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What to blog about to be interesting. Instagram post ideas

Panel color black. Monitor screen white. Flickering cursor. Pim-bim…

If you are a blogger or a regular social media poster, you have probably come across creative crisis. You sit and think - what to write? Hasn't there already been something like this? What is it like to write so that readers are hooked, so that they remember you, so that they are inspired? Especially if you want something unusual, not a simple copy-paste.

How to deal with it: today in this article we will look at several tried and proven techniques for finding ideas to publish on your blog, even in cases where you think that inspiration has long left you.

Step 1. Collect your ideas in one file

The main feature of inspiration is that it is impossible to predict when it will visit you. To collect hay, you need to prepare in advance for the moment when the sun begins to shine. And for this it is impossible to do without at least initial preparations.

Create a file (document or sheet in Excel) with a list of your post ideas. Keep this file in a folder that you will always have access to. For example, in documents on Yandex.Disk.

As soon as it comes to your mind interesting idea for a post, write it down.

Do this every time, and long before you actually work on a post. Then you can compose it, even without having a special mood for it.

Step #2. Steal from others

One of the best ways to find blog post ideas is to tirelessly read competitor blogs. Use feeds (we like FeedReader for example) and subscribe to your favorite blogs, check them once a day to see what's new there.

Feel free to steal ideas that are already working for others. You can learn a lot from the success of such people. Make a thematic series of posts, photos ... - the list is endless! Just do not completely copy someone else's content. It's not cool at all.

Did you read a cool post from your competitors? Add it to your idea file. On a rainy day, when you need a little inspiration, this spark will warm up your inner fire, and new post will appear on its own.

Step #3. Steal from the audience ;)

If the first two steps did not help you, we suggest trying the third! Denis Kaplunov believes that at least great view searching for topics for posts is the so-called consulting session. It is understood as such an Internet marketing tool when a special post is created with the ability to ask any questions in the comments to an expert. Only you will be the expert, or the author of the blog.

Such a post solves several problems at once: firstly, it will give a clear picture of what is on this moment interesting to the audience, secondly, allow you to collect a whole range of issues that are interesting to your readers, and thirdly, increase their loyalty. After all, when you receive an answer from the blog guru, do you also purr something inside?

Step #4: Ask Your Readers

Stupid bloggers go in search of fresh ideas, while smart bloggers let ideas come to them.

Blog ideas can be found by simply scrolling through the feed of comments, replies on Twitter, listening to other people's conversations.

What questions do people have? What do they find difficult or, conversely, very interesting? What are they talking about? What are they not sure about? Ask your readers to tell you what they expect from you, what they want to read about. It sounds too simple, but a catastrophically small number of people do this.

Step #5. Reach out to the internet

And before you, many, even the most prominent bloggers, suffered from a lack of ideas for posts, and if for someone this became an insurmountable problem, then ... There were those who successfully went through this crisis and described their experience! We've made a list great ideas for blog posts. We liked the following:

Step #6. Improve already successful "hits"

View your statistics and analyze which posts on your blog have become the most popular.

These are your hits.

Weeks, months, years have passed since the publication, but these articles still attract new visitors who are first introduced to your blog.

So, you know that such content works, then the question is: how to expand it? Is it possible to break what is said in the article into several, more detailed steps? Does it need to be refreshed by updating, improving the text? Be that as it may, always edit your old posts with notes like this:

Step #7 Check out the trends

There are many ways on the Internet to check what is “in trend” now. The best way writing not a text, but a work of art that will be read by many people is to determine in advance what people are now searching for on the Internet and what they are reading.

GoogleTrends - here you can find out what users have recently searched for Provides information about global trends tweeted about.

On - shows what is in the news of Internet users

Yandex. Live - Live broadcast of Yandex search queries.

On these sites you can find out what type of content is currently popular. Don't miss this opportunity.

Step #8. Tell your story up to now

Sometimes there is no better post than one in which one person tells their story to other people. It doesn’t matter what your blog is about, but you already have some experience.

  • What have you learned during this time?
  • How much have you changed?
  • If you could go back and give yourself advice on how to start a career, what would you say?

Such posts are not just exercises in narcissism, they can be extremely useful for other users in this field. Everyone has to start somewhere. By learning from your mistakes, the next generation will be able to grow even faster.

Think back to your past and tell your story.

Step #9 Write instructions for action

Why are blogs so good? Everything is simple there. Best of all, one post of yours can get people to read twelve of your other posts. And only rare bloggers competently link posts and make money on it.

Sit down and reread your old posts. Combine similar topics into one group, see if it can be distributed so that you get a mini-instruction for action when the user can sequentially read posts one after another.

Add an introduction, conclusion, small, easy-to-read descriptions + links to each post. You now have a post that allows people to explore your blog with one click.

Pay attention to the posts of Dmitry Rumyantsev for such instructions for action.

Step #10. Borrow your brain

Is your brain tired? Borrow someone's brains for a while! Who do you look up to in your field and who is interesting to your readers? Write this person a letter and ask him for an interview. The only difficulty you may encounter is picking interesting questions, which will "talk" your interlocutor. This is how it will make your blog awesome. unique content instead of you.

But remember: there is nothing more important than a quality interview!

The internet is full of “tell us who you are and what you do” rubbish. Don't do the same nonsense. Write a decent introduction and introduce the other person instead of asking them to do it for you. Learn about it in advance and ask interesting questions. This is how true magic is born.

Step 11. Analyze links

What works for your competitors may also work for you. Did you know that you can easily find out what posts are most often popular on any site in the world that interests you? Information about who is posting whom is available to everyone.

With the help of Yandex.Metrica, you can monitor key indicators site performance, analyze the behavior of visitors and their actions. If you have read VKontakte, then it will be easier for you to understand it, the view statistics resemble views on VKontakte.

Let's take the simplest example– how many people view a page with Yandex.Metrica and what they request.

Yandex.Metrica gives a clear picture of how many people visited the site yesterday, today (you can also view statistics for the year and month), from where they went to your site (sources of referrals), and for what search queries.

Above the metric, you will have a menu where you can sort visitors by geography, interests, demographics, etc. There is a lot of stuff, but we are primarily interested in which posts are the most popular. To do this, just click on the tab "Content" - "Popular" in top menu, and you'll see which pages are the most popular.

Find your most popular post. Can you write something similar? Can you add to and improve what someone else has already written? Make another note in your idea file as soon as something comes to mind.

Leave the "sweet" for later.

Step #12 Train the Idea Generation Muscle

The idea generation muscle needs to be constantly trained. The more often you do this, the stronger the muscle. Start coming up with ideas for posts every single day, and soon you will notice that it has become something natural for you.
In this context, it is worth mentioning one of the greatest bloggers - James Altucher. He is the author of "Instructions on how to become an idea-machine", the translation of which we will publish next time. It's not just about blog posts. Here is an excerpt from that article:


And the fact that you are like a superhero. It's almost guaranteed membership in the American Justice League.
You have a million ideas for every situation. For every question you will have more than one answer. At each meeting, non-standard solutions will come to you, as if you were on another planet. Even if you are stuck in the middle of a deserted highway, and there you will find interesting solution. If you urgently need to earn money, then at least 50 ideas on how to do this will come to you. And this is not the limit...
After I started pumping the idea generation muscle, it was like I had a superpower!

Step #13… And then what?

Everyone has ideas for a blog post. Much more difficult - then organize them so that they can be used. I hope that in this article I was able to give you a couple of starting ideas.

So let's sum it up:

  1. Start documenting ideas in GoogleDoc, Excel, etc. Add ideas there daily. Refer to this document every time you feel stuck.
  2. Find out what other bloggers in your field are writing about. Steal and expand their own ideas.
  3. Don't be afraid of the "Publish" button. Some posts, of course, are better, some are worse, but something is better than nothing.

The material is an adapted translation

Attract followers on Instagram not only with audiovisual content, but also with text content - create notes and insert into the description. Interesting posts for Instagram: examples and tips - in this article.


  • Do not insult people and do not use obscenities - this will scare away users.

  • If there are no ideas, go to the news community and see what everyone is talking about. An excellent informational occasion - the approaching holidays. The idea for the New Year's post on Instagram can be peeped here.
  • Use relevant hashtags to help people find your post. Look for examples of tags from experienced insta bloggers.
  • Insert geotags if you are writing about a specific place.

  • Before you write the text, understand the topic - you can not give false information and mislead readers.
  • Use paragraphs, lists, and indents to make text easy to read.
  • Accompany description attractive image or video.

  • Look for examples and inspiration in other accounts, get ideas.
  • Read more, and not only interesting posts, but also books - this will teach you to express thoughts clearly and beautifully.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question - how to learn how to write interesting posts on Instagram. The main thing is to practice, post regularly and take an example from successful bloggers.

How to post text

Follow the instructions below to insert text in the description below a photo or video.

  • Launch the Instagram app.
  • Touch the "+" symbol at the bottom.

  • Select a file to upload.
  • Click Next to proceed to the next step.

  • Edit a photo or video: apply a filter, select a preview, change the size / duration.
  • Click Next to continue.

  • Touch a line of text "Enter Signature".
  • Type or paste a description.

  • Add hashtags: write the symbol # and start typing the tag, select the one you need from the list.
  • Add a place.
  • Tag other users if needed.

In the next part, read about when is the best time to publish content.

How to choose a time to post

Take care not only about how to make interesting posts on Instagram, but also when to post them.

There are favorable days and hours for posting, in which the publication will be seen by the most people. Here they are:
For photos: 12, 15, 18, 21 hours on weekdays - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are better.
For video: after 8 pm any day.
The numbers are approximate and not suitable for everyone, because subscribers can live in different countries ah with different times.
To reveal best time for posting, you have to try:

  • Switch to a business profile - this will give access to statistics.

  • Post at least one interesting post per day for a week.
  • Analyze statistical data.
  • Based on them, make a content plan for the next week.

Follow these steps to attract an audience on Instagram and earn. If you do not plan to receive income from your account, then skip this paragraph.
Below you will find examples of interesting posts for inspiration.

It's no secret that Instagram is one of the three social networks that contribute not only effective promotion goods and services, but can do any previously not famous person really popular person. Thanks to millions of users this application is an effective platform for attracting real customers.To make your work or personal account was successful, the main thing is to correctly arrange and place a post on Instagram - the very photo for which this social network was created.

It is important to remember that people came here for entertainment and, of course, they want to enjoy spectacular shots, latest information about the lives of their friends, as well as learn Interesting Facts.

Your post is the main factor that can hook a visitor and turn him into a subscriber, or maybe a client or friend.

Publishing posts on Instagram: a step-by-step plan for effective page promotion

1. X otite really Publish only your photos and thoughts. Do not litter the feed with pictures or add “stolen” pictures.

high quality photos, interesting places and creative posts - that's what can interest the visitor.

2. P popular jokes, beautiful photos of food and demotivators are already very few people. People are more interested in personal shots.

Try to upload photos regularly, 1-3 shots per day are enough.

3. P try to create a useful and interesting page. Under the photo, be sure to post a tempting story of the picture or just talk about how you spent the day.

Encourage users to comment, ask for advice, or set up a poll.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

4. C try to create a discussion. Reasoning or active disputes attract the attention of subscribers.

Live communication with users guarantees them good relationship and trust.

5. H Don't forget to put the hashtag. Thanks to them, your pictures will be seen by other users.

6. About mark the places where the picture was taken. Potential subscribers will notice you by geotags, you will be able to interest people from your city and they will watch your new travels.

People who visit the same places will definitely see your photo and be interested in an attractive page.

7. K comment on other people's posts and become active participant popular bands. Sees pictures of promoted pages great amount users.

By joining the discussion, you will attract the attention of new followers.

8. P subscribe to unfamiliar pages. The statistics show that most of us follow the one who subscribed to the account and reciprocate.

9. H don't be lazy to like it. A person will want to know who liked his post and will go to your page.

Putting them together, you get a good result.

12. About photo marks. If you visited a beauty salon, a new restaurant, a store and captured your person there, be sure to ask the photographer to mark you in the picture.

As a rule, tags attract the attention of many people, but in order for users to linger on your page, take care of interesting content.

Watch the video: 2 Instagram Post Exit Strategies

13. R dilute the photos small videos. It should be a positive shoot that will make users smile or, conversely, a useful video from which subscribers can learn something new for themselves.

Such actions allow you to attract subscribers for free and keep their number. Spectacular shots and photo tags will increase your profile rating, and you

As you can see, if you already know how important it is to properly fill your account, then in your posts try to convey various kinds of information to subscribers: news of your niche, facts from its history, the history of your personal business(brand). Set up a Q&A section. If you work in the service industry, then give people advice, describe the main mistakes and how to avoid them.It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

If the next 5 minutes you can invest in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

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Now any company that has something to show its clients wants to know how to write texts for Instagram. This social network quickly went beyond “I post tube photos from my phone.” Today, IG brings a noticeable increase in sales to online stores and increases the awareness of brands of any size, and this should be used. And how to do this, we will tell in the article.

Instagram posts: three rules

Regardless of whether you will maintain a corporate profile, or a page that will sell, you need to remember three basic rules. And move on to narrower nuances for a specific business over time.

So, 3 "whales" of the ideal text:

Keith first. Nice picture. The Instagram audience “forgives” fuzzy, blurry and faded photos only to those close to them. Do you have a business account? Post photos High Quality aged in uniform style. Without this item, the user will not even reach the text, just scrolling through an ugly picture.

Main plus Instagram posts against the backdrop of selling tests for the site - the ability to reinforce each advantage of the product with a picture. Thanks to this, all the pluses that used to crowd into bulleted lists will be noticed and appreciated.

If the IG in your case is a platform for the presentation of a product, show it in different situations. The ideal formula for a photo with a product / service in IG is 1 one picture 1 advantage.

Do you sell backpacks? Show photos with internal compartments, clearly demonstrate how many things will fit into it.

Do you offer notebooks? Then make layouts with colored covers, show the features of the internal content. Such photos should overlap with the text:

"in the backpack N compartments for a laptop, mp3, a bottle for fitness",

“Choose notebooks with white or kraft paper, lined or unlined, lemon or raspberry. We have notebooks for every mood!

Agree, such photos with captions will inspire more confidence than stamps like “impressive capacity” or “wide range”.

Kit second. Infogram. If a user subscribes to a business account, he wants to see more than just behind the scenes or products. He needs to know how to order a product, how to get to a nail salon, or who to call to order a tour to Europe. Therefore, it is advisable to unobtrusively leave contact information in each post and correctly design the bio - account header. Without this, even a great text will not be useful.

Making a bio is an art. The header should be short and concise so that the follower immediately understands what kind of company you are, what services / products you can offer him, and how exactly to get them.

If a person does not understand where he is, he will immediately leave. If there is a link to a site or a group on a social network, it is also published in the bio.

The header contains the specialization of the store, the price per day, 2 addresses, phone number and website address. There is a lot of information, but it is presented compactly and answers all the questions of the subscriber.

Keith third. Editing. It is logical that the text should be composed correctly and without errors. This advice is not even about the fact that you need to arm yourself with a dictionary when writing a text, but that it is better to proofread each text 2-3 times before publishing. No one is immune from mistakes and typos, but raising a reputation after “blunders” is much more difficult than building a business from scratch. So proofreading, proofreading, and more proofreading.

What to write on Instagram so that the text is read?

There are free photo templates that you can use to make signs for your business, but there are no such templates for text. Laconic useful information posts are positively met by followers, they can be diluted with advertising selling texts.

An example of the text in the instagram of a cosmetics store. The profile contains not only a photo of the goods that the company sells, but also useful selections advice

What to offer as entertainment depends on your audience.. Post features of the use of goods, photos of the workflow (employees, office, warehouse or store). And between them, place advertising and selling posts with goods and service descriptions.

If you, for example, maintain a profile of a cosmetics store, dilute posts with products and prices with tips on choosing products, make-up master classes, and the intricacies of facial care.

In the case of the tourism business, for example, you can dilute texts about last-minute tours and other services with advice on obtaining a passport, planning a budget while traveling, and describing interesting laws in different countries. And so on. The principle is probably clear.

Post a photo of a courier who hurries to the post office, a sleepy pastry chef who beats egg whites for macarons, a manager who packs goods beautifully. Such posts have a clear goal - to inspire trust. Clients are always interested in looking behind the scenes, and you should give them this opportunity with the help of Instagram.

For almost all types of businesses that master Instagram, the rule is that the closer to the people, the better. , on Facebook or on your personal website, you write strict texts and polish product cards so that there is only “the most juice”, on Instagram you can afford more.

Behind the scenes is always interesting to the reader. In the picture - a post with a photo of the process of creating a print for a T-shirt

The text in such posts should be conversational and simple. Communicate with readers. For example:

“Marina tries every morning to make your morning cappuccino warm and invigorate on the way to work”; “Today and tomorrow we are open until 22, so that you have time to buy or order goods before the New Year. With us you will have time to buy gifts for everyone!”;

“Petya has worn out not the first apron, sitting at the potter's wheel and lovingly creating your orders. And today we gave him a new one, because this master of all trades has an anniversary.”

Yes, these are not selling texts. These are texts that work for the brand and communication.

The more open and sincere the profile is, the faster readers and customers will reach out to you

Cause time, posting - hour. When is the best time to write?

Although social networks and their visits are unpredictable, SumAll analysts managed to draw parallels and highlight the hours in which the activity of visitors to the photo feed is high. If the post is published during this period of time, then there is a greater chance that it will be noticed.

But it is important to focus on the features of the target audience. If you sell goods for babies, then mothers on maternity leave at 17-18 will meet their husband from work and go for a walk with the family, but the time within 10-15 hours, on the contrary, is more suitable for posting.

If your audience is mostly students, then in addition to the evening time, you can post texts for Instagram in the morning (when they go to classes and scroll through social networks in transport) and around 2-3 pm (when classes end).

Remember! Instagram already has content selection algorithms for the user (similar to fb). Therefore, the posting time fades into the background (although it is still used by SMMs). the main task- Motivate readers to comment and like to increase the value of your posts and their position in the followers' news feed.

When you control #hashtags, not they control you

Today, perhaps, only on Instagram hashtags are really useful. They will help you find potential clients, therefore, the more accurately you select the database of queries for your business, the better.

With hashtags, it is very easy to go to extremes - to go too far with their number, or, conversely, not enough. On average, the query field that can be used is 10-15 hashtags. These lattices in signatures do not look very nice, so they can be moved to the very bottom of the text and even written under the separator.

Create a corporate hashtag - it can be the name of a store, coffee shop, salon, company. If a unique hashtag does not come from the name, add 1-2 more words on the business topic.

Firstly, customers who already know about you (for example, they heard from friends) will be able to find you using this hashtag. Secondly, you will be able to find photos from clients. As a rule, followers themselves are happy to put hashtags of brands and companies in the service sector.

You can motivate them to put the cherished bars by creating reposts of the coolest photos from clients. This will replenish your profile with “live” photo reviews, which will increase the confidence of newcomers, and will work like “word of mouth”.

The branded hashtag of the coffee house is put not only in posts, but also in the comments to the photo of the company itself

How NOT to post on Instagram, not to lose subscribers

Closed corporate accounts. Imagine you were invited to the opening of the store, handed a bunch of booklets and discount flyers. With a positive attitude, you approach the door decorated with balloons, and it is ... closed. The same feelings will be experienced by a client who sees a closed corporate profile on a social network.

Only selling texts with photos of goods and services. Put yourself in the place of the reader and imagine that bags, translation services or children's toys are in succession in your feed. Even if you are the target audience, this will soon get boring for you and will cause the only desire - to unsubscribe.

Lack of dynamics and constancy. Any account in in social networks either develops regularly, or is rapidly losing popularity. If you are promoting your account, do it with regular posts. Better 2-5 posts once a week than 10 in one day.

Instagram was conceived as a service to quickly share beautiful photos with friends. It's simple: I took a photo, applied filters and sent it to the network. Easy and beautiful. But at some point, everything went wrong.

And photos of sweatshirts cheering me en masse are not the scariest thing to see on some profiles.

For example:

I don’t even know if it’s worth posting a photo of THIS on the blog, but let the country know its heroes.

What do you think? Would you like to see this in your feed? What kind of excuse can you come up with a photo of a cellulite sirloin? And the eyes? They look straight into the soul. Brrrr… I get scared when I imagine that I open the tape with my morning coffee, and there IT is. And it's looking at me...

Whatever services you offer, whatever product you sell, remember that people come to Instagram for bright, inspiring, eye-pleasing pictures. so let's do it beautifully!

Here are 30 photo ideas for you. One for each day. And in just a month from your account you will make candy:

    Selfie with the product - write about unusual way use your product, make the audience laugh;

    Cosmetics in beautiful tubes, spilled varnishes, crumbled lipsticks, like in glossy magazines - the main audience of Instagram is girls and women, ask them for their opinion about cosmetics, involve them in a conversation;

    Sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, plane tickets - write how your product will be useful on a trip. Ask where your readers are going to spend their holidays;

    Hand showing “class” - write what promotions you are running;

    Sweets in beautiful wrappers, marmalade, lollipops - write about delicious prices and special offers

    Fruits and vegetables with a bright beautiful texture. For example, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, whole and cut - tell us how your product differs from similar products, compare your products from different lines.

    Many people in one place - tell us about the planned events, exhibitions, marathons in which you participate;

    Bouquets, beautiful flowers - write about holidays, anniversaries of the company;

    Candles in beautiful candlesticks, many candles different sizes and forms - shed light on the misconceptions associated with your product, destroy any myth about the product;

    Photos of employees - tell us about the people who work in the company, write a funny incident that happened to them;

    Sand, cereals, small nuts as a background and an inscription on them - useful tricks, life hacks related to your product;

    Product in the package - write about the feeling when you open the product, about the anticipation.

    Glasses, binoculars - tell us about trends and forecasts, trends in the industry;

    Wood texture, craft paper - tell us about the good deed you have done: how you and your team help take care of nature, sort garbage, hand over waste paper or help homeless animals. Inspire people to help each other. Write about sustainable consumption.

  1. Tools - show the tools you use to create your product: scissors - for a seamstress, brushes - for an artist, a ladle - for a cook. Write down how long it took you to learn what you do;

    Product photo with a star - interview a famous person, choose a popular blogger and talk to him about a topic close to your audience;

    Beads, pins, many small items - write about the annoying little things in life, and how your product helps to deal with them;

    Phone, tablet, camera, laptop - tell interesting facts about the product, give statistics;

    Photos of partners and friends - tell us about interesting people and the business they are doing, recommend useful service. There is a double benefit here: useful to subscribers and pleasant to friends. Agree with partners - they will talk about you, and you about them.

Using these 30 ideas, you can create a content plan for the month, and SMMplanner will help you automatically publish your post in right time. You won't need to take a break from work. You don't have to swear to remember that you forgot to post.

If you liked the article, do not forget to click on the heart under the post. The author will be pleased.

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