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What is DVB-T2 on TV. Digital TV DVB in Russia

Reception of digital TV signal (DVB-T2) in ultra-harsh environments.
In connection with the greyhound Tricolor decided to "finish off" the digital terrestrial TV in his country house.
The first (winter) attempt failed: it worked in cold weather, but at zero and above the signal was not enough. Reasons: in summer, the absolute humidity is much higher than in winter, a lowland near the river and a nearby forest. Let me remind you that the relief of the direction to the repeater gives a completely "closed interval", i.e. the signal should not pass the type... Relief with refractive ellipse attached. A

I bought a highly sensitive receiver (-82dBm), moved the antenna away from the house away from the forest (to the summer kitchen). Now it is 100 meters to the forest, but it was probably 20 m (an acute angle towards the repeater).
I bought and connected / extended 23-25 ​​meters of RG-6U cable.
I installed an antenna lightning arrestor at the receiver input. It would probably be necessary to put it at the output of the amplifier, but until the hands reach it. And at the input, the antenna amplifier has a DC short circuit, so, I think, it is well protected.
Result, in general, positive (compared to what it was before): at 650 MHz the signal strength is 80%, and at 722 MHz - 48%. On both "quality" - 100%, which - I do not believe. Of course, 48% is not enough, but it works. On the edge. When the receiver warms up and during the play, there are signal breakdowns ... Moreover, the antenna had to be very precisely aligned in the direction.
I did not like it, I decided to "finish off" further.
I put a second amplifier (ancient, from an old antenna) in front of the receiver in the house.
At the same time, it was necessary to defeat the excitation of the amplifier and the too strong signal.
A strong signal won with splitters, which is just right for me, since I want to multiply DVB-T2 around the house.
Both multiplexes now have signal levels above 90%. And the quality ... - see Note-3.
Lightning protection:
Attached a meter thick aluminum lightning rod to the antenna mast from above, organized through an aluminum-copper adapter With his lower part(and not from the bottom of the mast!) a copper descent to the ground, as which I bought and hammered a galvanized pipe 1.6 meters under the antenna. A steel cable was welded to the same ground, to which an antenna cable is tied, going from the summer kitchen to the house. Copper to steel pipe - through stainless washers.
It is assumed that the TV (at least) and the rest are grounded, otherwise there may be a pickup at the receiver input (up to 100-150 Volts), which, when the antenna is grounded and the antenna input is temporarily open, can (when connected) break through the mast antenna amplifier at the output. And this is not a theory, but the cruel truth of life.
It's strange that my signal quality indicator is almost always 100%. I do not believe!

Update as of July 11, 2015:
For the information of those who insist that the reception does not deteriorate in the rain.
The other day we had the wildest downpour. So, during it, the signal at 722 MHz completely disintegrated, and fell on 650 ...
It is clear, since I have a signal-to-noise ratio on the verge. And the antenna is not the most long-range ...
I scratched my turnip, knocked out the old antenna lying around, made 6 directors about 14.5 cm long (this is the length of the directors of the purchased part of the antenna), screwed it to the main antenna. After that, the signal level, deliberately roughened to 50%, rose to 65% (compared to the purchased antenna). How many in decibels, of course, is unknown ...
We are waiting, from the downpour!
Update as of July 21, 2015:
Antenna modification result:

Today we again had a very heavy downpour, both of my Tricolors (I temporarily have two antennas looking at 36E) turned off for 5-10 minutes, and my DTV TV did not for a second ...
Here, due to the amplification of the antenna itself, I raised the signal-to-noise ratio and therefore the signal ceased to be "on the edge" and the effect ceased to be noticeable. However, the signal level in the shower decreased from 91% to 72% (at the minimum point).

Now the antenna looks like this:

Supplement to the results of the finalization of the antenna:
There were heavy rains with thunderstorms. I noticed that at the moment of a distant lightning discharge, the image breaks down for 2-3 seconds ...
I bought a slightly different receiver of the same company for a friend and additionally made sure that the almost constant 100% signal quality on my receiver is a fiction. This new receiver "measures" more or less normally. The quality on it (from the same antenna-feeder system) is 60-70%. By the way, he has different soft menus and controls.
Apparently, I will shake the manufacturer / representative to provide a software update, which is much better in terms of convenience.
A forum member about static electricity during a snowfall from the antenna to the 27 MHz range (copper wire vertically):

Today the guys decided to tell what DVB-T2 is, one of my readers asked a question in. Many do not understand what it is and do not see the advantages of using this digital broadcasting format, but in vain! After all, using this format, you can watch digital television in Russia for free. In our city there are 20 channels + 3 radio. The number of channels is rumored to only grow in the near future. In general, the format you need, read on, I'll tell you everything ...

As usual, let's start with the definition.

DVB- T2 ( Digital Video Broadcasting - Second Generation Terrestrial) it is a terrestrial digital terrestrial television format. PrefixT2 stands for the second generation of this format, designed to increase signal throughput by 30-50% for the same equipment power.

Now in simple words. Guys, this is a really new broadcasting format. Previously, television worked over analog networks, that is, there was a TV tower and it transmitted an analog signal to the consumer (TV). And the farther you were from the tower, the worse was the reception of channels, there was interference, etc.

Things are different now. There is also a tower, only it transmits a digital signal. Something like a cell tower, the consumer either has a signal or doesn't (just like a cell phone)! Moreover, if there is a signal on the TV, then the image is very clear and without interference. Even over long distances. If there is no signal, then the TV simply will not show, here you need to take a more powerful antenna, or use a TV signal amplifier.

It should be noted that now almost all new TVs support the DVB-T2 format. Just connect the antenna, turn on the TV, select the DVB-T2 format (or digital format, maybe digital signal reception) and that's it, the TV will find digital channels by itself. Everything is easy and simple. But old TVs are not "sharpened" to receive such channels, so they cannot catch DVB-T2, but there is a way out.

How to catch digital TV on old TVs

On old TVs or LED TVs that do not catch the DVB-T2 format, you need to install a special digital set-top box. She catches the digital format, and then transmits it to the TV. It is connected either HDMI connectors, or analog connectors (well-known "tulips"). The cost of such consoles is now from 1000 to 2500 rubles. There is a separate remote control on the set-top box, it is with it that you will switch digital channels.

Thus, you can even turn an old TV into a receiver for a new digital signal (DVB-T2).

Guys, and most importantly, this television is free, that is, you do not need to spend money on cable or satellite TV. Also, the image quality is at a high level, and the reception is many times better!

Now a small video is just about such set-top boxes for digital TV

In general, this is really a leap forward, you will not regret connecting it.

(Korean Mobile TV)

T-DMB (terrestrial) S-DMB (satellite) MediaFLO Codecs Video codecs
  • H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC)
Audio codecs Frequency range

DVB-T2 is the last in the family of DVB standards for digital terrestrial (terrestrial) television, since it is physically impossible to realize a higher "information transmission rate per spectrum unit".


The following characteristics have been developed for the DVB-T2 standard:

  • COFDM modulation with QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, or 256-QAM groups.
  • OFDM modes are 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k and 32k. The symbol length for 32k mode is about 4ms.
  • The relative lengths of the guard intervals are 1/128, 1/32, 1/16, 19/256, 1/8, 19/128, and 1/4. (For 32k mode maximum 1/8)
  • FEC with concatenated LDPC and BCH correction codes.
  • DVB-T2 supports channel bandwidths: 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 MHz. Moreover, 1.7 MHz is intended for mobile TV
  • transmission in MISO mode (eng. Multiple-Input Single-Output) using the Alamouti scheme, that is, the receiver processes the signal from two transmitting antennas

Comparison of DVB-T and DVB-T2

The following table compares the available modes in DVB-T and DVB-T2.

Error Correction (FEC) Convolutional code + Reed - Solomon code
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
1/2, 3/5 , 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 , 5/6
Modulation modes QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM
Guard interval 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 1/4, 19/256 , 1/8, 19/128 , 1/16, 1/32, 1/128
DFT dimension 2k, 8k 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k
Dispersed pilot signals 8% of the total 1 % , 2 % , 4 % , 8% of the total
Continuous pilot signals 2.6% of the total 0,35 % of the total
Bandwidth 6; 7; 8 MHz 1.7; 5; 6; 7; eight; 10 MHz
Max. data rate (at SNR 20 dB) 31.7 Mbps 45.5 Mbps
Required SNR (for 24 Mbps) 16.7 dB 10.8 dB

Maximum data rate at 8 MHz bandwidth, 32K subcarriers, with a guard interval of 1/128, PP7 subcarrier pattern:

Modulation Code speed Maximum
digital speed
stream, Mbps
T2 frame length,
OFDM symbols
Number of code
words in the frame
QPSK 1/2 7.4442731 62 52
3/5 8.9457325
2/3 9.9541201
3/4 11.197922
4/5 11.948651
5/6 12.456553
16-QAM 1/2 15.037432 60 101
3/5 18.07038
2/3 20.107323
3/4 22.619802
4/5 24.136276
5/6 25.162236
64-QAM 1/2 22.481705 46 116
3/5 27.016112
2/3 30.061443
3/4 33.817724
4/5 36.084927
5/6 37.618789
256-QAM 1/2 30.074863 68 229
3/5 36.140759
2/3 40.214645
3/4 45.239604
4/5 48.272552
5/6 50.324472

DVB-T2 system structure

Generalized scheme for processing transmitted signals in the DVB-T2 system.

Service capabilities

The DVB-T2 standard allows you to provide various digital services and services:

  • 3D TV in DVB 3D-TV standard;
  • interactive hybrid television in the Hbb TV standard;
  • multisound (choice of broadcasting language);
  • access to government services in electronic form (in Russia);
  • emergency notification system (in Russia).

Receiving DVB-T2 signal

The reception of the DVB-T2 signal is carried out by an on-air collective, individual or room antenna connected to a TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner (decoder) or to a DVB-T2 receiver (TV set-top box).

Also, DVB-T2 signal reception can be carried out on any computer with a built-in DVB-T2 digital TV tuner.



  • UK: one multiplex, test run in December 2009, fully launched in April 2010.
  • Italy: one multiplex, trial launch in October 2010.
  • Sweden: two multiplexes, full launch in November 2010.
  • Finland: five multiplexes, trial launch in January 2011, all in February 2011.
  • Spain: two multiplexes, full launch in 2010.


By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2012 No. 287-r, the only digital terrestrial television standard for Russia is only the DVB-T2 standard. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 No. 830-r, the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network was designated as the executor of work within the framework of the federal target program "Development of TV and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015".


  • Test broadcasting of digital television in the DVB-T2 standard from the Kiev TV tower began on August 18, 2011.
  • On November 1, 2011, broadcasting in the DVB-T2 standard began on the territory of Ukraine.
  • Since February 2012, the DVB-T2 signal is encoded throughout the territory of Ukraine

DVB-T2 is a digital television standard. And the T2 prefix means that this is the second generation from the general group. It was created based on the present generation standards to increase the overall performance of television networks by 50%. And at the same time their quality and reliability. The fact that it is DVB-T2 will be discussed in this article.


This standard is very different from previous versions. This means that receivers of older versions do not support it. DVB-T2 is characterized by QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM and 256 QAM modulation types. Depending on the application of one or another, the maximum bit rate can vary from 7 to 50 megabits per second.

The structure of the system is based on the transmission of a transport stream of the MPEG-TS type. At the same time, several streams can be transmitted simultaneously via the DVB-T2 standard. For this, a special data preprocessing system was applied.


In the early days of television, the most popular standards were NTSC, Pal and SECAM. They were in charge of color coding. In the course of the development of television systems, some of them became extinct, and some live and are still used. With the global transition of television to digital, these standards are gradually fading into oblivion.

The main reason for the transition to digital television was the ability to compress data using the MPEG algorithm, thereby significantly increasing the characteristics and quality of the transmitted signal.

Today in the world there are several generally accepted standards specific to each region. DVB and derivatives are used in Europe, ATSC is used in America, ISDB and DTMB are used in Japan and China, respectively.

Key features of digital DVB-T2

These include:

    multichannel multiplexing, that is, combining several channels into one digital package;

    display in standard definition, high definition and ultra high definition modes;

    display of 3D television;

    display of video on demand;

  • teletext;

    Dolby Digital sound;

    synchronization of date and time;

    broadband internet access.

System for receiving signals in DVB-T2 format

A special terrestrial antenna can receive a signal of this type, which must be connected to special receivers. They can serve as TVs with built-in modules, as well as separate DVB-T2 set-top boxes or tuners. They usually need to be purchased separately.

Digital What does this mean?

When switching to digital television, many users stop before choosing technical devices for displaying it. The DVB-T2 module may or may not be present on the TV. When buying, it is worth paying attention to this in modern realities. Of course, most innovative TV models already have a built-in DVB-T2 module. What does this give in practice? This means that when broadcasting digital terrestrial television, the user does not need to purchase additional devices such as receivers or tuners.

Brief overview of devices for receiving DVB-T2

On the modern market there are a lot of devices that support the DVB-T2 standard. Among them there are ready-made solutions that are immediately built into the TV or in a separate version, the so-called tuners or receivers. They are also sometimes called digital DVB-T2 set-top boxes.

TV sets

The line of TVs Samsung, LG, Sony and many others has the ability to work with the DVB-T2 format. There is no point in describing the characteristics of TVs in particular, since the DVB-T2 TV standard is either present or not. The review of consoles is of greater interest.


The most ordinary digital TV tuner. Made in the form of an external unit, which is installed next to a device, such as a TV. It can work with both the new DVB-T2 digital television standard and the more outdated DVB-T. Of the features, we can highlight support for several high-definition video standards, among which there are 720p, 1080i and 1080p. There is a teletext mode, a timer recording and a timer for viewing. For audio and video data outputs, there is an audio output, HDMI and standard composite. The cost of the device does not exceed 1000 rubles.

Oriel 794

Digital tuner that supports 720p and 1080p HD signal reception. Has outputs for audio, HDMI, SCART and composite. Has its own display, which displays channels and other information necessary for the user. Can display teletext if supported by the digital channel. Knows how to record video and display it in deferred viewing mode. The cost of the device ranges from 1200 to 1600 rubles.

Avermedia Technologies Avertv Hybrid Volar T2

External TV tuner with a wide range of options. Actually, its cost varies from 4500 to 4900 rubles. It has, like other examples, an external display. Can record video in MPEG 1 and 2. Supports 720p, 1080i and 1080p high definition video formats. It can also be connected to tax TV with Pal, SECAM, NTSC standards. Audio output, s-video output and composite are used for data output. Teletext, video recording and snooze mode are present.

This device is primarily intended for use on computers. Therefore, there are also system requirements for a PC. Requires at least a 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor. At least 256 MB of RAM and a USB port, since the tuner is connected with its help. Also requires Direct X Version 9 installed on the operating system.

Rombica Pro DVB-T2

A very compact DVB-T2 tuner that connects to a computer. Therefore, it is made in the form of a small flash drive. Can display video in high definition 720p, 1080i, 1080p. It can also record videos in various formats. Equipped with a remote control to change channels from the sofa. The cost of the device does not exceed 3 thousand rubles.

What gives the transition to DVB-T2

First, the signal quality is excellent. Unlike analog, digital television is either there or not. An analog signal can have a smooth transition from a good picture to a bad one.

Many more channels can be used on the same frequency resource. In the so-called package, you can now place several programs at the same time, from 6 to 18.

A distinctive feature of the DVB-T2 signal is the fact that it is not subject to noise. That is, in those areas where the analog signal was difficult to receive, DVB-T2 will work much more efficiently.

Now you can broadcast the channel in high definition HDTV mode. The quality of such a picture is really amazing.

The DVB-T2 standard has another interesting feature. It can be taken on the move. That is, TVs with DVB-T2 modules can now be installed on vehicles and receive television channels.


So what is DVB-T2? This is a new and innovative standard that greatly enhances the data transmission capabilities of television channels. High definition, acceptable signal reception levels, higher speed, less equipment for reception and many other useful nuances. With the advent of DVB-T2, a new era of television begins. It remains only to wait for the complete transition of all broadcasting companies, as well as users, to this single standard.

It should be noted that in Russia the development of the DVB-T2 standard is progressing at a significant pace. Many cable TV providers are constantly expanding their HD channel listings. They are gradually followed by television and radio companies. Now, even when you are in the outback of the Russian Federation, you can use new technologies to watch television. As a last resort, you can use a satellite dish with DVB-T2 support.

Russia, like many other countries, is gradually switching to digital television. There are a number of reasons for this, both economic and technical. However, until now, not all residents understand how to connect to digital television, as well as what devices can receive such a signal. Let's understand what DVB is. What are the standards. In a word, let's look at this topic in full detail.

Theory and history - where and why did DVB digital television come from?

For many years, televisions only received analog signals. In the huge "boxes" there was no means of decrypting the digital stream, since such in those days simply did not exist.

Each TV channel needed a separate frequency. At first, this did not cause problems, because in each country there were only two or three channels. But gradually their number began to grow, and technologies began to develop rapidly. With the onset of the 21st century, even two dozen TV channels are no longer enough for people.

And the picture quality of ordinary on-air television was no longer satisfactory. Now you already want images with HD-resolution. And even better - with! In a word, it became clear that analog television is out of date.

You may not have known about this, but the first laser discs contained an analogue recording of the film. These discs were about the size of a vinyl record. But wait! Why are we suddenly talking about information carriers? This is simply where the digital transformation is best seen.

Somehow imperceptibly, DVDs with films began to appear on store shelves. On them, the video was already recorded in digital form - that is, all information began to consist of zeros and ones, and special compression was used. This made it possible to significantly narrow the track width, at the same time the media themselves became noticeably smaller.

Digital TV - the picture is better, the channel is narrower

The same thing is happening now with television. As mentioned above, analogue broadcasting of one TV channel requires one frequency. In the digital form, the data stream is noticeably less, even at a higher picture resolution.

In this regard, one frequency can accommodate up to one and a half dozen TV channels. Plus, all this can be supplied with some additional textual data - for example, a TV program for a week in advance. Well, isn't it a miracle?

In terms of the development of telecommunications, Russia is significantly ahead of many countries not even the third world, although it lags behind some neighbors, for example Belarus. This is especially noticeable in the quality of mobile communications and low prices for the corresponding services. In this regard, it is not surprising that testing of digital television in Russia began back in 2000.

Since then, the broadcasting standard has been updated (DVB-T has been replaced by DVB-T2, the advantages of which we will talk about below), and two multiplexes have also been launched (also a separate topic). At some point, the government of the Russian Federation wants to completely turn off analogue broadcasting of TV channels.

However, this should only happen after 95% of the country's population has the appropriate equipment. When this will happen is unclear. Indeed, until now, some grandparents continue to use an ordinary CRT TV, not suspecting that you can connect a set-top box to it, significantly improving the picture quality, and at the same time eliminating the need to buy a magazine with a TV program guide.

Broadcast standards: DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-S, DVB-S2

First, you need to figure out what standards digital TV broadcasts in. Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about a signal propagating through the air - from the nearest television tower. The fact is that cable and satellite operators have already switched to digital broadcasting for a long time.

But they use their own standards: these are DVB-C (and some operators broadcast via IPTV) and DVB-S2, respectively. Want to connect the cable to your TV directly? Then buy a device that supports the corresponding standard. Otherwise, you will have to buy or rent a receiver.

So, back to terrestrial digital television. Initially, it was broadcast in the DVB-T standard. But the small capacity of the frequencies used by this standard quickly made itself felt.

Therefore, since about 2012, digital TV has been broadcasting in the DVB-T2 standard practically throughout Russia. The only exception was Moscow - here simultaneous broadcasting in two standards was carried out until 2015.

The DVB-T2 standard has increased capacity. This means that when using it, more TV channels can broadcast on one frequency. Teletext is also available in this standard, if it is supported by some channel.

Finally, the DVB-T2 signal contains the TV guide - as detailed as possible electronically. That is, by pressing the buttons on the remote control, you can find out what will be shown on a certain channel, for example, on the next Wednesday.

This is probably all you need to know about digital broadcasting standards. If you are looking for a TV set-top box, then you will definitely not be mistaken - all models currently being released have support for DVB-T2. The same can be said for the new LCD TVs.

But rather old models may be limited only by the DVB-T standard, which is useless in Russia. Therefore, when buying a device from your hands, be sure to check its technical specifications.

Separately, it should be noted that no special antenna is needed to receive a digital TV signal. Absolutely any indoor model will do. The quality of signal reception depends on the antenna design, the material of which the walls of the house are made, and the location of the television tower. Of course, it is better to bring the antenna outside - this will make the signal reception more stable.

Using a DVB TV Receiver to not buy a TV

As mentioned above, many residents of Russia still have CRT TVs. Moreover, CRT models are still used - they watch television, or connect to them, for example, a DVD player.

Someday the transmission of the analog signal will definitely be turned off (in Russia this may happen on March 30, 2018). But this does not mean that the pot-bellied TV can then be sent to a landfill. After all, no one forbids connecting to it or, as it is also called, a receiver.

This device is very easy to learn, and it is very inexpensive - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles, depending on the workmanship and functionality. Almost any set-top box looks like a small box, which is controlled using a conventional remote control.

It connects to the TV either with the help of the so-called "tulips", or through the HDMI-connector. The picture should be looked for on a separate channel, which is usually called the TV manufacturer AV1. When you turn on the set-top box for the first time, you will need to search for TV channels.

This can be done manually if you know the specific frequencies of the signal propagated in your locality. But it's better to use autosearch - it's much easier.

However, we will not go into all the details about the set-top boxes here. The fact is that Smartbobr plans to devote a separate article to them. We will only add that there are different TV receivers - separate models are intended for receiving cable or satellite TV. Do not confuse them with DVB-T2 set-top boxes!

Multiplexes in Russia

We have already mentioned that one frequency in the case of digital TV can contain up to one and a half dozen channels. This is called a burst or multiplex. In Russia, satellites with two multiplexes were launched into orbit. The first included the most important federal and several additional TV channels.

First multiplex

Here is a complete list of TV channels available to those who can pick up the signal of the first multiplex in their settlement:

  • Channel One - broadcasts in 16: 9 format, owned by Channel One OJSC;
  • Russia-1 - broadcasts in 16: 9 format, but some regional broadcasts can be in 4: 3 format, the owner of the channel is FSUE VGTRK;
  • Match TV - the 16: 9 format is used, the owner is JSC Gazprom-Media Holding;
  • NTV - broadcasts in 16: 9 format, the owner is the joint-stock company of the same name;
  • Channel 5 - the picture is displayed in 4: 3 format, the owner is OJSC “TV and Radio Company“ Petersburg ””;
  • Russia-K - broadcasts in 4: 3 format, the channel belongs to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VGTRK";
  • Russia-24 - broadcasting is carried out in 16: 9 format, the owner of the channel is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VGTRK";
  • Carousel - broadcasting is carried out in 16: 9 format, the owner is Carousel CJSC;
  • OTR - broadcasts in 16: 9 format, the owner is ANO Public Television of Russia;
  • TV Center - broadcasts in 16: 9 format, the channel is owned by JSC TV Center TV Company.

Also, through the first multiplex, officially called RTRS-1, you can listen to the radio stations Vesti FM, Radio Mayak and Radio Russia, owned by VGTRK or its branches.

Second multiplex

The second over-the-air multiplex, or RTRS-2, was officially launched in 2015. Like the first one, it is free and open to receive. This multiplex consists of the following ten TV channels:

  • REN TV - aspect ratio 16: 9;
  • Spas - broadcasts in 4: 3 frame format;
  • CTC - 4: 3 frame format is used;
  • Home - aspect ratio 4: 3;
  • TV-3 - the aspect ratio is 4: 3;
  • Friday! - broadcasts in 4: 3 format;
  • Star - broadcasts in 16: 9 frame format;
  • World - 16: 9 format is used;
  • TNT - broadcasts in 16: 9 frame format;
  • Muz-TV - broadcasting is carried out in 4: 3 format.

The launch of the third TV multiplex has been suspended for economic reasons. Nevertheless, its own multiplex appeared in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol - at the moment it consists of eight TV channels, including Pervy Sevastopolsky, STV, Pervy Krymsky and LDPR-TV.

One experimental multiplex is broadcasting in Moscow. It consists of only one TV channel, but on the other hand. In this case, the HEVC codec is used, and the bit rate reaches 30 Mbps. It is impossible to predict the future of the multiplex, since its frequency in the neighboring area of ​​the Moscow region is used by the RTRS-2 multiplex.

What are the difficulties with launching a full-fledged third multiplex? First, there is an acute shortage of frequencies for it. This complexity will disappear when analogue broadcasting will completely disappear in Russia, which consumes a huge number of frequencies, so necessary for the third and subsequent multiplexes.

Secondly, it is still completely unclear what other TV channels should be made publicly available. Thirdly, while it is necessary to expand the coverage area of ​​the second multiplex, and only then think about creating a third.

Digital TV coverage in Russia

At the moment, the reception of the first multiplex is carried out in all major cities of Russia. Moreover, coverage is available in most villages. Roughly speaking, now almost all previously existing TV towers also distribute a digital signal.

Moreover, many new towers have been built throughout the country, sharpened strictly for DVB-T2. That is why you can turn off the analog signal even tomorrow - the only problem is in the equipment in the hands of the residents of Russia.

The second multiplex is more complicated. Its signal spreads mainly only in large cities - the centers of regions, territories and republics, as well as adjacent settlements. A total of 20 TV channels are available to their residents. Most of them can only be accessed by connecting to a satellite or cable operator.

You can see the coverage map of digital terrestrial television with your own eyes on the website - there you can find out about the towers closest to you, as well as about which multiplexes are broadcast with their help. It is on this map that one can assess whether it is worth buying a TV set-top box for use somewhere in a dacha 50 km from Kaluga.


Digital terrestrial television is undoubtedly a new era. Now you know how to connect a digital TV, even if your TV is just for "analog".

With DVB-T2, you can enjoy the best picture and sound quality. But we must remember that this standard is limited. If you need a large number of TV channels, then you should think about "cable" or "satellite".

Do you watch digital TV? Or do you prefer the analog signal? Or maybe you only consume content through the Internet? Share your opinion in the comments.

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