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What is windows update setting. Download and install the Service pack from the Microsoft Download Center

Today, despite the abundance of various criticisms, Windows remains an advanced operating system, occupying a leading position throughout the world. This year, the company has provided the public with a new operating system - Windows 10, allowing users of older systems to upgrade to it (the promotion is open until August 2016).

In general, the "ten" received positive ratings, unlike its predecessor, however individual elements caused some misunderstanding. One such element is the update center, which is best described as "forced".

Furthermore, initial settings assume the installation of updates during the reboot, which the user is not even notified about. Naturally, no choice is given to the user.

Update system

In Windows 10, it is made so that the restart of the computer system in order to install updates occurs only if it is idle. An obvious measure that was supposed to prevent the system from interfering with the user's work.

It should be noted that the vast majority Windows situations 10 is pretty good at detecting that the computer is not in use. However, many people who need a PC to work in background, such a system is not suitable, since unexpected reboots create some discomfort.

In all past Microsoft operating systems, the update center was a permanent element that was responsible for downloading and checking for the latest fix packs and device drivers from the Internet, as well as their further integration.

Previously, all of these processes were completely customizable. Even in Windows 8, the user could manually manage through the control panel system updates. You could optionally disable and enable them, and choose to download only the most serious fixes.

In the last 10 operating Microsoft system completely removed the possibility of refusing updates. IN this case, naturally, we are talking about setting up using the built-in interfaces - the control panel and the program " Parameters».

Microsoft is now the sole decision maker to update your system. The only thing that is at the mercy of the user is the ability to postpone the process of installing fixes for a certain period. But even this function is available only to the owners Windows versions 10 pro. Owners of other assemblies of the operating system do not have such an opportunity.


The operating system update center in 10 has finally moved to standard application « Parameters", which you can go to by clicking on the link from the menu " Start».

Among other settings subsections, it is located on the main screen of the program under the name " Update and Security».

Here you will find a modest amount custom items:

  1. Enable/disable PC restart when installing fix packs. If you want to avoid sudden shutdown computer, you should change given parameter, as a result of which you will receive notifications before restarting the system.
  2. Enable/disable updates of other Microsoft programs installed on the PC. If you do not want to receive Maintenance different company products, you should disable this option.
  3. Postponing updates. With this option, it is possible to postpone the system update. However, system security fixes will continue to come.

Besides, basic functionality The OS allows you to disable the download and installation of drivers. For this you need:

  1. Open the "Run" dialog box using the combination on Win keyboard+ R
  2. Enter the following text in the window:
    Rundll32 newdev.dll,DeviceInternetSettingUi
    then click on the Enter button.
  3. In the window that appears, first select the item " No, provide a choice", then - " Never install drivers from the Center windows updates ».
  4. Save changes.

After completing this sequence of actions, you will prohibit the system from searching for drivers on the Internet, and instruct them to install them exclusively from the memory of a personal computer.

Show or hide updates tool for Windows 10

Another way to stop automatic system updates is to use the Show or hide updates tool.

To do this, you should download the program from the Web and run it, which will lead to the start of a system scan, after which you should click on the Hide updates button.

The screen that appears will prompt you to select the fixes you want to hide. You should proceed in a similar way if you want to return some of the updates.

WiFi Limiting

Another method of restricting updates. To do this, you need to set up an Internet connection through a “limited” Wi-Fi channel.

To do this, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open menu " Parameters"and go to the subsection" Network and Internet».
  2. Then in the subsection wireless connection go to " Extra options ' and enable the option ' Set as metered connection».

Using the Windows 10 Registry

Using the registry, you can completely disable the download of update packages.

To do this, you should perform the following operations:

Thus, there are many options for customizing and limiting the Windows 10 update system, which more than compensates for the modesty of the built-in functionality, which has only a few adjustable options.

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Any software needs an update, whether it's a small application or operating system Windows 7. However, sometimes this process causes aversion among users, as the computer starts to do its own thing, slowing down the performance of other tasks. In order not to face similar troubles, you need to know how to set up Windows 7 updates.

Installing updates

Speaking about how to set up Windows 7, we have already briefly considered the features of upgrading the system. Now let's dwell on this issue in more detail and see all aspects of this function.

The built-in program for working with updates is logically called "Windows Update". You can find it in two ways:

  • Open the start menu and search line prescribe "Windows Update".
  • Open the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", expand the "System and Security" section, click the link "Update Center".

If everything is in order on your system, you will see a window like this:

Here you are primarily interested in two items in the menu on the left - "Search for updates", which allows you to manual mode find and add improvements, as well as "Customize Options". Let's start with the parameters, since they are of paramount importance in this case.


After clicking on the "Settings" link, a new window will open, where you will be asked to choose how you want to install Windows modifications. In total, you will have four options, which we will now consider in detail.

Basically, this a good option if you want to keep Windows up to date. However, there is one serious drawback - installing updates, especially important ones, can involve significant computer resources. As a result, the system may start to slow down at the most inopportune moment for this, downloading and adding improvements.

The decision to install is up to the user.

The system finds and downloads updates, but it's up to you to decide when to install them.

This method is slightly better than the previous one, but the problem with the workload random access memory does not disappear at the wrong moment. Searching for and downloading updates requires serious attention from the system, so other processes may slow down at this moment.

The decision to download and install is up to the user

This method seems to be the most convenient in terms of optimizing computer performance.

The system independently searches for updates and, if they are found, notifies the user, who himself decides when to download and install the improvements found.

By using the third option, you will minimize performance losses and will determine when the computer can devote its resources to upgrading.

Do not check availability

The last option, which deactivates the system for searching and downloading improvements.

As for other parameters in the installation method selection window, it is recommended to check them all. You can leave unchecked only the last item that suggests showing detailed notices about new software.

Manual search and installation

You don't have to wait for the system to notify you when updates are available. You can view the availability of improvements for Windows 7 in manual mode - to do this, you need to click on the "Search for updates" link in the "Center" window.

After the search is completed, you will see a report of the found Windows modifications. Updates can be important and optional, but recommended - using the checkboxes, you have the right to choose which ones to install.

After selecting the desired improvements, click the "Install Updates" button. The installation process will start, which you can interrupt at any time by clicking the "Stop installation" button.

After the completion of the process of adding improvements, a corresponding notification will appear in the window. If the modernization is of a serious nature and affects important system components, then you may need to restart the computer, which is better done immediately, and not postponed until the next start.

The most important updates can be installed right during the reboot. You will see blue screen, which will display the progress of the installation. Do not interrupt this process in any case, otherwise the system may start to work with errors.


The improvement of the operating system continues until the developers refuse to support it, as was the case with Windows XP. Windows Spot Upgrades continually improve performance, security, performance, and more.

However, sometimes improvements come to the detriment - the system starts to slow down and work incorrectly. In this case, it can be useful to remove old Windows 7 updates. This, by the way, allows you to free up space on your hard drive if it is not enough to record the necessary information.

In my previous article, I talked about what updates are for operating systems, how to configure updates for Windows example 10 (because this system is very recent and not everyone is familiar with it yet) and how to fix the main problems with Windows updates. You can read about all this. In the first comment to the article, I was asked to talk about setting up updates for Windows release 7. And since people need it, I decided to write detailed instructions for setting up updates for this version of Windows as well, since the interface there is radically different from Windows 10 and not every beginner knows where to look for these update settings. By the way, for Windows 8, setting up updates is no different, I will also touch on this point in this article.

In Windows 7 and 8, there were a little more update settings than in new system Windows 10. Much was removed from the latter, considering it unnecessary for the user, but something was simply automated.

So, let's get to the main point.

Configuring System Updates in Windows 7

Most of the settings of all settings in Windows 7 and 8 are in the so-called control panel. In Windows 10, some of the settings were removed from there and moved to the Options menu, including update settings.

So, in Windows 7, open the Start menu, then the Control Panel:

In the opened list available settings select "Windows Update":

If for some reason you do not have automatic download and installation of updates for Windows activated, then by going to this section you will see a warning:

If the system is not updated regularly, then it becomes more vulnerable, because updates come with various system security patches, software fixes, new driver versions, and so on. In other words, in a previous article, I already talked about this in more detail.

On Windows 10, for example, automatic receipt updates can no longer be disabled. They can only be postponed a certain period. On the one hand, this is good. A beginner will not have to configure anything in these updates. The basics are all set. On the other hand, if a person works in some village or any other place where perhaps there is no unlimited internet, then, it will regularly get into traffic :) Ie. traffic will be spent on downloading updates and users may not even notice it. And some updates may have a size of 500Mg and 1GB and even more.

But in general, if you have not set any restrictions on Internet traffic, then the download of updates must be set to automatic mode. In Windows 7, for this, go to the "Settings" subsection:

You can set any time. Exactly at specified time the computer will check for new updates and download them if available. For example, I usually set the time later, when the computer can no longer be used (10-11 pm). And it is better to set the frequency of checking for updates - daily.

In this case, we set automatic download and installation of updates. But there are other options as well:

    Download updates, but I decide to install.

    In this case, updates will be automatically downloaded from the Internet, but will not be automatically installed. You can choose convenient time for installation. I do not consider this option useful and have never used it myself, because installing updates in automatic mode, as a rule, so never interferes.

    Look for updates, but the decision to download and install is made by me.

    In this case, updates will neither be automatically downloaded nor installed. It will only search for them. I recommend enabling this option if you are working through limited internet(with traffic restrictions). In other cases, this option is useless.

    Do not check for updates.

    By selecting this item, you will completely disable both checking for new updates and automatically downloading them with subsequent installation. This option can also be used if you work via the Internet with limited traffic and if you want the search for updates to not be performed on your own either.

To save the update settings, do not forget to click "OK" at the bottom of the current window:

These were the settings for finding and installing updates. In addition to the fact that the system itself will find and install updates (if you have set such settings, of course), you can search for them yourself. To do this, in the previous window, go to the "Search for updates" section:

By going to this section, the system will start searching for new available updates and then the installation will start. In principle, you do not need to enter this section at all if you have the “Install updates automatically” mode.

If you need to see which Windows updates have been installed, then go to the "View update history" section.

In the window that opens, the list will display all installed updates with installation date, importance and status (installed or not):

Here's what it's like to set up updates for Windows 7.

How to get into update settings in Windows 8!

In Windows 8, everything is the same, the only difference will be in the order in which you go to the control panel. Let's take a look at how to get to setting up updates in Windows 8.

In Windows 8, for many, the Start menu is made very inconvenient and many functions are tucked away too far, making it almost completely useless for me. For example, when I had Windows 8, I didn’t use this Start at all. The control panel is also more convenient to open not through the Start menu (because it takes a long time), but otherwise.

While on the desktop, move the mouse cursor to the lower right corner of the screen and hover there for a second:

will appear side panel on the right, where we click "Options":

At the top among the list of parameters, the “Control Panel” button we need will appear:

Everything further actions are no different from those described above about Windows 7. Ie. go to "System and Security", then "Windows Update" and you will be taken to the section with Windows 8 update settings.

With this article, I think I have now closed the topic of updates in the operating room Windows system, because I considered the update settings for all latest versions this operating system. Stay tuned for new articles :)

Have a nice day and see you soon in the next article! Bye;)

Some users prefer to decide for themselves which updates (updates) to install on their operating system, and which ones it is better to refuse, not trusting the automatic procedure. In this case, install manually. Let's find out how to configure the manual execution of this procedure in Windows 7 and how the direct installation process is performed.

In order to carry out updates manually, first of all, you should disable auto-update, and only then perform the installation procedure. Let's see how it's done.

  1. Click the button "Start" at the bottom left of the screen. From the drop-down menu, select "Control Panel".
  2. In the window that opens, click on the section "System and safety".
  3. In the next window, click on the name of the subsection "Enable or disable automatic updates» in the block "Windows Update"(CO).

    There is another option to go to the tool we need. Call the window "Run" by pressing Win+R. In the field of the launched window, type the command:

    Click OK.

  4. The Windows Central Office opens. Click "Settings".
  5. No matter how you got through (through Control Panel or through a tool "Run"), a window for changing parameters will open. First of all, we will be interested in the block « Important updates» . By default, it is set to "Install updates...". For our case, this option is not suitable.

    In order to carry out the procedure manually, select the item from the drop-down list. "Download updates...", "Looking for updates..." or . In the first case, they are downloaded to the computer, but the user makes the decision to install them himself. In the second case, a search for updates is performed, but the decision to download and install them is again made by the user, that is, the action does not occur automatically, as by default. In the third case, even the search will have to be activated manually. Moreover, if the search returns positive results, then to download and install, you will need to change the current parameter to one of the three described above, which allow you to perform these actions.

    Choose one of these three options, according to your goals, and click OK.

Installation procedure

The algorithms of actions after selecting a specific item in the window of the Central Organ of Windows will be discussed below.

Method 1: algorithm of actions during automatic loading

First of all, consider the procedure for choosing an item "Download updates". In this case, they will be downloaded automatically, but the installation will need to be done manually.

Method 2: algorithm of actions during automatic search

As we remember, if you set the parameter in the Windows Central Organ "Looking for updates...", then the search for updates will be performed automatically, but the download and installation will need to be done manually.

Method 3: Manual search

If the option was selected in the Windows Central Office when setting the parameters "Do not check for updates", then in this case the search will also have to be carried out manually.

By the way, even if you have one of the three modes set, according to which the search is performed periodically automatically, you can activate the search procedure manually. This way, you don't have to wait until it's time for a schedule search, but start it immediately. To do this, simply click on the inscription in the left part of the Windows Central Organ window "Search for Updates".

Further actions should be performed in accordance with which of the modes is selected: automatic, download or search.

Method 4: Install optional updates

In addition to the important ones, there are optional updates. Their absence does not affect the performance of the system, but by installing some, you can expand certain capabilities. Most often this group includes language packs. It is not recommended to install all of them, since the package in the language of which you are working is quite enough. Installation additional packages will not bring any benefit, but will only load the system. Therefore, even if you have auto-update enabled, optional updates will not be downloaded automatically, but only manually. At the same time, sometimes you can find among them useful novelties for the user. Let's see how to install them in Windows 7.

  1. Go to the window of the Central Organ of Windows in any of the ways that were described above (tool "Run" or Control Panel). If in this window you see a message about the availability optional updates, click on it.
  2. A window will open with a list of optional updates. Check the boxes next to the items you want to install. Click OK.
  3. After that, you will return to the main window of the Central Organ of Windows. Click "Install updates".
  4. Then the download procedure will begin.
  5. When it is finished, click on the button with the same name again.
  6. Next comes the installation procedure.
  7. After it is completed, you may need to restart your computer. In this case, save all data to running applications and close them. Next, click on the button "Reboot Now".
  8. After the reboot procedure, the operating system will be updated with the installed elements.

As you can see, there are two options in Windows 7 manual installation updates: from preliminary search and preloaded. In addition, you can only enable manual search, but in this case, to activate the download and installation, if the necessary updates are found, you will need to change the parameters. in a separate way downloading optional updates.

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