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What is information security personality dictionary. Yakubenko N.O

The offensive operation of the Red Army units in Belarus in the period from the end of June to the end of August of the 44th year was called "Bagration". Almost all world-famous military historians recognize this operation as one of the largest wars in history.

Results and meaning of the operation.

In the course of this powerful offensive covering a vast territory, all of Belarus, part of eastern Poland and a significant part of the Baltic states were liberated from the Nazi invaders. As a result of the lightning-fast offensive actions of the Red Army, it was possible to almost completely defeat the Army Group Center. On the territory of Belarus, the human and material losses of the Wehrmacht were so tangible that the Nazi war machine was never able to compensate for them until the very end of the war.

The strategic necessity of the operation.

The operational situation on the front along the Vitebsk - Orsha - Mogilev - Zhlobin line required the quickest elimination of the wedge, called the "Belarusian Balcony" by the military. From the territory of this ledge, the German command had an excellent prospect for a counterattack in a southerly direction. Such actions of the Nazis could lead to the loss of initiative and the encirclement of the Red Army group in northern Ukraine.

Forces and composition of the opposing sides.

The numerical strength of all units of the Red Army that took part in the operation "Bagration" totaled more than 1 million 200 thousand military personnel. These data are given without taking into account the number of auxiliary and rear units, as well as without taking into account the number of fighters from partisan brigades operating on the territory of Belarus.

According to various estimates, the Germans in this sector of the front had about 900 thousand people from the Army Group Center.

During the offensive operation in Belarus, 4 fronts of the Red Army were opposed by 4 German armies. The deployment of the Germans was as follows:

2 army defended at the turn of Pinsk and Pripyat
southeast of Bobruisk, the 9th German army was concentrated
The 3rd and 4th tank armies were stationed between the Dnieper and Berezina rivers, at the same time covering the Bykhov bridgehead to Orsha.

The plan for the summer offensive in Belarus was developed by the General Staff of the Red Army back in April 1944. The idea of ​​offensive operations was to inflict powerful flank attacks on the Army Group "Center" with the encirclement of the main enemy forces in the Minsk region.

Preparatory operations were carried out by the Soviet troops until May 31. The original plan of action was changed thanks to the intervention of Marshal Rokossovsky, who insisted on simultaneously delivering two blows to the Nazi group. According to this Soviet commander, strikes should have been made on Osipovichi and Slutsk, with the Germans surrounded in the area of ​​the city of Bobruisk. At Headquarters, Rokossovsky had many opponents. But thanks to the moral support of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin, in the end, the strike plan proposed by the commander of the 1st Belorussian Front, K.K. Rokossovsky, was approved.

During the entire period of preparation for Operation Bagration, the data obtained during reconnaissance operations, as well as information on the deployment of enemy units received from partisan detachments, were carefully used and rechecked. Over the entire period preceding the offensive, reconnaissance units from different fronts captured more than 80 Wehrmacht servicemen as “languages”, more than one thousand firing points and over 300 artillery batteries were identified.

The main task at the first stage of the operation was to ensure the effect of complete surprise. To this end, the shock-assault divisions of the fronts moved to their starting positions before the decisive blows only at night.

Preparations for the offensive operation were carried out in the strictest secrecy, so that the further rapid breakthrough of the assault units would take the enemy by surprise.

During the period of preparation for practicing combat operations, front-line units were specially withdrawn to the rear for this purpose in order to keep enemy reconnaissance in complete ignorance. Such severe precautions and prevention of leakage of any information fully justified themselves.

The forecasts of the Nazi command of the armies of the "Center" group converged to the fact that the Red Army would deliver the most powerful blow in force on the territory of Ukraine in the direction south of the city of Kovel in the direction of the coast of the Baltic Sea in order to cut the army groups "North" and "Center". Therefore, in this sector, the Nazis put together a powerful deterrent army group "Northern Ukraine", consisting of 9 divisions, including 7 tank and 2 motorized divisions. In the operational reserve of the German command there were 4 tank battalions "Tigers". As part of the Army Group "Center" there were only one tank, two tank-grenadier divisions and only one "Tigers" battalion. The small number of deterrence forces in this sector of the front among the Nazis even led to the fact that the commander of the Army Group "Center" Bush repeatedly turned personally to Hitler with a request to allow the withdrawal of some army units to more convenient defense lines along the coastline of the Berezina River. The Fuhrer rejected the plan of the generals in the bud, the order to defend on the former lines of the defense line Vitebsk, Orsha, Mogilev and Bobruisk. Each of these cities was turned into a powerful defensive fortress, as it seemed to the German command.

The positions of the Nazi troops were seriously fortified along the entire front by a complex of defensive structures consisting of minefields, machine-gun nests, anti-tank ditches and barbed wire. About 20,000 residents of the occupied regions of Belarus were forced to work on the creation of a defensive complex.

Strategists from the General Staff of the Wehrmacht until the last did not believe in the possibility of a massive offensive by Soviet troops on the territory of Belarus. The Hitlerite command was so convinced of the impossibility of an offensive by the Red Army on this sector of the front that the commander of Army Group Center, Field Marshal Bush, went on vacation three days before the start of Operation Bagration.

The following formations of the Red Army participated in offensive operations as part of Operation Bagration: 1,2,3 Belorussian Fronts 1 Baltic Front. An auxiliary role in the offensive was played by formations of Belarusian partisans. Wehrmacht formations fell into strategic boilers near the settlements of Vitebsk, Bobruisk, Vilnius, Brest and Minsk. Minsk was liberated by units of the Red Army on July 3, Vilnius on July 13.

The Soviet command developed an offensive scheme consisting of two stages. The first stage of the operation, which lasted from June 23 to July 4, 1944, consisted of a simultaneous offensive in five directions: Vitebsk, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Polotsk and Minsk directions.

At the second stage of the operation, which ended on August 29, strikes were carried out in the Vilnius, Siauliai, Bialystok, Lublin, Kaunas and Osovets directions.

The success of Operation Bagration in military-strategic terms was simply phenomenal. Within two months of continuous offensive fighting, the territory of Belarus, part of the Baltic states and a number of regions of Eastern Poland were completely liberated. As a result of a successful offensive, a territory with a total area of ​​​​more than 650 thousand square meters was liberated. km. The forward formations of the Red Army captured the Magnushevsky and Pulawy bridgeheads in eastern Poland. From these bridgeheads in January 1945, an offensive was launched by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, which stopped only on the outskirts of Berlin.

For more than 60 years, military experts and historians have been emphasizing that the military defeat of the troops of Nazi Germany was the start in a series of major military defeats on the battlefields in East Germany. Largely due to the military effectiveness of Operation Bagration, the Wehrmacht forces were significantly bled white in other theaters of operations in Europe due to the transfer by the German command of a significant number of the most militarily trained military formations to Belarus, such as the motorized infantry division "Grossdeutschland" and the SS Panzer Division "Hermann Göring". The first left its place of combat deployment on the Dniester River, the second was transferred to Belarus from Northern Italy.

The losses of the Red Army amounted to more than 178 thousand dead. The total number of wounded during the operation exceeded 587 thousand people. These data allow us to assert that the operation "Bagration" became the most bloody for the Red Army units in the period 1943-1945, starting with the battle on the Kursk Bulge. To confirm these conclusions, it will suffice to mention that during the Berlin operation, the irretrievable losses of the Red Army units amounted to 81 thousand soldiers and officers. This once again proves the scale and strategic importance of Operation Bagration in the liberation of the territory of the USSR from the German invaders.

According to the official data of the Soviet military command, the total casualties of the German army during the active phase of the operation "Bagration" during June and July 1944 amounted to about 381 thousand killed and more than 158 thousand captured. The total loss of military equipment is more than 60 thousand units, including 2735 tanks, 631 military aircraft and more than 57 thousand vehicles.

About 58 thousand German prisoners of war, soldiers and officers captured during Operation Bagration, in August 1944 were led through the streets of Moscow in a column. The gloomy procession of tens of thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers dragged on for three hours.

The information security of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 09.09.2000 No. Pr-1895, is understood as the state of protection of its national interests in the information sphere, determined by the totality of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

The interests of the individual in the information sphere consist in the implementation of the constitutional rights of a person and a citizen to access to information, to use information in the interests of carrying out activities not prohibited by law, physical, spiritual and intellectual development, as well as in protecting information that ensures personal security.

The interests of society in the information sphere are to ensure the interests of the individual in this area, the strengthening of democracy, the creation of a legal social state, the achievement and maintenance of public harmony, and the spiritual renewal of Russia.

The interests of the state in the information sphere are to create conditions for the harmonious development of the Russian information infrastructure, for the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of obtaining information and using it in order to ensure the inviolability of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of law and order, the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Information security threats today are:

1) illegal use of special means of influencing individual, group and public consciousness;

2) unlawful restriction of citizens' access to open information resources;

3) devaluation of spiritual values, propaganda of mass culture based on the cult of violence, on spiritual and moral values ​​that are contrary to those accepted in Russian society;

4) decrease in the spiritual, moral and creative potential of the population of Russia;

5) manipulation of information (disinformation, concealment or distortion of information);

6) violation of legal restrictions on the dissemination of information, etc.

Scientists have found that users in the virtual world are much more prone to suggestion and hypnosis. It is not difficult to program game programs common today for a specific installation. A virtual system can be infected with a virus that will encode a person for certain words (orders), which will allow you to get the “zombie” effect in the future. Abroad, monitoring the observance of citizens' rights in the context of informatization is the competence of special commissioners for the protection of citizens' rights in information systems1.

In Russia, the issues of information security of citizens, especially children and adolescents, have been given considerable attention in recent years both within the framework of the institution of the Commissioner for Children's Rights and public organizations (Fig. 2.2-2.5).

The problem of information security of states in the context of global informatization is particularly relevant in modern conditions. Today, the conditions for the information expansion of developed countries, the political and economic prerequisites for the establishment of a new world order, have actually been created.

At present and for the foreseeable future, Russia will face complex tasks related to the protection of national interests:

Building a system of international relations in the new conditions of information permeability of state borders;

Development of a rational state policy in relation to the world's open networks such as the Internet from the standpoint of protecting national information resources and information infrastructure;

Development of measures against the use of new information technologies as an information weapon, as well as against the threat of information terrorism.

Questions for independent work

1. What does the ethical assessment of the process of informatization of the social sphere of modern society imply?

2. Describe the ethical values ​​in the information society.

3. Prospects for social adaptation of which categories of the population are created by the modern information environment?

4. What social groups are experiencing the greatest socio-psychological problems in the conditions of informatization of modern society? What is the reason for this?

5. In your opinion, is the mechanism of legal protection of citizens from the negative impact of information technologies in Russia effective?

6. What are the prospects for the preservation and development of the Russian language in a single global information space?

7. What global socio-cultural problems of informatization do you observe today in Russian society?

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2. The main directions for achieving information security of the individual, society, state: a sociological approach




A characteristic feature of modern society is its informatization - the active development and implementation of information technologies and tools in all spheres of human activity.

Information and information resources are becoming one of the decisive factors in the development of the individual, society and the state. The wide possibilities of computers and information technologies make it possible to automate the processes of monitoring and managing state, economic, social, defense and other objects and systems, to receive, accumulate, process and transmit information about these processes at almost any required speed, in any quantity. All this gives grounds to assert that informatization today plays a decisive positive role in the development of mankind, that the information society is objectively inevitable.

But history teaches us that many achievements of scientific and technical thought were used not only for the benefit of people. Suffice it to recall the achievements of nuclear physics - atomic weapons; optoelectronics - laser weapons; chemistry - poisonous gases; biology - biological weapons, etc. There have always been forces that sought to take advantage of discoveries in the scientific and technical field.

Therefore, today certain subjects (coalitions, states, organizations, individuals) have a desire to solely possess information resources, means and technologies and use them to satisfy their interests and counter the interests of potential competitors in economic, commercial and even military confrontation. At the same time, information and information technologies begin to act as objects of threats, which gives rise to the problem of information security.

The purpose of the work: to study the directions of information security of the individual, society, state.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Information security of an individual, society, state: concept and problems

In modern society, due to the rapid informatization, the problem of information security is becoming more and more urgent. Security is one of the main goals and an integral part of the activities of people, society, the state, and the world community.

Information security is a state of protection of national interests in the information sphere, determined by a combination of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state. Social informatics: lecture notes / Comp. N.M. Voronin. - Tomsk: TPU, 2013. - S. 51.

In the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" - information security is defined - as the state of security of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, the state. On information, information technologies and information protection: Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 (as amended on December 28, 2013) / Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2006. - No. 31 (1 hour). - Art. 3448.

At the same time, information security is: Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture. Dictionary-reference book / Author-comp. V.F. Pilipenko. - M.: PER SE-Press, 2005. - 160 p.

The state of the object, when significant damage or harm cannot be caused to it by influencing its information sphere;

The property of an object that characterizes its ability not to cause significant damage to any object by influencing the information sphere of this object.

The problems of information security violations are relevant both for individual citizens and for society and the state as a whole.

In detail, the goals of information protection are also listed in the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection": On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection: Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 (as amended on December 28, 2013) / Collection of Legislation RF dated 31.07.2006. - No. 31 (1 hour). - Art. 3448.

Prevention of leakage, theft, loss, distortion, falsification of information;

Prevention of threats to the security of the individual, society, state;

Prevention of unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, distort, copy, block information; prevention of other forms of unlawful interference in information resources and information systems, ensuring the legal regime of documented information as an object of property;

Protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to maintain personal secrecy and confidentiality of personal data available in information systems;

Preservation of state secrets, confidentiality of documented information in accordance with the law;

Ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the development, production and application of information systems, technologies and means of their support.

Thus, the objects of information security are: Krat Yu.G. Fundamentals of information security: textbook. allowance / Yu.G. Krat, I.G. Shramkov. - Khabarovsk: DVGUPS, 2008. - S. 51.

Personality (its rights and freedoms);

Society (its material and spiritual values);

State (its constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity, economy, military affairs, etc.).

Personality is the basic element, the cell of society. Without the individual there is no society, but the individual cannot exist outside of society. The state provides the conditions for the existence of both the individual and society. States that are not needed by either the individual or society cannot exist for a long time and disappear from the historical arena. The balance of relationships between the individual, society and the state is the main condition for their sustainable development.

Ensuring the information security of a person means his right to receive objective information and assumes that the information received by a person from various sources does not interfere with the free formation and development of his personality. In the process of informatization, a person has become informationally “transparent”. If there is a desire and means, any available information about a particular person can become available and be used for their own purposes by another person, a group of people, a public group and the state. Only a small part of the population is able to prevent unwanted access to their information. Most people do not have such an opportunity and remain defenseless in this regard. Therefore, the information security of a person is a state of a person in which his personality cannot be significantly damaged by influencing the surrounding information space.

The information security of a society is a state of society in which it cannot be significantly damaged by influencing its information sphere. It is based on the security of individual, group and mass consciousness of citizens in the presence of information threats, which primarily include information and psychological impact. The action of these threats can cause psycho-emotional and socio-psychological tension, distortion of moral criteria and norms, moral and political disorientation and, as a result, inappropriate behavior of individuals, groups and masses of people. As a result of such influences, profound transformations of individual, group and mass consciousness, negative changes in the moral, political and socio-psychological climate in society are possible.

The information security of the state is the state of the state in which it cannot be significantly damaged by influencing its information sphere. Ensuring the information security of the state is inextricably linked with ensuring national security. In recent years, we have had the opportunity to see how severe the consequences of information security breaches associated with the use of modern technologies can be.

One of the most important was and remains the problem of social security. It is connected with the protection of the interests of the country and the people in the social sphere, the development of the social structure and social relations, the life support system and the socialization of people, a way of life that meets the needs of the progress of present and future generations. In modern Russia, information security is determined by the presence of negative processes in society. On the one hand, these are complex, contradictory and negative processes in the political, socio-economic and spiritual spheres, which reduces the resistance of the individual, his psyche to various informational influences. On the other hand, this is a colossal increase in the effectiveness of the means of informational influence on the psyche of people and public consciousness. Modern and promising information technologies and tools allow you to manage the information interaction of people, public consciousness and control them. In particular, there are potential opportunities to eavesdrop on all telephone conversations, to control correspondence, to create and illegally use computer databases of confidential data about personalities, to carry out a hidden information impact on the psyche of people, etc.

Thus, information technologies are a huge boon for mankind, they determine the future of society. But at the same time, in the hands of malefactors, it is a terrible weapon; the main danger lies in unauthorized access (active or passive) to its source or consumer (personality). The latter is the information impact on the individual. In modern society, information security is a system-forming factor in all spheres of his life. It has a certain impact on the state of economic, defense, social, political and other components of national security. At the same time, information security itself acts as an integral part of national security, the special role of which is explained by those global processes that are typical today for the socio-economic development of the world. Therefore, we can confidently assert that information security can be considered as the most important component of national security, “penetrating” all other types of security.

Prevention and elimination of information security threats to the interests and rights of the individual, society and the state is based on the development and implementation of a set of protection tools and mechanisms, the main directions of which will be discussed in the next chapter.

2. The main directions for achieving information security of the individual, society, state: a sociological approach

Information security is a set of measures aimed at ensuring information security. The importance of information security issues is explained by two main reasons: the value of the accumulated information resources and the critical dependence on information technology.

All measures of information security according to the methods of implementation are divided into: legal (legislative); moral and ethical; technological; organizational (administrative and procedural); physical; technical (hardware and software). As you can see, information security specialists have a wide range of protective measures in their arsenal, with the help of which all known channels of information penetration and leakage should be blocked, taking into account risk analysis, the likelihood of security threats in a particular application system and a reasonable rational level of protection costs. The best results are achieved with a systematic approach to the security of computer systems and the integrated use of certain sets of various protection measures at all stages of the system life cycle, starting from the earliest stages of its design.

The relationship of the above security measures is shown in fig. one.

Figure 1 - The relationship of information security measures (1 - Regulatory and organizational and administrative documents are drawn up taking into account and on the basis of existing norms of morality and ethics. 2 - Organizational measures ensure the implementation of existing regulations and are built taking into account the existing rules of conduct adopted in the country and /or organizations 3 - The implementation of organizational measures requires the development of appropriate regulatory and organizational and administrative documents 4 - For effective application, organizational measures must be supported by physical and technical means 5 - The use and use of technical means of protection requires appropriate organizational support)

Among the listed areas, the basic ones are legal, organizational and technical protection.

Legal support of information security is special laws, other regulations, rules, procedures and measures that regulate relations in the information sphere and ensure the protection of information on a legal basis. The legal protection of information as a resource is recognized at the international, state level and is regulated by the relevant legislative and legal acts.

Modern conditions require and determine the need for an integrated approach to the formation of information protection legislation, its composition and content, its correlation with the entire system of laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation. There is the following structure of legal acts of information protection:

? International acts of information legislation.

? Information - legal norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

? Branches of legislation, acts of which are entirely devoted to issues of information legislation.

? Branches of legislation, acts of which include separate information and legal norms.

Improving the legal mechanisms for regulating public relations arising in the information sphere is a priority direction of state policy in the field of information security of the Russian Federation. Legal support of information security should be based, first of all, on the observance of the principles of legality, the balance of interests of citizens, society and the state in the information sphere. The most important areas are:

- introduction of amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation;

- legislative delimitation of powers between federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, determination of goals, objectives and mechanisms for the participation of public associations, organizations and citizens in this activity;

- clarification of the status of foreign news agencies, mass media and journalists, as well as investors when attracting foreign investment for the development of Russia's information infrastructure;

- determination of the status of organizations providing services of global information and telecommunication networks on the territory of the Russian Federation, and legal regulation of the activities of these organizations.

Organizational protection is the regulation of production activities and the relationship of performers on a legal basis, which excludes or significantly hinders the misappropriation of confidential information and the manifestation of internal and external threats.

This level of information security includes general actions taken by the management of the organization. The main goal is to form a program of work in the field of information security and ensure its implementation by allocating the necessary resources and monitoring the state of affairs. Organizational protection provides:

? organization of security, regime, work with personnel, with documents;

? the use of technical security tools and information and analytical activities to identify internal and external security threats.

Organizational measures are measures of a restrictive nature, which are mainly reduced to the regulation of access and use of technical means of information processing. They, as a rule, are carried out by the organization itself by using the simplest organizational measures. In each case, organizational measures have a specific form and content for this organization, aimed at ensuring the security of information in specific conditions.

? determination of the boundaries of the protected zone (territory);

? determination of the technical means used to process confidential information within the controlled territory;

? definition of "dangerous", from the point of view of the possibility of formation of information leakage channels, technical means and design features of buildings and structures;

? identification of possible ways of penetration to sources of confidential information by malefactors;

? implementation of measures to detect, identify and control information protection by all available means.

The main organizational activities include:

? organization of regime and protection. Their goal is to exclude the possibility of secret entry into the territory and into the premises of unauthorized persons; ensuring the convenience of controlling the passage and movement of employees and visitors;

? creation of separate production areas according to the type of confidential work with independent access systems;

? control and compliance with the temporary regime of work and stay on the territory of the company's personnel;

? organization and maintenance of reliable access control and control of employees and visitors, etc.;

? organization of work with employees, which provides for the selection and placement of personnel, including familiarization with employees, their study, training in the rules for working with confidential information, familiarization with the measures of responsibility for violation of information protection rules, etc.;

? organization of work with documents and documented information, including the organization of the development and use of documents and carriers of confidential information, their accounting, execution, return, storage and destruction;

? organizing the use of technical means for collecting, processing, accumulating and storing confidential information;

? organization of work on the analysis of internal and external threats to confidential information and the development of measures to ensure its protection;

? organization of work on carrying out systematic control over the work of personnel with confidential information, the procedure for recording, storing and destroying documents and technical media.

Organizational measures are also expressed in certain restrictive measures. It is possible to single out such restrictive measures as territorial, spatial and temporal:

- territorial restrictions are reduced to the skillful location of sources on the ground or in buildings and premises, excluding eavesdropping on communications or intercepting signals from electronic means.

- spatial restrictions are expressed in the choice of directions of radiation of certain signals in the direction of the least possibility of their interception by intruders.

- time constraints are manifested in the reduction to a minimum of the operating time of technical means, the use of hidden communication methods, encryption and other protection measures.

Organizational measures, of course, play a significant role in creating a reliable mechanism for protecting information, since the possibility of unauthorized use of confidential information is largely determined not by technical aspects, but by malicious actions, negligence, negligence and negligence of users or security personnel. The influence of these aspects cannot be avoided by technical means. This requires a set of organizational, legal and organizational and technical measures that would exclude the possibility of the danger of confidential information. At the same time, one of the most important tasks of organizational activity is to determine the state of technical security of the facility, its premises, the preparation and implementation of organizational measures that exclude the possibility of illegal possession of confidential information, prohibition of its disclosure, leakage and unauthorized access to protected secrets. A specific area of ​​organizational measures is the organization of the protection of personal computers, information systems and networks.

The organizational and technical methods for ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation are:

- creation and improvement of the information security system of the Russian Federation;

- development, use and improvement of information security tools and methods for monitoring the effectiveness of these tools, the development of secure telecommunication systems, increasing the reliability of special software;

- creation of systems and means to prevent unauthorized access to processed information and special effects that cause destruction, destruction, distortion of information;

- identification of technical devices and programs that pose a danger to the functioning of information and telecommunication systems;

- certification of information protection tools, licensing of activities in the field of state secret protection, standardization of methods and means of information protection;

- control over the actions of personnel in secure information systems, training in the field of information security of the Russian Federation;

- formation of a monitoring system for indicators of information security of the Russian Federation in the most important areas of society and the state.

Organizational and technical measures ensure the blocking of the disclosure and leakage of confidential information through technical means for ensuring production and labor activities, as well as counteracting the technical means of industrial espionage with the help of special technical means. For these purposes it is possible to use:

- technical means of passive protection, for example, restrictor filters and similar means for decoupling acoustic electrical and electromagnetic protection systems for telephone networks, power supply, radio, etc.

- technical means of active protection: acoustic noise and electromagnetic interference sensors.

Organizational and technical measures to protect information can be divided into spatial, regime and energy:

- spatial measures are expressed in a decrease in the width of the radiation pattern, weakening of the side and rear lobes of the directivity of the radiation of radio electronic equipment (RES).

- security measures are reduced to the use of hidden methods of information transmission via means of communication: encryption, quasi-variable transmission frequencies, etc.

- energy is a decrease in the intensity of radiation and the operation of RES at reduced powers.

Engineering and technical protection is a set of special bodies, technical means and measures for their use in the interests of protecting confidential information. According to their functional purpose, they are classified into the following groups:

- physical means, including various means and structures that prevent physical penetration (or access) of intruders to the objects of protection and to material carriers of confidential information and protect personnel, material resources, finances and information from illegal influences;

- hardware. Devices, devices, fixtures and other technical solutions used in the interests of information security;

- software tools covering special programs, software systems and information security systems in information systems for various purposes and means of processing (collecting, accumulating, storing, processing and transmitting) data;

- cryptographic tools, special mathematical and algorithmic means of protecting information transmitted over communication systems and networks, stored and processed on a computer using various encryption methods.

All of them interact and are implemented in combination with the widespread use of information closure algorithms.

Technical measures are measures that ensure the acquisition, installation and use in the process of production of special, protected from side radiation (safe) technical means or means, the PEMI of which does not exceed the border of the protected area.

Protective measures of a technical nature can be directed at a specific technical device or specific equipment and are expressed in such measures as turning off the equipment during confidential negotiations or using certain protective devices such as limiters, buffer filters and noise devices.

Technical measures to protect confidential information can be divided into concealment, suppression and disinformation. Hiding is expressed in the use of radio silence and the creation of passive interference to the receiving means of intruders. Suppression is the creation of active interference with the means of intruders. Disinformation is the organization of false work of technical means of communication and information processing; changing modes of using frequencies and communication regulations; showing false unmasking signs of activity and identification.

The priority measures aimed at ensuring the information security of the individual include the following. Gubanov V.M. Emergencies of a social nature and protection from them / V.M. Gubanov, V.P. Solomin, L.M. Mikhailov. - M.: Bustard, 2007. - S. 120-126.

1. Development of the information culture of the population, including the development of personal methods of active and passive protection from dangerous information influences and instilling the skills of technologically competent information production.

2. Development of legislation in the information sphere. The main and, perhaps, the only guarantor of the observance of the rights and freedoms of the individual in the information space is the state. It can realize this function only through appropriate laws. It should be noted that certain steps have already been taken in the legislation in this direction. Thus, the working group of the Interdepartmental Commission on Information Security under the leadership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation developed a draft Concept for Improving the Legal Support of Information Security of the Russian Federation.

3. Creation of a monitoring system for information technology risk factors (perhaps by expanding the functions of public opinion research structures provided with appropriate methods).

4. Expansion of international cooperation on security issues in the information space. The range of issues to be discussed within the framework of such cooperation is very wide. This is the establishment of an agreed point of view on the problems of the impact of information on individual and mass consciousness, on the human psyche, and the preparation of agreements (conventions) on the non-use of the information space for hostile purposes, on control over the production and implementation of information technologies that can be used in terrorist and criminal purposes, on the international legal protection of network information resources, on the possibility of controlling and restricting the dissemination of information via global networks such as the Internet that has a negative impact on the physical, mental and social health of people, especially children and youth, etc.

Thus, information security is one of the components of the national security of the Russian Federation and affects the protection of the country's national interests in various spheres of society and the state.

The methods of ensuring it are common for these areas, but each of them has its own characteristics of ensuring information security, related to the specifics of security objects, the degree of their vulnerability.

The main directions of ensuring information security, the procedure for fixing their duties to protect interests in the information sphere within the framework of their activities is based on maintaining a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state.

At the same time, without the implementation of these and other measures aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the safe development of the individual in modern conditions, both the sustainable development of the economy and the future development of Russia itself are unthinkable. The security of each predetermines the security of all, including the state.


Informatization of any spheres of human life is currently impossible without the use of information technology based on modern computer technology and communications. The increase in the volume of information causes the growing use of computer technology in all information processes. Many operations are becoming automatic, remote user access is developing not only to information resources, but also to managing the organization of information processes. This gives rise to the development and improvement of qualitatively new scenarios for the implementation of information threats. Thus, the informatization of society gives rise to the problems of information security, which in modern society is the most important component of national security, on which the level of economic, defense, social, political and other types of security largely depends.

Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

The destruction of important information, theft of confidential data, interruption of work due to failure - all this results in large material losses, damages the reputation of the organization, and problems with management systems or medical systems threaten the health and life of people. Therefore, in order to detect, prevent, etc. a system is needed that combines a set of organs, services, means, methods and activities that ensures the protection of the creation, development and functioning of new information technologies. Such a system is called a security system, which is based on measures of legislative, administrative, organizational, software, hardware, engineering and technical support.

Legal protection measures include laws, decrees and other legal acts in force in the country that regulate the rules for handling information, fix the rights and obligations of participants in information relations in the process of receiving, processing and using it, as well as establishing liability for violations of these rules, preventing thereby misuse of information and act as a deterrent to potential infringers.

Technological protection measures include various technological solutions and techniques, usually based on the use of certain types of redundancy (structural, functional, informational, temporary, etc.) and aimed at reducing the possibility of errors and violations by employees within the framework of the rights and powers granted to them .

Organizational protection measures are administrative and procedural measures that regulate the functioning of the data processing system, the use of its resources, the activities of maintenance personnel, as well as the procedure for interaction of users and maintenance personnel with the system in such a way as to most hinder or exclude the possibility of implementing security threats. or reduce losses.

Physical protection measures are based on the use of various kinds of mechanical, electro- or electronic-mechanical devices and structures, specially designed to create physical obstacles on possible routes of penetration and access of potential intruders to system components and protected information, as well as means of visual surveillance, communications and security alarms.

Technical measures are based on the use of various electronic devices and special programs that are part of the AU and perform (independently or in combination with other means) protection functions.

At the same time, only an integrated approach can bring success in the field of information security. So, the problem of information security is not only (and not so much) technical; without a legislative framework, without the constant attention of the organization's management and the allocation of the necessary resources, without personnel management and physical protection measures, it is impossible to solve it. Complexity requires the interaction of specialists from different fields.

information security computing


1. On information, information technologies and information protection: Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 (as amended on December 28, 2013) / Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2006. - No. 31 (1 hour). - Art. 3448.

2. Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture. Dictionary-reference book / Author-comp. V.F. Pilipenko. - M.: PER SE-Press, 2005. - 160 p.

3. Belov E.B. Fundamentals of information security / E.B. Belov, V.P. Los and others - M.: Hotline-Telecom, 2006. - 544 p.

4. Gubanov V.M. Social emergencies and protection from them / V.M. Gubanov, V.P. Solomin, L.M. Mikhailov. - M.: Bustard, 2007. - 288 p.

5. Information security and information security: textbook / A.A. Solovyov, S.E. Metelev, S.A. Zyryanov. - Omsk: RGTEU, 2011. - 426 p.

6. Information security and information protection. Textbook / Team of authors. - Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004. - 82 p.

7. Krat Yu.G. Fundamentals of information security: textbook. allowance / Yu.G. Krat, I.G. Shramkov. - Khabarovsk: DVGUPS, 2008. - 112 p.

8. Kuznetsov V.N. Sociology of Security: Textbook / V.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: MGU, 2007. - 423 p.

9. Melnikov V.P. Information security and information protection. / V.P. Melnikov, S.A. Kleimenov, A.M. Petrakov. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 336 p.

10. Social informatics: lecture notes / Comp. N.M. Voronin. - Tomsk: TPU, 2013. - 57 p.

11. Sychev Yu.N. Fundamentals of information security. Educational and practical guide. - M.: EAOI, 2007. - 300 p.

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The development of the global process of informatization of society, which is observed in the last decades of the 20th century, has given rise to a new global socio-technological problem - the problem of information security of a person and society.

The essence of this problem is as follows. Many of the most important interests of a person, society, state, and the entire world civilization are already largely determined by the state of the information sphere surrounding them. Therefore, deliberate or unintentional influences on the information sphere from external or internal sources can cause serious damage to these interests and pose a threat to the security of an individual and society.

Information security is further understood as the state of security of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation and development in the interests of citizens, organizations and the state. And under information threats - factors or combinations of factors that create a danger to the functioning of the information environment of society.

Awareness of the connection between the state of the information environment of society and the possibilities of achieving the most important interests of man and society has occurred quite recently, almost within the last decade. And, nevertheless, many states of the world, including Russia, have already developed their national doctrines in the field of information security, as well as the concept of state policy to ensure it.

In 1998, the preparation of the draft international concept of information security began.

It should be noted that the problems of ensuring the information security of the state, society and the individual are largely interrelated, although it is quite natural that their main interests are significantly different. So, for example, at the present stage of development of society, the interests of the individual lies in the real provision of their constitutional rights and freedoms, personal security, improving the quality and standard of living, and the possibility of physical, intellectual and spiritual development.

The interests of society lies in achieving and maintaining public harmony, increasing the creative activity of the population, and the spiritual development of society.

The interests of the state consist in protecting the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, establishing and maintaining political and social stability, ensuring law and order, and developing equal international cooperation.

The combination of the most important interests of the individual, society and the state listed above forms the national interests of the country, the projection of which on the information sphere of society determines the main goals and objectives of the country in the field of information security.

The main goals and objects of information security of the country.

The main goals of ensuring the information security of a country (for example, Russia) are:

Ø protection of national interests in the context of the increasing globalization of many information processes, the formation of world information networks, the desire of the United States and other developed countries to dominate in the information sphere;

Ø uninterrupted provision of public authorities and administration, enterprises and citizens of the country with complete and timely information necessary for their activities;

Ø prevention of violations of the integrity, safety and illegal use of information resources;

Ø ensuring the practical implementation of the rights of citizens, organizations and the state to receive, disseminate and use information.

To achieve the goals of ensuring the information security of the country, it is very important to correctly determine the objects of information security. These objects include:

Ø information resources containing confidential information (secret, restricted access or commercial secrets), as well as publicly available open information and scientific knowledge;

Ø information infrastructure of the society (networks of communication and information communications, data analysis and processing centers, systems and means of information protection);

Ø system of formation, distribution and use of information resources in the country;

Ø the system of formation of public consciousness, based on the media;

Ø the rights of citizens, legal entities and the state to receive, distribute and use information, as well as the protection of confidential information and intellectual property.

Sources of threats to information security.

Sources of threats to the information security of the country can be external and internal factors.

The sources of external threats include the following:

Ø the policy of a number of countries, the direction of dominance in the information sphere and opposing Russia's access to the latest information technologies and equal participation in the international division of labor in the production of informatics and information products, the creation of Russia's technological dependence on Western countries in the information sphere;

Ø the development by a number of states of the concepts of "information war", which provide for the creation and use of means of dangerous influence on the information sphere of other countries in order to disrupt its normal functioning and obtain unauthorized access to information resources;

Ø activities of foreign intelligence and special services, as well as economic and political structures in the information sphere, directed against the national interests of the country;

Ø criminal activities of international terrorist groups, organizations and individuals in the information sphere;

Ø The deployment by a number of countries of the world of "cultural expansion" in relation to other countries, and especially against Russia, manifested, in particular, in the desire to reduce the use of the Russian language as a means of communication and thus reduce the Russian information space.

If we talk about the source of internal threats to the information security of our country, then the most important are the following:

Ø Russia's significant lag behind the leading countries of the world in terms of the level of informatization of society, which limits the country's ability to enter the global information space on an equal footing and receive appropriate economic and socio-political benefits from this;

Ø the technological backwardness of the domestic electronics industry from the developed countries of the world in the production of information and telecommunications equipment, forcing them to import these funds from abroad and, on the basis of creating their own national information infrastructure, which makes it vulnerable to Western countries;

Ø insufficient coordination of the activities of the state authorities of the country in the formation and implementation of a unified state policy for ensuring the information security of Russia as an essential part of its national security;

Information security in the context of public policy is also considered as its independent direction , issued in the policy documents in the field of security - the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation.

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 defines the basic conditions for ensuring general (national) security, the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Doctrine) - the main provisions of one of its types (information security of Russia).

INFORMATION SECURITY - the state of protection from threats to vital national interests in inf. sphere, determined by the totality balanced interests individual, society and state

security object is any system, object, or activity of subjects that are in a certain interaction and presented to protect against threats.


The state of security is the preservation of all elements of the information system (in its most generalized form) in the original value of the parameters, which allows to ensure the balance of their existence and sustainability in development.


The vital interests of the individual in the information sphere is to implement the constitutional rights of a person and a citizen to access information, to use information in the interests of carrying out activities not prohibited by law, physical, spiritual and intellectual development, as well as in protecting information that ensures personal security.

VITALLY IMPORTANT INTERESTS OF SOCIETY in the information sphere are to ensure the interests of the individual in this area, strengthening democracy, creating a legal social state, achieving and maintaining public harmony, and spiritual renewal of Russia.

VITAL INTERESTS OF THE STATE in the information sphere are to create conditions for the harmonious development of the Russian information infrastructure, for the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of obtaining information and using it in order to ensure the inviolability of the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional provision of law and order, the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.


Security threats are understood as a set of conditions and factors that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.

41 Threats to information security of an individual, society and state

THREATS INF. SECURITY - conditions and factors (impacts) of human activity associated with information and information systems, information processes that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.


1) threats to the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of spiritual life and information activities, individual, group and public consciousness, the spiritual revival of Russia.

2) threats to information support of the state. Russian politics

3) threats to the development of the domestic information industry, including the industry of informatization, telecommunications and communications, meeting the needs of the domestic market in its products and the entry of these products into the world market, as well as ensuring the accumulation, preservation and efficient use of domestic information resources;

4) threats to the security of information and telecommunications facilities and systems, both already deployed and being created on the territory of Russia.


1. Manipulation of human consciousness;

2. Illegal use of information about the private life of a person and his personal data;


1. Continuous complication of information systems and communication networks, critical infrastructures to ensure the life of society;

2. The possibility of mass media concentration in the hands of monopolists or a small group of persons with criminal intent;

3. Expansion of domestic and international computer crime.


1. Uncontrolled spread of "information weapons" and the development of an arms race in this area, attempts to implement the concepts of conducting "information wars".

2. Obtaining illegal access to information constituting the state. secrecy, to other confidential information, the disclosure of which may harm the interests of the state.

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