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What is RAM definition. Required information about RAM

Hello dear friends. The world of high technologies is developing rapidly. Computer technologies are also developing rapidly, and with them applications and programs for these computers. Applications and programs began to consume system resources and RAM many times more than in previous years, when 64 or 128 MB were enough (Today, in my opinion, the minimum required amount of memory for a computer is 1 GB of memory). For example, the browser, starting from version 4, began to consume many times more RAM than before. In addition, almost all sites began to use all sorts of flash banners in huge quantities, which also consume a large amount of RAM on your computer.

Well...let's get started.

RAMrandom access memory or RAM or RAM. In English RAMRandom Access Memory, which means in translation random access memory. RAM is essentially memory for temporary storage of information about running programs, services and processes. Via RAM communication between the processor and hard disk drives (HDD), as well as any external devices. Any program, as you know, is executed directly in the system processor, and the program files are located in the memory of hard drives. Before this program can be executed, its executable files need to get into the processor. This is exactly what it does RAM. It stores the files of all currently running programs and applications. When you exit the program, all its files from the RAM are also erased. The amount of RAM determines how many application files it can store in its memory. The data transfer rate of hard drives is negligibly low compared to the data processing speed of the processor, therefore, to read data, you have to use the services of a kind of intermediary between the processor and the disk drive, the role of which is played by working memory. With a lack of RAM, the speed of the computer is noticeably reduced, and just in such cases, the so-called special swap file otherwise cache memory. It stores the most frequently used information. Thus, this information does not have to be delivered again with the help of RAM from disk drives to the processor, which ensures the overall performance of the system.
RAM is a volatile component, i.e. as soon as the current stops being supplied to RAM all information from the memory is automatically erased. RAM consists of cells in which information is stored. With each new entry in the cell, the previous information is automatically erased and new information is written. Thus, the more RAM memory, the more such cells, which means more information can be stored RAM without rewriting and without using the paging file, which reduces the delivery time of information to the processor, thereby increasing system performance.
It's worth saying that cache memory essentially ultra-high-speed RAM, but unfortunately large arrays of memory do not fit into it and therefore you have to use RAM.


Physically, RAM is circuits and microcircuits that form modules. Modules are usually connected to the motherboard. And you will learn about how they are connected correctly from the following articles on the site. Therefore, stay with us and subscribe to publications so as not to miss our next articles. For now, BYE!!!

Before choosing RAM for a computer, you need to clearly understand what it is in general.

Why "pull up"? Why not immediately take them from the hard drive? The fact is that the RAM is many times faster than even an SSD drive.

What data may soon be needed by the processor is determined by the operating system itself, automatically. She is very smart not to be talked about.

RAM types

When mammoths still walked the earth, the RAM was divided into SIMM and DIMM - immediately forget about these types of RAM, they have not been released or used for a long time.

Then DDR was invented (2001). There are also computers with this type of memory. The main difference from DDR2 and DDR3 is the number of contacts on the DDR memory board, there are only 184 of them. This type of RAM is much slower than its modern counterparts (DDR2 and DDR3).

DDR2 (2003) has a larger number of contacts (240 pieces), thanks to which the number of data streams has expanded and the transfer of information to the processor has noticeably accelerated. The maximum frequency of DDR2 is 1066 MHz.

DDR3 (2007) is the most common type of RAM in modern computers. Here they left the number of contacts alone (240 pieces), but made them electrically incompatible. Maximum DDR3 frequency - 2400 MHz . This type of memory is also characterized by lower power consumption and higher bandwidth.

DDR3 turned out faster than DDR2 by 15-20%.

DDR2 and DDR3 sticks have different "key" arrangements, they are not interchangeable...

RAM stick form factor

RAM sticks for laptops (SODIMM) and desktop computers (SDRAM) are different in size and appearance. For laptops, they look like this ...

... and for stationary home computers, something like this ...

This is where their differences (mostly) end. The characteristics that you need to know when choosing RAM are exactly the same for these two types.


In the last century, the amount of RAM was measured in kilobytes and megabytes (it’s even ridiculous to remember). Today - in gigabytes.

This parameter determines how much temporary information will fit into the RAM chip. Everything is relatively simple here. Windows itself consumes about 1 GB of memory during its operation, so there should be more of it in the computer.

2 GB - may be enough for a budget computer (movies, pictures, Internet)

4 GB - suitable for more demanding programs, games at medium and maximum quality settings

8 GB - "pull" heavy games at maximum quality settings or very memory-demanding programs *DANCE*

16 GB - the newest modern and heavy games will “fly”, as well as special professional monster programs *bb.* *gamer.*

32 GB - You have nowhere to put your money? Send them to me. %)

It is very important to take into account that ordinary 32-bit Windows operating systems "do not see" more than 3 GB of memory and, accordingly, do not use it. If you buy more than 3 GB of RAM, you MUST install a 64-bit system.

RAM frequency

Inexperienced users often, when choosing a RAM, are limited by its volume, but the memory frequency is no less important. It determines the speed at which data will be exchanged with the processor.

Modern conventional processors operate at 1600 MHz. Accordingly, it is desirable to buy memory with such a frequency, not higher (1866 MHz is possible). The difference between 1333 MHz and 1600 MHz is practically invisible "by eye".

As for memory sticks with a frequency of 2133 MHz and higher, they themselves cost wild money, for their full-fledged work you need special motherboards that cost wild money, and most importantly, you need a processor with an unlocked multiplier (supporting overclocking), which costs ... .

At the same time, all this disgrace will get very hot (you need a powerful cooling system (preferably water), which costs ...) and consume a lot of energy. This is the choice of crazy gamers.

By the way, the increase in computer performance with such overclocking will be only from 10 to 30%, and you will spend three times more money. Do you need it?

RAM timing

The “terrible” parameter of RAM, which few people know about and which is rarely taken into account when choosing memory, but in vain.

Latency (timing) is the time delay of a signal. It is measured in beats. Timings can take values ​​from 2 to 13. The bandwidth of the "processor-memory" section and, as a result, the system performance depend on them, though quite a bit.

The lower the timing value, the faster the RAM works. For example, I purchased memory with timings of 9-9-9-24, but there are also faster ones, of course.

RAM timings can be adjusted in BIOS when overclocking the system (it is not recommended for inexperienced users to do this).

And at the end of the article, as promised at the beginning, I will tell you ...

How to properly install RAM in a computer

Before the procedure, be sure to turn off the computer and disconnect the power cord from the system unit.

No settings, after installing the memory, do not need to be made in the system. The system itself recognizes it and starts using it.

The easiest way to install memory is in a laptop (it can be more difficult to open the back cover). In laptops, the RAM is in a horizontal position, lies.

Just lift and pull it out of the grooves, insert a new one until it stops. The lock on the bar (slot) will not let you make a mistake when installing ...

On desktop computers, this process is a bit more complicated. The memory stands vertically to the motherboard and is clamped with latches.

To remove the bar, it is enough to spread these latches to the sides and it will “jump” out of the slot by itself. Installation will also take you 2 seconds - bring the bar to the slot, match the lock (slot) on the bar with the jumper in the slot and insert it all the way (hear a click - these latches will clamp the bar).

It is very important not to confuse the click of the clamps with the crunch of a broken motherboard.

This video shows the process in detail...

Dual channel memory mode

You also definitely need to install the brackets so that they work in two-channel mode. Usually the memory slots on the motherboard are painted in two colors - these are the channels ...

Thus, install your two sticks of RAM in slots of the same color. In our case - through one. If there is a lot of RAM (16 or 32 GB), then all the slots will be needed.

And a couple more words...

What brand of RAM is better to choose? According to world statistics, Kingston slats have the least defects and failures - draw a conclusion.

You can view all of the above characteristics of RAM in your computer using the Speccy program.

That's all for today. Up to new useful tips and computer programs.

: permanent and operational. A constant is characterized by the fact that all data is recorded on a storage medium - a hard disk. After turning off the computer, all data stored on the hard drive remains safe and sound. Otherwise, the situation is with operational memory yu - information is stored in it only while the computer is running. Why is operational memory? First of all, this type of memory is very fast, accessing it takes the operating system much less time than accessing a hard disk. In addition, running programs are stored in RAM. Open the Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and look at the "Memory" section - you will see the amount of RAM used by currently running programs. As programs run, the amount of memory they use can change. The more RAM your computer has, the more productive it will be. True, the 32-bit version of the Windows XP operating system does not support more than three gigabytes of memory. Its 64-bit version supports up to 128 gigabytes of RAM, in reality, in this case, everything depends on the capabilities of the motherboard. The Windows 7 operating system in the 32-bit version supports 4 gigabytes of RAM. In its 64-bit version, the size of the supported RAM depends on the OS version: in the initial ones - Home Basic and Home Premium - it is 8 and 16 gigabytes, respectively, the Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate versions support up to 192 gigabytes. Of course, here, too, the actual amount of memory supported will largely depend on the capabilities of the motherboard. The type of RAM also matters: SIMM, DIMM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3. The first two are already very outdated, so it is quite difficult to meet them. The remaining three types are installed on most modern computers. The more modern the used memory the faster it works. Memory chips are assembled into modules, they are also called slats. The modules are installed in their designated slots on the motherboard.

RAM is one type of volatile memory. RAM is used in many modern devices, from a personal computer to communicators.

The RAM of a computer stores the information necessary for the operation of the central processor. This device receives all the necessary data from the RAM boards. During the operation of RAM, the principle of addressability is used, i.e. each piece of information has an individual address.

The overall performance of a personal computer depends on the amount of RAM. This is not surprising, because the more information can be simultaneously stored in RAM, the more tasks can be quickly performed by the central processor. If the CPU received information from the hard drive, then modern computers would run much slower. On computers with a large amount of RAM, you can use many different programs at the same time without compromising their performance.

Data transfer between the central processor and RAM boards occurs through special buses. They have a high transfer rate, which provides almost instantaneous exchange of the necessary data.

There are two main types of RAM: static and dynamic. Memory of the second type is used in RAM boards. Static memory processes and returns information much faster, but its production is much more expensive. That is why static-type memory is used to create central processing units and video card chips. It should be noted that the use of ultra-fast RAM (cache) increases the overall performance of the computer several times. This is due to the fact that data is transferred to this area from conventional memory cards in advance.

For dynamic memory to work, it is necessary to constantly replenish the charge of the capacitors used in the creation of RAM boards. This leads to the fact that for certain periods of time the boards cannot perform their tasks.

I decided to write an article on the topic of what computer RAM is, as I realized, judging by the questions, that many people do not understand what it is.

What is computer RAM and what is it for?

To begin with, I will give a definition that is similar to all the others.

RAM- This is a temporary computer memory that works when the computer is on and is needed for the normal operation of programs and processes. As soon as you turn off the computer and whether you restart, the RAM is erased (correctly speaking, it is reset to zero).

I will explain, using the example of the usual “notebook”, what does temporary memory mean and what is permanent.

Let's start with the constant. Permanent, this is the memory that stores data until the moment when until you remove them. For example, you downloaded a text file from the Internet. As you should already know, any file has weight, it depends on its fullness (in our case, on the amount of text) on the format, etc., this is not so important now. So, you downloaded it, and you see that it exists, that is, you can move it anywhere, delete it, put it on a USB flash drive. That is, this file is “existing”, you can “feel” it.

Now it seems a bit confusing, but after the next paragraph, everything will fall into place, trust me.

Now, let's imagine that you open Notepad and start typing text there. About how good the weather is or how you walked around the city today and what after, you came tired. Now you have already printed a whole poem about your adventures ... Stop! And where is the very text that you typed for half an hour? Look at drive C or D, look in the folders. Let me stop your search, because you won't find it anywhere - it doesn't exist! It's not there yet because you haven't saved it. You didn't click File -> Save As, choose a name, and click Save. Until you save it, it doesn't exist! “How does it not exist?”, you ask, “I can read it, edit it, add it ...”. Yes, like this, it is not in fact, not on one disk, not in one folder. “Then where is he?”, you ask. The answer is simple- just in the same RAM. It exists for situations like this. To store those files that, as it were, do not yet exist, which, at the moment, are only being created. But if you suddenly restart your computer without making a save, then everything that you printed will be lost, because the memory will be reset. Such is its nature of action.

I hope I clarified the situation with the RAM, because it would be much more difficult to explain with other examples and processes. But trust me, this is exactly how it works. So, what is RAM for we figured it out, let's move on.


The amount of RAM (as it is often called) affects the number of simultaneously running programs and their normal operation.

I'll explain now. You have installed some program, and it has been saved on your computer, let's say Microsoft Office Word. Until you start it, it is at rest and does not take up a drop of RAM. But as soon as you run it to print the text, it immediately begins to take up a certain amount of RAM. Why? Yes, because some temporary processes also take place in it, I will not go into details so as not to confuse you, just take my word for it. These temporary processes occupy a part of our "temporary" memory, and so in every program.

If a large number of "heavy" programs are running, then the computer begins to "freeze" and "fail". His work is noticeably slower. So don't overuse it. And also remember that some .

Now a little about how much memory is normal. It's different for all systems, and here it's not the OS version, i.e. not in Windows XP or 7. It's a matter of bit depth. If you have a 32-bit system, then more than 3 GB of RAM is not recommended. Of course, you can put it, but only 3 GB will be perceived by the computer, the rest will be ignored. If you have a 64-bit system, then you can put up to 9, as far as I know. How to find out how many bits your system is, it’s very simple - Start -> Right-click on “Computer” -> Properties and you won’t confuse everything there (bit depth is highlighted in red).

I admit honestly, I have 4 GB and enough for my eyes.

How to find out the computer's RAM, or rather its volume?

The easiest way find out the amount of RAM on your computer, this is through the Computer or My Computer program if you have Windows XP. Information about the volume is located in the same place where you found out the bit depth of your system, this is written a little higher (the amount of RAM is highlighted in blue).

order how to check computer RAM, we figured it out quickly, so we will immediately move on to the next question.

Now let's deal with the increase in RAM.

Recently, many people are starting to solve problems with the performance of their PC by increasing resources, and sooner or later they run into the question - how to increase the computer's RAM? Because someone once advised them that, they say, the computer slows down solely because of this. Perhaps in part these "wise advisers" are right, but maybe not. Therefore, let's figure out in which case it is worth increasing our memory, and in which it is not.

Before increasing anything, do something:

  • If memory consumption has increased very sharply, without any special reasons (for example, installing a heavy program), then I advise you to check your computer for viruses, either with your antivirus program, or
  • I also advise you to generally carry out a major cleaning of the computer, more about it in
  • Well, take a look at autoloading programs. You may have enabled those programs that you do not use at all, you can disable them. I wrote about how to do this and.

If you have cleaned and checked everything, and the speed of the PC has not increased, then you can safely increase the amount of RAM. I'll tell you how to do it yourself.

First, as I wrote above, we look at the bit depth to find out to what size we can increase the amount of memory. Next, turn off the computer and DISCONNECT THE POWER FROM THE ELECTRIC NETWORK. After that, we hide one of the covers and take out one of the RAM modules, it looks something like this

You don't have to be a genius to take the module out, just look at how it attaches, unplug the fasteners, and pull it out of the slot. Fasteners look like this:

They are like clothespins, you squeeze them from one side of the module and from the other, and then just drag the module towards you.

Now look how many module slots you have in total, I have four. Since I had two gigabytes of RAM, and I decided to increase it to four, I decided to buy two more gigabyte modules.

Next, I applied a very insidious trick. I went to a computer store, went up to a consultant and said give me two like this one. After the purchase, I came home and inserted all four modules into the slots. Everything.

Now you know, how to add RAM to your computer if you don't have enough.

How to clear computer RAM?

Several ways to clean up the RAM:

  • Restarting the computer. Completely clears "temporary" memory. This type of cleaning can be used only when the computer starts to freeze and slow down due to the huge number of running programs.
  • Go to the Task Manager and disable those programs that you currently do not need. I talked about how to do this in.
  • Disable unnecessary programs that start with Windows when you turn it on. I talked about how to do this and.

These three points are enough to understand how to clear working memory.

Also, memory is divided not only in size but also in frequency. There are three types of RAM:

  • DDR2,
  • DDR3.

Their frequencies are:

  • DDR - from 200 to 400 MHz,
  • DDR2 - from 533 to 1200 MHz,
  • DDR3 - from 800 to 2400 MHz.

Accordingly, these types of RAM differ in speed, DDR3 is the coolest. The only thing you need to know is what kind of RAM is suitable for your motherboard, most often it is written on the box in which it was sold.

That's all the secrets of RAM! I hope I helped you at least a little, but to understand this matter.

When purchasing a brand new computer, you always pay attention to its characteristics, because these are its face and main advantages. Among many parameters, there will definitely be an abbreviation of three letters - RAM. What is it and what is it for? What is the optimal amount needed for normal PC operation? Read about all this below.

Definition and functions

RAM is a random access memory device designed to store data when the computer is turned on. That is, all running processes and tasks on a PC are stored in real time in this very place, from where they are subsequently processed by the processor. You can also find the second name of such a device - RAM, which stands for English or "memory with an arbitrary terminal." RAM performs a number of important tasks, without which the functioning of the entire system is simply impossible:

Features of functioning

RAM is only capable when the PC is on. For this purpose, it is necessary to save all the data with which the work was carried out on the hard disk. RAM - what is it? In other words, the device with which the activities of all processes and programs are carried out. A lot of dynamic information flows through the working memory. Random Access Memory (RAM) - what is it and what does it mean? This technology allows you to read and write data in any memory cells at any time.

How is everything arranged?

How does RAM work? What it is, you already know. How exactly does it function? Absolutely any RAM contains cells, and each of them has its own personal address. Despite this, they all contain an equal number of bits, the number of which is 8 (8 bits = 1 byte). This is the smallest unit of measure for any information. All addresses have the form (0 and 1), in fact, just like data. Cells located next to each other inherit consecutive addresses. Many commands are carried out using "words", areas of memory consisting of 4 or 8 bytes.

Species diversity

The general classification divides this device into 2 SRAM (static) and DRAM (dynamic). The first is used as the CPU cache, the second is assigned the role of PC RAM. Any SRAM contains flip-flops that can be in two states: "on" and "off". They include a complex process of building a technological chain, which is why they take up a lot of space. The price of this device will be much higher than DRAM, which has no triggers, but has 1 transistor and 1 capacitor, which makes the RAM more compact (for example, DDR2 RAM). Its optimal amount at the moment is about 4 GB, but if the computer platform is intended for games, then it is recommended to increase this number by 2 times. Today we figured out the RAM - what it is and how it works. The reader now introduces the basic principle of operation of this device.

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