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What is the Yarovaya package and how it threatens Russian society. Yarovaya's law - what is it in simple words? The essence and text of the law

Yarovaya's law(also the Yarovaya package or the Yarovaya-Ozerov package). What is it, in simple terms? Let's figure out what awaits us ...

The Yarovaya Law is two federal laws that introduce amendments to the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism", some separate laws in terms of establishing additional measures against terrorism, as well as in the Criminal Code in terms of establishing measures against terrorism.

Links to these federal laws (No. 374-FZ and No. 375-FZ) are at the end of this article. But let's try to figure out what all these edits mean for ordinary citizens. The changes can be conditionally divided into 4 parts:

  • Expansion of the powers of law enforcement agencies.
  • New requirements for mobile operators and Internet projects.
  • New requirements for forwarding carriers and postal operators.
  • Strengthening the regulation of religious missionary activities.

We will definitely analyze the main points that touch upon the topic of "technique and technology", but first - a little history.

Irina Yarovaya, Alexey Pushkov, Nadezhda Gerasimova and Victor Ozerov submitted in April 2016 to the State Duma for consideration bills aimed at combating terrorism and extremism. These bills quickly passed three readings in the State Duma, the Federation Council, and already on July 7, 2018 were signed by the President of the Russian Federation. Most of the amendments entered into force on July 20, 2016, but this does not apply to those that caused the greatest resonance - the storage of telephone conversations, SMS, audio, video and text messages in instant messengers and other Internet traffic.

The Criminal Code and the Rights of Investigators.

The rights of investigators have been expanded - now they are allowed to receive information from e-mails. Previously, this was also possible, but only by court order.

A number of criminal articles increased the terms for crimes related to terrorism and extremism, as well as added reasons for the ban on leaving the country and entering it.

Three new corpus delicti appeared - “committing an act of international terrorism”, “facilitating extremist activities”, “failure to report a terrorist crime”.

Storage of calls, SMS, Internet traffic

And here, perhaps, is the point that caused the greatest outrage among citizens. Telecom operators must store all calls from subscribers, as well as their messages for a period determined by the government (at the moment - 6 months). Also, operators must store all information about the facts of receiving, transmitting, delivering and processing messages and calls for the last three years.

All Internet companies and Internet services (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, etc.) must store the following information: pseudonym (login), date of birth, address, full name, passport data, languages ​​spoken by the user, a list of his relatives, all audio and text messages, video recordings, e-mail address, date and time of entry and exit from the information service, the full name of the client program used by the subscriber. Internet companies and services must provide all this information to special services.

But that is not all. Telecommunication operators providing telematic services (that is, services via the Internet, for example, e-mail, instant messengers, etc.) are obliged to store all messages and files transmitted through them. The storage period for messages and files is 30 days. This period should be increased by 15% every year for 5 years.

Encryption tools

From now on, all encryption tools must be certified. The use of other means of encoding information is prohibited. For violation - a fine from 3 to 5 thousand rubles with confiscation of encryption means. However, all this concerns information constituting a state secret. The information transmitted, for example, in messengers, is not such, therefore, certification is not required there.

However, the “Yarovaya law” requires organizers of information dissemination on the Internet to be able to decode information. That is, all the same messengers must have encryption keys, which, at the request of the FSB, must be transmitted to them. Telegram faced such a problem not so long ago.

This part has already entered into force in 2016

The obvious disadvantages of the "Yarovaya Law"

Fighting terrorism is definitely a good thing. But Yarovaya Law has many significant disadvantages:

  • Execution cost... Information storage media (drives), system, etc. will cost several trillion rubles + more maintenance. One could feel sorry for telecom operators and Internet companies, but they are unlikely to pay for Yarovaya Law themselves, but rather their subscribers, that is, citizens of the Russian Federation. The deterioration and rise in the price of tariffs has already begun.
  • Secrecy of correspondence... According to the constitution, it seems to exist ... only by a court decision can it be violated. But then the “Yarovaya Law” appears ... and that's it. There is no longer any secret of the correspondence.
  • Fight against extremism... Many clauses of the Yarovaya Law cover not only terrorism, but also extremism. And extremism is adherence to extreme views, methods of action (usually in politics). So it is recommended that you express yourself very carefully in the same social networks ... especially considering the latest news about the increase in the retirement age, utility rates, VAT, etc. I think you might have noticed that recently, quite a few cases of extremism were considered, in which posts and reposts on Vkontakte appeared. And here I am not talking about the fact that the fight against extremism is bad, but about the fact that it is not so difficult to make the case “extremist”.

Official documents

"Federal Law of July 6, 2016 No. 374-FZ" - read the full version of the law.

"Federal Law of July 6, 2016 No. 375-FZ" - read the full version of the law.


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Video about the Yarovaya Law. What is it, what awaits us in 2018

All content is from this publication. If you have read the article, then you can skip watching the video.

Greetings, my dear readers. Galiulin Ruslan is in touch. Today we'll talk about how we are pinched on the Internet. On June 24, 2016, the State Duma adopted the "Yarovaya package" - the "anti-terrorist act", which was drawn up by Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov.

Even before its adoption, it became one of the most discussed topics in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, and a little later they started talking about it abroad, mainly emphasizing the complexity and radicalism of the amendments that are supposed to be made.

After the adoption of the package, those who were categorically opposed to all the changes that it should make to the legislation, hoped that the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, would not sign it, but on July 7 this also happened. And on July 20, 2016, the Yarovaya package (most of the amendments) came into force.

This news caused widespread resonance among ordinary users, representatives of companies that will be affected by the changes in the law, and even among the world community. So, by the way, Edward Snowden, a former CIA officer who received political asylum in the Russian Federation, on the day the law was signed by the Russian president, said that it was "a dark day for Russia." According to him, the changes will entail spending in the amount of more than $ 33 billion.

What does the Yarovaya package mean and its main provisions

First of all, about those laws that do not require significant costs, but simply change the legislation:

  • Now the citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to inform the authorities about the impending terrorist attacks, riots and other types of crimes. Otherwise, those who withhold information may be deprived of their will for up to one year.
  • The behavior of ordinary users on social networks is now equated to the media in terms of responsibility. For calls to terrorism or extremist activities, justification of such actions, a person can be deprived of his will for up to 7 years. By the way, a call is not only your own post or comment, but any kind of content, including images that can be copied from someone else's accounts to your feed.
    In the initial version of the package, when everyone had just learned about the existence and began to learn what it was, Yarovaya's package, they found some absurd and super-radical provisions there. For the aforementioned similar actions, it was supposed to deprive people of citizenship. Service in the armies or law enforcement agencies of other countries could also lead to this. But this is such a radical law that everyone began to wonder whether or not these specific points were canceled, so that as a result, the provisions disappeared from the editorial board, without any explanation.
  • Some tightening is also planned. For extremist activities in all its directions, fines and prison terms will be increased.
  • Now people will also be tried for terrorist acts that were committed outside Russia, but in which the citizens of the Russian Federation suffered in one way or another.
  • Earlier in the legislation of the Russian Federation there was a list of crimes for which they could be tried, starting from the age of 14. With the Yarovaya package, the number of those increased, and they included: international terrorism, riots, etc.

This list, including several not mentioned changes, can be attributed to the first category, which will primarily affect ordinary citizens. The second one is more discussed and it also includes a huge list of companies in the list of “victims”, assumes very costly changes, which were especially emphasized by the protesters.

Every citizen of our country has the right to privacy protection on the basis of Art. 23 part 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and its violation entails punishment under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And what do we have? Our rights will be crossed out and everyone who is not lazy will follow your every step freely, since you and I live in a country where loot decides everything. If you have money, then you can find out all the personal information of your neighbor, and in the worst case, using the information of a person, you can not substitute sickly.

Remember the scandal in America when the FBI demanded to give the keys to hack iPhones, but after the refusal it was still hacked. Then what kind of protection are we talking about?

Yarovaya package for companies and billions of dollars in the budget

As the main theses, it should be said that now, with the adoption of the law, telecom operators and "organizers of information dissemination", which include social networks, instant messengers, news portals, must store all information about calls, correspondence on the Internet, messages for six months. It means, directly, the content. Meta-data - service information, should be stored even longer - for 3 years. And those same distributors are committed to helping federal agencies decipher messages.

If the first 2 changes affected most of all large companies, which immediately focused on how many times the cost of servicing ordinary consumers would have to be increased, the latter was heavily criticized from individuals, in particular, Pavel Durov, the creator of the secure Telegram messenger, who is known its firm position in relation to cooperation with any state forces.

And what does the Yarovaya package mean for the country's budget? Immediately after the adoption of the law, expert assessments were carried out regarding how much budget would be needed for the implementation of all systems. These are very large sums, amounting to more than a third of the Russian federal budget for 2015.

Here's what Edward Snowden thinks of this package.

In addition, to build information storages in which it is supposed to save both the history of correspondence, calls, and metadata, which, as expected, is not in Russia, it will be necessary to contact foreign manufacturers, which will result in incredible amounts coming exclusively from the country. And this is very much contrary to the import substitution policy, which has been actively promoted by the authorities lately.

Unable to execute a package

Speaking about decoding information, one thing should be said here - at the moment, it is technically impossible. The fact is that both the HTTPS protocol and all modern encrypted messengers work in such a way as not to store these keys anywhere except on the devices of end users. This is how maximum security is ensured. In order to fully comply with the law, it is, in fact, necessary to develop new encryption methods and convince companies to switch to them, and this will lead to the fact that Internet security will be fundamentally violated. And the hub where all the encryption keys are supposed to be stored will become the target of hackers.

At the moment, for refusal to cooperate with federal security structures, a fine of 800 thousand to 1 million rubles is expected.

What's with the postal services

The last important change that will affect the Russian Post and individual postal companies is that they are obliged to check so that there is nothing prohibited in the parcels. Russian Post suggested that the purchase of new technologies (metal detectors, scanners, gas detectors, etc.) will need to spend about 500 billion rubles, as well as another 100 billion to ensure correct operation annually. A little later, the company said that if the government does not oblige them to make such costs, then they will simply begin to accept parcels in open form.

Having figured out what it is, Yarovaya's package, and what it means, now you need to monitor how its prescriptions will be fulfilled and whether the warnings from heads of companies and individuals will be plausible. Things didn't look so intimidating until July 7th. But when the package was signed by the president, everyone realized that it would only get worse. Will the authorities really change their desire for import substitution and will they be ready to impose higher tariffs on themselves?

These are the pies. If the material was useful, put varnishes and subscribe to the blog mailing list. See you soon.

Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.

Starting today, a number of amendments to the laws proposed by the deputy Irina Yarovaya and aimed at countering terrorism and other illegal activities will begin to operate. Two years ago, operators argued that the technical implementation of a number of points of the law is practically impossible. This year they have invested in the construction of new data warehouses a couple of tens of billions of rubles and, in general, are ready to completely rebuild all the necessary infrastructure within three years. What will change because of the "Yarovaya package" for us personally?

About how the "Yarovaya package" once appeared, and how the public perceived it, I - two years ago. Since then, much, including the notorious "package", has changed significantly. Firstly, the requirements of the law have become not only clearer, but also softer, secondly, during the working meetings, operators and providers have understood what they want from them, and what they must do, and finally, thirdly, the need to counter terrorism and electronic space.

The main thing that has changed in the "package" and what you need to know: the operator or provider is obliged to store all data about your phone call or correspondence from October 2018 within a month from the date of their commission, and then up to six months. After a month, this information is deleted. Initially, it was assumed that data could be stored for up to six months at once and, based on this, the operators argued that they would literally have to build up all of Siberia with data centers.

However, the problems were not only on the side of the operators. Amendments to the Yarovaya bill were delayed until recently in the now reformed Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Moreover, due to the fact that the last amendments were submitted literally "the day before yesterday", the Ministry of Justice returned them for re-registration, since it cannot register documents created by a non-existent ministry. After the last documents are reissued, the law will begin to operate fully and comprehensively.

Wiretapping or perlusion of your correspondence by special services or law enforcement agencies, in connection with the entry into force of the law, will continue to be impossible without the sanction of the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee or the judiciary. That is, to put it simply, if you do not violate the law in any way, no one will be able to read or detect your abuse, mercy, adultery, business correspondence or any other communication.

On the other hand, changes that come into effect, on the other hand, may be useful in some cases. In Russia, as in many other countries, oral agreements are also valid. Whether it's a lease or a car purchase agreement. If your partner for some reason violates the terms of the contract, you, using the established procedure, will be able to request access to your correspondence and present it as evidence in court. This evidence will be legally binding and in the long term will help to resolve many disputes between citizens.

Encryption of your correspondence, encryption of your telephone conversations, or rather their protection against hacking in communication networks, will remain in full and will not undergo any changes. Encryption keys, for example, for decoding correspondence in a messenger, law enforcement agencies will also be able to receive only after the available permission or sufficient motivation (opening a criminal case, a court request, etc.).

The Yarovaya Package is one of the most ambitious documents adopted by the State Duma in recent years. Some of its provisions have already been reflected in regulations, the beginning of another - in the summer of 2018.

What is the “Yarovaya law” when the most controversial part of the resonant initiative, concerning the storage of information about telephone conversations and personal correspondence of Russians, comes into force?

Authors of amendments

The sensational package of amendments submitted by the media was named after one of the authors - State Duma deputy Irina Yarovaya, who participated in the development of such legislative initiatives as criminal prosecution for defamation, tougher sanctions for violations of the rules of holding rallies, and the “law on foreign media agents”.

Senator Viktor Ozerov worked on the amendments together with Yarovaya. At that time, both parliamentarians headed the security committees: Yarovaya - in the lower chamber, Ozerov - in the upper one. Four legislators were already co-sponsored by the voting procedure: Alexey Pushkov and Nadezhda Gerasimova were added to the list of initiators.

The anti-terrorist "Yarovaya law" - what is it?

In simple words, the Yarovaya package is two federal laws containing amendments to regulations (designed, as conceived by the authors, to prevent manifestations of terrorism):

  • No. 374-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Countering Terrorism "and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of establishing additional measures to counter terrorism and ensure public safety" dated 06.07.2016;
  • No. 375-FZ "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in terms of establishing additional measures to counter terrorism and ensure public safety", dated 06.07.2016.

What innovations does the Yarovaya law contain?

The essence of the amendments

The first document (No. 374-FZ) amended the laws on the FSB, foreign intelligence, on weapons, the Housing Code and many other acts. Its provisions expanded the powers of the security forces, toughened responsibility for extremism, rules for postage, and cargo clearance.

So, in the new edition of the Law No. 35-FZ "On Countering Terrorism" dated 06.03.2006:

  • Article 5 supplemented a new part (4.1) on the creation of anti-terrorist commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the decisions of which are binding;
  • Article 5.2 was introduced, which explains the actions and powers of local authorities in the fight against extremism and terrorism;
  • Article 11 includes part 5, expanding the grounds for introducing the CTO regime.

The same law amended the RF Housing Code, and with them a ban:

  • disseminate religious teachings in premises intended for housing (with the exception of conducting rituals and ceremonies) (part 3 of article 17);
  • on the activities of missionaries, if it is aimed at committing extremist actions, threatening others, etc. (part 3.2 of article 22).

Changes to the law on communications

Innovations in the Law No. 126-FZ "On Communications" dated 07.07.2003 and their essence for cellular operators and Internet service providers is the established requirement to store user messages (voice and text messages), photos, videos, etc., transmitted in them, as well as information about the telephone conversation or correspondence of subscribers. The storage location is within the country. Conditions - traffic volume and storage period - are developed by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The storage period for message content is up to six months. Information about their dispatch, delivery, processing, etc. should be kept in the storage for longer:

  • three years - information about calls from mobile subscribers;
  • one year - data on electronic correspondence of Russians.

The introduced clause 1 of part 1.1 of article 64 of the law on telecom operators obliges them to provide special services with information about the telephone conversations of their customers. A similar requirement, but already relatively hidden from the general public, the Internet activity of Russians, contains a new clause (3.1) of Article 10.1 of Law No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information" dated July 27, 2006. And clause 4.1 obliges domain owners, providers and all those falling under the concept of "organizer of information dissemination" to transfer encryption keys to the security forces to decode user messages.

Failure to comply with the requirement of the security authorities will result in a fine. What will be its size, is specified by the part 2.1 introduced in Article 13.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles will be paid by citizens;
  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles - officials;
  • from 800,000 to 1 million rubles - companies.

Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Another normative act included in the "Yarovaya package" - Law No. 375 has added to the list of criminal offenses:

  • failure to inform law enforcement officers about a terrorist crime (committed, ongoing or planned). The harshest sanction for this is imprisonment for 12 months. A citizen will not be held liable for not informing about such an act committed by his spouse or close relative;
  • international terrorism with a maximum penalty of life in prison.

In the updated version of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the list of crimes for which criminal responsibility begins from the age of 14 has been expanded:

  • participation in a terrorist organization and its activities (respectively, part 2 of article 205.4 and part 2 of article 205.5);
  • training with the development of skills for use in planned terrorist activities (Article 205.3);
  • failure to report a crime (Article 205.6);
  • an act of international terrorism (Article 361).

When does the “Yarovaya law” come into force?

In Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the official text of the Yarovaya Law was published on July 8, 2016. From July 20 of the same year, the main part of the innovations began to work, including changes in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

July 1, 2018 is the day specified in the Federal Law when the law of Irina Yarovaya comes into force regarding the requirement to store data on remote communication of Russians. However, now the RF Government is discussing the possibility of postponing the entry into force of the law for several months. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. The need for a postponement is associated with the development of bylaws that will determine the volumes and periods of data storage under this law.

According to the "Big Four" of cellular operators, the organization of the message storage alone will require more than 2.2 trillion rubles. Ultimately, the costs of companies will lead to a sharp increase in tariffs. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications admitted an increase in the cost of cellular services by three times.

The Yarovaya Law, commonly known as the Yarovaya Package, is a series of bills passed by the State Duma on July 6, 2017. The event caused a great resonance in the society. In the independent media and the Internet community, these laws were criticized in almost all directions, although initially the goal was positive and correct - countering extremism and terrorism.

Why have measures with extremely noble goals been so unpopular? To understand this, you need to consider that this is Yarovaya's law (in simple words), and also answer a number of questions that will be discussed in detail below. And now a little about the author of the project.

About the author of the project: Irina Yarovaya

The federal law Yarovaya is named after the current deputy from the United Russia party, Irina Anatolyevna Yarovaya. Since 2008 she has been a member of the General Council. The beginning of Irina Anatolyevna's political career strongly contradicts her current position in politics. She began her activities in the Yabloko party, which is in opposition to her current party affiliation.

Some time ago, Irina Anatolyevna, as a member of the Council of Deputies in the Kamchatka region, headed the Yabloko faction and actively opposed the policy of United Russia. She repeatedly ran for the State Duma, without stopping her political activities in Yabloko and being in opposition to the leadership of the Kamchatka region.

In 2003, Irina Anatolyevna was offered to go to United Russia, but she refused. In 2007, she left the Yabloko party and moved to United Russia, as she wanted to move to Moscow for permanent residence. According to the results of the next elections, she took second place, but still received a deputy mandate due to the fact that the winner refused it.

In the Duma, she became known for the creation of bills that related to restrictions on holding rallies, toughening migration policy and many other areas. The most famous of her offspring in the political arena was the Yarovaya law. Let us consider its essence further.

The essence of Yarovaya's amendments to the Criminal Code

Yarovaya's law - what is it? In simple words, these are two separate bills that introduce several amendments to the Federal Law "On Countering Terrorism" and other regulations that relate to the same issue, as well as to some articles of the Criminal Code. Both parts of the package were accepted on July 6, 2017.

The first part is Law No. 374-FZ. According to the Yarovaya law, mobile operators and providers are obliged to store a mass of user data on their servers until requested by law enforcement agencies or other authorized services. Information about visits to Internet pages, records of calls and messages will be stored. This part of the Yarovaya federal law caused the greatest public outcry, because the Russians considered it a violation of the right to privacy.

The second part is Law No. 375-FZ. The text of the law introduces several amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The deadlines for articles on the promotion of terrorism, participation in terrorist and extremist activities, campaigning for these types of activities, as well as on many other articles related to countering this illegal activity, have increased. Federal law makes it possible to prosecute teenagers from the age of 14 for participation in terrorist groups. One of the innovations is "non-reporting", that is, failure to report any crime. Since the entry into force of the Yarovaya law, this is a criminal offense.

The new definition was the term “act of international terrorism”. In short, this is the commission of a terrorist act outside the Russian Federation, if the citizens of the Russian Federation, their lives and inviolability were endangered. In addition to the main points, the law introduces into the legal field of the Russian Federation a huge number of amendments and additions regarding terrorist activities.

The texts of the laws (document No. 374-FZ consists of nineteen articles, No. 375-FZ - of four) are easy to understand. They can be found on the official website of the Russian government. They are written in an accessible language, which excludes any other interpretation than was intended by the author.

Than the law threatens the citizens of the Russian Federation

The essence of Yarovaya's laws is stated above. The project came into force on 20 July last year. What does this mean for citizens of the Russian Federation? Religious beliefs and organizations are not prohibited, but the dissemination of information about them to people who have not clearly expressed their desire to learn something, and without special permission is now punishable. The fine will be 50 thousand rubles for individuals and up to 500 thousand for organizations.

The storage of data by operators (all calls and correspondence of Russians) for up to six months and the history of contacts for up to three years threatens to increase the cost of communication. To store the data of one person, the operator will have to buy ten external drives of four terabytes, which is approximately $ 1,700.

All telecommunications companies must decrypt users' personal information for the FSB. Authorities can access monetary transactions and private messages. The Human Rights Council stated that the law is contrary to the Constitution. And the decryption technology needs to be invented. Most of the world's companies will not agree to this, because the encryption key storage center can become a decoy for intruders. They will also "look" not only in e-mail, but also in regular mail. Therefore, the parcels will be scanned.

According to the Yarovaya law, in Russia, from the age of 14, teenagers can now be prosecuted under 32 articles (instead of 22). Young citizens are now responsible for participating in riots: hijacking an airplane, inciting ethnic hatred on social networks. For most of the articles on terrorism and extremism, the penalties have been increased. All this is only a part of what Yarovaya's amendments contain.

Conditions for telecom operators

What is Yarovaya's law? In simple words, this is a violation of subscribers' privacy rights, but supporters of the package's implementation say otherwise. It is believed that this is a necessary part of the law, which will make it possible to more effectively counter terrorism. The first legislative act of the package amended the work of operators and providers, as well as telecommunications companies. These organizations are now required to create databases and store user conversations and messages. The data will be stored in data centers and transferred to law enforcement agencies at the request of the latter.

In addition to interfering with personal life, this law implies an increase in the price of cellular communications, which cellular operators did not inform their subscribers about. Storing such volumes of data is a very expensive procedure requiring significant costs, which are comparable to the budgets of entire countries. Huge funds are required to build a data center and ensure uninterrupted operation of the network. At present, there are talks about softening this paragraph, but it is not yet known whether the repeal of the law or the authorities will make something fundamentally new out of it.

Working conditions for logistics companies

There are also amendments to the Federal Law "On transport and forwarding activities." Freight forwarders are now obliged to carry out a complete and meticulous check of documents, as well as information about the cargo, the nuances of transportation. The Yarovaya law for transport companies promises huge costs for logistics and transport companies. The money is needed to buy special equipment for screening and other equipment. Of course, the cost of delivery of goods will also increase. According to the calculations of some analysts, in the future, this could bring down the Internet commerce market in Russia by 40%.

Countering terrorism

Now unregistered encryption tools are banned, and a fine from three to five thousand rubles is imposed for violation. In addition, the encoding tool itself is confiscated from the offender. Yarovaya's draft laws presuppose the avoidance of conflicts based on religious affiliation. For this reason, representatives of religious organizations and societies were forbidden to go to apartments and houses and to introduce people to their faith. It is worth talking about Yarovaya's law on missionary activity separately.

Missionary activity

Missionary activity (distribution) is now prohibited for anyone who does not have official permission. However, there are several serious restrictions for officially registered religious groups. The representatives of the organization must have all the papers that confirm their belonging to a registered organization, all publications and materials for distribution (flyers, leaflets, booklets) must be marked with special marking. For violation of the amendment, liability is provided in the form of a monetary fine.

When comes into effect

The Yarovaya Law (at least most of the amendments) has already been implemented since July 20, 2017. The age threshold for judicial responsibility for terrorist activities and assistance to extremism has been lowered, amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, acts concerning missionary activities, and restrictions on transport companies have come into force. When does the Yarovaya law come into effect in full? The most resonant part of the project - the restriction of the work of mobile operators, telecommunications companies and Internet providers comes into force on July 1, 2018. The politicians believed that by this time the technical and regulatory framework would be prepared, and all disagreements between the government and society regarding the implementation of such large-scale changes would be resolved.

Actual news

At the moment, the government is actively discussing the process of introducing all the points of the bill. The stumbling block is the storage of user data. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of implementing the Yarovaya law for telecommunications companies and telecom operators will be about 5 trillion rubles.

In January 2018, the Ministry of Communications and Communications announced that the cost could be reduced to 100 billion rubles, but subject to the completion of the project. They want to remove the history of online videos and torrent downloads from the list of data for storage. Due to the reduction in the amount of data, the need for large storage will disappear.

Cellular operators are in favor of even greater changes. Company representatives say that it is worth storing only voice calls and messages, otherwise the implementation of the law will lead to a significant increase in the cost of communication. This clause is not yet fully ready for implementation. Now hot discussions and heated debates are going on around the Yarovaya law on data storage. To bring it to life, most likely, you will still have to slightly weaken certain points.

How the law works in practice

A year has passed since the introduction of the Yarovaya law, the main mechanisms of the project have been considered, which means that you can already look at how the amendments work in practice. The most widely discussed and sad case was the murder of Andrei Karlov, a Russian diplomat in Turkey. On December 19, 2017, a terrorist shot and killed the Russian ambassador at a photo exhibition in Ankara. The killer shouted Islamic slogans and threatened the event attendees with weapons. The offender called it revenge for the actions of the Russian Federation in Syria. On the occasion of the murder of the Russian ambassador, a case was opened under the article "committing an act of international terrorism", which was introduced by Yarovaya's amendments.

The missionary article had proven itself several times in the previous year. The most famous event is the detention of D. Ugai (pictured). Administrative proceedings were initiated against him for giving a lecture on yoga. The young man was not blamed for the lecture itself, but for the propaganda of Hinduism. But the court decided to discontinue the proceedings.

These are the most discussed in the media and society cases of the implementation of the Yarovaya law. What is it? In simple terms, this means that the amendments are working and are bearing some fruit. However, there are still a few shortcomings. The question of the positive or negative effect of the project is completely subjective.

Information Security

So is the Yarovaya law (the text of the law is presented in simple words above) an attempt on the information security of a person or is it not? This issue is still causing heated debate between supporters and opponents of the amendments. Of course, telephone conversations of an individual citizen should be personal, should not be tapped by anyone except the interlocutor on the opposite end of the line. But the communication data will not be tapped. They will simply be stored on the servers of the telecommunications company and will be required by the structures only if the citizen is suspected of complicity or involvement in terrorist activities.

The Yarovaya package has both strengths and weaknesses. Some shortcomings can be interpreted in two ways and used to the detriment of citizens. Therefore, it is everyone's personal business to choose which side of the barricades to be on. Supporters of the project will say that these are necessary measures in connection with the spread of the terrorist threat and the growing power of extremist organizations (like ISIS), which are prohibited in Russia. Opponents are of the opinion that terrorists will find some way to bypass all these restrictions, and the implementation of the bill will only increase the cost of communications and violate the right to privacy.

Both supporters and opponents of Yarovaya's package are right. In some ways, the law makes a significant contribution to the fight against terrorism, and in others it only harms the economy. But do not forget that some of the most important points of the project are still being discussed.

Analogs of the Yarovaya package

In the European Union, from 2006 to 2014, a directive of the European Commission was in force, requiring that data be retained for at least six months. In 2014, the directive was canceled, and the issue was further regulated by national governments.

In the UK, a law was passed in 2014 requiring operators to store user data. True, the act was soon challenged in a European Union court. Experts then calculated that the cost of implementing such a project would be about 180 million pounds (this is about 15 trillion rubles). However, the largest telecommunications company in the United Kingdom (32% of the market of cellular operators) believes that this amount will cost only one innovation.

In Germany, operators have to store data for six months, and in 2016 the government introduced regulations that reduced this period to ten weeks. In addition, the list of cases in which power structures may require this information has been significantly reduced.

In Australia, operators store subscriber data for the past two years. With a population of 23 million, this cost A $ 400 million (RUB 18 trillion) and operating costs were $ 4 per subscriber per year. The government has compensated for the costs of innovating and building the necessary infrastructure, but operating costs are charged to subscribers.

In 2013, the infamous intelligence officer Edward Snowden conveyed information to reporters that the United States National Security Agency had developed an information system that allows collecting any information about subscribers over telecommunication networks. Experts say that the NSA recorded more than 1.7 billion conversations and messages every day, and also made about five billion records of the whereabouts of phone owners around the world, not just in America itself. Of course, the government did not inform the citizens of this.

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