivery (declared by the system);
  • Possibility of delivering money transfers to your home and handing them over personally to the recipient (for an additional fee, of course). Home delivery is carried out to the recipient on the day it arrives at the recipient's post office.
  • Possibility for the sender to receive notification of delivery of the transfer (for an additional fee)

The disadvantages of the Cyber ​​Money money transfer system in Russia include the following:

  • Tariffs are too high;
  • Delays in delivery of translations against standard deadlines (in certain regions);
  • Delays in issuing large transfers due to the lack of the required amount of funds in the cash desk and the need to make a preliminary request for cash.
  • And of course, like at Sberbank, there are queues.
  • Lack of isolated cash desks for servicing clients with large transfers.
  • Inability to track the progress of the transfer
The material was last updated on January 10, 2013.

Russian Post provides a variety of services in the field of money transfers. In cooperation with Russian Standard Bank, even transfers from card to branch or from card to card are available. There are also regular cash transfers - urgent and standard.

Cash at the branch

For those who have cash and time to go to the nearest post office, the service of sending cash to any corner of the country is available.

Fast cash transfer "Fast and Furious"

The table below shows the main parameters of the “Fast and Furious” tariff - it allows you to quickly, within just one hour, send the required amount (up to half a million rubles) to anywhere in Russia (or to nearby countries).

Transfer type Amount for Russia Cost of Russian Post services
Address Up to 3,000 rub. 150 rub.
Address 3,001 – 7,500 rub. 300 rub.
Address 7,501 – 500,000 rub. 1.7% (maximum RUR 2,000)
Unaddressed Up to 3,000 rub. 99 rub.
Unaddressed 3,001 – 300,000 rub. 1.2% (minimum 149 rubles, maximum 1000 rubles)
"Fast and Furious" with home delivery Up to 500,000 rub. 1.77% additionally, in addition to the cost of translation. Minimum – 29.5 rubles.

If you choose address transfer, the money will arrive at a specific post office. If it is addressless, then the funds can be collected at any branch. Each transfer is assigned a control number, which the recipient must provide at the place of delivery.

The maximum amount for sending abroad is limited to 150,000 rubles.

Standard postal cash transfer

Available to individuals and legal entities, money can be sent both within the country and abroad (nearby countries, China, France, Serbia). Non-cash transfers are carried out using the same method.

The minimum period is 2 days, on average – 5, maximum – up to 8 working days.

The tariff schedule is shown in the table below.

You can also use Western Union to transfer cash abroad. It is prohibited to transfer more than 375,000 rubles.

How to calculate the cost of a postal transfer

You need to know the following initial data:

  • Amount to be sent,
  • How exactly do you want to transfer money (Forsazh or regular postal),
  • City of receiving cash.

The tariff schedule for mail to certain regions of the Russian Federation may differ from the standard values.

So, if you need to send, for example, 10,000 rubles in one hour (we use the Forsazh system), and you want the recipient to pick up the cash at a specific branch (enter his address), then the cost of such a transfer will cost 170 rubles ( the commission will be 1.7% of the transfer amount).

If you want to transfer money not urgently by regular postal transfer, then the commission will be 190 rubles. + 2% (for 10,000 rubles this is 200 rubles) = 390 rubles.

What is needed to send a money transfer by mail?

All the sender needs is to provide his passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation. For a directed transfer, you also need to provide the address of the post office where the recipient can pick up the money.

Please note that the commission is paid immediately along with the principal amount. That is, if you want to transfer 10,000 rubles, you will need to add a commission amount to this amount.

From card to card

A convenient alternative to bank transfers. You can carry out the operation yourself on the website Or you can use the help of the operator at the department.

The main parameters are below.

  • The shipment can be made from a Visa or MasterCard to any card.
  • The money reaches the recipient instantly.
  • You can transfer from 1,500 to 50,000 rubles within Russia, to other countries - a maximum of 2,500 dollars.

Rates are listed below.

From card to branch

Having a Mastercard and Maestro bank card with you, you can transfer cash to the recipient at any post office.

  • You can transfer from 100 to 15,000 rubles.
  • The amount is available for receipt the very next day.

You can carry out the operation yourself on the website

The post office charges a commission - upon receipt at the branch it will be 60 rubles. or 2.45%. When delivering money to your home - 90 rubles. or 4.5%.

If you think that postal money orders are only in demand by grandparents, you are deeply mistaken. Russian Post is perhaps the only company that organizes cash delivery to your home. The elderly, disabled, and simply very busy people can receive a cash transfer without leaving their home. Russian Post also organizes card-to-card transfers. How much does a postal money transfer within Russia cost, what are the rules and restrictions on transfers? You will learn about all this right now.

Cash at the branch

When you come to a Russian Post office, you can present your passport and fill out a special form and send money anywhere in Russia. Shipping costs will vary depending on the fare you choose. First, let's look at the Fast and Furious tariff. This tariff allows you to send money to your destination very quickly, within 1 hour. “Fast and Furious” in Russia can be targeted (when money is sent to a specific post office), unaddressed (when money can be received at any post office or point of issue).

  1. Addressed transfer in the amount of up to 3 thousand rubles. inclusive will cost the client 150 rubles.
  2. Address transfer from 3 to 7.5 thousand rubles. inclusive will cost 300 rubles.
  3. Address transfer from 7.5 to 500 thousand rubles. inclusive will cost 1.7% of the transfer amount, but not more than 2000 rubles.
  4. An addressless transfer for an amount up to 3,000 rubles will cost 99 rubles.
  5. An addressless transfer in the amount of 3,001 to 300,000 rubles will cost 1.2% of the amount (not less than 149 and not more than 1,000 rubles).
  6. For delivery of a translation to your home using the “Forsazh” tariff, an additional 1.77% will be charged, but not less than 29.5 rubles. Delivery time – within 2 days.

Clients also have access to a regular postal order with home delivery or delivery of a notification of delivery of money to the post office. You can refuse delivery and notification, then the transfer will be cheaper. Postal transfer can only be addressed. It is delivered to the department indicated by the sender, and only after that the recipient can collect the money due to him. Let's consider the tariffs for money transfers by Russian Post, provided that a regular postal transfer is used.

  1. When transferring an amount up to 1000 rubles, the post office will take 80 rubles and an additional 5% of the transferred amount.
  2. If we transfer from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. The post office will take 90 rubles and another 4% of the transferred amount.
  3. Do we transfer from 5 to 20 thousand rubles? The post office will take 190 rubles and another 2% of the transferred amount.
  4. Well, if we intend to transfer a large amount from 20 to 500 thousand rubles, the post office will take 290 rubles and an additional 1.5% of the transferred amount.

This is the general tariff schedule for transfers within Russia. However, in the regions, Russian Post has its own tariff schedules. Therefore, in order to find out exactly what tariff will apply to a postal transfer in a particular case, you need to either visit the Russian Post website, or contact the post office and find out everything on the spot.

A postal transfer can be delivered within 2 to 8 days, depending on the conditions agreed with the sender. Delivery of the transfer to your home costs 1.77% of the transfer amount, but not less than 29.5 rubles.

The sender also has the right to order a paid notification of delivery of the transfer. This service will cost 24 rubles 50 kopecks.

From card to card

Using a special service on the Russian Post website, you can transfer money from one card to another. This can be done in just a few minutes, and within 10 minutes the funds will be transferred. The amount of transfer from card to card is limited. You can transfer no more than 50,000 rubles in one transaction.

For such a transfer, Russian Post set a commission of 1.8% of the amount, but not less than 65 rubles. This is the case if both cards are registered in Russia. If one of the cards is registered abroad, the commission will increase to 2.8%.

From card to branch

In order to send money from a card to a bank branch so that the recipient can pick up the transfer in cash, you must have a card with the MasterCard or Maestro payment system. The minimum you can transfer is 100 rubles, the maximum is 15,000 rubles. You can complete the transfer on a special secure page on the Russian Post website. The very next business day after the transfer is processed by the sender, the money will be available for collection at the destination office.

If the recipient plans to pick up the money himself at the specified post office, then the sender will have to pay 2.45% of the amount for the transfer, but not less than 60 rubles. If the sender ordered money delivery to the recipient’s home, the transfer will cost 4.5% of the amount, but not less than 90 rubles.

As you can see, the percentage of the amount for sending funds through Russian Post is not too high, especially considering that the money can be delivered directly to the recipient’s home. Over time, Russian Post plans to reduce the fee for transferring money through their organization a little more, so don't discount this method. Anything can happen in life that can come in handy.

Everyone knows about fast money transfers: Zolotaya Korona, Contact, Unistream, Western Union and others.

What are slow money transfers and where are they anyway? How are they different?

Meet - money transfers from Russian Post. Not confused with express transfers “ Fast and Furious“:

Regular postal transfers They differ in that they are addressed and sent to a specific postal code/post office. Additional services include delivery of the transfer to the recipient and notification to the sender about the release of funds. The maximum you can send is 500 thousand rubles. Information on the Russian Post website.

On the website you can fill out the translation submission form, download the resulting pdf form, print it and send it to the post office.

The commission for transferring amounts from 5 to 20 thousand rubles is 2% + 180 rubles and may vary in different regions.

By the way, the cost of Fast and Furious transfers varies from 1.2 to 1.7%.

“Internet Postal Transfers”

A transfer with the issuance of money at the post office can be sent not only directly through the post office, but also through Qiwi terminals (since 2015):

or through Qiwi wallet Online:

The maximum transfer amount in both cases will be 15 thousand rubles, taking into account the commission.

The commission in the terminal is 2%+60 rub., on the website and in the mobile application 2.5%+60 rub., and with home delivery as much as 4.5% + 110 rubles.

The Russian Post website is disingenuous with the delivery times for the translation:

Last year's press releases also contained exaggerations about delivery times:

Qiwi wallet remains modestly silent about the transfer delivery time. In reality, the timing of postal transfers varies from 2 and even up to 8 working days, but as a rule, a regulatory period of 72 hours is indicated.

I’ll tell you below when I was able to receive my test translation.

Similar postal orders can also be sent from Unistream-money wallet, commission 2%:

Postal transfer is also available in Rapid for 3%:

Translation sending experience

So, I decided to send a transfer from a Qiwi wallet. Expensive, yes (2.5% + 60 rubles), but what can you do to understand how everything works. The receipt stated a depressing delivery time: 5-7 days.

The next day, April 8, Friday, there was no money at the post office. They were not there on Monday, April 11. I decided not to bother the employees and not hang out in line every day with the grannies and came again on Wednesday, April 13: the money was already waiting for me, from the 12th.

They gave me this notice, where you had to fill out your passport information (sorry for the poor quality):

At the top right is a stamp for the 12th.

And then they gave me another piece of paper to sign, judging by which some movement of funds occurred on the 11th in the afternoon.

In general, this is what happened approximately as stated on the Russian Post website in “Timeframes...”: 2-3 working days.

But here, in the village of Krasnoyarsk with a million people, money is transported on horseback, in your metropolis everything may be different

Postal transfer from card

Russian Post offers another alternative to terminals and electronic wallets, where you still have to manage to put the money. You can simply send a postal transfer from a bank card, and this is much easier.

Money transfers from a card for cash payments have the same restrictions as electronic wallets: everything to prevent transfers to terrorists.

Max. transfer amount with commission 15 thousand rubles, commission 2.45%, minimum 60 rubles.

And all the same cherished words about payment the next day:

The service of money transfer from bank cards is provided by Russian Standard Bank. Transfers can only be made from Mastercard/Maestro cards.

Some conclusions

Well, now you know the differences between postal transfers and the so-called instant and fast money transfers.

In the first case, you get a universal method, you can send money to any of 42 thousand post offices, i.e. You can always send money to a supposed grandmother in the remote taiga, where there is only a post office and a paramedic station, and you haven’t even held bank cards in your hands.

Expensive and time consuming, but with great coverage of the country.

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