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What is an interface? Concept, types and structure. Internal interfaces of a personal computer

Point 1. What is an interface.

Interface- this is a link between two elements of one system and with the help of which the work of this system is carried out. We encounter this concept every day, for example, when you get into your car in the morning and grab the gear lever with your hand, you interact with the interface of your car.

In this case, the lever is the conductor between you and the gearbox, in the car's system.

The concept of an interface is often used in computer and computer technology. Here everything is the same as in life. The interface provides a link between you and the machine system.

With it, you give commands, and the computer executes them. Such an interface is called a user interface.

Point 2. Internal and external interface.

The interface of any device is divided into external and internal, depending on the tasks it performs.

  • The internal interface refers to what is hidden from the user, to which he does not have direct access. Its properties are called private.
  • The external interface refers to what the user directly contacts and with the help of which he controls the device. Their properties are called public.

These two types of interface are always part of one device and ensure its operation, they cannot exist separately.

Item 3. User interface and its components.

The user interface can be conditionally divided into 2 parts, the one that is responsible for entering information into the device, and the one that is responsible for its output to the user.

If we talk about an ordinary home PC, then the first category includes everything with which we influence the computer, making it work. The simplest example is a mouse, keyboard, USB port. Accordingly, the second category includes everything with which a computer transmits information to the one who uses it, responding to commands given to it through the same keyboard, mouse and other input devices, namely monitors, speakers, headphones, printers, plotters and others. information output means.

Item 4. Types of interfaces used in computer technology.

There are different kinds of interfaces. below are the main ones.

  • Visual. A standard computer interface that conveys information through visual images displayed on a monitor.
  • Gesture. As a rule, it serves as an interface for phones or tablet PCs. In most cases, this is a touch panel that reacts to the movements of the fingers of the one who controls the system, and in a certain way responds to each specific movement. It can be called a simplified version of the usual visual interface.
  • Voice. This type of interface appeared relatively recently. It allows you to control the system using voice commands. The system, for its part, also responds to the user through a dialogue. The most interesting thing is that modern technologies allow us to control by voice not only phones or computers, but also household appliances and even car on-board computers.

One of the newest trends in this area is the tactile interface. The principle of its operation is based on the physical interaction between the user and the machine, which is carried out through certain objects. We can say that this is an attempt to give material form to information that the user used to receive graphically using a monitor.
Item 5. System and application interface. Interfaces are divided into 2 types: system and application programming interface.

An application programming interface or API is a kind of request that some program addresses to the operating system to perform some action. This interface is used by various developers to create applications.

There are two types of system interface: command and graphic.

The command interface is usually a command line into which the user enters certain instructions, which in most cases have their own syntax (for example, the ubuntu operating system), and the system executes them.

The graphical interface, as well as the command one, works thanks to the user's commands, but unlike it, the commands are not driven into the command line by text, but are served through graphical images, such as icons, windows, and so on. This type of interface is the most common and is used today in most personal computers. Such interfaces are often called WIMP, which is an abbreviation for the first letters of the words Window (Window), Icon (Icon), Menu (Menu), Pointing device (Manipulating device).

Windows GUI (Familiar, isn't it?)

The concept of an interface came into our lexicon in the era of the advent of computers. This term has several meanings. However, all of them, as a rule, come down to the interaction of man and machine. The most common interpretation of the word "interface" is the following definition: This is a set of tools that help a person manage a computer.

Consider a few facts from the history of the formation of this concept.

The first computers had impressive dimensions, tiny memory, and they used punched cards to enter programs and data.

Punched card - an ancient computer artifact

Punched cards are small strips with holes made by programmers by hand. And such an interface with a very big stretch could be called convenient. Rather, it is the absence of any amenities.

Then there were computers with an operating system, work with which was carried out through the command line. To run a program or perform certain actions, a person had to write a command on this command line. Such an interface as a method of human-machine interaction was more convenient.

Of course, writing commands and getting results in the form of graphs and text is much more convenient than making holes in punched cards and reading machine code.

And, finally, the last type of interface (which we still use now) is the GUI graphical user interface.

Many GUI elements in Windows OS

Any modern operating system can work with a graphical interface, since it is more readable and convenient.

What is an interface? This is the process of controlling a computer using the keyboard and mouse. Agree, it is very convenient to turn on movies, launch programs or work in Photoshop with one click on an icon or inscription.

I must say that we have to thank Apple and Steve Jobs for such comfort. It was he who used the results of the first primitive experiments with the mouse on his computer models. The rest only copied this idea, and then much later. By the way, Apple won the love of many users with its “friendly” interface.

The first graphical interface in the Apple Macintosh (1984)

Everything is so conveniently done here that a rare Mac user will switch to a computer from another manufacturer. Although they are not more powerful than competitors, and getting software for them is quite problematic. It's just that programmers and designers have tried very hard to create such an overly convenient interface. Other systems have adopted it with varying degrees of success.

Recently, the graphical interface has received a new round of development. This was made possible by the advent of sensor technology. As we can see, the means of interacting with machines are improving and becoming more natural and convenient.

For example, touch the control panel on the refrigerator or microwave is also the interface. It should be noted that not only the OS has an interface, but also any other program, for example, a game. Of course, programs with a beautiful and convenient menu attract our attention more and remain "live" on the hard drive. Inadequate programs with a poorly implemented interface, on the contrary, discourage any desire to use them.

But the concept of "interface" has other meanings, which come down to means designed for input / output of data. If you look at the back of your computer, you will see several inputs for connecting devices.

These inputs (connectors) are also interfaces for various purposes. The well-known USB connector, for example, can be considered a USB interface. Because it helps the computer "communicate" with flash drives, printers, modems, external hard drives and other devices.

And in conclusion, we give another interpretation of this word. In modern programming languages, there are methods called "interface". These methods are used when writing a program so that it (the program) can interact with the operating system. These are certain pieces of the program designed to "communicate", but not with a person, but with another program.

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The word interface can have many definitions, but the main definition is in the field of computer technology. Interface here means a facility that helps the user interact with games, programs or operating systems. This tool makes programs recognizable and makes it easier to work with them. For example, you can take the interface of the program Paint. If a person knows how to work with it, then he will be able to work with other programs that have a similar interface.

You can explain the term in other words, as a set of different means by which a person controls computer technology. The main tasks of the interface are the input and output of information. In addition, it helps manage software, share data, and conduct command operations. These operations are carried out with the help of external storage media.

As an interface, you can characterize the back panel of a computer. This is due to the ability to connect different devices to it using the inputs. The control panels found on washing machines or in cars are also an interface.

The very word "interface" is borrowed from English. Its literal translation means interaction between persons, and it is used in the same sense. In modern technology, an interface is a unique system link that allows information to be passed between two or more objects. Although this concept is most often used in computer technology, it is also present in other areas of science and technology. For example, in engineering psychology, the interface is the communication between machines and people.

The need for interfaces

Imagine that complex equipment is made up of links, blocks and various other nodes. Also, the equipment is connected with the user himself. The last connection must be expressed in a logical form. It is a system that provides information and also characterizes signals. Computer interfaces can logically be thought of as systems created from mathematics. That is, mathematically, these are systems of concepts of Boolean algebra. Physically, it can be represented as a collection of chips, electronic parts, wiring and other parts that exchange current pulses with each other.

With the help of the interface, the computer can generally work. It is he who provides the connection between the processor and RAM, printing devices, as well as with the video card. In addition, using the interface, you can surf the Internet, communicate with other devices and with other users.

Simply put, without this tool, the work of computer technology cannot be performed. In computer technology today, different types of interfaces are used that are needed for a programmer to work, they are also necessary for ordinary PC users.

Program interface

A program interface refers to the various parts that can be used to control the program. In the program, the interface looks like windows, buttons that are used so that the program can perform the actions that you expect from it.

Let us give a simple example in the use of computer programs. In order to watch a movie, you need to use a program such as a video player. The program starts the line that indicates the movie, after which it is displayed on the screen. The movie viewer also has its own interface, which serves to manage. So, using the buttons present on the player, you can make the sound louder or quieter, pause the movie or perform other necessary actions.


A GUI is a user interface that uses images instead of numbers. Images in it also replace letters, these are buttons or icons. A striking example of a graphical interface is the Windows desktop. The job of this interface is to make the program work with clicks.

Compared to the fact that there is input and output through the command line, the graphical interface is simple and straightforward. Not so often, in order to use a graphical interface, special computer knowledge is required. The graphical interface is often intuitive and is also called friendly.

The graphical interface has its drawbacks, the main of which is the large amount of memory that is needed in order to visualize the program in a graphical form. But modern programs have overcome this shortcoming, as the memory of modern computers increases with each new release. But along with this, the interface itself becomes more complicated, now it takes up more memory, but it becomes more convenient and efficient.

As for games, they also have a graphical interface so that the user can interact with the computer while playing. It also allows users to communicate with each other. In almost all games, the interface is complex, and it allows you to control the game using buttons and a mouse.

The actions of game characters are provided by the actions of the user, and the ways of their implementation are standard for almost all games. Often the user is given the opportunity to change the interface settings in order to make it more convenient for him to play. Now there are new control options, so, when creating touch screens, you can control the game with the touch of your fingers.

Interface types

In addition to the fact that there is a gaming, software and graphical interface, there is also an interface of the following types:

  • external;
  • interior.

The internal interface represents methods and properties, they are accessed through other means of this object. They are also called private.

An external interface refers to methods and properties that are externally available to users. Such methods are called public. These types can be seen visually, taking a coffee maker as an example. A boiler, an element that heats up, a thermal fuse and so on are hidden inside the coffee maker. All this can be called an internal interface. The parts that make it up ensure the performance of the device. To do this, they interact with each other. For example, for the operation of a coffee maker, its heating element is connected to a boiler.

It is difficult to get close to the internal interface of the coffee maker, it is closed from the user by a plastic case. Instrument details are hidden and only the external interface is available to the user. When a coffee maker is purchased, only the external interface is available to the user. It is not necessary to know about the internal interface, only the external interface is required to use the device.

The same examples apply to other household appliances, for example, a washing machine, TV, and so on. The computer also has an internal interface, it is not available to the user, however, if the device breaks down, you have to interact with it.

Thus, the interface is characterized as a means by which it is possible to interact with computers, control household appliances, and so on. It is external and internal. The user can only access the external interface of devices and machines.

The interface is a special software that performs the function of displaying a graphic image and allows you to exchange data between the user and a computer or other technical device.

What is an interface?

The simplest example of an interface is a remote control. This technical tool helps to interact and “communicate” the TV and the person. Other examples would be dashboards in a car, levers in an airplane, and so on. Despite the rather broad scope, when asking the question: “What is an interface?” in most cases, people have associations with computers, mobile phones and other technical devices of this type.

The interface is a collection of various elements, which themselves can also have a complex multi-level structure. For example, the display screen includes windows that consist of certain panels, buttons, etc. The main characteristic of firmware is efficiency and ease of use. Based on this, the interface is often positioned as convenient, friendly, understandable, intuitive, etc.

Main components

In order to understand what an interface is, you need to understand its basic elements. Their set depends on what exactly the person uses. If this is, for example, a computer program, then this includes a variety of virtual panels, buttons, windows and other similar components. In addition, the interface can be interactive, i.e., affect a person using a variety of sounds, signals, lights, vibration motors, etc. As for the user himself, he can interact with the interface using various switches, levers, buttons, or even certain gestures and voice commands.

Concept structure

Very often, the interface is understood as the appearance of the program. This is not entirely true, because in addition to visual characteristics, this technical concept includes a set of additional functions and elements. Below are some of them:

  • Information input technology.
  • Data output method.
  • User tasks.
  • Various elements that allow you to control the program.
  • Feedback.
  • Elements of navigation between different structures and program components.
  • Tools for graphic display of commands.

Essential elements

In most cases, the standard interface of a technical device consists of the following elements:

  • Button. It can be double, flag, etc.
  • Badge or icon.
  • Normal or hierarchical list.
  • Fields for editing.
  • A menu that can be main, contextual, or drop-down.
  • Various panels.
  • Tabs, labels and tooltips.
  • Windows, in particular dialogue.
  • Scroll bar, slider, etc.

Additional elements

In addition to the above main components, the interface may have additional elements that are not used in all technical devices.

  • Level indicator. Allows you to track a specific value.
  • Elements of a sequential set.
  • Various counters.
  • Displaying information on top of all other components.
  • Hidden UI elements that disappear when not in use, etc.


As for typology, depending on certain criteria, there are different types of interfaces. At the same time, almost every year their number and structure changes and improves. Below are the most common types.

  1. command interface. This technical tool is based on the input of certain commands and their sequence. A special window is displayed on the device screen, where the user enters a specific command and receives the corresponding result. This type of interface is less convenient for the average user, since it requires knowledge of commands and the process of entering them.
  2. Menu interface. In this case, examples of commands and menus with specific actions are displayed on the screen of the technical device. In order to select the required command, simply move the cursor to a specific symbol and confirm your actions. At the moment, this is the most popular way of communication between a computer and a user. This type of interface does not require special knowledge, and even a child can work in this way.
  3. Voice interface. Allows you to switch between commands and certain actions through voice guidance. The most convenient and promising type of communication between a computer and a user. At the moment, it is not widespread yet, it is present mainly in expensive technical devices.

User interface

This concept includes a complex set of elements that the user sees on the screen and through which he interacts with the computer. The result of human activity depends on how convenient it is to use. Based on this, all the world's corporations that deal with computer technology pay special attention not only to the process of writing programs, but also to optimize them for the needs of specific user groups. Designers, artists and even psychologists work on the interface device, and it is developed taking into account the special requirements of people, physical capabilities, their state of health, etc.

The concept of parallel and serial interface

For computers and other similar devices, the task of transmitting data in a certain amount plays an important role. In order to transfer data to a group of bits, there are two approaches to the structure and organization of the interface:

  1. Parallel interface. In this variant, each bit from the group of those that are transmitted uses its own signal line, and they are all transmitted together at one specific moment. An example is the printer connection port.
  2. Serial interface. In this case, only one signal line is used, and the bits are transmitted in turn, one after the other, while each of them is given a certain amount of time. An example is the USB serial bus.

Each of these interface types has its pros and cons. Although using the parallel option is a simpler and faster solution, it requires a large amount of wires and cables to implement. Serial interface transmission lines are more complex, but much cheaper. Accordingly, if the line needs to be stretched for a long distance, then it is much more profitable to pull serial cables than several parallel wires.

Instead of an afterword

Thus, the interface acts as an intermediary between the computer or other technical device and the user. The quality of work with this equipment depends on how convenient and easy it will be to operate. In order to finally understand what an interface is, you should also study its classification, basic concepts and main components. Every year the interfaces of various technical devices are improved, the approach to their structure and main functions is changing.

interface- interface, partition) - a set of means and methods of interaction between the elements of the system.

Depending on the context, the concept is applicable both to a separate element ( element interface), and to bundles of elements ( element interface).

  • reins - the main element of the interface between the horse and the coachman (reins - the interface of the "horse-coachman" system). Or the reins - the interface (control) of the horse;
  • steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, gear knob - the interface (control) of the car, or the interface of the "driver - car" system. For an auto mechanic, interface elements are completely different devices - an oil level dipstick, for example;
  • electrical plug and socket - are the power supply interface for most household appliances;
  • keyboard and mouse - are the computer interface in the context of "user - computer";
  • e-mail address - is the communication interface of the Internet user;
  • English is the main communication interface between Internet users;
  • data transfer protocol - part of the interface of the client-server architecture;
  • submission of resumes and interviews are part of the "employment process" system;

This term is used in almost all areas of science and technology. Its meaning refers to any pairing of interacting entities. The interface is understood not only as devices, but also as rules (protocol) for the interaction of these devices.

In the context of a single element element interface opposite implementation of the element (internal design and operation). The user of an element does not need to know how the used element is implemented in order to control it, but the used element must provide a control interface. For example, the driver does not need to know how the engine works in order to drive a car, it is enough to use the car interface (steering wheel and pedals).

Interfaces in computing

Interfaces are the basis for the interaction of all modern information systems. If the interface of any object (personal computer, program, function) does not change (stable, standardized), this makes it possible to modify the object itself without rebuilding the principles of its interaction with other objects.

For example, having learned to work with one program under Windows, the user can easily master others - because they have the same interface.

In a computing system, interaction can be carried out at the user, software and hardware levels. According to this classification, we can distinguish:

User interface

The set of means by which the user communicates with various devices.

  • Command line interface: instructions to the computer are given by entering text lines (commands) from the keyboard.
  • Graphical User Interface: Software functions are represented by graphical screen elements.
  • Dialog interface
  • Natural language interface: the user "talks" to the program in his native language.
Physical interface

The way physical devices interact. Most often we are talking about computer ports.

  • Gateway (telecommunications) - a device that connects a local network to a larger one, such as the Internet
  • Neuro-computer interface brain-computer interface): is responsible for the exchange between neurons and an electronic device using special implanted electrodes.
Interfaces in programming
  • Function interface
  • Application Programming Interface (API): A set of standard library methods that a programmer can use to access the functionality of another program.

Interfaces in the natural sciences

  • Interface (chemistry)
  • Interface (physics)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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