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Which means left the place of international exchange. Russian Post Parcel Tracking

Tracking postal parcels sent by Aliexpress sellers from China is not a very interesting case. And first of all, the lack of interest is explained by the incomprehensibility of the statuses of international items.

Let's see what is meant by incomprehensible inscriptions on sites for tracking IGO tracking codes (international postal items).

Parcel information received

Aliexpress sellers often register parcels using electronic service... Therefore, the receipt of the tracking code in the order card does not indicate that the shipment is already at the postal carrier.

If the parcel has not yet arrived at the department logistics company, but at the same time it has already been issued by the sender in in electronic format, the status when tracking it will say that "Information has been received" about it. Sometimes it can take up to 7 days from the moment of registering a parcel to its actual arrival at the post office in China.

You can find information about tracking numbers on our website.

Package accepted

Another option: "Reception".

As soon as the seller or courier delivers the parcel to the logistics service, fills in all required documents, including the customs declaration, the status of the shipment is changed to "Reception". V additional information you can find out about the time and place of reception in the country of the sender.

Left the point of receiving the parcel

So, everything is fine - the departure began its own a long way to Russia.

On my way

Shipments are periodically registered at intermediate points - sorting centers. In such nodes postal service parcels can be reloaded from one mode of transport to another, in general, they are distributed along the optimal trunk routes. At such "checkpoints" the recipient can receive data that his order is still moving in the direction of Russia.

Arrival at MMPO

In MMPO (places of international postal exchange), the items undergo customs procedures, inspection and registration, they are prepared for export from the country of origin. It is here that the dispatch (postal items grouped in boxes or large bags) is formed, intended for the MMPO of the recipient country.


The "Export" status is assigned to shipments that have already been handed over to the carrier for delivery to the country of destination. When shipping goods from China, this status usually does not change for a long time during order tracking. The explanation is simple: for international shipments from China or Singapore, it is required to fill airplanes with a carrying capacity of 50 to 100 tons with mail.

There are other reasons for delays, for example, transit routes of flights, implying the presence of one or more intermediate points when flying. In each of them there will be delays in the unloading / loading of parcels.

During the export process, the package will not be tracked.

It is believed that export takes 1-2 weeks, but it happens that the procedure takes up to 2 months. Although there is a recommendation, when this process is delayed, to apply for the search for the parcel. In the case of an order with Aliexpress, you need to ask the seller to deal with the situation. You will either be refunded the money, or the Buyer Protection Term will be extended in order to still find the lost items.


This status appears only when the item is registered by the postal operator at the MMPO in the country of destination, that is, at the place of international postal exchange already on the territory of Russia.

Boxes (bags) with many parcels from the transit section of the aviation department are sent to MMPO. About a day after arriving at the center, the containers are opened and all shipments are registered, which is displayed on sites for tracking tracking codes. By the way, international parcels arriving in Russia are already expected at the centers - information about them arrives before arrival from the country of departure.

MMPO is located in Moscow, Vladivostok, Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Petrozavodsk and other cities. The choice of the city where the parcel will arrive depends on which flight was the best to send it from China, as well as on the degree of congestion of the MMPO.

Sometimes it seems more logical to send a parcel to Moscow for a Moscow recipient, but it is sent to Bryansk, and then land transport taken to the city of destination. And, perhaps, the order will reach the addressee faster, due to the periodically low throughput Moscow center.

Transferred to customs

After registration at MMPO, the parcels are transferred for clearance to the Federal Customs Service. Then they go through customs transit, which means packaging by type and transfer to a specific site. All shipments go through an X-ray machine, where the operator examines their contents. By the way, dogs also work at customs - they sniff every parcel for drugs or spice.

If at least some suspicions arise, the parcels are opened by the operator in the presence of a responsible person - a customs officer. Reasons for autopsy:

  • availability (although it is not clear how with the help of an X-ray it is possible to sift through that the package contains counterfeit products);
  • the assumption that there are goods for commercial use (for example, a batch of nail polishes);
  • suspicion that prohibited goods are being shipped (weapons, drugs, chemical substances, plant seeds, etc.).

If the parcel has been opened, then an inspection certificate will be attached to it. Two operators work with one customs officer. Customs performs its functions around the clock.

Detained by customs

One of the most unpleasant statuses.

Real people work at customs, not robots, so they carefully look at the information about the goods being sent. Low cost IGO assessments, if there is a smartphone inside, will immediately lead to suspicions that the seller is trying to deceive customs. The same thing, if there is simply no information about the shipment, such packages are often opened at customs.

Customs officers know how to use the Internet, so they can manually check the real value of the goods, perhaps using the information on the IGO, in which store it was purchased.

Still very important point: it is checked whether shopping by the same person is not exceeded, so far, set at 1000 euros. The limit on the weight of the goods is also taken into account, it should not exceed 31 kg. If the limits are exceeded, then a customs receipt note is attached to the parcel for payment of 30% of the value of the goods. You can receive a shipment at the Russian Post only after paying the customs fee.

All of the above explains why goods periodically hang at customs: FCS employees need time to unpack suspicious IGOs, check the real value and other procedures.

Issued by customs

After checking by the customs service, the items are sent to the Russian Post for further shipment to the recipient. Where exactly in this moment is the IGO can be found from the post office index, which is written next to the next status of the shipment.

Since the transfer postal service you can roughly calculate the time of arrival of the order, taking into account the average delivery time of items on the territory of Russia.

Arrived at the sorting center

Traveling in Russia, parcels pass through numerous sorting centers, where the optimal main routes are determined. Numerous shipments are sorted and sealed in large boxes to prevent damage and loss.

IGO forwarding speed across the territory Russian Federation due to many factors, including such as:

  • travel by land or air;
  • the frequency of flights towards the city of destination;
  • the degree of loading of mail planes (if the loading limit is exceeded, then the departure is waiting for the next flight);
  • other.

There may be more than one sorting center on the route. After the IGO is registered at the regional sorting center, you can safely wait for the parcel for 1-2 days. And it is not necessary to wait for the notification in the mailbox. By presenting documents and a tracking number in the mail, you can ask to check if the shipment has arrived. In any case, there are slight delays on tracking sites due, among other things, to the fact that local postal operators may delay the registration of newly arrived mail at the office.


Sometimes in sorting centers, parcels are sent “to the wrong place”. Another option is that the Aliexpress seller confuses something when writing the recipient's address. The wrong index affects the most, and the name of the city, region, and the addressee's surname do not have much influence.

After the admission of the IGO by not correct address, operators of post offices issue a coupon "Submission" and send mail to the addressee. This is not a big deal, but it greatly lengthens the travel time of the departures.

Came to the place of delivery

After the local post office employees register the IGO, they write out a notice, which the postman will take to mailbox to the addressee. The presence of this notice speeds up the process of receiving the parcel.

If there is no notification (for example, the recipient did not wait for the postman after seeing the status change on the tracking site), then the post office operator will print it again. You need to have documents and tracking code with you.

Parcel delivered

Another option: "Handing over to the addressee."

The parcel was issued to the recipient at the post office specified in the status.

You can track parcels either on or in, which is installed in the browser. Take advantage of convenient tool allowing you to control the movement of your orders from the moment they are sent from China to the moment they are received.

A complete list of decryption of the statuses of international mailings on our website site

Parcel delivered

The record means that the recipient has received the postal item.

Parcel returned

The postal item has been received by the sender. The main reason for the return is the expiration of the retention period, and the reason may also be an incorrect address or the name of the recipient.

The parcel is returned to the sender

The postal item has been sent back to the sender. The reason may be an incorrect address or name of the recipient, expiration of the storage period, or another circumstance.

Parcel information received

The sender (seller) assigned a number (track code) to the postal item on the postal website ( courier service), but the parcel has not yet been accepted by the post office. It can take up to 10-14 days from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual dispatch of the postal item.

Arrived at the destination

The postal item arrived at the post office (OPS) of the recipient. Further, the FSA sends a notice (notification) to the recipient's address that the shipment is at the department.
This status means that the recipient can independently apply to the GPT to receive the shipment without waiting for a notification.

Arrived at customs

By the decision of the customs inspector, the postal item can be opened for personal control. The reason for personal control may be the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, a commercial batch, the fact that there is no customs declaration (filled in incorrectly). The postal item is opened by two operators in the presence of a customs inspector, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

Left customs

Package accepted

The postal item is accepted for processing at the local post office from the sender (or seller). It has been assigned a unique an identification number(track code, tracking number), by which you can further track the location of the shipment.

Unsuccessful attempt handing over

This entry means that the postal operator reported an attempt to deliver the postal item to the recipient and for some reason the delivery did not take place.
Upon receipt of this status, you must contact the post office delivering the shipment and find out the reason for non-delivery, or contact Postal office communication to receive the shipment without waiting for notification.

On the way - Transit point

The postal item arrived at one of the sorting centers transit country for processing and further sending towards the recipient.

Tracking resumed

Long time the statuses of the mailing were not updated, and after this interval there was new information about tracking.

The tracking code of the parcel has changed

The postal item has been assigned a new track code. This usually happens when the parcel is transferred to another postal service for processing and further sending to the recipient's side.

Delivery service changed

The postal item has been transferred to another postal service for processing and further sending to the recipient.

Arrived at the customs of the country of departure

After sorting, all parcels are sent to customs inspection, where they go through an X-ray machine.

By the decision of the customs inspector, the postal item can be opened for personal control. The reason for personal control may be illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, a commercial batch, the fact that there is no customs declaration (not fully completed). The postal item is opened by two operators in the presence of a customs inspector, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the item.

Left the point of receiving the parcel

This status means that the parcel was sent along the recipient's delivery route.

Left the customs office of the country of departure

Customs checked the item and returned it to the postal service.

The package is being prepared for shipment to the country of destination

This entry means packaging, labeling, loading into a container and other procedures necessary for sending the mail item to the country of destination.

Transferred to the postal service

The postal item was handed over to the local postal service for processing and further sending to the recipient's side.

Parcel issued for delivery

The postal item arrived at the post office, the postman received a notice of the arrival of the item for delivery to the addressee.

The record may mean that a parcel has been sent to the recipient's address for home delivery, or a notice of the receipt of the parcel has been sent to his address.

The package is being prepared for delivery

Means the receipt of a postal item at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the item.

Information on further statuses is not provided

The postal item was sent with a track code (tracking number) that cannot be tracked at the recipient's territory.

Problems at customs

The postal item was detained by the customs authorities to carry out measures to determine the purpose of the postal item.

Upon receipt of goods in international mail within a calendar month, the value of which exceeds 1000 euros and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, it is necessary to pay customs duties, 30% of the customs value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight.

If information about the goods sent by mail is absent or does not correspond to the actual ones specified in the customs declaration, then it becomes necessary to conduct a customs inspection and document its results, which significantly increases the time spent on processing the items.

Error in the route of the parcel, the parcel will be redirected to the correct address

The parcel was sent to the wrong postcode or address, found an error and redirected the parcel to the correct address.

Package in transit

A status indicating that the postal item has been sent to the recipient's address.

The package has not yet been received from the sender

The seller registered the postal item on the website of the postal (courier service), but in fact the postal item has not yet been transferred to the postal service.

Tracking paused

After last update a lot of time has passed in tracking the postal item. And because of this long interval, the track code will not be automatically tracked. Also, the delivery service could inform that further tracking of the postal item will be terminated after it leaves the territory of the sender's country and enters the country of destination.

Generalized status, which may imply return, dispatch, temporary storage and other status.

On the way - Left the waypoint

The postal item was sent from an intermediate post office and is directed towards the recipient.

On the way - Arrived at the waypoint

The postal item arrived at intermediate node mail service for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Export from the country of departure

Means the actual dispatch of the postal item to the country of destination.

The postal item is handed over to a foreign carrier, which, by land or air transportation, delivers it to the place of international postal exchange (MMPO) of the country of destination. The “Export” status is the longest and the transition to the “Import” status may take some time due to the choice and approval of the most optimal (cheapest) route for the carrier for the delivery of your mail item. At this stage, neither the sender nor the recipient can track the exact movement of the shipment via the Internet.
An export operation takes an average of 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.
If more than 2 months have passed since the moment of obtaining the "Export" status, and visible changes no, and the postal item has not received the "Import" status, then the sender must contact the post office and submit an application for search.

The national postal operator of the Russian Federation "Russian Post" accepts, dispatches and delivers postal items on the territory of the Russian Federation and other states. In the branches of this national postal operator, the sending and receiving of both domestic and international parcels.

If the sending of parcels and postal items is made within Russia, then the parcel is assigned a unique 14-digit identifier number consisting of numbers, and when international shipping an identification number of 13 characters is assigned (numbers and letters Latin alphabet), similar to RA123456789RU.

Both numbers comply with the S10 standard of the Universal Postal Union and can be tracked by both the sender and the recipient of the mail item.

Russian Post tracking of postal items

Tracking of Russian Post works for both domestic shipments and international parcels, including EMS express shipments. Shipments within Russia have a tracking number consisting of 14 digits, the first 6 of which is the sender's post office index. Outgoing international shipments have a track number similar to AA123456789RU, where the first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment.

How to track a parcel on the territory of Russia?

It is easy to track the parcel in Russia. To do this, you need to know the tracking number of the parcel. At the Russian Post, you can track only 14-digit numbers of domestic parcels and 13-digit numbers of international items.

Enter your shipment number in and our service will track your parcel at the Russian Post through the official website, as well as check all the necessary foreign websites of delivery services.

Russian Post tracking parcels by postal ID number

Postal identifiers are a special combination of letters and numbers that allow the postal service to uniquely identify a shipment. There are countless postal identifiers, but the Russian Post supports tracking only for two types, this is the international item of the International Postal Union, and the tracking of items within the country.

Parcel identifiers of the International Postal Union consist of 2 letters of the Latin alphabet, in which the type of shipment is most often encoded, followed by 8 digits and the last 9 digit is check sum, in the conclusion there are 2 more letters, and this is always the code of the country of departure.

Shipments within Russia are assigned a 14-digit digital code, and the first 6 letters are the index of the post office from which the parcel or letter was sent.

How to find a parcel by tracking number of Russian Post

The parcel is easy to find by postal ID or tracking number. Domestic parcels consist of 14 digits and begin with the index of the branch from which the parcel was sent and looks like 39401900000000.

International incoming and outgoing packages can be tracked by special number accepted by the International Postal Union, it looks like Rx000000000CN. The first 2 letters indicate the type of shipment - registered or not, small package, parcel post, letter, then there are 9 numbers and the last 2 letters indicate the code of the country of departure.

Tracking ZA..LV, ZA..HK, ZJ..HK packages, shipments and deliveries

Shipments with tracking numbers of the form ZA000000000LV, ZA000000000HK - Simplified Registered Mail) a type of mailing created by Aliexpress in conjunction with the Russian Post to reduce the cost of shipping inexpensive goods with Aliexpress.

Shipments with tracking numbers of the form ZJ 000000000HK- a type of postal items created by Joom Logistics in conjunction with the Russian Post to reduce the cost of shipping inexpensive goods with Joom.

Such parcels have only 3 statuses:

  • Accepted at the post office
  • Came to the place of delivery
  • Received by addressee

Parcels are not tracked at all stages of the journey, but the entire important information is present. It is important for the buyer to know that the goods were physically sent and arrived at the post office, and the parcel will be found and issued at the post office by the number ZA..LV, ZA..HK.

Parcels are delivered to Russia by Latvian Post (ZA..LV) and Hong Kong Post (ZA..HK), but the goods themselves are in China, so it takes some time until the order is transported from the seller's warehouse to the Latvian or Hong Kong post office.

The Cainiao service from Aliexpress shows intermediate delivery statuses to the territory of Latvia and Hong Kong.

On our Parcels service, you can track all possible statuses of parcels ZA..LV, ZA..HK in Russian.

Decoding track number ZA - Simplified Registered Mail.

Russian Post Tracking

Tracking of Russian Post from China, Pandao, EMC and other shipments is no different from all other registered parcels. Just enter the 13-digit track number of the parcel, and our service will check it for all the services you need delivery, including Russian Post.

Remember, however, that in Russia tracking works only for registered international shipments, and for example, tracks like UC..HK or UA..HK and the like cannot be tracked when entering the territory of Russia.

Statuses of the Russian Post courier

Let's take a closer look at all the possible statuses of international parcels going to Russia and delivered by Russian Post, so that it is easier for you to understand where the parcel is and how long it will take.

Accepted at the post office

The sender filled in all the necessary forms, including the customs declaration, and the parcel was accepted by the postal or courier service officer. If this is the first status, then the shipment at this stage is assigned an identification number, by which further tracking takes place.

Track number assigned

Sender electronically has reserved the internal number of the shipment at the Russian Post and will soon transfer the shipment to the courier or to the post office.

Left the place of reception what does it mean

Means domestic departure within Russia or international departure from Russia was sent from the post office in which the sender handed over the parcel to the Russian Post.

Awaiting shipment from China, Singapore, Finland, Hong Kong, Spain

The post of the country of origin notified the Russian Post of the incoming shipment. After the parcel leaves the country of departure, the next status will be Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the border of Germany, Italy, France, Spain

The parcel arrived at the export MMPO, where the customs service checks the shipment for goods prohibited for shipment and prepares the shipment for shipment to Russia.

The export of a shipment is one of the longest periods in the delivery of parcels. This is due to the fact that it is unprofitable to send a partially loaded plane, so you have to wait until there are enough parcels going to one country.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, shipments can be delivered in transit through other countries, and this also delays delivery times.

Arrived on the territory of Russia

Means the import of the parcel to Russia. When you import a parcel, it goes from the plane to the Russian AOPP (Aviation Mail Transportation Department). Here the parcels are weighed, the integrity of the packaging is checked, the barcode is scanned to find out the place of departure, the flight number is recorded, and it is determined to which MMPO the parcel should be sent. The duration of an international shipment at AOPP depends on the degree of workload of the department, and on average it is 1-2 days.

In MMPO (place of international postal exchange), the parcel undergoes customs control and registration. After that, the service employees prepare an international shipment for shipment within Russia.

Reception at customs

The package has been transferred to customs inspection, where it goes through an X-ray scanner. If the customs officers have suspicions about the transport of prohibited substances or items, the shipment is opened and inspected in the presence of an inspector. After that (if the fact of transportation of prohibited goods is not confirmed), the parcel is packed again, the inspection certificate is attached and sent further along the route.

Issued by customs

The parcel is released by the customs service and transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the employees of the department.

Detained by customs

This status is optional and only appears when customs officials detect a weight exceeding allowable rate, the cost of more than 1000 euros and other violations. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional fees. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel will be released from customs.

Arrived at sorting center

From MMPO, the shipment goes for sorting. There are postal sorting centers in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the center closest to MMPO, where the logistics service employees develop optimal route delivery to the point of issue.

Sorting centers are huge premises in a large city, into which parcels and letters fall for their further distribution and dispatch to smaller points or to regional post offices.


The employees of the sorting center scan the barcode, register the shipment in the Russian Post system, then put it in a bag, which goes to the desired city. Further, the formation of shipments into containers, loading and dispatching.

Transferred for delivery within Russia

Status means that the parcel has passed all import procedures and customs control and transferred to internal system delivery of items across Russia.

Arrived at Sort City Center

Upon arrival in the recipient's city, the package is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, goods are distributed to post offices or other pick-up points. Delivery speed is influenced by: traffic congestion, weather, distance. For example, delivery within the city takes no more than 1-2 days, and in the region, the shipment can be delivered for about a week.

Arrived at the place of transit

Optional shipment status, meaning that it arrived at an intermediate transit warehouse, where the shipment will be grouped with other parcels and sent further to the nearest post office

Left the place of transit

Optional shipment status. Departure is still en route to your post office

Left the place of return / dispatch

How to understand and what this status means? The package did not come to the address or zip code and is now being sent to the correct address. Also, the parcel can be redirected at the request of the sender.

Registration passed

Means that the parcel has been checked in at the transit point and will soon continue on its way to you

What does it mean Awaiting courier delivery

This status means that the shipment has arrived at the post office dealing with EMS delivery shipments, and waits for it to be loaded into the car and the courier will deliver the shipment in your city. The next status will be Transferred to the courier

EMS status Transferred to courier

This status means that the parcel is on delivery by courier and the parcel will soon be delivered to the address of your home / office.

Transferred to the postman

A rather rare status, it means that the letter / parcel / small package is at the postman and he will deliver the item to your mailbox.

Awaiting the addressee at the place of delivery / Arrived at the place of delivery

The shipment has arrived at the post office nearest you. Within a few days, postal employees write out a receipt and bring it to the recipient in the mailbox. If you see this status, then you can not wait for the notification, but come to the post office with the departure number and passport to receive the parcel.

If the addressee does not arrive within a week, a repeated notification is issued. The package, which has been unclaimed for a month, is sent back.

IMPO or Place of International Postal Exchange

What is MMPO? The abbreviation stands for “place of international postal exchange”. MMPO is the place where the parcel is prepared for shipment from the sender's country. At MMPO, the parcel goes through export customs. MMPO packs several parcels as one cargo, the so-called dispatch, to improve loading efficiency Vehicle(trains, cars and planes).

Russian Post operates 13 points of customs clearance of postal items. Until 2013, Moscow MMPO handled up to 80% of all incoming international traffic to Russia, which caused a heavy load on the Russian Post.

To speed up the delivery time for international parcels, Russian Post has opened two new International Postal Exchange Locations in Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. The latter can handle up to two thousand international EMS shipments daily, with an area of ​​over 2000 square meters... The international postal exchange office "Yekaterinburg Koltsovo" is the first international postal exchange in the Ural federal district... It can handle up to 20,000 parcels and small packages per day at a 3,700m facility.

By the end of 2014, Russian Post plans to reduce the share of the exchange office in Moscow to 55%. In addition, there is exchange offices in Bryansk, Samara, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk and Vladivostok.

What is AOPP?

AOPP is the place of international postal exchange of the aviation department of mail transport

Post office

Russian Post employs about 390,000 people and has over 42,000 post offices, headquartered in Moscow. In 2012, Russian Post delivered over 2.4 billion letters, over 54 million parcels and over 100 million money transfers.

Early history

Records mention a system of messengers in the 10th century AD. Early letters were sent as a roll with a wax or lead seal; the earliest of these seals dates from 1079, and the governor Ratibor Tmutarakan is mentioned. The earliest surviving letter was sent in 1391 from La Tana (now Azov) to Venice

By the 16th century postal system included 1600 branches, and mail reached from Moscow to Novgorod in three days. In 1634, a peace treaty between Russia and Poland established a route to Warsaw, which became the first regular international postal route in Russia.

The Parcels application allows you to track the parcel of the Russian Post, as well as any parcels from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, from AliExpress, Joom, GearBest, BangGood, Taobao, eBay, and other popular online stores.

Very often on the site, people ask what this or that parcel status means. And since they ask, then we need to figure it out.

Postal status and order status on Aliexpress are two different things!

This article will talk about about postal statuses we also have an article. These are two different things. The order status is tracked in your. And reflects information about the parcel within trading platform Aliexpress. And the status of the parcel is tracked in postal services(Russian Post, China Post, etc.). Don't be confused.

Not all orders can be tracked

Please note that not every package can be tracked during the movement from the seller to you. This is only possible if she has a trackable track. But how to find out about this BEFORE ordering?

In the case of Aliexpress - open, then click on Delivery

And after clicking you will have a menu with information about the delivery methods. The last column will display information about the availability of the track (Delivery Information).

If this field indicates Not available, then your order will not have a track when choosing this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and you will not be able to find out the current postal status of the parcel.

How to track a parcel with Aliexpress

If this is your first time tracking your package and your package from Aliexpress, then read our article. If your package is not tracked at all, then read on.

Please note that the article describes the most common statuses. In fact, there are many more of them, but other statuses of parcels are much less common. And yet, some private courier companies, especially in China, may have the same statuses. in different words... If you have any status that is not described in this article - ask in the comments, we will try to figure it out. Be sure to indicate where you saw this status!

Parcel statuses in the country of departure (for example, in China)

While the parcel is in the country of departure, it can have the following statuses:

  • Acceptance (Collection, Acceptance) - the parcel was handed over to the post office. It should be borne in mind that the parcel does not immediately begin to be tracked by the track number that the seller gave you. It takes some time to process the parcel entering the database. Usually the track starts being tracked within 10 days.
  • Opening (Parcel arrived at the transit point) ... Usually, next to this status is written and postcode transit point. There can be many such statuses. Moreover, their order is not always correct. Probably operators transit points do not immediately clog the data. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the status of Opening after the Export.
  • Arrival at MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) ... In this status, the package is being prepared for export and shipment to the country of destination. For some shipping companies in China, this is the last status to be tracked.
  • Export (Departure from outward office of exchange, Total Export) - means that the parcel has passed everything necessary procedures and sent to the country of destination.

After the last status, it may take a long time for the parcel to be tracked in the destination country. If the package was sent without international track, then it may stop being tracked altogether.

Parcel statuses in the country of destination (for example, RF)

  • Import (Import) - the parcel arrived in the country of destination. It is drawn up for transfer to customs.
  • Admission to customs - transfer to customs for registration.
  • Customs clearance. Customs release - the parcel has passed all the necessary customs clearance and is being prepared for release from MMPO
  • Left the place of international exchange MMPO - the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further shipment.
  • Left the sorting center - the package has been sorted and sent to its destination.
  • Came to the place of delivery - the parcel arrived at the post office. In principle, you can already receive it. Or wait for a notification.
  • Delivery to the addressee (Product Delivered) - the parcel has ALREADY been delivered to the recipient.

Please note that in the interface for tracking the parcel at the Russian Post, on import, the addressee's index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or a fake track, it can be seen that parcel goes not to your post office. If the parcel has changed several statuses, and the index is still not correct, then you should start to worry.

Unpleasant parcel statuses

The package statuses described above are pretty standard. They mean that the package is on its way. Sometimes a parcel can get stuck on statuses, sometimes miss some, but, in most cases, everything is fine. However, there are statuses that unambiguously mean problems:

  • Return. Other circumstances - means that there is something wrong with your package. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong needs to be clarified. It's best to start with hotline mail of Russia 8-800-2005-888. After finding out the reasons and finding the culprit, you can think about what to do next.
  • Return. Return customs - similarly previous paragraph... Usually means that the address is not legible.
  • Unsuccessful attempt of delivery - usually accompanied by a clarification of the reasons for the failure. Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Addressee dropped out, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to have time to reach the post office before the storage time of the parcel has expired - this is 30 days. Also check if the parcel arrived at the post office at all. Well, sometimes in the mail, such statuses are put in general from the lantern. But it's worth controlling.
  • Return. Expired shelf life - obviously, you forgot to receive the package on time and returned it.
  • Dosyl. Submission - the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected. That is, the parcel travels on. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

What do the letters at the end of the status mean (PEK, CAN, etc.)

These letters are often seen when tracking the status of a parcel in China Air Post... They mean the IATA designations of the airports in which the parcel was registered. Their designations can be seen either on any service for purchasing air tickets (SkyScanner for example;)).

What does the NULL status mean (NULL, PEK)

This status is visible when tracking the status of the parcel in China Post. These are just the internal statuses of China post that they have not translated into English. Therefore, where there should be a translation, it is not, and instead of it NULL. If you can't bear to find out what kind of status it is, switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in hieroglyphs and translate it with google translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in Chinese version some statuses simply do not exist.

NULL, PEK means the package was at Beijing Airport. What she was doing there can be found in the Chinese version of China Air Post.

What does item arrived at OE in tne destination country mean?

OE - office of exchange - MMPO, Place of International Postal Exchange. This is a normal status, which means that the parcel has arrived at customs and is undergoing customs clearance.

The track (parcel status) has stopped changing, the parcel is not being tracked

Very often, anxious buyers start to worry when the status of the package suddenly stops changing. This often happens after export. It seems that quite recently the parcel moved briskly across China, changed statuses almost every day, and suddenly, after some Export of international mail, Arrived to destination country and a similar track, the parcel stops moving ..

If you find out your situation, then we have analyzed this situation in detail in the article. In short, there are two options:

  • If your track is international and is successfully tracked on the official website of your state mail (Russian Post, UkrPochta, Belpochta) and more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the last status update, then well, your fears are not without foundation.
  • If your track has never been tracked on the mail site. The status of the parcel you filmed in personal account Aliexpress or some specialized track verification site, or the track format is clearly different from the international one (the correct international one is something like this RR123456789CN). Then such a track during export often changes if the parcel is transferred to your state mail. That is, in your country, such a parcel travels under a different track (which you do not know, and, as a rule, you cannot find out). Well, the old track remains in its last status. That is, there is nothing to worry about at all. This situation is a variant of the norm.

But be that as it may. Whether your package is tracked from Aliexpress or not, the main thing that you should do is control the protection period and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

Checking the seller on Aliexpress

Most problems with orders on Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully choose a seller on Aliexpress BEFORE buying. This is not difficult and you can figure it out. But if time is expensive and there is no time to sort it out, then use our service.


I have repeatedly written a personal opinion that when ordering goods from China, you need to be patient. Don't worry if the parcel doesn't change its status for three days, a week, or two. This is a common occurrence. And even on holidays, of which there are many in China, everything stops at all. When ordering goods on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. It is much more important for a successful purchase to spend more time choosing a lot and then only control the expiration date of the protection. Than to monitor the movement of the parcel 20 times a day.

And use services and programs to control the movement of parcels. They are now quite different.

P.S. from February 2018:

In the comments, you often ask what this or that parcel status means. Most often, the ambiguity of the meaning of the status is associated with the crooked translation of the status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often, the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel and understand what it means your not standard status now it is possible only by understanding how the premise moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your package:

Write the track number of your parcel.

And we will ignore or delete comments like "What does status XXX" mean. Forgive me, but I'm tired of copying and pasting "Write a track, we'll see" into the void.


I don't see much point in knowing detailed description one or another postal status... The meaning of most of them is clear from the name, the meaning of others is not that important (again, for me).

Nevertheless, many users want to understand what the status of the parcels that they see when tracking means. So I will give a description of the most frequent and popular statuses that you can find on various trackers.

Handing over to the addressee / Handing over to the recipient

The parcel was received by the addressee (at the post office or delivered by the courier)

Flew to destination country

The parcel will be handed over to the mail of the destination country. Then it will be delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import / export operations.

Departed from the airport

The parcel departed from the airport of the country of origin and is being sent to the country of destination. The status will not change immediately upon arrival at the airport of the country of destination, but after the parcel has been processed by the postal service. This may take from 3 to 10 days.

The parcel departed from the airport of the country of origin and is being sent to the country of destination.

After the parcel leaves the territory of the sender's country and arrives in the country of destination, it will be assigned a new track code that is not registered anywhere. Accordingly, the package will not be tracked.

Issued by customs

The customs clearance procedure is completed, in the near future the parcel will be handed over to the mail of the country of destination for further delivery.

Ready to ship

Ready to ship

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Detained by customs

This operation means that the parcel was detained by the customs officers to carry out measures to determine the destination of the parcel.

Upon receipt of goods in international mail within a calendar month, the customs value of which exceeds 1000 euros, and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 31 kilograms, in terms of such excess, it is necessary to pay customs duties and taxes using a uniform rate of 30% of the customs value of goods , but not less than 4 euros per 1 kilogram of their weight. If information about the goods sent to the IGO is absent or does not correspond to the actual ones, this significantly increases the time spent on the registration of items, since it becomes necessary to conduct customs inspection and document its results.


The parcel was sent to the wrong index or address, found an error and redirected it to the correct address.

Import of international mail

The operation of receiving a shipment in the recipient's country.

All mail arriving on the territory of the Russian Federation from flights begins its journey in the aviation department of mail transportation (AOPP) - a special postal warehouse at the airport. Within 4-6 hours from the plane, the shipments arrive at the AOPP, the containers are registered, their integrity and weight are checked. Mail is registered in electronic base data. When registering, a barcode is scanned, data is entered about where the container is addressed (for example, MMPO "Moscow"), from which flight it arrived, about the country and date of formation of the container, etc. The time of these operations can be increased from 1 to 7x days due to the limited capacity of AOPP.

The next operation after export from the country of origin, which is reflected on the site when tracking the shipment, is import to the country of destination. Import information appears after the shipment is handed over by the carrier postal operator country of destination. Operation "Import" means that the shipment entered the territory of Russia and was registered. International shipments arrive in Russia through the International Postal Exchange (MMPO). There are several MMPOs in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Samara, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Bryansk. The choice of the city where exactly the international shipment will arrive depends on the country of the sender. The choice depends on the availability of regular flights and free carrying capacity in one direction or another.

Unsuccessful attempt of delivery

It is assigned if the operator reported that there was an attempt to deliver the parcel to the addressee, but for some reason it failed.

Options for further action:

  • New delivery attempt
  • The parcel will be deposited on demand or until the circumstances are clarified
  • Return to sender

What to do if this status is received:

    It is necessary to contact your post office and find out the reason for non-delivery.
  • You must independently contact the post office to receive the parcel.


The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment to the recipient.

Processing at a waypoint

Processing at the sorting center

The Processing status in the sorting center is assigned in the process of delivery of the shipment through the intermediate sorting centers of the postal service. In sorting centers, mail is distributed along trunk routes. Parcels are reloaded from one transport to another, for further shipment to the recipient.

Processing completed

Generalized status, meaning the completion of the processing of the parcel before sending it to the recipient.

Awaiting delivery to the post office

Awaiting shipment

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Awaiting quality control

Means that the package has not yet been completed and is in the seller's warehouse, awaiting content verification before shipment.

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel has left the warehouse / intermediate sorting center and is on its way to the next sorting center towards the recipient.

Export operation completed

The customs clearance procedure is completed, the parcel was handed over to the mail of the country of destination for further shipment to the recipient.

Shipment from the seller's warehouse

The parcel has left the seller's warehouse and is moving towards the logistics company or the post office.

Cancellation of shipment

Generalized status, meaning that the parcel (order) for some reason cannot be sent (continue further movement).

Sending to terminal

The package is sent to the postal terminal at the airport for loading on the plane and sending to the country of destination.

The shipment is ready to ship

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Sent by

Generalized status, meaning the sending of a parcel from an intermediate point towards the recipient.

Sent to Russia

The package will be handed over to the Russian Post for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Shipped to destination country

Sending in the process of transferring to the mail of the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Note! The next status will not be displayed immediately, as soon as the parcel is in the country, but after the parcel is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service.

This may take from 3 to 14 days, depending on the workload of the place of international postal exchange.

Sent from warehouse to sorting center

As a rule, this status means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your package to the local post office.

Transferred for storage

Means the arrival of the item at the post office (OPS) of the recipient, and transfer to storage, until it is delivered to the recipient.

Read also:

As soon as the shipment arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the shipment is at the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the shipment arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the shipment arrived at the department in the evening).

Transferred to customs

In the country of the sender

In the recipient country

Plane loading

Loading on the plane before departure to the country of destination.

Loading into transport

Preparation for shipment is complete

Means that the parcel is packed, marked and will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Preparing for shipment

Export preparation

Packaging, labeling, container loading and other procedures required for shipment to the country of destination.

Left the airport

In the country of the sender The package has departed from the airport of the country of origin and is being sent to the country of destination. The next status will not be displayed immediately upon arrival at the airport of the country of destination, but after the parcel arrives and is accepted (unloaded, processed and scanned) by the postal service. This can take from 3 to 14 days.

In the recipient country The parcel is delivered to one of the places of international postal exchange for subsequent import operations.

Left the international sorting center

The package was sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Left the place of international exchange

The shipment left the place of international postal exchange and then goes to the sorting center. From the moment the shipment left MMPO, the delivery times for shipment within Russia begin to operate.

According to the information received from the Russian post office, the status "Left the place of international exchange" can last no more than 10 days. If, after 10 days, the status has not changed, this is a violation of the delivery time, which can be reported to the Russian post office by phone 8 800 2005 888 (free call), and they begin to respond to this application.

Left the postal terminal

The parcel has left the intermediate point of its route and is heading towards the recipient.

Left the warehouse

The parcel has left the warehouse and is moving towards the post office or sorting center.

Left the sorting center

Parcel left sorting post center and is sent towards the recipient.

Left the transit country

The parcel left the sorting center in the transit (intermediate) country, sent to the country of destination, for delivery to one of the places of international postal exchange, and subsequent import / export operations.

Received information about the mailing

Received information about the postal item in electronic form

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the parcel has not yet been handed over to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to “Receiving” or similar.

Received for further processing

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers for processing and further shipment to the recipient.

Parcel registered

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the parcel has not yet been handed over to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to “Receiving” or similar.


Generalized status, meaning arrival at one of the intermediate points, such as sorting centers, postal terminals, airports, ports, etc.

Arrived at the airport

The package arrived at the airport for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the international sorting center

Came to the place of delivery

Means the arrival of the shipment at the recipient's post office (OPS), which must deliver the shipment to the recipient. As soon as the shipment arrives at the department, employees issue a notice (notification) that the shipment is at the department. The notice is given to the postman for delivery. Delivery is carried out on the day the shipment arrives at the department or the next day (for example, if the shipment arrived at the department in the evening).

This status indicates that the recipient can independently contact the post office to receive the shipment without waiting for notification.

Arrived at the post office

Means the arrival of the parcel at the recipient's post office, which must deliver the item to the recipient. This status indicates that the recipient needs to contact the post office to receive the shipment.

Arrived in Russia

Arrived at the sorting center

Means the arrival of a parcel at an intermediate postal center for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived at the sorting center of the destination country

The parcel has arrived at the sorting center of the country of destination for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in the destination country

The parcel arrived in the country of destination at the place of international postal exchange for subsequent import / export operations.

Arrived in a transit country

The parcel arrived at one of the sorting centers of the transit (intermediate) country for processing (sorting) and further shipment to the recipient.

Arrived at the small package processing center

Means the arrival of the parcel at the mail distribution center, for sorting, route selection and sending to the recipient.

Arrived at the warehouse

The parcel arrived at the warehouse for unloading, labeling, processing, loading and further shipment to its destination.

Arrived at the terminal

It means arrival at an intermediate terminal for unloading, loading, processing and further shipment to the destination.

Arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation

The parcel arrived in Russia for further import and shipment to the recipient.


Reception at the customs service of the country of destination

Status means that the item was transferred to the Federal customs service(FCS) for registration. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where it is possible that there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Admission to customs

In the country of the sender The package was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel will pass the customs check is successful, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the recipient country The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where it is possible that there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Receiving from sender

Means that the foreign sender (seller) brought your package to the local post office. At the same time, he filled in everything Required documents including customs declaration (forms CN 22 or CN 23). At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special barcode (Track number, Track code). It is in the check (or receipt) issued when the parcel is received. Operation "Acceptance" shows the place, date and country of receipt of the shipment. After receiving the parcel, it moves on its way to the place of international exchange.

Accepted by the carrier

Means that the sender (seller) has transferred your order to the local carrier. At this time, the shipment is assigned a unique postal identifier - a special barcode (Track number, Track code). It is on the check (or receipt) issued when the shipment is accepted.


The parcel has arrived at one of the sorting centers and is being processed. After a while, the parcel will leave the sorting center for further shipment to the recipient.

Customs clearance

In the country of the sender The package was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the package will be tested customs is successful, then it will be sent to the country of destination.

In the recipient country The status means that the shipment was transferred to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) for clearance. At MMPO, shipments go through a full cycle of processing, customs control and clearance functions. Postal containers arrive under the customs transit procedure. Then they are sorted by type and transferred to different areas. Shipments with merchandise enclosures undergo X-ray control. By the decision of the customs officer, the parcel can be opened for personal control, the reason for personal control may be violations of property rights, a commercial party, orientation to the party, where it is possible that there may be substances prohibited for shipment. The parcel is opened by the operator in the presence of a customs officer, after which an act of customs inspection is drawn up and attached to the shipment.

Customs clearance completed

This operation means that the customs have checked the shipment and returned it to the Postal Service. In many MMPOs, customs work around the clock: this is the only way to check the colossal volume of incoming mail from abroad in due time. Each customs officer is assisted by two postal operators.



Transportation of a parcel from one sorting center to another, in the direction of the recipient.


Means that the parcel is packed, marked for further shipment.


Export (content check)

The package was handed over to the customs service of the sending state for inspection and other customs procedures. If the parcel passes the customs check successfully, it will be sent to the country of destination.

Export (packaging)

The parcel has successfully passed inspection, is packed and is ready to be shipped to the country of destination.

Export of international mail

Indicates the actual dispatch of the parcel to the country of destination.

The "Export" status includes the transfer of a parcel to a foreign carrier, which transports it by land or air transportation to the MMPO of the country of destination. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to "Import" may take some time. This is due to the peculiarities of flight routes and the formation optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50-100 tons. On average, an export operation takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then you cannot track it (find out what exactly is happening to it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your shipment and monitor its further movement. Transit uses and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but did not receive the "Import" status, then the sender must contact the post office and submit an application for search.

Export, processing

Indicates the actual dispatch of the parcel to the country of destination.

The "Export" status includes the transfer of a parcel to a foreign carrier, which transports it by land or air transportation to the MMPO of the country of destination. As a rule, this status is the longest and the transition to "Import" may take some time. This is due to the peculiarities of the routes of flights and the formation of the optimal weight for transporting it by plane. For example, shipments from China may be delayed due to the fact that cargo planes can carry at least 50-100 tons. On average, an export operation takes 7 to 14 days, but sometimes this operation can take up to 60 days.

If the shipment is in the "Export" status, then you cannot track it (find out what exactly is happening to it), only at the import stage you will be able to see your shipment and monitor its further movement. Transit uses and certain restrictions often delay shipments. However, if your parcel was sent more than 3 months ago, but did not receive the "Import" status, then the sender must contact the post office and submit an application for search.

Electronic registration of parcels

It means that the seller has registered the parcel (track code) on the postal (courier service) website, but in fact, the parcel has not yet been handed over to the postal service. As a rule, from the moment of registration to the moment of the actual transfer of the parcel, it can take from 1 to 7 days. After sending the parcel, the status will change to “Receiving” or similar.

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