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What is a crash test? Why is it needed and what is a crash test?

Today, crash tests are a prerequisite for the development and production of a new car. The conditions for carrying them out in different countries differ somewhat from each other, but are basically similar - the car accelerates to a certain speed (55-65 km/h) and hits a stationary obstacle. Inside the car there are dummies with overload sensors inside. Filming with a high-speed video camera is carried out from several points. This allows you to determine with high accuracy what happens to the passengers and driver of the car during an accident, what overloads they experience.

Based on the data obtained, the manufacturer can make changes to the design of the car aimed at improving the safety of people in accidents. Crash tests gave a huge impetus to the emergence of such generally accepted things today as seat belts and airbags, body energy absorption zones and much more.

Crash tests of child car seats

These tests reveal the actual loads on a child during an accident and their compliance with the current standard. From June 2009, the European safety standard ECE 44/04 comes into force, replacing the previously valid 44/03. This is the fourth edition of these rules since 1998, which takes into account the state of modern automotive industry, technology and speed.

Requirements for child car seats

Firstly, these are longitudinal and vertical movements. The car seat “fits” into a rectangle 80 cm high and 65 cm wide (for group 0+) and 55 cm for groups 1-3 (with Isofix 50 cm). In the event of an accident, the child should not “fly” beyond the boundaries of this rectangle. Secondly, these are overloads on the head and body. They should not exceed 80g and 50g for the head and body respectively.

Certification crash tests are carried out according to these requirements. But there are also so-called consumer crash tests. They are conducted by various European independent consumer and public organizations, automobile magazines. These crash tests differ from certification tests in that at higher speeds, car seats are required to meet certification standards. A side impact test is also carried out. Ease of use, ergonomics and comfort for the child are assessed.

The results of independent crash tests are respected both among consumers and among manufacturers of child car seats, as they reveal the main shortcomings of already sold child car seats, allow one to evaluate their safety and ease of use, and make it clear how large the safety margin is in products from different manufacturers. The side impact crash test carried out as part of these tests gave impetus to the introduction of advanced side head protection in modern child car seats. Parents faced with the choice of which car seat to purchase for their child should take a closer look at the results of these crash tests.

Before declaring that it is safe, it is broken down and the consequences are assessed. After all, this is the only way to find out how the car will behave in the event of an accident. Nowadays, every car model, before going into mass production, goes through the so-called crash tests.

Car safety assessment is carried out according to the EuroNCAP program (European New Car Assessment Program - a European program for assessing new cars).

Since 1997, the European Independent Crash Test Committee has been testing new models according to four main parameters, and then assessing them for active and passive safety.

First results of European crash tests were introduced in February 1997, when EuroNCAP crashed their small cars. The tests caused a stir in the press and outrage from automakers, who accused the committee of being too picky and called a four-star rating (the maximum at the time) unattainable. However, less than six months had passed before EuroNCAP, after the second phase of tests, announced that the Volvo S40 model had received all four stars.

The bar was constantly raised and in 2001 another star was added to the rating system. The first five-star car was the French sedan Renault Laguna.

After passing the EuroNCAP tests, each car receives from one to five stars. The final result is influenced by the rating in four main categories: passenger and driver safety, pedestrian safety, child safety and active safety.

The last category includes the presence of a car and a stability control system, as well as the presence or absence of speed limiters and an audible signal about unfastened seat belts.

An important evaluation criterion is to check the passive safety elements of the car, which save people’s lives directly during an accident.

These include: airbags, crushable or soft elements of the front panel, folding steering column, safety pedal assembly (in the event of a collision, the pedals are separated from their mounting points and reduce the risk of injury to the driver’s legs), inertia seat belts with pretensioners, energy-absorbing elements of the front and rear parts of the car, seat headrests that protect your neck, safety glass that, when broken, shatters into many non-sharp fragments, roll bars (reinforced front roof pillars of the car) that prevent body deformation when the car rolls over.

Since February 18, 2009, EuroNCAP has introduced a new rating system. Previously, ratings were given separately in each category (passenger, child, pedestrian). This allowed automakers to exploit the rating for personal gain: having received five stars in only one category, they kept silent about the rest of the results. In the new system, they give one rating, and all categories are assessed as a percentage.

Head-on collision- The frontal impact test is designed to show the most common type of traffic accident. A car at a speed of 64 km/h collides with a stationary block of crushable aluminum with a honeycomb lining. Since most frontal crashes involve only part of the vehicle's front, the test is performed at an angle to simulate a crash half the width of the vehicles.

The purpose of such a test is to find out how the car's structure will behave in an accident.

The test speed of 64 km/h was not chosen by chance: it shows a collision between two cars with a speed of approximately 55 km/h each. The difference in speed occurs due to the absorption of energy by the deformable lining. This is the speed at which the vast majority of fatal accidents occur.

Leading cause of injury in frontal impact- deformation of the front console and floor of the car. The head and chest are protected by airbags, but the legs remain unprotected. Thanks to the EuroNCAP tests, some car manufacturers began to think seriously about the problem and began to install special knee airbags, which can now be found on Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, BMW and Volvo models. Seat belts with two-stage pretensioners and an active pedal assembly also help minimize the risk.

Side collision- the second most important test for a new car. EuroNCAP simulates this type of crash using a mobile deformable barrier, pushing it against the driver's door at a speed of 50 km/h. Side impact injury protection is assessed using a dummy in the driver's seat.

In addition to frontal and side tests, EuroNCAP hits cars from behind to evaluate the effectiveness of head restraints and smashes them against poles.

Child protection- testing of child seats and their fastenings. In frontal and side collisions with barriers, dummies for one-and-a-half and three-year-old children are located in the rear of the car and secured with a special type of child belts. The specialist's assessment depends on the performance of the child seat in both types of crashes.

Pedestrian protection- an accident involving a collision with children and adult pedestrians at a speed of 40 km/h is simulated. The impact effects are tested on the pedestrian's shins, then on the upper legs, pelvis and head.

Pedestrian protection is the weakest point of most modern cars.

Cars sold in Europe follow the Euro NCAP program. According to the JNCAP method, they do the same in Japan, according to the ANCAP program - in Australia... In order not to duplicate the work of other testers, we, as a rule, select for crash tests those cars that have never been tested under other independent programs: that is domestic cars assembled at factories in Russia and the CIS countries or supplied to us from Turkey and China.

A crash test is an expensive undertaking. We carry out tests at our own expense: anonymously (to exclude special assembly) we buy cars in the retail network and pay for the services of testing sites. Since we do not have colossal resources of state and intergovernmental organizations, a car included in the ARCAP rating must not only be affordable, but also mass-produced.

The ARCAP crash test is a frontal impact of a car at a speed of 64 km/h on a deformable barrier made of aluminum honeycomb, simulating the front of a passenger car. Since, according to statistics, oncoming collisions rarely occur head-on, during the crash test the test vehicle crashes into an obstacle with only part of the front end on the driver's side - the overlap is 40%. Such an impact simulates an oncoming offset head-on collision between two cars of approximately the same mass at a total speed of 110 km/h - when both are moving towards each other at a speed of 55 km/h. In the cabin there are two harnessed Hybrid III dummies: passive safety without belts is unthinkable! The dummies' sensors record the g-forces applied during an impact to the driver's and front passenger's head, neck, chest, knees, hips and shins, and testers use this data to calculate the likelihood of injury a person would suffer in a similar crash. In addition, safety is assessed by the residual movement of the steering wheel, pedals and front left pillar.

Tests are carried out in Russia in certified shock test laboratories of AvtoVAZ, Dmitrovsky Automotive Test Site, as well as in the Czech Republic by specialists from TÜV SÜD Czech.

ARCAP crash test circuit

A collapsible aluminum honeycomb barrier is designed to imitate the front end of an average passenger car. The blocks attached to the bottom have greater rigidity and simulate a bumper

The head, neck, chest and legs of the Hybrid III mannequin are literally packed with the most precise sensors - 34 in total. Based on their testimony, experts assess the severity of the dummies’ “injuries” and the likelihood of injury to people in a similar accident.

The Russian language, as you know, is very beautiful, rich and quite sharp. Any word in it has a certain meaning, carrying meaning, sometimes double, but still. Since tsarist times, foreign words gradually began to come into use, which were either Russified or remained unchanged.

For example, the word "soldier" came to us from Italy. In the homeland of gladiators, the Colosseum and pasta, this was the name given to hired soldiers who were paid with money for their work, namely in coins that were in use at that time. These coins were called "soldo". And then everything is simple: the word was borrowed, given an ending, and the result was a “soldier” familiar to everyone with a completely understandable meaning.

Another example of a foreign word entering our lexicon is the well-known modern “smartphone”. "Smart" is translated from English as smart, and phone means telephone. So it turns out that every second inhabitant of the planet is the happy owner of a smart phone.

The list of different languages ​​of the world is rapidly growing every year. Young people use them with great pleasure, forcing older people to support the modern trend, keep up with the times and stay in trend. Today we will pay attention to the word “crash” that came to Russia not so long ago. What does voiced consonance mean, and where is it most appropriate to use the newfangled term? Well, let's go!

Origin and translation

The word “crash” burst into our vocabulary from the English language, and it remained absolutely unchanged: they did not add an ending to it, did not shorten it, but began to use it as is, without translation. Although the English crash has a meaning - it is an accident, collapse, breakdown, it must be used in a foreign dialect, otherwise the word will lose its magic of incomprehensibility.

It would seem that everything is simple: I heard such an incomprehensible term and immediately realized that we were talking about some kind of trouble in the form of a breakdown or accident, when it comes to equipment or cars. But not everything is as predictable as it seemed at first glance. So, what is crash: the correct use of the word.

Popular among car enthusiasts and fans of technology magazines

For people who own cars and motorcycles, the phrase crash test is not new. It has long since burst into the pages of publications with relevant topics, and it is also often used on television in programs dedicated to cars.

What is a crash test? If translated from English, this expression literally means - emergency test. Many television programs show live such tests carried out on vehicles. They artificially recreate the situation of a traffic accident, and then evaluate the result of the experiment: damage to the car, the condition of the passenger and driver. Such tests are aimed at improving the quality of safety in cars and, to some extent, at making each driver think about their own behavior on the road when looking at crash test footage.

Crash girl: the meaning of a popular youth phrase

Perhaps this concept came from the most famous and accessible to many social networks now. Here millions of people from all over the world meet, communicate and make friends. A crush girl is an object of desire, in other words, a girl who is madly liked. By the way, this word can also be used in relation to a guy, although you will have to do without the girl at the end of the combination.

In correspondence between teenagers you can find phrases like: “I can’t sleep because all I can think about is crash.” Or questions like this: “Is it true that Olesya is your crush?” Therefore, the answer to the question of what crash means is: the love of your life.

For those who experiment with nutrition

This will sound strange, but there is such a thing as a crash diet. It is intended for those who are capable of unreasonable experiments with their body and health. This is indeed a very strange diet, which is designed to significantly reduce the daily caloric content of food consumed and give up many healthy foods with the necessary supply of nutrients. In this case, the English word “crash” has the meaning of an accident; it is used for its intended purpose. The only note is that you should not adhere to dangerous diets that can harm your health.

Recently, or more precisely, after the so-called sexual revolution, many terms have appeared relating to such intimate topics. Among them was the phrase crash fetish, which denotes a type of sexual arousal that comes from seeing the crushing of objects, food, small living creatures (insects or snails). By the way, cruelty to animals is criminally punishable not only in the United States of America, where this strange sexual entertainment originates, but also in many other countries of the world.

Computer World

The term “crash” has not bypassed the world of computer technology. In this case, the word is used for its intended purpose and fully corresponds to the translation. That is, when you hear, for example, the phrase “my system crashed,” know that we are talking specifically about the crash of the computer’s operating system.

Other meanings of the word

What is “crash” and the most basic meanings of the borrowed word? All this was discussed above, but it is worth talking about two more areas of its applications:

  1. Crash syndrome. This term is used in medicine for toxic shock due to renal failure, which most often develops with prolonged compression of soft tissues.
  2. The word crash is also used by drug addicts as a slang term for a condition associated with withdrawal syndrome that occurs after long-term drug use: depression, anxiety, emptiness. In general, a complete collapse. In the old days, this condition was called “withdrawal.”

It is worth noting that many words burst into our lives so quickly that we ourselves do not have time to notice how we are already using them, inserting them into sentences according to their purpose and meaning. Others do not stay long, are quickly forgotten and remain only a distant memory. I wonder how long the word “crash”, popular among young people, will exist in the Russian language?

What is file crash?

I tried two official versions of the Avidemux program. The programs are idiotic. You can sit with the program for an hour, and then a message appears about this Crash file. And it is not clear: the system issues this message or the program itself, but after this, work with the program definitely stops and you need to start it again. History repeats itself, then after 5 minutes, then after an hour the Crash message appears again. On the Internet I found many complaints about this program and even that this program can be classified as malicious, because it destroys the operating system. There are also working versions, completely Russian-language, but unofficial. But somehow I don’t dare download them. What is this Crash? Why does he only appear in this program?

Wise_ACTER | 30 May 2016, 01:25
Bro, I also encountered this problem, and within 20 minutes I realized my problem. The fact is that when Avidemux starts scanning a file, you cannot stop it, and if you stop it, then this file will be recognized as corrupted. I thought of finding this cache in drive C and deleting it, but alas, everything is simple!
The folder in which the file is not recognized, a cache file has been created with extension .idx2, find this file and delete it. AND THAT'S ALL!
Then turn on the program again and throw your file into it, start scanning, convert for good measure. I don’t use it for conversion; why the hell is it necessary if it copies the source. Sound and video + can combine a lot of files into 1in, without conversion, gluing everything together!

Fedor | January 21, 2016, 11:43 pm
Correct answer No. 2 from Student. The program says it identifies a previous file that was being processed and something went wrong.

Misha | 25 July 2014, 07:28
I have the same problem (Windows maximum x32), but the game crashes on Steam.

student | July 22, 2013, 11:52
The crash file is the last file processed before the program closes

Nikolay | December 15, 2012, 03:49
Have you tried translating the word “Crash” into Russian? Your Avidemux program tells you that some component of it (or its entirety) has crashed. And the folder is probably created with data about this accident (crash). Those. the program is buggy on your system. That's all. You either need to figure out what this program doesn’t like in your system (maybe some Windows updates are missing or something else... - did you read the system requirements on the developer’s website?). Or... delete this program and look for a bug-free alternative.

Andrey | December 14, 2012, 20:49
No, I have a 32-bit system. There are several files in the User\Avidemux folder, including a file (I don’t remember what type) called crash... I deleted this folder completely. But when a notification about this file appears, this folder with all its contents is created anew.

Samovar | December 13, 2012, 21:39
You probably have a 64-bit system, but you installed a 32-bit program? I don’t know what Crash is, but everything works (32x32).

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