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What happened to VKontakte why the page is unavailable. Web page unavailable message

On the Internet, you can often find discussions when the error “The web page at the address is temporarily unavailable or has been moved” pops up. This error occurs when you go to a site, or when you open a store in chrome: // plugins / or opera: // apps. It also happens that the notification is shown absolutely on all sites. What to do in such a situation - now we'll figure it out.

Why is the web page unavailable?

The situation when a web page is temporarily unavailable or is constantly moved to a new address can appear in completely different cases. But, most often, the cause is found and eliminated in 5-10 minutes. Connection error pops up when:

  • going to one URL;
  • visiting any browser sites;
  • pages are not available in any web browsers;
  • perhaps the Internet is turned off or the specified DNS is not available;
  • reading site names (when we enter, say,, the browser cannot find the ip-address of this site). You can check it by going to the command line (write cmd in "Start" and write in the command line: ping -t);
  • a problem with the hosts element;

In addition, various error codes are indicated in the error description below:

  • “101” (net :: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET);
  • See item “10” (net :: ERR_ACCESS_DENIED).
  • the web page at chrome: // plugins is temporarily unavailable;
  • ERR_SPDY_Protocol_ERROR.

How to fix the situation?

Most often, errors arise from the most elementary problem, which is eliminated in 10 minutes, but it also happens from a complex one, where you need to delve into the settings of Windows itself. To fix everything, use the following methods:

Important! In newer versions of Chrome, the chrome: // plugins function is no longer available, so you won't go into it. Go to to install any extension. And at chrome: // extensions / you can edit any preinstalled plugins and applications.

If the above methods did not help, move on to more radical methods described below. They will be relevant for advanced users who are familiar with the system.


As we found out, the error “The web page is temporarily unavailable or has been moved to a new address” is resolved in just 10-15 minutes. And there is nothing complicated in this. If the problem is relevant for one site, then write to support, the addressing parameters for specific pages may have been changed. We hope we helped you.

Do you want to open a site, and you are told "The web page is not available"? This problem can happen to every Internet user at least once during the entire period of use. And it would be nice if only once, because such a problem is usually encountered much more often.

However, knowing the root causes of the problem, when a certain page is not available in the browser, you can solve it quickly and easily.

Reasons for not having access to the web page:

1.the URL of the site is incorrect;

2. corrupted cookie;

3. Incorrect proxy server settings;

4. failure in proxy server settings.

Let's consider each of the possible reasons in more detail, and also describe the main ways out of the current problem with access to the web page.

Then you need to check that the specified web address of the site you are trying to open is correct. Make sure the web address is spelled correctly. If you entered the correct address, then try to check on another computer (smartphone, phone, tablet or other gadget) if this site opens through the same network. If you find that the site does not open on another PC and the same “Web page is unavailable” message is still present, this means that the site is most likely undergoing technical work to troubleshoot and it is indeed temporarily unavailable.

Then check your cookies, because they might be the problem. These files exist in order to store information about the sites you visit, data about your profile and website settings. This speeds up the loading times of sites that you have visited at least once. Corrupted settings in cookies can cause a similar error to occur in loading the web page you are trying to find. To resolve this error, you need to delete your cookies.

Step-by-step cookie removal algorithm(example for Google Сhrome):

1. In your browser, select the icon " Browser settings»With three small horizontal stripes in the upper right corner.

2. Select the option “ Settings».

3. At the very bottom of the window, you need to select " Show advanced settings", A window with a large set of functionalities will open in front of you.

4. In the block " Personal data"Select the option" ".

5. Then a new window will appear in front of you, where you need to select the option “ Cookies and other data from sites and plugins"By checking the box opposite it.

6. You must confirm the selected option by clicking on "".

If the page is still unavailable, try checking your proxy settings, which may also be causing the page load error.

Algorithm for changing settings in the proxy server:

1. In the menu " Start"You need to select the option" Control Panel».

Sometimes, when a user tries to access the required resource, instead of the required page, message that the page is not available. Many people are frightened by this error, but in reality everything is very simple. Exists a few reasons that can cause this error:

  1. Cache errors
  2. Browser malfunctions
  3. Temporary or permanent lack of internet
  4. The problem is on the site side
  5. Problems with the provider
  6. Site blocked

There may be more reasons, we will consider the most basic, as well as their solution.

Error elimination methods

First of all, it is necessary check hosts file. It is possible that viruses have changed its content and some pages have stopped opening. For this go over along the path drive C - Windows - sytem32 - etc - drivers. The file itself will not open not a single program.

To open it, double-click on it and select Notebook... If you do not know what the content should be - delete all.

The next option is to try changeDNS addresses. For this we go to Network Control Center and general access. Then we are looking for our connection, through which it is necessary click right click and select Property... Looking for an item Protocol version 4, we call its properties. Here you can ask DNS addresses. Recommended introduce the main and the alternative

Another option is check computer for viruses. Often malware block access to some sites.

If that doesn't work, you can to call provider and find out if access to the required site is blocked.

Finally, you can try to access the site using another browser, after which it will become known whether the browser is to blame. If the site still does not open, then you can try to go through anonymizers.

There are a lot of such resources on the network and it will not be a problem to find them using search engines. We launch any ananoimizer and try to go to the right address. If the page does not open, but will received an error, then the problem is clearly with the target resource.

There is another option for checking - use service It allows check resource availability. It is enough to go to the above service and select the item - check accessibility site. Enter the address in the field and get result of checking.

It is worth mentioning that in case of unsuccessful verification, we get different result.

After all the manipulations, we had to localize the problem is the ISP, the computer, or the target resource. If the culprit is a computer, then you need to again recheck hosts and DNS addresses, clear browser cache and registry. From the last funds, you can fully advise reinstall browser, try to roll back with a restore point or completely reinstall system.

The day has come when you, as usual, decided to go to your favorite social network, and then it just doesn't work out.

And you do not understand why this is happening. Well, let's solve this problem together.

First, answer the question, what happens when you try to go to

Quickly navigate to the answer you want:

The site Vkontakte ( does not load?

There are several explanations for this:

Login and password from VKontakte are not suitable?

The answer to the question and the solution is very simple!

First, make sure that you enter your username and password correctly:

  • Make sure you enter the password in the correct language, for example, you enter a password using Russian letters, and you have it in the English keyboard layout;
  • Make sure the caps lock light is off on the keyboard, otherwise there will be an erroneous password entry;

Login and password are still incorrect? Then the attacker most likely stole your password and changed it. But you can restore access to your page back if the page is registered to your phone number, which is at your fingertips.

Restoring access to the VKontakte page

Click on the link "Forgot your password?", Enter your phone number on which the page is registered (or e-mail, or login), click "next". You will be asked to enter characters from the image (captcha), and then confirm whether this page is yours

After that, a code will be sent to your phone number, which must be entered into the proposed form, and click "change password".

Well, after that we just come up with a new password.

After that, you will be able to log in to the contact again, with the same username, but with the new password that you came up with.
So that there are no mistakes, you will also receive another SMS on your phone, in which you will be reminded of the information you entered so that you don’t forget it and don’t lose it.

Are they asked to send SMS when you visit the VKontakte page?

Everything seems to be as usual, but you are required to send SMS for money.

Do you think that Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte network, is to blame, and that the day has come when you have to pay for it, or there are some technical problems and for everything to work, you need to send an SMS. But this is absolutely not the case!

Very often people think that their VKontakte page is blocked, or just problems with the site itself and it does not work, but this is completely wrong! To check this, just go to your VKontakte page from your friend's computer and you will make sure that everything is in order with her.

This means that your page is not blocked. What happens then, why doesn't he go to the site The answer is simple - a virus or Trojan program has got on your computer, which blocks access to the site and requires you to send a paid SMS in return.

Such messages can look very believable. and, as it were, on behalf of the VKontakte administration, but this is not so.

Remember once and for all, the aforementioned social network never requires money from you to access your page.

One of the ways to infect your computer or gain access to your page is to send you a link in a letter on behalf of your VKontakte friend, whose page has already been hacked, or whose computer is already charged. You follow it, do some actions, and the next day you cannot get in touch.

Think before following such links. More often than not, messages with such links may raise suspicion in you. For example, you have never communicated with this person (and don’t remember when he was among your friends), and then once, he received a message “Hello. How are you? Follow this link, there is something interesting written about you))) ". In no case do not fall for such tricks on the part of scammers.

A file similar to vkontakte.exe, which automatically opens a window resembling a VKontakte site, could get to your computer, but this is a fake page, that is, not a real one, very similar to it, where various errors appear when you want to view your page.

Do not send the SMS that you are asked to send.

This will not open you access, but for one SMS they will require a second, then a third, and so on. In this case, you will constantly be debited from your mobile phone account tidy sums. You can also infect your mobile phone as well.

How to solve the problem?

  1. Firstly, install an antivirus. If you have it installed, then update it. Perhaps its anti-virus databases are outdated long ago, and for this reason it did not protect your computer from hacker attacks.
  2. Secondly, search your computer for the vkontakte.exe program. If found, delete it immediately.
  3. Thirdly, edit the host file on your computer that may have been modified by a virus. We will dwell on this point in more detail, since in most cases this is precisely the reason.

How do I find and edit the host file?

Go to C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc. This means, go to the C drive, then to the Windows folder, then to System32, drivers and finally to the etc.

In order not to get to the etc folder for a long time, as described above, you can simply enter C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc in the address bar of the explorer and you will be taken to the desired folder.

There is a hosts file there. You open it with the standard Notepad program.
Remove everything from there except for this line: localhost

and save the file.

Can't save the hosts file?

If you cannot save the hosts file - you are denied access, then right-click on the hosts file, select "Properties", then "Security", then click "Change" and select users,
(click on the image to enlarge and view it)

put all the birds and click "Apply".

After that, you can edit and save the hosts file. But when you edit this file and save it, then return the permissions to our place. This is important for safety.

How to prevent such problems in the future?

1) Use antiviruses with constantly up-to-date (fresh) databases of viruses and Trojans;

2) Before entering your username and password from the VKontakte page, make sure you have the address in your browser.

Due to your carelessness, you can present your password to an attacker by simply entering it on a page that looks very much like a contact, with only one character difference in the address, for example;

3) Come up with a complex password for the VK page and e-mail. Use not only letters or numbers, but alternate them, and also use upper and lower case letters, also alternating them.

If you are currently using a simple password, but immediately go to the page settings and change it to a more complex one.

This will protect you from password guessing programs. Don't wait until you get hacked and I will send spam on your behalf;

4) Don't download suspicious programs or add-ons for a contact, which, according to the creators, wind up friends, likes and voices;

5) Don't open suspicious emails that you receive by e-mail and do not click on suspicious links in VKontakte messages, even if it is from a person who is your friend (but with whom you have not communicated before).

Remember that scammers do not sleep and find new ways to make money on you. Be vigilant and good luck to you.

VK blocked in Ukraine: how to bypass blocking

In May 2017, the President of the country signed a decree blocking Yandex, Vkontakte and other Russian social networks and large resources in the country.

Now all you have to do is use a VPN, or simply any browser extensions that use a proxy.

To get from a computer to blocked sites, you will need to install one of the following extensions:

  1. friGate - we recommend.
  2. Saving traffic from Google(in addition to saving traffic, it allows access to blocked sites);

To bypass the blocking from the phone, download and install any of the following applications on it:

  1. Opera VPN (has stopped working);
  2. Opera Mobile (has stopped working);
  3. Tunnelbear
  4. Zenmate
  5. Opera VPN alternatives (paid and free)

Today, YouTube is the most popular video hosting site in the world. Attendance is off scale. Hundreds of thousands of people will post their videos there for millions to watch! But with the wild rise in popularity, so are the problems on the client's side associated with his work.
Very often users contact me with various complaints related to access to YouTube and its work - the site does not open, the web page is inaccessible, videos are not displayed, writes "video is not available", etc.
From my own experience, I will say that in 99 cases out of 100, the "root of evil" is hidden on the computer itself, from which the resource is not available. On the video hosting side, failures are extremely rare and are quickly fixed.
In this article, I want to talk in detail about the main reasons why the browser does not enter YouTube and how you can fix it.

1. Flash Player

Users often confuse the impossibility of watching the video and the entrance to YouTube. In fact, they manage to enter the site, but they cannot watch the video due to the fact that a special plug-in for the browser is not installed - Adobe Flash Player.

No matter how YouTube tries to move away from this format towards HTML5, it cannot be completely abandoned. Those who have installed Google Chrome or another browser on the chrome engine practically do not encounter this, since there the necessary module is already integrated into the browser. But if you use Firefox, Chamelion or an old version of Opera, then you will have to install an additional flash player from here.

2. Geographic restrictions

When you try to open a video, the message "video is not available in your country or region" appears.

Users or the YouTube administration sometimes specifically close records for residents of certain countries or regions. A striking example is the Crimea. You can get around this limitation by using a proxy server or special browser extensions that redirect all user traffic through servers in different countries of the world. From myself, I can offer an excellent solution - the Browsec plugin.

By doing this, you can also exclude the option of blocking the portal by your provider.

3. YouTube site unavailable

When, when trying to access a video hosting service, the error "Web page is not available" is displayed and you cannot access YouTube from the browser, and other sites open without problems - first of all try to do this using another Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.

If this step did not help and the site is still unavailable, first of all it is worth checking if there is anything superfluous in the system hosts file. To do this, go to the folder:

C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Drivers \ Etc

It will contain the Hosts file, which must be opened with notepad:

If it contains a line containing the address, feel free to delete it and check the access to the service. Usually this is the solution. After that, it is recommended to check Windows with a good antivirus with up-to-date databases, since such entries in the Host file indicate viral activity.

But sometimes the opposite effect happens - the browser does not go to YouTube because the site is blocked by the computer's security system. At some point, suspicious traffic came from the side of the portal, which was blocked for some time. It is easy to check this - pause the antivirus and firewall for a while and see if the Youtube login has become available again.

If the antivirus is really blocking the site, try adding its web address to the exclusions.

P.S .: If none of the tips helped and you still can't go to YouTube - check if other sites are available at all. If you also have problems with them, check if the use of the Proxy server is not enabled by the case. In Windows 10, you can do this in the section Options >> Network & Internet >> Proxies:

In most cases, the use of an additional server should be disabled, unless the Internet access is really organized through a Proxy (large home networks or networks of companies and enterprises).

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