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What a novice sysadmin needs to know. What should a novice system administrator know? Benefits of being a system administrator

The computer has become so firmly established in our lives that we can no longer imagine existence without this device. Moreover, to some extent we all depend on it. So, are the gloomy predictions of futurologists and authors of films and books coming true, who in the last century predicted that the world would be ruled by a computer? Of course not!

The computer has become so firmly established in our lives that we can no longer imagine existence without this device. Moreover, to some extent we all depend on it. Judge for yourself, we are looking for the necessary information on the net, we read books there, we communicate with each other on Skype, we talk about ourselves on social networks. Even in companies a computer is a means of communication between employees, and it also controls the entire technological process in a serious production. So, are the gloomy predictions of futurologists and authors of films and books coming true, who in the last century predicted that the world would be ruled by a computer?

Of course not! After all, a computer, although it is smart, is still a machine, meaningless iron, which can only work under human control. Therefore, in almost every company, large or small, there is a person - System Administrator- which monitors the operation of computers and troubleshoots system problems. Who is he, the lord of "smart iron" and the tamer of "servers"? You will learn this from our article, in which we will try to tell as much as possible about the features of this profession.

Who is a system administrator?

System administrator (sysadmin, admin) - an employee of the company associated with IT technologies, responsible for the smooth operation of the regular computer hardware, software and network. Quite often, the system administrator is also entrusted with ensuring information security in the organization.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin systema (whole, consisting of several parts) and administrator (manager, leader). In this case, the "whole" refers to a computer, consisting of a huge number of components: from hardware to software. System administrator profession arose quite recently, only some 20-30 years, when computers appeared in production and in offices.

The responsibilities of a system administrator include:

  • setting up and testing new computer equipment;
  • installation of software and anti-virus protection;
  • monitoring the uninterrupted operation of a computer network;
  • elimination of failures and debugging of the computer after them;
  • installation and adjustment of local networks, monitoring their work;
  • maintenance of the company's server;
  • monitoring the status of computers (as well as faxes, printers, scanners, etc.), identifying obsolete equipment and drawing up applications for the purchase of a new one.

Often, the job responsibilities of system administrators include other requirements dictated by the characteristics of the enterprise and production needs. At the same time, the schedule and plan system administrator work also depends on the specifics of the enterprise. What is meant?

In large companies, which is natural, there are entire departments involved in system administration, since the number of computers and the size of local networks is huge. Therefore, each system administrator has his own front of work, for which he is responsible.

In small offices, companies, firms, schools or hospitals, as a rule, one or two system administrators work. These are already specialists of a wider profile, and, accordingly, they have much more responsibilities.

Also, a system administrator can be an employee of a specialized company that maintains computers in other institutions. It employs specialists who have a narrow range of responsibilities (for example, 1C program administrators, local network administrators, webmasters, etc.).

What personal qualities should a system administrator have?

Since the main working tool of any system administrator is the eyes and hands (and the brain, of course), representatives of this profession must have good eyesight, developed hand motor skills and the absence of diseases of the central nervous system. In addition, it is impossible to imagine a system administrator who would not have:

It should also be noted that a person who wants to become a system administrator must have a technical education, preferably related to IT technologies. Why is it desirable? Because there are many cases when self-taught became system administrators. But it must be admitted that the level of progress in this area is such that the higher the level of the company, the more serious the requirements for the knowledge of professionals, and one cannot do without education. Moreover, you need to quickly navigate the latest achievements of science and technology and new software, and therefore there is nothing to do in this profession without the ability to self-educate.

Benefits of being a system administrator

Since computer technologies are developing at an incredible speed, and computers are becoming more confidently an integral part of all spheres of human life, the main advantage of the profession of a system administrator we can safely name the demand, which will only grow day by day. In the modern labor market, there is already a shortage of talented system administrators, and apparently this situation will only get worse.

An important advantage of this profession is also good, and for professionals of the highest level - excellent wages. At the same time, depending on the complexity of the system being serviced, these specialists can count on a continuous increase in wages. Today, the average monthly salary of a system administrator in Russia is 40-50 thousand rubles. In addition, system administrators have great opportunities for additional earnings, if only they had a computer and the Internet at home, and, of course, the desire to earn money.

Many system administrators are pleased with the work schedule. Naturally, if an employee is a full-time specialist in a large company, then he has working hours. But if the system administrator is “coming” or a freelancer, then his work schedule is free.

Disadvantages of the System Administrator Profession

Disadvantages of the System Administrator Profession associated with difficult working conditions. First of all, these are high eye strain, the need for constant concentration of attention and increased irritability because some users (especially those who have mastered the computer in adulthood) add problems to both him and themselves due to their own indiscretion. Here you can say: “Calm, only calm!”, Otherwise, you can get stress.

Another drawback is isolation and lack of communication, since the system administrator works with equipment and often does not see the company's employees. If this is a normal state for you, then there is nothing to worry about, but for those who care about live communication, this can be a problem.

It is also impossible to keep silent about the fact that almost all the technical literature necessary for a system administrator to work is written in English. And not in the literary language, which can be learned in the courses. Therefore, specialists often have to spend most of their working time not on their favorite pastime, but on translating special terms that cannot be found in a regular dictionary.

Where can you get a job as a system administrator?

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Become a system administrator today is quite simple. First, you can acquire the necessary knowledge through self-education. Fortunately, today all opportunities are provided for this: a PC in almost every home, free access to the Internet and specialized literature, as well as great opportunities for gaining practical experience as a freelance system administrator. Secondly, despite the "youth" of the profession, in every major Russian city there is a polytechnic institute where you can enter the faculty that trains system administrators.


Do you have a vacancy for a system administrator or maybe you are planning to fill such a vacancy yourself? What is the minimum set of knowledge needed for a person applying for this position? Of course, this is at least minimal knowledge of user and operating systems, an understanding of how networks work, some knowledge of IT security, as well as the ability to solve a lot of everyday user tasks. Here is a far from exhaustive list of what every novice system administrator should know.

Adding computers to the domain. If you can add a computer to a workgroup, you should know how to join a Windows computer to a domain. This is a required skill. Along with that, you should know how to cache credentials on a computer. This is especially true for laptops.

Troubleshooting Printing Issues. Printers are a real curse. Even if everything is set up correctly, there are always problems with printing. You should know how to troubleshoot local and network printing problems, and be able to remove the printer from the Windows registry in case of serious computer problems.

There are situations when you need to boot your computer in safe mode. If you don't know how, you don't belong in the IT department. You should know how to boot into Safe Mode with Networking to fix computer problems that can't be fixed in normal mode.

Operating system installation. This is another important skill of a system administrator. You should at least know how to install Windows 7/8, Windows Server, Linux and Mac OS. You should also know how to install multiple operating systems on one computer and configure how to boot them.

User management in Active Directory. You have to constantly work with the Active Directory service - add, delete, edit, lock and unlock user profiles, or simply reset passwords. If you can't set up Active Directory, networking will be very difficult.

Reset the password on the server. It's not always easy. There are times when you need to change the administrator password on a computer that is not in an Active Directory domain (and be aware of how this can affect things like Acronis backups). You should also know how to reset your password on a Linux or Mac OS computer.

Creating and configuring profiles in Outlook. Sometimes the only way to fix a problem with Outlook is to delete the profile. On Windows computers, this is quite common, so you should know how to delete and create profiles in Outlook.

launch CHKDSK . Equipment breaks down. At some point, you may need to check your hard drive for file system errors. To do this, you must know how to run CHKDSK at boot, including automatic error correction.

Windows Server Backup. Even using third-party backup software, you still have to use a tool to clean up the Exchange message log. You must know how to start a Windows Server backup and how to set it up in Task Scheduler.

Clearing space on drive C. If the C drive is full, expect trouble, especially on the server. Disk C needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this, there are various tools, such as CCleaner, which removes temporary files, or WinDirStat, which shows which files are taking up precious disk space.

An IT specialist has to solve a huge number of tasks, so a novice system administrator needs to know at least the above.

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Comments (12)

    Frolov Alexander Viktorovich , December 14, 2012, 09:01

    "Adding computers to the domain, Troubleshooting Printing Issues Operating system installation Creating and configuring profiles in Outlook launch CHKDSK, - this "knowledge" is checked with us when applying for a job technique(read enikeyschik\doshiraker :)), as well as Treatment after a virus attack, Data recovery, and much more...

    Even for a "beginner" admin, this knowledge is not enough - this is the level of a "slightly advanced" doshiraker.

    Beznosov Ilya Nikolaevich , December 18, 2012, 05:54

    Know or be able?

    System administrators are divided into specializations: servers, databases, web servers, networks...

    Today, all these specializations are assigned to the system administrator in a complex manner, which turns him into a superhero. After all, only a superhero can cope with the evil offers of outsourcing companies :).

    Knowing what the author suggests is good. But the most important thing is that skill (practical skill) does not give an understanding of the essence of the problem. Which leads to the constant repetition of the same problem, and its further rapid elimination. This is beneficial for the dosharaker - problems are known, quickly eliminated, and an experienced user can be taught monotonous actions. Thus, the salary of a system administrator depends on the number of skills.

    Knowledge allows you to get an idea of ​​the problem, and with the motivation of a specialist to eliminate it fully, without turning into a relapse. This causes additional costs of time and resources today, but saves them tomorrow and after tomorrow. This is beneficial for the outsourcer - the problem is solved, you can make the following changes. The salary depends on the reliability and efficiency of fixing the problem - responsibility for depth.

    The system administrator should know the following:

    1. Job description.

    2. Our Father.

    3. Who is Cthulhu.

    4. How to save on users

    From a professional point of view, an administrator is a specialist in managing the property entrusted to him for efficient and comfortable user service. A kind of business executive - consultant.

    Then, at a minimum, the administrator must know the composition of the property (system components: infrastructure, information systems), be able to manage this property (does not mean to write the programs himself in the evening, but be able to attract a subcontractor / employee and put the front TK :)), understand how to efficiently and comfortably SERVICE users (organization of work).

    Note: Implementation, maintenance, and maintenance processes are different. In maintenance, it is important to save money and strive to maintain quality. This means that the gingerbread is given away for a reduction in fixed costs. No company needs a system administrator who will spend money. Therefore, an important "knowledge of the system administrator" is the knowledge of "how to save money for the client on user service."

    Uh ... and if a novice system administrator knows only point 4 - " Operating system installation but he doesn’t know any more of the above, that’s all, is he unfit?

    The initial skills of administering web servers, databases, network settings, firewalls have gone somewhere - with this knowledge, but without paramount items like " Clearing space on drive C" is this not a beginner?

    Copy-paste from for those, who "put IKspi a thousand times" and SUDDENLY became a novice system administrator?

5 / 5 ( 2 votes)

Let's talk in detail about what you have to face, what knowledge he needs to have

There is no way to hide from new technologies, you need to learn how to manage and use them both in business and for personal purposes. It doesn't always work out quickly (and cheaply). An IT specialist has to study a huge amount of material and test the product before its full implementation (if an integrator is not invited), in a non-standard situation, approach the task implementation creatively, search for answers on the Internet and visit all kinds of forums.

The duties of a system administrator can be divided into two parts: daily and infrequently performed. The solution of the tasks assigned to him depends on the level of training, the availability of automation tools for changing settings, convenient management of any processes, and other factors.

Let's talk about the nuances and specifics of working in the administration of different systems. I will give a list of requirements (tasks) that we have been facing for several years, thereby we will make some kind of overview of the work performed by the system administrator.

Task 1. Display on a web page the fullness of folders located on the FTP server (CentOS)

Basically, to solve this issue, monitoring systems are used, their function also includes a warning about the full space of the specified disk. However, such programs do not provide information about the user and the type of files, and you have to search manually. In our case, a recursive search in folders was implemented, which is based on the use of the Perl language. The result can be seen in Fig. one.

Advanced knowledge of Linux systems is required.

Task 2. Ability to work remotely

Since we have a hybrid IT infrastructure, we connect to different servers in different ways: to Windows servers via the RDP protocol using the Remote Desktop Connection Manager program, and to Linux servers via the SSH protocol by launching Putty.

Task 3. Separate work bookmarks from personal ones in the browser

Services that have a web interface were added to the browser bookmarks, which became more and more and had to create separate groups to separate between work and personal. In order to move work bookmarks to another place, it was decided to create a separate page for system administrators on the corporate website.

With each new task, the quick navigation page of the service bloats, but remains convenient, as large pictures with inscriptions are used (see Fig. 3).

Task 4. Keep track of Microsoft OS and software versions, apply the necessary updates

Updating the OS and software is an important task. After all, updates of server and client systems are often released that help to “patch holes” or improve functionality. With the release of new versions, you need to plan actions to minimize the cost of business downtime. Here you need to take into account the availability of free disk space and the server being busy with user applications in order to guess a more favorable moment for performing work.

Knowledge of configuring the WSUS role is required.

Task 5. Transfer to another domain

A lot of hassle will add a transition to another domain, since this procedure is very, very rare, much attention will have to be paid to planning. The main problem is the transfer of Active Directory, because migrating computers, users with passwords is not a trivial task, and there are not so many automation tools here.

The migration process can be described as follows: an additional server is deployed, then the AD DS role, a trust relationship is established between two forests/domains, a SQL server is installed, and the Active Directory Migration Tool is launched. which allows you to migrate users between domains. After that, the User Profile Wizard utility is installed on the user's computers, with the help of which their profile is transferred.

Requires knowledge of DNS administration, Active Directory.

Task 6. Refuse FTP servers on Windows OS

In a hybrid IT environment, it may be necessary to move away from shared folders and an FTP server on Windows systems in favor of Linux systems. Here you need to understand how users are granted rights to files and folders.

Knowledge of configuring Linux systems is required.

Task 7. Planned transition to new versions of Windows OS

Upgrading client machines to new OS versions can be a time-consuming task for IT professionals. This process can be automated and accelerated several times.

To do this, you need to enable and configure the WDS role on the server, add a reference image of a freshly installed OS and driver there. This will help you install new Windows systems on several computers at once over a network by pressing just a couple of keys.

To get additional functions for automating processes, it is convenient to use MS SCCM, with which you can centrally manage the download and installation of updates, install operating systems and applications, connect to the desktop of a remote computer, take into account licensed software, compare required settings with existing ones, and inventory computer equipment and other.

Knowledge of configuring DHCP oles is required. wds.

The IT sector is one of the most attractive areas of development at the moment. It is very young, dynamically developing, and unlike many niches already familiar to us, it is characterized by freedom and sometimes an informal atmosphere that attracts many young professionals.

Also, sometimes you can start your career there even without a specialized education.

There are people who for a long time cannot decide on the choice of a niche and direction of development, and when they realize that they need exactly the IT field, they find that the necessary knowledge and skills are too few. Fortunately, it is in IT that you can climb the career ladder, starting from the very first step - a person with no experience. One of these first steps is the vacancy of a system administrator.

What specific steps do you need to take to become a system administrator? Where and from whom can one acquire basic knowledge and skills?

A system administrator can be compared to a conductor who manages a whole symphony orchestra of computers, and without him the entire operation of the enterprise can stop, which will result in huge losses, depending on the direction of the company.

Where can you learn?

Places where you can get an education and acquire the skills and abilities of a system administrator are quite typical.

1. College;
2. Institute or university;
3. Courses;
4. Internship;
5. Mentor;
6. On your own.

The sooner you start learning, the more useful it will be for you in the future. Those who start studying systems administration while still in college can have a significant advantage over other applicants.

In a higher educational institution, you can also learn things that are necessary for a system administrator. Most importantly, you will receive a diploma, which is so often required for employment.

There are a lot of training courses available today. You can choose both face-to-face lessons and study online, which is much more convenient. Much depends on who will be your teacher. Theory for the sake of theory will not help you much, you need to be taught by professionals in their field who practice in the discipline they teach every day.

Many companies conduct internships for their future employees or hire based on the results of an internship. A lot depends on what kind of company you want to get into. If you will be a system administrator in one office, then most likely you will need to perform many different tasks and functions. When you get a job in a large corporation, they usually look for employees for specific tasks and make a professional with a narrow specialization out of a beginner.

For some, learning from a mentor is most effective. Communicate more with people who are already working as system administrators - you will surely learn a lot of interesting things and information useful for the profession.

Self-study can sometimes give you more than a classical education, when you approach the issue with full dedication and are ready to spend a lot of time and effort to cope with things that are incomprehensible to you. Knowledge of English will be an added advantage. Still, it is more of an IT language than any other. New developments, professional articles, books and manuals first appear in English, and translation takes some time. So it is better to learn the language permanently.

But all learning is almost meaningless if there is no practice to back it up. To translate a dry theory into a honed skill, and then into a skill, you will need to try to put everything into practice.

How to pass an interview?

Job interviews are one of the most stressful experiences for newbies, and that's okay. Be calm and natural, excessive nervousness is unlikely to decorate the system administrator =).

Another nuance that will be useful to those who are going to an interview. It is important to know who exactly will be interviewing you. Sometimes HR-specialists have their own opinion about what kind of specialists the company needs. Much more effective are those interviews where you communicate directly with a future colleague or boss who can evaluate you and your skills and qualities.

Surely you will be sent a trial task or asked questions about how you will act in a given situation, such as a computer park failure or a power outage.

Sometimes they ask trick questions or offer to solve problems that were previously compiled incorrectly. Don't be afraid to speak up about your suspicions. Mindfulness is an important quality for a system administrator.

Programming skills will be a plus, as a system administrator must be able to automate repetitive processes at work.

Does a system administrator have to be a graduate?

Someone makes such a decision on their own, especially those people for whom their own status is important. Someone thinks that crusts are useless and you can do it on your own and skills.

But then you will be confronted with what opinion your future employer has about this. There are organizations for which the presence of specialized education and a diploma is strictly required. For example, this is common in government agencies.

But for the most part, IT companies have a fairly free and informal atmosphere, and if you can prove that you are a really valuable specialist, then you will be hired without a diploma. You can demonstrate your achievements by highlighting the results that you have achieved.

It is important whether a core or non-core company wants to hire a system administrator.
Non-core can be considered those that do not belong to IT, for example, a travel agency, a network of beauty salons, an online store, etc.

In a non-core company, a system administrator often requires repair services, hardware maintenance, user support, etc. When you are dealing with a core company, there will be more complex tasks related to information protection and data security. Of course, it all depends on the specifics of the company and the work itself.

Today we talked about what specific steps you need to take to become a good system administrator. IT vacancies are great because you can always retrain there and go to some other direction, taking with you knowledge from the previous one. Thus, you can become a specialist with many competencies. It is these people who are most valued as employers, because it is more profitable to hire one employee who understands several areas than to hire several specialists.

If you would like to learn programming, then there is an opportunity to study in Novosibirsk -

Each of us, at work or at home, faced the need to seek help from a system administrator. Surely everyone has an unforgettable impression of this attempt to communicate. Now imagine that a friendly system administrator himself came to your office to find out if everything was working fine and if there were any questions. Miracles? In fact, for a modern system administrator, only panic can be worse than the lack of communication skills. We will talk about the most important skills in the work of a good system administrator with our expert - the course teacher Vadim Tsaplin.

Tell us a little about yourself: how long have you been doing system administration and what projects do you consider the most interesting?

I have been engaged in professional system administration since 2004, it turns out, for 10 years already. Before the professional level, I had a period that can be called “like everyone else”: friends, acquaintances, relatives asked me to help with computers. At first it was just a hobby, then they began to pay me for some work. Somehow, slowly, it became a profession. My generation is the generation of self-taught, since there was no special specialized education for future admins (I'm not sure that there is now). Later, having got a current job, I was able to attend additional courses in areas of interest at the expense of the company. So I was able to take two Novell Certificate Linux Administrator (NCLP) courses and several courses to prepare for the Cisco Certificate Network Associate (CCNA) certification exams and gradually move up to the Cisco Certificate Network Professional (CCNP) level.

We can talk about interesting projects for a long time. It was the design of all kinds of IT systems, and the implementation of ready-made solutions, there was also a lot of work on the development of new and old equipment.

What is modern system administration? What are its features, difficulties, from your point of view?

Let's just say that in general, the job of an administrator is to bring all the components of the company's information infrastructure together so that they work as required. If we talk about modern system administration, now there are much more ready-made, beautiful-looking complex solutions, where the administrator is only required to press a button. There is a lot of unnecessary marketing information in product descriptions that you have to pass through a lot of filters in your head. Many of the companies that need to interact with have very few technically qualified people with whom to collaborate technically. But there are a lot of sales managers.

Here often people say that they are looking for a “good system administrator”. Putting aside what employers have in mind, what is a “good sysadmin” from a professional point of view?

Let's start with the fact that anything can be included in the job description, and large companies also sin with this. They can start with a system administrator, and end up with knowledge of Java or C #, just in case. You also need to understand that the skills of a particular specialist depend on where and with what he works every day. In general, a good system administrator is an old experienced kamikaze. It seems to me that this is one of those professions where experience decides a lot. Although the same experience sometimes interferes.

Young admins in large companies often begin their work with users in technical support, where it is important to pay attention not only to the technical side of the issue, but also to their appearance, speech, and manner of communicating. A friendly administrator is forgiven many sins and many secrets are revealed. The same colleagues: IT people are not particularly social, but if you find a common language with them, you can easily solve complex puzzles by comparing their knowledge and comments.

This means that the old joke that the system administrator is such an unsociable guy in wires is no longer relevant. How important is the personality of a sysadmin to work?

No, there are also such completely asocial personalities who have worked for a long time in small companies in the position of the only system administrator - almost a king and a god. However, in large companies it is quite difficult for them. Teamwork is required here, and the user is more spoiled by the presence of a certain level of service. In my opinion, such things are already the last century, now a more “client-oriented approach” reigns, let's say so. Yes, there is competition in the labor market. This does not mean at all that we are all so soft and fluffy here, but we try to maintain the necessary level of service.

Is there a standard range of tasks, skills, responsibilities, abilities that a system administrator should have?

Today, system administration is a fairly broad concept. There is both hierarchy and specialization. There are junior and senior administrators, there are general administrators, there are also specialized administrators, for example, a database administrator, a network administrator.

I don't know how to summarize it, but every day we start by reading emails from the monitoring system. We look at what is happening in our farm, we fix something, we additionally check something. We communicate with colleagues from neighboring departments. We can visit some users. Then we just work.

Of the skills, for example, it will be useful to be able to work with interrupts, sort them by priority. It doesn't always work, but you have to try.

After working in the field for 10 years, how do you define for yourself: system administration is a calling, tao? Or is it more of a craft?

Yes, it's all together. In my opinion, if something works well, it goes into your hands, why not call it a vocation?

How difficult is it to become a system administrator? As far as I understand, one cannot do without constant self-education, and in various fields. What do you need to know and be able to call a specialist competent?

In fact, the first thing you need to know is some basic things for the specialty. This is the ABC: the basic principles of the operation of networks, computing and operating systems - such knowledge is fundamental, and I cannot say that they are strongly and often outdated. Yes, the same Internet works on technology that can be called, from a modern point of view, ancient. But it works! She needs to know!

Further, some specifics will be superimposed on this base. I always ask the basics from junior system administrators, because Google can help to find some recipe for solving a problem that has arisen, but what words to look for and whether it can be applied to a particular situation, you have to think.

Is it possible to reach a high level in the profession without any special education, only by self-education, by experience? Or is there some kind of minimum preparation required? The same courses, for example?

What I love about educational programs is because I left my workplace for a week and no one bothers me. I am fully committed to teaching. We had an attempt to organize studies on the job, but nothing productive happened. And here you are immersed in the whole process, and many things are perceived, fit in your head much easier.

On the other hand, modern courses are distinguished by a very dense information flow. Sitting for 6-7 hours and perceiving something new is extremely difficult. Branded courses also often try to get administrators hooked on their technical solutions. Nevertheless, the courses provide a very good introduction to some basics, terminology, and materials. It is much easier to take courses and focus on the task of learning. It is more comfortable.

Regarding special education... I have not yet seen IT graduates who would immediately start working. Experience is needed, including the experience of communicating with the user. All young admins one way or another start with this. Very rarely someone immediately gets into the administration of some systems.

Please tell us about the upcoming . What will be discussed and what will students get from it?

The course is new, but despite this, I can say that it has a significant difference from others. For example, from authorized courses that are backed by large companies and place great emphasis on learning and offering their commercial solutions. We are not representatives of any company.

Why is the course based on the Linux operating system? Despite the existence of a large number of such systems, they are all relatives to each other. It is enough to be able to work with one of the options, and it will not be so difficult to switch to another version of the distribution kit. In addition, these are quite professional systems, most of the interesting and highly loaded projects are built on them, at the same time, their modified varieties live in many tablets and smartphones. Many administrators are very happy to see a familiar console in their usual home router. "Yes, there is Linux"! So it's all right.

Do I need any special training, restrictions on its passage?

At a minimum, a person should have an idea of ​​what a “file”, “folder” is, what a “site” is, an IP address. We do not require any deep and specific knowledge. This is another significant advantage of the course: we try to tell about the complex in simple terms. We won’t be able to give you any super-deep knowledge either, but, as I said, we will give you the basic skills without fail.

Tell me, is this knowledge enough for a beginner who has successfully completed the training to immediately start working?

I hope that this knowledge will help the newcomer to find her and successfully pass the interview, and then the probationary period. I think that those who undergo training will adapt much faster in the workplace, take less time from older comrades for their training. The time saved will allow you to start benefiting the employer company earlier, and this can already give the person additional benefits.

And in conclusion, a few words for those who want to become system administrators, and all our readers.

The most important thing is not to panic! Worse than a panicking admin, I don’t even know ... Well, and the second, perhaps: with users you need to stay as friendly and calm as possible, but not put on the neck.

We can only remind ourselves that starts at Alexey Sukhorukov's IT Academy June 18. So, if you want to learn how to communicate not only with networks, but also with such a category of people as users, welcome to the walls of the Academy!

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