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What does account mean. User account in Windows - description, control and recommendations

Hello, dear blog readers, and in this lesson I propose to consider: what is an account and how to create an account in windows 7 , I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with creating an account, setting up access rights to a computer. Have you ever come across when one computer was used by several users?

If yes, then you probably know that when you turn on the computer, the operating system is loaded, then a dialog box appears in which the user must specify a login and password, after entering which, the computer desktop is loaded with all the shortcuts we know. So the question is, why is the creation of an account carried out at all? How do I create an account in windows 7? What function do they perform?

What is an account?

For a more complete understanding of what "Accounts" are, let's look at this example with you: In an organization, people work at computers. Let's say you have 50 computers, and they all exchange information using a local network. But first you need to read the article:

Therefore, there is a person who is engaged in ensuring the smooth operation of computers, installing software, creating, editing, deleting accounts, that is, he is an administrator. And people who work at computers, carry out their work duties, in relation to the administrator are users of a personal computer or they are also called experienced users.

Their rights to control a computer are limited, that is, they cannot install any programs on their computer, and also cannot change certain settings, system configuration. In addition, the administrator can prohibit reading removable media (flash drives, disks).

Since such computers are united as a single whole due to the local network, then imagine if a virus (via removable media) penetrates even one computer, then all computers without exception will be infected, and this is just a waste of time to restore them. Therefore, in such cases, account creation is used. I looked at a specific lightweight example to make it clear. When connecting computers to a local network, an account is needed to connect to the server using network applications (but this is a separate topic for discussion). In the home version, when the computer is used by all family members, then for each you can create your own account.

When loading the operating system, each user will be able to configure various optimal system parameters for himself. I think that the use of accounts is very convenient in this regard, that there will be order with the location of important documents for yourself on the computer.

How do I create an account in windows 7?

Now let's start creating accounts. To create an account, go to the control panel using the command: Start - Control Panel. As a result, the explorer familiar to us from the previous lesson will open in which a list of computer settings is displayed. If your way of displaying icons in Explorer is different from mine, then select the "Category" view in the tab.

In the window that opens, click "Create account". First, you will need to specify the type of account to create, either it will be a regular (experienced) user, or an administrator. I will name the account "Alexander", and the type - "General access" and click "Create account".

After that, the account will be created and a dialog box will appear.

Let's take a closer look at what actions we can take in the "Alexander" account we created. To do this, click on the "Alexander" icon and in the window that opens, we see the main links, clicking on which will allow us to set or change certain parameters.

1. Change account name - allows you to change the original account name we created.

2. Create a password - this parameter allows you to set a password for your account, when you boot the operating system to log into your account, the system will ask you to enter a password.

3. Password delete - this option deletes the previously created password.

4. Change picture - allows you to select a picture that will be displayed when you log in to the system. When you click to edit a pattern, a set of patterns will appear that you can use. After choosing the pattern you like, click on the change pattern. In the same window there is a link "Search for other drawings" when you click, you can select your individual drawing.

5. Install parental controls. Parental Controls lets you manage your computer use. For example, you can set the time interval when children can sit at the computer, and you can also set specific requirements for the use of certain programs and games. When you click on the "Parental Control" link, a dialog box will open, in which you can activate the use of this parameter if you wish. There are certain set parameters, everything is detailed in detail what is possible and what is not.

6. Change account type - this option allows you to change the rights of the current user, that is, in simple terms, either restrict the user when working with a computer, or expand his rights, allow software to be installed, change certain parameters, etc.

7. Deleting an account - if you needed to delete an account, click on the "Delete account" link, if you want to save the documents of this account before deleting, click "Save files".

8. Manage another account - allows you to return to the main menu of all accounts.

How to create an account in windows 7

Let's consider another method that will let you know how to create an account in windows 7. To do this, right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut and select "Manage". In the window that opens, click on "Local users and groups", as a result of which two folders "Users" and "Groups" will appear on the right side of the window, click on "Users". As you can see there is a list of registered PC users, right-click on the "Alexander" account we created earlier.

When we open the window, we have three tabs available: general, group membership, profile.

1. General tab - allows you to specify the full name and description of the account.

1.1 Prohibit the user from changing the password - this option is checked in the case when several users work under the same account.

1.2 The password has no expiration date - if you uncheck the box, the password for entering the system will have restrictions.

1.3 Disable account - I think it's clear what this parameter is for =)

1.4 Block account - allows you to block the system after a certain number of password attempts.

2. Tab group membership - indicates what type the user will be (power user, administrator).
So, we examined how to create a wwindows 7 account. Next, we will consider a situation when we need to disable User Account Control. For example, consider the account named "Dmitry"

To do this, run the commands: Start - Control Panel - User Account and Family Safety - User Accounts and click on the link "Change User Account Control Settings". This will open a window in which you can set the degree of control using the slider. The degree of control has 4 level systems.

1. Always notify - this level is the highest level of system security.

2. Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer.

3. Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (In this case, when suspicious programs are launched, the desktop will not be darkened compared to the second level of protection).

4. Never notify. The lower position of the slider disables User Account Control.

It should also be noted that User Account Control is also called UAC (User Account Control). UAC prevents unauthorized launch of programs that can disrupt the operation of the operating system through malicious code. Undoubtedly, it should be noted that UAC provides increased security for the computer system.

At the end of this lesson, I propose to consider a situation where you Forgot your password to your account. After all, a password is a kind of key to enter our system.

So what do you need to do in order to log into Windows?

When creating an account, a " Password reset disk". Run the following commands: Start - Control Panel - User Accounts - Change Windows Password. As a result of the opening of the window, on the left side, select "Create a password reset disk", before that you should insert either a USB flash drive or a floppy disk.

In the window that opens, indicate the new password and confirm it. Then we log into Windows with a new password.

Articles and Life Hacks

Many users are interested in what is a phone account... Almost everyone has heard about it, and perhaps only a few people understand exactly what this means in practice. It should be noted that in most cases, this cryptic term must be understood as a Microsoft account.

Phone account features

It is a record of an e-mail address and storing a password, which is required to enter a whole list of services. Among them are, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Xbox Music and Xbox, Office 365, Skype, OneDrive, which was previously referred to as SkyDrive.

However, even such an explanation of the term often does not satisfy ordinary people, and they wonder why an account should be used when working with a telephone device. It's pretty simple. When you sign in to Windows Phone with your Microsoft account, you can easily purchase music, game projects, and a variety of applications in the Windows Phone Store category. In addition, it will allow you to listen to your music recordings through Xbox Music. This account allows you to play Xbox games on your phone device even with friends. At the same time, it is possible to establish an avatar and receive a player's account.

In addition, speaking about what an account in the phone is and what it is for, it is worth noting the ability to create backup copies of all information, which will allow you to restore previously saved data when you buy a new mobile device. In addition, when entering the section dedicated to contacts, you can add accounts for LinkedIn and Twitter.

Benefits of using an account on your phone

It should be noted that there are other advantages of using this feature. By always using the same account when logging into different Microsoft services and services, the user has the chance to gain access to all the benefits of the adjacent project relationship. So, automatically uploaded photos through OneDrive are made public for private viewing. However, you can use your Xbox console. If you save the entered Wi-Fi password on a telephone device, you can then automatically receive it on a personal computer, provided that both points are connected to an identical network.

In addition, a conversation started in Skype on a mobile device can be ended on a computer. It is impossible not to make a reservation that when making purchases in virtual stores, you can create a list of necessary purchases on a PC, and then transfer it to your phone. Moreover, this can be done in automatic mode. The account allows you to work on the Internet, with contacts, mail, calendar and stay always in touch, regardless of the user's location.

Despite the fact that a home computer is called personal, that is, designed for one user and his needs, in practice it is more often used by several people at once. In organizations, a number of employees can work on the same computer in shifts, and at home it becomes a toy for all family members.

At the same time, users of one computer can be of different sex and age, which means that the requirements for the design of the working environment (for example, the desktop background), system settings and the list of installed programs will certainly be different. It is clear that if you “kill” a couple of hours on personalizing the system and the next time you turn on the computer, you will find that someone has changed the shortcuts you placed, configured gadgets and your favorite desktop background, you will probably be upset. So what about this situation?

Fortunately, the developers of the system took care of this, making Windows not only multitasking, but also multiuser. This means that the world's most widespread operating system allows you to add new users with their own configurations.

For Windows User is a specific account that uses the current system to perform certain functions. Several people can work under one user, at the same time, each of them can create a separate user for himself.

As we mentioned above, a computer at home can often be used by several people. Each of them can work under one user, that is, in this case, the system resources will be shared. But you can create several users, which will be much more profitable. What are the benefits you can get from this?

The fact is that each account is able to store in itself not only the individual settings of the system interface, but also have its own set of installed applications that can only be used by a specific user. All the rest may not know about the presence of these programs on the computer.

Another important point is the fact that different users of the same computer may have different rights. So, by creating an additional account with reduced rights, you can limit the functionality of the person who will use it. For example, he will not be able to change the basic settings of the system and open certain folders, which can be useful if children use the computer. In addition, you can prevent children and beginners from installing new programs, and leave all the options for installing applications and setting up the system only for experienced users.

During the installation of Windows, a master account is necessarily created in it, the owner of which becomes the first user and has system administrator rights. Also, immediately after registering a new account, the user's "personal" folders are automatically created on the hard disk, which include: "Documents", "Music", "Videos", "Pictures", "Desktop" and others. Many of the most common programs, by default, offer to save the files created in them in these standard folders, of course, unless you forcefully change their location to some other.

All data contained in these folders will not be available to users who log on to the system using a different account. This way, you don't have to worry about someone accidentally deleting, for example, a document you created, or gaining access to confidential data.

Create new users

Now imagine that one account is not enough for you and you need to create one or more additional users with your own configurations.

To do this, you need to click on the button Start and in the main menu that opens, select the item Control Panel(located on the right side of the menu). Among the many sections (icons, pictograms), we are interested in exactly the one that is called user accounts.

In general, an account is special data that the operating system stores for each user. If a new user is added, the operating system creates an account for him. If the user is deleted, accordingly, the credentials are erased from memory. It's a bit like a human resources department at work: when you start a job, you start a personal file, and when you leave, it is destroyed.

Now let's try to add a new user. To do this, you need to click on the link, after which a window of the same name will open in front of you.

In the field with the inscription "New account name", you need to enter the name (alias) of the new user. If the letters are not printed when you press the keys, you need to click on this field with the mouse. You can enter any name as an alias, you can also use the real name of the person for whom the user will be created.

Next, you should select the type of account by choosing one of two options: Administrator or Normal access... The administrator is allowed to manage all available operating system settings, add any programs and applications, create and delete users, and so on. In the case of normal access, you can also use almost all programs and customize the system for your own needs, but you will not be able to change the security settings of the system or other users. Same way Administrator can at any time restrict the rights of a standard account, not allowing the user to perform certain operations.

It is most correct if there is only one administrator user on the computer, who will dispose of all the rights of other users. It is the administrator who allows and forbids something to someone. In addition, administrators can change not only their own account, but also the records of other users. So the presence of several users on one computer with such rights increases the risk of unwanted interference with important settings of the operating system.

When the selection is made, click on the button. A window will open with a list of created users and their icons.

Setting up and deleting accounts

If you click on any of the accounts (for example, the one that has just been created), a window will appear in which you can see links to change the parameters of the user account. Points Change account name and Change the pattern do not need special comments.

For each account, it is desirable to set its own password, thanks to which other users will not be able to visit "other people's" profiles. This is done using the paragraph Create a password... Immediately after the password is created, additional items will appear Change / Remove Password.

If you decide to restrict the rights of any of the users, you need to click on the link in the window Set parental controls... Then you should select the user for which the restriction will be set, after which a window with control settings will appear. By the way, if one or several accounts do not have a password, the system will alert you to this.

First you need to put the switch Parental control into mode Turn on using the current settings. Links in the section Windows settings allow you to configure certain parameters of user work, including: limit the time of work on the computer by days of the week, control access to game applications, as well as set permissions or blocking the use of certain programs.

Finally, you always have the right to delete any account you have created by clicking on a link with a meaningful name in the window for making changes to your account. Just keep in mind that you should carefully change the settings or delete users, since such operations can erase important user files if they are located in personal folders that Windows creates specially for them.

True, the developers insured themselves against rash actions and during the deletion of the account, Windows will first offer to save the user's personal files, and if you still click on the button Delete files, it will display another warning window.

After the system has two or more active accounts, each time before logging into the system in Welcome window you will be prompted to select the desired user.

While working in Windows, you can log out of one account and log in to another at any time, or without even logging out, just change the user. To do this, click on the button Start, and then hover your mouse over the arrow next to the button Completion of work.

After selecting the item in the menu that opens Change user, without exiting applications and closing active windows, you will be shuffled to the welcome screen, where you can select a new profile to log into the system. Just keep in mind that working with several configurations at the same time, seriously reduces the available amount of RAM and can lead to "slowdown" of the computer.

By the way, you can quickly change the user by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination and selecting the appropriate menu item or using the Win + L hot key combination.

If you need to completely log out of your account and allow another user to work in Windows, select Log out... In this case, all programs and files with which you worked will be closed.

Microsoft and what role it plays. The fact is that the software giant has united a lot of useful services and servers, so with the help of a single registration you can get access to all the variety of projects.

The whole world is in our hands

Creating a Microsoft account (Live ID) is required to manage services such as SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Messenger, Hotmail, Outlook, and Windows Phone and Windows 8 systems.

Since the end of 2013, registration for the WP SDK can also be completed using a Microsoft account. The SDK provides all users with the ability to install any applications that have the XAP extension on communicators running WP 8.

Registration details

Next, we'll walk you through how to create a Microsoft account (Live ID) step by step. We go to the official website at, click on "Register" - the button on the main page at the bottom. A window will open in front of us, in which you need to enter personal data. Take a look at the section that will talk about the preferred option to sign in to the service.

Here we are interested in getting a new mail address, so we select the appropriate inscription. The invented login should contain exclusively Latin letters, as for the second part of the login, it is preferable to choose windowslive or live. Next, we come up with and enter it in the fields provided for this purpose.

Let's not forget about safety

Never ignore the dedicated password recovery section. As for the question about your preferred password recovery method, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

For example, you can select a security question or indicate an alternative email address you have. Remember, your Microsoft Windows account needs to be as secure as possible, or you might get hassle in the future.

In the next step, we indicate the country and zip code. Do not enter any numbers - it will not work, because Microsoft has a database of postal codes for each country. Confirm that you are not a robot by entering the characters shown in the picture into a special field, then click on "I Accept". So, all the fields are filled in correctly, a new Microsoft account has been created, registration, as you can see, was successful.

Additional account

So how do you create a Microsoft account for Windows 8? There is a new panel called "PC Settings" that allows you to create local accounts or link the system to an online Microsoft account.

Thanks to the online account, you can synchronize all your personal data, the list of installed metro applications and some important system settings with any of the computers from which you plan to log into the system. So, open "PC Settings", then "Settings", then "Change computer settings". A special window will open, in it select the "Users" section, click "Add user". In order to use an online account, then you need to enter a real email address (how to create a mail, we discussed above), click "Next". Upon completion of the wizard, save the changes by clicking on the "Finish" button. The first time you sign in with a new account, you will need an active internet connection.

To create an account locally, in the first screen, select "Sign in without a Microsoft account", then click the "Local account" button. Enter the username, specify the password, as well as a hint, apply the changes by clicking "Next", and then - "Finish". There are no tools to delete or change all user accounts in "PC Settings" for this version of Windows.

For this purpose, it is proposed to use the "Control Panel", item "Accounts". In the list of existing users, select the required entry, then delete it, rename or change the type. In addition, you can apply parental controls and change or create a password.

How do I create a Microsoft account for Windows 8.1?

On your desktop in Windows 8.1, move to the upper right corner or press the Win + C key combination and select "Options". Click "Change PC settings". The window that opens indicates what type of account we are logged into the system under: account or local account.

To enter through the Microsoft record or create one, select “Connect to Microsoft Record.” Click “Create New Record.” Fill in all the fields or use an existing mail.

After that, follow all the instructions of the system, and in a few minutes you will become the owner of your own account, which will greatly simplify your communication with the computer and open the way to new opportunities from the software giant, which has no equal in the world of computers. We hope you find our tips helpful. Thanks for the attention of each reader!

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