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What is bp in a computer. What is BP? Let's figure it out

I hesitated for a long time whether to post this article, because the option of the apocalypse is considered there. Well, like in Hollywood movies about the living dead and something like that.

Finally I made up my mind and, for a start, looked at what the two capital letters BP. I did not really understand the meaning of this abbreviation, but I like to get to the bottom of everything.

Looked, found. It means: "Big Pie ... ets." Wow. Moreover, along the way, I found on the Internet great amount sites dedicated to the same subject.

You know, in America they sell a lot of all sorts of gadgets for this very purpose. Some small stoves, compact generators of electricity. Not that they are afraid of BP, but for every fireman.

We had a hurricane last summer. So these generators were simply swept away from the shelves. Some were later handed over back, and some were kept for the future, what if?

I got sick again. Read how to survive in emergency conditions from an expert in this matter.

Spetsnaz GRU officer on survival in case of BP

He was awarded the Orders of the Red Star, "For Personal Courage", "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree, "For Merit to the Fatherland" 4th degree with swords and the Order of Courage.

He fought in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Chechnya (in the second campaign). In Afghanistan, for two years he commanded a group of the 1st company of the 154th special forces detachment of the GRU General Staff and was the deputy commander of the company of the 334th detachment, who worked effectively during ambushes on caravans with weapons coming from Pakistan and raids on Mujahideen strongholds. In Tajikistan, Musienko led the partisan movement of the Popular Front. In Chechnya and Dagestan, he developed operations to eliminate three of the most odious warlords and took a direct part in them. For almost 20 years of military life, he participated in more than 150 combat operations.

Alexander, today political uncertainty is clearly superimposed on the weakness of state institutions. If the so-called "Orange Revolution" wins, the prospect of a social explosion cannot be discounted. In one form or another, chaos is upon us. We must be prepared for all its manifestations, even the most extreme ones. You, as a specialist in extreme situations, tell us about public methods of counteracting chaos.

Alexander MUSIENKO: The danger of a social explosion exists even in a region like Moscow, where there are many police and internal troops capable of extinguishing a major conflict. A situation is possible when a distraught crowd will turn over or burn everything in the street without asking if it is a Mercedes or a 20-year-old 20-year-old disabled veteran of the war in Afghanistan, which happened to be nearby.

As experience shows, such an environment is used primarily by the criminal element. Ordinary criminality, homeless people, drug addicts, etc. come to the fore. Due to their aggressiveness and dissatisfaction with the situation, they are the first to grab a weapon - a stick, a baseball bat, a piece of rebar - and begin their dirty work. Their goal is one - enrichment. They will run not to poor neighborhoods, but to well-maintained areas.

Their potential victim is the so-called middle class. Because cottage settlements or government houses have their own security system, security guards, fences, etc. it's not easy to get in. And the middle layers, it turns out, are the most unprotected.

Assuming such a negative scenario, we must orient ordinary people for self-defence and self-preservation. We are talking about a culture of adaptation to new difficult conditions ...

If the law enforcement agencies are unable to influence the situation, then ordinary citizens, all the more, will not be able to do it. This means that we need to adapt, to adapt as much as possible to the existing situation.

Therefore, it is necessary, without embarrassment, without hiding your eyes ashamedly, to openly say what needs to be done at the “X” hour, how to protect your life, the lives of your loved ones and property acquired by overwork. Because in our world a person without material resources, without a roof over his head, without sources of livelihood and income means little. Our state, unfortunately, does not give any social guarantees, even in peaceful, calm times. And during the period of escalation of the domestic political situation, it is likely to be completely eliminated. Therefore, it makes sense to identify the priority areas of social adaptation in a period of chaos.

First of all, you need to clearly understand: you can’t do anything alone. When the situation gets out of control in a separate locality, the unification of citizens at the place of residence comes to the fore. It is good if there are so-called "access committees" in the houses. When, in everyday circumstances, volunteers take on the responsibility of collecting residents, determining the system for passing citizens, repairing the entrance, installing playgrounds, hiring concierges, and so on, during a crisis, the same people are able to organize protection. These people are united, they know each other, they know the phone numbers of their neighbors.

- What should be done at the first sounds of shots outside the windows?

First of all, restrict access to the entrance outsiders. You have to understand: one concierge will not cope with this task. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a duty of two or three people. Better than three, because two people, in the presence of a metal door, will restrain an attempt to penetrate inside, a third, in the absence of a mobile and telephone communication, can have time to run around the floors, mobilize all the men in the entrance and organize a rebuff.

So, we need a watch system, a warning system and a rapid response team. These are men, healthy and strong, who have officially registered hunting weapons or other means of protection - for example, gas and traumatic pistols. These are not the forces that can organize a rebuff to some military formation with armored personnel carriers and machine guns. But we must understand that the military formation will not storm the entrance for the purpose of robbery.

And against hooligans and criminal elements, such a primary defense is enough. A few shots from a gun into the air - and the criminal element refuses to enter the house ...

On the first floors of the entrance, containers with water should be prepared: five-liter plastic bottles, buckets, basins ... Because any bottle of Molotov cocktail that has flown in and any tracer bullet will lead to a fire.

In addition to the available electric combination locks, it is imperative to have a deadbolt or mortise lock in the driveway door with several spare sets of keys. All these "little things" should be thought out and spelled out.

- In the future, you can even create a special memo ...

Exactly. Write a memo and organize a quick course to learn all this. We need a lecture hall, we need a story on concrete examples. There are many nuances here. And it is difficult for a civilian to foresee everything in advance. Police officers (active and retired), employees of the special forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs who worked at addresses and know the procedure for conducting special operations in the residential sector can also be professionals in this area. Such people know the ways and means of entering the premises. So they can take countermeasures.

It is clear that the most effective defense is with firearms. But there is a psychological barrier in its application ...

In the initial period of instability, officially registered weapons - hunting and self-defense weapons - will be confiscated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the population. In any case, law enforcement agencies will take all measures to take away weapons from the civilian population.

On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is very bad. In the United States, there is still a debate about civilian weapons, with which a huge number of crimes are committed. We have in Lately they shoot from traumatism wherever they hit. This speaks of the low internal culture of people who have weapons.

Another thing is that on the territory of the post-Soviet space there is a huge amount of illegal weapons on hand - they were given by Karabakh, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia, Abkhazia, etc. The circulation of weapons is huge. I believe in Russia - there are more than 2-3 million units of small arms (rifled and smooth-bore) walking around.

That is, a law-abiding citizen finds himself in a deliberately losing position: he surrenders his weapons, and around him there is a sea of ​​illegal guns.

This is true. But if we talk about the priority measures to protect your life - first of all, you need to think not about your own arsenal, but about barricading the first and second floors, creating a system that prevents entry into the house. Here you can apply old fashioned way, method of defense of fortresses. After all, the invaders can be poured with boiling water from above or doused with gasoline. If a person understands that one match will turn him into a torch, then, naturally, he will not take further part in the assault.

As we know, during a period of unrest or active hostilities and anarchy, utilities do not work. How to survive without basic amenities, without heating, water supply, sewerage?

The first threat we are talking about is a social threat, more precisely, a criminal one. And the second - yes! - technogenic.

These are situations related to the shutdown of gas, electricity, water supply, up to emergency emissions of caustic and toxic substances by neighboring enterprises, the same chlorine, for example. Accidents of this kind can be both sabotage and purely man-made. If a leak occurs and the area becomes contaminated, what should be done? Here, every sane person should provide a number of measures.

Basic tips. First, you should check that there is enough water in the house: both for extinguishing fires and for water supply. The second is the tightness of the premises. It is necessary to take care of windows and glass, especially in winter. If the glass breaks, then an immediate alternative is needed - plywood or polyethylene, and then a blanket. In any case, the temperature in the premises of a multi-storey building, if the heating systems are turned off, will equalize with the ambient temperature within a certain time. This will not happen so quickly in a brick house, but the walls in a reinforced concrete building will freeze faster.

- What to do?

It is necessary to insulate the outer walls with carpets, rugs. Even a wardrobe will play a role in insulating a blank outer wall and save some heat. But, again, your efforts will be useless if the neighbors above or below leave their apartment with broken windows - the ceilings and the floor freeze through faster than walls and nothing can be done about it.

Summer in the city: with corpses, rubbish and human waste uncleaned on the streets, is terrible, but winter is worse. IN winter time home heating comes first. No matter how we insulate the walls, there must be heating. Now many autonomous power plants of several kilowatts are being sold. But for this device, fuel must be prepared. And, again, efficiency is important here - to burn gasoline in a generator to generate electricity, to cook food on an electric stove and turn on the heater? Isn't it easier to have a gas stove, a stove for liquid fuel or wood?

- When it comes to survival, both furniture and a library can be used as fuel.

Compared to wood, paper has a very, very low heat transfer coefficient. And separately to poke pieces of paper - the skin is not worth the candle. Now, if you soak paper or sawdust with diesel fuel, you get a completely different result.

A trained resident of a metropolis should have a supply of some combustible substances on which you can simply cook hot food. The presence of a kerosene lamp, a gas stove with spare cylinders will partially solve the problem. This is especially true for those who have small children, and it is imperative to warm up baby food. All this also needs to be considered. You need to understand that if something happens, you can no longer buy such devices in the store. Each person, understanding this, should create at home his own personal emergency reserve.

So we moved on to the third problem - the problem of material and technical means for adapting to certain critical conditions of the country's life.

Our older generation is here: grandparents, especially those who survived the war, will give us all a head start. They always had a minimum supply at home. My parents always buy half a bag of buckwheat, a bag of sugar, a bag of flour. The villagers do the same. For some reason, the townspeople do not think about this, although nothing prevents them from buying a box of condensed milk, stew, pasta, flour, which can always be diluted with water and cook basic food. Cereals, salt, sugar, honey, canned fish are foods that are stored for a long time.

No need to make a stock of 2-3 tons, you won’t stock up for a lifetime!

We have set deadlines. The social crisis can last from several days to several weeks. In a political crisis, the main thing is to survive a month and a half of anarchy. Then, in any case, some kind of power will come, some kind of trade will begin. At most, the political crisis can last six months. Naturally, it is not so easy to create a three-month supply even for one person. Even if he consumes an average of 1 kg of food per day, you need to stock up on 90 kg for each. And for a family of 4, it is physically difficult to store 360 ​​kg of food at home. But here we are not talking about creating an autonomous reserve - we are talking about an additional reserve to what people will extract for themselves. After all, in any case, life will not end, everyone will not be able to barricade themselves.

So to the traditional question, where is it better to keep money in difficult times, I always answer - in banks! In jars of condensed milk, stews, etc.

If a political crisis comes, the last can of condensed milk won't be sold even for $100. It will become priceless, but the dollar bill will turn into a piece of paper.

Everyone determines for himself how much he needs, but there must be a supply of food.

The next is a supply of combustible materials, this is gasoline-kerosene, which will provide appliances for cooking. In Kurgan-Tyube in Tajikistan and in Grozny, people cooked their own food on the street, built a wood fire or burned a can of diesel fuel. You can pour diesel fuel into a tin of sand and cook even on the balcony. This is how we prepared tea for ourselves in Afghanistan, secretly from the enemy. Such fuel smokes, but under certain camouflage conditions: in a gorge, ravine or in a dry riverbed, it can be used. But, again, this needs to be taught to people. You can tell a hundred times how to pour diesel fuel and set it on fire, but it will not burn. It is necessary to show everything, to teach that the sand is dry, that the jar is half or a third filled with it, not flooded, but abundantly moistened with kerosene or diesel fuel, periodically stir the sand, and so on ... This is a whole culture with small nuances that must be taken into account.

- During the crisis, there will be a medicinal problem. What medicines do you need to have at home?

Medicines come first chronic diseases family members. There should be a supply of medicines - the maximum that a person can only store. If an ulcer - "Almagel", etc., if diabetes - insulin-containing drugs, etc. Stored drugs should be used as soon as their shelf life ends and should be renewed again. That is, the necessary stock must always be present.

In second place are hemostatic drugs and dressings: tourniquets, bandages, brilliant green, iodine, etc. A person must know how to provide the first medical care with bleeding - arterial, venous and capillary, with fractures and bruises. In the first aid kit, there must be gastric remedies, because switching to other food, poor quality or expired, can cause gastrointestinal disorders. The next group is sedatives, sedatives.

Next - a huge group of drugs - colds, incl. antibiotics. Don't forget epidemics. There must be antiseptics. Same chlorine. No bleach - domestic bleach will go: process the toilet, and the dishes, and pour some pockets of sewage on the street near your entrance ...

- The fight against unsanitary conditions then comes to the fore.

Yes, this is a problem - what to do with waste products, especially in summer. It is clear that now we take out the garbage in the dustbin. But if garbage collection is not carried out, then in two or three weeks, an extensive dump will appear in place of the garbage cans, and it will become unbearable in the district. We will take the garbage away, but someone will start to pour it from the balcony right at your feet. I'm not kidding. Therein lies the great threat of epidemics. Ideally, you need a hole that needs to be dug. For my family, I can dig a hole a meter by a meter, and for a month this will be enough for me. But this pit will be filled during the day, because Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorenko and Akhmedov will not dig, but will pour their rubbish into my pit. This means that it is necessary to dig a hole together with neighbors and put a controller so that strangers do not pour garbage into it. This is a very difficult regulated mechanism, if everyone thinks only about himself.

By the way, your products should be stored in such a way that they give a minimum amount of food waste. If there is a potato, it is not necessary to peel it, but to cook in their uniforms, like all other vegetables. And it's not just that the waste decomposes. Thus, we save products by using them to the maximum.

The problem of sewerage will arise in full growth - it will not be possible to use it in an apartment building. On the top floor, a person will still be able to use it, and everything will be flooded on the first or second floors. And if the resident in the house is irresponsible, the only way people living on the lower floors, to avoid flooding with feces is installation of hard plugs for the sewer system. But still, the liquid will rise up through the plastic pipes, and they may not withstand ... If the pipe breaks, then the contents of this 20-story pillar will flood the lower floors. This is a huge, unsolvable problem.

- If anarchy occurs, the water supply will immediately turn off ...

But people will still carry water upstairs, wash food, although it is easier to wash it outside, boil tea, and cook soup. The liquid will still get into the sewer... In the same Kurgan-Tyube, people took water from ditches. In the conditions of Moscow, these can be natural reservoirs - rivers, canals, ponds, large puddles and snow. People will carry water from there on carts and sleds. Water will be boiled and drunk...

Hence another topic: we need serious reserves drinking water in the apartment. If you use water from natural sources, then you need means of its disinfection: from boiling to filtration and disinfection using chemicals. One problem gives rise to another, and it is impossible for one person to solve them overnight ... This is why we need a culture of adaptation, with the help of which we can determine the required amount of water, products, power plants, etc. All this is difficult, but solvable.

But in any case, the metropolis is turning into a death zone... It is clear that such large cities as Moscow are in advance a complete loser.

As soon as there is a threat of prolonging the conflict, it is necessary to dump from a large city. At worst - to the suburbs, and better - to a distant village, to urban-type settlements, to relatives, friends. Perfect option- when people unite by ancestry, some socio-professional sign or by interests and leave for the village - for their historical homeland. 10-15 adult men plus neighbors create a self-defense squad. The same thing can happen in a cottage settlement where people live in mansions of 200 sq. meters per person. They alone cannot hold such a space - all the more, such villages are obviously under the gun. In order to keep such a village, it is necessary to create self-defense forces. One of the inhabitants in chorus will call a friend in the city and say: “Sanya, come to live with me with your family and take someone else!”. In crowded but not mad! Residents of cottage villages should be prepared for this, because the employees of private security companies guarding them will scatter to save their families during the crisis. Money at this time will depreciate, turn into candy wrappers.

If a city dweller has nowhere to run, let him run into the forest. We remember the summer of 2010, when peat bogs burned and Moscow was suffocated by smog. I took my pregnant daughter away from Moscow to the Tver region, to Lake Seliger. When we got there, all the shores of the lake were filled with Muscovites. People lived in tents to escape the smoke. It’s good that there is clean water nearby, working shops ... It’s good that people looked after themselves and each other, observed sanitation, buried garbage in pits. Muscovites came in small groups, got to know each other and lived there, making household and household appliances for convenience.

Camp life was organized there. And it begins, as you know, with ... a toilet. Because if twenty people live without a toilet for a day, the next night it will not be easy to move away from the camp ... Plus hygiene issues, etc.

Accordingly, it is necessary to have a clear algorithm of what to do and where to go. You need to have one main evacuation option and two spare ones. Everything is like in special forces. The main route of movement and one or two backup. Suppose we live in a city, we wait a week or two. The first option - we leave for the Tver region, the second - to relatives in Siberia, the Urals, the Voronezh or Kursk regions, even if the cousin's second cousin lives there.

- And ideally, you should already have your base away from Moscow.

It is important to understand that in case of force majeure, holding on to a city apartment, to property is like death. Human life is the most precious thing. I was a witness when people in Grozny were sitting on things and bags. They sat in apartments and basements, and bombs and shells fell into houses, houses collapsed, and people were buried alive, saving a carpet, refrigerator or TV. So a lot of the Russian population died in the winter of 1995. But it was possible to hide more or less valuable things, make caches, or simply part with them, saving your life and the lives of relatives and friends.

In such cases, the outcome with documents, money, jewelry, minimum set products will be the best option. It's better to leave by car. And if it doesn’t work out, then on foot, because even under normal conditions huge traffic jams line up in Moscow and the Moscow region, and if something happens, there will be a transport collapse. And then from Moscow, at least, 70-100 kilometers will have to go on foot.

Behind all this there is a huge layer of problems. And here one family can not cope, we need society. We need a community. And here the possibility of self-organization of society, the creation of cell blocks comes to the fore.

An optimally self-sufficient team is 70-100 people, where 20-30 strong and physically healthy men plus women and children. This is enough to autonomously adapt in the forest, anywhere. This is the so-called camp. a large number it is already difficult to feed, for smaller ones it is difficult to ensure security. And 70-100 people is optimal.

you came to locality rural type. It is necessary to organize self-defense - first of all, block all roads, simply dig them up, make blockages from trees and dig ditches, thereby eliminating detours through the forest and fields. It is clear that a bulldozer or a tank will pass, but cars, which, as a rule, move criminal elements, trucks, buses, will not pass. The bandits will need to stop, get out, dismantle the rubble, and this is the time won in order to raise the alarm for the rapid response group. Men with pitchforks and stakes will come running and drive away the uninvited guests.

Next is the notification system. Belfry, hanging rail, empty gas bottle. The ringing sound is an alarm signal. Moreover, the bells should be in two or three directions - where the roads are. From where the bell sounds - it means that there is a threat from there. People should know the procedure for notification and actions for combat crew: who and what is reported to be done.

Again, survival is easier in the village - there are water sources, a waste disposal system has already been thought out, and there is individual heating for dwellings. Most best option- rural settlement.

- With access to some kind of agriculture ...

As for the production of agricultural products, this can be discussed if the situation drags on for years. How many years lasted, which began with us after October revolution Civil War? The country was in a fever until 1924, then it began to improve more or less. This is a long period of history.

If the events came at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, then a certain supply of seed must be left in order to grow something. It is necessary to grow crops that require minimal cost forces and means. For Russia, this is potatoes, forgotten barley, the yield of which is much higher compared to other cereals. These are vegetables that do not require complex care. Suppose the same tomatoes are grown in middle lane very hard, cucumbers also require some care, and carrots and cabbage grow normally. But cabbage has a growing season of almost 5 months, while potatoes have 2.5-3 months, and if you take early varieties, then even less.

The forest can give mushrooms and berries. In terms of game, when the crowd rushes into the forest, resources will be severely undermined. At some time, large water bodies can give something - lakes, rivers, large reservoirs, coastal areas. Fish is the easiest and cheapest way to obtain protein products in nature. But, again, uncontrolled poaching, nets and dynamite, electric fishing rods - the fish will be knocked out.

The main thing is information, knowledge and culture, and the second is the culture of communication with each other and the culture of interaction...

For the last 20 years, they have been trying to convince us that man is a wolf to man. And we won the Great Patriotic War with our friendship and unity of the people. Throughout the history of Russia, it was the people who determined the existence of the state, starting from the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky. Even when Russia lost its statehood during the Time of Troubles, it was restored thanks to Minin and Pozharsky. And if, God forbid, what happens, now there are also Minins and Pozharskys who will restore our statehood.

But in advance, in peacetime, we should already know who we can rely on and who we can’t mess with, with whom we can eat a pood of salt, and with whom we can’t ... The time will come, and there will be no more pood of salt. Therefore, now, first of all, the male half of the population must take responsibility, form a circle of people together with their friends and acquaintances, negotiate all these issues, engage in the mutual exchange of information and mutual education in order to survive in a critical situation. If we named a team of 70-100 people, it should be built in such a way that there are doctors, people who own weapons - former and current employees of law enforcement agencies, so that people with skills in land use, hunting, fishing get there, so that they have the appropriate tools and accessories.

Crisis conditions will require answers - increased interaction between people, vigilance, the role and responsibility of men. A picture of society is being built that is different from the one we have today...

It requires a society in which man to man is no longer a wolf. This is a different type of society and a different type of relationship where envy is eliminated, where women do not compete in front of each other with chinchilla coats and gold jewelry. This is a society in which there is nothing superficial, and people live like a good ideal family lives, where loved ones behave naturally and do not hypocrite to each other

P.S. There are a lot of sites and especially forums on the Internet on the same topic. Here is the coolest, in my opinion:

Many users who are trying to figure out the device of their PC do not understand what a PSU is in a computer. Meanwhile, it is one of the most important elements in the system, without which none of the components will work at all. Let's figure out what power supplies are, define their device, types, pros and cons.


What is a PSU in a computer? In short, this is a device for converting network AC voltage to a constant power supply for all components in the system unit. In particular, the power supply supplies voltage to the components: video card, RAM, HDD, network card, processor, connected peripherals. If all these components are connected directly to a 220 V network, they will simply burn out. Components for operation require the presence of a voltage of 12 or 24 V (mostly), and the task of the power supply is to provide the required voltage.

There is also another task of this element - to protect computer components from possible voltage surges. It's basically a voltage changer that looks like a small black box with a fan. It is installed in the system unit, and it is in it that the network cable is included.

Required voltage

The power supply of the computer power supply is carried out from a network with a voltage of 220 V. But in different countries voltage and its frequency in the network may vary. For example, in Russia and in most European countries mains voltage is 220/230 V at 50 Hz. However, in the USA the mains voltage is 120 V at 60 Hz. Australia is also different in this regard - there the voltage is 240 V / 50 Hz. Therefore, when creating a power supply, the network parameters of the country to which deliveries are planned are taken into account. That is, if you bring a power supply purchased in the USA to Russia, then most likely it will not work.

There are also universal power supplies with a special voltage regulator. That is, on the block you can set the value of the voltage in the network, and the device will independently adapt to it.

If the computer does not turn on when you press the power button, then first of all, the cause must be looked for in the block and, if necessary, replaced. Unfortunately, inexpensive models, with which the Russian market is littered today, break down too often.

Computer power supply

Today there are many different blocks that are capable of delivering power in a huge range. IN modern laptops power can vary in the range of 25-100 watts. As for personal computers, here, depending on the power consumption of the components, you can use a 2000 W PSU.

There are rumors among users that the more powerful the block, the better, although in reality this is not entirely true. Not every user needs such a powerful and expensive device. If we judge, then the acquisition of an expensive and powerful PSU for weak computer- this is a waste of money not only when buying the unit itself, but also during operation, since it will consume a lot of extra electricity.

However, to date, devices for 400-500 watts are mainly presented on store shelves. The power of such components is quite enough to power a standard computer with good hardware. But they are not able to provide stable operation of a powerful gaming computer.

Types and differences of BP

Now that we understand what a PSU is in a computer, we can talk about their types and distinctive features. Today there are pulse and transformer blocks. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which need to be considered in more detail.


This is the most common type and is sold most often. Most modern systems practically no such computer power supply device is used, which is represented by the following elements:

  1. Transformer.
  2. Rectifier.
  3. Network filter.

One of these blocks is shown in the photo below.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of such a device is relatively simple: through the primary winding, the transformer takes on the mains voltage. Then, with the help of a rectifier, the alternating multidirectional current is converted into direct and unidirectional. In this case, different rectifiers can be used: one- or two-half-wave. In any case, diode bridges are used, which consist of:

  1. Two diodes - in the first type.
  2. Four diodes - in the second type.

The use of two elements in a rectifier is typical for a BC with a double voltage or in three-phase devices.

The surge protector in a computer power supply device is an ordinary capacitor with large capacity. It smooths out current ripples, which is why a relatively clean and uniform current is supplied to the components.

Also, instead of conventional transformers, automatic devices can be used inside such units.

The work of transformer power supplies

To understand in more detail what a PSU is in a computer and how they work, you need to have at least basic knowledge laws of electrical engineering. Power supply dimensions transformer type directly depend on the dimensions of the transformers used inside. The dimensions of the devices are calculated by the formula:

In this formula:

  1. N is the number of turns per 1 V of voltage;
  2. f - current frequency (alternating);
  3. B - induction formed in the magnetic circuit magnetic field;
  4. S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit.

Therefore, the more turns and the cross section of the wire, the larger the transformer. This entails an increase in the dimensions of the block itself. However, if the wire section is reduced, then the number of turns (N) will have to be increased, which will not work in compact transformers. If the transformer is low-power, then many turns with a small cross section will not affect the operation of the power supply itself, since the current in similar devices ah will be low. However, with increasing power, the current will increase, which will lead to dissipation of thermal power.

Therefore, transformer power supplies with a frequency of 50 Hz can only be large and heavy. Such devices are impractical to use in modern computers due to their weight and dimensions, as well as low efficiency.

However, there is also positive sides: reliability and simplicity, ease of repair (all elements are easy to replace in case of breakage), no radio interference.

Switching power supplies

These devices use other design solutions to increase the frequency of the current. Below is a classic PSU of this type.

A similar power supply works as follows:

  1. Alternating current from the network enters the device, is rectified and becomes constant.
  2. The direct current is converted into frequency pulses.
  3. These impulses are sent to the transformer. If galvanic isolation is provided, then rectangular pulses arrive at the output LPF.

Note that there are fundamental differences between these two types of BP. In particular, impulses are distinguished by the following features:

  1. With an increase in the frequency of the current, the efficiency of the transformer increases.
  2. Core section requirements are minimal.
  3. The ability to create compact and lightweight power supplies by installing efficient and small transformers.
  4. Application of negative feedback makes it possible to stabilize output voltage, which will positively affect the stability of all components and the system as a whole.

Advantages of switching power supplies

  1. High efficiency, which reaches 92-98%.
  2. Small weight and dimensions.
  3. Reliability.
  4. Ability to work in a wide frequency range. The same impulse block is able to work in different countries of the world.
  5. Short circuit protection.
  6. Low cost.
  1. Poor maintainability. If a conventional transformer unit is easy to repair by replacing almost any element on the board, then everything is more difficult with a pulse device. Therefore, alteration of the computer's power supply impulse type considered a difficult task. Workshop repairs can be expensive.
  2. Emission of high-frequency interference.

Now we have found out what a PSU is in a computer and how they work. On the this moment the market sells mainly impulse devices, and there are practically no transformer ones.

How to check the PSU of a computer?

If the computer does not turn on, then the problem may lie precisely in the PSU. To test the device, we need a multimeter. So, before you check the computer's power supply for operability, you must turn off all the components and the power supply itself. Then we take an ordinary paper clip, straighten it in the shape of a U. We take a 20/24 pin connector (the largest) and with the help of our paper clip we close the black and green contacts. Given that the fingers will touch the metal, you need to make sure that the power supply is unplugged from the outlet.

Now we lower the paper clip and turn on the power supply unit in the outlet. If the fan starts to rotate when the device is turned on, it means that it is working.

Now you need to measure the voltage at the connectors. Depending on the model of the power supply, the voltage at the connectors may vary slightly. Therefore, in the instructions (or on the Internet), you need to find information about what voltage parameters should be on different connectors and measure them with a multimeter. If the parameters differ from normal, then something is wrong with the PSU.

A large number of people use a computer without thinking about what it consists of, how it works, and so on. It is worth understanding what a PSU is in a computer, since this is an important part common circuit on which its capabilities depend. There are features of choice that are worth knowing and considering.

What is BP?

The abbreviation PSU stands for power supply, which is a device designed to convert AC mains voltage to DC and transfer it to components. It also protects equipment from power surges. The power supply looks like a box small size with fan. It is important to know how to use a PSU from a computer correctly, since, according to research, most breakdowns are associated with this element of the system.

The principle of operation of a computer power supply

The voltage conversion takes place in several stages:

  1. The main voltage filter is responsible for voltage peaks, harmonics and possible interference in the network.
  2. In the next step, the alternating current is rectified and stabilized. The voltage of 350 V through the inverter turns into an alternating one and has a frequency of 35-50 kHz.
  3. A computer power supply device can have one output winding with taps for voltages with a different number of turns, or separate windings for each voltage (3.3, 5 and 12 V). Dear Blocks power supplies have separate transformers for different operating voltages.
  4. It is important that these voltages have a constant value. For this, the device has a special adjustment circuit.

How to choose a power supply for a computer?

The stores offer a wide selection of such devices, which makes it difficult to purchase. You need to know how to choose a power supply for your computer, and you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Give preference to reliable manufacturers, for example, many consumers trust such brands as Chieftec, Cooler Master, Hiper.
  2. Consider when choosing a block uninterruptible power supply for a computer that the greater the current strength, the better. Powerful PSUs have a value of 50 A and above.
  3. The PFC indicator can be active and passive. The first option is better and is 95%.
  4. Continuing to describe what BP is in desktop computer and what you should pay attention to when choosing, it is worth mentioning the need for the presence of the 80 PLUS sticker, since it confirms the high efficiency.
  5. Pay attention to the presence of protection against overvoltage, overload and short circuit.

Computer power supply calculation

To find out the power values, you can go in several ways. For example, you can ask sales assistants, but there is no certainty that the information is 100% true. If there is no desire to count something, and financial possibilities allow, then you can buy a power supply unit with a capacity of 600-1000 watts. You can calculate the power supply for the computer yourself, for which you must first determine the required power for each component, and then get the final value.

Please note that the total power of the component parts must be less than the maximum output power. In addition, do not forget that the maximum is indicated in the characteristics, and during operation, power is consumed in different ways. Finding out what a PSU is in a computer and how to correctly calculate its power, it is worth pointing out what is special programs and even online calculators for calculation. One of the most understandable is the following resource -

How to run a power supply without a computer?

There are situations when the PC breaks down and to determine the cause, it is better to assess the health of individual links in the chain. Checking the computer power supply can be carried out without a motherboard. The process is simple and requires a small wire or paperclip. Modern computers use the ATX standard and for it there are two types of connectors for 20 and 24 pins on the plug. There is a simple instruction on how to start a PSU without a computer:

  1. Remove the power supply by disconnecting all wires. Please note that 20-pin PSUs are sensitive and cannot be run without load, so you should connect an unnecessary fan or a regular garland.
  2. Examine the pin diagram and compare it with the existing plug. It is necessary to close the following contacts: PS_ON and COM. There are several of them, so you can choose the most convenient for yourself. Use a short wire with bare ends or a paper clip.
  3. Turn on the power supply and if it is working, then the light will turn on or the fan will make noise.

Computer PSU malfunctions

Since the power supply includes many elements that can fail for various reasons, the list possible problems extensive. It is important to know how to check the computer's power supply for serviceability and simple methods will be presented below. Typical malfunctions include: it does not rotate, the fuse blows, there is no output voltage, overload protection is triggered, and so on.

Computer won't turn on after PSU replacement

There are several reasons why the power supply may not turn on:

  1. There is no voltage. Plug in another device to check the voltage. In addition, you should pay attention to the number of connected devices through an extension cord, as protection may work. One more thing - on some PSU models there is a 220-127 V switch, set it in the desired position.
  2. Faults. If the computer's power supply does not turn on, then something may have broken. It is recommended to carry out a test: on the main connector, close the 14th and 16th pins with a bent paper clip or wire. After that, the PSU should start working, and if you don’t hear the noise of the cooler, then it should be replaced.
  3. The battery on the motherboard is not working. You can check the serviceability with a tester or immediately install a new one and check the operation of the PSU.
  4. If the computer's power supply does not start, then the reason may lie in a malfunction of the components or connectors, the power button, or the motherboard.

All modern computers use ATX power supplies. Previously, AT standard power supplies were used, they did not have the ability to remote start computer and some circuit solutions. The introduction of the new standard was also associated with the release of new motherboards. Computer technology rapidly developed and is developing, so there was a need to improve and expand motherboards. This standard has been introduced since 2001.

Let's see how it works computer block ATX power supply.

Location of elements on the board

To begin with, take a look at the picture, all the nodes of the power supply are signed on it, then we will briefly consider their purpose.

And here is the electrical circuit diagram, divided into blocks.

There is a filter at the input of the power supply electromagnetic interference from the throttle and capacity (1 block). In cheap power supplies, it may not be. The filter is needed to suppress interference in the power supply network resulting from operation.

All switching power supplies can degrade the parameters of the power supply network, unwanted interference and harmonics appear in it, which interfere with the operation of radio transmitting devices and other things. Therefore, the presence of an input filter is highly desirable, but comrades from China do not think so, so they save on everything. Below you see a power supply without an input choke.

Further, the mains voltage is supplied to, through a fuse and a thermistor (NTC), the latter is needed to charge the filter capacitors. After the diode bridge, another filter is installed, usually a pair of large ones, be careful, there is a great voltage. Even if the power supply is turned off from the network, you must first discharge them with a resistor or an incandescent lamp before touching the board with your hands.

After the smoothing filter, the voltage is supplied to the switching power supply circuit; it is complicated at first glance, but there is nothing superfluous in it. First of all, the standby voltage source (block 2) is powered, it can be performed according to a self-generator circuit, or maybe on a PWM controller. Usually - a circuit of a pulse converter on one transistor (single-cycle converter), at the output, after the transformer, a linear voltage converter (KRENka) is installed.

A typical circuit with a PWM controller looks something like this:

Here is an enlarged version of the cascade circuit from the example above. The transistor is in a self-oscillating circuit, the frequency of which depends on the transformer and the capacitors in its piping, the output voltage from the nominal value of the zener diode (in our case 9V) which plays the role of a feedback or threshold element that shunts the base of the transistor when a certain voltage is reached. It is additionally stabilized to a level of 5V by a series-type linear integrated regulator L7805.

The standby voltage is needed not only to generate the enable signal (PS_ON), ​​but also to power the PWM controller (block 3). ATX computer power supplies are most often built on the TL494 chip or its analogues. This block is responsible for controlling power transistors (block 4), voltage stabilization (using feedback), short circuit protection. In general, 494 is used very often in impulse technology, it can also be found in powerful power supplies for LED strips. Here is her pinout.

If you plan to use a computer power supply to power an LED strip, for example, it would be better if you load the 5V and 3.3V lines a little.


ATX power supplies are great for powering amateur radio designs and as a source for the home laboratory. They are quite powerful (from 250, and modern ones from 350W), while they can be found on secondary market for a penny, old AT models are also suitable, to start them you just need to close two wires that used to go to the button of the system unit, there is no PS_On signal on them.

If you are going to repair or restore such equipment, do not forget about the rules safe work with electricity, that there is mains voltage on the board and the capacitors can remain charged for a long time.

Turn on unknown power supplies through a light bulb so as not to damage the wiring and tracks printed circuit board. In the presence of basic knowledge electronics, they can be converted into a powerful charger for car batteries or . To do this, the feedback circuits are changed, the standby voltage source and the block start circuits are being finalized.

Power Supply is a device that is used to create the voltage needed to run a computer from the voltage of a household electrical outlet. In Russia, the power supply (hereinafter simply PSU) converts the AC electricity home electrical network with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz at a given D.C.. Different countries have different home electrical standards. In the United States, for example, the homes of ordinary residents are supplied with alternating current with a voltage of 120 V and a frequency of 60 Hz.

To calculate the conductor resistance, you can use the conductor resistance calculator.

Types of power supplies and their differences.

There are two main types of power supplies: transformer and pulse. Their devices and differences, as well as advantages and disadvantages, will be discussed below.

Transformer power supply and its device.

This type of power supply is classical and, at the same time, the simplest. Below is its circuit with a two-pole rectifier:

The most important element of this type of PSU is a step-down transformer (instead of which an autotransformer can be used). The primary stroke of this element is just designed for the incoming mains voltage. Another important detail of such a PSU is a rectifier. It performs the function of converting AC voltage into unidirectional and pulsating DC. In the vast majority of cases, a half-wave or full-wave rectifier is used. The first consists of one diode, and the last of four diodes, which form a diode bridge. In some cases, other circuits of this element can be used, for example, in three-phase or double-voltage rectifiers. Last important detail transformer PSU is a filter that smoothes out the ripple created by the rectifier. Usually this part is represented by a capacitor with a large capacity.

Transformer dimensions. From the basic laws of electrical engineering, the following formula is derived:


In this formula, n is the number of turns per volt, f is the frequency alternating current, S - cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit, B - magnetic field induction in the magnetic circuit.

The formula does not describe the instantaneous value, but the amplitude B!

In practice, the magnitude of the magnetic field induction (B) is limited by the hysteresis in the core. This leads to overheating of the transformer and reversal losses.

If the frequency of the alternating current (f) is equal to 50 Hz, then only S and n remain the variable parameters when designing the transformer. In practice, the following heuristic is used: n (in the value from 55 to 70) / S in cm^2

An increase in the cross-sectional area of ​​the magnetic circuit (S) leads to an increase in the dimensions and weight of the transformer. If you lower the value of S, then this increases the value of n, which in transformers of small size leads to a decrease in the cross section of the wire (otherwise the winding will not fit on the core)

With an increase in the value of n and a decrease in the cross-sectional area, there is a significant increase in active resistance windings. In transformers with low power, this can be ignored, since the current passing through the winding is small. However, with increasing power, the current passing through the winding increases, and this, together with the high resistance of the winding, leads to the dissipation of significant thermal power.

All of the above leads to the fact that the standard frequency of 50 Hz transformer high power(needed to power a computer) can only be designed as a device that is heavy and bulky.

In modern power supplies, they follow a different path - increasing the value of f, which is achieved using switching power supplies. Such PSUs are much lighter and much smaller in size than transformer ones. Also, pulse power supplies are not so demanding on input voltage and frequency.

Advantages of transformer power supplies

  • The simplicity of the product;
  • Reliability of a design;
  • Availability of elements;
  • No generated radio interference.

Disadvantages of transformer power supplies

  • Large weight and dimensions that increase with power;
  • metal consumption;
  • The need for a compromise between efficiency reduction and output voltage stability.

Pulse PSU and its device.

Below is a diagram of a single-pin switching power supply (this circuit is the simplest):

Actually Power supplies impulse type are inverter system. In this PSU, the electricity entering it is first rectified (i.e., a direct electric current is formed), and then it is converted into rectangular pulses of a certain frequency and duty cycle. After that, these rectangular pulses are sent to the transformer (if the PSU design includes galvanic isolation) or immediately to the output low-pass filter (if there is no galvanic isolation). Due to the fact that in pulse power supplies, with increasing frequency, the efficiency of the transformer increases and the requirement for the core cross section is significantly reduced, much smaller transformers can be used in them than in classical solutions.

In most cases, the core of a pulse type transformer can be made of ferrimagnetic materials, unlike low-frequency transformers that use electrical steel.

Voltage stabilization in switching power supplies provided by negative feedback. It allows you to maintain the output voltage at a relatively constant level. Such a relationship can be constructed different ways. In the case of the presence of galvanic isolation in the PSU design, the method of using communication through one of the output windings of the transformer or the optocoupler method is most often used. The duty cycle at the output of the PWM controller depends on the feedback signal, which, in turn, depends on the output voltage. In the event that decoupling is not provided for in the PSU, a conventional resistive voltage divider is used. Thanks to this, switching power supplies can maintain a stable output voltage.

Advantages of switching power supplies.

  • Significantly smaller weight and dimensions (this is achieved due to the fact that when increasing the frequency, you can use transformers with smaller dimensions at the same power. Most linear stabilizers are made mostly from powerful low-frequency power transformers and radiators that work in linear mode;
  • Much higher efficiency (up to 98%). Such a high rate useful action is achieved due to the fact that most of the time the key elements are in a steady state (and losses occur during switching on/off key elements);
  • Lower cost (this advantage was achieved due to the widespread release of a unified element base and the development of transistors increased power);
  • Reliability on a par with linear stabilizers;
  • Large range of input frequency and voltage of electrical energy. Thanks to this, the same PSU can be used in different countries of the world with different standards home electrical network;
  • Presence of protection against unforeseen situations (short circuit).

Disadvantages of switching power supplies

  • Difficulty in repairing the PSU due to the fact that most of the circuit operates in the absence of galvanic isolation of the mains
  • It is a source of high frequency interference. This drawback comes from the very principle of operation of pulsed power supplies. Because of him power supply manufacturers it is necessary to take noise reduction measures, which, in most cases, cannot completely eliminate this problem
  • The effect of harmonics is a multiple of three (in the presence of power factor correctors and filters this shortcoming irrelevant)

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