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What to post on the blog to make it interesting. Blog ideas, what to write blog posts about? Interesting topics for Instagram polls

Every active instagrammer has at least once creative crisis... No ideas, no beautiful implementation - sheer boredom. Sound familiar? No one is immune from this, but do not rush to give up. To avoid falling prey to your muse's fickleness, it is a good idea to think about your content ahead of time.

Easy Instagram Photo Ideas

Let's discuss the coolest Instagram photo ideas. What could it be?

  • Add a permanent "Daily Stories" section to your Insta profile. These photos can be posted both in Stories and in the feed - the choice is yours. The most important thing is to find the right photos for each idea / thought / mini-story.
  • Share your interests and hobbies with the audience. Show subscribers and guests of the page how you cross-stitch or conquer the next peak in mountaineering equipment. This will allow you to get closer to the audience. Make nice pictures and inspiring signatures.
  • Post-acquaintance. It is logical to assume that such a publication should be one of the first on the page. Yes and no. Different versions such posts can be repeated periodically. This is true if you are an active instagrammer / blogger and the number of your followers is growing rapidly. New users may not know about you. And it’s not a fact that they would like to scroll through the entire tape to the very beginning. Introduce yourself in an original way by adding interesting facts about yourself.
  • Share interesting life hacks that you use personally (in school, at work, in personal care, in communicating with people, etc.). Only advise what can really alleviate this or that problem. Do not impose nonsense. Your reputation is behind this. These are really effective Instagram ideas.
  • Demonstrate the drawing / apparel / decoration process if selling paintings or hand-made items. Ideas like this for Instagram photos really work.
  • Carefully study the questions of subscribers in the comments or in Direct. Identify the most popular ones. Dedicate entire posts to these questions. Write in detail, in an original way. Show your attitude to this or that moment. Add a photo that expresses the "emotion" you want.
  • Tell about your friends. This is especially important if they often appear in the content on your page. Users will be interested to learn about the close circle of their favorite blogger.
  • Variety of angles. Let's say you want to upload a photo of a beautiful building. Do not choose the most best shot with picture architectural project... Take photos from different angles and publish as a carousel.
  • Instagram photo ideas: baby photos. Share unique footage from your childhood with your subscribers. It always touches, provokes activity and simply cheers up those around you. Tell a funny / awkward / sad story below the post.

Other ideas for a blog on Instagram:

  • Quotes. Everything is very simple here: they should be in moderation. Author's pictures with beautiful text captions are cool and still fashionable.
  • Take several similar pictures (in color, concept, mood), combine them into a collage.
  • Take a photo workplace... Provided that Mr. Chaos does not reign there. Firstly, these photos will show your personality. Second, it can inspire other people to keep things clean and tidy.
  • Ideas for Instagram photos can be different. How about animals in the feed? They are cute, beautiful, photogenic, unpredictable, playful. Someone who loves to pose in front of the camera in a natural way. Sometimes pets get so many likes that people never dreamed of.
  • Remember where it all started on Instagram? Yes Yes, it comes about food and drinks. It's back in vogue again. The only difference is that now such content has become a real art. You can display photos of ready-made meals, or add carousels from step-by-step frames.
  • Highlight a particular life hack in the post that you love the most. Teach your followers something useful. They will appreciate it.

What other Instagram post ideas are there?

  • Go in for sports and "infect" others with it. Talk about the benefits of walking and running. Conduct a large-scale flash mob. Social networks are not going anywhere, but health would not hurt to think about. Promote healthy lifestyles. Add cool dynamic pictures, discuss training with friends and followers.
  • Not sure what to post? Visit an interesting place. It can be either a city excursion or a trip abroad. Even in transport, you will find something to show the audience. If your photos on the go can't boast of the proper quality, post them to Stories. This is perfectly acceptable.
  • Good morning. Share with your subscribers how your most ordinary day begins. What do you do first? How do you cheer up in the early morning? What do you like to eat at this time? The more new and interesting facts out of life, the better. Just don't talk about everything in one sitting!
  • Take a photo in the "View from the window" style. Cool Instagram photo ideas offer variety.
  • Take a photo with the main inspiration. Who makes you rejoice, smile, move forward and never lose heart? Tell us more about this person.
  • Add a memorable photo from your favorite cafe / bar / restaurant. Write what connects you to this place. Perhaps fans from your city are looking for a cozy and atmospheric place to spend pleasant leisure time.
  • Write a recipe for your favorite “yummy”, be it a cocktail, dessert or pastry.
  • Selfie ideas on Instagram. Let's repeat the past: how it all began in social network some years ago? Yes, yes, not only with food and drinks in the tape. Selfies were very popular among Instagrammers. This may not be the trendiest content right now, but it can be posted for a change.
  • Photos with nature are also gaining many likes and comments. Don't forget this.
  • Body parts and other objects. Take an original shot with a flower in your palm or face. The same can be done with a camera or a book.
  • Wear an elegant hat that covers part of your face. It will look amazing!
  • Take pictures of your drawings and crafts.
  • Shoot content in mirrored rooms. You can get very unusual results.
  • Indulge your followers with Before and After photos. Under the post, tell us how you process the images.
  • Notice interesting details. This is not given to every person walking down the street. But everyone who looks at your new photo will notice it.
  • "The color of the mood ....". Do your friends support the tomfoolery? Then dress up with the whole company in clothes of certain shades. It will look cool! As you can see, ideas for an Instagram account have no limits.

Instagram photo ideas for girls

We bring to your attention some cool Instagram photo ideas for girls.

  • Style. Show / tell what kind of clothes, jewelry and shoes you wear. What colors do you prefer in clothes? Inspire others and help them choose their bows.
  • Flatley. Arrange your favorite things in a beautiful order. Show what you carry in your purse. Take care of the aesthetics in the frame.
  • Pose with flowers. This will add a fresh, sophisticated mood to the shot.
  • Do you like subject shooting? Use nice textures and colors for the background. Instagram photo ideas for girls should be full of surprises.

What photos are popular on Instagram

To collect a lot of likes, comments and reposts, you need to create aesthetic, original and authentic content. What users of the social platform prefer:

  1. Subject blogs;
  2. Insta-profiles of travelers;
  3. Motivating pages;
  4. Family profiles (mom and kids style content);
  5. Animals.


The muse left - it doesn't matter! Take pictures for the future, plan your content ahead. Get inspired by other users' accounts. Follow the example of competitors, but do it even better! Learn to notice things that others are not paying attention to. Take pictures of everything that deserves the highest rating.

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Now any company that has something to show its clients wants to know how to write texts for Instagram. This social network quickly went beyond "I post tube photos from my phone." Today IG is bringing significant growth in sales to online stores and increasing brand awareness of all sizes, and this should be exploited. And we will tell you how to do this in the article.

Instagram posts: three rules

Regardless of whether you will maintain a corporate profile, or a page that will sell, you need to remember three basic rules... And move to narrower nuances for a specific business over time.

So, 3 "whales" of an ideal text:

Keith first. Beautiful picture. The Instagram audience "forgives" fuzzy, blurry and faded photos only to those close to them. Do you have a business account? Post photos High Quality matured in uniform style... Without this item, the user will not even reach the text, just scrolling through the ugly picture.

The main plus Instagram posts against the background of selling tests for the site - the ability to back up each advantage of the product with a picture. Thanks to this, all the pluses that used to crowd in bulleted lists will be noticed and appreciated.

If IG in your case is a platform for product presentation, show it in different situations... The ideal formula for a photo with a product / service in IG is 1 one picture 1 advantage.

Selling backpacks? Show photos with internal compartments, clearly demonstrate how many things will fit into it.

Do you offer notebooks? Then make layouts with colored covers, show the features of the internal filling. Such photos should overlap with the text:

"In a backpack there are N compartments for a laptop, mp3, a bottle for fitness",

“Choose notebooks with white or kraft paper, lined or non-lined, lemon or raspberry. There are notebooks for any mood! "

Agree, such photos with captions will inspire more confidence than stamps like “impressive capacity” or “wide range”.

Keith two. Infogram. If a user has signed up for a business account, they want to go beyond just seeing the behind-the-scenes or products. He needs to know how to order a product, how to get to a nail salon, or who to call to order a tour to Europe. Therefore, it is advisable to unobtrusively leave contact information in each post and correctly design the bio - header of the account. Without this, even great writing will be useless.

Bio design is a whole art. The hat should be short and concise - so that the follower immediately understands what kind of company you are, what services / products you can offer him, and how exactly to get them.

If a person does not understand where he is, he will immediately leave. If there is a link to a site or a group on a social network, it is also published in the bio.

The header indicates the specialization of the store, the price per day, 2 addresses, phone number and website address. There is a lot of information, but it is presented compactly and answers all the subscriber's questions.

Keith third. Editing. It is logical that the text should be composed correctly and without errors. This advice is not even about the fact that you need to arm yourself with a dictionary when writing a text, but that it is better to read each text 2-3 times before publication. Nobody is safe from mistakes and typos, but it is much more difficult to raise a reputation after "mistakes" than to build a business from scratch. Therefore, proofreading, proofreading and proofreading again.

What to write on Instagram so that the text is read?

There are free photo templates that you can use to make signs for your business, but there are no templates for text. Laconic information posts-usefulness are positively met by followers, they can be diluted with advertising selling texts.

An example of text on the instagram of a cosmetics store. The profile contains not only photos of the goods that the company sells, but also useful collections advice

What to offer as entertainment information depends on your audience... Post the features of the use of goods, photos of the workflow (employees, office, warehouse or store). And between them place advertising and selling posts with goods and service descriptions.

If you, for example, maintain a profile of a cosmetics store, dilute posts with products and prices with advice on choosing products, master classes on creating makeup, and the intricacies of facial care.

In the case of the tourism business, for example, you can dilute texts about last minute tours and other services with advice on obtaining a passport, planning a budget while traveling and describing interesting laws different countries... Etc. The principle is probably clear.

Submit a photo of a courier hurrying to the post office, a sleepy pastry chef whipping up protein for macarons, a manager who beautifully packs the goods. These posts have a clear purpose - to build trust. Customers are always interested in a behind-the-scenes look, and you should give them this opportunity via Instagram.

For almost all types of businesses that are mastered on Instagram, the rule applies - the closer to the people, the better. , on Facebook or on your personal website, you write strict texts and polish product cards so that there is only “the most juice”, on Instagram you can afford more.

The behind the scenes is always interesting to the reader. In the picture - a post with a photo of the process of creating a print for a T-shirt.

The text in such posts should be conversational and simple. Connect with your readers. For instance:

“Marina tries every morning to keep your morning cappuccino warm and invigorating on the way to work”; “Today and tomorrow we work until 22 so that you can buy or order goods before the New Year. With us you will have time to buy gifts for everyone! ”;

“Petya has worn out not the first apron, sitting at the potter's wheel and lovingly creating your orders. And today we gave him a new one, because this jack of all trades has an anniversary. "

Yes, these are not selling texts. These are texts that work for brand and communication.

The more open and sincere the profile is, the faster readers and clients will be drawn to you.

Business time, posting - hour. When is the best time to write?

Although social networks and their visits are unpredictable, SumAll analysts managed to draw parallels and identify the hours during which the activity of photo feed visitors is high. If a post is published during this period of time, then there is a better chance that it will be noticed.

But it is also important to focus on the specifics of the target audience. If you sell goods for babies, then mothers on maternity leave at 17-18 o'clock will meet their husband from work and go for a walk with their family, but a time within 10-15 hours, on the contrary, is more suitable for posting.

If your audience is mainly students, then in addition to the evening time, you can post texts for Instagram in the morning (when they go to couples and scroll through social networks in transport) and around 14-15 hours (when couples end).

Remember! Already, Instagram has algorithms for selecting content for the user (by analogy with fb). Therefore, the posting time fades into the background (although it is still used by SMMs). the main task- motivate readers to comment and like to increase the value of your posts and their position in the news feed of followers.

When you manage #hashtags, not you

Today, perhaps, only on Instagram hashtags really benefit. With their help you will be found potential clients, therefore, the clearer you select the database of queries for your business, the better.

With hashtags, it is very easy to go to extremes - to overdo it with their number, or, conversely, not enough. On average, the query field that can be used is 10-15 hashtags. These grids in captions do not look very nice, so they can be brought to the very bottom of the text and even written under the separator.

Create a branded hashtag - this can be the name of a store, coffee shop, salon, company. If the name does not work out a unique hashtag, add 1-2 more words on the topic of the business.

Firstly, using such a hashtag, customers who already know about you (for example, heard from friends) will be able to find you. Secondly, you will be able to find photos from clients. As a rule, followers themselves gladly put hashtags of brands and companies in the service sector.

You can motivate them to put the coveted lattice by creating reposts of the coolest photos from clients. This will replenish your profile with "live" photo reviews, which will increase the confidence of newbies, and will work like word of mouth.

The branded hashtag of the coffee house is put not only in posts, but also in the comments to the photos of the company itself.

How NOT to post on Instagram, so as not to lose subscribers

Closed corporate accounts. Imagine being invited to a store opening, given a bunch of brochures and discount flyers. With a positive attitude, you come to the door decorated with balls, and it is ... closed. A client who sees a private corporate profile on a social network will experience the same feelings.

Only selling texts with photos of goods and services. Put yourself in the reader's shoes and imagine that your feed contains a series of bags, translation services, or children's toys. Even if you are a target audience, it will soon bother you and cause your only desire - to unsubscribe.

Lack of dynamics and consistency. Any social media account either develops regularly or is rapidly losing popularity. If you are promoting your account, do it through regular posts. Better 2-5 posts once a week than 10 in one day.

After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to make a selling post on Instagram, namely, write text for it and arrange an image. We will describe step by step actions, following which you will get desired result- bids and sales.

So, let's proceed to a detailed presentation of information that will contribute to the promotion, including with the help of "SocialKit" ( ).

Selling Instagram post: step-by-step instructions

Photo decoration

This is perhaps the most important aspect for a social network like Instagram. Be sure that most of the potential consumers will simply scroll through a low-quality and unattractive picture from an aesthetic point of view.

Therefore, when registering a photo, it is extremely important:

  • First criterion- all images must be of high quality. In this case, it is not necessary to involve professional photographer, enough modern smartphone with a good camera.
  • - demonstration of products in the process of use. We do not recommend using the classic, familiar to everyone, images of a commodity item on a white background. Create a snapshot where you can see the very process of using the product, in practice it will look like this: if you sell women's clothing, then it should be worn on beautiful girl rather than hanging lifelessly on a hanger. And it's even better to sell not a single thing, but an entire image.

  • Third criterion- emotions. The most difficult one to translate into reality, because in order for the photo to be alive and convey the necessary emotions, it is important to know very well your target audience, their problems and desires.

Do I need to use filters?

Try to minimize the use of filters, and if you do, it is better to opt for one option so that all images are in the same style.

To get high quality images good lighting or taking pictures in the daytime is enough.

Text on photos and stickers

Should I apply? Rather yes than no. The lion's share of images in news feed do not have any inscriptions, which means the picture on which the excerpt will be displayed text message, will slightly increase interest potential buyer to the offered products.

Important: The letters should be large and ideally matched to the tint palette of the photo. You should not use all sorts of flashy slogans like: "Action!"; "Sale!" - it is rather repulsive.

In the example above, there is text on the picture itself, plus an intriguing start to the post.

Of course, most clients do not want to be photographed so that you can advertise your product, but there are those who agree and these photos must be published. Happy and happy customers - best advertisement for any business.

Selling text

After we have properly designed the photo for the post and completely captured the client's attention, now we need to gently nudge him towards next step, with the help of the selling text.

When a user sees a post in the feed, he is shown only the beginning of the text under the photo (up to 90 characters with spaces), which means that in these 90 characters we need to write the very "salt" so that the reader can click on the "More" button and read the post to the very end ...

What could it be? A unique selling proposition, discounts, promotions, etc., however, this should be done very carefully. Example: "Only until the end of October, a month of fitness for only 2999 rubles ».

Alternatively, you can start the selling text by answering one of the following questions:

  • What makes this offer unique?
  • Why should I buy from you?
  • Why is it more profitable to buy a product right now?

Examples: " Only we have the iPhone 8 before anyone else in the city! " or “Tea for Weight Loss” - over 1000 positive reviews ».

Another way is to revealproblem / pain / needclient and offer its solution (AIDA model).

Example: “Are you still looking for a lover? Spend warm summer nights with your cat?

Fill out the form on our website and we will select a suitable man who wants to meet you. "

Call to action

After an intriguing start and product description, a call to action follows. Examples:

  • Leave a comment "I want a price" under this post and we will send you our wholesale price list.
  • Call ______________ right now to fix the price indicated in the post.
  • Go to the site - the link is in the profile (never put a link to the site in the text of the post, it will still be unclickable and will only annoy).
  • To sign up for the service, write to direct.

Do not forget to indicate the main thing in the profile description telephone number, the address Email/ store, a link to the resource where your product is located in the assortment ( and ).


To attract as much as possible more customers, use hashtags - you can use 30 hashtags for each post.

In practice, it will look like this. We sell vegetable products. In a selling post, defiantly lay out a ready-made dish, which includes this vegetable set. The client wants to see the result, let's not be greedy and give it to him.

It is better to select the list of hashtags that you will use with your own hand or using the SocialKit program. Plus, create your own exclusive hashtag like# vegetables_from_company_name.

Examples of writing and designing selling posts

Thinking about increasing your Instagram sales? Then you need to be sure to publish quality selling posts. We have already described the structure of composing such posts above, now let's look at some illustrative examples.

Example 1.

Task:compose a selling post for a baby clothing store promoting a promotion.

Photo- visualize the proposal. For example 3 items for the price of 2. Place in the picture the things that are relevant right now: down jacket + pants = boots. Indicate the time of the action with the text on the image.

Post text- we write about children, but for parents. The emphasis is primarily on the benefits of the offer.

Call to action- we say that we need to buy right now, because the validity of the stock is limited.

Unfortunately, the lion's share of posts is of this kind, although in the case of the action it is not necessary to be smart.

Example 2.

Task:write a post to attract clients to a photo session.

In this example, we will try to make the sale more veiled and not so obvious, we will not sell head-on.

Photo- place one of best works(which has previously received the most likes or positive responses). Choose a job on a topic, if you want to attract clients to a wedding photo session, we take a photo from the wedding, if for a New Year's, we take a photo from a New Year's photoset. We do not place text on the photo.

Post text- use storytelling. Tell a story related to photography, if there were difficulties - emphasize that it took some effort to create this cool photo, if everything went smoothly, then on the contrary, tell us about how everything went great from the very beginning and how in the end the client was pleased with the new pictures. In general, the idea is clear, remember the situation that preceded the picture and present it in a favorable light.

Call to action- we apply the deficit trigger and indicate the time intervals when you can get to the photo session, in which space it will take place and how much it will cost.

It is better not to use ready-made versions of selling posts published by competitors - write your own.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not yet have a function that allows you to pin one post at the very top so that it does not go down in the feed. But now you can fix it any .

If you don't have time to write posts yourself, then ask for the services of a copywriter - you can order a text on average from 100 rubles.

The best time to publish selling posts should be determined statistically - publish the post and watch the response within 1-2 hours after. But most active and the desired time for publications: morning - a person wakes up and looks at social media. networks, lunch - what else to do at a business lunch and evening - while watching the series, you can also drop by the insta.
To automate new publications - use the function in SocialKit. And if you want not to miss a single comment, after the publication, set the comment tracking mode in our program.


Track feedback, there are several ways to do this:

  • specify in your Instagram profile separate room phone;
  • add UTM tags to links;
  • correlate the time of publication of each post and the number of calls within a few hours after that;
  • if you are reading this post, you have set up a business profile on Instagram long ago, which means you can watch detailed statistics for each post.

Tip: Do not dwell solely on selling content in Instagram networks... Diversify your content, thereby increasing the number of interested users and attracting new subscribers.


In order to create an effective selling post on Instagram, you must:

  1. Present a product / service using a high-quality image.
  2. Write a selling post text that can interest a potential buyer and move him to the next step (comment, call, price request).
  3. Add at least 30 hashtags that are as close as possible target audience.
  4. Track statistics.

By following the above recommendations, you will be able to compose selling posts, thereby , and the subsequent analysis and , will allow you to do each new publication even more efficient. That will definitely be reflected in the increase in profits.

Posts are posts that are posted on forums, online communities, blogs, and various sites. Initially given word was only used on web forums, and posts top level(root) were called subjects. Over time, the term began to be used almost everywhere. Many services allow you to use in posts not only text information, but also attach pictures, videos, music to them. Other users have the opportunity to leave their comments, to discuss with the author of this or that post, as well as among themselves.

Secrets of making good and interesting posts

In almost all social services there is a kind of rating - it includes better posts for a week, month or year. This right is given to those messages and posts that gain the most views, "likes" (marks "I like"), reposts and comments. That is, those that other users liked the most and interested them.

The dream of any blogger is to write a post that will be in the TOP. However, this is not easy to do. Hundreds, thousands and even millions of diverse messages are published on the network every day, 99% of which remain unread by anyone, are lost in the general mass. That is why it is worth listening to the advice and recommendations of experienced to find out how best to write and arrange new post to draw the attention of the spoiled public to it.

A bright idea - 50% of your success

At first glance, you may get the impression that there is nothing complicated in this, and, therefore, you will not need any special skills and abilities. It would seem, what could be simpler? I found a suitable theme, got inspired and scribbled "in a hurry" on the keyboard characters 500-700. However, only those who have never tried to write and publish posts can think so. Even the search for an idea itself can take several weeks, because you need something that can really excite your readers. You can get inspiration from anywhere: by browsing best posts other users, communicating with people in real life observing and analyzing various events.

  1. Keep it simple and understandable language, without complicated terms and little-known words. Imagine that you are not writing, but talking to a person in person.
  2. In order to convey your opinion and argue for it, give real examples and use comparisons.
  3. Try to avoid professionalism and abbreviations - they will confuse the reader.
  4. Focus on what is new you can tell people and how it will be useful for those who subsequently read your post.
  5. Don't write too long posts. This will tire the reader and force him to simply move on to other entries.

It is important that all the information you use is not only interesting, but also up-to-date.

Three whales that keep the post

Let's remember school lessons Russian language. A post is essentially a text, a note, a mini-article. This means that it must be logically divided into three parts: the beginning, the main part and the conclusion.


The shortest of them, in fact, is the beginning. Basically, these are a couple of introductory sentences, the purpose of which is to grab the reader's attention. If you fail to "catch" a person's eyes from the very first words, no one will simply read your post. There is a beginning and another, not so important function- it helps to carry out a small warm-up for the mind and tune the reader to the style, manner of presentation.

Main part

The "heart" of fasting is the main body. First of all, you should pay attention to the sequence and logic of presentation. Don't contradict yourself. If at the beginning of the text you put forward a certain thesis, stick to it in the future.

If you prove your point of view on a particular issue, pay attention to the order in which the arguments are presented. It can be either direct - from the weak to the strong, and inverse - from the strongest to the weaker, complementary. Ideally, there should be a relationship between them: that is, each next one, as it were, stems from the previous one. However, do not be upset if you fail to build such a "train": in most cases, the arguments are too diverse to unite them according to any principle.

Nevertheless, the gradation must be observed in any case: scattered, unrelated evidence, even the most convincing, will confuse the reader and leave him not the best impressions.

Make sure not to "mark time" and not retell the same idea in different interpretations, changing only its verbal form. Those who have to grasp your thought will understand everything without it. Frequent repetitions are more likely to cause irritation.

Try to write an emotionally intense, vibrant post. This does not mean that it is worth turning the text into a fountain of contradictory, enthusiastic epithets, however, even a dry set of letters, more reminiscent of an excerpt from some university textbook, is unlikely to please anyone. The share of jokes in the text always makes it more interesting for the reader.


Posts that end abruptly, like TV shows, in fact, are disgustingly perceived. interesting place... Moreover, unlike the latter, they most often do not have a continuation, and the thought remains unfinished. That is why, finishing work on the next post, try to summarize and summarize all of the above. Here you can stimulate the discussion by asking the audience an urgent, "sore" question. In rare cases, it is allowed to use a "truncated" model, where there is no conclusion, but this option is quite risky.

Liven up the text!

Now that you know the meaning of the word "post" and the basics of writing such notes, it's time to talk about their design. The latter, by the way, in some cases can play a decisive role.

If the size of your post exceeds 300-400 characters, try to break it down into paragraphs of 3-4 lines each, if possible - gray "sheets" are very tiring to the eye and do not allow you to concentrate on the essence of the text.

Attach a thematic picture to the post. Remember that it is at her that the person will look first of all. Therefore, it is advisable to choose some funny drawing, an original demotivator or a comic strip - something that will interest a person, make him smile and make him read the entire post.

You can add videos. It is desirable that it be of high quality, filmed on good camera, interesting and informative. Duration also matters - few people are tuned in to watch 30-40-minute videos in the process of ordinary Internet surfing. The optimal duration is up to 5 minutes.

Be sure to consider the specifics of the target audience for which you are writing. After all, it goes without saying that young startup entrepreneurs and mothers on maternity leave literally “live in different worlds", They say different languages and are interested in completely different things.

As you can see good posts- art with its own rules and secrets. Of course, no one will give you a guarantee that you will be included in the rating of posts created by LJ (or any other service). Much depends on the mood of the Internet community, fashion trends and other factors that you cannot influence in any way. However, for real interesting posts, on which the authors work especially painstakingly, will always hit the mark and gain popularity. Good luck!

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