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  • What is information technology in a nutshell. The Computing Center is responsible for developing an overall strategy for the use of information technology and assists users in both work and learning, sets standards and defines policy for the use of information technology.

What is information technology in a nutshell. The Computing Center is responsible for developing an overall strategy for the use of information technology and assists users in both work and learning, sets standards and defines policy for the use of information technology.

Information, informatics, information technology are words that have long been familiar to everyone, which very accurately characterize the life and needs of modern society. However, the question of what information technology is can be confusing for many. Let's save ourselves from such an unpleasant situation.

So, information technology (IT) is a set of methods and tools used to collect, store, process and disseminate information. Currently, human activity has become highly dependent on these technologies, they need constant development. A lot of specialists, called IT-specialists or “IT people”, work on developments in the field of computer science, their work is somehow connected with computers. Let's try to distinguish among them several groups:

  • specialists involved in computer equipment and other technical developments;
  • specialists who create software for computers and other computing devices;
  • specialists working with ready-made information products.

The future of computer technologies is in the hands of representatives of the first two categories, it depends on them in what ways humanity will transmit and receive information. These include, for example, computer hardware development engineers, system administrators, programmers of various profiles, software testers, site developers, information security specialists.

There are also professionals who need to manage ready-made information. This includes its collection, structuring, design, editing - these tasks are performed by web programmers, web designers, content managers, Internet project managers. This area also includes employees such as SEO specialists, they are responsible for optimizing and promoting the site.

Take a look at any office: none of them is complete without computer technology. Many companies, even those not involved in information technology, have an employee in their staff who understands computer devices. This indicates a high demand for IT-specialists.

At the same time, one can argue about the stratification of IT specialists into those who are very popular and less popular among employers. This is due to the fact that some sectors in the field of information technology enjoy a special priority, and therefore they have relatively more resources for development. Thus, experts note that in the coming years, specialists in the development of web and mobile applications, which are very fashionable these days, will be in great demand. However, the classic system administration and quality assurance software will not lose their relevance: true professionals in these matters will not be left without work.

Information Technology- a rapidly changing environment, there are always a lot of innovations in it. A wide variety of projects and developments appear here almost daily. For example, in the field of telecommunications, multi-service networks, third-generation mobile communication networks are emerging, which will lead to significant progress in the future. Analysts predict that in the field of IT there will be a clear specialization in the development and production of technologies. And its full transition to the system international standards will allow "IT people" to become world-class specialists.

In order not to drown in the flow of information, to quickly find it and use it competently, there is a whole field of activity - IT-technologies. What this means can be guessed by expanding the abbreviation IT - Information Technology. Everything related to information - search, storage, transfer - refers to IT-technologies.

In antiquity, too, there were IT-technologies. Knowledge was recorded on parchment, papyrus, paper. carried out by messengers, pigeon mail, in the 19th century, mankind mastered radio and telegraph. Information was stored in libraries and archives.

But, of course, the boom in information technology occurred in the 20th century with the advent of computing. Computer systems have shown the greatest efficiency when working with information, therefore, when talking about IT, it is often meant precisely Computer techologies.

Data transfer

The exchange of information reached a new level after the discovery of electricity. The ability to transmit data via electrical signals was a major advance IT technologies. What did it give ordinary people?

Our contemporaries can now communicate with each other from anywhere. There is an opportunity to get an education without leaving home. The Internet has largely replaced traditional sources of knowledge. Digitization of paper books, annals, documents are coming full swing. Digital copies of priceless works become available to everyone.

In the early days of the Internet, the amount of information transmitted was very limited. For example, it took 15 minutes to download a music recording to your computer. Improving data transmission methods has increased the speed of data exchange hundreds of times. This opened up new opportunities - such as videoconferencing, webinars, online TV viewing, IP telephony.

Data storage

Data transmission and storage are closely interrelated. If it is not possible to store large amounts of information, then powerful communication channels will also not be in demand. And great progress has been made in this area. The cost of a hard disk varies little, but the amount of information that can be written to it has increased tenfold over the decade.

For comparison, the amount of hard drive memory in 1995 was about 500 MB, in 2005 it was already 80 GB, and in 2015 most of them exceeded the 1 terabyte mark. Servers are used to store data on the Internet. In fact, these are ordinary personal computers, sharpened for data storage. For greater efficiency, they are combined into data centers - the brainchild of IT technology. What is this if not one of the symbols of the post-industrial society? There can be hundreds of servers in one room. The amount of electricity they consume at the same time can reach the generation of a small power plant.


Storage and transmission of data are, of course, very important, but only if they are searched and processed quickly. necessary information. Here, too, great progress has been made. To store information, databases have been developed that allow processing and retrieving information in an optimal way. Computer databases have entered into all spheres of human activity. They stand both at the ticket office and at the medical registry, with their help the schedule of lessons at the school is drawn up.

There are free and commercial bases, both for a single user and allowing many people to access them at the same time. Accordingly, programming languages ​​have also been created that allow you to create databases for different situations.

Data search

IT technologies also help us not to get lost in the stormy ocean of information. What are these names - Google, Yandex, Rambler - probably all Internet users know. The huge amount accumulated on the World Wide Web makes finding the right information a non-trivial task.

It is impossible to check every document from beginning to end, otherwise each request would be processed for weeks. Therefore, search engine developers resort to various tricks. So, for example, each site has keywords, the search for which occurs in the first place. In addition, the pages found must be sorted by importance so that the user can extract the most useful information from the first sites found.

Also search system should cut off resources that artificially wind up their rating. Search engines develop large teams of programmers. Their founders become billionaires, and the cost of advertising on the main page of the search engine costs astronomical sums - all because millions of users visit it every day.

Let me be taught

How can I get a profession in the field of IT technology? First of all, these are universities. Professions related to computer technology, programming, information technology are in great demand now. New departments have appeared in institutes and universities to provide the labor market with specialists in the field of IT technology. Education traditionally comes with an emphasis on theory. On the one hand, this knowledge is rather abstract, and it is difficult to directly apply it in practice. On the other hand, the profession of an IT specialist involves lifelong learning, and the foundation laid at the university will help the graduate quickly master the latest developments.

There is another way to become a professional in this field. Currently, a lot of literature on IT technology has been released. "For Dummies" - this is probably the name of the most popular series of books on the basics of programming, database design, web design, network technologies and so on. Learning from this kind of literature also has its advantages. Almost always it is purely applied in nature, written in an easy to understand language. Having taken the first steps, you can start earning your first money on the freelance exchange, completing simple tasks for ridiculous money, but gaining invaluable experience. With due diligence, you can achieve noticeable success in 5 years.

Both approaches have the right to exist, especially since sometimes studying at a university becomes inaccessible for financial reasons. The development of IT technology is so rapid that university education simply cannot keep up with it. It provides a certain foundation, but many things will have to be learned anew. And in general, the specifics of an information technology specialist is such that you will have to study constantly in order to remain in demand in the labor market.

Promising developments

From latest developments and areas of IT technologies, cloud technologies can be noted. If earlier the user installed the necessary applications on his computer for work, now more and more services appear on the Internet. Graphics and video processing directly in the browser no longer surprise anyone. There are accounting and management programs that allow you to keep abreast of events away from the workplace.

Active work is underway to recognize the human voice and image. If a computer learns to recognize an image, then this will be another breakthrough in IT technology. Photos from documents can be checked in automatic mode. This will be of great help to law enforcement and border guards. Confident recognition of human speech in the future will allow you to control the computer in the most familiar way for a person.

Thousands of articles, websites, books are devoted to IT technology. What it is? It is impossible to fully convey within a single review. But if you are interested in the world of information technology, then the task of the article can be considered completed.

The fact that it is IT-technologies is interesting to many people of different age categories. This area has recently been developing very actively, so the most promising jobs and career plans are associated with information technology. However, not everyone understands what this term hides. Some believe that it means programming, others - working with microcircuits. What is it really? Let's try to figure it out.

General information

Many have heard about the existence of IT-technologies. What it is, units can exhaustively answer. Of course, it is easier for young people to navigate this issue, but middle-aged and old people, especially those who are far from the world of technology, often find it difficult to understand the essence of the term. Dictionary entries say that IT technologies can be deciphered as information technology processes. The abbreviation is formed in English language, where it began to be actively used by the masses. It was from English that it came to us, therefore there were no translations, they simply adopted the established form of the sphere designation.

Currently, professors, explaining what it is - IT-technologies, say that the term is used to denote a whole range of disciplines, areas of human business activity. Formation, preservation, control over data, information processing is supposed. As part of the application of high-tech approaches, it is planned to use the capacities of innovative computer technology.

Modern interpretation

It so happened that nowadays a peculiar understanding of what IT technologies are has been formed. This is a complex concept applied to computer development. It is assumed that employees whose activities are related to this area actively use computer technology, modern and efficient software. Using such tools, they process, accumulate useful information, systematize it, as well as receive new information and restrict access to existing data (in accordance with the security policy).

The correct name for the professionals involved in this area would be IT professionals. And now the market for IT technologies, as well as the supply of jobs and skilled labor that can be hired, is actively expanding. Its key feature is the absence of formal geographic boundaries. For the IT sphere, time and distance are of the minimum importance - only the speed of data transfer is important, in many respects comparable to the speed of electric current flowing through the wires.

UNESCO approach

The scope of IT technologies was clearly defined and in the terminology approved by UNESCO. In accordance with this approach, IT is commonly understood as disciplines related to each other and related to technology, science, and engineering. They help to make the work as efficient as possible. This area explores new ways to improve the performance of all tasks and workflows. First of all, the IT area is aimed at improving the working conditions of people involved in the processing of information bases, and also deals with issues related to ensuring the safety of data. IT involves the use of the most modern organizational methods, technical capabilities to ensure the interaction between personnel and equipment. IT is the practical application of technology and capabilities. It is also a complex of social problems related to aspects of culture and economy.

Information and information technology is a rather difficult area to understand and apply. To work in it, specialists must first be trained. You will have to invest a lot of money in the purchase of equipment. The introduction of IT approaches in an enterprise involves, first, mathematical software and modeling, the creation of databases for storing information, solutions, and intermediate information.

IT functionality

Key features of information technology (IT):

  • Ability to transfer data over long distances.
  • Structuring, standardization of information exchange using specific algorithms.
  • The use of computer capabilities to store and access data in a manner that is understandable to the end user.

scientific discipline

The broadest interpretation of the term under consideration involves the analysis of areas through which the following actions are performed with data:

  • are saved.
  • Formed.
  • Are transported.
  • Are perceived.

The use of computers is not prerequisite for information and communication technologies. It is only in the minds of some people that computers are equated with IT. There is nothing surprising in this, because it was computer technology that drew the attention of a wide range of people to information technology. It should be recognized that computer technology is a narrower area than IT.

Industry Role of IT

The development of IT technologies has led to the formation of a small section into a whole industry, which in our time closely intersects with various areas of life. She is engaged in various information systems: their formation, improvement, use. IT helps to make the workflow more efficient, organized, productive. To do this, it is important to rationally apply the most modern achievements, discoveries, technologies. IT involves the use of the most relevant methods of communication interaction, as well as modern software. To achieve success, you need to involve experienced professionals in the work process. The right integrated approach allows you to minimize resources.

Nowadays, new IT-technologies are an industry that is relevant for educational tasks and medical research, for the field of service provision, management and production processes. IT has a serious impact on social integration, a change in society, which, under the influence of modern technologies, has accelerated significantly.

How it all began

For the first time, information and communication technologies began to be actively discussed in the sixties of the last century. It was during that period that the first information systems appeared, and society began its journey into the world of high technologies and even higher speeds. In the late nineties, a lot of money was invested both in the industry in general and in the Internet in particular. The most successful analysts were able to predict the importance world wide web for the future society. These assumptions have fully justified themselves in practical development.

For the first time, Lopez and Gilbert, who conducted studies of a long time period, spoke about the growth of technological progress not just in arithmetic progression, but exponentially. Their experiment began back in 1986 and ended twenty-one years later. Throughout this period, the researchers studied the power spent on data processing, revealed the ratio with the population. Data was taken monthly. Studies have shown that every 34 months, the potential of IT capabilities doubles, and the volume of stored information doubles in 40 months. Analyzing modern information technologies, they found that the transmission of the flow of information, based on the number of people living on the planet, doubles in 12.3 years.

IT and business

Entrepreneurs are perhaps one of the key strata of society that actively stimulate the development of modern information technologies. It is they who invest decent money in this area, allowing the best minds of the world to work in the chosen direction, improving the technique and approaches to working with information.

It is customary to say that IT and business are in close interaction. The introduction of the most modern technological solutions allows the company to be competitive and efficient. This is true for any line of business. In addition, recent trends are such that it is incredibly difficult to conduct productive activities without the Internet. If the company is still not represented on the World Wide Web, you should consider options for strategies that will help you adjust to the requirements of our reality. As many experts say, the absence of such a strategy and the desire to start working on it is an obvious indicator of the lack of a future for the enterprise.

Is new technology in place everywhere?

Of course, IT makes it possible to increase the efficiency of entrepreneurship, but it is necessary to correlate the costs of implementing the latest solutions and the benefits that they will bring. Balanced decision-making is the basis of a successful business. If managers can accurately determine the purpose of their business process improvement actions, then updating the work program will benefit all personnel and the financial results of the enterprise.

But the appearance of an expensive tool that is not actually used in practice will not be any advantage for the company, but will only be an impressive cost component. To successfully implement technologies, you need to be able to anticipate market developments and apply not only the tools that are relevant today, but also those that will be useful in the future. Business strategies involving the use of the most modern IT tools are quite difficult to implement and require significant financial investments. This obliges us to be especially attentive to the possibilities of improvement so as not to waste cosmic sums.

Areas of use

Currently, IT-technologies are actively used in education. It can be said that it has turned into a national program, large-scale, covering a variety of institutions, from preparatory preschool to implementing higher education programs. On the one hand, this is good, as it allows you to look to the future with confidence, not to doubt the adequacy of educational opportunities, conformity of programs and expectations of pupils. On the other hand, success educational process depends not only on the IT used, but also on the programs themselves, the qualifications of teachers, and their readiness to work according to new methods.

IT-technologies in medicine are no less relevant. Modern methods allow for high-precision studies and extremely complex surgical interventions. It is thanks to the introduction of IT in this area that new approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as manipulations related to genetic information, have become possible.

Relevance of the issue

Currently, truly cosmic amounts are invested in the IT sector. Recently conducted statistical surveys have been organized to identify the countries in which such development is given the most attention. Our state was in the top ten. Of course, America and the most advanced Western powers are outpacing Russia's pace. Nevertheless, even within our state, a lot of money is invested in updating technical equipment various institutions and enterprises.

But the software turned out to be an outsider. If huge amounts are spent on technology, then software cannot boast of such attention. We are several dozen times behind America, and about ten times behind many European countries. Compared to the average for the entire planet, Russia has only slightly crossed the half threshold. Its rate is 55%. As for the spheres of service provision, here (in comparison with the average parameter for the planet), our country is characterized by a value of 66%, which made it possible to take 22nd place in the ranking of all countries. The research was carried out in 2010.

Issues of the issue

According to experts, the main problem in our country at present is the significant gap observed between different regions. For example, in the capital and in St. Petersburg, access to the World Wide Web and the latest technologies almost everyone and everyone has it, the inhabitants of Ingushetia are just getting such opportunities. This affects both the conduct of business and the educational and scientific potential of the regions.

In a number of regions, there is a significant lack of qualified specialists capable of working in the fields of information technology. But in the advanced regions, access to the World Wide Web is now established in almost all educational institutions, which is already a significant step forward.


Information technologies seem to many to be an invention of the current century, a modern society spoiled with opportunities, technology, and progress. In fact, this interpretation of the term is erroneous. Many try to explain the essence of IT with complex words and phenomena, but this approach is not the most reasonable either. In fact, information technologies have always been with us, they simply were not recognized as important to such an extent, there were no technical possibilities for optimizing work with them.

In fact, IT is all activities related to data processing. Formally, the use of accounts is also information technology, just outdated for our century. Modern machines have made it possible to improve this area, to bring it to a new level. Progress has had a significant impact on all areas of human life, so it is categorically unacceptable to neglect IT.

Information technologies (IT) are processes that use a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product). Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations, actions, stages of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers.

Definition of information technology - IT adopted by UNESCO

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, high initial costs and knowledge-intensive technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists.

Informational resources

Informational resources- this is an organized set of documented information, including databases and knowledge, arrays. Information resources include printed, handwritten, electronic publications that contain regulatory and reference documents on legislation, the political, social sphere, industries, etc.

Information resources are divided into:

state (information resources of state economic entities, which are formed as a result of their activities; information resources of authorities and management at all levels)

non-state (those resources that are created by non-state entities in the interests of the life of society)

There are several types of access to information resources:

· automated information systems to support government decisions;

5. automated systems for programmable decision making.

Corporate information systems

The term "KIS" appeared relatively recently and means modern automated control systems.

KIS- a complex system that provides users with a set of different functional content software tools, to automate various aspects of management activities.

KIS- management ideology that combines the business strategy of the enterprise and advanced information technologies that provide information for making management decisions.

The CIS structure consists of:

Application software;

Platform software;

operating system;


The software of CIS systems is divided into the following classes:

1.local CIS (organized to work in the local network of a small enterprise-1C, BEST)

2.small CIS (they are low cost, flexible in adapting to the needs of users, but mainly configured for desktop DBMS (Access, Foxpro, Clipper). Small CIS include Galaktika, Parus packages)

3. medium CIS (have a long life cycle, can turn into large CIS, have security tools and accompany the software -

4. large CIS (characterized by the scale and solution of complex problems, focused on global and wireless networks, have a territorial distribution)

According to their functional purpose, CIS are divided into

financial and managerial (for accounting, sales, personnel records, etc.)

manufacturing (focused on one or more industries)

Requirements for corporate information systems.

performance and throughput;

Level and scalability;

Reliability and non-failure operation;


The cost of installation, maintenance and development.

Analysis of the efficiency of the corporate network is carried out in the following areas:

network infrastructure;

print file servers and web servers;

Application servers

the architecture of directory services; management model;

· system of internal corporate standards;

Most the obvious way performance improvements - the development of faster hardware modules, for example, the creation of multiprocessor systems, the use of new hardware architectures, the most modern computers and supercomputers. Another effective way to improve performance is to build multiprocessor systems. To date, many methods have been developed to improve the reliability of computer systems:

· redundant array of low-cost RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) significantly reduces the risk of system downtime due to HDD failures, one of the least reliable components of modern computers;

special software that regulates the coordinated use of cluster-wide resources, performs mutual health monitoring and ensures the exchange of specific “cluster” information between its nodes;

Creation of servers with fault-tolerant hardware component;

Specialized fail-safe DBMS Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Teradata.

Compatibility and scalability of corporate inform. technologies.

The ability to effectively increase productivity, throughput, the volume of stored and processed data by increasing the number and power of processors, the amount of external and RAM and other resources of the computing system. This platform property is commonly referred to as scalability. Scalability is ensured by the architecture and design of the computer, as well as OS and DBMS software tools. Modern information systems, as a rule, are complex complexes that include products and technologies from different manufacturers - for example, Novell NetWare, UNIX, AS / 400, mainframes, etc. They are built on various technologies (such as terminal mode , client-server, file-server, etc.) use different formats presentation and storage of data, etc.

The use of heterogeneous "components" in the CIS can cause difficulties both in solving the problems of enterprise management or information exchange, and in managing these components themselves, their support and administration. All this makes it necessary to resolve issues of compatibility of various systems. To avoid these problems, when building systems, the standard of open systems profiles must be observed - these are the rules for building software and data exchange protocols that allow the use of heterogeneous environments and regardless of software and technical support develop the system.

Software classification

ON- a set of programs that make it possible to ensure the operation of a computer from the moment it is turned on to the moment it is turned off and to carry out automated processing of information on it.

Classification: functional purpose:

Hardware software standalone computers and computer networks;

· ON applied tasks various subject areas and software development technologies, or system software;

· Application software packages (APP);

· Programming tools.

2. under the terms of distribution:

· Commercial software;

· "free" software: public domain programs (public domain freeware), free programs (freeware), shareware (shareware).

Computer networks and their classification

KS is a collection of multiple computers computing systems interconnected by means of communication in order to effective use computing and information resources when performing information and computing work.

According to the territorial location, CSs are divided into:

local CS - LAN-networks ( local area Network) - provide the highest speed of information exchange between computers;

· global computer networks, WAN-networks (Wide Area Network) - allow organizing interaction between computers over long distances;

· Regional COPs, MAN-networks (Metropolitan Area Network) - designed to serve the territory of a large city.

Corporate network- a closed computer network, which may include LAN segments - networks of small, medium and large departments of a corporation, combined with the central office MAN and WAN CS and using network technologies global CS.

Local computer networks. Computer network architecture

The local network represents several personal computers connected by data transmission channels.

Local networks are:

o peer-to-peer, i.e. all personal computers are equal and perform the same functions;

o client-server architecture, which provides for the allocation of personal computers to perform special functions (administration, network management, file server with a central database, print server, server remote access, email server).

The network architecture is characterized by topology - this is a logical scheme for connecting network nodes with communication channels. Each topology is characterized by an access method - a protocol. The protocol includes three main components - an address for identifying nodes, delivery rules, and the messages themselves.

The following topologies are distinguished:

bus - a cable connecting nodes into a network forms a broken line (computers are connected to one common cable, through which information is exchanged between computers);

star - network nodes are connected to the center of the cable-beams (provides for the connection of each computer with a separate cable to a common device, called a hub, which is located in the center of the network);

ring - nodes are connected in a network of a closed curve (data are transmitted along the ring from one computer to another, as a rule, in one direction);

· mixed topology- a combination of the topologies listed above.

Global networks and their characteristics

Global computer networks, WAN-networks (Wide Area Network) - allow you to organize interaction between computers over long distances. These networks operate on relatively low speeds and can cause significant delays in the transmission of information. Global networks can span thousands of kilometers and are integrated with national networks.

WAN Architecture

Internet is an association of many international and national computer networks distributed in different countries. It was developed in 1969 by the US Department of Defense and was called Arpanet. Email to.

European Wide Area Network - CompuServe

Internet structure:

NSFNet US Science Foundation Network

UUCPNet international e-mail network

EUNet European Internet

USEnet international e-mail network and newsgroups

· Nodal computers Internet-hosts, each node station serves a certain number of subscribers. Each subscriber has its own address.

· The transmission protocol on the Internet is called TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

Connection through a provider organization (for example, Belarusian - Beltelecom, Belsonet, Solo, Unibel, Atlanttelecom, etc.)

There are 3 ways to connect to the Internet:

1. via dial-up telephone line (via modem). In this case, the user is connected to the Internet at the time of work.

2. via a dedicated telephone line. This means a permanent connection, receiving and transmitting a message over a digital line.

3. via satellite - Direc PC is the exchange of information in the request-response mode.

Most computers on the Internet have not only an IP address (the personal number of each computer on the Internet), but also their own name. The service that translates computer names into their IP addresses is called the Domain Name Service (DNS). Domain- this symbolic name, which uniquely identifies a region on the Internet:

Country domain - ".ru"

Government domain - ".gav"

· Domain of military authorities - ".mil"

Organizations providing network operation - ".net"

· Domain information sites - ".info"

· Domain of professional organizations - ".pro"

Business website domain - ".biz"

Airline website domain - ".aero"

· Domain of sites of cooperative organizations - ".coop"

· Domain of personal websites and addresses Email- ".name"

Museum domain - ".museum"

The main modern Internet technologies are as follows:

1. hypertext markup language HTML documents(HyperText Markup Language);

2. a universal way of addressing resources in the URL network (Universal Resource Locator);

3. protocol for the exchange of hypertext information HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol);

4. Universal Gateway Interface CGI (Common Gateway Interface).

Information Security Methods

There are the following universal (general) methods for ensuring information security:

1. Identification and authentication;

2. Access control to resources;

3. Registration and analysis of events occurring in the IS;

4. Control of the integrity of IP objects;

5. Data encryption;

6. Reserving resources and components involves: organizing regular rescue procedures and backup storage of critical data, installing and periodically checking backup devices data processing, training of specialists capable of replacing system administrators, registration of systems and storage of information media in strictly defined places, issuance of them to authorized persons with the necessary marks in the registration documents

Identification is the process of recognizing elements of a system, usually by means of a predetermined identifier or other unique information; each subject or object of the system must be uniquely identifiable.

Authentication- this is an authentication of the identity of a user, process, device or other component of the system (usually performed before access is allowed); as well as checking the integrity and authorship of data during storage or transmission to prevent unauthorized modification. Authentication is usually performed before access is granted.

Under the control of access to resources, we will understand the restriction of the possibilities of using the resources of the system by programs, processes or other systems (for the network) in accordance with the rules of access control

There are four main ways in which subjects can share access to shared objects:

· Physical - subjects refer to physically different objects (devices of the same type, data sets on different media, etc.).

· Temporary - subjects with different access rights to the object receive it at different time intervals.

Logical - subjects get access to a shared object within a single operating environment, but under the control of access control tools that model a virtual operating environment "one subject - all objects", in this case, separation can be implemented different ways: Dividing the original object, dividing with copying the object, etc.

· Cryptographic - all objects are stored in encrypted form, access rights are determined by the presence of a key to access the object.

Information Security Tools

To organize a continuous process of ensuring information security, the following are organized:

Information security services;

Information security project.

Service computer security is a training of users and personnel on the rules of secure information processing, created to organize the qualified development of an information security system and ensure its functioning; organization of checks of the reliability of the functioning of the protection system; distribution between users of the necessary security details; taking measures in case of NSD attempts to obtain information and in case of violations of the rules for the functioning of the protection system, etc.

To organize and ensure the effective functioning of an integrated computer security system, organizational and administrative documents should be developed that define the procedure and rules for ensuring information security and documents that define responsibility for the exchange of electronic documents.

Information security projects define the firm's information security strategy, the authority of operating and maintenance personnel, the mode of identification and authentication of users (i.e., which keys will be used), the correctness of access attempts, and access control. Developed using CASE - tools.

Organizational and economic support of information security

Organizational arrangements- these are organizational, technical and organizational and legal measures for the creation and operation of equipment (projects for the protection of information systems, developed for large corporate networks using social technologies)

Organizational measures include:

obstruction - a physical barrier to access

access control through system resources

identification of users, confirmation of registration authority

disguise - a method of protecting communication channels during information processing

regulation - prescribing the conditions for processing, storing, transferring protected information

coercion - a method of complying with safety norms and rules

motivation - creation of conditions not to violate the conditions of compliance with information security

The best results in IP protection are achieved with a systematic approach to security issues and the integrated use of various protection measures at all stages of the system life cycle, starting from the moment of its design.

The main tasks to be solved by these organizational measures:

management of user access to IP resources;

protection of data transmitted over communication channels;

registration, collection, storage, processing and issuance of information about all events occurring in the system and related to its security;

control over the work of users of the system by the administration;

control and maintenance of the integrity of critical resources of the protection system and the environment for the execution of application programs;

· ensuring a closed environment of verified software in order to protect against uncontrolled introduction of potentially dangerous programs into the system, as well as the introduction and spread of computer viruses;

management of the means of the protection system.


1 Information technology: definitions, concepts……………….….4

2 Information technology in the library……………………………..6

2.1 IT and preservation of library collections………..10

2.2 Use of IT for accessibility legal information…………………………………………………………………..12

3 Internet technologies……………………………………………………..14




The rapid development of science and technology at the end of the 20th century led to the widespread use of information technology in various fields of activity. Everything greater value acquire information and information technology. At the same time, the methods and ways of processing information must comply with two principles: accuracy and speed of receipt.

Information technology is an indispensable component of most types of intellectual, managerial and industrial activities of a person and society. The development of information technologies in modern conditions is based on the use of computer technology and related methods and means of automating information processes.

There is no doubt that the five main trends in the development of information technology at the end of the 20th century - personal computers, CD-ROM, the Internet, digital libraries, mobile communications - have also significantly influenced the usual technologies of libraries.

Today, the focus is on the problems associated with meeting the information needs of readers: identifying the needs of users, the completeness of the receipt of literature, the use of the Internet in library processes, the use of the electronic documents market.

The purpose of this essay will be to study the use of information technology in the library of SPI IzhSTU.

1 Information technology: definitions, concepts.

Information technologies are designed to automate the processes of routine processing of large volumes of information and provide a user of any rank with accessible and compact documents containing data, both in its original and processed form. The formation of information resources in almost all areas of human activity has led to the emergence and rapid pace of development of information technologies, including librarianship.

To ensure the logical integrity of the presentation, consider the definitions and concepts associated with information technology.

Information technology (IT) is a process that uses a set of methods and means for implementing the operations of collecting, registering, transferring, accumulating, protecting and processing information based on software and hardware, aimed at improving the efficiency and productivity of labor.

There are other definitions of IT, for example:

1 IT term referring to all technological means used to create, store, exchange and use information in its various forms (business data, telephone conversations, photographs, videos, multimedia presentations, as well as any other that may appear in the future .

2 IT or information and communication technologies– ICT is a technology used to process information. In particular, they use computers and software to transform, store, protect, transfer and retrieve information anywhere and anytime.

3 IT techniques, methods and methods of using hardware and software in the performance of information processing functions.(2)

The above definitions show the complex and multicomponent nature of IT.

Technologies differ in the composition and sequence of operations, the degree of their automation (the proportion of machine and manual labor), and the reliability of their implementation. Reliability is realized by the quality of the performance of the main operations and the presence of a variety of their control.

Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the time of its processing. Automated information systems for information technology is the main environment, the constituent elements of which are the means and methods for data transformation. IT is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations on information circulating in information systems (IS), and depends on many factors that are systematized according to the following classification criteria (Fig. 1):

· The degree of centralization of the technological process;

· Type subject area;

· Degree of coverage of tasks;

· The class of implemented technological operations;

· User interface type;

· A method of building a network.

Fig 1 Classification of information technologies

Information Technology

The degree of centralization of the technological process

Domain Type

Degree of coverage of tasks

The class of implemented technological operations

User interface type

Network building method

Centralized technology;

decentralized technology;

Combined technology.


Insurance activity;


tax activity;

Automated data processing;

Function automation;

Decision support;

Electronic office;

Expert support.

Working with text editors;

Work with the spreadsheet processors;

Working with DBMS;

Working with graphic objects;

multimedia systems;

hypertext systems.





Multilevel (hierarchical);


2 Information technology in the library.

We consider the library (library and information system) as a communication and social system(institute), designed primarily for information services for a specific range of users and providing them with the required documentary resource.

The world of the library and librarians has changed under the influence of external environment and with the advent of new information technologies. Although, the functions of libraries remained the same: to collect documents and information, to store, to bring it to those to whom it is intended. And do it as efficiently as possible, quickly and completely. But the means by which they are implemented have become new, modern, corresponding to the new information age.

University and institute libraries have always been and continue to be the main source of information that ensures the scientific and educational activities of the university (institute), since the level and quality of educational and research work is largely determined by the library and information support of teachers and students, researchers and graduate students.

A feature of our library, like any other university library, is the fact that it does not exist as an independent institution, but is a structural subdivision of the institute. Therefore, the basis of library informatization is an automated library and information system (ABIS), integrated into a single information system of the university. All personal computers of the institute, including those installed in the library, are connected to a local network and have access to the working databases of the library and the Internet for communication through the user interface. It is this task that the library has set for itself, starting a comprehensive computerization of all library production processes, starting with the preliminary order of literature and ending with the issuance of documents to readers.

In the reading room of the SPI library, to ensure the work of the library and the educational process, eight computers are installed operating system Microsoft Windows XP with all office applications: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, etc., as well as free analog office programs Open Office: Writer, Cals, Impress, Base, Draw (graphic editor), Math.

As well as: Adobe Photoshop CS, Winamp, The BAT, Internet Explorer, Borland Developes Studio 2006, Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12, Mathcad 2001 Professional, Compass - 3D V8 / Compass autoproject V9.3, Borland Delphi 7, Promt, 1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8.0, Matlab V6.5, Maple 9.5 and above, P-Cad 2001, Statistica 6.0, Adobe Reader, SolidWorks, ADEM.

IN last years in connection with the revision legislative framework librarianship and changes in traditional library processes, the need to improve the management of the process of creating and using documents by the library administration has emerged.

The presence in the office of the head of the library of a computer and databases reflecting the current state of the main technological processes in departments, gives him the opportunity to quickly implement remote control and monitoring the state of affairs in the library, especially in those areas that need increased attention.

The library of SPI IzhGTU uses the "Online: Library" configuration. She is not independent program, for its functioning it is necessary to have the platform "1C: Enterprise 7.7"


Automation of all sections of the library accounting:

Maintaining an electronic catalog (EC);

Printing of alphabetical and systematic catalog cards in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003;

Printing the back of the catalog card;

Book form printing;

Selection of the list of books by keyword and its printout;

Maintaining a systematic accounting of books by UDC and LBC indices;

Maintaining a directory of publishers.


Maintaining a directory of specialties;

Maintaining a directory of taught subjects;

Maintaining the current composition of the courses;

Maintaining a list of studied books on the subject;

Bulletin of book supply.

Operations with readers:

Maintaining a list of study groups;

Maintaining a list of readers: teachers, students by groups, dropouts;

Managing the issuance and receipt of books;

Control of books is in the hands of the reader.

· Accounting documents:

Acceptance of books to the library fund;

Exclusion of books from the library fund;

Book of total accounting;

Inventory book.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the input of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any document by various criteria: number, date, amount, etc.

The online library includes a set of statistical reports that allow you to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required level of detail.

The electronic catalog is, first of all, computer base data, a different type (method) of presenting information about a document, a non-traditional tool for fund disclosure. Entering information into the database (DB) is carried out in accordance with GOST 701-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules. Each entry is accompanied by keywords that facilitate the search for documents in the database by content and type of publication; indicate the number of copies and the place of storage of documents.

The electronic catalog consists of a set of directories, the main one being the "Books" directory. Without it, neither work on the analysis of the availability of books in the educational process, nor work with readers is possible. As books are entered into this directory, other directories will be filled in: "Authors", "Publishers", "Keywords", "Series", "Places of Publication", etc. For newly incoming or outgoing publications, it is necessary to draw up the documents “Act for the receipt of books” and “Act for the exclusion of books from the library fund”, respectively, which will allow the formation of a summary book. As the main number of books used in the library is entered in the Books reference book, it is possible to proceed to the analysis of the availability of books and automated servicing of readers.

An analysis of the availability of books should be done annually, due to changes curricula, composition of courses, types of taught disciplines and specialties.

The second moment in the field of penetration of information technologies into the library was CD-ROM, DVD, which brought a new type of document carrier and led to the phenomenon of electronic libraries (DL). For libraries, the development of DL means, first of all, scanning (digitizing) and forming part of their collection into in electronic format, its organization and maintenance of local and remote users.

What did electronic editions give to libraries?:

1 The ability to serve its readers with a variety of databases and other information products: bibliographic, abstract, factual, address and reference, thereby significantly expanding its user service and promoting greater accessibility to the world's information resources.

2 The ability to use a comprehensive, energy- and resource-saving, relatively inexpensive publishing medium that has many advantages over paper, microform, and magnetic tapes.

3 Multi-access to one document - simultaneous access of several users to one electronic resource using "CD-ROM Networking" systems

4 Preservation, creation of insurance copies.

2.1 IT and preservation of library collections.

Library funds are part of the national cultural heritage, historical source and information resource of the country. Meanwhile, thousands of documents are lost in libraries in the process of storage and use.

For libraries, systems that work in the field of protection against theft and unauthorized movement are of interest. Types of anti-theft systems using RFID technology are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Currently, anti-theft electromagnetic systems are most suitable for libraries. Their work is as follows: a special electronic pass-through system (detector panels) has a high sensitivity and reads information without contact from a carrier hidden in a magazine, a book, etc. One of the racks of detector panels is a receiver, the other is a transmitter. The transmitter emits a signal at a certain frequency for a strictly defined period of time. An electromagnetic field arises between the racks. If an information carrier is in the field of action of the system, and at the same time it is active, i.e. taking out a book, magazine, etc. not allowed, resonant oscillations occur in it. The receiver picks up these resonant vibrations and gives an alarm, which may include light and sound alarms that stop an unscrupulous visitor. With the authorized issuance of a document, the information carrier is deactivated, and when it passes through the electromagnetic field of the system, no response resonant oscillations occur.

Keeping records of funds in an automated mode involves the use of bar-coding technology for documents. It consists of three stages: creating a bar code, applying it to the label, reading the bar code with special equipment.

A barcode is a sequence of numbers and letters encoded in a certain way (there can be one thing). The development of a barcode occurs with the help of special programs. Most often, a bar code symbol is displayed as a light rectangle, inside which dark strokes are located.

The application of a bar code on labels can be implemented not only in a printing house (as a rule, they do not work with small print runs), but also in a library using both the most common and specialized thermal and thermal transfer printers. Barcode reading is performed by various optical systems - scanners, whose work is based on measuring the intensity of reflected light from black and white stripes of the code. The laser scanner reads the bar code from a greater distance and has low requirements for the quality of the read bar code. Even poorly printed and partially damaged labels can be read.

Practice shows that when such systems are introduced into the work of the library, already in the first year of operation, they can reduce losses by at least 80% and automate the daily multiple processes of registering the issuance and return of books (3).

Currently, the SPI library does not implement the possibility of using existing systems.

2.2 Use of IT to ensure the availability of legal information.

The problem of citizens' access to legal information has two aspects. The first of them is determined by the physical ability to find and obtain the text of the desired document. The second is connected with the inevitable multiplicity of decisions on specific issues.

As for traditional media, the procedure for the official publication of legal acts of different levels is regulated in sufficient detail, therefore special problems with access to them, it would seem, should not be. However, it is not. Of the entire volume of regulatory information, only acts of the President, the Government and the Federal Assembly are consistently available. In printed form, regional normative documents are published only in the local press and are practically inaccessible to other consumers of legal information.

Society's need for access to complete, up-to-date and reliable information and timely information is extremely high. Adoption of Federal Law No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature" dated 10.01.2002 made it possible to translate into practice the issues of introducing official electronic publication of regulatory documents. This approach eliminated the problem of multiple sources of publication and the status of official publication in electronic form (5). Currently, almost every body of executive and legislative power, both federal and regional, have their own websites on the Internet in free access. For example, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties: www/

Providing students and teachers with legal information in SPI is carried out via the Internet, as well as using the information and legal system "Garant-Maximum" Platform F1 Turbo with regional legislation.

The Garant system contains federal legislation and legislation of 84 regions of the Russian Federation, including Udmurt Republic, as well as 10 federal arbitration courts districts. More than 8,000 new documents enter the system every week. Currently, it contains more than one and a half million documents and comments on normative acts.

Working with legal documents begins with a search, which is carried out by details: document name, type, number, date, issuer, in addition to the main details, there are additional ones, such as the territory of regulation, type of information, significance, status; search by situation (if the details are unknown), the user can describe his question in the usual terms, choosing the situation of interest in a convenient two-level list.

The result of the search is a list of documents containing regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels, judicial practice and analytics. Depending on the specific task, the resulting list can be sorted by the date of publication, by the date of the last modification, or by legal force documents. You can also integrate any document into an office application Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

The texts of individual documents may contain embedded objects - various illustrations, forms, tables, graphs, etc. At the bottom of the main window there are tabs: help; annotation; arbitrage practice; comments, explanations, diagrams; warnings that provide additional information about the document.

The Garant Platform F1 Turbo system implements an ultra-fast contextual search mode, which allows you to quickly find the document you are looking for.

3 Internet technologies.

The emergence of the Internet and its rapid entry into library life can be seen as the main result, the main component of information technology of the past decade.

The Internet in the library is a tool widely used in user service. This is access to catalogs and resources of other libraries, to full-text scientific publications, databases, scientific journals, the ability to receive copies of articles through the document delivery system.

Among other results of the development of the Internet by libraries, we note the following:

1. The complete victory of the Internet over other networks has actually left the Internet today as the only communication medium for interlibrary cooperation, integration and communication;

2. WWW-technologies and the http-protocol practically “crushed” other alternatives and became the only standards for presenting library resources on the Internet;

3. The Z39.50 protocol has received powerful development in terms of building corporate library resources on the Internet;

4. The principle of public access to information of library users has been implemented, which, however, led to two types of negative consequences:

Absolute access to information leveled a number of positions on necessary protection information required in any information institution;

Spread through Free access erotic-pornographic information on the Internet, sites that sow national discord, distort history, etc.

5. For a wide range of library readers, primarily scientists, specialists, teachers, graduate students, students, the Internet has opened up new opportunities for serving a variety of information, including reports, articles, books, bibliographic indexes, encyclopedias, grant programs and much more.

6. Libraries have been able to work with Internet catalogs and online stores of various publishers and book-distributors, Internet exhibitions, Internet subscription agencies and other forms of new Internet business.(6)

Separately, it should be said that many libraries, not having the funds to collect collections, find an opportunity to organize access to their users to full-text electronic resources through the Internet through Digital Libraries (DL). For example, full text versions provide: - Russian Humanitarian Internet - University - Electronic library, help for humanitarian specialties - Library of Maxim Moshkov - EUNnet Virtual Library (tutorials and scientific publications) - Electronic catalog of dissertations

– Union of Educational Sites - Classical poetry and prose - University Electronic Library - Knowledge without borders – electronic lectures, textbooks and manuals, laboratory and term papers, spurs for exams

Reference and Bibliographic Service / Periodicals: - Information and reference portal - Catalog of websites of periodicals - virtual help desk"Ask the Bibliographer" - Bibliographic search system "Bookinist" – Delo i Servis publishing house - Accounting Publishing House - Thematic information magazine

In addition, electronic document delivery is becoming more widespread, which allows users to order and receive an electronic copy of an article, brochure, or fragment of a book via e-mail.


E-mail is one of the main services and the standard service of the world. computer network Internet. Connection and maintenance is carried out through organizations - providers. Providers work with individual and collective users, providing them with a set of services. The user's computer for the connection period receives an individual address and a "mailbox" in accordance with the Internet Protocol (IP address). The client part of the e-mail software must be installed on the user's computer. The server part of the corresponding e-mail software is located at a remote location. powerful computer(server) serving the nearest local network. When exchanging information via e-mail, all computers on the network must use uniform agreements (protocols) on how messages are generated and transmitted. The basic protocols are TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). In addition to the basic protocols, application email protocols are used. There are e-mail systems compatible and incompatible with Windows. Among the most well-known are E-mail Connection and Eudora Pro packages for Windows.

The active introduction of Internet technologies has made it possible to implement another functionality libraries - informational and technological through user access to the SPI website -

Science Library reflects on its page following sections:

· General information: history of the library, work schedule, library today;

· Professional activity: exhibitions, events;

· Terms of use;

· Issued periodicals;

· Bulletin of new arrivals.


Automation of library and information processes, systems (ALIS) and networks is due to the continuously increasing volume of various information in all branches of human activity and the corresponding needs of users to quickly, fully and efficiently receive documentary and electronic primary sources.

The introduction of computers into everyday life and activities of the library has changed the traditional forms and methods of preservation and processing of the collection. Electronic book unlike the traditional one, it provides text accompaniment with the movement of a video image, sound, analyzes and evaluates for the reader, makes it possible to compose the text depending on the needs, get Additional information in the relevant databases, international information.

The positive changes taking place with the introduction of Internet technologies convincingly show how the processes of acquisition, processing and issuance of documents, import-export of virtual resources are being transformed.

Barcoding technology has great potential for use in libraries to safeguard library holdings while they are in use.

Taking care of the informatization of educational and scientific processes, focusing on the needs of its users (teachers and students), the library masters new information technologies. This creates the prerequisites for obtaining a high quality education.


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2. Voroisky, F.S. Modern information technology and its development / F.S. Voroysky // Scientific and technical libraries. -2006 - No. 8. - P. 66-79.

3. Grigorieva, I.I. Information technologies and ensuring the safety of library collections / I.I. Grigoryeva // Scientific and technical libraries. -2004 - No. 7. - P. 46-52.

4. Information technology management: textbook. allowance for universities / Ed. G.A.Titorenko.-2nd ed., add.-M.: UNITI, 2005-439s.

5. Khurgin, V.M. The use of information technologies to ensure the availability of legal information / V.M. Khurgin // Scientific and technical libraries. -2004 - No. 6. - P. 7-16.

6. Shraiberg, Ya.L. libraries and information technologies: 10 years later / Ya.L. Shraiberg // Scientific and technical libraries.

7. Shraiberg, Ya.L. Basic provisions and principles for the development of automated library and information systems and networks: educational and practical guide / Ya.L. Shrayberg. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M .: Liberia, 2001 - 104 p.

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