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What are keywords in advertising. Key phrases

It is already clear to everyone that there is nothing to do on the Internet without contextual advertising. And in order for advertising campaigns to bring the desired result and attract a larger number of target audience, it is important to take care of the correct collection of the semantic core. Correctly selected keywords will allow interested users to see your ad and become your client. How to correctly collect the semantics of an advertising campaign - we share tips based on our experience, the work of FireSeo managers-directors.

Selection tools

Initially, it is better to compose a list of keywords yourself, but in order to expand it and get additional options - use tools specially designed for this. Let's designate the main two services for collecting keywords - the semantic core: Key Collector and Wordstat. We will dwell on such tools in more detail a little further. Now let's look at the principle of collecting keywords.

Working with queries

As mentioned above, at the first stage, we can compile a list of basic queries manually. This step is called collecting keyword masks. What are keyword masks? Key masks are one-word or two-word keywords that are allocated for further collection of the semantic core. For clarity, we will give an example of a keyword mask. For example, our store sells bicycles for children. One of the keyword masks can be Children bicycle. And queries such as Children's bicycle inexpensive, Buy children's bicycle, Online store of children's bicycles and others are requests included in the impression mask. Therefore, to begin with, we write out similar masks in a file - a children's bicycle, a bicycle for children, a bicycle for a child, a bicycle for a girl, and the like. Then we proceed to further parsing. It is clear that the larger the assortment of goods or services, the more key masks should be collected. For convenience, we recommend using the site itself, where the assortment is presented in detail in each section. The price list will also come in handy. In some cases, don't forget about synonyms.

All kinds of keywords fall into four main groups:

  • Direct requests- phrases where the user's goal is clearly formulated. For example: buy a children's bike
  • Near-target queries- inquiries that do not directly indicate the goods or services we offer, but are indirectly related to them. For example: buy a gift for a boy or what to give a boy and so on.
  • Situational- requests indicating the search for a solution to a problem or the closure of a need.
  • Competitors. Everything is simple here. If there are well-known competitors in our niche - a store, a manufacturer, a brand - we collect requests for them, thus offering an alternative.

After we have carefully worked out the site and wrote out the key word masks in the file, we turn to the tools that will help to significantly expand this list.

Most often, Key Collector and Wordstat are used for parsing.

The most easy-to-use tool for beginners is Yandex Wordstat ( Such a program from Yandex is free. Only a Yandex account should be available.

In addition to the selection of keywords, using Wordstat it is easy and convenient to analyze search queries and determine how targeted and popular the queries are - the service has the appropriate functionality. Keyword analysis in Yandex Wordstat boils down to:

  • Word Frequency Analysis - Query Popularity
  • Popularity of queries in different regions
  • Determining the seasonality of a search phrase

Now let's return directly to the process of collecting the semantic core. The process is simple enough. Let's take ready-made keyword masks and start parsing them one by one. Do not forget to select the desired region beforehand.

In the search results, we see a lot of nested queries, which we copy and save to a file in order to work with them in the future. We take keywords only from the left column. Use the right column to find additional keyword masks.

Also, do not forget that we need the results as much as possible, so we are not lazy, but copy queries from all search results pages. There can be a maximum of 41 pages.

We do the same with all the keyword masks.

After all the keywords have been collected, we proceed to the next stage - we select from the set of collected keywords those that are needed most of all, and those requests for which we do not want to see transitions. We parse such queries into negative keywords.

For example, we don't want to see transitions for the following queries:

Accordingly, negative keywords go to us: avito, reviews, stealth, stels and peace. When setting up our account in Direct or AdWords, we add such requests to the appropriate sections. Negative keywords are extremely important for the effective work of an advertising campaign. Well-crafted negative keywords give you the most relevant traffic, and you don't pay for inappropriate clicks.

Based on the remaining keywords, cleared of "minuses", we build a future advertising campaign.

To work with a large number of requests or to maximize professional settings for contextual advertising, we use a more advanced tool for collecting the semantic core. This is the program Key collector... Its only drawback over Yandex Wordstat is that the program is paid.

We will not consider such a tool in detail today, since in the current article the main task is to talk about the principle and sequence of collecting key queries for an advertising campaign.

And in the end, a few more words about keywords for YAN and CCM campaigns. They are collected according to the same principle and with the same tools. The only difference is that for YAN and KMS we can safely use both targeted queries and near-targeted queries.


Working with semantics when setting up an advertising campaign is an indisputably important stage that determines the success of the subsequent process. Correctly selected keywords and negative keywords will make your advertising more profitable - by reducing the cost of attracting customers. Therefore, do not save time and effort on collecting the semantic core.

To fully compose the semantic core for the site, you need:

  1. Collect a list of basic keywords - keyword masks. They should be compiled based on the site's assortment and brainstorming.
  2. Expand semantics using available tools - Yandex. Wordstat or Key Collector.
  3. Analyze the collected keys and identify the queries that are not suitable for you. Add such phrases to negative keywords.

That's all, friends! Now you know how to choose keywords for Yandex Direct, and a properly designed advertising campaign will work for your results - increasing business profits every day. Good luck! 🙂

Many articles have been written about the selection of keywords for Direct and Adwords, but they all have one drawback. They talk about everything and nothing in particular. I decided to fix it and write detailed instructions for compiling a semantic core for contextual advertising... Get ready for a long and very detailed guide, after which you can collect all the targeted queries for your search ads by yourself.

How search engines understand keywords

Let's start with the basics. What are keywords in general and how do search engines understand them. Keywords are the phrases for which you want to show your ads in the advertising search results of Yandex, Google and their counterparts. In other words, if you want to show ads on Yandex to those who are looking for custom kitchens, then you need to use the custom kitchens keyword. It couldn't be easier.

But we must not forget that search engines are robots that do not understand Russian speech in the form we are used to. For example, Yandex by default ignores all conjunctions and prepositions. Those. if you choose to serve your ads for the keyword above in the examplekitchens to order Yandex will see this keyword in its own way, it misses the preposition for, i.e. in fact, you will be showing your ad for the keyword kitchen order.

In addition, neither Yandex nor Google takes into account the word order in the keyword. And if, for example, you want to show ads by keywordtickets peter moscow, then your ads will be shown if the user requests in search engines tickets moscow peter- do you understand? And these are just 2 examples of how search engines understand user queries. In order to show your ads exactly for those user requests for which you want, you must use the ones I wrote about earlier.

Is automatic selection of keywords possible?

Perhaps you have heard more than once that there are some magic programs that will automatically and without your participation assemble the semantic core in a matter of minutes. But miracles do not happen, and even if you trust the selection of keywords to a specialist, you will still need to participate in this process, because no professional is as good at business as you are the leader.

Of course, what you read below will greatly facilitate your work on collecting the semantic core for contextual advertising, you will spend dozens of times less time than if you did it without instructions, but you still have to work with your hands and your head. Now let's talk about the stages of keyword research.

Stages of keyword selection Direct and Adwords

The selection of keywords is conventionally divided into 3 stages: collecting the basis of the semantic core (or keyword masks), collecting keywords by masks, grouping keywords and negative words for an advertising campaign.

First, let's understand the terms.

The basis of the semantic core(also known as keyword masks) is a list of one-, two- or three-word queries that users can use to name your product or service. These are the words that can describe your product.

In our kitchen example, this iskitchen, kitchen set, kitchen furniture, kitchen furniture, etc..

Selection of keyword masks

At this stage, you need to turn on all your imagination, all the knowledge about your product, find out everything there is to know about your product from competitors, and also ask Yandex and Google.

Where you will write out all the masks is your own business. Someone makes mind maps, someone uses a notepad, personally, I prefer to collect masks in an Excel spreadsheet.

How do I search for keyword masks? The very first thing is to write down all the possible names for your product or service. Then you can go to Yandex Wordstat, one by one enter the key masks already found in the head and add to the list those that you see in the right column “queries similar to”.

This is how it looks in practice:

Everything that is sent to the basis of the semantic core is highlighted in red. We don't need everything in the left column yet. Since our task now is to maximize the list of options for how they can search for our service. And the left column contains all the keywords that already have our mask. In our example, they all contain the phrase "infrared floor". Such queries are called nested queries. Those. they are nested in our keyword mask.

You can also go to the search engines themselves and see their tips.

Also, be sure to check the sites of competitors, for sure you will find many new masks.

Grouping Keyword Masks

You need to understand that if you have an online store with a huge number of products, then you will have a huge file with keyword masks. And it's better to immediately divide it into groups, according to the structure of your site. For example, for each section of the site there is a new Excel file, inside which there will be different subsections or products in different tabs.

But even if you have a simple one-page page, I still recommend grouping masks by common semantic features. For example, separately all masks that relate to Yandex Direct, separately all masks that relate to Google Adwords, and separately everything that concerns simply contextual advertising. What is it for? Firstly, it will save us time on sorting keywords, and secondly, it will significantly save your time on writing ads in the future.

Matching nested keyword queries

Here you have a choice: automation or manual operation... You can use the Key Collector program, which will collect all nested queries for you, or you can use the tool Estimation of the budget of an advertising campaign from Yandex, in which you can do the same by hand. So it's up to you to decide whether to save time or money. I'll show you how it works using the example of the tool for estimating the budget of an advertising campaign from Yandex.

So, for each of our masks, we need to collect everything that is in the left column of Yandex Wordstat. To do this, open the budget estimation tool, and immediately uncheck the 2 checkboxes below. This is a very important point.

Then we insert the first mask, we have this "warm floor" and pressRecalculate

Yandex calculates the budget forecast for a given keyword, but we don't need it. We need to pull out all requests from the left column of Yandex Wordstat. To do this, under the word "warm floor" pressPick up

And we get the Yandex Wordstat issue. Where we just need to tick off everything in the left column:

Then go down and pressAdd

All of the highlighted keywords will go into the budget estimator. Be sure to always check that after each addition you have a checkmark Phrases

And you will need to return to the page where you marked the keywords with checkmarks, and go to the second page of Yandex Wordstat issue:

There we again tick off all the phrases, pressAdd, we check that the keywords have been added to the budget estimation tool and that the Phrases checkbox is checked, we return to the search page again and go to the third page. We repeat these operations until you reach the frequency values ​​of 20-10. I usually take on lower-frequency phrases only if the niche is very narrow, and there are very few more frequent keywords.

When all the nested requests for the first mask are collected, they need to be added to our Excel file. To do this, either export all the keywords to a file, or copy and paste them into Excel:

Repeat all the above steps for each keyword mask. Thus, you will collect just a huge number of keywords. But you need to understand that so far there are both target and non-target words on our list. And here comes the sorting stage, when we separate the wheat from the chaff.

Sorting keywords

Sorting is easiest in Key Collector, and you can use the various Excel macros available on the web. But I'll show you how you can sort all the keywords pretty quickly using the usual Excel built-in functions.

So, we have a huge sheet of keywords in which we need to find all the hot keywords first. Hot- these are the keys in which the user clearly expresses interest in purchasing the product. Typically, these keywords containbuy, delivery, order, price, city name, etc.

How to quickly find all hot keys in our file? Conditional formatting will help us.

What should be done.

Select the entire column A. Open conditional formatting-rules for selecting cells-text contains:

Enter the first hot keyword marker buy, I only recommend entering such markers without endings, i.e. buy

Click ok, and all the keywords that contain buy highlighted in red:

And set up sorting, in which all cells of a given color will be at the top:

See if they are all targeted for you. If any of the keys are not targeted, immediately transfer them to a separate tab, where we will later collect them. And cut and transfer all targeted hot keywords to a separate tab, where we will collect only hot keywords. And repeat this operation for all hotkey markers.

In the same way, you can very quickly remove from the list all non-targeted requests that we know for sure. For example with the words reviews, photos, videos, do it yourself, etc.

In addition, in this way, you can separate the keywords across the pages of the site. For example, highlight from all the hot electric, water, infrared, film, etc. and divide them into different tabs of our file. Where for each section of the site there will be its own tab with keywords.

After you have collected all the hot and main non-target keywords in separate tabs, all you need to do is highlight the warm keywords and negative keywords. The easiest way to do this is with the two-finger method.

Sorting keywords using the two-finger method

How this method works. It's simple. You accept that all the remaining target keys for you are number 1, and all non-target keys are number 2. And in column B, opposite each keyword, put 1 or 2.

Then sort column B in ascending order. An important point, when sorting, be sure to choose automatically expand the selected range otherwise the sorting will happen only inside column B

And all your keywords will line up in order. There will be target keys first - these are your remaining warm ones. And behind them, the non-target keys are your remaining minus words.

Accordingly, you transfer the warm ones to a separate tab, and add the minus words to the tab with minus words.

It would seem that everything. But no. It is also necessary to single out individual non-target words from all your phrases with minus words. So that you get a tab not with phrases, but with individual words that can be used in an advertising campaign.

Highlight minus words

In order to select individual non-target words from phrases, you can use the tool Word count. You need to insert all the phrases with minus words into it, and the rhyme will break all these phrases into separate words.

Paste these words into Excel and use the two-finger method again. Where 1 is the target words for us, and 2 are non-target words.

Sort in ascending order again, and all words with the number 2 are your negative words that can be used for an advertising campaign.

That's all. As a result, you should have a huge Excel file with tabs for hot keywords, warm keywords and negative words that you can already use to write your ads.

Keyword selection - summary

You must understand that this is just an algorithm that you can adjust for yourself... You can automate some manual operations using parsers and macros for Excel. You can optimize some operations for your niche, for example, you can have hot keywords with completely different markers. Use the keyword selection algorithm described above, but do not forget to turn on your head and think about how this can be applied in your particular case.

If you have any questions - welcome to the comments.

Keywords - search queries of Yandex users.

For the Yandex.Direct test, it is better to use only hot keywords with a clear customer need. You need to prepare for the collection - make a list of masks.

1. Keyword masks

Masks are general queries that include keywords. An example of a mask and its entries in the word selection service -

To collect masks, you need to make a list of the words of the subject. I do it in the program xmind, but you can also do it in excel. There are enough basic functions and they are free.

An example of brainstorming in xmind:

Filling the map in xmind:

Materials for the video:

  • selling supplements -.

Let's continue. When the map is ready, you need to multiply its components. The meaning is this:

  1. we need primary masks that characterize the product and can be selling - "buy wallpaper", "sale wallpaper"
  2. and secondary, any word from the card categories, for example - "liquid", "children's", "kitchen"
  3. by multiplying the 1st and 2nd we get the main masks, we will use them to collect the semantic core.

Here is a video on multiplying masks:

Multiplication services:

The masks are ready, now you need to get the keywords - to collect the semantics. More on this below.

2. Collecting keywords

Long way- drive each mask into and copy queries from statistics. Please note - there will be up to 40 pages of statistics for each mask. Wordstat instruction:

Quick way- buy Key Collector on the official website, it collects keywords from Wordstat itself. Collector instruction:

3. Removing duplicates

The keywords have been collected, now they need to be checked for duplicates. I am telling you how to do it in the key-collector program ...


4. Sorting keywords

I already wrote that Yandex.Direct needs to be tested on hot keywords.

If a person does not leave an application for "apartment renovation", then the request "tools for apartment renovation" is unlikely to change anything. The keywords must be sorted into hot, warm, and cold.

Sorting video:

5. Cross backing track

So that the keywords do not overlap and do not create competition for each other, it is necessary to minus them.

Video about the backing track:

Backing track service:


You should have a list of keywords in your hands - save it, it will come in handy for us later. If something seemed incomprehensible - write in the comments.

Today we will tell you about the selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct. The success of the future advertising campaign depends entirely on the correct selection of keywords. Keywords in Yandex.Direct affect traffic volume, cost per click, reach and audience quality.

What are keywords

These are words and phrases that users enter when they are looking for certain information, product or service on the Internet. Moreover, the methods of searching for the same product may differ dramatically for different people. That is why, so important find and include in your advertising campaign as many keywords as possible that our future client can search for.

Searching for Yandex.Direct keywords in Wordstat

The selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is based on query statistics. This statistics is completely open and for a start we go to it on the service - Here you can find statistics of queries for the last month or any other period of time, as well as separately see the statistics of keywords in certain regions and cities.

Step 1. Enter the main type of activity of your business in the search box. For example, if your company is engaged in low-rise construction, then you need to enter [construction of houses] or [houses from a bar] (depending on the material that you use in construction.

Selection of keywords by region

Step 2. To view statistics for the region in which you work - select "All regions" and then check your region or city, then confirm your choice by clicking Select.

We will see detailed statistics on key queries for the last month in our region. Now we just need to collect keywords. For this we recommend using a browser plugin. It will help you quickly choose the right keywords for our advertising company and next to the queries, you will see "plus signs". By clicking on the plus sign next to a keyword, you instruct the plugin to remember it.

Go through several pages of statistics and select the keywords for which you would like to advertise, while filtering out unnecessary ones: [ construction of vacanasia houses] or [ house construction work]. Such requests are entered not by clients, but by the job seeker.

After you have selected the required list of keywords, click the "Copy to clipboard" button, and then paste them into the Excel table.

Ask yourself and your employees, how else can users search for you on the net? Brainstorm. After all, how many people, so many opinions. Analyze what synonyms can be for those keywords that you have already selected. For example, someone might be looking for [ cottage construction] or [ cottage construction], but they can also be your clients. It should also be taken into account that a person may not mention any of the keywords in the query at all and enter, say [ turnkey log house], thus also implying construction.

Here, we have deliberately selected the construction theme to illustrate how different customer needs can be. Yes, in some cases, they can be limited to a few hundred, and in others and 50000 will seem small. That is why the selection of keywords for Yandex Direct is so important.

Manual keyword check

Step 3. Before using the collected words, they need to be cleaned of junk or dummy requests. "Dummy" - queries that are used as part of other queries, but are not used separately.

We take the phrase [ order a house]. According to the service, it is used 219,376 times a month.

We check the phrase, for this we put it in quotation marks and before each word without a space we write an exclamation mark [ "! Order! House"]. And we see that there are much fewer real requests.

This is the so-called keyword frequency check. The disadvantage of this approach is that each keyword must be checked separately. If you have a small amount of semantics, up to 100 keywords, then you can do it manually. In other cases, we recommend using online parsing services, which we will discuss below.

Step 4. All the keywords selected by us, you can use when creating your advertisements. For one ad, you can set up to 200 keywords for which it will be shown.

Paid and free services for parsing keywords

At least once the way of collecting semantics for an advertising company should be done manually in order to understand what little things it consists of, how it works and how it works. Then, for automation, it is better to use keyword selection services. Most of the services allow you to collect keywords and check the frequency of each. And all this is done in a matter of minutes.


Parser of Wordstat with the ability to collect in all regions of Yandex. There is free period for 14 days and up to 1000 collection limits. Enough, at least for collecting keywords for one company. Does not require installation on a computer.

The starter package costs 999 rubles / month (or 799 rubles / month, if paid for a year). And it includes 999 limits. 1 limit allows you to parse 40 pages of Wordstat for a specific request. More professional packages are more expensive, include more packages, and are allowed to use the API.

Key collector

A tool for professionals. In addition to collecting keywords and parsing the frequency, you can check the competition for the phrase, seasonality, do clustering, and so on. To work, you will need to create an additional account in Yandex and connect to the program. Also, for large volumes, it is better to use any of the automatic captcha input services.

The main disadvantage is that it requires installation on a computer. The main plus is that the program needs to be paid for only 1 time. The cost is 1800 rubles for one license. The license is tied to the device on which the program is downloaded and installed.


An online service that will help analyze competitors' contextual advertising: keywords, ads, estimated cost and number of impressions. Helps to significantly complement your company with competitors' phrases.

The downside is that there are statistics from the Yandex regions for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. In addition, the service is paid, the minimum tariff is $ 19 per month. There is a free version, but its functionality is significantly limited.

It positions itself as a service for the automation of contextual advertising, but also allows you to work with Wordstat.

The cost of parsing depends on the number of keywords being checked and varies from 0.02 to 0.07 rubles per request.

In future posts, we will talk about how to create effective advertisements and different ways to set up advertising campaigns. Follow the news on the site!

Key phrases are words or phrases that define who your ad will be shown to.

On Yandex search, ads are shown for queries that contain the keywords you specify. When displayed on networks, the system automatically selects ads whose key phrases coincide with the topic of the site or the interests of the user.

Work principles

Key phrases work differently on search and on networks.

  • Searching
  • In networks

The key phrase determines the queries for which an ad from a group can be displayed on Yandex search and on YAN search sites.

For example, if you specified the phrase tours to mars, then your ads can be shown on requests tours to mars, last minute tours to mars, tours to mars inexpensive, buy tours to mars etc., but will not be shown on request tours to the moon or Is there life on Mars.

When displayed, the system takes into account all forms of a word within one part of speech, including singular and plural forms. For example, for the phrase travel mars an ad can be shown if the user asks: travel Mars or travel mars.

Ads can appear for queries that contain synonyms for your keyword. For example, by keyword inexpensive tours ad can be shown upon request cheap tours.

The key phrase determines the theme of the sites and the interests of the user, in accordance with which the ad can be displayed on the networks. For example, an advertisement for the sale of tours to Mars can be shown on a page about travel or to a user who is interested in flying to Mars.

How to add key phrases

Key phrases can be added separated by commas when creating or editing an ad in the field New key phrases... Only letters, numbers, the “-” operator and other Direct operators are allowed. Letter case and word order are not important.

The length of a keyword cannot exceed 4096 characters (including negative keywords, spaces, and Direct operators). The number of phrases per group is no more than 200. The number of words for one key phrase is no more than 7.

Adding or changing a key phrase occurs within 3 hours. To add keywords for an individual ad, create a new ad group for that ad.

If key phrases overlap (one contains the other), then negative keywords are automatically added to them. In this case, the key phrases cease to compete when choosing an ad to display.

Duplicate words in a keyword are combined. For example, instead of the phrase Baden Baden only a word will remain Baden. Ad impressions will go as requested Baden Baden, and just by request Baden.

Service parts of speech and pronouns, as well as any words that do not carry additional meaning (stop words), are automatically excluded from the user's request when selecting ads for display. For example, when prompted by the user how and when to travel to mars for displaying ads will be selected in which the keyword is present travel mars. How, and, when, on the will in this case be stop words.

Remember that stop words are counted in all languages. For example, if the passphrase is set IT services, ads will be shown for non-targeted requests stylist services or legal services, because itin english is a pronoun. To prevent the stop word from being excluded from the request, you need to fix it using the "+" operator.

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