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What is the position of a person in society. Social status in society

Social position is the status of a person in a particular society, which determines his role in it and his place in the hierarchy of this society. Depending on the priority ideals of society, one and the same person with identical personal qualities, material wealth, pedigree and other initial ones can occupy different niches in it. Researchers distinguish between three types of social position: innate (received at birth), acquired (achieved thanks to one's own strengths, knowledge and skills) and prescribed (this position is acquired due to the social attitude towards a certain category of people to which the individual belongs: children, old people, war heroes and labor, others).

Consumer society

For example, in our age of consumer society, the high or low status of a person depends primarily on economic viability. Thus, for a society where the primary criterion is the possibility of acquiring material wealth, an important indicator is socio-economic status, and not noble privileges or something else. Another important point: the consumer society is characterized not by earnings, but by the need for constant purchase: monthly perishable goods, specially made in this way, clothes, the fashion for which changes every season. Those who do not acquire become marginalized, their social status is usually low.

Other societies and their ideals

At the same time, the social position in different societies of human history could be dependent on completely different reasons. So, in the conditions of a primitive community, a high amount of material wealth in itself did not yet matter. Since commodity-money relations have not yet been developed at all. However, a social position was created by such a person through generosity to fellow tribesmen, gifts to leaders or priests, and arranging lavish feasts. Such a person gained popularity, and with it a high rank in his tribe. In the era of military feudalism in early medieval Europe, social status was determined by serving the king, who was then the first warrior. Thus, the king was the first to rush into battle, thereby proving his claims, and the most effective warriors acquired land allotments after battles, the favor of their king and, of course, a high social status. Over the centuries, the descendants of these glorious soldiers became hereditary nobles. In this society, an innate social position was important, which was passed on from generation to generation. The significance of the surname and the past merits of the family were already sufficient grounds for inclusion in national governments, respect for the upper classes and a priori admiration from the lower strata. With the growth of capitalist relations in Europe, many ancient noble families are losing their significance. Capitalists who have accumulated fabulous wealth are entering the arena and are playing an increasingly important role in the internal politics of states, and later in international relations. Titles of nobility have survived to this day, but in our century they are more of a decorative prefix.


The concept in a sociological sense was first used by the English historian and lawyer G.D.S.Main.

Typology of social statuses

Ralph Linton introduced two concepts - ascriptive status (prescribed, attributed, innate status) and achieved status (achieved, achieved, acquired status).

  • Attributed status - the social status with which a person is born (innate status is determined by race, gender, nationality), or which will be assigned to him over time (inheritance of a title, state, etc.).
  • Achieved status is a social status that is achieved as a result of a person's own efforts.

If the position occupied by a person has both the properties of the attributed and the achieved status, then they speak of a mixed status.

Status set

Each person, as a rule, has not one, but several statuses. The totality of social statuses is called a status set.

Social recruitment- introduced by the American sociologist Merton.

The social set includes: social status and status set.

L. Warner's model of status groups (classes)

An example is L. Warner's model of status groups:

  • Higher class
    • The upper-upper class included the so-called old families.
    • The lower-upper class did not include old clan families.
  • Middle class
    • The upper-middle class consisted of property owners and professionals
    • The lower-middle class was made up of lower employees, clerks, clerks
  • Lower class
    • Upper-lower class included workers
    • Lower-lower class - "social bottom"

Sources of

  • Warner W.L., Heker M., Cells K. Social Class in America. A Manual co Procedure for Measurement of Social Status. Chicago, 1949.
  • Linton R. The Study of Man. N.Y., 1936

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    THE POSITION OF THE WORKING CLASS IN ENGLAND- POSITION OF THE WORKING CLASS IN ENGLAND. According to his own observations and reliable sources, the work of F. Engels, which, along with the works of K. Marx, laid the foundation for the poverty of philosophy (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., Vol. 4), Wage labor and capital (there well, ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Wed 1. The location of someone, something in space. Ott. The location of any point or section of the earth's surface. 2. Location, positioning of the body or parts of it; pose. Ott. Arrangement of items. 3. A condition caused by ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    I AM; Wed 1. Location in space, location. Geographic n. Change n. Determine n. Of the vessel. 2. Positioning of the body or parts of it; pose. P. hands when resting. Inconvenient head p. In a sitting, recumbent position. Return to the original point 3. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Regulations on the officers' meeting of the Life Guards Jäger Regiment,. The Life Guards Jaeger Regiment attributed its seniority to 1796, when by the personal decree of Emperor Paul I from the Jaeger teams of the Life Guards Semenovsky and Izmailovsky Regiments, as well as a company ...

Pay attention to what the person is moving on. The make of the car, its class and cost can say a lot. If the person you are interested in drives an inexpensive domestically produced car, then most likely his income is relatively low. The owners of premium cars, on the contrary, are representatives of the highest circles of society. 5 An important factor in determining the social status of a person is his place of rest. So, many business people prefer to spend their vacation at foreign resorts, and they make such trips at least twice a year. As a rule, well-to-do people go to Europe; middle-level people prefer Turkey or Thailand. However, this division is rather arbitrary, because a lot depends on personal preferences. 6 And, finally, his environment will help to determine the social position of a person.

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Social status in the questionnaire what to write Rutkovskaya // Satsyyalna-pedagogical work. - 2007.

Social status

In the right field of the questionnaire there are explanations of the questions in Russian: by hovering over the text with the mouse cursor, you will see the translation. Name of mother, date of birth Mother's education, mob. The social status of the child in the questionnaire, what to write is a characteristic that reflects the adaptability of the family to raising the child at the moment.

Social status of the family in the questionnaire Social status in the questionnaire what to write Elena Vladimirovna Gorokhova - Social status in the questionnaire what to write Autobiography is in any form, but certain elements and requisites must be present in it.


Fifth column The meanings of these terms are clear based on the above explanations. Is marital status important for an employer? Of course, your marital status plays a role in hiring.

Moreover, having a family can be both a plus and a minus. With young people who are barely twenty years old, everything is clear without words: at this time, most people are just graduating from universities and trying to get back on their feet.
At the same time, many employers are wary of candidates for the position who have not started a family by the age of thirty, because this fact may mean that they have communication problems. Implementation in the field of relationships for some employers can be a decisive factor in choosing an employee.
However, the absence of a family means the absence of serious responsibilities and factors that would distract from work.

Family social status in the questionnaire

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  • The social status of the family - what is it? family social status: examples
  • Material (grade 1) on the topic: questionnaire for parents of the first grade
  • Social status
  • Fifth column
  • Autobiography

Social status is: Each person occupies a number of positions in society, each of which implies a number of rights and responsibilities. Social statuses are structural elements of the social organization of society, providing social ties between the subjects of social relations.

Society not only creates social positions - statuses, but also provides social mechanisms for the distribution of members of society according to these positions.

Social status in society. socially dangerous situation

Social status is the status of a person, determined by his origin, position, economic level, gender. Thus, the individual can be assigned to any class.

The social position of a person is subdivided into several levels. Let's consider all of them. The innate position is a certain status received by a person at birth.


For example, it could be race, gender, or nationality. The innate status remains with a person throughout his life, that is, it does not change.

However, there are some exceptions. For example, the status of a member of the royal family, which is given at birth, can be canceled at the end of the monarchy. The acquired social position is characterized by mobility. This is a position, a post, a financial level achieved by one's own efforts. For example, a person from a poor family starts his own business and creates capital for himself.

Social status what is it in the questionnaire

USZN Krasnoarmeyskiy municipal district, 2011-2018 Category of the family in the questionnaire what to write In the section Other household matters to the question They gave a questionnaire, and there is a column "Social status of the family." given by the author Vanyok Golovanov the best answer is Complete, incomplete, large. Social status is a complex concept. This includes: composition, income, living conditions, educational status of family members (which itself consists of.

), belonging to a particular social group (it can also be determined by the above Social status of the family - what is it? Social status of the family: examples These criteria can be used to assess the social status of each separately, and all in the aggregate. Depends on the purpose of the analysis. How the status is determined In general, social status is quite difficult to clearly define.It is necessary to use a number of methods that can only be applied by an experienced worker.

What does social status mean in the questionnaire

Social status is an important component of the life of a modern person. Depending on him, citizens conduct one or another activity, influence each other, and also simply live and develop.

It is thanks to him that people get the so-called status. It is worth paying attention to the fact that social status does not always mean something good.

In some cases, it can be dangerous. Most families in Russia are currently at risk. But how do you determine this? Who is considered socially vulnerable? And is there any way to fix it? Position is ...

The social position of a citizen is his so-called place in society. The position occupied by him, gender, nationality, religion, and so on.

Everything that can only characterize a person has an impact on his position in society.

Social status

This situation also occurs when the status rights of one individual interfere with the performance of the duties of another. For example, a research assistant has had to change his job and get a job in a store, or an elderly person performs errands that are mostly intended for students. The position in society is determined not only by the position or financial condition, but also by age, gender, skills, education. In addition, the criteria for awarding a particular person a certain status depend on the traditions of a particular country.

People can belong to the same groups, but their social status can be strikingly different. For example, one person can be the head of a company, and all the rest are just ordinary workers.

So, let's summarize. Each of us is assigned a certain social status from birth.

Nevertheless, if it turns out that a person's social situation is close to danger (or is already such), the government is able to take measures to eliminate adverse factors affecting the life of a citizen. Especially when it comes to family and children. Why you need it The socio-economic situation of people everywhere matters.

Wherever you go, they will definitely learn about your place in society. After all, the so-called social status plays a huge role both in the formation of an individual and in building a career and conducting activities. Most often, these kinds of questions are recognized when it comes to families with children. Often they need some kind of help or protection. And so that the state can come to the rescue in time, it is worth reporting on your own status in society. Wherever you go, they will recognize this data everywhere. Except maybe the shops.

Side social status in the questionnaire is an example. An example of the wording of a question in the questionnaire What is the composition of your family? By downloading the Social Status examples in the questionnaire, you promise to delete them immediately after reading them. Year and place of birth, social origin, citizenship. Example Slide 4 4 ​​QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE PARTICIPANT of the project conference. Social status is a social position held by a social. Give examples of children's games that are brought up in a child. By downloading the Social Status examples in the questionnaire, you promise to delete them. How do you assess the general state of affairs in the country, the changes taking place in it? It is determined according to the characteristics specific to a particular society, which can be economic, national, age
... It was the Communist Party in Moscow on February 15, 1939. Indicate your social status as a worker. What to answer in the questionnaire on the social status of the family. File Information Date Downloaded 399 Sample social survey questionnaire download sample. Michelson's Big Dictionary Social status Social status. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary SOCIAL EQUALITY is a concept that denotes the same social position of people. Determination of family status. Now that you know what a family is, let's move on to such an issue as the social status of the family, we will figure out what
... Social status is the status of a person, determined by his origin, position, economic level. The social status of the child in the questionnaire what to write. Social origin what to write in the questionnaire? Here are some examples. Social status in the questionnaire is an example. What to write in the social questionnaire. Currently, the questions in English in the questionnaire have been changed and.

A social role is a model of behavior given by a social one. Social status social status, a place in society is called the place that occupies "frameborder =" 0 ″ allowfullscreen>
What is the social status of a person in society? Well, for example like this. Social discrimination in the education system in the first decades of the Soviet regime as an example of Smolensk universities S. Lida and graduated in 2007.

Social status (social status, place in society) is the place that a person occupies within a community of people. Each place in society obeys its own laws, is accompanied by responsibilities and provides some hope for the future, and therefore obliges people to a certain type of behavior in each specific place. Each person can simultaneously have many places in society: to be a father, husband, deputy or mother, wife, doctor.

Sociologists usually distinguish a place in society for a predetermined one - given by birth or acquired during life against the will of a person - such as: race, nationality, gender, heir to the throne and conquered - which a person took of his own free will as a result of personal efforts and opportunities. In everyday life, most places in society are a combination of the destined and the conquered.

Well, here you are, for example, a woman and this is your social position in society, the role that you play in the modern social structure. In addition, there can be a lot of classifications of the social status of a particular individual, this is both a material factor, and an educational and religious ...

social status (social status, place in society) is the place that a person occupies within a community of people. Each place in society obeys its own laws, is accompanied by responsibilities and provides some hope for the future, and therefore obliges people to a certain type of behavior in each specific place.

Each person can simultaneously have many places in society: to be a father, husband, deputy or mother, wife, doctor. Sociologists usually distinguish a place in society for a predetermined one - given by birth or acquired during life against the will of a person - such as: race, nationality, gender, heir to the throne and conquered - which a person took of his own free will as a result of personal efforts and opportunities. In everyday life, most places in society are a combination of the destined and the conquered.

example I can be: student, boy, girl - this is your social position

Social status (social status, place in society) is the place that a person occupies within a community of people. Each place in society obeys its own laws, is accompanied by responsibilities and provides some hope for the future, and therefore obliges people to a certain type of behavior in each specific place. Each person can simultaneously have many places in society: to be a father, husband, deputy or mother, wife, doctor. Sociologists usually distinguish a place in society for a predetermined one - given by birth or acquired during life against the will of a person - such as: race, nationality, gender, heir to the throne and conquered - which a person took of his own free will as a result of personal efforts and opportunities. In everyday life, most places in society are a combination of the destined and the conquered.

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Topic 6. Social and pedagogical activity to solve social problems of children and adolescents

Scientists have come to the conclusion that in modern society, children and adolescents are in greater danger than their peers in previous eras. There are many reasons for this situation. One of them is the decline in the authority of the family and the school, the mutual alienation of these most important institutions of society.

The crisis of the modern family coincided with the demographic crisis in Russia: with a low birth rate and high mortality, an increase in divorce, a decrease in the number of marriages, the price of a child is very high, and in the presence of childcentrism in the family, the value of childhood in society is underestimated. Under these conditions, there are significant deformations of intrafamily relations, manifested in the self-isolation of children and parents. The inner world of the family, from the point of view of the child, is a picture that does not always coincide with the assessment of adults, which is clearly demonstrated by children's drawings of the family. The absence of family members in the drawings, the depiction of animals instead of people, tense tones and neurotic shading indicate a weakening of positive family ties, the child's loneliness in the family, his emotional and psychological discomfort (V. V. Abramenkova).

When comparing the social situation in Russia in the late 60s - mid 80s. XX century with the current situation, the following is obvious. Firstly, if Soviet children of those years were clearly oriented towards adults, their norms and assessments, then more than 30 years later, children are focused more on the values ​​and norms of their peers. The shift in favor of peers is increasing: not only adolescents, but also younger schoolchildren and even older preschoolers are increasingly preferring the values ​​of their peers. This is connected, on the one hand, with the cultural explosion of recent decades, the collapse of ideals and moral guidelines, and on the other hand, with the crisis of the home as a refuge, the loss of the traditional authority of the parents. Secondly, the liberalization of relations between adults and children observed in recent decades, which many see as a manifestation of democracy in social relations, in fact turns into a progressive weakening of contacts between generations and a kind of segregation (V.V. Abramenkova).

As a result, more than 400 thousand children are registered in units for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. About 200 thousand

adolescents annually commit crimes, sometimes such terrible ones, which, according to the police and psychologists, repeat offenders do not dare (N.E. Tikhonova).

Alcoholism acquired the character of a "family disease". The number of children who are drug addicts and drug addicts is threateningly increasing. Drugs have penetrated into schools, universities, they can be easily bought at a disco, rock concert, just on the street. Both children from poor families and from very wealthy ones become drug addicts.

The spread of drug addiction also influenced the growth of HIV-infected. These categories of children require increased attention to themselves, and the main goal of interacting with them is to prevent the child from falling into the category of difficult, deviant with all the ensuing consequences, to see and warn him in time, to protect him from the coming trouble.

Good afternoon, dear friends! Today I have prepared great material on what social status is. Anyone who takes the exam in social studies should know this topic, because it is basic for understanding both the social sphere and other spheres. In the last post, we analyzed. But the topic is so necessary that I decided to write a separate post.

Social status concept

Social status is a fixed position of a person in society. A very simple definition. Society is a layer cake of social strata. Each person occupies a fixed position in this or that country, which can, however, be changed.

For example, the status of a student in a school. A student can be a first grader (first grader), a 10th grader, or a high school graduate. Each of these statutes presupposes its own position in the school and in society. There are much more demands from teachers for a school graduate than for a first grader, more responsibility.

The status of a child implies that the child must obey the parents, go to kindergarten, school, learn about the world, and fulfill their household duties.

The same applies to other aspects of society. Any enterprise has specialists who have been working here for 10-20 years. And then there are interns who have been hired recently. The trainee and the specialist have different responsibilities, different functions.

The teacher must develop in his students the competencies necessary for their professional life. Chauffeur - it is normal to drive a bus or car so that passengers do not feel as if they are traveling in a cattle truck, etc.

In addition to responsibilities, the status gives its owner and rights. For example, if you are a bus driver, your annual leave must be at least 35 days, and if you are a teacher, then at least 56 🙂

Thus, status has the following characteristics: the scope of responsibilities in relation to society, the scope of rights, status symbols (for example, among the military), its own social role.

Types of social statuses

For the purpose of a more detailed coverage of this topic, I took the following info map from my bins:

Download this infocard in natural size

If you deal with the types of statuses, then I think everything is also clear.

Main or main social status- the one that is significant for you in your life. It's clear that if you are a Hollywood star like Mat Damon (shown on the info card), then you can't get away from him. Your life will be connected with him. If you are a doctor, it is clear and understandable that your main job is treating patients.

Secondary- we change several times a day: a bus passenger, a customer in a store, etc. Of course, we identify ourselves with him much weaker than with the main social status. For example, when you go out into the street, you will not feel like a pedestrian until you reach a traffic light.

Ascriptive- which is assigned to you regardless of your desire and your will. Born in a Bashkir family - you will be a Bashkir, born in a Buryat family - you will be a Buryat. Born as a boy - you will be, uh ... well, in most cases, a boy, born as a girl, most likely she will remain 🙂

Achieved social status- which you achieve in the course of your life. It can be professional, basic, etc.

Mixed status- assigned when your position on the social ladder is incomprehensible. Perhaps you have become a lumpen or a social outsider. For an introduction to these terms, read the article. Examples: pepsi generation, thumb generation ... well, this is when you constantly press the buttons of your phone so that your thumb becomes more flattened.

Your child will be born with a normal flattened finger, so that it is more convenient to press on the phone 🙂 This is the generation of the thumb.

Personal social status the one you get in a social group. Usually it can be both formal (direction manager, director, foreman, etc.) and informal (diver, bespectacled - the one who wears glasses; macho, dude, dude, homeless, scourge, loser, healthy or unhealthy - terem).

I hope the topic has become clearer. Subscribe to new articles, share this material with your friends on social networks!

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

Page 1

The social position of a person largely determines the conditions of his work and life.

When a scientist considers the starting point of a person's social position, his status, traditions, customs, he conducts a sociological study.

Supporters of the anthroponomic concept consider it incorrect to determine the social position of a person only by his profession, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person, especially his attitude to life, to the functions performed. At the same time, the concept of a person is considered not as a reflection of an individual personality, but as an element of a social group. In this regard, the process of the anthroponomic distribution of people (a key concept meaning the distribution of people into different social groups) is studied not as the sum of individual movements, but as a system of collective flows that to a certain extent feed social stratification. And they cannot be studied outside the concept of this stratification both in general theoretical and concrete historical terms.

The analysis of the social sphere reveals the mechanism of the conditionality of a person's social position in society, the nature of his introduction to the wealth accumulated by society and, accordingly, the peculiarities of a person's reproduction of his vital abilities for work, the reproduction of new generations.

In conditions when the mechanism of market relations affects the social position of a person, it is obvious that the entire social structure is experiencing their direct and indirect impact. Tension in the social structure of society often develops under the influence of not only objective trends in the development of market relations, but also changes in public consciousness, which is manifested in the corresponding attitudes and behavior of people. At the same time, as life shows, complex problems of social structure are solved the more efficiently, the more fully the objective logic of its functioning coincides with the subjective activity of people, when the material aspect is complemented by the spiritual, moral.

In ancient societies, where changes took place slowly, where the social position of a person was, as a rule, determined from the day of birth, and his actions, in addition to his personal will, were dictated by a system of connections with other people (relatives, accomplices, as well as people standing above or below him on the social ladder), people relied on the eternal predestination of the world order, on their place in the team, inherited from their ancestors.

It was the constraint of a stagnant pore that contributed to the emergence of a whole bunch of stereotypes that caused great harm to the idea of ​​the true value of a person's social position.

If we formulate the set of problems reflected in the concept of social life, then it is a sphere of social life that characterizes the social position of a person, the degree of realization of his social mood and his attitude to his role in the social-class structure of society.

An interview with American welfare women conducted by Cole and Lejeune in the late 1960s showed that the lower a person's social status, the more often they complain about their health and consider themselves a failure in life.

Social orientation interacts with professional orientation, although both are not identical. They are interrelated insofar as the social position of a person in society is determined by the nature and content of his work.

Engagement can be high if the choice is based on public approval. Golf club selection can have a very high level of involvement, as the decision can determine a person's social standing among other golfers.

Although, of course, there are features of the manifestation of national and ethnic relations in different countries, nevertheless there is a common thing that interests ethnosociology - the social position of a person as a representative of the nation, his national identity, national culture, language, i.e. everything that determines the national identity of people. But these processes have acquired special significance for Russia and all the former Soviet republics, now independent states, because the exacerbation of interethnic and ethnic contradictions threatens to turn into serious social upheavals.

Rites and rituals, from the point of view of Durkheim, are essential for strengthening the solidarity of members of social groups. This is the reason why rituals are found not only in standard situations of regular worship, but also in all important events associated with changes in the social situation of a person and his loved ones, for example, at birth, marriage or death. Rituals and rituals of this kind are found in almost all societies. Durkheim concludes that collective rituals performed when people are faced with the need to adapt to significant changes in their lives strengthen group solidarity. The funeral ritual clearly shows that the life of an individual, compared to group values, has a transitory meaning and, thus, helps people to come to terms with the loss of loved ones. For those personally touched by someone's death, mourning is not a spontaneous expression of grief, or at least not only that. Mourning is a duty imposed by a group on a member.

In certain details, this situation is quite typical for human relations, both official and unofficial. Whether it is the administrative system of any enterprise, when the director general is subordinate to the directors of branches, to whom, in turn, the heads of smaller divisions are subordinate, and so on down to ordinary performers. Or the human community, when a person's social position determines his subordinate or dominant position in relation to representatives of other social classes. This kind of relationship is built on the basis of hierarchy, that is, the subjects of the lower link are subject to the subjects of the higher link. As a result, a harmonious hierarchical system is formed, reminiscent of a pyramid, at the base of which there are the most numerous lower-level subjects, and at the top - one or more top-level subjects.

The death of a person means moral losses for society, family, relatives. In a number of countries, losses are calculated using the sums insured. This indicator is also not devoid of drawbacks, since the social position of a person in a class society clearly influences here. Still, one cannot completely deny social factors, for example, the funds spent on education, moral losses, etc. Therefore, further improvement of methods is required, taking into account a larger number of factors.

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