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What is a cloud in a computer network. Pros and cons of using

Hi all!

Perhaps most of us have at least once faced such a problem as a lack of free space on a PC hard drive or an urgent need to access the necessary files, documents and photos.

Of course, a standard flash drive can save in such a situation. But how often have you forgotten your flash drive at work, at home, with friends, or even lost it? Yes, and flash drives do not rarely break.

It is much more convenient and safer to store your information in the so-called cloud storage. About what it is, I will tell you today.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud file storage is a special remote server.

Many Internet resources allow users to store personal information on their server.

This service is provided both for a fee and for free. Of course, services with paid services provide the most opportunities, however, free ones can be very comfortable.

Cloud storage is a place where you can store your data, which you will have access to anywhere and anytime. Naturally, subject to the availability of the Internet in this place.

The "cloud" can be used after installing special programs or directly from. Applications for accessing files on the server in our time can be installed not only on a computer, but also on a tablet or smartphone.

Advantages and disadvantages

Everything is clear with what cloud storage means, but what are its advantages? The main advantages of this data storage method are:

  • Ease of access to any files and documents;
  • In the event of a complete collapse of the operating system, the content uploaded to the "cloud" will remain safe and sound;
  • All data can be stored forever;
  • Most Internet services provide these services for free.

Of course, in addition to the advantages, such a storage system also has certain disadvantages.

Some services are unable to provide encryption of information during transmission. This affects the security of the transmission of your data.

The speed of transactions depends on your Internet service provider or mobile operator that provides Internet communication services.

But despite all this, one cannot but agree that the advantages of cloud storage are much greater than the disadvantages.

Google drive

Cloud storage Google Drive gives the user as much as 15 gigabytes of space. If you need more, you can additionally buy up to 30 TB.

Those who have repeatedly used services from Google, for example, google doc, will be comfortable here. In addition, the Google Drive application is available not only for windows, but also for Mac OS, Android, iOS.

Read more about this repository.


Mega is a young, but very promising cloud file sharing service created by Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom.

The advantage of this service over similar ones is complete confidentiality and data protection. Important features of the service:

  • encryption in the browser of all data using the AES algorithm;
  • the ability to exchange encrypted files between users;
  • keys to files are not published, but are transferred only in Friend-to-Friend mode.

For data storage, Mega provides you with up to 50 GB for free. Also, if necessary, you can additionally purchase:

  • 500 GB for $10 per month
  • 2TB for $19/month
  • 4 TB ($30 per month).

In terms of disk space, Mega is the most profitable among cloud services.

But due to certain shortcomings, this service is still losing, for example, in terms of synchronization with other devices.


A promising "cloud" from Russian developers from the Mail.Ru Group. Here you can store any information, share it with other users and synchronize it on all devices.

The cloud can be used both through the web interface and through mobile applications for iOS and Android. In applications for mobile devices, the function of auto-uploading photos from an iPad or iPhone is available. By activating this function, you will automatically transfer photos created using the device to the Cloud.

You are immediately given up to 25 GB of free disk space.


A wonderful free service from the good old Yandex, which allows you to save your files and share them with other users on the World Wide Web.

From the very beginning, Yandex.Disk gives the user 10 GB, which is much less than in other services. Additionally you can buy:

  • 10 GB for 30 rubles. per month,
  • 100 GB for 150 rubles per month,
  • 1 TB for 900 rubles per month.

Also, as a bonus, you can additionally give:

  • 50 GB for promotions with partners
  • 512 megabytes for each referred friend (in this way, you can increase the amount to a maximum of 10 gigabytes).

It is important that Yandex.Disk can be integrated into Microsoft Office 2013, that is, you can immediately save documents to the "cloud" of this service.

There is also a business version of Yandex.Disk, which differs from the standard one by the presence of an API and certain functions to improve security.

Read more about Yandex disk.


This cloud file storage allows users to store their own data and transfer it to each other with a password. That is, in order for your friends to be able to view the files that you have prepared for them, you will need to tell them the password for the document.

The main account gives 2 Giga for free. Additionally, you can purchase 1 Terabyte for 10 euros per month. By signing up for a Business account (12 euros per month) you can get as much space as you need.

Dropbox works great on both PC and mobile devices. Unlike other similar products, this application does not copy the edited files to the server, but transfers only the modified, pre-compressed part. This makes Dropbox much faster than its competitors.

Read more about dropbox.

I told you about the most popular services. There are also little-known ones, you can search for information about them from the Web.

Finally, I want to tell you about one great course that helped me increase my knowledge in the field of computer technology. This is a course called Secrets of productive work at the computer».

Thanks to him, in a short period of time you will learn how to back up the data contained on your PC, restart the operating system on your own, use the benefits of the Web to the maximum, etc.

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I hope the article was useful to you! Share the link to it with your friends on social media. networks. Subscribe to the blog newsletter to receive notifications of new editions. See you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Cloud data storage, what is it and why are they needed? The answer is simple - this is a replacement for the usual flash drives or disks, because why carry a data carrier with you and waste time if you can store and transfer files using the cloud! And for business, this is a convenient tool for remote work with documents. Well, or if you simply don’t have enough memory on the device and it doesn’t even help anymore, in this case, the cloud drive will be the solution. Transferring files through the cloud is absolutely safe: you yourself specify who will have access to the data!

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is a place allocated to you on numerous servers of the service provider, the file storage system is decentralized - two of your files can be on completely different servers! We upload the file using the application to the server and it gets into the "cloud", depending on your wishes and needs, the files can be both in public and only in private access: to selected people. Files from the cloud can only be accessed via the Internet, which makes the files available to you anywhere and from any device.

The Pros and Benefits of Cloud Storage

  • Files are available EVERYWHERE there is internet: you can access them from your phone or PC
  • Save space or expand memory: photos and videos can be stored in the cloud to save space
  • High file transfer speed due to a wide geographical network of servers and CDN
  • Storage reliability: even if one server fails, there are copies of data on other servers
  • Great opportunity for business and remote workers: one file is editable by everyone with access!

The only downside is that you need internet.:)

How to start using Cloud Storage and which one to choose

  1. In order to start using cloud storage, you need to download the client program and install it. If you do not know what to choose, read our "".
  2. To upload a file or photo to the cloud, follow the prompts built into the application, otherwise look for the "+" icon or the inscription "Upload / Upload"
  3. Now you just have to set up access from outside to your files: it will be only you, or the owners of the direct link that you create will have access

To transfer your file or folder from the cloud to another user, you need to send him a link: to find it, click on the desired file or folder, find the link and send it to whom you need to provide access to the file in your cloud.

Quite often you can hear about cloud storage or data clouds, but what is it?

In fact, everything is simple.

There are services on the Internet that allow us to store our files. In fact, we upload our files to a remote computer where they are stored and which we can access through the website of the service that gave us this opportunity. Currently, the most popular model or technology of file storage, which is called cloud storage. This technology allows you to store user data not on one computer, but on many servers, which, moreover, can be remote from each other over very long distances.

We, as customers of such a cloud service, do not see the structure of this network. Through the cloud storage website, we have access to one large virtual server, while physically this virtual server can consist of hundreds of computers located on different continents.

On the Russian Internet, the most famous cloud storages are Yandex.Disk, Google Drive, [email protected] , Dropbox , for Windows users - OneDrive , and for Apple device users - iCloud .

Almost all cloud storages have both free and paid accounts. Different services have different volumes available in the free version, and you can also buy additional space on the server, if necessary.

But what are the advantages of cloud storage, because you can store information wonderfully on your computer or removable hard drive.

Secondly, you can access downloaded files from any computer and from anywhere in the World. The main thing is to have an internet connection. If you are working on a document together with colleagues, then placing the document in the cloud storage will allow all of you to have access to it. Many cloud storages have special programs that can be installed on all your devices and then you will have quick access to the data uploaded to the cloud from a computer, tablet, and phone.

And thirdly, cloud services use data backup algorithms, which dramatically reduces the likelihood of losing data as a result of a failure or failure of the computer's hard drive.

But there are also certain disadvantages. So the question of safety remains open.

Firstly, the service itself and its employees have access to the files you uploaded.

Secondly, if your servers are hacked by hackers, your files may get into the public domain. There have already been precedents when, as a result of hacking, attackers gained access to the data of users of the Dropbox service.

In general, everyone draws conclusions and makes a decision independently.

Personally, I use the cloud iCloud and sometimes dropbox. In addition, I use the available volume as a free file hosting service Yandex and Google Drive, well, for work purposes, I use a paid account on file hosting as a reliable and fast data storage Amazon S3.

In the modern world, information is something that is vital for every person on a daily basis. This may be some personal data, documents, applications, and other things that may be required at any time. But since it is impossible to carry your own computer everywhere, you have to adapt something to transfer this information - CD / DVD media, flash drives and other drives. But this is not very convenient, because there is always a risk of losing your drive forever. And it is also not always possible to connect it to a tablet PC or smartphone. What to do in such a case?

To facilitate the fate of users, special storages for information have been developed that are accessible via the Internet for any device and from anywhere in the world. In order to upload or download information, you only need a stable connection in any way and a device that is capable of downloading this information. Such a repository is called the "Cloud", and there are now a myriad of them. But what is this Cloud from within?

The "cloud", speaking from a technical point of view, is an online storage consisting of a large number of servers connected in a huge network. Access to this storage is carried out through special sites or applications. Registration is required to get your place in this "warehouse" of information.

As a rule, after registration, some amount of space is available, which he can fill with files of any type. There are no restrictions on the number of files, only on their total size. If the user does not have enough free space allocated to him, he can pay for the additional one and use it at his own discretion. In some storages, you will have to pay extra for the ability to upload files over a certain size.

There is also a special technology that is designed to maximize the user's work with the storage. If you install a special application on the device, then the Cloud on the computer will be displayed as a new local disk. The only difference is that you will need the Internet to access it. But in general, it will resemble working with the data that is stored on a PC. Especially if the Internet speed is high enough so that there are no problems when loading and opening. For other devices without a gateway, the data will also be available through the Cloud Storage itself.

What are the advantages of Cloud?

This method compares favorably with storing information on a specially rented server, which used to be very often practiced by many firms and companies. In this case, there is no need to understand how the server works, maintain it and maintain it. No need to fill your head with unnecessary information. It is enough just to register, if necessary, pay for additional space and simply entrust the information to the cloud storage servers. Nothing more is required from the user. There are also a number of other advantages:

  • You can upload and download information using absolutely any device (some variations are possible depending on the cloud storage itself), if you have Internet access.
  • It follows from the first point that the breakdown or loss of a physical storage medium (computer, disk or flash drive) will not affect its safety in any way. If something was uploaded to the Cloud, it will remain there.
  • There is no need to maintain a whole server, monitor it and pay for its operation. Since all the possibilities will most often not be used, there is no need to overpay.
  • For large companies with branches all over the country, the Cloud is a good way to store the necessary information and make it available to every employee.
  • There is neither the possibility nor the need to support the operation of the Cloud - this is done by professionals with whom the user is unlikely to ever cross paths.

What are the downsides?

Nothing can be entirely positive. So in the case of the Cloud, not so significant, but still important disadvantages crept into its many advantages:

  • Safety. The cloud is convenient to use. But at the same time, its security suffers from this convenience. The Cloud Server cannot provide complete protection for the user's personal data and information. However, experts say that it is just as easy to hack a regular computer connected to the network.
  • The most obvious downside. It is forgotten almost immediately, but it is he who is the cornerstone of the Cloud's system of work. The storage does not work in the absence of the Internet. Trite and simple: if you do not have the Internet, then there will be no access to information stored in the Cloud. The most significant disadvantage, especially considering the habit of working with a cloud gateway. So do not rush to throw out flash drives, they still work without access to the Internet.
  • Capabilities. To interact with the Cloud, it is not enough just to have access to the Internet. To ensure normal work with the storage, the communication channel is important: how accessible and fast it is. And again returning to the Internet - its stable operation and quality are important. The worse it is, the more difficult it is to work with the cloud. Do not forget about the performance of the PC, which no less affects the storage capabilities.
  • Performance. The provided opportunity to work with data on the clouds is inferior to the alternative of working directly with information on a computer.
  • Chip with data loss. The cloud provides part of its volume for free. But not everyone has enough of this volume. And they make out paid storage. This is one of the main disadvantages. If the Cloud is not paid on time, there is a high probability of losing all data without the possibility of returning it. Of course. if the user does not have a copy of the data separate from the Cloud.
  • Not free features. Considering the point above, some also make the paid storage option a minus. But the amount of payment for the use is insignificant. Details depend on the chosen storage.

Popular repositories

You should consider the most popular repositories in order to choose the most convenient for your own use.

One of the most popular Clouds from Google. Initially, in its place was Google Docs. The platform has since been expanded. Initially, the server was supposed to work with documents. It was transformed into a Cloud and added volume. The storage can contain 30 different types of information: music, movies, documents, etc. The company provides 15 GB for free use.

Cloud storage from Yandex. As with Google, the server was originally built on something else. Before users used Yandex.People. Anyone can register in the system. Yandex.Disk will provide its user with 10 GB free of charge to use. The server has recently added features to automatically add photos and videos from cameras and digital media.

Originally called Microsoft SkyDrive, renamed in 2014. A file sharing function has been added to the cloud storage function. Provided with new Windows operating systems.

The main advantage of this Cloud is its integration with Office365, which allows you to immediately work with it from applications such as Excel, Power Point, etc. Free space is 5 GB. It used to be 15 GB, in some versions of operating systems you can find as much as 30 GB.

In the modern world, a person constantly needs to keep a large amount of information at hand: photos, videos, documents, contacts. All this and more can be required at any time. But carrying a computer or a bunch of storage media with you everywhere and everywhere is becoming more and more burdensome. Therefore, computer corporations have developed virtual data storages, the so-called clouds. That's what we'll talk about today. What is a cloud on the Internet and how to use it, we will tell in our article!

What is an internet cloud?

First of all, you need to define the terminology. So, what is a cloud on the Internet? A cloud on the Internet is a virtual storage of information located on a remote server of a company. In simple terms, cloud storage is an online version of any storage device known to you (flash drive / disk). It also has a certain volume that you can use when working.

To use the saved data, you will need to access the virtual space through a special website or application. And from whatever device you log in and make changes, all data will be synchronized.

Choosing free cloud storage

If earlier users did not have much choice of cloud storage, now almost everyone can choose it for themselves. At the same time, you can use both a free cloud and some paid analogue. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing: the amount of space provided and the availability of a convenient service (the ability to use a mobile application or a design that is banal for you personally).

Most popular options:

  • Yandex.Disk.
  • Google Disk (Drive)
  • dropbox
  • OneDrive
  • skydrive
  • iCloud and many more.

It is clear that each of these services has its pros and cons. And they are all slightly, but different from each other. But what unites them all?

First of all, the need for registration. For some of them, authorization is possible only in a browser, while others allow you to register in the system and through a mobile application. But you still have to register. However, it is worth noting that, as a rule, it does not take more than a couple of minutes.

By the way, in this regard, it is worth noting the convenience of mobile devices - the vast majority of them already have cloud storages built into the system and they are the first time they are turned on.

Have you noticed that when you start Android, you are prompted to create a Google account? Have you noticed that an iCloud account is immediately created on the iPhone? All this is nothing but a cloud for data storage.

Another point that all virtual storages have in common is the need to configure settings. You can give access to friends and family and let them use, edit and delete existing files or add new ones. For ease of use, many portals allow each user to set their own password for a shared storage (for example, Google Drive).

Perhaps it is worth dwelling on one more point. Between all devices and users admitted to the cloud, a permanent connection is established. What does this mean for the user? At the moment when any changes are made to the files stored in the cloud storage, they are immediately fixed and all data is synchronized in real time.

We have reviewed the main common points for all virtual storages on the Internet. Now let's take a closer look at some popular services. And let's start with one of the most popular - Yandex.Disk.

What is Yandex.disk?

In the spring of 2012, the well-known Yandex search engine launched a cloud storage service, now known as Yandex.Disk. The main features are available free of charge. This largely determined the popularity among users. What does the Yandex cloud offer?

10 GB of virtual space is provided free of charge. If you need more space, you have several ways to increase the volume: you can buy a Yandex-PRO subscription or participate in portal promotions. For example, old users of the system still remember how Yandex provided an additional 10 GB for inviting friends or buying a music subscription.

  • Files are stored indefinitely and all changes on the disk are synchronized between devices. By the way, you can edit photos directly in the service using the built-in editor.
  • The ability to open access to the cloud to your friends, family and colleagues.
  • You can upload photos to the cloud for others to download, and then view the files saved in the virtual space.
  • All downloaded files are checked for viruses. After verification, you can request a link to share data with your friends.
  • You can send a large file via the cloud and not worry about its size.
  • Documents are transferred through a secure channel, so users do not have to worry about the safety of information.

And this is only a small part of what the user will receive if he decides to use the Yandex cloud.

Yandex cloud: how to use the service?

In order to start using the Yandex cloud, first of all, you will have to register. The easiest way to do this is for someone who already has an account in Yandex (mail, Zen, or some other project). If you are not yet their client, then read our instructions:

  • On the main page of Yandex, click "Start mail";

  • Fill out a short form, create a username and password;
  • Click on the "Register" button.

By the way, it is not necessary to use Yandex mail. You only need to log in to your personal account on a remote server.

You can go to it directly from the main page or use this button:

You can also download the corresponding application to your computer and phone - just click on the button:

To get to the data store, click on your address in the upper right and select "My disk" from the menu. You will see a workspace divided into three parts.

    • Above is the general Yandex menu. There is also a link to install an application for working with a disk not through a browser.
    • On the left is the storage menu.

- Latest. All recently uploaded files.
- Files. Everything on disk.
- A photo . Photo album section.
- General access . All files and folders of other users that are available to you.
- Story . The history of absolutely all disk operations is shown.
- Archive . Contains mail attachments from letters from the mailbox.
- Basket . All deleted files get into it. Stored for 30 days.

In the center is a storage area for files and folders.

Folders are automatically created (you can see them on the left):

  • Downloads. Files sent by mail or shared with you.
  • Screenshots. All screenshots taken from Yandex.Disk.
  • Camera. Photos from the synchronized device are automatically uploaded here.
  • I. Pictures. When searching for pictures on the Internet, you can save them to this folder.
  • Photos from social networks. You can select a network and download all your photos from it.

There are four main operations in the clouds:

  • Create folders. In Yandex, click the "Create" button and select "Folder". You can create office documents directly in the cloud, this is also a popular feature. You can use the context menu by clicking the right mouse button (RMB) directly in the workspace.

Click the "Upload" button and select the desired file in the explorer window that opens. The command is available from the context menu.

  • Download files. When a file is selected, a toolbar appears at the top with a button "Download".

Additionally, you can delete, move, rename or edit files and folders. All these commands are in the context menu (RMB on the file) and in the pop-up panel on top. cloud: how to use it?

Another search engine, Mail, offers only 8 GB for free. Although a couple of years ago this figure reached 25 GB. But the issue of lack of volume is easily solved, because you can always purchase it for a fee.

In order to use the provided volume, you will have to register your mailbox. In general, the registration process differs little from the described instructions for Yandex. Therefore, we will not dwell on this fact in detail, but will go straight to the question of how to use the cloud.

You can go to the virtual space provided to you both through your personal mail, and through the main page of (by navigation in the upper field) or directly via the link:

The functions are basically the same as on Yandex:

In general, all search engines offer plus or minus the same functionality. Unless Rambler is one of the few services that has not yet developed its own cloud drive.

Google.Disk - cloud for Android phone and PC

Most often, a cloud on the Internet for storing data on Android is tied to Google. But in principle, you can use any other storage. Therefore, we will describe the answer to the question: what is a cloud in an Android phone and how to use it, using the example of Google Drive.

Google.Disk is one of the most profitable offers at the moment. In the free version you will get 15 GB of virtual space. This volume is divided between mail, the drive itself and Google Photos. If this space is not enough for you, then you can purchase additional space (up to 30 TB). Google's virtual storage is also tied to your mailbox, so first of all, you need to create your mail.

Main sections:

  • Upload files and folders and delete them.
  • Provide access to view or edit files;
  • Put additional notes;
  • Download to computer.
  • And much more.

By the way, Google has developed not only a browser version, but also a mobile application. So staying in touch with him is not difficult. To use cloud storage on your Android phone, follow our instructions:

  • Go to PlayMarket.
  • Type in the search bar "Google drive".

  • Click "Install".

After that, the client icon will appear on the desktop. Open up. To manage files and folders, you need to use the menu - three dots on the top right on the item's label. There you will find the usual commands.

The same menu for the entire disk (top right of the screen) will allow you to select all objects, sort them and view the properties.

It makes no sense to talk in detail about how to use virtual storage on an Android phone, since there are no special differences compared to a web tool. Moreover, for convenience, most virtual space owners offer the same clients for computers.

iCloud - virtual storage for iOS

Let's talk about iCloud as an example of a mobile version of the cloud. The main feature of this service is that it is built into the system from the very beginning (starting from the fifth version of iOS). Another interesting fact is that you do not have to register additionally. To access files in iCloud, the username and password from AppleID are used.

In order to start working with iPhone cloud storage, first of all, check the boxes for all programs that require synchronization. You can do this in your device settings.

Important! Before you add any program for synchronization, think carefully. After all, only 5 GB is free. And in the cloud, in addition to photos, copies are also stored, the documents themselves, contacts and messages.

After you set up the service for yourself, all devices associated with your AppleID, as well as everyone who knows this data, will be able to access your data in iCloud.

Pros and cons of using

We hope that now it has become more or less clear to you what a cloud on the Internet is and how to use it. And we only have to answer one question: is such a service worth the time spent on registering in the system and trying to “fill in” information? Let's try to answer this question together!

Some of the clear benefits of using the cloud include:

  • there is no need to have a laptop / computer with a bunch of storage devices of any type and size at hand. Access to all the files you need will depend solely on the availability of the Internet.
  • For most services, the ability to work both on a PC and from mobile devices is included, incl. and with the help of special applications.
  • The service software is updated without your intervention. You no longer need to keep track of updates and install them to improve performance. And by the way, cloud storage is compatible with any OS.
  • You control the amount of space available to you. Whether or not the provided free media space is enough for you is up to you.
  • You can grant access to your friends, colleagues or family. And just as easy, you can limit it.
  • Services that provide you with a virtual space for your data guarantee your data safety.
  • For companies, the use of the cloud is a significant savings in the purchase and maintenance of equipment.

The main disadvantages of cloud (virtual) storage:

  1. If you want to use the cloud, you need Internet access with a good and constant speed.
  2. If you can somehow influence the operation of your PC, install additional software or increase the speed of work, then you cannot influence a third-party service. If there are no functions there, then you will not add them there. If a server failure occurs, then you will not solve it yourself either.
  3. All additional options built into the cloud have truncated functionality. The same Excel on a PC has much more possibilities than Google Docs.
  4. The corporations that give you the space promise data safety and security. But in fact, we all heard about data leakage. So everything is conditional.
    Lost data will be lost forever without the possibility of recovery.

But if you asked us whether it is worth using the cloud for data storage, we would unequivocally answer yes! My personal experience with cloud storage is not very impressive: about 5 years. But during this time you manage to appreciate all the advantages of the service and stop caring about some little things. No matter how many devices you have, no matter what OS is installed on them, thanks to the cloud you will always have constant access to your information on the Internet. So try and find your ideal option!

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