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What are meta tags? How to fill in the Title, Description, Keywords meta tag correctly. Meta tags title, description and keywords interfere with promotion

Setting up your meta tags correctly is very important for SEO. Work on filling, writing, correcting meta tags is always performed at the start of the project, immediately after the semantic core has been assembled. And they continue as needed throughout the entire period of website promotion. Sometimes, only small changes in meta tags are enough for a site to reach the TOP10. This is especially true for low-frequency queries, as well as in cases where the site is already high enough for a given query (for example, the 11-15th position in the search results), and very little is needed to push it to the TOP.

What are meta tags

To be very precise, under meta tags to be understood (X) HTML tags , with which you can specify service information about the page. Such information is placed inside the container. … and is not displayed on the screen. They serve to structure and present metadata about a hypertext resource (web page) to search engines.

Meta tags include:

  • title - page title;
  • description - description of the web page;
  • keywords - keywords;
  • http-equiv - the type of the sent document and the encoding (charset);
  • generator - site CMS;
  • author - author;
  • copyright - copyright;
  • robots - page indexing rules for robots;
  • viewport - data on setting the viewport;
  • other.

What are meta tags for?

Meta tags on the page can be written manually. Built-in tools can generate them automatically. But it is better to do this work yourself, so that they exactly match the topic of the web page, indicating:

  • authorship;
  • sources of information;
  • summary of content.

This will increase the compliance with the user's expectations, which means it will extend the time of his stay on the page, which will have a positive effect on its promotion.

Meta tags are classified into four groups, each of which is endowed with specific functions and is accompanied by one of four attributes:

  • content - not assigned by default;
  • http-equiv - designed to translate the meta tag into the HTTP header;
  • name - the name of the meta tag, which indirectly establishes its purpose;
  • charset - sets the encoding of the document.

Of these, only content is required. The rest are applied at will.

Meta tags are needed to convey the necessary information about the page:

  • search robots (keywords, title, description);
  • browsers (page codes, auto-refresh intervals, cookies);
  • services (specifying copies of addresses and other information).

Keep track of how and for what purpose you fill in the meta tags.

Meta Title

This is the most important tag that more than others influences website promotion by keywords.... In most cases, this is the text that is used in the title of the snippet:

This is how title looks like in the code of the website page:

Optimizing your Meta Title tag for SEO

  • The title must be unique on all pages of the site;
  • The title should reflect the essence of the page, should be informative and short;
  • There must be requests for which this page is being promoted, the most important ones are placed at the beginning of the tag, the title must necessarily contain 1-3 keywords;
  • Don't include too many keywords in your Title;
  • Do not use special characters (= / \ + _), punctuation and stop symbols (period, colon, exclamation and question mark) - remember, these are signs that break passages in Title, which reduces the relationship of keys on opposite sides of the stop sign ;
  • Make up the Title tag for people in accordance with all the rules of the Russian language, the title, if possible, should be made catchy and attractive;
  • The optimal Title length is between 30 and 65 characters. Google focuses on pixel length, with a suggested length of 200 to 571 pixels. If the Title is longer, then an ellipsis appears in the snippet, which also takes up additional space in the title. It can appear at the end of the snippet title, or at the beginning. Short Title is also bad, since there are few keys in it.

Examples of correct filling of title tags

  • Buy sunglasses in Moscow at low prices
  • Installing wooden windows in Moscow inexpensively
  • Site page meta tags | Meta Tags Title and Description

Errors and bad examples of meta title tags

  • Installing windows, removing viruses, fixing computers, selling components(simple listing of keywords)
  • Home - LLC AutoRemont - repair of an automatic transmission in Moscow(there should be the most important keywords first)
  • Car repair (Title too short)
  • LLC Sites: website development, large office, company news.(words by which the site will not be promoted)

Meta Description tag

It is also one of the main meta tags for page promotion by keywords. Description can be used in snippet:

Sometimes the search engine takes the description from the text of the page, because considers it more suitable

Meta Description tag for SEO

  • Should reflect the essence of the page and be written as a consistent text. There may be several suggestions.
  • Must be unique for all pages of the site, do not duplicate similar tags on other sites (for this we use the name of the company in the text of the meta tag).
  • In the tag, you need to use the requests for which this page is being promoted, but this must be done so that they are used in a natural way, in the desired morphology. Also, you shouldn't just list requests separated by commas.
  • The content of the tag must not repeat the Title.
  • Description must be at least 70 and no more than 150-200 characters long. Google specifies the length in pixels, the recommended length is 400 to 930 pixels.
  • In the description, it is desirable to reflect the main advantages of the company, product, service.
  • The most important information and phrases are best placed at the beginning of the meta description.
  • The more attractive the Description is, the more often the snippet will be clicked.

Examples of correct filling of meta Description tags

  • Dining tables: a large selection of tables, low prices, delivery across Russia. Buy tables in the online store SuperFurniture with discount!» />
  • Buy Xiaomi Redmi 4x smartphone in the online store ELDORADO with delivery and a guarantee. Acquainted with prices, reviews owners, photographs, technical characteristics and detailed description.» />

Errors and bad examples of meta Description tags

  • (short, few keywords)
  • (generated automatically or just cut the beginning of the content on the page).
  • (listing keywords separated by commas, unnatural meta description).

Meta Keywords tag

In my opinion, the Meta Keywords tag has not worked for a long time and it is not worth wasting time on it.

Meta tags are not a guarantee of success. They help you rank your site better. But if the content is of poor quality, no one will linger on your site.

The title and description of the site is the first thing a user encounters in search results. Their informativeness and attractiveness directly depend on how you write the meta tags. This article is for beginner SEO professionals and website owners who are self-optimizing. Find out how to write Title, Description, Keywords correctly, and what are the requirements for them.

What are the meta tags Title, Description, Keywords

Meta tagsare elements in the HTML code that are needed to inform search engines about the content of a page.

The meta tags Title, Description and Keywords are not displayed on the site in any way, they can be seen only in the code, in the head tag. When a user types in a query in the search bar, the system can generate the search result using meta tags.

Search engines are constantly evolving. Therefore, at the moment they are more likely to "take note" of the meta tags, and make the final conclusions about the content of the page on a variety of factors.

So, to form a snippet, they can sometimes use Description, but they can also compose it themselves from the content of the site. But experts recommend prescribing Title and Description anyway. The situation with the Keywords meta tag is a little different, but we'll talk about that in the corresponding section.

Why add Title and Description meta tags

  1. To clearly articulate what your page is about, display a clickable headline, highlight your competitive edge.
  2. If the system chooses to generate a snippet on its own, the result may not be the text you need.
  3. Thanks to correctly spelled meta tags, the site will be shown for relevant queries.
  4. Filling in meta tags is a fairly straightforward process that can have a positive impact on rankings and increase conversions.

Below we will talk about the requirements for each of the described meta tags, but they combine two points. First, they must be unique within the site and not duplicated on different pages. Second, they must match the content of the page and its semantics. To compose the described meta tags, it is necessary to compose a semantic core and take into account the structure of the site.

How to fill in the meta Title tag

Title indicates the title of the page, and it affects the promotion of the site in the search results for keywords. This meta tag looks like this in the head block:

Title</ Title></p><p>An example of a Title tag in the site code:</p><p>Title is also displayed as the title of the open site in the browser - this is how it looks on the example of the Ringostat site:</p><h3><span>Title requirements:</span></h3><ul><li><span>contains up to 70 characters or up to 600 pixels for Google - this system measures the length in them;</span></li><li><span>keywords are placed closer to the beginning of the Title - in the first 1-4 words;</span></li><li><span>does not contain keywords for which the page is not promoted - for example, in the Title of the website of an online store, you should not write "free shipping";</span></li><li><span>the company is indicated at the end - the exception is large brands, for example, Rozetka, Gucci, etc.;</span></li><li><span>keywords are not duplicated - use synonyms if necessary;</span></li><li><span>Title must be different from H1, the first order title;</span></li><li><span>does not contain a listing of all possible regions and the entire range;</span></li><li><span>written without using caps;</span></li><li><span>the text is readable, without inconsistent phrases - you should not just list the keywords;</span></li><li><span>it is advisable to use one language for one page,</span><span>as Google advises</span> ; </li><li><span>Not recommended</span> <span>use different Title tags for mobile and desktop pages.</span></li> </ul><p><b>Bad example of Title:</b></p><p>Computers. Prices in Nikolaev. Buy computers in Nikolaev.</p><p><b>A good example of Title:</b></p><p>A computer in Nikolaev. Buy Computer at Supplier Price, Free Shipping | World of technology</p><h2>What to write in Description</h2><p>The Meta Description tag is an element that describes the content of a page. In the code, it looks like this:</p><p><meta name="description" content="Description" /> </p><p><i><span>Example of Description tag in code</span> </i></p><h3><span>Description requirements:</span></h3><ul><li><span>the meta tag contains from 70 to 155 characters, for Google from 400 to 930 pixels;</span></li><li><span>starts with a keyword;</span></li><li><span>consists of coherent text;</span></li><li><span>does not duplicate Title;</span></li><li><span>describes a competitive advantage, USP - the user should have a desire to go to the site;</span></li><li><span>contains a call to action;</span></li><li><span>ends with a period or exclamation mark;</span></li><li><span>not too short and contains enough keywords;</span></li><li><span>does not duplicate a piece of content from the site;</span></li><li><span>does not contain special characters (= / \ + _ in the middle of the text, but you can use various graphic icons at the end of the ad to attract the attention of users.</span></li> </ul> <p>There are many misconceptions about the SEO impact of meta tags. Some tags have been used very often in the past, but have already lost their power. So which tags are still SEO friendly and which are not?</p> <h2>What are meta tags?</h2> <p>Meta tags give crawlers more information about a web page. This information is hidden from visitors to the page.</p> <p>Meta tags are placed on the element <head>... Also, meta tags can be placed in the element. <body>but it is best to abandon this practice, as some browsers do not recognize them and may result in a markup violation.</p> <p>Meta tags often contain a name attribute that sets the type of meta data. The metadata value is defined in the content attribute. Let's take a look at several types of name-value pairs that are common on pages.</p> <h2>Description</h2> <p>The meta description tag is probably the most commonly used one. It provides the crawler with a short description of the page. For instance:</p> <p> <meta name=”description” content=”Урок о мета тегах для поисковой оптимизации”/></p> <p>Previously, this tag was used to increase the ranking of the page, but changes in the algorithms of the search engines have reduced its impact on the search query result. However, this meta tag can still be useful because search engines use the information from it in the result pages.</p> <p>The description can still affect your page's CTR. Words that match the query are highlighted in bold in the search results. Therefore, a good description (which is enhanced with keywords) can be more attractive for the user, increasing the chance of clicking on the link. The recommended description length is 160 characters.</p> <p>But what happens if you leave the meta description tag empty or not use it at all? The search engine will also display a short description of the page in the query results, but it will be composed by the service itself. In most cases, this description is not as good as we would like it to be. That is, in this case, you lose the opportunity to convince the user to go to your page.</p> <h2>Meta robots tag</h2> <p>The meta robots tag is used to control the availability of a web page for search engines. You can enable or disable page indexing, link following, and archiving. For instance:</p> <p> <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” /></p> <p>This meta tags tells search engines not to index the page and prevent them from following the links. If you happen to be using two contradictory terms (e.g. noindex and index), Google will choose the most restrictive option.</p> <p>Why is this tag useful for SEO? Primarily, it is an easy way to prevent duplicate content from being indexed, such as the printed version of a page. Also, the meta tag can be useful on unfinished pages or to hide confidential information from search engines.</p> <h2>Heading</h2> <p>Technically, the title tag is not a meta tag, but it often serves the same purpose. It is included in our tutorial because it is very important for search engine optimization.</p> <p>The title tag must be in all HTML documents, it defines the title of the page. The markup looks like this:</p> <p> <title>Page title

Very simple and very effective. The title appears in two different places: in the top bar of the browser and on the search results page. That is, the title tag has a significant impact on CTR and rankings.

A good headline should include keywords and are best used at the beginning of the headline. Remember that keywords appear in bold in the query results.

Another point to keep in mind is length. Google limits the title to 70 characters, so the title may need to be redesigned to meet the requirements.

The meta tag for specifying the type of content is used to declare the encoding of the page. It is better to add some information to prevent problems with displaying information caused by incorrect recognition of the encoding in the browser. But this tag does not affect rankings or CTR.

You may be familiar with the long form of Content-Type:

It's better to use the short version these days:

This tag must be placed before elements that contain text, including the title tag.

Meta keywords

This tag used to be very useful, but nowadays it has lost its meaning. None of the major search engines use the keywords meta tag to evaluate page content.

This tag can contain several keywords about the content of the page, but it will not improve the ranking in the query results. Meta tag format:

Language meta tag

Formally, this meta tag is used to declare the language used on the web page. This informs screen readers and various page handlers, making the content more accessible to them. Example of defining French for content:

These days, it is better to define a language using an attribute:

The attribute can also be used for other elements if the language of its content differs from that used on the page:

Me gusta ..

Refusal to transfer


Using this meta tag, you can tell the browser to refresh the page at certain intervals. For example, this is how the page is refreshed every 30 seconds:

It is also possible to redirect the user to another page after such an update. For instance:

The use of this tag is discouraged by the W3C as it will confuse the user. However, it has no impact on search engine rankings.


To summarize the above, there are three meta tags to focus on: description, robots, and title (technically, it is not a meta tag).

The description tag is used to display additional information about the page's content in search results. The robots tag is used to prevent ranking for duplicate content, sensitive pages, and unfinished parts of the site. And the content of the title tag should not exceed 70 characters and at the same time include keywords.

In the recent past, the meta keywords tag was a powerful SEO tool, but those days are gone.

When it comes to meta tags and meta data, confusion often arises - beginners rush to optimize all content within the HEAD tag with the META element. Let's take a look at which metadata is really important for SEO optimization and which ones can be ignored.

What are meta tags?

Meta tags are used to structure the accompanying data about a page. They are designed exclusively for robots, browsers, specialized software, so that they correctly "read" and process the information provided. Meta data is located in the HEAD directive along with scripts, styles and links (see screenshot below).

Three groups of meta tags are widely used:

  • NAME;

For marketers, site owners, SEO specialists - those who are engaged in search engine optimization of sites and are not related to professional development - it is important to remember and take into account only the NAME attribute and description, robots, keywords, viewport tags. You don't need the rest of the metadata information for your SEO tasks. In order to broaden your horizons, you can study, but in work it is unlikely to be required.

Meta tags for SEO


Description is the meta description of the page. For SEO, this tag is one of the key ones.

The syntax is as follows:

Previously, Google and Yandex, when forming a snippet in search results, displayed information from description. But SEOs quickly realized that description can be used to manipulate the search results. In addition, many site owners took a bad approach to filling in this meta tag: they inserted the first paragraph from the text, copied the title, or ignored it altogether.

Therefore, search engines stopped generating descriptions based solely on the description - now the entire content of the page is taken into account. But that doesn't mean that description has lost its relevance for SEO. The Yandex and Google robots still crawl the content of the description and take it into account when determining the relevance of the document.

What is the length of the meta description tag

You won't find a single word about the length of meta descriptions in the webmaster's guides for Yandex and Google. Moreover, the displayed length of descriptions in snippets is constantly changing: for example, in December 2017, Google expanded it to 300 characters, and in May 2018, shortened it to 160.

Therefore, you have to rely on empirical data and common sense when determining the optimal length for the meta description tag.

As of October 2018, the displayed length of the meta description (in characters with spaces):

  • Google: desktop search - 120-140; mobile search - 100-120;
  • Yandex: desktop search - 120-220; mobile search - 110-200.

To make snippets informative for users of both search engines, it is better to add the most important information in the first 100-140 characters of the meta description tag, and not 160-170 - as is commonly believed.

The actual length of description can exceed 300 or 500 characters - but there is no point in spending resources on increasing meta descriptions, since users will not see this information anyway (search engines can perceive it as spam). Instead, focus your efforts on SEO-optimizing your content and improving its quality.

How to write a description correctly

In order for the meta description to help promote the site, adhere to these rules:

  • fill in unique descriptions for all site URLs (if it is not possible to place meta tags on all pages at once, start with the main page, catalog pages, the most important products);
  • the description must be accurate and contain useful information. For example, when describing a product in an online store, indicate its characteristics, purpose, price. Phrases like “buy boots from us because we are the best” are excluded as a description;
  • do not turn description into a spam list (it is unacceptable to list key phrases, especially in a direct entry).

"The presence of meta tags with low-quality content may cause the page to be removed from the search results" - Yandex help.


Using this meta tag, you can allow or prevent search robots from indexing pages and clicking on posted links.

The robots meta tag can take on the following values:

  • index (or noindex) - page indexing is enabled (disabled);
  • follow (or nofollow) - indexing of links is allowed (prohibited); here is some interesting stuff about noindex and nofollow;
  • all - analogue of simultaneous use of index and follow;
  • none - analogue of simultaneous use of noindex and nofollow;
  • noarchive - the search results will not display a link to the cached copy.

The syntax is:

By changing the values ​​of the meta robots tag, you can control the indexing, and search engines follow the instructions in this tag, in contrast to the directives in robots.txt, which are advisory in nature.

Meta robots tag values ​​are understood by all search engines. You can also set indexing rules only for:

  • Google - in this case, the googlebot meta tag is used instead of robots (the values ​​can be set the same);
  • Yandex - yandex is indicated instead of robots.

If the meta robots tag is not specified, search robots will index the page by default and follow the links on it. If conflicting values ​​are found, the robots will choose a positive one (for example, if indexing is prohibited by one meta tag, and indexing is allowed by the second, then the robot will index the page).


In the early days of search engines, this meta tag played an important role in ranking. Interestingly, Yandex still takes into account the content of this meta tag when determining whether a page matches search queries, although in fact it does not affect keywords positions. At the same time, Yandex warns that if you fill it with outright spam - a large number of keywords - this can lead to pessimization of the page or its exclusion from the index.

If you decide to fill in keywords, consider the syntax:

Do not include more than 10 keywords. In addition, the prescribed keywords must be present in the text of the page.


This meta tag has become especially relevant after search engines began to consider mobile adaptation as a ranking factor. In normal practice, an SEO specialist is unlikely to have to write this meta tag - this is the task of the template developers. But you still need to know about its existence.

So, if the site is adapted for mobile viewing, a meta-tag viewport of the following type will be registered in the HEAD section:

Here, the device-width value of the width attribute instructs the browser to fit the window width to the width of the device screen. A value of 1 for the initial-scale attribute disables scaling of the window (for example, when the screen is rotated). You can learn more about mobile adaptation from the article "10 rules for optimizing a website for mobile devices".

Title is not a meta tag, but very important for SEO

Formally, title is not a meta tag, but it works in a similar way and plays a key role in SEO, so it cannot be ignored.

Title information is taken into account by search engines when determining the relevance of a document. It is not displayed on the page, but always is reflected in search results, as well as as a title in the browser - this is a fundamental difference from description, information from which is displayed at the discretion of the search engine.

The syntax for the title tag is:

Page title

Like meta tags, title is placed inside the HEAD section.

Displayed title length (characters with spaces):

  • Google - about 60;
  • Yandex - about 50.

The title should be informative, accurately describe the content of the page, include the main keyword, but not overspam.

We wrote in detail about the principles of composing the title in the issue of the mailing list "Effective headlines for SEO-promotion". We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it for an additional advantage in the search results.

Title and description should make your site stand out from the competition. You can find out which meta tags competitors are using in one click using a special one. The first 500 requests are free!

H1-H6 - Tags useful for SEO

These are not meta tags. They are registered in the BODY section - that is, their values ​​are content and are visible to users. But since we are already talking about SEO, they cannot be ignored.

H1-H6 are tags of the logical structure of the document. Each page must have one heading, enclosed in an H1 tag. Subheadings are enclosed in H2-H6 tags and optionally added to the page (if required by the logic of document construction and presentation).

The syntax is:

First level heading

Second level heading

Third level heading


When placing tags H1-H6, the order must be observed: for example, after H1 there is only H2, and after H2 - only H3.

Often, beginner SEO specialists have a question: are title and H1 the same thing? No - the title tag is written in the HEAD section, not BODY, and this is what robots use when forming a snippet. At the same time, the text enclosed in the title and H1 tags is usually partially (rarely completely) duplicated.

Summing up

For competent technical optimization of the site, you do not need to go into the jungle of meta-data, but work only with the meta-tags necessary for SEO - description, robots, keywords (optional), title tags, h1-h6, and also know about the viewport tag. In 99% of cases, this is an exhaustive list of SEO tags.

In order to be sure that the specified metadata is filled in correctly, we recommend that you conduct an SEO audit of the site, which can be ordered from PromoPult for only 3000 rubles. In addition to checking the correctness of filling in meta tags, the specialist will analyze the semantic core of the site, internal and external factors, audience behavior and many other aspects that affect the effectiveness of the promotion. As a result, you will receive a detailed report with recommendations for proper site optimization.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to dwell on the meta tags title, description and keywords, which for more than fifteen years have been factors influencing the success of the promotion of web projects, in a little more detail than I did in the article about website promotion.

But are they really that useful for your site? Or maybe they are the reasons for the stagnation or very sluggish movement forward of your Internet project? I will try to answer this question in this article.

When writing this material, I took into account not only my own experience, but also the experience of specialists who are considered authoritative in this area (for the most part they were included in my list). Introduce you again to.

Also, for many of the questions and terms encountered, I will refer you to more detailed materials, so as not to waste your and your time. Well, now let's quickly begin to resolve the intrigue - why a title can be dangerous?

Are title, description and keywords meta tags important for SEO?

So, in order to understand my train of thought and not get lost, I need to start over, namely from the distant 90s, when the "great and terrible" meta tags (read about) appeared for the search engines available at that time. At that time, the idea of ​​using the most relevant query entered by the user in the search bar, which came to the head of Larry Page (one of), had not yet been implemented.

This means that the main factor by which the search engine solved the problem of relevance (the correspondence of the document to the question that the user asked the search engine) was the analysis of the text for the content of words from the user's request. Not only the density (frequency of use) of the keys in the article was taken into account, but also the content of the meta tags keywords, description and especially title.

It is from those very distant times that there is a belief that these very meta tags are the key to success in promoting your article. But this is far from being the case, and even more so - everything has turned upside down. They may be the cause, or they will simply stick spikes in the wheels when trying to spin it. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

All this disgrace in the code can look something like this:

... They hinder progress ...

Actually, you will need to know the syntax of compiling a discription, title and keywords mainly only for the formality (well, or if you are creating a static site on Html files).

If you create a project on (the site's engine), then you will be given the opportunity to simply fill in the form fields, after which this content will be inserted into the title, description or keywords in the web page code. But this is not the point, because we are not talking about details (about them a little later in the text), but about global things - why these innocent things can be a killer factor for website promotion.

So, initially, these meta tags were supposed to serve a good purpose - make life easier for search engines to identify the pages most relevant to the search query. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If the idyll existed for some time, it was only until competition for the Top SERPs appeared (traffic mainly comes from the first page of search engine results for any search engine), and the very presence of a resource in the Top did not directly affect the benefits received its owner.

The widespread spamming of the description and keywords meta tags began, and the title also got it. Search engines could no longer orient themselves when ranking to such easily amenable to cheating factors, and gradually the meaning of words enclosed in descriptions and keywords, was completely leveled(perhaps not to zero, but very close to that).

For some reason, the search engines did not dare to act so tough with title. The words enclosed within this miracle tag are still of paramount importance in ranking, but relatively recently, even this postulate of promotion (which lasted about fifteen years) has become less rigid.

Description and keywords - meta tags that do not affect ranking

So, let's make an intermediate result. Keywords can be thrown into the trash? Well ... Probably not. Personally, I try (if I do not forget) to register keys in it, but only those that are most often found in the article. The fact is that they have almost completely ceased to influence positively on the promotion. But keywords are still capable of shredding all raspberries. Search engines have not yet canceled the punishment for spam in meta tags.

What's the description? Everything is not unambiguous here. Why? Again, spamming with keys in it can negatively affect the promotion. Why is it needed then, if the keywords are enclosed in it not taken into account in ranking, but can do harm at the same time?

The fact is that the content of the description by the Google search engine can often be used as a quality, especially at first. So, for example, my recent article about in the search results Google for the query "transliteration" looks like this:

This is not all the text from the description, because Google and Yandex only take into account a certain number of characters (you can count it yourself, but usually they are guided by 150 characters together with spaces):

I said that the snippet in this way is most often formed by Google, but sometimes Yandex also does not neglect this opportunity. All for the same request "transliteration", the snippet in its output, again for the time being, consists of the words contained in the description of this web page:

As you can see, in the resulting snippet of both search engines, the query keywords (which I also used when composing the description) were highlighted in bold, which somewhat increases the chances of going to my site, because draws additional attention to the ad.

This is the main purpose of the description for website promotion - a snippet created by a search engine based on it should attract the attention of users and urge them to choose your resource for the transition.

Whether or not the described description will be used as a snippet in the end is another matter. Your business is to register it with the obligatory mention of keywords, as well as intriguing and exploiting curiosity content users (within 150 letters).

However, this meta tag is just one of many ways to tell search engines what text they should use as a snippet. Moreover, this method is not the most reliable and does not give any guarantees, but it is simple and straightforward - you just need to get used to always filling in the description fields before publishing an article.

It is clear that if you are in the Top for the query "plastic windows", you will use the entire arsenal of ways to influence the snippet (for example, this one), because this can result in simply fantastic amounts of profit due to the increased CTR of your ad (in conjunction with title). But I personally am content only with the obligatory filling of the description, well, also keywords (up to a heap, but now I have already refused the latter, because well, it).

Title decides who will be in the Top and who ...

What is the main difference between the Title and the description? For overspamming keywords in all three meta tags, you can seriously pay with a drop in positions in search engines. This unites them and makes them quite a dangerous tool in inept hands.

But Title (page title) has one difference. If you do not write down the other two meta tags, then nothing terrible will happen, but if you forget to register the title for the web page, then most likely it will not participate in the search, i.e. will not be added to the index ().

Another thing is that almost all CMS automatically generate a title from the title of your article, and the ability to manually change it is usually provided as an option (for example, using the appropriate extensions). Therefore, only the owners should take care of its mandatory prescription.

But in itself, the presence of a filled heading on absolutely all pages of your site does not make the difference. There are a number of nuances that must be observed automatically when composing texts for titles, and which can greatly affect both positively and negatively on.

Moreover, it should be noted that this tag performs two very important roles:

It is precisely from taking into account these two concepts that one should proceed when compiling the optimal title text. This could be the end of the conversation about him, but not everything is so simple. Let's try to chew all this in detail and pay special attention to those mistakes that can lead to fatal consequences.

Let's start with the influence of the title tag on ranking (from a webmaster's point of view, on promotion):

  1. As I already mentioned, the main condition for successful promotion should be the presence of headings on all web pages of your site. No title - no search traffic.
  2. The second important condition is that this tag is used in the code of the web page only once and only inside the Head container (not Body). In general, the CMS (content management system) you use should be responsible for this, but it doesn't hurt to check if it works correctly. To do this, just look at the source code of any page on your site and make sure that the title tag is present and correctly inserted into this very code.

    You can view the source code of the site page by right-clicking in your browser and selecting the context menu item "Source code" (in Opera), or "Source code of the page" (in Firefox), or "View page code" (in Google Chrome) or View HTML Code (IE).

  3. The titles for all pages on your site must be different (unique). To achieve this in practice is quite difficult (for me, for example, the main page has pagination and these very numbered subpages cannot boast of unique titles), however, for those pages that you promote, this rule must be followed. A large number of pages with the same title tell search engines that this site is similar to the HS.
  4. The order of keywords within the title tag is also taken into account by search engines (mainly Google), so it is important to place the most frequent keys at the beginning of it (he will tell you about this), and then in descending order of frequency. It is not so easy to implement this task in practice, because the page title should remain readable and, if possible, attractive.
  5. Some CMS (for example, Joomla 1.5) form by default the title of the page from the name of the site coming at the beginning, and only then add the title of the article. Following the logic of the previous point, this cannot be done, because you worsen the ranking (promotion) of your resource (you can find links to materials in the article about). Although a well-known Seo specialist refutes this principle with his example:

    An exception to this rule can be made for well-known brands, one mention of which can be an incentive for clicking on an ad (for example,).

  6. Recently Yandex and Google have become sometimes don't use the title as a site title in search results. Most likely this is a response to the fact that this tag does not reflect or does not fully reflect the content of the article. From here we conclude that the words that you output into it must be fully relevant to the text of the web page, otherwise the search engine will recheck everything to your taste and color.
  7. Most experts advise limiting title length a certain number of characters (about 70), but personally I do not always adhere to this rule, because it is impossible to compose short headings. Basically, Yandex is able to select fragments with keywords from this tag of any length, which makes it possible to optimize an article for a larger number of queries. It will not look like ice, but it is quite acceptable, in my opinion:

    True, Google, unfortunately, does not know how to do this, and the user may not at all see the keywords from his request in the ad title for my blog:

  8. There is one more point that I personally do not implement when compiling titles for my blog. By default, in many CMS it is formed from the text of the article title, which will most often be enclosed in. Because the presence of keys in H1 is in itself a ranking factor (although not as powerful as title), then it makes sense to prescribe the title of the entire page slightly different from the title of the article. I personally do not do this (it breaks), and they live in H2 tags, and not in H1.

    In WordPress, they usually use to write unique titles, but in Joomla, as described in the article about.

  9. In general, it is very important not to overdo it. On the one hand, brevity is the sister of talent, but a simple listing of keys in a title can lead to dire consequences (lowering of positions or even a complete flight of the page from the index). On the other hand, in order to reduce its size, it is advisable to use less empty (stop) words (conjunctions, particles, pronouns) in it, which can in no way affect the ranking. Generally, we need to look for a middle ground.

How to write a Title that exploits curiosity

A little higher, we examined the technical aspects that affect, first of all, the successful ranking of your documents (their promotion). But about the second task that the Title performs, we have so far only talked very superficially. I'm talking about creating a catchy headline that can significantly increase the frequency of clicks on your ad in Yandex or Google search results (ctr).

It will be very difficult to implement all the tips described below in practice (I can't do it), but if it works out, then it may eventually. The idea is to make the page title (title) not only meet all the requirements described above, but also be able to arouse the curiosity of the majority of users who read it.

So let's go over the basic principles of creating headlines that can awaken one of the most powerful driving forces of cognition - curiosity... For the sake of satisfying the interest that has arisen in him, the user will be able to read your article from cover to cover, the main thing will be to maintain the interest that has arisen throughout the article and not disappoint the user at its end (do not cross the line and do not stoop to).

    Most of all, the curiosity of users is such titles (including title), the statements in which challenge the established concepts. This will be especially effective for a reader who is familiar with this topic, but your headline breaks the stereotypes that have developed in him and it begins to seem to him that he probably does not know something (he missed something, did not take into account, or there is some secret which he doesn't know).

    A desire flares up in all this, and this is what you needed. The title of this article (a try of the pen, so to speak) can probably serve as an example to some extent.

    So, in the way described above, you create some confusion (irritation) in the reader's head, thereby trying to stimulate him to read your article. But not everything is so simple. Many readers will be on their own (people tend to rate their knowledge, as a rule, higher than it is).

    They will decide that they already know what your article is about. You need to write the title so that they understand that you know about what they know, but you will talk in the article about the unknown to them.

    Well, it would be nice if the text of the article corresponded to the hard-coded title. Each paragraph should maintain intrigue and curiosity by quietly answering the reader's questions.

    In general, it is clear that this is a dark matter. If you have talent, then using these tips to create a catchy title, you will succeed, and if not, then it will not work (like mine, for example).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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