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What does the word account detail mean? More information about costs

Quite often in detective agency customers contact us with a request to help get the details of the calls of a subscriber of any mobile operator. As often, agency clients are interested in the possibility of receiving a printout of calls.
As a matter of fact, listing calls is the same as. The difference is that the printout, unlike the detail, contains the texts of sent and received SMS.
For the most part, such appeals to the detective agency are associated with the desire of a spouse to confirm the fact of adultery of their half.

So what is phone call granularity?

Detailing phone calls - information about the actions of the owner of the SIM card, which, as a rule, contains the following points:

  • - type of connection, namely incoming or outgoing call, as well as incoming or outgoing sms or mms;
  • - phone number to which or from which the call was made, or SMS or MMS was sent or received;
  • - date and time of the action;
  • - duration of the conversation;
  • - Approximate location of the subscriber.

Let's take a closer look at the data that gives.

To date, the prepaid package mobile communications you can buy anywhere, without providing passport data. Therefore, it will not be possible to obtain information about any unfamiliar number (even taking the call details of this number already). By the way unknown numbers maybe more than a dozen.

SMS texts do not contain call details and are useless in this regard. It should also be noted that the exchange of SMS is yesterday. Much more convenient are various free phone applications (messengers) that use the Internet and are much more convenient than regular SMS.

From practice we can add that often the second half has a second phone which few people know about. In this case, detailing the calls of a known number is generally useless.

Regarding the determination of the location of the subscriber.
Detailing of calls contains only binding to the nearest repeater. Considering that repeaters in cities are on average located at a distance of 500 meters from each other, exact location cannot be obtained by detailing. It is also impossible to find out how much time a person spent in the specified area, visited someone, or was just passing through.

Call details and the law

From the point of view of the law, call details can only be obtained by the owner of the SIM card, or by a court decision. All other methods are illegal. And Both parties are responsible both the one who provided and the one who received.

For example, article 163 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine states that for violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, provides for a maximum sanction in the form of restriction of freedom of up to three years; Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides the same maximum sanction for illegal collection, storage, use or dissemination of confidential information.

Given the illegality of providing details of calls, a serious detective agency, will not provide such services.. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of ads on the Internet, such as call details of any mobile operator, details of Kyivstar calls, live call details, mts call details. Asking for help in this issue according to such ads, very Great chance fall into the hands of scammers and part with your money.

Let's sum up a little. By itself, call detailing cannot, for example, confirm or deny the fact of adultery, or help to accurately determine the location of the subscriber. On the other hand, there is a violation of the law and you can get into the field of view of law enforcement agencies.

It is much easier to contact a detective agency that competently using outdoor surveillance will be able to document or refute the facts that interest you, as well as verify the data received in order to provide you with complete and reliable information.

Detective agency "Rakurs" does not provide details phone calls.

Private detective services

(confirmation or refutation of the fact of treason by agency detectives)

(social circle of a teenager, what is he doing in free time, the presence of the second half)

(checking the information specified by the candidate for a vacant position, searching for missing information)

(examination various information provided by the dating service, Internet resources)

(relatives, work colleagues, classmates, childhood friends, other people)

(carrying out a set of measures to search for a debtor - crossing the border, actual place of residence, etc.)

(search for the owner of the page in classmates, in contact, facebook, etc.)

(search for owner mobile number phone)

(confirmation or refutation of the fact of surveillance of you or your environment, area)

(informative way to obtain various, reliable information about a person, his environment)

(organization of external surveillance of pedestrians, couriers of delivery services, cars, transported goods, etc.)

(checking the data that the user indicated on a dating site, marriage agency, and other cases)

(search for the owner of movable or immovable property, whether a person has any property)

(verification of the indicated biographical data, collection of missing information by the agency)

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what "detail" is in other dictionaries:

    Concretization, detailing, clarification, concretization Dictionary of Russian synonyms. for details, see the clarification Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

    detailing- and, well. detailler to go into details. claim. Development in detail; striving for an exhaustive completeness of the image. The fruitfulness of D. is determined by the aesthetic and semantic significance of the details, their role can be self-sufficient to the detriment of the whole or ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    DETAILS, detailing, wives. (book). Action under ch. detail. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Creating a clearer and more specific, sometimes more emotional picture Glossary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    detailing 3.14 detailing addition of content, features and operations to more accurately identify the purpose of modeling language constructs and partial models. Source: GOST R ISO 19439 2008: Enterprise Integration. The foundation… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    G. 1. the process of action on nesov. ch. detail, detail 1. 2. The result of such an action. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

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    detailing- detailing, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    detailing- (1 f), R., D., Pr. detail/tions… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    detailing- Syn: see clarification... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


  • Features of the development of design activities of the investment and construction complex. Detailing and perspectives, E. A. Soboleva, V. P. Lugovaya. The problems of risk assessment, analysis of development strategies in a crisis, decision-making for financial investments in a construction project, project financing, assessment…
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Money disappeared from the account at a time when not a single call was made from the phone? Or you need to track how much was spent on recent calls? Calling intruders and need to get information about all incoming calls? What to do in all these cases? The answer is simple - you need get detailed call details.

Previously, for this you had to visit the offices of operators, since you could only get a printout there. But today, many operators are focusing on self service. That is, subscribers are provided with all the tools for independent solution problems. Moreover, the convenience of handling these tools is given Special attention. To this end, thoughtful personal accounts, where subscribers can not only receive printouts, but also connect / disconnect various services.

Why look for service offices if all the information can be obtained without leaving home? In order to get detailed call details from the MTS operator, the subscriber does not need to search for the passport, contract and address of the nearest service office. All these difficulties are useless if we recall the existence of such a convenient thing as "Internet Assistant". Here you can not only get a printout, but also get a detailed financial report. If in the detail there are lines with the payment of some unnecessary services, they can be turned off immediately.

How to make call details MTS

To receive a printout of calls from MTS, you need log in to "Internet Help". We enter your MTS number and password, after which we get into " Personal Area". If this is the first call to the service, or password was safely forgotten, can be re-requested- it will come in the form of SMS. Once in the "Personal Account", you need to find the item "Conversation Details"(you will have to sort out a large pile of points). After that, you will need to go through several simple steps- nothing complicated, even a schoolboy can handle it:

  • Choose a period– any, within the last six months;
  • After that, you need to choose where the report will come. It may appear directly in the "Internet Assistant", but it is most convenient to order it by e-mail - enter the mailbox address and click the "Next" button;
  • In the third step, the subscriber needs select report format. It is best to choose a report in XLS format(requires installed office suite) or in HTML format(it will open in any browser). You can also choose PDF format, but to view it you need to install the appropriate reader. XML Format it is better not to choose - specialized tools will be required to open it. It should be noted that the contents of the reports will be identical, regardless of the format.
  • In the fourth step, you need to make sure that the selected parameters are correct. Something does not suit? Then you can return to any previous step. The cost of detailing will also be indicated here - it depends on the tariff. But in most cases detailing is absolutely free that will please every subscriber. Click on the fourth step "Next" button and we are waiting for the results.

The finished report with details will not come immediately - it will take time: from several minutes to several hours. Probably, the waiting time depends on the network congestion. The system needs time to calculate everything and arrange it into a readable document. As soon as the network finishes thinking about the report, it will be sent to e-mail (or in the "Ordered Documents" section). We open ready report and view all calls.

Incoming and outgoing calls, facts will be indicated here sending SMS, the facts of sending USSD requests, Internet sessions and much more. All write-offs will also be indicated in the report. If there are incomprehensible discrepancies, you can contact the office - after all, occasionally the network makes errors in the calculations (they are extremely unlikely to occur, so you need to look at the reports and understand the numbers more carefully).

How to view a printout of SMS on MTS

In the details obtained, we can see only the facts of the use of certain communication services. For example, using the report, you can calculate the number of sent SMS or get acquainted with the cost of calls. Incoming and sent messages will be labeled as SMS, but it is not possible to view the text of the message in the printout. According to the MTS operator, the content of the SMS is not stored by the network. Therefore, it is impossible to find message texts in the printout, no matter how much the subscriber would like.

How to get the details of the MTS account

What is invoice detail? We can say that this is a financial document, which will indicate all subscriber's expenses and other financial information. For example, a subscriber replenished his account, but does not remember when he did it and what is the amount of replenishment. By ordering invoice details, you can see detailed information about all receipts. And it is ordered all through the same "Internet Assistant", in the "Account" section.

Select the period, specify the type of report and the method of obtaining, after which we wait for the result. By the way, both reports, which are described in the article, are very similar. Thus, in order to get full control over your number and MTS communication costs, you don’t need to visit the office at all - everything can be done at home, without rushing and without wasting time traveling to offices.

Before ordering details of calls and invoices, check the cost of these services by finding detailed description your tariff, or make a call to the MTS operator to clarify the information.

It's not nice when you want to call close person and zero balance. Moreover, you still don’t know where the money went and how it happened. The “Account Detailing” service from MegaFon helps to keep track of transactions on a personal account. What is detailing, its types, methods of obtaining services, we will consider further.

What is detailing and its types

Bill details - information about expenses on your phone number. It is carried out for a selected period, which can be either arbitrary or fixed: day, week, month. The charges include information about incoming and outgoing calls, SMS messages, as well as incoming and outgoing calls. outgoing traffic internet, This service available both for a fee and for free.

Detail types:

  • Express detailing;
  • One-time detailing;
  • Detailing per month;
  • Last 5 write-offs.

Free methods of detailing from Megafon

Most people are naturally interested, first of all, free ways account details. These include:

  1. Monthly account;
  2. last 5 write-offs;
  3. the first one-time drill request.

Monthly bill

The monthly bill is a summary of the subscriber's expenses for the month. It displays information about accruals, payments and services active on the account and tariff options. If you order the service no later than the 10th day of each month, you will receive a letter by mail, e-mail or fax with general information on your account.

Connection methods:

  1. Apply with a passport to the Megafon communication salon
  2. Via Personal Account: detailed algorithm action is presented below.

How can I see the last 5 debits from my account?

You can get information about the cost and time of the last five calls, SMS messages, Internet sessions or other paid sessions using the "Last 5 debits from the account" service. All data will be sent as an SMS message to the number from which the request was made.

To watch 5 recent write-offs dial *512#

Free one-time detailing

The most popular type of detailing. Her advantage over others paid types lies in the fact that its implementation can be carried out once a day for free. This type of detailing is suitable for rare requests when you need to know about the costs for certain period time, be it a day, a week, a month, or even a few hours.

Connection methods:

  1. Via Personal Account: this species connections will be discussed in detail below.
  2. Dial USSD command *105*803#, then follow the prompts of the system that come in the form of messages.
    To use this method, you must verify the address Email in your personal account.
  3. Call 0500, keys 1-2 and follow the instructions of the autoinformer.

How to request details through the Personal Account:

To request details in your Personal Account, go to the section "Expenses, replenishments and details"

Then select the period during which you want to see the invoice details, the format of the report provided and enter the email address so that the report arrives there

  • Per day ( last 24 hours since request) - 3 rub.;
  • During the week ( 168 hours from request) - 21 rub.;
  • Per month ( 30 days from request or last calendar month) - 90 rub.

The extract cannot contain information about expenses that were made earlier than the past six calendar months. For information about earlier periods, you can contact the MegaFon communication salon, where the company's consultants will help you.

Express Detailing

Express Drilldown offers information about calls made, messages received and outgoing, and Internet traffic spent in the last 7 days from the date of the request. Its advantage is the speed of request processing and a fixed period for which information is provided - a week.

Connection methods:

  1. Dial USSD command *113#. The report will be sent as an MMS message
  2. Send blank text message to number 5039 for a report in an MMS message
  3. Send a message with an email address to a number 5039. The report will be sent to the specified address.

Report presentation form - MMS-message or e-mail.

The cost of one request for express detailing is 21 rubles.

Detail per month

Drilldown for a month provides data on all activities by number for a calendar month. You can receive a report on account activity monthly by mail, courier to your home/office or by e-mail. Its advantage is the frequency of data provision: by activating the service once, you will no longer have to contact the communication salon or activate the service again - the details will come every month on the designated day.

Connection cost - 90 rub/month
The amount is debited from the phone account

Connection methods:

  1. Apply to the communication salon with a passport;
  2. Call to contact center by number 0500 from your numberor to the number 8-800-550-05-00 from any number and make a request to connect the service.
    IN this case you will need to name the series and number of the passport

It is better to specify the cost of delivery of invoices by mail or courier by calling 0500 or 8-800-550-05-00, since they may differ depending on the region where the service is provided.

How to make call details of someone else's Megafon number

It should be noted that legal ways details of calls of someone else's number do not exist, because it violates the right to privacy and can be prosecuted under the law, for example, under the article "Espionage".

Nevertheless, there is a dishonest, but working way. If you get a person's phone, information about which you would like to receive, and through this phone you will enter your personal account, activate the "Monthly account" service and enter the email address you need, then it is to it that you will receive the details of the subscriber's account.

Video: How to activate the "Invoice Detail" service through your personal account

You can get all the detailed information about the "Invoice Detail" service in one document by downloading the file below.

A lot has been said and written about the ethics and effectiveness of this service in personal life, but most often we don’t even think about how detailed the calls to the company’s main numbers are for business. What opportunities does technology offer for a visionary leader?

Analysis of company needs

What does call detailing mean for business development? First of all, this is a way to timely assess the volume of workload on lines and employees, to understand where additional workers are needed, and where they do not pay due attention to their duties.

Paper printouts representing call details for analogue and mobile operators are available for additional fee and offer too little useful information. by the most convenient option is an . The Personal Account stores all information about incoming and outgoing calls. Time and duration of the call, customer number and extension number of the employee who received the call.

Is the number of missed calls growing in the sales department, although all employees communicate with customers continuously? Needed here urgently additional numbers and an increase in staff. One of the three lines assigned to the legal department is always free? Why then pay for communication services?

Efficient Routing

When configuring routing, you should also examine the information about incoming. By identifying the time intervals that account for the peak of calls, you can insure the busiest departments. Are all sales people busy? Perhaps marketers can help the client.

Does a business partner prefer to communicate with a specific employee, patiently waiting for a switch to his number? Set up automatic call forwarding from his number.

If the employees of the Ural branch are not able to cope with the flow of calls during peak hours, some of the incoming calls can be forwarded to representative offices in the central part of Russia, etc.

Call productivity is directly dependent on efficient routing.

Looking for the "weak link"

Detailing calls is also a great opportunity to determine the professional competence of employees.

A simple example. Agent 1 has an average talk time of 1.3 minutes and Agent 2 has an average of 3.5 minutes special programs available in the Personal Account). This information is not sufficient to determine business qualities. Compare the productivity of their communication (the number of deals made, agreeing to call back, meeting, etc.) by listening to the recording of the negotiations.

A virtual PBX is able to store virtually unlimited volumes of audio recordings, identify the “weak link”, and the best employees now much easier.

We identify the direction of development

To fully understand what the details of calls are, the service programs “embedded” in the Personal Account of the service user will help. With their help, you will find out from which regions and countries the the largest number calls (this indicates both the demand for goods and services, and the effectiveness of marketing).

Muscovites agree to talk with operators longer than St. Petersburg residents, does the number of sales correlate in the same proportion? Might be worth thinking about additional bonuses residents of the northern capital, etc.

In a word, call detailing - good way increase the efficiency of business communication. Best Tools analysis are ready to offer their customers IP-telephony operators.

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