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What appeared before android or ios. Which is better android or iPhone? Game and applications in the App Store and Google Play Market

Numerous controversies on the topic of Android vs iOS will never subside, apparently. The armies of fans of the two operating systems never tire of praising their favorite mobile platforms, throwing mud at their opponents in every possible way. In disputes where the most unthinkable arguments are presented, the truth is poorly visible. Therefore, we will try to consider the features of the two operating systems and identify their strengths and weaknesses... What will we be looking at in our review?

  • Stability of two operating systems;
  • Technical features of devices on the above OS;
  • Distinctive features of both platforms.

After reading this impartial review, you will be able to draw your own conclusions and decide on the choice of platform when buying a smartphone or tablet.

Stability of work

Trying to answer the question of which is better, Android or iOS, you need to find out how the development of both platforms is carried out and how these platforms are integrated into digital devices... Apple products have a big plus in this regard - they only make iPhones and iPads, while releasing their own operating system for them. Thanks to this, developers have the opportunity to "lick" the system and make it incredibly stable.

The iOS operating system is not used on devices from other manufacturers and does not adapt to them... Therefore, there is perfect compatibility with the hardware of our own production. This leads to a decrease in errors in the operating system code, to stable operation of the equipment and to practically complete absence any conflicts (software or hardware).

As for the Android operating system, it is installed on thousands of devices. Manufacturers adjust source for their often unbalanced devices, which is why users face many problems:

  • With unexpected system freezes;
  • With unstable work of smartphones and tablets;
  • With unstable applications.

That is, Android is universal system for many devices, but it is this versatility that causes the lack of stability. The system itself is very stable, but the lack of thorough testing with hardware (unlike Apple) leads to errors and glitches.

The exceptions are flagships and expensive smartphones from well-known brands. Here we see a careful selection of hardware components, the perfect adaptation of the Android operating system to the selected hardware, the stability of the gadgets and the stability of the software. By choosing flagship smartphones, which are close in cost to iPhone smartphones on iOS, we get balanced devices that do not differ in stability from Apple products.

The same applies to tablet computers. flagship line from many well-known manufacturers mobile devices- they work fast and very stable.

Software and how it works

Continuing iOS comparison and Android, consider the features of the software on these platforms. There are a lot of Android devices, they differ in processors, GPUs, quantity random access memory, screen size and many other factors. There are also differences in the operation of devices running on different chips - for example, from Qualcomm or from MediaTek (the latter are installed in budget gadgets).

This abundance leads to the fact that developers have to solve a lot of problems with the compatibility of "hardware" and software. An application that works correctly on one smartphone may not work at all on another device. And the developers will have to make every effort to sort out the problem. This is impossible on Apple devices - everything in the AppStore will work stably. This is another advantage of devices such as the iPhone or iPad.

Let's clarify - buying top smartphones and Android tablets, you can count on more than stable work applications. In addition, the flagship models have a solid performance headroom.

App Stores

When comparing iOS and Android, we will not measure the number of applications in the stores of both platforms in pieces. We'll just mention the fact that there are a lot of free applications for the Android operating system, while in the AppStore you have to pay for literally every more or less serious application. Therefore, in this regard, mobile Android platform pulls forward.

As for the abundance of applications for performing any tasks, there is practically nothing to compare here - the stores of both platforms are full of software for any occasion.

Communication with the outside world

Which is better - Android or iOS? Both platforms have advantages, so it's simply not possible to answer this question unambiguously. Therefore, we will continue to consider the features of both systems - let's talk about communication abilities. Devices running Android and iOS operating systems are able to access the Internet via Wi-Fi networks and through mobile networks(2G, 3G and 4G).

But with Bluetooth, things are not so smooth. The Bluetooth modules in iOS devices are designed to connect wireless headsets as well as for the iPhone to work as a modem or connection smart watch. You won't be able to transfer contacts or files here... As for Android devices, the functionality of Bluetooth modules in them is not limited. You can easily exchange files with other smartphones and gadgets, connect various devices, transfer contacts. Also allowed using bluetooth for a communication channel in some game applications.

Computer sync and file transfer

Connecting to a computer and syncing are entering the ring of war Android vs iOS. What do you need to upload music, movies or clips with hard disk into your Android smartphone? Yes, almost nothing - connect the device to the computer, select the desired folder and upload to it required files ... That is, Android devices are defined as the most common removable media.

Upload files to iOS devices using regular file manager will not work - they are not perceived by computers as removable drives... To upload files, you must use a special iTunes app... It is also used to download purchased videos and music from Apple's branded multimedia store. That is, we cannot come to visit someone, connect a smartphone to a computer and download the content we like - it is imperative to use iTunes (which may not appear on someone else's computer).

But with the help of iTunes, it is convenient to create backups and update software in gadgets. In the case of Android devices, you should use branded applications from developers or look for universal software. But the owners of Android devices do not need any programs for the simplest file uploading.

ITunes is very handy for syncing data, purchasing content, and working with applications. But the inability to use iOS devices as removable media somewhat darkens the delights of iTunes.

Firmware and Updates

Why iOS better android? Yes, if only because iOS is regularly updated, and these updates are available to absolutely all owners of Apple devices. As far as Android is concerned, it's not all that simple. The operating system itself is updated regularly, only the manufacturers are responsible for providing these updates to their users. They check the compatibility of devices with new versions of the OS, modify the software and only then offer it to users.

As a result, we get:

  • The latest software on all iOS devices (at least for users who agree to install the update);
  • Lack of Android updates on cheap smartphones from little-known brands;
  • Availability of Android updates only on expensive and top-end devices.

If the manufacturer has released cheap smartphone for 4-5 thousand rubles, then he will not deal with the release of updates - it is expensive, long and unprofitable (and not always possible on cheap and unbalanced hardware). Moreover, new models appear every month, and no one will release so many updates for each model. Even Samsung, known for its customer care, doesn't bother with updates for its youngest smartphones and tablets. But they are for the more expensive segment (from 12-13 thousand rubles).

It would seem that Android devices have lost here. But no matter how it is! Custom modified firmwares are released for Android smartphones and tablets, which is incredibly happy for technically competent users who like to expose their gadgets to the most unthinkable bullying. And literally every user who understands the appropriate instructions can install the firmware they like - this is a plus.

Differences in device costs

The high cost of iOS devices is one of the factors that prevent most people from purchasing these gadgets. The cheapest are outdated iPhones and iPad, sold in some stores or simply by hand - usually sales are organized when new versions of equipment appear... As of the end of November 2017, the cost of a silver iPhone 6s with 16 GB of memory is from 25,000 rubles, an iPhone 8 with 64 Gb - from 46,000 rubles. If you do not chase the latest models, you can take a closer look at the iPhone 5s with 16 GB of memory - its cost at the same time is 13,000 rubles.

The cheapest tablet in official store Apple is Apple iPad mini 4 with 128 GB of memory, which will cost 29,990 rubles. For iPad Pro 10.5 inches with Wi-Fi and 64 Gb, you have to pay 46,990 rubles.

In the Android realm, prices are lower. For example, the cheapest Android smartphone costs about 4-5 thousand rubles. But in this case, one cannot count on high-speed performance, reliability and powerful functionality. More or less decent models cost around 12-17 thousand rubles. - available for this money Samsung smartphone Galaxy A5... And this smartphone is going to be pretty fast, no matter what iOS fans say. Smartphones from lesser known brands are cheaper - for example, powerful smartphone Xiaomi Redmi note 4 4/64 Gb can be purchased for only 14 thousand rubles.

There are also interesting offers on the market from brands such as Lenovo, Meizu, Huawei, Sony and Asus. Android tablets are no less affordable. If you want to get devices that are not inferior in stability to smartphones on iOS, you should take a closer look at such models as Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Galaxy S6, LG G4 and flagships from well-known Chinese brands.

Differences in memory

IOS devices are equipped with 16-256 GB of memory. And no expansion is provided here - there are no slots for memory cards... If the free space suddenly runs out, you will need to look for some way out of the situation. For example, take a closer look at cloud storage or to external wireless hard drives... You can also upload unnecessary data to your computer's hard drive (if you have one).

For device owners on Android is easier- most of them are equipped with slots for microSD memory cards. Depending on the maximum supported card size, the capacity of a smartphone can be expanded by 1-128 GB (this is the range of capacities of commercially available memory cards). If your smartphone supports cards up to 64 GB, you can purchase a card of the specified size and install it in the slot. Need to more memory? Buy two cards at once and carry them in your everyday bag.

Some Android devices still lack slots for memory cards, since they are quite thick, and in the world of mobile devices, a race is underway for minimum thickness gadgets. To reduce the thickness, dual slots for SIM cards and memory cards are used.

Android devices are good because they provide the ability to install applications on memory cards. This saves a faster-acting inner memory, while in iOS devices there is no way to install a micro-SD card at all. IOS owners might argue that they don't need it, but where do the queries come from regarding the expandability of the iPhone's memory? And really unlimited and high-speed mobile internet to fully use cloud services, in Russia there is simply no.

In addition, some Android devices are equipped with OTG support. This means that we can connect external media to these devices via the micro-USB port. On sale there are adapters for standard "flash drives", as well as special "flash drives" with a standard micro-USB connector. Therefore, the owners of such devices do not have problems with expanding memory.

In addition to the ability to connect "flash drives" and install memory cards, owners of Android devices are not deprived of the opportunity to use cloud services and wireless hard drives... This allows you to expand the memory for storing data to incredible sizes (up to several terabytes).

Setting a ringtone

This operation is familiar to everyone who has ever held in their hands mobile phone... In order to set your favorite melody to a call, you need to download it from the Internet, call the file properties and define it as a ringtone for a call. It is also possible to set the downloaded melody as a ringtone for a specific group of subscribers. Of course, owners of devices over iOS have the ability to set their own ringtone. But here the whole point lies in the implementation of this opportunity.

On Android, we can set any melodies to the call... In devices over iOS, we need iTunes - here we choose the right melody, we trim it, translate it into another format, synchronize it. Do you feel how much more body movements are needed for such a simple operation?

Android devices unconditionally win by the ease of installing their own ringtones - ringtones are set in the same way even in the simplest push-button handsets.

Voice assistants

TV screens teach us how to communicate with the voice assistant from Google, which is activated by the phrase "Okay Google". The assistant is really interesting, but not very functional. He knows how to set alarms, show the weather forecast, work with reminders and maps. But with Siri, you can talk in almost human language. And the functionality of this assistant is more impressive. So iOS and Android devices are the leaders in the battle this time around - Siri has bypassed Google Now.

And even the appeared assistant Alice from Yandex has not yet been able to bypass Siri.

Functionality and performance

A further comparison of iOS and Android brings us to the offensive fact for Android device owners - whatever you say, iOS devices work incredibly flawlessly. It is worth calling some function - and it immediately appears on the screen. Android smartphones and tablets often freeze and think about something. This is especially true for models from the cheap and middle segment. To get rid of the "brakes", applications for clearing memory are downloaded on Android - they allow you to partially restore the speed of gadgets.

As for smartphones on iOS, then they really work without annoying users with their slowness... It is worth calling the phone book - and it immediately appears on the screen. Installed the application - and you can be sure that it will work. And this applies to everything that smartphones and tablets on iOS can do.

However, high speed many modern Android devices can boast. The same smartphones from Xiaomi show excellent performance.

Flexibility and personalization

The Android operating system is distinguished by its flexibility in settings. Here you can customize literally everything to your liking. Take a look at the settings section - you will find dozens of checkboxes and switches. Users have access to customization of the screen, flexible configuration of accounts, tools for developers and advanced users are also implemented here.

IOS devices also have various settings, but there are not so many of them. Therefore, there are obvious problems with fine tuning in iOS. Change appearance desktop, choose a different display of shortcuts, completely change the current launcher - for devices on Android OS, all this is more than possible.

In the shop Play Market Hundreds of applications for personalizing smartphones and tablets are presented, thanks to which each user will be able to give their smartphone or tablet at least some individuality. Not even available on iOS devices third party keyboards, of which more than a dozen have been written for Android.

What can be personalized on iOS? Practically nothing, except to set a different background image.

Installing third-party applications

Some apps never hit AppStore stores and the Play Market without going through the moderators for various reasons. Therefore, many developers publish applications only on their sites. To install the software, you need to download it from one source or another, and then install it into the operating system. In smartphones and tablets on Android, the installation of applications from external sources is possible only after checking the “ unknown sources" in settings. On iOS devices, installing software from third party sources impossible.

In order to be able to install applications from third-party sources on iOS, you need to jailbreak - this operation will remove many restrictions from Apple tablets and smartphones.

Such a strange closedness of the iOS operating system (you cannot install applications, limited Bluetooth functionality, and much more) is very easily explained - it is to ensure the safety of users. For example, by agreeing to install apps from dubious sources, Android device owners expose their data to theft. On iOS, installation third-party software is impossible, and everything that gets into the AppStore is carefully checked - the level of security and data integrity is quite high.

Final conclusions

Concluding the comparison between iOS and Android, it should be said that both OS have full right for existence. Only they are designed for two completely different audiences. Those who have no time to deal with the functionality will choose an iPhone or iPad - here users will find impeccable performance and instant response to various actions ... Restrictions for such users are not scary and not important, since it is more important to be able to use smart technology and not get nervous because of some failures and "brakes".

Do not like any restrictions and stand up for freedom when working with gadgets? Do you like tinkering with tech and applications? Do you like reflashing everything from smartphones to irons? Then Android devices are for you. But even among them there are differences - low-end or mid-range devices are suitable for unassuming users and geek techies, and for business people - models from the upper segment (flagships).

The iOS operating system is more closed, but also more secure. It was created for those who value convenience and detail worked out to the smallest detail. As for Android, this operating system is appreciated for its openness and flexibility - an excellent platform for experimentation.

With each new release, the two most popular mobile platforms are increasingly reminiscent of each other. Simple borrowing and creative reworking of the rival's achievements has long ceased to bother either Google or Apple. However, both the iOS and Android operating systems have big number ardent supporters, many of whom, however, will not be able to immediately name the advantages of "their" OS.

It is worth trying to figure out why one OS is fundamentally better than another. Let's consider the features of Android and iOS, let's leave the advantages and disadvantages of specific devices overboard. Today, all attention is paid to the "apple" operating system. How does it stand out on android background? Does she have enough arguments to attract supporters of the "green robot"?

1. App Store. No matter how hard Google tries to catch up with Apple in terms of quantity quality applications while the App Store remains the most enjoyable catalog of programs. The point is not that more applications are available for iOS - in terms of quantity, Apple's mobile directory, on the contrary, lags behind Google. We are talking about the quality of the store in general and software in particular.

Apple is fairly strict in checking the content that developers want to put on the online store. Thanks to this, there is no wild amount of "trash" in the App Store and, frankly, malware... Almost all mobile viruses today they are lodged on Android gadgets. Of course, not all of them spread through Google play, but these are already questions to the system itself for distributing applications in different operating systems.

In addition, it just so happened that similar program for iOS and Android can vary greatly in quality. Most of the owners of Android devices have faced this problem. In addition, many programs are primarily released specifically for iOS.

No matter how defended Google's supporters of its mobile platform, the fact remains: if you need the latest programs, the most functional, stable and convenient, iOS is still out of competition.

2. Convenience and ease of use. Seasoned owners of Android phones are sure that there is nothing simpler than "combines" under the control of a "green robot". Like, who cannot deal with him in five minutes is a fool. Maybe so, but there is no escape from reality - it is easier for children and the elderly to understand the structure of the iOS menu than to delve into the wilds of Android.

One hardware button and no main, contextual and other menus. No extra keys, no backtracking, or, what good, a menu with additional functions... For an advanced user, all these arguments are unlikely to be relevant, but for those who are just starting to master smartphones, acquaintance with the brainchild of Apple is easier and faster.

There is, however, one "but". As they approach each other, both systems adopt both positive and negative traits from each other. The latest version of iOS "pleased" users with a number of errors, complicated settings and unstable work. Simplification of the Android interface is solved through the use of third-party skins. Nevertheless, Apple's platform out-of-the-box is so far superior to its competitor in terms of ease of use.

3. Support for new versions of OS. A weighty and one of the most serious advantages of iOS is that the new version of the OS can be installed even on smartphones that came out three or four years ago. An unacceptable luxury for Android!

Even the Nexus line, for which updates are released most quickly, cannot boast such long-term support. What can we say about countless manufacturers, including top vendors, who are in no hurry to transfer both budget and flagship models to the current version of the OS.

At the moment, about 80% of all operating Apple devices work on iOS 10. Only 16% of devices remain on iOS 9 and only 5% use more early versions this platform.

Compare with the mess in the Android camp. Slightly less than 8 months from the date of release current version Nougat is installed on less than 5% of smartphones and tablets. The previous Marshmallow is used by 31% of users and the same number - by the even more ancient Lollipop. Every tenth device is still hobbled on the Jelly Bean sample already in 2012 (the time of the iPhone 5).

4. Lack of extra preinstalled software. Three browsers, two third-party app stores, antivirus, a non-working support service, several useless "readers", any of the numerous Office with a 10-day subscription, heels of primitive games, clients of Chinese social networks and, without fail, a program to clean up memory. All this heap of unnecessary and often hard-to-remove junk has long become an integral attribute of many Android tablets and smartphones, especially in the budget and middle segments.

Some manufacturers seem to be trying to compensate for the lack of their own shell, clogging the device drive with an insane amount of "junk" software. On iOS - only necessary minimum applications, unnecessary can be easily removed from the desktop. For everything else, welcome to the App Store. And it is right. Let the user decide for himself how to use the free space of the built-in memory, and not shovel through forums and file jams in order to get root-rights.

5. Soft "goodies". Despite mutual borrowing, functional advantages remain in the arsenal of iOS and Android. The same 3D Touch capabilities, which allow literally in one click to call a favorite contact or add a photo to Instagram or VKontakte, is a very convenient thing.

Signs are extremely useful function Continuity can also be found in Android, but still it is Apple that has so far been the most successful in implementing the ability to continue working in programs when switching from iOS devices to a computer and vice versa. You can fully experience the possibilities in the OS last generations... Started writing a letter on Mac? You can add it to your iPhone somewhere along the way. And this applies not only to mail, but also to other built-in applications - Safari, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, "Maps", "Reminders" and "Calendar". You can receive calls on the iPad even if the iPhone is in another room somewhere. You can also receive and send SMS via a tablet or computer.

AirDrop allows Apple device owners to share content with just a couple of taps. A kind of analogue of a Bluetooth connection, only simplified, with more high speed and without unnecessary gestures with searching, entering passwords and other obscenities.

WITH using AirPlay you can play content from one iOS device to another. Again, it all works in a few touches, without third party applications and dancing with a tambourine around DLNA-compatible devices.

Of course, everything listed in this paragraph is, to one degree or another, realizable in Android. However, for this you will have to tinker a lot with the settings, third-party programs and utilities, spend a lot of time and effort. Moreover, it is not a fact that in the end something workable will turn out.

Many copies and destinies were broken during the fierce skirmishes of fans of one camp with another. However, the point in the discussion is still not put. Both systems have overgrown with a lot of cool features, are buggy about equal, and smartphones themselves cost a lot by today's standards. In general, I propose to discuss which system is better in 2018: iOS or Android.


Until 2014, I preferred the iPhone and for a reason. It was impossible to look at Android of those times without tears.

Since the end of 2014, prices for all electronics have risen markedly, and Apple devices have become inaccessible to the average Russian without a loan or installment plan. Therefore, the focus of my interests has shifted strongly towards Android devices. Fortunately, after the release of "candy" (Android 5.0), using smartphones has become much more pleasant. In those days, I held iPhones in my hands about once a year, at the time of the release of a new generation. Reviews for the sake of coming soon.

Android around that time

And just recently, I made an attempt to move tightly to iOS and in particular. Looking ahead, I can say that the move was a success on the whole. Therefore, today I will tell you which ones iOS advantages what is missing in the system after Android and vice versa. If possible, I will be objective, but you can always accuse me of being shortsighted, crooked-handed and, of course, venality in the comments.

We meet there after the review. Let's go!

What pleased

Collected iOS chips which came in handy after switching from Android.


It was already the fourth year since the release of the vibration motor Taptic Engine... However, no Android smartphone still offers anything quite as pleasant in terms of vibration. There is something remotely similar, but even up to 6S it is still far from it.

The best part is that vibration works wherever you can select or scroll something. It doesn't matter whether it's a regular alarm clock or some obscure timer app from the App Store.

On some devices with a "green robot" default vibration is relatively good. But as soon as you open a third-party application and you stumble upon a disgusting darkness.

Google Pixel 2 XL

The most surprising thing is that there is no development on the part of competitors in this direction.


If you are the owner of a Windows computer, then it's a sin for you to complain. But for us, Mac breeders, it is very difficult to live in tandem with Android.

You can forget about connecting your smartphone via cable and using it as a flash drive - macOS simply does not see your smartphone.

You need to install either bulky software from the manufacturer (Samsung Kies, HTC Sync Manager, etc.), or use poor alternatives like Android File transfer... On the development of the latter, Google generally scored.

Synchronization of Mac and iOS works decorously and nobly. Still would! Photos can be quickly thrown through the very cool Photo program, and all other issues are resolved in iTunes. The latter, by the way, is an infinitely convenient combine for working with music, films and other multimedia. I just need to connect the iPhone via cable once, put literally 2-3 checkboxes and everything is ready. In the future, synchronization will take place via Wi-Fi or via iCloud. I bought a track on my computer, and after a couple of minutes it is already in my smartphone.

I don’t know why Google still hasn’t come up with anything like this for syncing their devices with a desktop PC. After all, a sample of how everything should work has long been there. iTunes was before Android!


Apple's cloud was not a revelation for me in terms of classic features. Contacts, notes, calendars, mail - all this is very quickly synchronized between Android devices.

iCloud is really good and unique for specific things. Usually they are collectively referred to as "ecosystem". And below are the lovely and comfortable parts of it.


A gorgeous gimmick that just works. On your computer, you copied the text and then pasted it on your iPhone. There are no crutches like sending text to yourself in Telegram to your smartphone. There is nothing to set up even the first time, everything is ready to go as soon as you enter your Apple ID on Mac and iPhone.

iPhone scanner

A colleague writes to the mail with a request to urgently send a scan of his passport. What if you work in a cafe where there is no scanner? That's what.

You click on the laptop desktop, select "Import from iPhone" and then "Scan documents". The smartphone screen immediately lights up, you take a photo, and a PDF document appears on the computer. You can send it to a colleague by mail.

Magic not only available to Muggles

Here you have an iPhone and you bought AirPods. He took the last ones out of the box, opened the case and ... oh, miracle! The headphones and the iPhone became friends.

I didn't do anything at all to set up the connection. Everything started on its own, without my participation. And everything is immediately ready to go.

How it all looks on Android. You unpack your Bluetooth headphones, hold the power button for 6 seconds, go to settings, look for a new wireless device, poke at it, wait for a connection request. Sometimes you also need to enter a security code. The latter is a separate file. The security code often consists of four zeros. Seriously? The code? Security ?!

In general, a whole adventure that iPhone owners successfully pass.

Universal cards

Recently I bought in one new store for myself. At the checkout I was offered to issue a cumulative discount card, I agreed. After a letter fell in my mail from my electronic card, which automatically fell into my iPhone, straight into the Wallet application. The rest of my loyalty cards are also there. Isn't it cool?

Yes, I know that Android has similar applications but these are all crutches for three simple reasons.

Firstly, the applications are not standard, but from third-party developers. I am much safer that my personal data and the cards themselves are stored in Apple, and not on the servers of unknown guys from Successful Young Startup Supported by Chubais LLC.

Secondly, loyalty cards are distributed electronically in only one format - suitable for the Wallet app on iOS. This is true for restaurants, airlines, and movie theaters all over the world. Nothing is as universal for Android.

And thirdly, Wallet support will not end in a year. And all because the service is provided by a very large and well-known manufacturer. Actually, Apple. Anatoly Borisovich alone knows what will be the co-developers from Successful Startup with the Support of Chubais. Or maybe he doesn't know.

Face ID and security

I don’t know how much higher the protection actually is when scanning a face than when scanning a fingerprint (Apple says that at times), but what the manufacturers of devices on Android do is beyond comparison.

As a rule, smartphones with a "green robot" can boast face recognition only through front camera... The latter is much easier to deceive than thousands of dots projected onto the face by a special projector and read by another sensor. This is how Face ID works reliably.


Or rather, its absence. It's amazing, but even a year later, not a single Android smartphone has managed to completely get rid of the strip under the screen. Even fierce frameless like Oppo Find X have it.


One of the biggest advantages of iOS. Imagine iPhone 5S owners who bought their devices in 2013 (5 years ago) can install iOS 12 - the latest system from Apple. And this is not just a number in the settings. There are indeed many innovations in the system, most of which will work even on a five-year 5S. An unthinkable deadline for any Android smartphone.

And yes, I know there is Xiaomi, which is updating MIUI even for its very first smartphones. The only difference is that, apart from the numbers in the "About phone" section, nothing changes in the devices - new functions are either severely limited on older devices, or they are simply not there.

Optional things

There are several chips here, the convenience and real necessity of which is extremely doubtful.

Fast charging

Availability fast charging for the iPhone is not as critical as for the flagship on Android. I explain.

The same one is relatively quickly charged from a standard 1 amp power supply. After all, a 2,716 mAh battery is not as large a capacity as 4,000 "swings" in some one. For the latter, quick replenishment of such a voluminous battery is really critical.

In addition, my ten has no problem living a full day without the need to recharge. Therefore, I personally do not need a quick charge replenishment in 15-20 minutes.


Yes, you still can't transfer anything via Bluetooth to your iPhone. But tell me please ... why the hell are you transmitting something via Bluetooth in 2018? Seriously! Describe your scenario in the comments.

If you need to convey something, then most likely it is something pirated. Ata-ta for this, comrades!

What's missing after Android

After all, Android has certain things that I miss. Here are a few of them.

Dual SIM

The biggest and most critical for me on this moment flaw in the iPhone. Having bought almost any Android smartphone, I can insert my personal and work SIM cards into it. With the iPhone, I'm limited to only one card slot.

And yes, I can't offer Chinese (only Max, if that). I understand that the hucksters from the top have finally got a trump card, thanks to which they will be able to earn much more than usual. But still, this is not my option. Need official support, certification and so on. And then, overpay for even useful option 10 thousand rubles or more is not my option.


With the release of iOS 12, notifications can now be kept in check, customized from the lock screen, and more. Very good!

But I miss the other. Ability to turn off screen backlight when receiving a notification. Either you leave the notification, and the screen will always light up, or you turn off the notification completely. Accordingly, you do not know about new messages either.

Always on display

An amazingly convenient feature that is found in so many flagships on Android with an AMOLED screen. Let me remind you that in such displays, only individual pixels can burn - the same ones that line up in tiny notification, time and date icons. In this way helpful information always hangs on the screen. And the option itself eats up about 5% of the charge per day - nonsense!

I am sure that the constantly included iPhone screen when receiving the next notification, it eats the charge much more willingly.

Light-emitting diode

If not Always on Display, then at least he. But no.

I never thought before moving to iOS how much it is useful feature... To find out if there are new messages on the iPhone, you need to pick up the latter and turn on the screen. On Android, this is indicated by an LED. I entered the room, looked at my smartphone, the indicator is off, which means there are no new messages and there is no need to approach the device. Conveniently!


And now the most important comparison is prices. We will only discuss the "white" story, because it reveals the picture best of all.

Any average iPhone costs more than a competitor from the Android camp with plus or minus the same functionality and capabilities. It is a fact.

  • you can buy in the minimum configuration for 69,990 rubles
  • the minimum cost is 96,990 rubles

The difference of 27 thousand rubles is quite noticeable. However, this top solutions... There are cheaper options on the market, for example, from previous generations.

  • Samsung Galaxy S8 +, which was released in 2017, now costs 49,990 rubles
  • for a one-year-old in the same configuration they ask for 54,990 rubles

There is a difference, but not so critical, isn't it? This is the point.

Now almost anything can be done on both an Android smartphone and an iOS. There are very few tasks that can be solved only on one system and nothing can be done on another. Nevertheless, many things on iOS are implemented a little more conveniently and elegantly. And just for this "little bit" sometimes it costs the same 27 thousand rubles, if we take into account the flagships, or five thousand in the case of last year's devices.

01. Availability

The iPhone has always been one of the most expensive smartphones on the market. 5s with an overseas contract for 2 years costs $ 200, without a contract - $ 650. The 5C is $ 100 cheaper, but the price still bites.

In recent years, Microsoft has accustomed to a wide range of Windows handsets, and now Samsung, ZTE, LG, Lenovo, Huawei and others will make handsets for "mobile windows" instead of a single Nokia. This means more coverage, more variety.

However, in terms of scale and flexibility, Android has no rivals. Android handsets are made by almost everyone who is associated with the smartphone market, and here you can always choose an option from "very cheap" to "I don't have that much money." And for a huge number of free applications in PlayMarket, Google gets +5 karma.

02. Interface

For the sake of fashion on flat design the interface of all three platforms now differs little from each other. However, Android has one advantage - skins and widgets from manufacturers and third-party developers, which greatly change the face of the system.

After Android release L with its concept of "material design", the platform promises to become more coherent, but it is not yet clear how a single animation for the system and third-party applications will look like, and how developers will like the idea of ​​"material design".

After the release of the 7th iOS version, the system looks very solid and modern. The new animation adds depth to the design and is as easy to learn as it was 7 years ago. But the problems remained the same - the system still tires the eyes, but the unnecessary animation can now at least be turned off.

Windows Phone is based on a system of "tiles", the size and function of which are easy to customize to the user. Everything works the same as on a PC, but without the usual desktop. Compared to Android and iOS system looks very stylish, but at the same time clumsy.

03. Applications

Everything is very simple here - Windows is swallowing dust on the sidelines, iOS is ahead of everyone else, Android is catching up. Compare the number of applications for the systems:

  • iOS 1.2 million
  • Android 1.2 million
  • Windows Phone - 245 thousand.

In terms of quantity, we see parity, but as for quality ... iOS has always been the most convenient platform for developers, and given Apple’s dislike of pirates, it’s not surprising that it was here that the future hits among games and applications came out in the first place. And only then did they move to Android. However, Android continues to grow and tries to take its toll with free apps. Yes, and exclusive software for the system in Lately comes out a lot more.

04. App Store

None of the stores are 100% convenient and sometimes to find desired application, you have to filter through a large sieve of links and recommendations. However, in the AppStore, the recommendation function still works better. But the Windows Store in this regard lags far behind both.

05. Alternative to the app store

On Android, everything is very simple: the application can be downloaded directly from the market, installed from a computer (although then you can pick up an unknown infection) or use one of third-party stores of which there are a great many. Apple and Windows, on the other hand, openly oppose third-party stores. Therefore, if you want to have room to maneuver, then the scales tilt towards Android.

06. Battery

The short battery life is a headache for both users and manufacturers. But it is rather difficult to determine who is better and who is worse, since we do not have the opportunity to compare all three systems using the same method. IOS is considered to have a more balanced power system, but Windows and Android benefit from more capacious batteries, which are now put by every second manufacturer. In addition, in Android you can see a detailed graph of the battery life and find out which application consumes how much energy. In addition, many manufacturers provide their phones with special power saving modes that can disable applications or reduce overall system power consumption.

Windows Phone also has save and kill modes. unnecessary applications, Apple can draw the most advanced battery consumption charts, but iOS is sorely lacking in saving mode. This is especially noticeable in the 7th version of iOS, the gluttony of which unpleasantly surprised during the tests.

07. System update

All three are updated on a regular basis, releasing small patches and larger patches almost every couple of months. Unlike Google, Microsoft and Apple are following much more closely. software so it's easier for them to release updates. Every year Apple "leaves behind" a couple of old devices, but they still have better support than Microsoft and Google. For example, devices on Windows Phone 7 cannot update to 8, but Android has a different problem - if you do not have a Nexus device, then you have to depend on vendors who, although they regularly update their firmware, periodically leave out some then from older devices.

08. Whistle-fakes

All operating systems have their advantages, but here Android is ahead. To customize the shell, you can change the firmware, install the launcher, change the lock screen, shuffle widgets and resize shortcuts. Windows only knows how to resize tiles and change the color scheme, iOS has enough pretty widgets, but the binding to the notification center is tiresome. On the keyboard side, Android has tons of alternatives like Swype, SwiftKey, and Fleksy, and Microsoft and Apple have only recently started to let third-party developers get involved in keyboard development.

09. Hacking

Rooting and hacking is more of a geek feature and you have to tinker with it. In exchange, you get the functions of the "god of the smartphone" with the ability to uninstall and install any applications, change device settings, as well as receive OS updates without waiting for the smartphone manufacturer to do so.

Apple and Microsoft disapprove of this approach, but Google is not even against it. Nevertheless, it is almost possible to jailbreak - on Windows Phone a good half of the tubes “break”, and for iOS there is such a procedure as jailbreak, which allows you to install applications from outside the AppStore.

10. Calls and SMS

All three are good here. Google is integrating a standard dialer with Hangouts, which means that you can make free calls, text messages and make video calls without third-party software. on iOS, Facetime and iMessage do exactly the same thing, and Microsoft has its own serious answer in the form of Skype.

Skype works on all platforms, Hangouts does not work on Windows Phone, and Facetime and iMessage are only friends with iOS and Mac OS X. As for email, everything is exactly the same: standard mail clients are convenient for all three, however iOS and Android allow you to change them to third-party developments. But this is not critical.

11. Accessories

Here Apple is ahead of the rest - a million and one piece of a variety of gadgets and accessories of varying degrees of usefulness has been invented for the iPhone and iPad. But devices on Android and Windows Phone cannot boast of constancy in terms of dimensions and hardware, therefore big choice only have top models like the Samsung Galaxy S5. On the other hand, Apple continues to abandon the transition to the MicroUSB standard, due to which the loss of a cable may become the real problem, and recharging the smartphone "on the side" promises to turn into an exciting quest.

12. Cloud services

While Google drive and Microsoft OneDrive give the user 15 GB for free, Apple iCloud limited to only 5 GB. The prices are also not encouraging: Google Drive asks for $ 2 per month ($ 24 per year) for 150 GB, Microsoft charges $ 50 for 100 GB for a year, but Apple's tax is $ 100 per year for just 50 GB.

13. Backing up photos

Google+ or Photoshop on Android will automatically save your photo and video library to the cloud. And Google+ works on both iOS and Windows Phone. But iOS only saves photos from the last 30 days (or the last thousand) and does not save videos. The 8th version of the system will have a more loyal iCloud Photo Library, but unlike Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, it will not have 15 GB, but only 5 GB. It is also worth adding that Google Drive gives unlimited backup for files with standard resolution, but for full-size photos you have to fork out.

14. Voice assistant

Siri is more of a simple assistant that works well for calendar planners, web searches, or calls. Google Now goes further if you let it collect data about you. In the long term, it may remind you to buy movie tickets, a birthday present for your grandmother, or inform about the upcoming game of your favorite football team. Cortana does the same thing, but on an even deeper level - it knows how to attach to specific applications or certain people in the contact list and work pointwise. It looks like Microsoft has left the competition behind, Cortana is really a very useful and functional development.

15. Communication

Everyone has standard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but for some reason Apple refused from NFC. But NFC can do fast payments from your phone, share photos, music, contacts or web pages simply by bringing one phone to another. However, on Windows Phone work NFC is lame and will be fixed in version 8.1

16. Security

The "toxic hell stew" vulnerability was heavily embellished by competitors, but it still tarnished Android's reputation in the business community. But you can simply not install applications downloaded from outside the market.

But Apple quickly took root in the US corporate market, taking a piece of the BlackBerry pie. Therefore, he devotes much more resources to the issue of security. An example is the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5S. In addition, iOS users receive updates earlier than most Android users. As for Windows Phone, it is much less popular in business and, accordingly, less susceptible to virus attacks.

17. Maps and navigation

Everything here is not as straightforward as you might think. All three platforms have good, detailed and convenient maps, all three are able to work offline, draw up routes to points, get accurate estimates based on traffic density, and much more. But Google maps there is Google Maps, yet it is more detailed and detailed than maps from Apple and Microsoft.

18. Camera

This is another great example of Apple getting the most out of its product. In terms of megapixels, the iPhone 5S was often inferior to flagships on Android or Windows Phone, but due to the work with details, the iPhone camera still remains the best. As for standard applications, all three platforms have competent solutions, but if you approach the photo at a jump and do not go into the settings, then Apple again takes away the holiday cake. On Android, there are more variations of software from manufacturers, there are both excellent camera options and frankly bad ones, but on any day of the week we would not hesitate to take an application from Apple.

19. Ease of use

All three platforms are intuitive and easy to learn, whether you are even a hardened geek or a century-old grandfather. Android has special software and add-ons that simplify the system interface. Both from third-party developers and from manufacturers like Samsung. It was also believed that the Android interface is more confusing than iOS, but this is not true. If you don’t want to dive into a pool with settings, then you don’t need to - every system works great right out of the box. But Windows Phone without additional settings even slightly more convenient than competitors.


A drum roll sounds, the judges have summed up the votes and are ready to announce the result. So: In the overall standings, Android scores 8 points, iOS - 6 points, Windows Phone - 1 point. But instead of being awarded a medal and a glass of champagne, let's clarify the situation a little: in fact, all three platforms have much more similarities than differences, and each is good in its own way. And when choosing a platform, first of all, you need to take into account those factors that are important to you.

On the side Android cloud services, many free applications, loyal attitude from the developer and an incredibly wide range of devices. This is also its weakness - often the gap between budget phones and flagships feeds the stereotype that the platform is "slow" and "Android is inconvenient."

Looking at the "victories" of iOS, the platform leaves the impression of being more coherent, there is an impressive library useful applications, a million different accessories and a gorgeous camera. Also in favor of Apple speaks very serious attitude to device security and firmware updates. The disadvantages are the price of the devices, which forms the image of a closed pseudo-elite club, the lack of deeper system settings and expensive cloud services.

Windows Phone is a younger platform, but in terms of convenience it is no worse than Android and iOS. In update 8.1, the platform was noticeably prettier, and innovations like voice Cortana assistant say that they are optimistic about the future. But there is little interesting software on Windows Phone, and this fact is hard to ignore.

Finally, after many beta releases, Apple's new mobile OS is ready for release. date iOS release 12, was named at. Starting September 17 iPhone users and iPad will be able to upgrade to. But users of android devices have been using a new one for more than a month. So now the best time dot the i's, compare the new mobile operating systems. And put eternal question: what better iOS or Android?

Optimization and improvement of the management system

The problem that our gadgets start to work poorly and slowly does not always lie in their malfunction. Very often, this happens due to poor optimization of the applications that we install on our smartphone, and the operating system itself.

The developers are doing everything they can to fix this. As a result, more and more updates are constantly being released, which should make our interactions with our gadgets more comfortable. After all, each new update is, first of all, a more optimized system. What have Apple and Google done to optimize their mobile platforms?

Major improvements in the field of optimization

iOS 12:

  • opening the camera from the locked screen is 70% faster;
  • keyboard opening time was reduced by 50%.

Android 9 Pie:

  • new navigation system of gestures;
  • improved quick settings menu;
  • Always On Display function, now shows not only the time and calendar, but also notifications, weather, etc.

Optimizing battery consumption

Improved optimization makes working with the gadget not only faster, but also has a positive effect on its battery life.

One of the new options Android Pie to manage the charge, it became possible to "freeze" applications that, working in the background, excessively consume battery power. Also appeared new regime Adaptive battery. With its help, the user can learn how to use the smartphone correctly to save energy wisely.

Have new iOS also there are several new properties for the proper use of the smartphone battery. Now everyone can see detailed statistics of battery consumption. As a result, it makes it possible to control the processes for which the most energy is consumed.

Application monitoring

Both Apple and Google have implemented features to monitor application uptime into their operating systems. Thus, the user will be able to find out when and how many applications have worked. On iOS, this option is called Screen Time, on Android - Digital Wellbeing. Both systems determine the usage time of individual applications, the number of notifications received, and the frequency of interactions with those programs.

What are these options for? This is one way to deal with. After all, in this way we can see what we spend the most time on, and set a time limit on the applications we depend on the most. In addition, these options will be useful not only during the day, but also at night. Since, they know how to suppress notifications until the morning. Moreover, Digital Wellbeing discolours the smartphone screen at night. It is assumed that in this way it becomes less attractive to use.


The way we use smartphones depends a lot on how we receive notifications. Fast access to them, this is one of the most important properties of modern gadgets.

Android has been working over the past several years to make the system for receiving and responding to notifications as simple and convenient as possible. As a result, with Pie, this system just got better.

Apple has also worked on customizing notifications. Now the user can choose which notifications he will respond to and which he will ignore. In addition, it is finally possible to group notifications together, as well as remove the Notification Center from the lock screen.

Quick links

One of the important aspects of both new operating systems is the availability of quick links for functions and applications. They are called Slices on Android 9 Pie, and Siri Shortcuts on iOS 12.

Slices appeared inside the application shortcut and offer context-based actions. For example, if you are on the subway every morning and write a message to your mom via WhatsApp on your way to work. Then, over time, your smartphone will start to offer you to send a message to your mom in the morning when you go to work in the subway.

Siri Shortcuts are modeled after Google Assistant's Routines. Thus, the user himself programs the exact commands for the voice assistant, which will perform one or more specific actions.

The best OS is the one that makes you happy

The main difference between the new mobile platforms Google and Apple are the ecosystem that is built around them.

Those who use Mac, HomePod and Apple Watch are unlikely to be able to use anything other than an iPhone. Moreover, after iMessage and FaceTime, it will be difficult to adapt to communicating with loved ones through others. alternative messengers... You will also have to ditch Animoji, Memoji, and group video calls. Moreover, you have to forget about the App Store, with its quality control.

On the other hand, Google uses the opposite strategy to Apple. If iOS is an exclusive club with special rules, then Android embraces everyone. The choice of Android smartphones is endless and well represented in every price segment. Besides, google system allows for freedom of use and customization that iOS will never allow due to its closed and conservative nature.

So there is no winner in the iOS versus Android battle. And when asked what is better than iOS or Android, everyone answers himself. After all, these are two sides of the same coin. Two different roads that lead to the same destination. Despite the fact that these two systems are different, they have one goal: to give us access to the whole world with one touch.

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