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What is Apple iOS. Brief overview of the iOS operating system for mobile phones

operating room iOS system one of the most famous platforms for correct functioning mobile devices developed by the world famous company Apple.

The main feature of this platform is that it can only be installed on phones and tablets that are released by Apple. OS iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation by pressing buttons directly on the screen of a mobile device.

The fact that the iOS system has become widespread is not surprising. Considering the fact that products Apple Corporation is different high quality their developments, own platform allows you to implement a number of specific tasks that other systems are not able to handle.

What is the ios operating system?

Before proceeding with the review of the iOS platform, you should understand in detail what kind of “beast” it is. As mentioned above, the iOS operating system is a unique platform for convenient user interaction with a mobile device. Apple. This OS has an amazing interface and allows you to solve complex tasks using your mobile phone. Distinctive features iOS platform is:

  • Data Privacy- no program without your consent will not get access to personal data. Only with your consent will third-party applications have access to address book, your location, photo and video files.
  • High security– the OS developer tried to protect the system as much as possible from possible infection with malware.
  • Huge number of built-in functions- the iOS system includes a huge number of user-friendly features that will delight any happy owner of an Apple mobile device.

The ios operating system is a universal assistant in study, work and Everyday life. With built-in features, your mobile device can help you deal with the most challenging tasks. Among the built-in functions, the following should be highlighted:

  • touch ID- thanks to this technology, the user will not be able to access someone else's mobile device. Only the owner, whom the device recognizes by fingerprint, will have access to the data of the phone or tablet.
  • VoiceOver- This feature allows you to use by Apple people with poor eyesight or even the blind. This technology is based on voice acting for all actions performed by the user.
  • Made for iPhone– with this function, you can improve the sound in Bluetooth, which can be used for both talking and listening to music.
  • Guided Accessthis application makes it possible to disable a number of programs except for favorites. This feature can be useful for parents who want to limit their children's access to certain device programs and people who have problems with perception.
  • Polyglot- a unique feature that allows people who do not know how to use a phone or tablet English language. With Polyglot, you can switch the keyboard layout to more than 50 languages. In addition, the application can recognize more than 20 languages ​​by ear.

It should be added that the iOS operating system is able to support not only built-in functions, but also many third party applications which can be downloaded from iTunes.

Operating system apple ios has a number of features:

  • High operating speedios platform has high speed work. The dynamics of using the interface can surprise someone who first took an Apple gadget into their own hands.
  • Intuitive interface– even the most inexperienced user will be able to quickly and easily deal with all the features of the platform. The simplicity, convenience and versatility of the interface make ios one of the most reliable and popular platforms.
  • Convenient file system- in order to find any file you need, just make a few taps on the screen with your finger. File system as simple and understandable as possible.
  • Availability huge amount OS applications– since the release of the first version of the platform and up to today many special applications to solve various problems. In addition, the number entertainment programs under ios can turn the head of any user. Just go to itunes and download what you need.
  • Continuous enhancement of functionality– thanks to regular updates, the functionality of the mobile device is constantly increasing. For this, the developers of the OS should be thanked.

Where can I download the ios system

Download ios operating system possible in the open world wide web the Internet. It is best to download the platform for your phone from official sources. This is the only way you can be sure that no malware is integrated into the platform. For this reason, use only the servers of official developers to boot the system. In addition, the ios operating system, which you can download for free for your phone, is easy to install.

How to install ios operating system?

Installing this system on mobile device will not be difficult even for advanced user. But we should remember that the ios system can only be installed on a phone or tablet developed by Apple.

Stages ios settings on phone or tablet:

From a user perspective, iOS is an outstanding platform. Maybe a little monotonous and harsh, but attractive and reliable (mostly).

From a developer's point of view, things are quite different. Working with iOS (and in fact, with Apple in general) is like trying to talk to a paranoid robot acting like the famous Soviet border guard from Kafka's novel.

Safari for iOS sucks

It is one of the most disgusting browsers I have dealt with since I started web development in the late 90s. I've lost count of the crutches I had to put in to get apps to work in Safari for iOS or its web views. This is simply unacceptable in the world of 2016, where everything is subject to standards.

To give you an idea: you can't for example set the height of an element