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What does the word post on the Internet mean. Other social networks

In this article, we will tell you about what a social media post is. You will learn how to create posts correctly and make them as effective as possible.

What is a social media post

  • title;
  • descriptions;
  • links;
  • Images;
  • if possible, you can also use a survey;
  • hashtag if social media allows.

How to post on social media the right way

When it became clear what a post on social networks is, you need to figure out how to do it right. The positive effect brought to the site depends on the correct execution. In order for a post to be effective, all parts of it must be used correctly.

The post title should be short and descriptive. From the first words, it should be clear what the post is about, and there should be something attractive in it. You can learn how to make catchy headlines. It is advisable to use a key phrase in the title.

The description is the largest part of the post. It also needs to use a keyword. The description should be written in such a way that it is clear what the content of the link in the post is about. In this case, you should use any catchy and attractive phrases. Many social networks limit the number of characters for a description. So this should be short and to the point.

The post must contain a link to an article on your site. If possible, it is better to use the link in its entirety. If post restrictions do not allow, then you need to use link shorteners.

The picture for the post should be chosen in the same way as the text - attractive and thematic. The image is the first thing that will attract the user's eye, so the picture should catch his attention, make him want to read the description.

Some social networks allow the use of hashtags − key phrases, by which you can search and group different posts on social networks. For example, hashtags can be used on VKontakte and Twitter. If there is such an opportunity, then it should not be ignored.

Some social networks allow you to use polls in posts - each user can vote by choosing among several options. This helps improve the engagement and distribution of the post. Therefore, it is recommended to use surveys.

For several years now, experts in social media trying to figure out how and why some social media posts become wildly popular. The question is really complex, and the results of all studies and experiments do not say anything specific. Meanwhile, brands, celebrities and ordinary SMM-specialists are ready to give a lot for the opportunity to learn how to write such materials that will scatter over the network, get into the heart of the audience and cause only positive emotions in it. Doesn't anyone know how to do this?

Let's be honest: nobody. There is no "formula for successful fasting". However, this does not prevent us from deriving certain patterns and trying our luck. Let's analyze a dozen posts with an impressive number of likes and see what they are good for.

01. Life stories

People love life stories about eternal values: friendship, compassion, love and courage. Try to write about someone specific person, but in such a way that the record is understandable to everyone and affects everyone personally.

02. Unusual point of view

You can always surprise your subscribers with an unexpected idea, interesting fact and make them think about the usual things.

03. Right time, right place

This task is rather difficult. You will need a well-thought-out plan of posts tied to interesting dates or events, and besides it, the ability to quickly switch when an important informational occasion appears on the horizon, and write on topics of concern to the public. If you learn how to do this, then your publications will always be relevant and popular. Here's a great example: during the Sochi Olympics, the owner of the Novosibirsk pizzeria Bird Tit managed to joke about unopened rings (long before the sensational Audi ad appeared):

04. Proper serving

Ambiguous topics, as a rule, have a good effect on the rating, especially if you learn how to present them correctly. Remember: light sarcasm works better than big words, infographics are more visual than written reports, and first-person opinions are often stronger than official statements.

05. Non-banal call to action

Facebook users are no longer paying attention to requests like “Click like if you agree” or “Share if you care”, so try to find one. unusual way motivate them.

06. Inspirational quotes

These phrases always work. They are appropriate in any situation, and subscribers perceive them as if you are addressing everyone personally. If, in addition to the phrase itself, you add a photo of its charismatic (this is important) author, then your post will literally collapse under the “likes”.

7. Sore topics

After reading such a post, the reader should think: “That's right!”. Even if the topic of the post is something annoying, if you manage to find that little chip that will cause people's involvement and can correctly formulate it, then you will receive a flurry of approval and reposts in response.

8. Not all at once

Intrigue subscribers with a catchy headline, but don’t rush to post everything as you please. Do not forget that the intrigue - The best way draw attention to the post and increase the number of clicks to your site.

A list post is consistently engaging and easy to read. The main thing is to find a topic that will not leave anyone indifferent.

What is an online post?

    A post on the Internet is some kind of article that someone has published. Usually posted on a blog. A blog is an online diary kept by some people, who are therefore called bloggers. In this diary, they write what happened to them new, publish different photos from your life. Here is one such article called a post, and the blog itself consists of several posts.

    I don't really understand the meaning of the question. If we are talking about the Great (or other) spiritual fast, then it would be more correct to talk about fasting on the Internetquot ;. In this case, the answer will be:

    This is not about using the network for work or business purposes, but about thoughtless hangingquot ;, which not only steals our time from God (after all, fasting is separation for God), but is completely devoid of benefit for the soul. Aimless surfing, idle chatter on social networks or flirting on dating sites (not to mention porn sites and other unclean activities) quite fall under this concept.

    Lent is a time for serious things, really important and valuable. Meeting with dear friends, but not hangoutsquot ;, watching movies that are useful for the soul, and not stupid laugh over the next Voroninsquot ;, good deeds, and not killing time - this is precisely what should distinguish fasting from ordinary time.

    And, of course, the main thing. Fasting exists not so much to refuse something, but to clear the path to God. Everything we do in fasting should have this goal in mind. Otherwise, it's just fasting, not real fasting.

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    Internet post is repair work in your nano network, lack of connection, technical failures, replacement software, power outage and other situations when access to the Internet is physically impossible or extremely difficult.

    A post on the Internet is your or someone else's message, comment, any other information posted for public reading on any forum, page on a social network, blog, and also under some kind of video, for example, on YouTube.

    Internet post it is a publication, usually in a blog, social network or magazine. Actually English word post, besides many other values, the message still matters the most.

    That is, a post on the Internet is a public message, either purely informational, or expressing the author's personal attitude to any event.

    Since the word POST itself is not unambiguous, I think that there are several posts on the Internet))) Such posts are set in order to restrict access to your personal information on your personal page of a certain site!))) It is possible to overcome such a post by entering your own personal password which, in theory, only you should know!))) But in Lately cases have become more frequent when spies (in the common people called hackers) steal other people's information bypassing these posts with their not quite legal methods ....!)))

    A post on the Internet is media content posted on the Web (text, photo, video, audio).

    Post, as a word, most likely comes from the English word post - one of the translations of which into Russian is to post.

    That is, information of any kind posted on the Internet is a post.

    Internet post is any article or entry on a web page. Name post came from the English post, which translated into Russian means postquot ;, publishquot ;. True English word post can also be translated as mailquot ;, columnquot ;, positionquot ;.

    Believers, probably, come to a stupor.

    In fact, fasting on the Web is not related to the church.

    Post is the English word post written in Russian.

    In another way, you can say: record, note, article, comment.

    Post, in English, post is a banal comment 🙂 I.e. you leave on the Internet on any of your comments - this is a post.

    But if we talk about the Orthodox meaning of this word, then fasting is abstinence. Not only from food, but from sin, including from entertainment, fuss and idle pastime, and therefore from wasting time on the Internet 🙂

The words "repost" and "" mean, in fact, the same thing, but in order to understand their meaning, you need to get acquainted with the concept of blogs. Blogs are online diaries, that is, special sites on which each person can start their own page and post photos, texts or videos.

A blog differs from a personal site in that other users can subscribe to updates and comment on each other's posts. The word "post" came from English to post, "lay out", that is, publish new record in the blog. Eventually, all entries became known as posts.

Usually, software features a site where blogs are maintained, allow you to automatically copy your favorite posts of other users to your diary, while indicating a link to the source. Such copied posts are called reposts. The system of reposts is beneficial for both participants: both the author and the one who copied the original post.

It is necessary to distinguish between reposting and quoting. If the repost copies the entire post to original design, then quoting involves embedding the whole of someone else's post or part of it in the author's text.

This adds popularity to the author, and this is the most valuable capital in blogs. As for the user who made the repost, he gets interesting content in his diary without spending time writing a post. Now many users do not make independent entries at all, limiting themselves to numerous reposts. Nevertheless, even such a "secondary" diary has its readers.

Other social networks

In social networks such as Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others, the main focus is not on the production of original content, but on communication. However, even here, users regularly publish short posts, statuses, and interesting news on their pages. In addition, there are communities and groups that regularly add new content related to their topics.

The microblogging service Twitter, in which the message size is limited to 140 characters, also provides the opportunity to repost, although here they are called “retweets”.

To repost on Vkontakte, you must click special button with the image of a megaphone, which is located in the lower right part of any entry. At the same time, it is possible to repost not only on own page, but also in a group, in a private message.


Express your support for the information in the post by using the "Like" heart, which is located in the lower right corner of any post. Immediately after that, a special window with an arrow "Tell friends" appears. If the user clicks on this arrow, then the entry simply appears on his page. This is the easiest, most common way that allows you to repost your favorite posts on your wall.

Choose a specific audience for which the repost will be available. So, when sending a post to your own wall, all friends and subscribers who have the right to view the user's page will become such an audience. In the event that an administrator reposts a post on a group wall, subscribers of the corresponding community receive access to such information. Finally, when posting private message you can independently select one or more users of the social network who will be able to read, comment on this post.

You will need

  • Computer, mouse, Internet access, Vkontakte registration.


In the upper right corner there is an inscription "Close". It closes the window if you change your mind about using it.

Below you can enter your comment on someone else's post that you want to repost. Please note that a little lower on the right there is an inscription "Attach". Hover your mouse over it. You will see it open extra menu: Photo, Video, Audio, Document, Timer. You can add additional photos, audio, videos, documents in .pdf, .doc, .txt formats, etc. to the record that you transfer to your wall in this way. The last option of this menu allows you to postpone publication for certain time, which you specify by clicking on the "Timer" button.

Even lower, you are given the right to choose with whom you share the selected entry. By selecting "With friends and followers", you will send the post to your wall. By selecting "Community Followers", you must specify which community wall you are posting to. And you can choose only from the communities you created. Finally, by clicking "Send private message", you specify which of the friends you want to send the entry to.


When choosing entries to repost, avoid copying extremist or pornographic material. This is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Useful advice


  • how to repost vkontakte

Tip 4: How to pin a post on your VKontakte wall

In order not to forget important information and show it to your friends, you can pin the post on your VKontakte wall. This is one of the latest innovations of this social network, which makes it more convenient to use the wall for micro-blogging.


Select the post you want to post on your VKontakte wall. To do this, scroll down the wall and hover over desired post. Click on the date of publication, which is located in the lower left corner of the entry. You will have access to additional functions. Just click "Pin" and the post will immediately appear at the top of your wall.

To unpin a post on the wall, click again on the date it was posted, and then click Unpin. Please note that only publications posted by you personally can be pinned to your page. However, if one of the visitors to your page makes a repost - sends the entry they like to their wall, they will be able to fix it in the same way.

You can also pin a post to a group wall (community or public page) "VKontakte" if you are an administrator. To do this, just select an important publication in the way indicated earlier, and click "Pin". Please note that a pinned post can be placed both on the wall itself and at the top of the page - the area located above the main menu.

For our readers: what is fasting? from detailed description from various sources.

A post on the Internet is some kind of article that someone has published. Usually posted on a blog. A blog is an online diary kept by some people, who are therefore called bloggers. In this diary, they write what happened to them, publish different photos from their lives. Here is one such article called a post, and the blog itself consists of several posts.

I don't really understand the meaning of the question. If we are talking about the Great (or other) spiritual fast, then it would be more correct to talk about fasting on the Internet. In this case, the answer will be:

This is not about using the network for work or business purposes, but about thoughtless hangingquot ;, which not only steals our time from God (after all, fasting is separation for God), but is completely devoid of benefit for the soul. Aimless surfing, idle chatter on social networks or flirting on dating sites (not to mention porn sites and other unclean activities) quite fall under this concept.

Lent is a time for serious things, really important and valuable. Meeting with dear friends, but not hangoutsquot ;, watching movies that are useful for the soul, and not stupid laugh over the next Voroninsquot ;, good deeds, and not killing time - this is precisely what should distinguish fasting from ordinary time.

And, of course, the main thing. Fasting exists not so much to refuse something, but to clear the path to God. Everything we do in fasting should have this goal in mind. Otherwise, it's just fasting, not real fasting.

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Fasting on the Internet is repair work in your nano-network, lack of connection, technical failures, software replacement, power outages and other situations when accessing the Internet is physically impossible or extremely difficult.

A post on the Internet is your or someone else's message, comment, any other information posted for public reading on any forum, page on a social network, blog, and also under some kind of video, for example, on YouTube.

Internet post it is a publication, usually in a blog, social network or magazine. In fact, the English word post, in addition to many other meanings, the main thing is the message.

That is, a post on the Internet is a public message, either purely informational, or expressing the author's personal attitude to any event.

Since the word POST itself is not unambiguous, I think that there are several posts on the Internet))) Such posts are set in order to restrict access to your personal information on your personal page of a certain site!))) It is possible to overcome such a post by entering your personal Password, which, in theory, should only you know!))) But recently there have been more cases when spies (in the common people called hackers) steal other people's information bypassing these posts with their not quite legal methods ....!)))

A post on the Internet is media content posted on the Web (text, photo, video, audio).

Post, as a word, most likely comes from the English word post - one of the translations of which into Russian is to post.

That is, information of any kind posted on the Internet is a post.

Internet post is any article or entry on a web page. Name post came from the English post, which translated into Russian means postquot ;, publishquot ;. True English word post can also be translated as mailquot ;, columnquot ;, positionquot ;.

Believers, probably, come to a stupor.

In fact, fasting on the Web is not related to the church.

Post is the English word post written in Russian.

In another way, you can say: record, note, article, comment.

Post, in English, post is a banal comment 🙂 I.e. you leave on the Internet on any of your comments - this is a post.

But if we talk about the Orthodox meaning of this word, then fasting is abstinence. Not only from food, but from sin, including from entertainment, fuss and idle pastime, and therefore from wasting time on the Internet 🙂

In Orthodox countries, long and one-day fasts are established. Long, as a rule, concern almost all believers. But even for those who do not go to church and do not pray, it becomes interesting what fasting is, why it is needed, and sometimes they also want to join.

In order for the event to bring truly spiritual benefit and joy, you need to follow a number of rules. The article is dedicated not only to newcomers to the faith, but also to all interested people who want to help themselves become better, learn to love and forgive, humble themselves and rejoice. Note that the material is compiled according to the numerous answers of Orthodox priests about what fasting is and what it gives people.

Meaning of the word “post” in the dictionary

First, let's look at the definition of the word "post". It has three meanings in Ozhegov's dictionary, which are very different from each other.

In the first case, this word means the voluntary abstinence of a person from certain foods, from bodily pleasures and entertainment in the name of God.

The second meaning of the word is workplace a person of some profession, associated with observations, protection, inspection. For example, a customs post, a security post.

The third option is an elite position, for example, in government. Often we hear on TV: “He is elected to the post of vice-president of the country ...”, “He will take the post of minister ...”.

What does fasting mean in Christianity

What is fasting in Christianity? In fact, this is not only a restriction in food and a lack of entertainment, but also a prayer. That is, a person must himself, without extraneous requests and without coercion, force himself to take a step towards God. But in order to start communication with the Almighty, you need to discard everything earthly:

  • entertainment;
  • joys;
  • pleasure;
  • fun;
  • fuss;
  • unimportant worries;
  • evil deeds.

That is, a person must learn to perceive himself, those around him and God in a new way, become better, spiritually purer (get rid of evil thoughts, fuss, learn to forgive and love). That's what a post is!

First of all, a person must learn to pray, to communicate with the Lord. The Church, services in the temple, prayer books help with this. Fasting is always difficult, but at the end of such a feat, real joy appears, lightness in the soul.

How did he appear

Fasting began, as many priests preach, back in paradise. As the Bible says, God ordered Adam and Eve to eat any plants, but not to touch one tree, which was fraught with evil. This was fasting - eat everything, but do not touch what can harm you. Eve did not listen, tempted by the words of the demon, who was hiding behind the guise of a serpent. A tragedy happened - the world became the way we see it now: suffering, evil, illness and death. But in order for a person to improve, God gave absolutely all people a chance to return to paradise through fasting and prayer.

Before the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, people also limited themselves for the sake of God. But when the Savior was born and began to preach, then the rules that the Orthodox observe to this day changed. Fasting is for the people themselves, not for God.

What restrictions and prayer give

Almost every deeply religious person knows that fasting is a spiritual school of life. Having limited themselves to worldly cares and entertainments or excluding them altogether for a while, Christians suddenly realize that we have completely forgotten that all the fuss that revolves around us and around which we ourselves revolve will pass, it doesn’t matter. There is a more important thing in life - the salvation of the soul from death, from falling into hell for sins.

Often people ask priests about what kind of fasting is considered effective. The answer is unequivocal: voluntary, with the desire to change yourself, leave everything worldly and remember God, why we live, and of course, learn to love and forgive everyone. Such a feat is considered the most difficult, it is very difficult to part with pride and approach the offender, saying sincerely about forgiveness. And it is also difficult to devote some time to God so as not to be distracted by other matters and concerns.

Having overcome his earthly desires in order to meet the Lord, pray to Him, thank Him, ask for help, a person gains genuine joy, not just a fleeting feeling that arises in connection with pleasant circumstances, but spiritual joy for no apparent reason.

How to start fasting as a beginner

Newbies are always wondering when fasting starts and when it ends. The Church has established fasting days: one-day (Wednesday and Friday) and multi-day (Christmas, Great, Petrov and Assumption).

As a rule, modern calendars indicate what days you can eat. Dates of major church holidays are also given.

It is advisable to know in advance how to fast. The following will be brief information about preparation.

What can and should be done

We figured out what a post is. But how to spend all the days, because it is almost impossible to always devote time to prayer? Indeed, during such a period, Christians try to do something good in the name of the Lord and for the salvation of the soul:

  • do works of mercy;
  • go on pilgrimages;
  • read Orthodox literature;
  • listen to the sermons of church pastors;
  • prepare for the holiday to which fasting is dedicated.

Most often, fasters notice that there is much more time, and it does not run away at a rapid speed. After all, a contemporary at this moment leaves the TV, computer, gadgets. He uses the phone only on business and does not allow himself to say extra words. In addition, you should not communicate with friends if the meeting is held for the purpose of "just chatting, arguing, having fun."

How to prepare

Preparation for fasting usually begins with a visit to the temple in order to:

  • pray conciliarly at the liturgy;
  • confess your sins before the priest;
  • partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ;
  • listen to the preaching of the priest.

Usually people learn in church what fasting is. As a rule, priests remind that bodily and spiritual restraint is necessary in order for a person to part with his passions.

After all, everyone will have to get used to new conditions in the afterlife. If a person gravitates towards everything earthly, then in eternity he will unbearably want to go back, but there will be no way back. In addition, a person voluntarily sends himself to hell. To prevent this from happening, posts are given.

Who needs to fast

Until the age of seven, children are not able to be responsible for their actions, they only learn life, perceive absolutely everything that surrounds them. Therefore, they do not need to repent of their sins at confession. And at the age of 7, a boy and a girl must learn to be aware of responsibility for themselves, for their actions, deeds and thoughts, feelings.

The same goes for the post. It is related to confession. Therefore, children from the age of seven should join their parents. But one should not forcefully limit food and entertainment so that the child loses the desire to be a real Christian. Priests recommend doing everything gradually, and if the child is ready, he does not resist.

What to do after graduation

Many are looking forward to the end of the fast in order to return to their usual way of life as soon as possible. But Orthodox elders have always said that such a worldview is deceptive: such people do not fast, but simply follow a diet. Such thinking about fasting is dangerous because a person misleads himself. Lent should be a favorite period for a Christian.

It is recommended to observe the restrictions and devote more time to prayer according to the fasting calendar. The dates are not random. They are also a symbol of obedience, that is, a person does not point to something to himself, but obeys a certain law - in this case charter of the Orthodox Church.

What conclusions does the person make?

Lent is the longest, and it is also the strictest. Lasts 48 days. It should be noted that strict fasting applies more to monastics. Lay people (people who do not live in monasteries and who have not taken tonsure) are allowed relief, but if the priest blesses. This is also why you should go to the church the day before to discuss all the conditions with the priest: what to limit yourself to, and what can be left as usual. After all, not everyone is able to strictly abstain for one reason or another. For example, due to illness or during pregnancy, one should not refuse dairy products, meat, if the doctor forbids.

So what conclusions does a person who has fasted spiritually and sincerely draw? He usually does not want to return to his former life. He becomes disgusted with what he liked to do before. And I also want to communicate with the Lord more often.

You have learned what fasting is, what it should be. If a person managed to leave his earthly affairs, or at least limit himself, then, with the end of this period, did not want to return to them, then the time was not spent in vain, but with great benefit for the soul.

Posts are messages that are posted on forums, online communities, blogs, and various websites. Initially given word was in use only on web forums, and posts top level(root) were called subjects. Over time, the term began to be used almost universally. Many services allow you to use in posts not only text information, but also attach pictures, videos, music to them. Other users have the opportunity to leave their comments, discuss with the author of a particular post, as well as among themselves.

Secrets of creating good and interesting posts

Practically in all social services there is a kind of rating - they get into it better posts per week, month or year. Such a right is given to those messages and entries that gain the most views, "likes" (likes), reposts and comments. That is, those that other users liked the most and interested them.

The dream of any blogger is to write a post that will be in the TOP. However, this is not easy to do. Hundreds, thousands and even millions of diverse messages are published daily on the network, 99% of which remain unread by anyone, lost in the general mass. That is why it is worth listening to the advice and recommendations of experienced popular bloggers to learn how best to write and format new post to draw the attention of a spoiled public to him.

A bright idea is 50% of your success

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, and, therefore, you will not need any special skills and abilities. It would seem, what could be easier? I found a suitable topic, got inspired and scribbled “quickly” on the keyboard of 500-700 characters. However, only those who have never tried to write and publish posts can think so. Even the search for an idea itself can take several weeks, because you need something that can really excite readers. You can find inspiration anywhere: by browsing best posts other users by talking to people in real life by observing and analyzing various events.

  1. Write simple and plain language, without complicated terms and little-known words. Imagine that you are not writing, but talking to a person personally.
  2. In order to convey your opinion and argue it, bring real examples and use comparisons.
  3. Try to avoid professionalism and abbreviations - they will confuse the reader.
  4. Focus on what new things you can tell people, and how this new thing will be useful for those who later read your post.
  5. Don't write too long posts. This will tire the reader and force him to simply move on to other entries.

It is important that all the information you use is not only interesting, but also relevant today.

Three pillars on which fasting rests

Let's remember school lessons Russian language. A post is, in fact, a text, a note, a mini-article. So, it must be logically divided into three parts: the beginning, the main part and the conclusion.


The shortest of them, in fact, is the beginning. They are essentially a pair of introductory sentences that aim to grab the reader's attention. If you fail to “hook” a person’s gaze from the first words, simply no one will read your post. There is a beginning and another, not so important function- it helps to conduct a small warm-up for the mind and set the reader to the style, manner of presentation.

Main part

The "heart" of the post is the main part. First of all, you should pay attention to the sequence and logic of presentation. Don't contradict yourself. If at the beginning of the text you put forward a certain thesis, stick to it in the future.

If you prove your point of view on a particular issue, pay attention to the order of presentation of the arguments. It can be either direct - from weak to strong, or reverse - from the strongest to weaker, additional. Ideally, there should be a relationship between them: that is, each following, as it were, stems from the previous one. However, do not be upset if you fail to build such a “train”: in most cases, the arguments are too diverse to combine them according to any principle.

Nevertheless, the gradation must be observed in any case: scattered, unrelated evidence, even the most convincing, will confuse the reader and leave him not the best impression.

Be careful not to "mark time" and not to retell the same thought in different interpretations, changing only its verbal form. Those who have to catch your thought will understand everything without it. And frequent repetitions will cause, rather, irritation.

Try to write an emotionally rich, vivid post. This does not mean that it is worth turning the text into a fountain of contradictory, enthusiastic epithets, however, a dry set of letters, more reminiscent of an excerpt from some university textbook, is unlikely to please anyone. The share of jokes in the text always makes it more interesting for the reader.


Disgustingly perceived posts that end abruptly, like serials, in fact interesting place. Moreover, unlike the latter, they most often do not have a continuation, and the thought remains unfinished. That is why, when finishing work on the next post, try to sum up and summarize all of the above. Here you can also stimulate the discussion by asking the audience a topical, “painful” question. In rare cases, it is allowed to use a "truncated" model, where there is no conclusion, but this option is quite risky.

Liven up the text!

Now that you know the meaning of the word "post" and the basics of writing such notes, it's time to talk about their design. The latter, by the way, in some cases can play a decisive role.

If the size of your post exceeds 300-400 characters, try if possible to break it into paragraphs of 3-4 lines each - gray "sheets" are very tiring to look at and do not allow you to concentrate on the essence of the text.

Attach a themed image to your post. Remember that it is on her that a person will look first of all. Therefore, it is advisable to choose some funny drawing, an original demotivator or a comic - something that will interest a person, make him smile and encourage him to read the entire post in its entirety.

You can add videos. It is desirable that it be of high quality, filmed on good camera, interesting and meaningful. The duration also matters - few people are set up to watch 30-40-minute videos in the process of ordinary Internet surfing. The optimal duration is up to 5 minutes.

Be sure to consider the features target audience for which you are writing. After all, it goes without saying that young entrepreneurial start-ups and mothers on maternity leave literally “live in different worlds", they speak different languages and are interested in completely different things.

As you can see good posts is a real art with its own rules and secrets. Of course, no one will give you a guarantee that you will get into the rating of posts created by LiveJournal (or by any other service). Much depends on the mood of the Internet community, fashion trends and other factors that you can’t influence in any way. However, really interesting posts, on which the authors work especially painstakingly, will always hit the target and gain popularity. Good luck!

Fast- a multi-valued concept (a number of terms, a surname, a toponym).


  • Fast- an appropriately equipped place for observation, control or guarding:
    • Post in military affairs.
    • Traffic control post
    • Contact network sectioning post
    • Post of electrical interlocking
    • A waypoint is a kind of separate point on a railway line.
    • A film projection post is one of several film projectors included in a cinema installation designed for continuous film screening of a film consisting of several parts.
  • Fasting - ritual abstinence from eating or food restrictions for religious reasons.
    • Fasting in Judaism
    • Fasting in Christianity
  • Post - colloquial name of the position held, official position, place in any institution or enterprise.
  • Post (record) - a single message in a forum or blog.


  • Post - a hill within the city of Pyatigorsk.
  • Post-Volynsky - an area in the Solomensky district of the city of Kyiv.
  • Post Falls is a city in Kootenai County, Idaho, United States.
  • Post is a city in Texas, United States, the capital of Garza County.

Surname bearers

  • Post, Albert Hermann (1839-1895) - German lawyer and judge, representative of comparative law.
  • Post, Albertson Van Zo (1866-1938) - Cuban swordsman.
  • Post, George Edward (1838-1909), American botanist, physician and missionary.
  • Post, Marky (born 1950) is an American television actress.
  • Post, Melissa (better known by the pseudonym Nicole Sheridan; genus. 1975) is an American pornographic actress.
  • Post, Austin (better known as Post Malone; genus. 1995) is an American hip hop artist, songwriter, and record producer.

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