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What is joomla. How to create a menu in Joomla, display the menu module in the desired position of the Joomla template

From the author: I greet you dear readers. In this article, I would like for novice webmasters to talk about how to create a site on the most popular CMS - Joomla, as well as indicate where to start learning this engine. That is to say Joomla for dummies.

CMS Joomla, in view of its total versatility, may seem quite complicated for beginners, and sometimes even incomprehensible in terms of some of the nuances. Because the developers tried to implement the maximum possible number of different tools and configurable parameters into the structure, which led to quite voluminous sections of the engine. But do not despair, after spending a little time on Joomla, you will see that in fact, all available elements are easy to use, and a huge number of configurable parameters are well commented and intuitive.

In this article, we will look at working with the Joomla CMS on a local computer and will not touch on the topic of real hosting.

So, we are starting to consider CMS Joomla from scratch, which means you should understand that this engine is written using the PHP web programming language, which in turn runs on a special web server. Also, to store the values ​​of settings, site content or various system information, you need a storage. As the database is best suited. Accordingly, the third mandatory component that is required for Joomla is a database management system, for example, MySql. Of course, for a beginner, the step-by-step installation and correct configuration of the above elements on your own home computer is a very difficult task. Therefore, you can use one of the available software packages (OpenServer, Denwer, XUMPP), which include the above components.

Now that the necessary tools are installed for the Joomla CMS, where to start the next step. Of course, then you need to install the engine, but before that you need to download it. To do this, go to the official Joomla website, in the downloads section.

After installation, of course, the question arises for CMS Joomla where to start? In fact, your site is already installed and ready to go, but its content is missing, which means it needs to be added. But first, you have to decide on the design.

The appearance of the user part of the site (open to the public) is formed in the template. Accordingly, if you need to change the design, then you need to install a different template. At the moment, a huge number of various templates for Joomla have been created, both paid and free. Therefore, if necessary, select a template suitable for your project on one of the sites. When choosing a template, be sure to check its compatibility with the version of the installed CMS.

After choosing a template, you need to install it. To do this, go to the Joomla admin panel.

The admin panel is a closed section of the site, which is designed to edit content and configure the main parameters and functionality of the site as a whole. At the same time, only registered users with certain rights can have access to this section. That is, not every registered user can enter the Joomla admin area.

The specified part of the site can be found at: http: //

That is, the line administrator must be added to the existing name of the site.

At the same time, as mentioned above, to access this section, you need to log in, which means we enter the username and password that were created during the installation of the engine.

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Learn the fast growth algorithm from scratch in site building

First, we will translate the CMS to the required localization. To do this, go to the language manager.

After choosing the required localization, install the language pack by clicking the “Install” button. After installing the language pack, you need to return to the main page of the language manager and select a new one - as the default language.

After changing the localization, you need to log out of your account and re-authorize. Now, if you have previously downloaded a template for a future project, you need to install it. To do this, from the main menu, go to the "Extension Manager" in the installation section.

Next, select the archive with the downloaded template and install it using the "Download and Install" button. After installation, you need to activate the template you just installed. To do this, go to the template manager.

Then, using a special control, we select the template of interest. Now that you have changed the design of the future project, you need to add content - that is, the content of the site. So, let's go to the Joomla Material Manager.

To create a material, you need to click on the "Create" button, thereby you will be redirected to the page for adding a new material.

By filling in the required fields and clicking on the "Save" button, you will create a new material, thus adding the required amount of materials, you will fill your site with content.

Actually, this article on joomla for beginners is completed, of course, we have considered only the initial and primitive basics of working with a CMS, and if you want to learn how to work with Joomla at a professional level, our course will be useful to you.

All the best and successful coding to you !!!

Modern trends and approaches in web development

Learn the fast growth algorithm from scratch in site building

As someone who hasn't used Joomla! Before, you should know where to start.

Maybe you have a friend or neighbor who uses Joomla !, and you want your own Joomla! site.

Maybe you are a small business owner, maybe you have a club or community that needs a website and for this purpose you want to use Joomla!

You may be a seasoned IT professional but haven't used Joomla!

In this case, you are starting a pleasant journey for you and we are pleased to welcome you warmly on behalf of Joomla! and invite you to read Joomla! a beginner's guide.

Welcome to Joomla! the leading open source content management system platform.

Joomla! It is a well proven, effective and extensible tool, actively supported by the developer and user community.

Of course, you could spend your entire life learning Joomla !, if you master the basics, you will have the opportunity to create an attractive and interesting site for a website in a short time and without special technical skills.

Understand how Joomla works!

You might want to know how Joomla is built! and how its functions are interrelated.

In short, Joomla! consists of platform and extensions. There are several types of extensions, each capable of performing a specific task. Several extensions are developed as part of the Joomla! and are installed together with the general package. If you want to expand the functionality of the site, you can install additional extensions.

You can compare this to a computer operating system like Microsoft Windows or Linux. You do not directly use the system itself (Joomla!); you use extensions to accomplish tasks. Some applications immediately become available, but you can also install or uninstall any others at any time.

Installing Joomla!

Here are some ways to install Joomla!

If you would like to test Joomla! and haven't purchased a domain yet, you can install Joomla! on your computer (your site will not appear on the Internet), you can install it using the XAMPP installation package. You can also easily create a working website using this link.

If you want your site to be available on the Internet, make sure you have an account on the web server. For most people, this means signing up with a hosting company and purchasing a domain that supports the main site address.

  • Option one: One-click installation. Many hosting companies offer an “instant” way to install Joomla! Follow your hosting provider's instructions for one-click installation.
  • Option two: regular installation. This method involves copying the Joomla! to your hosting account, unpacking, creating a database and then running the setup file. Complete installation instructions are available here.
  • Option three: Demo site. If you used the demo site, you can follow the backup instructions to move the site to your existing hosting or create a hosting account after the 30-day trial is over.

Let's start making our own Joomla! website

You are now ready to start creating your own content, web links, contacts, banners, and news feeds. Before you get started, you might want to read an overview of planning your website. Finally, you might want to install one of the thousands of extensions for Joomla!

Please remember that all extensions are independent developers. If you need help with a particular extension, the developer will give the best advice.

Only 14 lessons, a little attention and patience, and now you already know how to use one of the most flexible content management systems - Joomla. It is actually a universal engine that suits all projects..

  • 1 Introducing Joomla

    A small introductory part: about the possibilities, about the history, about the appearance - you will understand what you have to deal with.

  • 2 Installing Joomla on localhost

    Many webmasters start working on a website without publishing it on the Internet, but placing it on local hosting. How to install a CMS on it will be discussed in this article.

  • 3 Installing Joomla on hosting

    A step-by-step instruction with which any user can install Joomla on a hosting so that his site works on this particular CMS.

  • 4 Introduction to the admin panel and basic settings

    In the article you will find a lot of useful information on setting up your resource. Starting with how to log into the admin panel and get comfortable with it, ending with how to change the session time, find help and delete some demo data.

  • 5 Installing a template on Joomla

    The lesson will tell you where to get the themes for the engine, how to install them from a folder, archive or by link, and then activate them so that the site design changes.

  • 6 Create Pages and Menu Item

    How to add a page to the site, and then place a link on it so that every visitor can read it. This lesson will teach you how to customize pages and add items to the navigation menu.

  • 7 Creating categories
  • 8 Menu types in Joomla

    Joomla is a fairly flexible system, which is reflected even in the work with menu items. There are a lot of menu types in Joomla, and the lesson will tell about them.

  • 9 Create a feedback form

    If you want to maintain two-way communication with visitors - create a contact form after completing this lesson.

  • 10 Modules, plugins, components

    At first glance, synonyms, but in Joomla, it turns out that each type of add-on performs its functions in a different way. After reading the article, you will learn how to distinguish a component from a plugin, and a plugin from a module, where to find them, and in what ways to install.

  • 11 Creating a photo gallery

    Pictures on the site are always important, but not taking advantage of the opportunities offered by Joomla extensions is a big omission. This article discusses the Phoca Gallery component - the most popular and most functional of the free solutions.

  • 12 Creating a template for Joomla

    In order not to use third-party developments, you can adapt your own (or any other) HTML template for Joomla. How exactly to do this is shown in the lesson with an illustrative example. The structure of themes is revealed, the correct approach to archiving and setting up the templateDetails.xml file.

  • 13 Transferring a site from local hosting to a server

    An instruction describing the algorithm and steps for transferring a site from home hosting to a real one. Everything is illustrated, everything is described in stages.

  • 14 Online store on Joomla

    Creation of a Joomla-based Internet project filled with goods, baskets and payment methods using the well-known VirtueMart extension. Read on, and you will have an idea of ​​where to start creating an online store and how this process is generally built.

    The course contains a lot of useful information, illustrated with examples and pictures. After passing it, you will be able to create and administer sites built on CMS Joomla. You will understand their structure and be able to customize them.

This tutorial is going to show you how to find and edit page content in Joomla admin panel.

In Joomla, site content is organized in the form of pages. In order to edit the content of these pages, you need to check the section Menu v Joomla dashboards.

    First, go to the tab Menus -> Main Menu in your Joomla dashboard. Open the required Menu Item.

    In the box you will see the content type of this page - Article, Category Articles, Contact, etc.

    The next field is Select a category, link, category ID, etc. (Choose a category, Link, Category ID, etc.)- specifies a specific article, a category of articles, or, for example, a contact. Select one of the available options in the Joomla dashboard tabs:

    For example, if Menu Item Type defined as Gallery View and in the field Choose a category specified category Category for this page, then you need to go to the section Content -> or Featured Articles manager to edit the page content. Then in the tab Content -> Articles manager, click the button to the right or left of the article list.

    Using the button Search Tools you can sort articles, for example, by Status (Published / Trashed), Author, Tag... This is great when you have multiple articles on your site. Select filter Select Category to sort the articles that are displayed in Menu item this particular category. After choosing a category, you can start editing articles:

    In order to find modules of a specific Joomla page, go to the tab Menus - Main Menu and open the menu item you are interested in. Click on the tab and check the box next to the parameter Hide Unassigned Modules... Modules assigned to more than one page are marked with All (All), and modules that are displayed only on some pages are indicated by the label Yes (Yes).

    To edit a module, go to the section Extensions -> Module manager, find and open the module from the list of modules in the tab Module Assignment on the menu. Here you can change the settings of the module, or define the article that is displayed on the site using this module:

    Another popular content type for Joomla website menu items is the component Contact... To determine the content of this type of page you are interested in, go to Menus -> Main menu -> Contact... Check the field Select Contact *... Then, go to the tab Components -> Contacts -> Contacts in your Joomla dashboard. Find and open the contact associated with the menu item Contact.

Hello dear friends. I present to you a detailed Extension guide (plugins, modules, components) Joomla. What it is? How do I install and uninstall them? These questions are just as relevant as the installation of WordPress plugins, which has already been outlined on the site pages. Joomla is by far the most popular OpenSource CMS system for developing non-blog sites.

What are Joomla extensions (modules, plugins, components)?

I'll make a reservation right away that all materials in this article are based on the Joomla 3.0.1 version with Russian localization.

Immediately after installing the CMS and the initial content of the site, you will probably need additional functionality and bells and whistles that are not included in the basic Joomla 3. photo galleries and so on.

All this applies to extensions (extansions), which are divided into modules, plugins and components.

In Joomla 3.0.1, all available extensions are located in the redesigned main menu. The process of installing and configuring extensions has not radically changed from that in previous versions of the CMS.

Modules in Joomla

Joomla modules - extensions that are displayed in specially marked places in the template, other than the content area. An example of such extensions is the Menu Module, Authorization module on the site, Display module for the most popular articles or Search module. Their presence on the site pages does not depend on the content in the content area.

The location of the module depends on the markup of the current template. You can find out the places where modules can be connected in the current template using a special command by adding at the end of the browser address bar to the URL - ? tp = 1(for example, ""). Or in another way in the admin panel, through the menu "Extensions" - " Template Manager"Select" Templates "on the left and click" Preview". Before doing that, in Joomla 3, make sure that “ View module positions«.

Extensions - plugins in Joomla

A plugin is a kind of program code, which occurs only when a certain event occurs. They are most often used to manipulate content before displaying it. This is more of an auxiliary firmware, not an extension. The plugin is called by an event that can even be written into the text of the article itself.

An example of plugins can be a call to display a gallery of images, remove words or extra spaces, add "nofollow" to links, call the site's visual editor, a plugin to accelerate indexing from Yandex, and much more.

You can also see plugin definitions such as “ mambot". It existed in the early days of Joomla. Later this concept was identified with plugins.

Joomla plugin types (extansions)

The type of Joomla plugin depends on the event during which it is executed.

Main types:

  • Authentication- the plugin is executed during user authorization on the site;
  • Content- the plugin is called when content is displayed or edited;
  • Editors- call the editors Joomla;
  • Search- fires when a search event is called;
  • System- system plugins that occur at every cycle of Joomla execution;
  • User- executed while editing user information or during authentication.

Plugin activation are performed in the menu "Extensions" - " Plugin manager«.

Parameters are also configured here. Further, if necessary, the code for calling the plugin is inserted into the article, which usually has the following form (PluginName parameter1 = 0 | parameter2 = 255) (/ PluginName). This should be stated in the plugin documentation. Depending on the type of plug-in, it can be activated upon activation and without such a call code.

Components in Joomla

There is a separate item for the component in the Joomla administration panel menu.

It displays everything that has already been installed on your site. Some of them are included in the basic CMS package.

Component is the largest type of Joomla extensions. It is a content area management firmware. Very often it has its own admin panel - a kind of Joomla admin panel. The components significantly increase the functionality of the site.

Also, components can interact with plugins or modules. The main feature is that they are displayed in the content area.

Examples of components integrated into Joomla Banners, News feeds, Search, Links... From third parties - Chat rooms, Photo gallery, Forums and etc.

Where to download Joomla extensions?

Finding the right extension for Joomla is now easy. There are many Russian-speaking and official communities where there is a large selection of modules (plugins, components) with installation instructions and user reviews.

The official community for all extensions can be found at this address. From Russian communities, also with a convenient directory by headings, I advise you to pay attention to, as well as ... When installing extensions, be sure to pay attention to which version of CMS Joomla this add-on works with.

How to install Joomla extensions (module, plugin, component)?

Installing all extensions in CMS Joomla is performed through the administrative control panel. To do this, in the main menu, select "Extensions" - " Extension manager«.

By default, the item “ Installation". It is a versatile tool that allows you to install any type of extension - modules, plugins and components. Three installation options are available by default:

-here specify the path to the original zip archive of your extension (plugin, component, module). In this case, the package is downloaded to the hosting, unpacked and installed;

installation from directory - here you need to specify the folder on the server where the extension installation files are stored;

installation from url- here you specify the web address to the archive of the expansion pack, the installation will be performed not locally, but via the Internet.

After choosing the installation method, click on the " Download and install"Or" Install ".

It should be noted that this interface also allows you to install language packs and Joomla templates. In the Updates menu, all current updates for extensions already installed in the CMS are available.

After the extension is installed, you need to turn on... To do this, in “ Extension Manager " select the "Management" menu. You will see a list of all plugins, modules and components installed in the system.

To activate the extension we need (plugin, module, component), just put a checkmark in front of it and click on the "Enable" button. Or another way - we click on the button "State", which is located opposite the name of the extension.

The extension is installed and activated and you can proceed to fine-tune it!

Disable / uninstall Joomla extensions?

To remove or disable unnecessary extension, you just need to go to " Extension manager th "-" Management ". Here, in case of disconnection, just in front of the plugin, click on the "Status" button or click the "Disable" button. The selected extension will be deactivated.

In case of deletion, mark the plugins to be deleted with checkboxes and click on the button " Uninstall". The extension will be completely removed from the Joomla CMS.

I have already written about installing plugins in WordPress here.

And finally, as always, a video on the topic. Happy viewing!

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