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What does every Megafon client need to know about "Bonus Points"? How to connect additional free minutes on Megafon.

MegaFon offers its customers a unique opportunity to accumulate bonuses and receive bundled services for them or purchase any product from the corporate catalog. If you do not spend the bonuses on time, they will burn out.

Participation in the bonus program is FREE

What would become a member programs, you need:

  • send SMS with numbers 5010 to number 5010
  • dial *115#
  • dial the command *105*5#
  • using personal account

Getting MegaFon points

Bonus reward can be received:

  • When replenishing an account. How many points the subscriber will receive is determined by the amount of the transferred amount;
  • When talking within the framework of the Megafon-Bonus program;
  • If during the billing period the account was not zero and did not go negative. For this, 2 points are provided;
  • On the client's birthday. In honor of the holiday, he receives 5 points and the company accrues the same number of points as gratitude for the constant use of its services.

How to find out the number of bonuses?

There are several options for obtaining information about the number of bonus points:

  • Use the combination *115#, after typing which click on the key with the symbol 1;
  • Call back to 5010;
  • Send SMS to number 5010 by writing 2 .

How to spend MegaFon bonuses?

Bonus reward can be exchanged for:

  • Money to replenish the balance;
  • Package services (minutes, etc.);
  • Miles/air ticket within the Aeroflot-Bonus program;
  • Goods - rewards can be exchanged for money and added to cash when purchasing mobile devices;
  • Payment for cellular communication services in the roaming zone.

How to activate MegaFon points?

To transfer bonuses to cash when replenishing the balance, you need to select a package with the required replenishment amount and use the special command *115*ХХХ# and click on the call, where XXX is the package code.

To exchange points for money, you can also:

  • Use your personal account;
  • Send an SMS to number 5010 by writing the code of a suitable package in the text.

In addition, money can be transferred not only to your account, but also to replenish the balance of another subscriber. For this you need:

  • Dial combination *115#XX...XX#bonus code# and click on challenge where XX...XX - number of the subscriber whose account needs to be replenished;
  • Write an SMS in the following form: bonus code XX...XX, where XX...XX is the friend's phone number, and send it to 5010. There must be a space before the number.

You can transfer money to the account of another person no more than 7 times / month.

Exchange of bonuses for traffic and SMS

To transfer the accumulated reward into SMS and traffic, send an SMS to 5010. When composing the text, you need to write a code that corresponds to the desired package.

If you want to pay for the Internet and messages to another subscriber, you also need to send SMS to number 5010, composing the text in this form: SMS code XX...XX, where XX...XX is a friend's phone number of 10 characters. There should be a space after the code.

Converting bonuses to minutes

Before changing the bonus reward for minutes, you first need to select the appropriate package, the code of which must be written in SMS. To send a message, the number 5010 is intended. The transferred minutes can also be presented to a friend or relative. In this case, the text of the message is composed in the same way as in the case of the gift of SMS and traffic.

Name of remunerationNumber of bonusesSMS code
to MegaFon numbers of the Moscow region
10 outgoing minutes25 9101
30 outgoing minutes65 9103
to MegaFon Russia numbers
10 outgoing minutes30 9201
30 outgoing minutes145 9203

Exchange of bonuses under the program "Bonus roaming"

Exchange of remuneration under the program "Aeroflot-bonus"

According to the terms of this program, the bonus reward can be converted into miles, which can then be exchanged for a ticket. For 1,000 bonuses you get 500 miles. To activate the points, you need to visit the branch of the mobile operator. The exchange of remuneration is carried out in the presence of a passport and a card of a participant in the bonus program.

Use of points in case of purchase of gadgets

Any number of bonuses can be used to pay for a purchase, as long as it is a multiple of 100. If you have accumulated 500 points, then the discount will be 500 rubles when purchasing a device participating in the promotion.

After choosing a suitable product, the buyer must notify the seller that bonuses will be used in the calculation.

Redeem points online

You can activate the reward on the provider's website by going to your personal account. But first you need to go through the registration / authorization procedure. Once in your account, you need to go to the "Bonuses and Gifts" section, and then open the "MegaFon Bonus" page, where you can exchange any available number of points.

The Megafon bonus program is not just deservedly considered one of the best. If you call a spade a spade, in fact, Megafon gives you and me a kind of freebie.

And often very significant. Judge for yourself: it may turn out that the exchange of Megafon bonus points will bring you much more money than you spent on Megafon communication services! Don't believe? And this is so! Perhaps that is why for the majority of participants in the Megafon bonus program, the question of how to spend points is by no means idle.

Here's how to activate points on Megafon, what to exchange them for and how to transfer them to another subscriber, we'll talk today. However, let's talk about everything in order.

First of all, a small lyrical digression on how to check how many bonuses are currently accumulated on your account. Finding it out is easy:

Now, let's move on to the catalog of rewards.

You can exchange your bonus points for:

  • Miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program
  • Discount on the purchase of mobile devices in Megafon stores
  • Discount on payment for Megafon services
  • Bonus minutes
  • Bonus sms
  • Mobile Internet

Let's now see which of these is most beneficial. However, the restrictions also depend on the number of bonus points that you have accumulated on your account.

1. Miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program

In my opinion, this is the most profitable way in the Megafon-bonus program to spend points. True, only if at the same time you are still flying Aeroflot aircraft

Judge for yourself:

Program Points "MegaFon-Bonus" You can redeem for extra program miles "Aeroflot Bonus":

  • 1 point program "MegaFon-Bonus" is equated to 1 mile Aeroflot Bonus program;

Profitable? And how!

After all, Megafon bonuses can be exchanged for Aeroflot Miles, and they, in turn, can be exchanged for a free air ticket!!! And how much does an Aeroflot ticket cost today ??? That's it!

Just imagine: you have 2000 points on your Megafon-bonus account. And you successfully exchange them for a free ticket to Sochi! Or you can even fly to Europe for free!

However, Aeroflot Miles can also be used to upgrade the class of service or receive other privileges. The choice is yours!

Be careful!

The minimum number of MegaFon bonus points for converting into miles is 500 (you will receive 500 additional miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program).

How to exchange MegaFon-Bonus points for Aeroflot Bonus miles

You need to contact any Communication Salon or Megafon Service Center and:

  • Provide an identity document.
  • Show your membership card "Aeroflot Bonus"(you can not the card itself, but a printout of confirmation of participation in the program from the site, or even just a printout of an email from Aeroflot).
  • Sign up for redemption points "MegaFon-Bonus" for miles "Aeroflot Bonus".

Points from your Megafon bonus account will be deducted immediately, but miles on your Aeroflot Bonus account will appear only within 10 business days. If suddenly no miles have been credited to your account during this time, contact JSC Aeroflot by calling the toll-free number 8-800-444-55-55).

You can exchange Megafon points for miles in the Aeroflot Bonus program only to your own account

2. Redeem your points for a discount to buy a mobile device

This is the second most profitable way to spend points in the Megafon Bonus program.

You can exchange your bonus points for a discount for purchasing any mobile device in MegaFon stores. For example, some smartphone, tablet computer or router.

It is very easy to do this.

1. Select the mobile device you want to purchase.

2. Tell the seller that you want to use the bonuses you have to pay for the goods.

Each bonus point that is on your account, you can exchange for 1 ₽ discount. However, the amount of the discount must be multiple of 100.

For example, if your bonus account has 1500 points, you will receive a 1500 ₽ discount on the purchase of a mobile device.

The minimum amount of bonuses that you can spend to receive a discount in the Megafon salon is 800!

If you have less than 800 points, see other available rewards.

What can I exchange points for on Megaphone if you have less than 800

Accumulated bonuses, but not very much? The choice to exchange points on Megafon, you still have quite a lot.

3. Account discounts

You can exchange points for additional money that is credited to your account and which you can spend on communication services.

15 5 rubles — bonus code 005

30 bonus points you can exchange for 10 rubles — bonus code 010

80 bonus points you can exchange for 30 rubles — bonus code 030

120 bonus points you can exchange for 50 rubles — bonus code 050

180 bonus points you can exchange for 100 rubles — bonus code 100

240 bonus points you can exchange for 150 rubles — bonus code 150

There are several ways to activate such a discount, choose any:

However, we have already talked in great detail about how, about what they can be spent on, and what pitfalls and restrictions there are. Let's not repeat ourselves.

4. Bonus minutes

You can redeem your points for a package that includes 10 or 30 minutes of outgoing calls.

Moreover, such packages can be:

  • or to MegaFon network numbers of the Home region
  • or vice versa, to the numbers of MegaFon subscribers in other regions. That is, with the exception of subscribers of the Home region

Package codes and cost in bonus points

Name of remuneration Number of bonuses Package code
calls to MegaFon numbers in the Home region
10 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 2 10 9101
30 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 2 25 9103
calls to numbers of the All-Russian MegaFon network, with the exception of the MegaFon networkhome region
10 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 30 9201
30 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 70 9203

5. Bonus SMS

You can exchange your points for a package including 10 or 30 outgoing sms

The Russian telecommunications company MegaFon has developed an interesting bonus program for its active users, which allows them to communicate more on a mobile phone and save on payment for communication services. In the article, we will consider the terms of use of the Megafon Bonus program and talk about how to activate bonuses and how to spend them. And also try to understand whether it is really profitable to use this promotional offer.

Did you know? The Megafon company was registered in 2002. In 2015, its clients were 100.8 million citizens of Russia, Tajikistan, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In 2016, the company reported a net profit of 25.58 billion rubles.

Description of the program and general provisions

The essence of the program is that for every 30 rubles, which the subscriber spends on communication services (calls, SMS, MMS, mobile Internet), he receives 1 point. Points can be exchanged for communication services, or for other offers, for example, for goods and services provided by Megafon partners. The list of rewards is posted in a separate catalog on the websites of the mobile operator and its partners.

Points are awarded at the end of each month for bonus account. One of the accrual conditions is a positive balance on the subscriber's account. They are not transferred into real money, but can only be spent on the benefits described above.

How to become a member of Megafon Bonus

As stated in the rules of the Megafon Bonus bonus program, only individuals can participate in it. You can register your number for the promotion by choosing one of four methods:

  1. by sending a text message "5010" to number 5010 (is free);
  2. by typing the command on the phone keypad *115# and pressing the call key;
  3. by typing the command *105*# and pressing the call key;
  4. by registering and activating the service in the "Personal Account" on the Megafon website.

The processing of a subscriber's application for participation in the Megafon Bonus program takes day. After the application is accepted, the subscriber's bonus account will be credited with 5 points.

How to accumulate points: accrual of bonuses

You can earn points two ways:

  1. just talking on a mobile phone;
  2. having bought a gadget with the Megafon logo: a telephone, a smartphone, a modem, etc.

Important! Depending on the amount you spent in the previous month on mobile communication, in the current month, bonus points are credited to your account under the terms of Megafon Bonus, calculated according to the formula: the amount of money spent on communication services, multiplied by 0.0333.

In both the first and second cases, 1 point is awarded for every spent 30 rubles. When buying a mobile device, in order for the points to be credited to your account, you must tell the seller your phone number.

Bonuses will be credited directly at the time of purchase. The operator offers to find out about points where you can buy gadgets and participate in the promotion by dialing the command: *123# on your phone and activating the call button.

If you are interested in the question of how to check the number of bonuses on Megafon, then you can do this four ways:

  1. by sending an SMS message with text «0» to number 5010 (is free);
  2. *115# and pressing the call key;
  3. by dialing the combination on the phone *105# and pressing the call key

How to spend bonus points

The operator offers to spend bonuses on remuneration as:

  • money to the account;
  • minutes to talk
  • SMS and MMS messages,
  • megabytes of mobile Internet,
  • discounts on the purchase of a new gadget,
  • goods and services offered by partners of a telecommunications company.
    For example, at the time of writing, Megafon and Aeroflot offered to exchange bonuses for miles. So, 1000 points under the Megafon Bonus program could be exchanged for 500 miles of the Aeroflot Bonus program, and those, in turn, could be exchanged for a free ticket. The airline also offered the opportunity to exchange bonus "money" for an upgrade in flight class.

Points can also be transferred to another phone number. For owners of Megafon bonuses, information on how to use them for various needs will be interesting.

Phone money

To receive a discount on the account, you must send a notification to the operator about the activation of the reward. To do this, send an SMS with the package code to the number 5010 , or dial the combination on the phone keypad: *115*package code# and press the "Call" button. SMS and calls will not be charged.

For example, if you choose a package as a reward "150R2", then the combination to be dialed should be: "*115*150#call", where the number "150" indicates the number of the bonus package. To activate it, you need 265 points.

You can also activate the reward in the "Personal Account".

You can exchange bonuses for bonus minutes by sending the package code to SMS to number 5010 .

Bonus SMS

Bonus SMS can be received in the same way as bonus minutes - by sending SMS with package code per number 5010 .

At the time of preparation of the article, the operator offered only one reward for this item: for 25 points you can get the opportunity to send 10 SMS. The validity of the reward is limited to one month.

Mobile Internet

Before writing off bonuses under the Megafon Bonus program for gift megabytes mobile Internet, you need to find out the bonus package code. Up-to-date information on current rewards can be obtained by clicking on the link.

Having determined how many bonuses you want to spend on mobile Internet, select the appropriate package and send its number in the text of an SMS message to the operator's free number 5010 .

Important! The discount for the Internet will be activated only after leaving the current Internet session. If a discount is activated during the period of using the traffic, it will not work, and the new tariff will take effect only after the launch of a new tab.

Discount when buying a new phone

If a mobile device, tablet, router or laptop is chosen as a reward, you must apply for it at the office address: Moscow, Red Square, 3, 3rd floor, 3rd line, or check on the website where the nearest salon is located who is participating in the program. A passport will be required. The minimum amount that is available for exchange for a discount when purchasing equipment is 800 points.

Important! To get a discount on the purchase of equipment in 200 rubles, you need to accumulate 200 points. This amount will be accrued after the subscriber spent 6 thousand rubles on communication services in the previous month. The exchange rate of points can be changed by the operator at any time.

In the event that the buyer's mobile device is not satisfied, and he returns it to the store, bonus points are also returned back to the bonus account.


When traveling around the Russian Federation outside the coverage area of ​​MegaFon, it is possible to spend bonus points to pay for mobile Internet. Activation is carried out in the "Personal Account".

How to transfer points to another number

For example, if you activate an advantage in the form of a package of "10 SMS" for your friend participating in the Megafon Bonus, the text of the message should be as follows: 111 926ХХХХХХХ, where "111" is the SMS code of the reward, followed by a space and the friend's number .

Did you know?During the month, it is possible to activate up to seven rewards on the number of another subscriber.

The numbers of reward codes and their list can be found at the link.

Bonus points expiration date

The effect of bonuses under the Megafon Bonus program is limited to a period of 12 months from the moment they are provided. After this time, the points will be cancelled. Therefore, it is important to monitor the terms of their accrual and use so that they do not go to waste.

Why can bonus points be cancelled?

Gift points on the phone can be canceled in four cases:

  1. if the subscriber has changed the tariff plan to one that does not participate in the promotion;
  2. if the points have expired - i.e. a year has passed since the date of their enrollment;
  3. if the subscriber terminated the contract with the operator;
  4. if the subscriber has changed his status from an individual to a legal or corporate one.

Getting benefits

After choosing the reward that you liked the most, you need to activate it. You need to know how to activate bonuses on Megafon. For this there is three ways:

  1. to number 5010 a free SMS is sent with a text containing the reward code (you can see it in the catalogue);
  2. by dialing a combination on the phone *105# and then pressing the "Call" button;
  3. by entering the "Personal Account" on the official website of the operator.

Bonus activation"MegaFon" is carried out within 15 minutes after one of the above operations. The subscriber will be informed about this via SMS.

To get a free ticket from Aeroflot, you need to contact one of the Megafon centers. To receive it, you will need to present a passport and an Aeroflot Bonus member card, as well as filling out an application of intent to exchange points for miles. Points will be written off immediately after this procedure, and miles will be credited to your Aeroflot Bonus personal account within eight days.

Other terms of the program

The operator undertakes to inform its subscribers about the termination of the bonus program three months before it terminates.

The operator undertakes to inform about changes in the conditions of Megafon Bonus no later than 10 days before they come into force.

The operator automatically terminates participation in the program if the subscriber has not transferred a single point for reward within a year from the date of joining it.

Subscribers of the cellular operator "MegaFon" are given the opportunity to use bonus points accrued for replenishing their personal account. Points are used to receive rewards, including free minutes, SMS messages, megabytes of traffic. It is noteworthy that the service has determined the "burning" of unused bonus points, so they must be used on time.

To use the bonuses that you earned while talking on the phone, you must:

  1. Send SMS "5010" to the number "5010"
  2. Enter the section "Bonuses and Gifts" in the Personal Account on the official website of MegaFon
  3. Call toll-free number 0510
  4. Dial USSD code in mobile phone *105*5*5# Call

If you want to activate an already selected connection reward with bonuses, then you can:

  • Dial the USSD code from the phone *115# Call and act on the prompts of the automatic assistant,
  • Send SMS to the number "5010" with the code of the selected reward, which you can find on the official website of MegaFon,
  • Log in to the Personal Account of the official website and activate the reward,
  • Calling the number "0510" is FREE.

If you want to know how to activate bonus points in Megafon, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the provisions of the bonus program. All necessary activation operations are performed automatically from the moment you connect to the operator. Bonus points from MegaFon are provided to each subscriber in exchange for cash payments made to their balance. According to the program, for every thirty rubles paid, the subscriber receives one point. As noted above, you can spend the accumulated bonuses for various purposes: purchase additional minutes for calls within and outside the network, receive free SMS messages or mobile traffic to use the Internet. The Megafon company provides the most convenient ways to connect promotional packages in exchange for bonus points, since this can be done both through your mobile phone and by accessing the Internet from a personal computer.

And yet, how to activate points in the system? Such a question is especially relevant, since subscribers strive to make the most of all the opportunities provided by the Megafon promotion. The official website of the operator gives the exact answer to the question posed: “Activation of points for bonuses occurs automatically for using the services of Megafon OJSC.

In order to find out the answer to the question "How to exchange points?", you need to dial the following key combination on your mobile phone: "*115#". Then click on "Call" and wait for the view menu to appear:

  1. Balance
  2. Activate bonuses
  3. Reference
  4. Settings

If you want to quickly check your balance of accumulated bonuses, you must press the number "1" in the menu that appears. It is advisable to do this within ten to fifteen seconds, since the total amount of waiting time is significantly limited. After a few minutes, you will receive a response menu in which you are again prompted to enter the number "1". This key will allow you to select the "Balance Request" function. In less than a couple of seconds, all the necessary information about the accumulated points will appear on your mobile phone.

You do not know how to activate points on Megaphone? Well, this procedure is performed automatically for each new subscriber in the network.

To activate the accumulated bonuses, you must press the already familiar combination of buttons on your mobile phone like “*115#”, and then enter the number “2” in the menu that appears. Within a few seconds, you will see information about the bonuses available for use. It is noteworthy that Megafon offers a convenient form of familiarization with points and services, since in the menu you can see the exact statistics of the cost of each of the offered bonuses for accumulated points. Simply put, each available bonus will have its own unique number. To activate bonuses, simply enter the required number and press the "Call" button.

It will take a few seconds and you will get a new menu. It invites you to familiarize yourself with a detailed list of available options for use: receiving a strictly defined number of free SMS messages or mobile traffic in exchange for accumulated points. If you have decided on the choice of one or another bonus for points, simply send the number of the bonus to the menu and press the "Call" button. Then you will receive a notification about the activated bonus service with a description of the validity period. Remember that bonuses are valid, as a rule, for one month, after which they “burn out”.

Megafon bonus: how to activate points

Inclusion in the unified point accumulation system occurs automatically by the Megafon system.

If you decide to activate your bonuses via the Internet, you are invited to enter the menu of the Megafon operator called "Service Guide". You can do this as follows: Go to the Internet, write the path to the regional site "MegaFon" in the address bar of your browser, register in the existing "Service Guide" system by entering your phone number. Next, a message with a login password will be sent to your mobile phone. You must enter the "Service Guide" by entering a password and login (your phone number). Important: Do not forget your password to enter the system, as it takes quite a long time to recover it!

So, you are in the menu of the "Service-Guide" system. Scroll the browser slider to the item "Gifts and bonuses" and select "Megafon-Bonus". In the window that opens, select the section called "Activation of rewards". Next, click the "Activate" button.

The next window that opens will show you a complete list of available bonuses with all the necessary information about the points. Select the package you need, then click the "Next" button. Within a few seconds, your request will be processed, after which a message about the activated package will be sent to your mobile.

It is noteworthy that you can activate bonuses both for yourself and for another subscriber. Just enter the phone number of your friend or acquaintance in the data window - and make him happy with free SMS messages or minutes for calls!

If you have been using Megafon's cellular communication for a long time, then we think that it is time for you to familiarize yourself with how to spend Megafon bonuses that are credited to your personal account. This will be the topic of this article. In addition, the discussion will also touch on how additional points are awarded, how to check their balance and how long the points need to be used. Let's get started.

What is the Megafon bonus program?

The operator has developed a trust reward program for its loyal subscribers.

To be brief, for every 30 rubles spent on using mobile services, the operator charges 1 point on the premium balance, which can then be spent on various profitable rewards, as a result, a kind of discount is obtained.

How to become a member of the accumulative program in Megafon?

Absolutely all users of this mobile network are allowed to participate in the loyalty program from the Megafon operator. The accrual of bonus points will begin immediately after the activation of participation.

You can activate your membership by doing one of the following:

  1. Send SMS to number 5010, where this combination is also indicated in the body of the letter - 5010.
  2. In personal account settings connect to the program.
  3. Run command *115# or *105*5# .

Step 1. Login to your personal account.
Step 2
Step 3
Confirmation of connection of the bonus program.

The whole process of registration of a participant will take no more than a day, and the first gift will be 5 points, which will be credited immediately after confirmation of participation.

Photo gallery:

Connection via SMS.

USSD request (1 option).

USSD request (Option 2).

Megafon confirmation.

The procedure for accumulating bonuses or for which the operator issues a reward

To receive the award, you just need to simply use the services of the Megafon mobile operator, namely:

  • Replenish an account.
  • Make outgoing calls within the framework of Megafon-Bonus. The accruals received under this item are calculated according to the algorithm - the amount spent on calls * 0.0333.
  • Accrual of additional bonuses is provided for maintaining the balance in a positive state throughout the reporting period.
  • On significant days: for the client - in honor of his birthday, for the company - on the day the subscriber connects to the network.
  • Buying a new modern gadget with the Megafon logo. This device can be any modern gadget.

Information on the accumulation of bonuses posted on the Megafon website.

How to find out how many points are in the user's bonus account?

Accrued bonuses are stored on the subscriber's additional account. There are four ways to monitor its status:

  • Send SMS with the assignment of "0" to the number 5010.

  • By executing a service request *115# , and pressing the call button on your phone.

  • Doing a similar query *105# , and don't forget the handset button on your phone.

  • You can also get acquainted with the detailed accrual report in the user's personal account.

What and how are the bonuses exchanged for?

The Megafon operator has developed a truly unique loyalty scheme, as unlike other operators, it has provided its customers with the opportunity to transfer their earned premium not only into additional minutes, but also use bonus points as payment for other options.

To be detailed, then:

  • Top up balance for bonus points.
  • Can be bonuses pay for the purchase of mobile and other modern gadgets in the company's stores.
  • Buy and activate certificates.
  • Activate additional packages free time to make calls, sms or high speed internet.
  • Bonus Transfer for roaming charges.
  • Give bonuses to another subscriber.

You can spend a certain number of points to purchase or connect various options and services.

Replenish the number on account of the premium

To convert bonus savings into cash on the subscriber's main balance, you need to calculate the amount of remuneration using the algorithm proposed below and execute a USSD request: *115*XXX#, where XXX is the encoding of the required packet.

Package nameAmount of premium written offPackage codes
5 rub.15 5
10 rub.25 10
30 rub.60 30
50 rub.100 50
100 rub.180 100
150 rub.240 150

You can also replenish the main account with bonuses by sending SMS to the number 5010 , in the letter itself you need to indicate the number of bonuses to write off.

Related photo:

SMS request to write off bonuses.

USSD request.

SMS for bonus

To credit additional SMS for a loyalty program bonus, several packages are available:

  • 10 messages (25 points).
  • 30 messages (40 points).
  • 50 messages (100 points).
  • 100 messages (150 points).

In order to receive the desired package to the number 5010 you need to send a message with a code 93XX, where instead of x you insert the number of SMS you need.

To reinforce the personal account of another subscriber for the required number of messages, you need to put a space after the code and indicate the number to which SMS messages should be credited.

All SMS will be available for sending within 30 days after package activation.

Interesting video:

Bonus roaming program

Today, only roaming traffic participates in the promotion. The exchange of points for replenishment of the balance with additional megabytes can be carried out both in the territory of the home network and while in roaming.

Replenishment is made according to the same principle as the standard transfer of bonuses to Internet traffic.

Aeroflot Bonus reward

Megafon, together with Aeroflot, participate in the program for subscribers who have become members of the loyalty program. According to the established rules, subscribers can exchange accumulated points for an air ticket. At the same time, the calculation is made according to the formula 1 thousand points can be converted into 500 miles.

Information about the program. posted on the Megafon website.

To receive such a reward, you must visit the operator's salon with a passport and a bonus program participant card.

Buying phones at special prices

In any communication salon when buying equipment(mobile phone, smartphone or modem for high speed internet) you can redeem your points. Write-off occurs only for amounts that are multiples of 100.

It is also worth noting that the offer does not apply to the entire range of products, but only to promotional models.

Bonus traffic

Those who like to sit online will come in handy with additional megabytes, which will be credited to the main account when bonuses are deducted. For this to number 5010 send sms with corresponding code.

Extra minutes in exchange for bonuses

Megafon has a wide range of sets of bonus minutes. Their number varies depending on the territory in which the number operates.

In addition, the operator can offer on-net packages or minutes for calls to contacts that are registered with other mobile operators in the Russian Federation.

If you have the required number of bonuses, you can connect additional minutes of communication.

You can learn in detail about all existing bonus offers in the bonus reward section of the Megafon official website.

Transfer points to friends

To replenish someone else's account, you can use the same schemes as for a personal account, only in the body of the SMS letter you need to indicate the phone number of the subscriber whose balance is replenished through a space after the number of points. If you send a request, then it will look like: *115*phone number*package code# and call.

Attention! Replenishment of someone else's number with your bonuses can be carried out no more than 7 times a month.

All codes by which you can receive rewards can be found in a special section of the Megafon website.

Bonus expiration date

Accrued for the use of mobile services points are not permanent- after 1 calendar year from the moment they are credited to the additional account, they burn out.

In order for them not to go to waste, regularly check the status of the bonus account and receive rewards.

Bonuses are canceled for several reasons:

  • Expiration date.
  • Changing the tariff for a package that does not participate in the loyalty program.
  • Termination of the contract with Megafon.
  • Change of client status (from an individual to a legal entity).

Benefits obtained through the exchange must also be used on time, usually a calendar month.

Pay attention to one more condition posted on the Megafon website.


It is very important for the mobile operator Megafon to have loyal subscribers, therefore, as an encouragement, a program was developed that allows customers to use mobile services on favorable terms.

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