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What is a gas distribution network. Protected zones of main pipelines

Gas supply- one of the forms of energy supply, which is an activity for providing consumers with gas, including activities for the formation of a fund of explored gas fields, production, transportation, storage and supply of gas. one

Legislative and regulatory regulation of gas supply in the Russian Federation is based on:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law "On Subsoil";

Federal Law "On Natural Monopolies";

Federal Law "On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation"

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental document of the Russian legislation; any legislative and by-laws are based on it and should not contradict it. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, land and other natural resources are used and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis for the life and activities of the peoples living in the respective territory. Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation are, in particular, issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources. 2

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" contains the legal and economic foundations for the integrated rational use and protection of subsoil, ensures the protection of the interests of the state and citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights of subsoil users. In addition, it regulates relations arising in connection with the geological study, use and protection of the subsoil of the territory of the Russian Federation, its continental shelf, as well as in connection with the use of waste from mining and related processing industries, peat, sapropels and other specific mineral resources, including underground waters, brines and brine of salt lakes and bays of the seas.

Subsoil is a part of the earth's crust located below the soil layer, and in its absence - below the earth's surface and the bottom of reservoirs and streams, extending to depths accessible for geological study and development.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" determines that, without a time limit, subsoil plots can be provided for the construction and operation of underground structures not related to the extraction of minerals, the construction and operation of underground structures associated with the disposal of waste, the construction and operation of oil and gas storage facilities, as well as for the formation of specially protected geological objects and other purposes.

The Federal Law "On Natural Monopolies" defines the legal framework for the federal policy in relation to natural monopolies in the Russian Federation and is aimed at achieving a balance of interests of consumers and subjects of natural monopolies, ensuring the availability of the goods they sell to consumers and the effective functioning of subjects of natural monopolies. This Federal Law applies to relations that arise in the commodity markets of the Russian Federation and in which subjects of natural monopolies, consumers, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments participate. The regulation of the activities of subjects of natural monopolies provided for by the said Federal Law cannot be applied in areas of activity that are not related to natural monopolies, except for cases established by federal laws.

The Federal Law "On Natural Monopolies" regulates the activities of subjects of natural monopolies, in particular, in the field of gas transportation through pipelines.

The federal law "On the Continental Shelf of the Russian Federation" determines the status of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the sovereign rights and jurisdiction of the Russian Federation on its continental shelf and their implementation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation. Issues relating to the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and activities on it, not provided for by this Federal Law, are regulated by other federal laws applicable to the continental shelf of the Russian Federation.

In order to ensure a unified approach to resolving issues related to gas supply in Russian Federation, on the part of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as organizations engaged in gas supply in the Russian Federation, the following principles are established public policy in the specified area:

State support for the development of gas supply in order to improve the socio-economic living conditions of the population, ensure technical progress and create conditions for the development of the economy of the Russian Federation, taking into account industrial and environmental safety;

State regulation of the rational use of gas reserves, especially gas reserves of strategic importance;

Increasing the level of gasification of housing and communal services, industrial and other organizations located in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, based on the formation and implementation of relevant federal, interregional and regional gasification programs;

Determining the fundamentals of gas pricing policy;

Creation of conditions for the wide use of gas as a motor fuel and raw material for the chemical industry of the Russian Federation;

Ensuring a reliable raw material base for gas production;

Ensuring the energy security of the Russian Federation.

Federal gas supply system- a set of gas supply systems operating on the territory of the Russian Federation: the Unified Gas Supply System, regional gas supply systems, gas distribution systems and independent organizations. The federal gas supply system is one of the federal energy systems of the Russian Federation.

1.2 Security zones gas distribution network

Gas security zone distribution network - territory with special conditions use, installed along gas pipeline routes and around other objects of the gas distribution network in order to ensure normal conditions for its operation and exclude the possibility of its damage.

The economic activity and use of land plots on the territory of which or near them gas pipelines are located is subject to special conditions. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, gas distribution networks are classified as hazardous production facilities. This is due to the explosive and flammable properties of the gas transported through them. 3

Gas distribution network- a technological complex of the gas distribution system, consisting of external gas pipelines of settlements (urban, rural and other settlements), including inter-settlement ones, from the output shut-off device of a gas distribution station (GDS), or another gas source, to the inlet gas pipeline to the gas consumption facility. The gas distribution network includes structures on gas pipelines, means of electrochemical protection, gas control points (GRP, GRPB), cabinet control points (SHRP), a system for automated control of the technological process of gas distribution (APCS RG).

Gas control point (GRP), installation (GRU)- a technological device designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at specified levels in gas distribution networks.

Cabinet gas control station (SHRP) - technological device in a cabinet design, designed to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at specified levels in gas distribution networks. four

Gas distribution networks include:

1) outdoor, underground, ground and aboveground gas distribution pipelines, inter-settlement gas pipelines, gas pipelines-inlets with stop valves installed on them;

2) off-site gas pipelines industrial enterprises;

3) crossings of gas pipelines through natural and artificial obstacles, including through rivers, railways and roads;

4) stand-alone gas control points located on the territory and outside the territory of settlements, industrial and other enterprises, as well as gas control points located in buildings, cabinets or blocks;

5) devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion and means of telemechanization of gas distribution networks, objects of their electric drive and power supply. 5

The procedure for determining the boundaries of the security zones of gas distribution networks, the conditions for the use of land plots located within them, and restrictions on economic activity, the rights and obligations of operating organizations are set out in the Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks. These rules apply throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Are binding on legal and individuals, who are the owners of land plots located within the protected zones of the SRS, or designing civil and industrial facilities, engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities, or carrying out any economic activity within the boundaries of such plots.

Any work in the security zones of gas distribution networks is carried out with strict compliance with the requirements for the safety of opened networks and other engineering communications, as well as for the safe passage of special vehicles and pedestrians.

Protected zones are established for GDS:

1) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 2 meters from each side of the gas pipeline;

2) along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to designate the route of the gas pipeline - in the form of a territory bounded by conditional lines passing at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline from the side of the wire and 2 meters from the opposite side;

3) along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the material of the pipes - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 10 meters from each side of the gas pipeline;

4) around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;

5) along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and raftable rivers, lakes, reservoirs, channels - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m from each side of the gas pipeline;

6) along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and tree and shrub vegetation - in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be at least the height of the trees during the entire life of the gas pipeline.

Distances are counted when determining the security zones of gas pipelines from the axis of the gas pipeline - for single-line gas pipelines and from the axes of the extreme lines of gas pipelines - for multi-line ones.

Normative distances are established both taking into account the significance of objects, the conditions for laying a gas pipeline, gas pressure, etc., and taking into account building codes and rules approved by the authorized executive body in the field of urban planning and construction.

Establishment of protective zones of the gas pipeline and drawing them on regional land use maps is carried out in order to ensure the conditions for the safe operation of the gas pipeline by:

Exclusion of unauthorized construction and installation work, earthmoving, blasting and other types of work (with the exception of agricultural work) that can to some extent damage technological equipment or gas pipeline communications;

Restrictions on other types of activities that may cause damage to the gas pipeline (open fire, storage of raw materials, products, bulk materials, installation of any obstacles that impair the access of operating personnel to gas pipeline facilities, etc.).

Security zones are established around the gas pipeline facilities at the request of the operating organization by acts of executive authorities or local governments and are plotted on regional land use maps. 6 Compliance with restrictions on activities in protected areas is provided for by the Land Code and the Federal Law 7 .

Responsibility for maintaining the protected zones of the gas pipeline in proper fire-fighting condition lies with the operating organization (pipeline owner).

The size of the security zones of gas pipeline facilities are established in accordance with the rules. At the borders of land areas and crossings over navigable rivers, lakes, buffer zones have a width of 100 m in each direction from the gas pipeline. Toward the land, the protection zones of the crossings are extended along the route for a distance of 50 m from the water's edge according to the GVV 10% security.

For multi-line gas pipelines in sections where several gas pipeline lines pass in one corridor, it is allowed (unlike existing regulations) establish both a single security zone covering all corridor threads (25 m wide to the outside of the outermost threads), and a set of separate security zones for each of the corridor threads. Solution for this issue is adopted by the operating organization on the basis of expediency in each specific case. This solution should be fixed by acts of executive authorities or local self-government.

On navigable rivers, work related to changing the channel within the boundaries of up to 1000 m from underwater crossings should be coordinated with the organization operating the gas pipeline.

The executive survey of gas distribution networks and the boundaries of their buffer zones is carried out in a single state or local coordinate system and is drawn up in the prescribed manner. Organizations - owners of gas distribution networks or operating organizations are obliged to include executive survey materials in the materials on demarcation of the boundaries of protected zones, which are transferred to the authorities maintaining the state land cadastre.

1.3 Protected zones of main pipelines

To exclude the possibility of damage to pipelines (for any type of their laying), security zones are established:

1. along the routes of pipelines transporting oil, natural gas, oil products, oil and artificial hydrocarbon gases - in the form of a plot of land bounded by conditional lines passing 25 meters from the axis of the pipeline on each side;

2. along the routes of pipelines transporting liquefied hydrocarbon gases, unstable gasoline and condensate - in the form of a plot of land bounded by conditional lines passing 100 meters from the axis of the pipeline on each side;

3. along the routes of multi-line pipelines - in the form of a plot of land bounded by conditional lines passing at the above distances from the axes of the outermost pipelines;

4. along underwater crossings - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced from the axes of the extreme threads of the transitions by 100 meters on each side;

5. around tanks for storing and degassing condensate, earthen barns for emergency release of products - in the form of a piece of land bounded by a closed line, 50 meters away from the boundaries of the territories of these objects in all directions;

6. around technological installations for preparing products for transport, head and intermediate pumping and loading pumping stations, tank farms, compressor and gas distribution stations, product measurement units, loading and unloading racks, underground gas storage stations, oil and oil products heating points - in the form of a site land bounded by a closed line, 100 meters away from the boundaries of the territories of these objects in all directions.

Land plots included in the protected zones of pipelines are not withdrawn from land users and are used by them for agricultural and other work with mandatory compliance with the requirements.

In the protected zones of pipelines, it is prohibited to perform any kind of actions that could disrupt the normal operation of pipelines or lead to their damage, in particular:

1) move, fill up and break identification and signal signs, control and measuring points;

2) open hatches, gates and doors of unattended reinforcement points cable communication, fencing of linear fittings, cathodic and drainage protection stations, linear and manholes and other linear devices, open and close taps and valves, turn off or turn on communications, power supply and telemechanics of pipelines;

3) arrange all kinds of dumps, pour out solutions of acids, salts and alkalis;

4) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthen and other structures (devices) that protect pipelines from destruction, and the adjacent territory and the surrounding area - from an emergency spill of transported products;

5) drop anchors, pass with given anchors, chains, lots, drags and trawls, carry out dredging and dredging works;

6) make fire and place any open or closed sources of fire.

In the protected zones of pipelines, without the written permission of the pipeline transport enterprises, it is prohibited:

Erect any buildings and structures;

Plant trees and shrubs of all kinds, store fodder, fertilizers, materials, hay and straw, arrange hitching posts, keep livestock, allocate fishing grounds, harvest fish, as well as aquatic animals and plants, arrange watering places, produce chopping and ice harvesting;

Construct driveways and crossings through pipeline routes, arrange parking lots for vehicles, tractors and mechanisms, place gardens and orchards;

Carry out reclamation earthworks, construct irrigation and drainage systems;

Perform all kinds of open and underground, mining, construction, installation and blasting work, soil leveling. Written permission to carry out blasting operations in the protected zones of pipelines is issued only after the enterprise performing these works submits the relevant materials provided for by the current Unified Safety Rules for Explosive Operations;

To carry out geological survey, geological exploration, prospecting, geodetic and other survey work related to the construction of wells, pits and taking soil samples (except for soil samples).

Enterprises and organizations that have received a written permit to conduct work in the protected zones of pipelines are required to perform them in compliance with the conditions that ensure the safety of pipelines and identification marks, and are responsible for damage to the latter.

Pipeline transport enterprises are allowed to:

Entrance in accordance with the scheme of passages agreed with the land user, road transport and other means to the pipeline and its facilities for maintenance and repair work.

In emergency situations, access to the pipeline and facilities on it is allowed along the route that ensures the delivery of equipment and materials to eliminate accidents, followed by registration and payment of damages to landowners.

If pipelines pass through the territory of prohibited zones and special facilities, then the relevant organizations must issue passes to employees servicing these pipelines for inspection and repair work at any time of the day;

Arrangement within the protected zone of pits to check the quality of pipeline insulation and the state of their electrochemical protection against corrosion and other earthworks necessary to ensure the normal operation of pipelines, with a preliminary (at least 5 days before the start of work) notification of the land user;

Cutting down trees in case of accidents on pipelines passing through forest lands, followed by registration in in due course logging tickets and clearing places from logging residues.

If necessary, pipeline transport enterprises can carry out logging in their protected areas during the current maintenance of pipelines with the issuance of logging tickets on a common basis. The resulting wood is used by these enterprises. eight

1.4 Restrictions imposed on land plots included in the protected zones of the gas distribution network

In order to prevent damage or violation of the conditions for the normal operation of the GDS, restrictions (encumbrances) are imposed on land plots included in the protected zones of networks.

In accordance with these encumbrances, it is prohibited on the sites:

1) build objects of housing, civil and industrial purposes;

2) demolish and reconstruct bridges, collectors, roads and railways with gas distribution networks located on them without preliminary removal of these gas pipelines in agreement with operating organizations;

3) destroy bank protection structures, culverts, earthworks and other structures that protect gas distribution networks from destruction;

4) move, damage, fill up and destroy identification marks, control and measuring points and other devices of gas distribution networks;

5) arrange landfills and warehouses, spill solutions of acids, salts, alkalis and other chemically active substances;

6) fence off and block off security zones, prevent the access of personnel of operating organizations to gas distribution networks, maintenance and elimination of damage to gas distribution networks;

7) make fire and place sources of fire;

8) dig cellars, dig and cultivate the soil with agricultural and reclamation tools and mechanisms to a depth of more than 0.3 meters;

9) open the gates and doors of gas control points, cathodic and drainage protection stations, hatches of underground wells, turn on or off the power supply of communications, lighting and telemechanics systems;

10) throw, attach and tie foreign objects, ladders to supports and above-ground gas pipelines, fences and buildings of gas distribution networks, climb on them;

11) arbitrarily connect to gas distribution networks.

Other types of work (forestry, agricultural) that do not fall under the list of restrictions given above and are not related to the violation of the land horizon and tillage to a depth of more than 0.3 meters, are carried out by owners, owners, users of land plots in the GRS buffer zone only on condition written notification to the operating organization, the notification is submitted at least 3 working days before the start of work.

The procedure for approving the security zones of the SRS and imposing restrictions (encumbrances) on land plots within the security zones.

The boundaries of the protected zones of the SRS and the imposition of encumbrances (restrictions) on land plots included in the protected zones are carried out on the basis of materials on the surveying of the boundaries of the buffer zone by the executive authorities in agreement with the owners, owners or users of land plots only with the designed (new) SRS.

The imposition of encumbrances (restrictions) on land plots included in the protected zones is carried out on the basis of materials on the demarcation of the boundaries of the protected zone by executive authorities without agreement with the owners, owners or users of land plots for existing GDS.

The decision of the executive authority to approve the boundaries of the SRS buffer zone and impose encumbrances (restrictions) on the land plots included in it serves as the basis for carrying out cadastral work on the formation of parts of the land plots included in the buffer zone, state cadastral registration with the assignment of accounting cadastral numbers in the Unified State register of lands and state registration of encumbrances in the USRR.

Cadastral work is carried out by the organization-owner of the SRS in accordance with the application and the decision of the executive authority on the establishment of buffer zones. Based on the results of cadastral work, the owner of the GDS or the operating organization is issued cadastral plans for land plots indicating the boundaries and registration cadastral numbers of parts of land plots included in the protected zone.

Losses caused to owners, owners or users of land plots as a result of work are compensated in accordance with federal law.

Organizations in charge of gas supply system facilities located in forests are required to:

Carry out the planned work, cut down trees (shrubs) in the security zones of gas supply system facilities and outside such zones in the manner prescribed by the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation.

In the event of an accident or catastrophe at the facility of the gas supply system, the organization that owns such a system or an operating organization authorized by it has the right to unhindered delivery of the necessary forces and means to the site of the accident, catastrophe and is obliged to fully compensate the damage caused by it to the owner land plot through the territory of which the necessary forces and means were delivered.

Protected zones with special conditions for the use of such land plots are established on land plots classified as transport lands. The boundaries of the security zones of gas supply system facilities are determined on the basis of building codes and regulations, rules for the protection of main pipelines, and other regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner. The owners of these land plots, in the course of their economic use, cannot build any buildings, structures, structures within the established minimum distances to the objects of the gas supply system without the consent of the organization - the owner of the gas supply system or an organization authorized by it; such owners do not have the right to obstruct the organization to the owner of the gas supply system or the organization authorized by it in the performance of work by them on the maintenance and repair of gas supply system facilities, the elimination of the consequences of accidents and disasters that have arisen on them.

The procedure for the use of land plots located in the protected zone of the State Registration Service.

Land plots located in the protected zones of the SRS are not withdrawn from their owners, owners or users and can be used subject to the imposed restrictions (encumbrances).

Establishment of security zones of the SDS does not entail a ban on transactions with land plots located in these security zones.

The documents certifying the rights of owners, owners or users to land plots (certificates, cadastral passports) indicate restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights of these owners, owners or users. 9

1.5 General requirements to gas distribution systems

The internal diameters of gas pipelines should be determined by calculation from the condition of ensuring gas supply to all consumers during the hours of maximum gas consumption.

According to the working pressure of the transported gas, gas pipelines are divided into high pressure gas pipelines of categories I and II, medium pressure and low pressure in accordance with the table.

Table 1 - Classification of gas pipelines by pressure

Classification of gas pipelines by pressure

Type of transported gas

Working pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa



St. 0.6 to 1.2 inclusive

St. 0.6 to 1.6 inclusive

Natural and LPG

St. 0.3 to 0.6 inclusive


St. 0.005 to 0.3 inclusive

Up to 0.005 inclusive

The gas pressure in internal gas pipelines and in front of gas-using installations must correspond to the pressure necessary for the stable operation of these installations, specified in the technical data sheets of manufacturers, but should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table.

Table 2 - Gas pressure in internal gas pipelines and in front of gas-using installations.

Gas consumers

Gas pressure, MPa

Industrial buildings in which the magnitude of the gas pressure is determined by the requirements of production

Other industrial buildings

Household buildings of industrial enterprises, detached, attached to industrial buildings and built into these buildings

Administrative buildings

Boiler rooms:

stand-alone on the territory of industrial enterprises

the same, in the territory of settlements

attached, built-in and roof industrial buildings

attached, built-in and roof public, administrative and domestic buildings

attached, built-in and roof residential buildings

Public buildings (except for buildings in which the installation of gas equipment by the requirements of SNiP 2.08.02 is not allowed) and storage

residential buildings

The placement of external gas pipelines in relation to buildings, structures and parallel neighboring engineering networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - SNiP II-89.

When laying underground gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions (when it is not possible to fulfill the distances regulated by regulatory documents), separate sections routes, between buildings and under the arches of buildings, as well as gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.6 MPa, when they approach separate auxiliary buildings (buildings without the constant presence of people), it is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01 and SNiP II- to 50% 89. At the same time, in the areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be applied:

Seamless or electric welded steel pipes laid in a protective case with 100% physical inspection of factory welded joints;

Polyethylene pipes laid in a protective case, without welded joints or connected by parts to embedded heaters (HE), or butt-welded with 100% control of joints by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines at distances corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01, but less than 50 m from public railways in the approach area and 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must pass 100% - ny control by physical methods.

In this case, the wall thickness of steel pipes should be 2-3 mm more than the calculated one, and polyethylene pipes should have a safety factor of at least 2.8.

Pipe connections should be designed to be non-detachable. Detachable can be connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and at the installation sites of fittings, equipment and instrumentation (KIP). Detachable connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes in the ground can only be provided if a case with a control tube is installed.

Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings, should be enclosed in a case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed for the entire thickness of the crossed structure. The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

The entry of gas pipelines into buildings should be provided directly to the room where the gas-using equipment is installed, or to the room adjacent to it, connected by an open opening.

It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into the premises of the basement and basement floors of buildings, except for the inputs of natural gas pipelines into single-apartment and block houses.

Disconnecting devices on gas pipelines should be provided for:

In front of detached or blocked buildings;

To turn off the risers of residential buildings above five floors;

In front of outdoor gas-using equipment;

In front of gas control points, with the exception of hydraulic distribution stations of enterprises, on the branch of the gas pipeline to which there is a disconnecting device at a distance of less than 100 m from the hydraulic distribution station;

At the outlet of gas control points looped by gas pipelines;

On branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, quarters, groups of residential buildings, and with more than 400 apartments, to a separate house, as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;

When crossing water barriers with two threads or more, as well as one thread with a width of a water barrier with a low water horizon of 75 m or more;

When crossing railroads common network and motor roads of categories I-II, if the disconnecting device that ensures the interruption of the gas supply at the crossing site is located at a distance of more than 1000 m from the roads.

Disconnecting devices on above-ground gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from door and opening window openings not less than:

For low pressure gas pipelines - 0.5 m;

For gas pipelines of medium pressure - 1 m;

For high-pressure gas pipelines of category II - 3 m;

For high-pressure gas pipelines of category I - 5 m.

Underground gas pipelines:

Laying of gas pipelines should be carried out at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or case. In places where the movement of vehicles and agricultural vehicles is not provided, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines may be at least 0.6 m.

The vertical distance (in the light) between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utilities and structures at their intersections should be taken taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, but not less than 0.2 m.

At the intersections of gas pipelines with underground communication collectors and channels for various purposes, as well as at the places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case.

The ends of the case must be led out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides of the outer walls of the structures and communications being crossed, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the case must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case at the top of the slope (with the exception of the intersections of the walls of the wells), a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

In the annular space of the case and the gas pipeline, it is allowed to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60V, intended for servicing gas distribution systems.

Polyethylene pipes used for the construction of gas pipelines must have a safety factor in accordance with GOST R 50838 of at least 2.5.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes:

On the territory of settlements at a pressure of more than 0.3 MPa;

Outside the territory of settlements at pressure over 0.6 MPa;

For transportation of gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the liquid phase of LPG;

When the temperature of the gas pipeline wall under operating conditions is below minus 15 °C.

When using pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8, it is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 0.3 to 0.6 MPa in the territories of settlements with predominantly one-two-story and cottage residential buildings. On the territory of small rural settlements, it is allowed to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa with a safety factor of at least 2.5. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 0.8 m to the top of the pipe.

Aboveground gas pipelines:

Aboveground gas pipelines, depending on the pressure, should be laid on supports made of non-combustible materials or along the structures of buildings and structures in accordance with the table.

Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, public, administrative and household buildings with a mass stay of people is not allowed.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below the premises of categories A and B, determined by fire safety standards, with the exception of the buildings of the hydraulic distribution plant.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines not exceeding average pressure with a diameter of up to 100 mm is allowed along the walls of one residential building not lower than the III degree of fire resistance class C0 and at a distance to the roof of at least 0.2 m.

Gas pipelines high pressure should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at least 0.5 m above the window and door openings of the upper floors of industrial buildings and administrative and amenity buildings adjacent to them. The distance from the gas pipeline to the roof of the building must be at least 0.2 m.

Low and medium pressure gas pipelines can also be laid along the sashes or mullions of non-opening windows and cross the window openings of industrial buildings and boiler rooms filled with glass blocks.

The height of the laying of aboveground gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89.

On pedestrian and automobile bridges built of non-combustible materials, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have passed 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying of gas pipelines on pedestrian and automobile bridges built of combustible materials is not allowed. ten

Chapter 2 Natural and socio-economic conditions of the Zubtsovsky district

2.1 Natural and ecological conditions

The Zubtsovsky district was formed in July 1929 on the territory of the former Zubtsovsky district. The city of Zubtsov is one of the oldest cities in the Tver region. Zubtsov was first mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle as a city in 1216. With the construction at the beginning of the 18th century Vyshnevolotskaya water system Zubtsov is an important transit point on the waterway to St. Petersburg.

In 1708 - 1727 Zubtsov was part of the St. Petersburg province, and in 1727-1775. - in Novgorod. Since 1775 - the county town of the Tver viceroy.

In 1780, the coat of arms of the city of Zubtsov was established: a fortress wall is depicted on a red background - a symbol of a border fortress.

The city of Zubtsov was famous for fairs and bazaars. Flax, flaxseed, livestock, undressed sheepskins, leather, pottery occupied the main place in the fair trade.

At the end of the 19th century, the city of Zubtsov was a major center for the flax trade. Flax growing was developed throughout the county and ranked first among other counties in the province.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Moscow-Rybinsk railway passed through Zubtsov. In terms of the convenience of means of communication, the Zubtsovsky district occupied a very advantageous position.

In Soviet times, the city of Zubtsov continued to develop as the center of an agricultural region, adhering to the flax-growing direction. Currently, the city of Zubtsov is a city of regional subordination, a regional center.

Zubtsovsky district is located in the southwestern part of the Tver region. The length of the region from north to south is 40 km, from west to east about 70 km.

The area borders: in the west with the Rzhevsky district, in the north with Staritsky, in the east with the Shakhovsky district of the Moscow region, in the south with the Gagarinsky district of the Smolensk region (see Fig. 1). The area is located almost in the very center of the Russian plain. The relief of the region is a slightly hilly plain, but the tops of the hills are smoothed. Along the Volga River, the Upper Volga Lowland enters the plain. The general slope of the terrain is directed towards the Volga River. The soils are represented by loams and sands.

Figure 1 - Zubtsovsky district.

Soils in the Zubtsovsky district are mainly soddy medium podzolic, only south of the city of Zubtsov there is a distribution of soddy strongly podzolic soils and small areas of strongly podzolic soils are found to the west and north of the city.

The climate of the region is temperate continental. Winter is moderately mild, quite snowy, summer is moderately cool and humid.

Industrial enterprises, cultural institutions, residential areas have grown here. Automobile and pedestrian bridges have been built across the Volga, Vazuza, and Sheshma rivers.

The territory of the district occupies an area equal to 2166.5 square meters. km. The municipal formation "Zubtsovsky district of the Tver region" includes MO urban settlement the city of Zubtsov and 7 rural settlements (Vazuzskoye, Dorozhaevskoye, Zubtsovskoye, Knyazhyegorskoye, Pogorelskoye, Stolipinskoye and Ulyanovskoye).

The Moscow-Riga railway passes through the territory of the Zubtsovsky district (through the district center, the city of Zubtsov). Within the boundaries of the district there are motorways of international importance: Moscow-Riga, for more than 70 km., Interregional significance: Zubtsov-Vyazma, Zubtsov-Gagarin. The length of local roads is 222.0 km, of which 218.2 km are paved, 3.8 km unpaved.

The distance from the district center of Zubtsov to the regional center of Tver is: by rail (through the city of Torzhok) 202 km, by road (through the city of Rzhev) 164 km, by water transport 153 km, by air 110 km.

An extensive network of enterprises has been created in the district social sphere: work 21 comprehensive school with 3 thousand students, 3 hospitals with 150 beds, an orphanage with 140 pupils, cultural institutions.

The population of the district on September 20, 2011 - 17.7 thousand people, including: the city of Zubtsov - 6.9 thousand people. eleven

Regional gas distribution organizations (GDOs) are the closing link in the gas supply chain. GDOs provide gas transportation services from main gas networks directly to the end consumer, some of them are also engaged in the sale of liquefied gas and are engaged in maintenance gas equipment. As a rule, the main and only customer for natural gas transportation services is regional company, which is responsible for wholesale gas supplies. Gas sales to industrial consumers and the population in the domestic market are carried out by regional gas companies (for example, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Moscow). They were transformed from branches of Mezhregiongaz into independent legal entities and are "subsidiaries" of Mezhregiongaz.

GDOs conclude bilateral contracts for gas transportation with consumers and suppliers, providing gas transportation services from main gas pipelines to end consumers via low and medium pressure gas distribution networks. The majority of GDOs are controlled by Gazprom through its subsidiary Gazpromregiongaz.

Gas distribution organizations have the status of natural monopolies in the field of natural gas transportation through low and medium pressure pipelines in their area. Tariffs for gas transportation services are controlled by the state, which leads to high risk decrease in GDO profits.

OAO Gazpromregiongaz owns stakes in 176 gas distribution organizations that provide about 80% of gas supplies to Russian consumers. It is engaged in the transportation of natural gas to its affiliates and manages the activities of the GDO. OAO Gazpromregiongaz exercises control over the distribution sector of the gas transmission system, provides consulting services to gas distribution organizations, builds gas pipelines and leases them to gas distribution organizations.

In 2006, Gazprom tightened its control over gas distribution by banning transgas companies from giving access to main gas pipelines to consumers and third parties without prior approval from Gazpromregiongaz. In this regard, gas distribution organizations are not threatened with the loss of consumers, and it is unlikely that Gazpromregiongaz will allow enterprises to crash into highways bypassing the GDO.
There are 61 gas distribution stations (GDS) in the GDO, more than 75 thousand gas control and cabinet control points (GRP), 405 gas filling stations (GFS) and points (GNP) with a total capacity of 2.3 million tons of liquefied gas per year.

Description of the controlled gas distribution network

The objects of monitoring are gas control points (hereinafter referred to as GRP) of the gas distribution network. Hydraulic distribution stations that ensure the operation of the gas network are combined into segments based on belonging to the territory served by one inter-district gas management trust (MTGH), including emergency control room service (ADS).

The hydraulic fracturing implements the function of reducing the pressure of natural gas and supplying it from the gas network to the consumer. It is a structure with a technological room containing a system of gas pipelines equipped with shut-off, reducing and safety gas equipment. A heating boiler and electrical equipment are located in the auxiliary room.

Tasks to be solved

ASDU fracturing is designed to provide continuous control technological equipment of hydraulic fracturing, in order to prevent the occurrence of emergency events at the facility.

ASDU hydraulic fracturing is a three-level information system ensuring the work of operational and maintenance personnel of the MTGH.

Composition and structure of the gas network hydraulic fracturing control automation system

The ASDU of the hydraulic fracturing of the gas network includes primary measuring instruments, devices for collecting and transmitting data UM-30 NEO installed at the hydraulic fracturing and hardware and software complex "RoMonitoring.NET" for collecting and processing information, as well as managing at least 10,000 objects. The workstations are located in the ADS MTCG. Data transmission channel — GSM/GPRS and GSM/CSD (reserve).

The ASDU for hydraulic fracturing is assembled at the facility from mass-produced measuring instruments included in State Register measuring instruments, as well as equipment and signal conversion and transmission manufactured by Svyaz Engineering M CJSC.

  • Getting data about current state hydraulic fracturing included in the controlled gas distribution network, with a specified period;
  • Display on AWS ADS of the following parameters in the form of a mnemonic diagram:
    • values ​​of gas pressure at the inlet and outlet of hydraulic fracturing;
    • condition safety shut-off devices (open/closed);
    • level of gas concentration in the process room (normal/accident);
    • air temperature in technological and auxiliary premises;
    • metering of consumed electricity and gas metering;
    • the presence of a supply voltage of 220 V (normal/failure);
    • the state of the doors of the premises (open / closed);
    • actuation of a security and/or fire alarm(norm/failure);
    • stop valves control;
  • informing the personnel about the output of controlled parameters beyond the threshold values ​​via SMS to a mobile phone;
  • storage and display in the form of graphs of all controlled parameters;
  • storage and display of emergency events.

Planned results and effect of the implementation of the ADCS for hydraulic fracturing:

  • increasing the speed of response of operational services;
  • prevention of accidents as a result of timely detection of faults;
  • protection from damage to gas and heating equipment in the winter in case of boiler failure;
  • prevention of theft of hydraulic fracturing equipment;
  • obtaining statistical material for use in fine tuning reduction lines and overhaul planning;
  • refusal from daily fracturing detours (length of routes from 150 to 300 km).

The gas distribution network is a system of pipelines and equipment used to transport and distribute gas within a city or any other settlement. In addition to gas pipelines, the main equipment of the gas distribution network is gas control points (GRP), which serve to reduce pressure and maintain it at a given level. Gas networks also include gas holders or gas holder stations that serve to receive gas from gas supply sources during hours of minimum gas consumption and release gas to the distribution network during peak hours, when the power of the sources is insufficient to cover gas consumption. Gas holders are usually located near gas distribution stations or at factories. AT recent times gas tanks are not built. Domestic gas equipment includes yard and internal gas pipelines of residential buildings, municipal and industrial enterprises, as well as gas installations and appliances for using gas.

The main equipment of the gas distribution network is gas control points (GRP), which serve to reduce gas pressure and maintain it at a given level.

The connections are made using short connections to the gas distribution network, such as condensate risers. As anode ground electrodes for short-term measurements, for example, reinforced concrete structures, steel fence piles and pipelines can be used. When using railway facilities, a cautious approach is recommended due to the possible connection with signaling systems. The resistance to current flow from these objects should be, if possible, less than 1 ohm. The applied current should be as large as possible.

In many cases, as, for example, in the calculation of gas distribution networks and intra-house gas pipelines, it is quite possible to use non-basic equations in general view, but by particular formulas obtained on the basis of these equations. To obtain particular calculation formulas, instead of the drag coefficient X, substitute the expression for it in the basic equations functional dependence on other parameters that can be easily determined.

Depending on the number of stages of pressure reduction in gas pipelines, the gas supply systems of settlements are one-, two- and three-stage:

  • 1) single-stage (Fig. 16.5 a) - this is a gas supply system in which gas is distributed and supplied to consumers through gas pipelines of only one pressure (usually low); It is used in small settlements;
  • 2) a two-stage system (Fig. 16.5 b) ensures the distribution and supply of gas to consumers through gas pipelines of two categories: medium and low or high and low pressures; it is recommended for settlements with a large number consumers located in a large area;
  • 3) three-stage (Fig. 16.5 c) - this is a gas supply system, where gas is supplied and distributed to consumers through gas pipelines of both low, medium and high pressures; It is recommended for big cities.

Low pressure gas pipelines are mainly used to supply gas to residential buildings, public buildings and utilities.

Gas pipelines of medium and high (up to 0.6 MPa) pressure are designed to supply gas to low-pressure gas pipelines through urban gas distribution stations, as well as for gas supply to industrial and large municipal enterprises.

Through gas pipelines of high (more than 0.6 MPa) pressure, gas is supplied to industrial consumers, for which this condition is necessary according to technological requirements.

When using two- and three-stage gas supply systems, additional gas reduction is carried out at gas control points (GRP). According to the purpose of the gas supply system, distribution gas pipelines, gas pipelines-inlets and internal gas pipelines are distinguished. Distribution gas pipelines provide gas supply from gas supply sources to gas pipelines-inlets. Gas pipelines inputs connect distribution gas pipelines with internal gas pipelines of buildings. The internal one is the gas pipeline running from the gas pipeline-inlet to the place of connection of the gas appliance, heat unit, etc.

By location in settlements, there are external (street, intra-quarter, yard, inter-shop, inter-settlement) and internal (intra-shop, intra-house) gas pipelines.

By location relative to the surface of the earth, underground and aboveground gas pipelines are distinguished. According to the material of the pipes, metal (steel, copper) and non-metallic (polyethylene, asbestos-cement, etc.) gas pipelines are distinguished. Connecting and disconnecting individual sections of gas pipelines and gas consumers is carried out using shut-off valves - valves, taps, valves. In addition, gas pipelines are equipped following devices: condensate collectors, lens or flexible compensators, control and measuring points, etc.

Gas distribution networks. Device and equipment


In providing industry with high-quality fuel, for a long time will play the oil and gas industry. Delivery of fuel to consumers is carried out different ways. The main type of delivery is pipelines. At the same time, main and transport pipelines are distinguished. The main pipelines make up almost half of the total length of the pipelines and are installed with pipes with a diameter of 1220 and 1420 mm.

Main gas pipelines are a complex of structures: gas pipelines themselves, compressor stations ( KS) for gas pumping and gas distribution stations ( GDS). Compressor stations are located at a distance of 120-150 km from one another, provide gas supply with excess pressure up to 5 MPa to GDS, which are the head structures when gas is introduced into the settlement. On the GDS the gas passes through filters, pressure regulators and is odorized (where strong-smelling substances are supplied to the gas). The pressure of the gas coming from GDS into gas distribution networks, usually does not exceed 1.2 MPa. Usually main gas pipelines are built in several threads. To increase their throughput, they are designed for 7.5 MPa.

Due to the seasonal unevenness of gas storage, it becomes necessary to store it. For this, various storage facilities are used: depleted gas and oil fields, or storage capacities of the last section of the main pipeline.

Physical and chemical properties of oil and gases

natural gases are divided into three groups: gases that are extracted from purely gas storages and consist mainly of methane (82-98%), gases that are obtained from condensate storages of wide fractions (gasoline, ligruin, kerosene, and sometimes diesel oil. methane up to 80-95%) and gases that are extracted together with oil from oil storage facilities (30-70% methane).

The main parameters of gases include: density, specific gravity, mass and volume flow rates, linear and mass velocity, pressure, viscosity, humidity. From thermodynamic properties, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and its throttling are distinguished, i.e. a sharp decrease in pressure during expansion and a change in temperature.

For oils the following parameters are distinguished: evaporation, saturated vapor pressure above the surface, density, viscosity, coefficients of thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and heat capacity, flammability, ignition temperature and explosive self-ignition, toxicity.

Gas distribution networks. Device and equipment

Depending on the working pressure (MPa), gas distribution networks (SNIP 2.04.08-87) "Gas supply" are divided into gas pipelines:

Residential and public buildings and small public utilities enterprises are connected to low-pressure gas pipelines. Medium and high pressure gas pipelines of category 2 with overpressure up to 0.6 MPa are used to supply low pressure gas distribution networks through gas distribution points ( hydraulic fracturing), as well as major gas consumers ( manufacturing enterprises, bakeries, bathhouses, etc.)

According to the number of pressure levels used in gas networks, gas supply systems are divided into two-stage, three-stage and multi-stage. The applicable scheme is determined by the type of consumer. Gas control points ( hydraulic fracturing- for nutrition individual networks) and gas distribution plants ( GRU- to supply individual consumers) are usually located in separate buildings. Except hydraulic fracturing and GDS gas supply systems have gas distribution stations ( GDS), which regulate the supply of gas from main pipelines to consumers.

Outdoor and underground laying of pipelines is carried out taking into account climatic conditions, the depth of soil freezing, the presence of electrical wiring, other pipelines, the slope - for the possibility of draining condensate, lens thermal stress compensators.

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The gas distribution network should ensure minimum material and capital investments, as well as minimum operating costs.

A gas distribution network is a system of pipelines and equipment that serves to transport and distribute gas in settlements.

A gas distribution network is a system of pipelines to equipment that serves to transport and distribute gas in settlements.

A gas distribution network (GDS) is a system of pipelines and equipment that serves to transport and distribute gas in settlements. The gas in the gas distribution station comes from the main gas pipeline through the gas distribution station.

For gas distribution networks, a sudden failure is most typical, since the loss of tightness by a pipe usually occurs abruptly.

For gas distribution networks, a loaded or light reserve is typical. When the networks operate in a mode other than the calculated one, it can be considered that almost any section performs the functions of a light reserve. All types of reserve can take place in hydraulic distribution stations, boiler houses and other gas-consuming facilities.

The calculation of the gas distribution network is reduced to the calculation of the diameters of the network sections and the pressure at the nodal points.

Pipelines of gas distribution networks are in difficult operating conditions, are subjected to long-term exposure to constant static load, the risk of corrosion damage, and experience cyclic loading; there may be local stress concentrators, as well as hardened sections of the heat-affected zone of welds. The conditions of long-term operation create the prerequisites for the processes of delayed destruction of pipe metal.

The gas distribution network option should provide minimal material and capital investments, as well as minimal operating costs.

A polar organic corrosion inhibitor is used in the gas distribution network that transports acidic gas with an admixture of hydrogen sulfide. To do this, a 25% inhibitor solution in kerosene is pumped continuously into the compressor discharge line through a nozzle of a diesel injector, providing protection for the distribution network with a gas flow rate of 283 l3 per day.

Gas distribution networks include gas pipelines designed to transport gas in cities and towns: for supply to residential buildings, public utilities, enterprises and other consumers. The gas distribution network is a system of pipelines and equipment, which includes both city main gas pipelines designed to transfer gas from one city district to another, and gas distribution pipelines to supply gas directly to consumers. From the gas distribution station it is sent to gas control points (GRP) installed on the city network. Gas control points are designed to reduce gas pressure; they combine gas pipelines of different pressure Depending on the pressure of natural gas, city pipelines are divided into low, medium and high pressure gas pipelines.

Gas gathering and gas distribution networks also include gas pipelines of underground gas storages, which ensure the injection and extraction of gas.

Consumers are directly connected to low-pressure gas distribution networks. At the same time, the connection of subscribers through regulators does not introduce fundamental changes into the schemes of gas networks.

Consumers are directly connected to low-pressure gas distribution networks. The number of hydraulic fracturing units feeding the low-pressure network is determined by a feasibility study. Gas control points are located in the centers of the zones they feed. The coverage area of ​​one hydraulic fracturing should not overlap the coverage area of ​​another.

On gas distribution networks receiving gas from one regional gas control station, the need to install such pressure gauges must be determined by the operating company.

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