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What is a blog and how to create one? Pros and cons of your blog. Classic text blogs - pure graphomania

Greetings, friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch. Have you ever been asked the question, how is a blog different from a website? Do you know what a blog is? How to make money with a blog and how to do it? Everything in order. A blog is a type of site, such as an online store or news site.

Blogs are important

The word "blog" comes from the phrase "web log", that is, an Internet diary. It is a collection of small entries published by one or more authors in chronological order. The most recent publications are at the top. Readers can leave comments on each entry.

A blog can exist with little or no traffic from Yandex or Google search engines. This is its main difference from the site. There are five types of blogs:

  • private;
  • brand blog;
  • professional;
  • news;
  • non-standard.

Each species has its own goals of creation.


Personal - internet diary. It captures personal events: "Check out my new jeans bought yesterday," like that. Authors of personal blogs who constantly spend time on thematic forums and social networks are among the popular bloggers. Paying no attention to either promoting their project or optimizing it, such people collect a lot of readers at the expense of their own constantly growing popularity.

They keep similar blogs for themselves, they visit - the author and his friends who keep such diaries. Public people, in whose magazines there are many interesting notes, collect a large number of readers who do not personally know them. An example is the blog of Evgeny Grishkovets. There are personal blogs on LiveJournal or LJ, and on other free services.


Its audience is people interested in this topic. They read publications, leave comments, suggest new ideas. Gaining momentum, the blog begins to bring profit to the owner. The money comes from the placement of advertisements or information products on a blog topic.

A professional blog becomes a source of additional income, and ideally - the main activity, bringing in the main income.

Brand blog

Brand blogs are essential for promoting brands of companies or specific individuals. They post their training courses, publications of a more personal nature about important events from their lives. Such blogs are the main sources of income for their creators. Usually, they post here not general recommendations, but reports on participation in an event on the topic of a blog with a photo.

Brand blog materials - statements from the author's point of view or his useful experience. The resource does an excellent job of promoting the name of its creator. A lot of people find out about it, and the person becomes the owner of new clients in his business.

You can use the brand blog as the main site, using the resource to promote your own name and generate additional income. To do this, you need to post useful materials on the blog. He will gather around him potential clients who know who to turn to for services.


It is impossible to do without news. Several authors maintain news blogs. One niche is chosen, for example "All About Apple". On an ongoing basis, blog posts are written only on a selected topic, several publications a day. With high-quality work and a considerable number of notes, the blog becomes the leader in the news niche, the number of visitors interested in it increases.

After the stage of promotion and recruiting the target audience, the owners begin to work on making a profit from the resource. Lead the selection of advertisers, place affiliate programs and contextual advertising.

Custom blogs

There are other types of blogs. Most of them are powered by the free WordPress engine. With its help, they create blog portfolios, blog catalogs, photoblog and other variations, from the classic excellent ones. But any blog is a dialogue between the author and his readers. Without this connection, the existence of a blog is meaningless.

Without which the blog will not be able to develop

As the resource develops, its own audience is formed, with similar interests and problems. The readers will learn about the news on the blog from the RSS-feed. Without it and its settings with Fitburnet, it is difficult for the creator of the resource to keep in touch with the readers.

Feedburner is an objective assessment of the audience. When creating a project on the WordPress engine, there is no point in delaying using such a useful service.

It is customary to promote blogs to attract traffic in social networks. From there, authors receive an influx of new visitors. Use buttons like "Share the article" to attract them to popularize the publication on the network.

The driving force behind your blog: the engine

But creating a blog is not only a desire and communication on forums, it is certain actions. And they start with the choice of the engine. It is better to use not a free platform, but an autonomous resource: the blog belongs only to the creator, and it will be very good to make money. But this is only with hard work. Serious profits can be expected no earlier than in a year or two.

A blog engine or CMS, a content management system is a web server program that makes it easy to create and maintain a blog. The content of the blog will have to be updated and supplemented constantly.

Why does a blog need an engine

Without engines, the task of creating would be very complicated: a content specialist, a designer for a project layout, a developer for uploading to a project server and setting up its work .... Yes, it would be nice to hire a promotion pro ...

This is what they do when developing large projects. But in the case of creating your own blog, such expenses are unjustified. The services of a web designer and developer will not be superfluous, but in a much smaller volume. And that's all thanks to the engine.

  • It enables the user to seamlessly create and edit blog content.
  • No knowledge of CSS or Html required. Everything is clear and clear.
  • Thanks to the engine, all texts are stored in the database.
  • When accessing the server, the requested pages are created promptly, information from the database is included in them “on the fly”.

It turns out that the main advantage of the engine is to reduce the level of necessary knowledge of the future blog owner. Using the editor and clicking a few buttons are all requirements.

Paid and free engines

To change the theme, you do not need to worry about the safety of the content: one click - and the design is another. You don't need any knowledge of layout. It is clear that such conveniences have become the reason for the emergence of paid and free engines.

Choosing the right one is not an easy task. And the reason is not that the free is worse or better. A good project can be created on free, and a poor-quality one can be made on the most expensive one, having paid a lot for it.

The only advantage is technical support in paid engines. Therefore, with a complete lack of time and unwillingness to deal with all the complexities on their own, there is only one solution: a paid CMS.

To create your first blog, you will have to choose according to financial and time requests. If you have the skills to work with a free engine, then there is no point in spending money on a paid one. And it's not always better than the free one.

The best free engines

Free leaders include WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. But the latter is much more difficult to work with, its popularity is lower. But with the skills to work with him, there are more opportunities. But it depends on how you look at it.

Ideally, it is recommended to use a well-known CMS. The reason is that the work of the engine for the blog must first be studied. And it takes time to study. There are solutions that are easier to learn, and there are more complex ones.

WordPress is number one in terms of quality and usability for blogging. Everything is clear and simple, the developers are constantly updating versions. The Joomla engine has its advantages though. Here's what it takes to create a WordPress blog.

The main feature of WordPress is the speed of indexing. After a new article is published, WordPress automatically sends an invitation to the search robot.

WP is clear and simple: everything is logical, no pitfalls, unlike Joomla. To protect against hacking, it is advisable to update WP constantly, and not to put the version number in use on public display. But this is in perspective. First, you need to download and install WordPress on your hosting. At first, you can use free hosting to decide if you need to blogging.

The simplest of the paid ones is S.Builder, but only if you have experience working with any CMS. Then this is a very good option: saving time, effort and nerves. I do not consider paid options at all, since I believe that a thing can be done on a free engine, if we are not talking about an online store or a huge portal.

"Finishing" the blog

After uploading, work begins on the technical and visual settings, there are no trifles here. And, most importantly, unique content, posts interesting to readers. Only after its appearance can the blog be considered established. It will start attracting visitors. Their number is determined using a visit counter. But without design and customization, the blog looks incomplete.

Design and customization

To design a blog, we choose a suitable template, for Vorpress there are a huge number of them. But before publishing, you have to think about human-readable URLs, CNC. What it is? An address, a link to an article with a letter designation, and not in the form of a set of numbers and symbols that cannot be pronounced.

Such an action will help to take higher positions in search results: search engines take into account keywords in URLs. Therefore, it is important to set them up before publishing. The easiest way is to use the appropriate plugin for configuration.

In order not to forget, you need to create an understandable 404 error page in your online diary so that visitors do not leave when they receive an incomprehensible message.

Now is the time to go through the WP settings, figure out the plugins and start typing with the ones you need for your blog. There are two ways to manage blog indexing: a robots.txt file and a blog map in xml format.

Most often, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin is used to create it. Add a link to it to your Yandex webmaster account and to the Google webmaster tools panel. Search robots will find out in time about new publications. The Dagon Design Sitemap Generator plugin creates a sitemap that is visible to readers.


Here I will tell you in general terms. This is a huge topic, not one article. Just to get you up to speed: setting up a blog you just created is not enough, it needs to be optimized to appeal to search engines. This is done using plugins - special extensions for WordPress that close existing holes in it and adjust your site to modern requirements.

For instance:

The Yoast plugin will facilitate internal optimization, all that remains is to tweak the additional settings and install the plugin for automatic internal linking.

Hyper Cache to speed up your blog and reduce server load.

RusToLat, WordPress Database Backup and other plugins which I will tell about in my articles

Let's summarize. You can create a good blog even without programming and layout skills. With perseverance and regular filling with new useful information, the created project will become a source of profit. Making money on a blog is not difficult, but you shouldn't expect instant income. It will take time.

Pavel Yamb was with you, see you soon! Read articles, subscribe to updates and leave comments. And don't forget: starting a blog and making it the main source of income is within the power of even beginners. You need desire, self-confidence, perseverance and hard work, and experience will appear during the work on the project.

Hi, do you know that your site, moreover, a regular personal blog, is able to bring you 150,000 rubles per month? And to my friend, his blog brought more than $ 900,000, and in just 18 months! Cool right? Of course, you will not earn this amount right away, but there is a technology that allows you to squeeze the maximum out of your blog. Let's, in today's article, consider what a blog is and why you need it.

Do you want to start creating such a generator of money for yourself, of course, you will not make $ 900,000 at once, the amounts with the right approach will be large for you? It sounds, of course, like another scam from Glopart, but it's true !!! Just read this article in its entirety and read between the lines all the juice there)))

Let's start…

Okay, now try to think for just a few minutes, which one are you pursuing, looking for a unique way to make money on the Internet? Earn money or just try to prove to yourself once again that all courses and trainings are a real scam. And even when you buy the next course from the Glopart for 800 rubles, you still won't use anything, even if the miracle scheme really works ... Damn, I don't like courses with Glopart ... tin.

You know, I was also in such a situation ... for one resource I needed a large stable traffic flow. In principle, I perfectly understood that there are ways to attract traffic, but I was looking for a unique ... one that no one uses and is able to bring results with minimal investment. At one time, I was also looking for a miracle pill so that I could get a result without investing anything. Similar situation?

The only thing was that it was at the very beginning of my internet business around August 2013. I bought all the Glopart and it was then that I realized that there was nothing worthwhile there. After the 7th completed course, I finally realized that there are actions that bring results, and there are those that do not bring results.

For example, looking for a miracle way to make money or attract traffic - these are exactly those actions that do not bring results. And vice versa, when you work and think not about immediate benefits, but for the future, these actions will bring results in the future.

Do you know who achieves a momentary result and is not able to think for the future? Only shoemakers, well, and other workers of similar specialties. I rubbed the boots, sewed on the sole - I got money, I didn't rub it, so I didn't earn anything. Such people will never receive money constantly from 1 rubbed shoe, in order to get money, they need to constantly rub their shoes. The only way!

Many people go in the hope of making money quickly, and 90%, oddly enough, do not earn or earn, but only once. Why? Because they are like shoemakers, focused on the immediate benefit. I did it - I earned it, I didn’t do it - I didn’t work, what kind of automaton can we talk about with this approach?

I am looking for an automatic income that will bring me money all the time from tomorrow. Yes, I agree, there is such a method, but unfortunately it is not automatic. For any earnings, you need a traffic flow, if you think like a shoemaker, then you will never take actions that are capable of bringing results all the time - bought traffic - earned, did not buy traffic, respectively, did not earn. That's the whole secret.

So what do you do? Do you really need to work constantly?

As I said, there is an opportunity to take actions that are aimed not at an immediate result, but at a long-term perspective. This is what we are going to do today.

It turned out to be a rather long introduction, but I want you to understand the whole point, understand the technology and your brains fall into place! Instead of hovering in the illusion of making a million dollars lying on the couch and doing nothing: the method of a lazy person, the method of an idiot, a method ... what other courses are there on the Glopart?

So what is a blog and why is it needed?

Your site is that constant traffic generator. And you yourself decide how you can distribute this flow. You have 2 options for working with this stream.

  • Build your own subscriber base.

I wrote in detail about the advantages of collecting my subscriber base in previous articles. You can see and learn more about compiling a subscriber base in these articles:

I will only say one thing, the constantly updated subscriber base will allow you to earn at least 60,000 rubles, just making 1-2 mailings per month. Well, I generally keep quiet about the advantages of auto-mailing. In, we figured out how to compose an autoseries of letters in order to earn from 100,000 rubles a month on a fully automatic machine.

In addition, the formation of your subscription list gives the advantages of quick communication with your target audience, directly through e-mail or retargeting social networks. By the way, few people use retargeting today, and this is the tool that, together with blogging, can bring you 2-3 times more money compared to standard ways of earning and informing your readers.

  • Post affiliate links

Through articles on your blog - you can hook your target audience that needs help with a specific issue and offer solutions to their problems through partner products or goods.

For example, your blog is about weight loss and healthy eating. On your blog, you posted an article: how to lose weight by summer at home. Your article brings value and useful content to people, respectively, search engines display it in the top ten when searching. Every month 400 people come to your blog for this request and read your article.

How can you make money on this? For example, to offer a product to these hot customers, after making a review and putting your affiliate links in the article. How many readers do you think will buy the paid product you recommended? With a high degree of probability, I want to say that the percentage will be much more than 1%, and can reach 3 and 7% on sale. Now calculate how much you can earn from 1 such article, even with a minimum average check of 2,000 rubles. All you have done is write an article and publish it on the blog.

  • But there is also 3 way.

It was this that was applied by one person, about whom I talked about at the webinar. The most interesting thing is that he not only figured out how to monetize traffic in a non-standard way, but also earned more than $ 900,000 in just 18 months. After working pure time in just 18 months, about 20 hours.

I have not yet achieved such a result, it took me only 5 months (at the time of this writing) from the moment I started implementing this tool, but I will tell you openly - the experiment has already been a success. How and what I did, I also described at. Just to find out this approach is worth looking at the master session in the recording. Already due to the fact that the sooner you start to act, the faster you will receive money in the future.

Now, I hope you understand what a blog is and why you need it? For those who are ready to act and move in building their business on the Internet. For those who want to launch their blog tomorrow, for the most decisive and daring ones, I wrote down a short course: How to create a blog that will make money. In just 1-2 hours you will create your blog on the Internet.

This course will be completely free for you.

In fact, I do not really like to give information for free due to the fact that few people appreciate these free materials. Of course, you can set a symbolic price for it, about 100 - 300 rubles, and a larger percentage of people will already fulfill and create their blog, but I will not do that.

Let's do it better as follows, as soon as you create your site / blog, according to my instructions. You yourself decide how much this course costs for you, and send this amount to your Yandex wallet or in another convenient way. I think it will be fair.

Now, grab a free course on building your profitable blog / website from scratch.

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When blogs first appeared on the Internet, they were used primarily for keeping online diaries. Originally, the word itself blog comes from the phrase "web log", that is, in other words, a web log (web diary).

But today, after a few years, the meaning of the word blog has taken on a new connotation, and most sites on the Internet are either blogs or have their own blog.

A quite natural question arises: why have blogs become so popular among Internet users and why are they needed?

In this article, I discuss several reasons why you should start a blog.

A great opportunity for self-realization

Blogging is a great incentive for personal development in your chosen direction. You know that the audience regularly expects useful information from you, which means that you simply have to develop in order to constantly give people something useful. You learn a lot yourself, you become a more organized and responsible person thanks to the expectations of the people you help.

Thanks to the ability to comment on the blog, people will express their opinion about your resource to you, leave comments and thanks for what you are doing. In turn, for yourself, this will serve as an excellent incentive to develop the project further.

Building audience trust

When you create and start blogging, no matter what topic, you share your thoughts and knowledge with your audience. You give useful information to people, tell them how to cope with a particular problem. You help people solve their difficulties, you communicate with your audience and, in the end, as an expert in a particular topic, you deserve their trust.

The more trust you build with your visitors, the more likely it is that when you have some paid products, your visitors will become your customers.

The technical benefits of blogging

  1. Blogs are a kind, information on them is constantly updated, which has a very positive effect on the promotion and authority of the site with search engines.

  2. Blogs usually have automatic settings, which are very helpful in optimizing your site. One of the features common to all blogs is special site navigation, which helps search engines find new and updated pages more easily, which greatly speeds up their indexing.

  3. Ease of management. Blogs are usually based on a content management system, which allows the user to quickly and easily add new posts and edit old ones. That is, you do not need to constantly resort to the help of a webmaster, everything is done through the admin panel of the site, and this can be done by a person who does not need to know all the intricacies of writing and editing code.

  4. Feeds are often connected to a blog by default (these are so-called "update alerts", for example, RSS-feed), or they can be connected at will. A person who subscribes to updates to your site using the feed will receive a notification about each new article that you add to your site, and this will be done automatically.
  5. Also, thanks to feeds, you can register your blog in directories, which will greatly help promote your blog.

Hello, this is the first introductory article in the "Blogosphere" section, which is devoted to the question - "Why do you need a blog?", As well as creating and maintaining a blog, the main advantages and purposes of a blog.

So, let's figure out today why you need your blog? And there can be many answers to this question. First, let's take a look at the main advantages of your own blog.

Why you need a blog and the main advantages of a blog

  1. First advantage. Your own blog is not a page in any one that can be hacked or blocked at any time. You will say that there are enough craftsmen and any site or blog can also be broken. Yes, but if you do everything right, then it will not be difficult for you to restore your blog to work in just 5 minutes, while you can restore your hacked social media page. networks are practically unrealistic. Agree that this is a big, if not a huge, plus.
  2. The second advantage of the blog. You decide what to publish, when and in what quantity, here everything is limited only by the amount of disk space provided by the tariff plan of your chosen hosting. You will say you have to pay for the domain and hosting. Yes, it is, but in fact it is not such a huge amount as many think and, probably, almost everyone can afford to spend 1000-1500 rubles / year on their blog. I think we spend a lot more on cellular communications.
  3. Third advantage. Creating and blogging is constant self-development and self-improvement in a topic that interests you and, of course, communication with interesting people with the same interests, who certainly know why you need a blog.
  4. Fourth advantage. Let's say you are looking for a new job or offering some of your services. What do you usually do? That's right - draw up a resume and send it to the employer. Now imagine, along with your resume, you send the employer a link to your well-written and well-made blog portfolio. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming, your competitors will be left behind and will nervously smoke on the sidelines.
  5. And, of course, you can make money on your own blog, which is becoming more and more relevant every year, as the Internet is more and more included in our lives. Therefore, it is certainly inappropriate to talk about the costs that I wrote about above. Believe me, in the most humble scenario for paying for a domain and hosting, you will earn 100% for yourself. I hope I have brought you closer to answering the question: "Why do you need a blog?"

The main purpose of the blog

For convenience, I have divided them into 4 types:

Personal blog or blog for the soul... That is, you start a blog for yourself, conduct it the way you want and as you like, without straining and not thinking too much about the subject matter, the number of indexed pages, the number of visitors, the search engine's ban, etc. The main visitors are these are relatives, friends, acquaintances, fans who know about your blog and access it from bookmarks or by typing the address in the browser line.

Why do you need a blog of this kind? A personal blog is like a social media page. networks, but a more reliable and, in my opinion, a prestigious way to tell about yourself, to emphasize your individuality and peculiarity.

Blog representing the face of the firm / company etc. The difference from a personal blog is that it is important here, and sometimes it is extremely important how the blog is indexed by search engines, since every visitor who comes from the PS (Yandex, Google, Mail, etc.) is a potential a client of the firm.

In maintaining such a blog, in my opinion, you need to follow certain rules so that people who visit it see that the company is solid, modern, keeping up with the times.

For example, periodic updates of blog information (price lists, phone numbers, addresses, whatever, the main thing is that the information is relevant at the moment), adding any new functions, increasing the usability of the blog, adding news, etc. The main thing is that there is always some movement on the blog. Even the fact that the company's management on the blog page will congratulate its employees on any holiday (say, Happy New Year) will already say that the blog is alive, and does not lie with a dead weight, which has long been hammered almost immediately after its creation. Believe me, it has a huge effect and people see and appreciate it. I myself, sometimes visiting blogs / websites of various companies, wonder how people are too lazy to update information on the website of their company. And sometimes it happens that the information seems to be relevant, but so scarce that you simply close such a site and forget about this company forever.

Blog for making money online. Here, I think, everything is clear and the question of why a blog is needed disappears by itself. The main goal of creating such a blog is to make money on the Internet (contextual, teaser, banner advertising; sale of links, goods, information products, services, etc.).

Here it is also necessary to follow certain rules, on which earnings in the network will directly depend. It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of the existence of such a blog, and this can be on average from six months to a year, you are unlikely to receive income, but you will need to spend a lot of effort.

What are the basic rules? Ideally, make an SDL (website for people) and don't think about making money at all in the beginning. Systematically fill your blog with unique interesting content, make competent optimization, as well as promotion in search engines and social media. networks and further successful earnings on such a blog are more likely to be guaranteed to you.

The fourth type of blog combines signs 1 and 3. That is, a person maintains a personal blog and at the same time earns money on this blog. And for many, believe me, this is not a bad thing. For example, a person publishes articles on any topic, periodically adding articles about himself, his family, success in work, etc., thereby further increasing the trust of readers, some of whom become permanent, subscribing to updates and adding such a blog to bookmarks.

Here, perhaps, these are the main answers to the question - why do you need a blog or website. Someone may have different views on this, but this is everyone's business. Most importantly, when creating a blog (no matter whether it is personal or for making money), first of all think about the people who will read it, whether they are your relatives, friends, or even strangers. Try to make them want to come back to it again and again and then the success of your blog is guaranteed!

And in conclusion - a good blog needs good hosting and I recommend hosting from Machost.

That's all for me, good luck everyone! Bye Bye!

Read also:

To the entry "Why do you need your blog?" 17 comments were left.

    Yuri, thanks for the additions, but still in more detail about a few points.

    So, "a blog for making money." What do I mean by this? Yes, you can make money on almost any type of blog. But here I am considering blogs, which were originally created exclusively for making money. And the author of such a blog doesn't really care - who reads it, what they write in the comments and whether they write them at all, etc. Certain indicators have been achieved - attendance, TIC, PR, etc. and that's all - the blog is monetized and then periodically filled with content , sometimes just stolen from other people's sites. That is, income is the main goal of the blog.

    Regarding a personal blog, or as I also call it "a blog for the soul" - this, as you rightly said, is mostly human notes that are available to all Internet users. It's just that the owner doesn't bother about any promotions, the frequency of filling, etc. But if a person doesn't want to show his blog to others, then it can already be called (in principle, you called it that way) "a blog for yourself." I have not considered such blogs in the article, but, in principle, yes - this type of blog also has the right to life. Although I do not see the point in such a blog.

    Next, the "Firm Blog". You write that this is just a news feed on the company's website. And if the company does not have a website? In this case, the blog will contain not only a news feed, but also other information. Of course, we can say that this is no longer a blog, but the company's website turns out. Also the question is twofold - it depends on how the information is presented on this, let's call it conditionally "resource".
    In general, Yuri, you can argue about the types of blogs for a long time, I just tried to highlight the most basic ones. Again, I repeat, in my understanding.

Who among us has not heard such a word as blog? This is one of those concepts that are known to almost all Internet users. But what is a blog, how is it different from a website? Who is leading them, why do they need it? Let's figure it out.

What is a blog?

The most common definition is that a blog is a website or blog dedicated to taking notes on a specific topic. Indeed, one of the distinguishing features is precisely its narrow theme. For example, a blog about the Czech language or a blog about winter fishing. In addition, it is often conducted by one author, and all notes are written in the first person.

Who is leading him?

So, we figured out what a blog is. But who is its author? Why does he need it? The owners of these sites call themselves bloggers. They are the authors of all blog entries, answer visitors' questions, conduct various polls and much more. But the blogger is not always a real person. Sometimes a team of authors can be united under one name. Of course, blog readers don't need to know about this.

Why blog?

There are two main reasons for blogging - self-affirmation and earnings. The first option is chosen by insecure people or individuals who require attention. This is a special, specific way of expressing themselves. Others make money on a blog by posting banner or contextual advertising, advertising articles, and more.

What types of blogs are there?

There are several types of blogs. The first is personal, they are often led by well-known personalities. It is there that they share their thoughts with the fans, talk about themselves. Next, there are specialized blogs that are focused on a narrow topic. Quite often, a blog on the Internet belongs to one of these two types. In addition, we can note the so-called image, owned by companies and firms and used for brand promotion, and news blogs. These two subspecies are much less common.

More options

There is also a free blog, which operates on a free site, and a paid one, hosted on a paid hosting. The first one mainly serves to entertain the author himself, his self-affirmation. The second one brings a stable income to its owner through various advertising.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

There are several main features that differentiate a blog from a website. First of all, it is the presence of the author. If a site can have a myriad of them, then a blog, as a rule, has one. The second point: reading the notes, you imagine the author, make up his psychological portrait. Third: blog entries are organized, not as chaotic as on the site. The blog is known for its constant updating. Often, articles are published several times a week, while the site may be updated in a year. In addition, the blog is themed. It has its own narrow theme, which most sites cannot boast of.


Well, now you know what a blog is, who maintains it and why, what are its main differences from the site. We hope our article was useful to you.

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