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What you need for SEO promotion. What is SEO optimization

Hello friends! Today I will tell you what SEO website promotion is and how to do it correctly so that your WEB project will confidently enter the Yandex TOP10 and start bringing targeted traffic and sales. So let's go!

SEO website promotion what is it

Do you want to confidently enter the TOP10 Yandex? Orient your WEB project first of all on live users and only then on robots Yasha and Gosha! To focus a web project on living people means constantly working to improve your site.

What behavioral factors include:

  • Time spent on the site
  • Bounce rate
  • Pageview depth
  • Natural sharing of resource pages by users
  • Number of social signals from social networks

It is these behavioral factors that need to be improved in order to earn Yandex's trust in its WEB project. But this must be done exclusively by natural methods, unless of course you want to drive your Internet resource into the BAN.

Cheating behavioral factors

As soon as filters such as and appeared, the era of link promotion and promotion due to stuffing texts with keys went into oblivion. But what has replaced? Ranking by Behavioral Factors! It was them that cunning SEO-schnicks began to wind up in order to.

At first, PF promotion really gives a quick result. Literally in a week, both positions and traffic increase. But a month after such a boost, the WEB project completely flies out of the Yandex index and falls under the filter. In Yandex, the webmaster begins to show off the following inscription:

You will be able to withdraw the site after such a ban only a year later, after the PF promotion has stopped. Don't try to trick search engines. You can't do it! I wrote a very detailed article on how the cheating of behavioral factors is performed by special programs and what happens for it. be this manual!

SEO is leaving, but LSI is coming

SEO promotion is really not as effective for reaching the TOP as it used to be. It was replaced by LSI promotion! This is an advanced, modern and most importantly safe display of the site on the first pages of Yandex.

The abbreviation LSI promotion means latent semantic indexing. Since search engines have learned very well to understand the meaning inherent in the text, then SEO promotion must also be sharpened on.

Enough to procreate unnecessary and hope for a miracle. Such shitty texts will only kill your site more. He will not see any TOP!

In order to overtake competitors in Yandex, today you need to use only high-quality and selling LSI texts, as well as use a joint LSI and SEO promotion strategy, in parallel connecting and.

Remember! Today, the promotion of your resource depends many times more on the professionalism and experience of the copywriter than on the SEO of the promotion.

My strategy is simple. It's better to write one high-quality article that will bring 10 people a day to the site than to spawn hundreds of articles that will not bring a single target client to. This is an axiom today!

Hundreds of different ones have already gone through all my resources, and I selected only one of them, who writes in such a way that the text immediately after flies into Yandex's TOP10 and begins to lead. For gratitude to his work, I leave his (or rather her) mailing address for communication - [email protected] .

SEO website promotion yourself step by step instructions

So, you have created your own Internet resource that meets all the qualities that I wrote at the beginning of this article. Be sure to check your resource for critical problems hindering the promotion.

Remember! It is easier to unload coal from wagons with shovels than to promote a technically crooked site in Yandex and Google!

From how to check a site for technical issues, with all the links to free checkout services, I've written a detailed article. I recommend reading! It is located.

If you are convinced that your Internet project has no technical problems, then proceed to the next step - SEO promotion through the selection of low-competitive semantics.

Competent selection of the semantic core

This is where the Motherland begins! Most site owners believe that if they collect semantics for low-frequency queries through Yandex Wordstat, they will go to the TOP. This is the biggest mistake friends!

After collecting such semantics, you will write a hundred articles, but there will be no sense at all! But then what to do, you ask? I will answer! Work not for low-frequency semantics, but for !!! And it, in turn, can be high-frequency. In my practice, I also found such requests and they brought 100 people a day to my site.

Here in this video, I explained in detail and lucidly how to collect low-competitive requests and, most importantly, what services. Watch to the end, I am telling the main principle from the middle of the video!

How to collect low-competitive semantics for a website

This is how SEO and low-competitive semantics work. Your site starts generating traffic and gradually improves its behavioral factors through cool content.

It is possible to overtake competitors today only if your content is better, more useful, informative and more unique than on the competitor's website. Everything else, including SEO website promotion with its secrets - DOES NOT WORK!

And stop thinking that you will give someone 10,000 rubles and he will lead you to the first page of Yandex. This is a utopia !!! SEO website promotion for 10,000 rubles will bring your site straight to the BAN, and not to the TOP10. I described in detail how this happens. Be vigilant and careful when receiving such offers from!

Use for promotion in Yandex exclusively. Only they will allow your WEB resource to overtake competitors and climb to the top of Olympus Yandex.

My internet resources

Only due to competent, white SEO promotion with the application, I brought all my sites to attendance of 1000 people per day. The counter of the site you are currently on is in the lower right corner. Well, here are my creations:

  1. Website SEO promotion from Anatoly Kuznetsov. You are on it now
  2. Travel site
  3. YouTube channel about cars
  4. YouTube channel about travel
  5. YouTube channel about construction: QMS
  6. Channel about training website promotion SEO SPb(recently started driving)
  7. Website about LSI promotion (recently created)

As you can see, I came to the Internet business seriously and for a long time! Since 2005 I have been promoting websites and experimenting with SEO on my resources. I learned to feel constant changes in Yandex algorithms at the level of vibrations.

This experience is comparable to the actions of a surgeon who has been performing operations for 20 years. Only through constant practice, you can understand how to perform high-quality and effective SEO website promotion and overtake competitors. There are a lot of theorists now, and there are even more Internet scammers.

How to tell an SEO scammer from a professional

Everything is really simple! Start by exploring your own SEO site. What he really is? If a one-page landing page, then in 98% of cases it is scammers. can be compared to fly-by-night firms that are created in order to quickly raise money and disappear.

If an SEO-schnick has a multi-page site, but there is no traffic on it, then this means that he cannot promote himself, not to mention third-party sites. It is also better to avoid such people, unless of course you want to waste your money.

The next important point in choosing a promotion contractor for your website is a detailed study of his cases. In simple words, the sites that he promoted. As an example, I suggest you familiarize yourself with mine.

The cases should contain all the links and contacts of those sites that your potential contractor promoted. And as a result, the result on the positions reached by these resources after SEO promotion. Ideally, the SEO promotion period should be indicated, for which the site entered the TOP10 Yandex.

These are the three main points and you can distinguish an SEO scammer from a professional.

How much does SEO website promotion cost?

The most difficult thing is to carry out SEO website promotion in cities with a population of over one million, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. They have insanely high competition and, as a result, you have to work very hard to bring the site to the TOP10!

The cost of SEO promotion depends on the competitiveness of the search query for which the customer wants to go to the first page of Yandex. The more competitive the topic, the higher.

If you want to order SEO website promotion from Anatoly Kuznetsov, that is, from me, then you will have to be ready to pay from 30,000 rubles per month for my services. The approximate time for bringing your site to Yandex TOP10 is about three months. As a rule, during this period it turns out to confidently gain a foothold in the first places of Yandex and overtake competitors!


Do you want to reach TOP10 Yandex and stay there for a long time? Promote your sites using exclusively white promotion methods! Can't you? I can teach! For those who want to understand all the intricacies of SEO, I suggest visiting mine, which I conduct individually, online via Skype. All reviews for my training can be found.

For those who do not have time to undergo training and independently promote their site, I offer help in this matter. I can take your site for promotion and bring it to the TOP10 Yandex. In order to be convinced of my expertise, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with mine and only after that order SEO promotion from me.

That's all for today, good luck to everyone and see you soon on the pages of my site.

Now I will show you a DIY SEO promotion method that I used to promote my site to 5,000 unique visitors per day in just 9 months. Moreover, I promoted my site from scratch, exclusively independently and for free.

I called this method "Striking site promotion". It differs in many ways from what is usually offered as a "recipe for SEO promotion". But the main thing is that it works, and you can repeat it.

Within the framework of this article, we will talk about website promotion with the help of articles. That is, we will not buy any links. Exceptionally white safe methods - they wrote an article, optimized it, brought it to the TOP, repeated this scheme 50-100 times. That's all the promotion =)

And the very first step is finding the right keyword for your article.

Step # 1 - Selecting Key Queries "in a Million"

I hope you are already aware that you cannot write articles on the site “just like that”. It is imperative that you choose in advance a specific key query for which you will optimize your article. For example, this article is optimized for the query “do-it-yourself seo promotion”. Therefore, I put these phrases in the title.

Without this, search robots simply won't understand what your article is about. Although they are very smart, they are still robots.

And our task with you is to select key queries that:

  1. Have a large number of monthly requests (otherwise you will have to write 1000 articles to see at least some traffic);
  2. Have low competition (otherwise it will be almost impossible for you to break into the TOP);
  3. They have good prospects for "career growth" (more on that below).

Collecting a pool of such keywords is called semantic core compilation. And if it seems to you that it is difficult and time-consuming, it seems to you correctly. But it’s better to spend a couple of weeks picking 30 queries now than to spend a couple of years writing articles and never get anywhere.

The ultimate keyword research tool

Let's say we want to write an article that blogging is very cool and awesome. We come up with such a title for the article - "Why do I need to blog." It would seem that the topic will certainly be of interest to a wide range of readers.

But to check, we first go to Yandex.Wordstat... This is a free tool that will immediately show you the exact popularity of a particular query. Enter the selected key into the line and click "Pick".

As you can see in the screenshot above, this request has 0 page views per month. It means that no one is looking for him, and no one needs him. Please note that I put the request in quotation marks. This is how Yandex.Wordstat shows the exact frequency. If you leave the query without quotes, then it will show completely incorrect numbers.

We conclude that the key request needs to be changed. But what is the best way to formulate it? We begin to enter our main word “blog” into the Wordstat line and add question words - “how”, “what”, “why”.

And here we already get a very wide field for activity. We take each keyword that we like and put it in quotes to check the exact frequency. As a result, we get:

Now that's another matter. If our article is in the TOP by request for 1500 impressions per month, then we will definitely get good traffic. But this is not the end of the story. Are we sure we will be able to break into the first places for this request? Let's now turn to another tool.

SEO Competition Checker Tool

To check the level of competition among requests, we will use a service called " Mutagen". It is paid, but every day you can do 10 free checks. And paid checks are very inexpensive - a few kopecks apiece.

The essence of this service is that it compares many different indicators of sites that are in the first places in the search results for a particular request, and concludes how easy or difficult it will be to "move" these sites.

For example, we take the same query that we found with you - "what is a blog", enter it into the Mutagen check line and press Enter.

This query shows competition "over 25". This is the maximum level of competition that Mutagen shows. That is, it will be as difficult as possible to break into the TOP for this key. This does not suit us.

If your resource is not yet highly promoted, then it is better to choose keywords with a competition level of 5-7 or even lower. So what do we do with this theme? Give up the idea and write an article about something else?

Not at all necessary. Now we need to try to reformulate the request so that the level of competition will decrease significantly, and the number of requests will not drop very much. And the first thing you should try to do is lengthen the keyword with additional words.

Now that's better. Suppose this query variant has only 28 page views per month. It is better to take it for the article, because it has a level of competition of only 7. If you come out on top for this key, then it is likely that Yandex will put you in the TOP on a broader basis.

Many people believe that the more words in a keyword, the less views it will have (because people are too lazy to enter long keys with their hands). But as you can see, this is not always the case. We lengthened our key even further, and got a competition level of only 4, and almost 200 net views.

This is the perfect key to writing an article. We dwell on it and move on to the next stage - writing an article that deserves first place in the TOP.

Step # 2 - writing armor-piercing articles

The amount of money in your pocket is directly related to the amount of traffic on your website. And the amount of traffic depends on the number of articles you have posted. The more articles, the more traffic. Everyone knows this, but for some reason the articles are still “not written”.

And here I will give you a couple of life hacks that will help you write less and get more traffic.

Write yourself or hire a copywriter?

I recommend all content site owners to write articles on their own resource. So you will immediately bypass numerous competitors who are hiring copywriters for this business. Here's my opinion - a copywriter will never write an article well enough.

Firstly, he is not an expert in the topic for which you made your site. This will be immediately noticeable by the amount of "water" and banal advice in the articles.

Secondly, the copywriter is not the owner of the site, and he will not kill himself much in order for the article to be really high-quality and sufficiently voluminous.

And thirdly, what is called "copywriting" today is actually rewriting in 95% of cases. That is, a freelancer takes several articles on a given topic, crosses them together, adds some water, and that's it. Even if different services for checking the uniqueness of the text show "95-100% uniqueness" of such texts - Yandex and Google have their own verification algorithms.

Non-unique content is something that search engines are now actively fighting against. And if you start doing the way no one else does (that is, writing unique author's articles with really valuable content on your own), you will be immediately noticed and put in the TOP.

Write long or short articles?

One of the questions that I am asked most often sounds something like this: “Dmitry, why are you writing such long articles on the site? Nobody reads them. ” In fact, they do. And the longer the article, the more an average person spends on the site (within reasonable limits, of course).

I can name at least 5 reasons why you also need to write long articles:

  1. Search robots think logically. And if they see that you have a 1500 word article, and all other articles on this topic are 700 words, he concludes that your article has 2 times more information on the topic. It is logical. Accordingly, it will at least give people the opportunity to "try" it.
  2. The longer your article, the more words and phrases on the topic you use in it. And this gives what is called "tail traffic". That is, 80% of traffic will not be brought to you by the main key request, but by a lot of small queries that users search for 1-2 times a month.
  3. Even just leafing through a long article to the end takes time. Accordingly, this greatly reduces the bounce rate - when a visitor has spent less than 10-15 seconds on your site. And this is a very important indicator of the quality of the site.
  4. By publishing long articles on the site, you immediately show search engines that this is author's content, and not just another copywriting (more on this below).
  5. An article with 1.5-2000 words is very difficult to over-optimize. Even if you use the main key a dozen times in the article, it will be very easy optimization against the background of the total volume of the text. And the search engines will have no reason to think that you are trying to deceive them.

About the fourth item on this list. My articles are usually 2000 words or more. This is an average of 14-15 thousand characters. Today, a more or less normal copywriter on the exchange charges 70 - 80 rubles for 1000 rewriting signs. In total, to get an article with 15,000 characters, you will have to pay 1200 rubles.

This is too much for a content site. Given the quality of copywriting, you need 300 - 600 articles to start getting meaningful traffic. These are too high expenses. Therefore, all webmasters who write articles as "copywriters" order texts for 3-4 thousand characters, no more. And so search engines immediately distinguish them from those who write on their own.

And therefore, we will not need 300-600 articles. My site came out to 5000 visitors per day with only 30 great author's articles. That is, you do not have to worry that you will have to spend several hours all your life, every day, to write huge articles.

It will be enough for you to write only a dozen articles, as I indicated above, and you will already have more traffic than others get from hundreds of articles. But for this we need to help our article a little more after you wrote it.

Step # 3 - Quick access to the TOP

Turnkey article optimization

After you have written an article, you need to do some light optimization (without fanaticism). To do this, take the main keyword for which the article is written and place it in the following places:

  1. In the heading H1;
  2. In an SEO title called "title";
  3. At the very beginning of the article (preferably in the first sentence);
  4. In the alt tag and in image captions;
  5. In the URL of your article;
  6. Subheading H2;
  7. In the middle and at the end of the article.

This will be quite enough for Yandex and Google to understand what your article is about and for what key query it wants to compete. Now all that remains is to wait for the verdict of the search engines.

Accelerating the entry of the article to the TOP

It usually takes 2-3 months for the article to "brew" enough and take its place in the TOP of search engines. But you can also speed up this process. Then your articles can be in the first places in just 5-10 minutes after you click the "Publish" button.

To achieve the same result, here's what you need to do:

  • Write and publish articles every day at a specific time. If Yandex notices that new material appears on your site every day at 12 noon, it will soon start sending its special robot to your site by 12 noon exactly. This is the so-called "fast robot", whose task is to quickly index new and relevant materials.
  • After the article is published, go to Yandex.Webmaster and send your article for revision. This is the so-called "adurilka" Yandex:

  • Post links to your new material on all social networks wherever you can: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google + and others.
  • Make a mailing list in your subscriber base with a notification about a new article (if you don't have one yet, it's time to start collecting)

Actually, this is where the main work on website promotion ends. Now you need to repeat this algorithm several dozen times, and your site will first grow to a "thousand", and then to a "ten-thousand". There would be a desire)

I hope this article was useful to you, and now you better understand how to properly do SEO promotion with your own hands. Add it to your bookmarks so as not to lose it. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience for 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novosyolov

Positions and traffic is the main marker of SEO efficiency. For the objectivity of the picture, we will consider more complex examples - requests with high competition and a commercial component. We have two topics and two pages:

Both topics can be monetized according to the CPA model - selling insurance and offering a service to check the possibility of traveling abroad. In both topics "there is money", which means there is also competition. You can see it without tools, just look at the issue.

Positions in Yandex:

Traffic in the last 12 months:

Positions in Google:

To be nice to Yandex and Google at the same time - perhaps, moreover, the basic principles of promotion are similar. However, the situation when one search engine prevails over another is very common. Including in our examples, an example of a page in the TOP of Yandex is practically not presented at the beginning of Google's results for similar queries, and vice versa, an example of a page in the TOP of Google has modest indicators in Yandex. Let's analyze the tricks for each PS separately.

5 chips of free promotion for Yandex

SEO starts even before the page is created. The first step is to find out exactly how users search for information. To do this, use Yandex.Wordstat or see the hints in the search bar. For example, this link will tell you exactly how people search for a product. For example, you will find out that they specify a request for "health insurance", the price and answers to various questions, for example, "do you need insurance", etc. are also important to people.

Use the resulting keywords within the article, focusing on the density indicator. Keyword density is a measure of how often keywords are used in the text. There are special services for checking:

The younger the site, the more careful you need to be. For projects under one year old, it is worth staying within 3%. For older sites, the bar can be raised, but you shouldn't go beyond 6%. For spamming keywords, you can get sanctions from the PS for trying to manipulate the issue. In our example, the page has the following density values:

Only the lazy didn’t say that the article should be unique. But don't forget that the article also has headlines. They must also be unique. Moreover, the site, as a rule, has two headers at once:

  • Title - displayed in a tab in the browser;
  • Title on the site - displayed on the page;

Use them to promote. To do this, use keywords within the title, while the most frequent and important ones should be placed at the beginning of the title. Try to find a unique text, do not copy the same title for the hundredth time.

Title and title can and ideally should be different from each other. In this case, the title on the site should be framed in

... When forming the title of the article, do not forget about live readers, since the search robot is not the only one who will interact with the page. We have already written about how to apply knowledge in practice.

The same applies to subheadings within an article. Break information into logical blocks, separate them with meaningful subheadings.

Use all possible ways to provide content:

  • Text;
  • Images;
  • Video;
  • Tables;
  • Bulleted lists.

We have mentioned this. Nothing has changed: Yandex, like people, loves various forms of presenting information. In addition to this, it is worth considering:

  • Add ALT + Title to the pictures;
  • Give the name of the picture in Latin, where the key is included;
  • Tables are difficult to uniqueize, but well worth the effort;
  • Try to use your keywords in bulleted lists.

Remember to use manual internal linking. Link to the page you want from other pages on your site. Use both anchors, for example, # buy insurance in the USA #, and non-anchor links - # by link #, # previously wrote #, etc.

5 Tips for Free Google Promotion

Google loves long reads. Great articles that cover the topic from all sides. However, Google doesn't like volume for the sake of volume. There is no algorithm for how many characters there should be in an "ideal" article. Alternatively, you can spy on the volume from competitors who are already in 1-3 positions on the request you need. Ultimately, it is important to find a balance between volume and benefit, you must always pursue the main goal - the article should completely cover the user's question.

The article should give the user an answer to all questions so completely that the reader no longer googles. If you find yourself in the TOP or near it, and traffic has gone to you, but the reader quickly closes the page, returns to the search engine and again looks for the same question, then it is a matter of time before Google removes your page from the TOP.

When a user selects a result on a Google search page and clicks on a link, they don't immediately land on the site. First, the search engine redirects the user to a special tracking page and only then to the site. This happens quickly and automatically. Artificially manipulating behavioral factors over the long haul won't work, so focus on the quality of your content.

Update the material constantly. Google will notice any change in the tax, and this will be another plus for you. If the system of your site allows, then not only refresh the page, but also change the publication date or add the update date. It is pointless to do this without updating the content, updating information is more important than changing the date.

An example of a page about going abroad: last year, the amount of debt changed from 10,000 rubles to 30,000, after which a person may become restricted to travel abroad. Many sites remained with the old numbers and gradually their positions sank. By quickly replacing figures and facts in the article, you can bypass even more eminent competitors.

Try to keep your pages up to date. To automate, set up Google Alerts for topics of interest to you and get a summary of requests once a week.

Make sure your articles are commented on. If you don't have an audience yet, then do it yourself (from different profiles). Alternatively, you can order comments for your site on special exchanges. It is especially important to do this the first time after the release of the material. It is important to keep comments as realistic as possible, use clues internally, and simulate live communication.

Information that search engines stopped taking meta tags into account skips with enviable regularity. Here, webmasters and SEOs were divided into two camps - some do not believe in their favor, others continue to fill in the Description / Keywords fields for each page. Google announced 9 years ago that the keywords meta tag does not affect the search results in any way. Sosnovsky's experiment proved in practice that filling in these fields can be neglected in the case of Yandex as well. Therefore, it really can be neglected, but in 2019 it cannot be neglected:

  • The presence of a mobile version of the site;
  • Page loading speed;
  • Full translation of the template;
  • Removing unnecessary links or closing them in nofollow;

How to promote a website independently and for free

The famous phrase of Bill Gates - "Content is king", said back in 1996, has not lost its relevance in 2019. Content is still important to successful SEO. You should provide the reader with useful information that fully discloses the topic and answers the user's question.

If you have a limited or no budget, then focus on content. Take note of our material,. The ability to buy links will improve your position. Both sites in the example also receive backlinks by different methods, however, in this case, the links are not the basis for promotion.

In 2019, it's worth taking a closer look at LSI copywriting. This method replaced the classic SEO copywriting, where keywords were used exclusively and their density was constantly measured. LSI copywriting is based on the content and meaning of the text, where, in addition to keys, various synonyms, word forms and other words and phrases are used that are close and characteristic of the topic in their context.

For example, going back to the example with US insurance, the words "medicine", "illness", "pills", etc. are just LSI copywriting techniques.

Share your observations and best practices on free SEO promotion of projects in the comments.

New to SEO and not sure where to start? Here's a quick start guide for SEOs.

After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​what to do and where to go next.

Let me start with the most important Golden Rule that always works the first time you get to know something.

When reading an article like this, don't distract yourself by thinking about some of the topics below. Just try to follow the author's thought. Leave questions like WHY and HOW for later.

Hope you are ready! Let's move on ...

How to get started with an SEO guide

As described above, the purpose of this guide is to give beginners an understanding of search engine optimization. I have done some research and have tried to answer some important questions.

I'll start with the first and most important question.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a combination of strategies that aim to increase the visibility of a website and improve its positioning in search engines. It can be said that it is a way of informing search engines about the quality of a website in order to attract more organic (unpaid) traffic by improving the site's search engine rankings.

For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, and also the links to the website. It is in this direction that it needs to be developed.

But remember! SEO optimization aims to improve the interaction with the search engine, but you should never forget about your audience. User experience comes first.

Do you have any questions?

Hopefully I'll answer all your SEO questions in this article.

Why does my website need SEO?

To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote about - SEO is necessary to improve the visibility of the site!

And that's why:

Search engines are the largest and best source of internet traffic. You probably already know the main ones:

  • Yandex;
  • Google;
  • Bing;
  • Yahoo.

Some of my friends still use the google search bar to go to Facebook.

SEO newbies always use Google to find information. The same applies to ordinary Internet users. When they want to find something (an article, some services, products, or any other information), they turn to Google.

Another reason why search engines are unique is that they provide targeted traffic. People are looking for exactly what we offer.

User searches are the words that are entered into the search bar. These words are critical. If SEO isn't all that good, our website will be ignored by search engines.

Targeted traffic is about improving your income level. So do not hesitate to invest in if you really want to generate income. And if you do not have time to do SEO on your own, then the O`Es team can help you in your site.

What if I don't do SEO on my site?

Here you might think something like this:

"Dude! Is this the exact same question as the previous one? You just explained that a lack of SEO is a lack of traffic from search engines! "

Yes! You are right ... But I want to dwell on this in more detail. I'm sure you won't mind after reading the following interesting information.

After launching your site, search engines crawl it to figure out what kind of site it is. Now, when a user searches for something related to your site, search engines will display your site in search results. Search engines are a brilliant engine and are constantly being improved to crawl sites more efficiently. However, search engines also have certain limitations.

This is why SEO is essential. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about a website.

Proper SEO will attract thousands of users, and incorrect SEO will result in almost zero traffic.

SEO not only makes your site's content available to search engines, but also improves your site's ranking by positioning it higher in search results. Therefore, it will be easier to find you.

The competition is constantly growing and SEO practitioners undoubtedly have a clear advantage in terms of questions and audience engagement.

Hopefully the concept of SEO is clearer now.

Let's move on to the next question in our guide.

Can I do SEO?

Yes, SEO is hard, but not too hard if you track all the changes! The basics of SEO are pretty simple, so the key is how you implement your chosen strategies. The internet is full of free resources () to learn how to do it right.

Practice and you will become an expert in your niche! ..

If your site is complex and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek professional help.

But remember: you need to be very well versed in basic SEO concepts! ..

I think that now you can easily answer the question: ""

The next section of my guide contains more practical information and a lot of advice regarding SEO strategy.

How Yandex and Google work? Black SEO / White SEO

Before discussing SEO in more detail, I would like to tell you about black SEO and white SEO. Here's how they can be summarized:

Rice. 1. Black SEO, White SEO

Remember, we are white-hat SEO. I will not go into details of the comparison. That's all for the basics. At least I have on this topic.

Before we move on to the next point, check out the list of major SEO topics:

  • keyword research;
  • optimization of site pages ();
  • external SEO (external factors).

Keyword Research

Almost all SEO beginner guides ignore this point. In my opinion, it is one of the most important.

SEO is a keyword game.

Therefore, I decided to dwell on this issue in detail. What is keyword research and why is it important?

In the previous part of this tutorial, I talked about custom searches. The user's precise wording is called keywords.

You must know keywords related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in SEO. Different keywords have different meanings depending on search volume and some other factors. We do not need to delve into these aspects in this guide.

Keyword research aims to find out what users intend to do. What exactly are users looking for? These are the keywords.

Using the right keywords is critical to your site's SEO. They enable you to better understand your target audience. And this increases the relevance of your site in relation to your topic - this is very important for SEO and search engines.

You need to do proper research to find valuable keywords related to your topic before launching a website. Even if you already have a website, it can be optimized with the right keywords.

If you want to know more about keyword research, check out the following articles ...

Let's move on to the next step!

SEO optimization of site pages

SEO for a website page means everything that is displayed on it and relates to its programming. You need to optimize your website pages, posts, etc. for search engines.

In short, it's content optimization for search engines!

Internal page SEO covers many aspects, so let's break it down.

1. Content

Content is the largest part of a page's SEO. You may have heard a famous quote regarding content:

"Content is king." There is no doubt about that.

Rice. 2. Content is king

Do you know that Google Is the biggest search engine !? The main priority of the company Google Is providing its users with the best quality content, relevant information available on the Internet.

Company Google also appreciates content of the correct length. Write long and informative texts.

Content on your site isn't just text. These are videos, photos, animated slides, infographics, etc.

Content not a king! How you present it is what matters.

Ensure the best user experience while optimizing your site for search engines. Then your content is more likely to be shared by your readers.

Pay more attention to good content:

  1. Headings - Create captivating headlines that increase the reader's interest in the article. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
  2. Keywords - Choose keywords that would bring people to your site.
  3. Links - Link to quality sites that complement your site. This encourages sites in your niche to connect with you.
  4. Quality - Try to publish unique and quality content. This forces users to come back to your site because they won't be able to find the same content elsewhere.
  5. Freshness - Posting content that is not outdated is a good strategy, but it's worth adding new content regularly as well. If you don't have time to add content to your website, consider creating a Q&A section or blog on your site.

Rice. 3. Dependence of the positioning of content in Google on the number of words

When creating your content, don't forget about keyword research.

2. Site menu

The site menu is in second place in terms of site optimization - you also need to take care of it.

An example of a bad menu is when categories are completely out of place in relation to the topic.

I have personally seen several sites that dealt with health issues, but the categories on the site were related to fashion. Don't harm your own SEO.

This greatly interferes and distracts the user ...

If the menu is unsuccessful, what is the likelihood that the visitor will never return to the site? - 80% ...

Take care of the convenience of your site! Google it will be appreciated.

3. Website speed

Yes! Website loading speed matters a lot! Have you ever heard of the waiting time? Let me tell you what it is.

The user is looking for something and your site appears in the search engine result bar (SERP).

The user then opens your page. Waiting time is the time during which the user remains on the site after clicking on the link.

This is a very important factor in search engine ranking.

Rice. 4. Waiting time on the site

Let's see what happens with an example ...

Imagine that you are looking for something and then you open a site that appears in the search results.

What if the website takes too long to load? What would you do? Will you wait? Unlikely. You will most likely close the tab and follow another link ...

This is how latency affects your site.

Rice. 5. Average website load time

In short, the user needs speed, just like Google... By improving the speed of your site, you will reduce waiting times and therefore improve your ranking in search results.

4. Website design

Website design is another important factor for a good user experience ... The theme should be interesting and memorable.

I prefer websites with attractive designs and informative content. I can of course read content on a badly designed site, but only when it's the only search result ...

There are many sites with great content but poor design.

Ask yourself a question - will you stay on a site that cannot be properly viewed from a smartphone?

Most likely, you will stop visiting this site altogether ...

I say this from personal experience!

Design is not only about what a website looks like. It's also about how the site works.

The site must be responsive and attractive.

Well, stop talking about SEO page optimization.

External SEO

Outside SEO is as essential as page SEO - it helps to make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.

In other words, it is a way to make your site trustworthy in the eyes of search engines.

This will happen when other well-known sites give the search engine a signal that your site has the best content on a particular topic.

How does this happen?..

We need other well-known resources on the Internet related to your niche to link to our site. Technically speaking, this is called link building.

Naturally, this does not happen automatically. Post high quality content on your website and share it with interested people on various internet marketing platforms.

Eventually, someone will start linking to your resource.

The best link building strategy is creating good content. Then you need to inform everyone else about it.

But remember, in today's competitive environment, you need to be good at link building. Use techniques and advice from well-known quality sites.

Your hard work in this activity will surely be rewarded with a good rating.

Just know what to do:

  • use social media to promote your content;
  • do blogging and guest blogging;
  • Suggest solutions in discussion forums;
  • share photos and videos;
  • build meaningful business lists.

The following heading may annoy you a little, but trust me, this is important information ...

What do links look like and how do I get them?

Link tags

This is a signal for the search engine. Something like, “Hey! The following information is a link. This is called anchor text. "

  1. Link location. This is information for the search engine about the site to which the link leads. Such a site could be a web page, image, download, video, etc. You can save the location of the link.
  2. Link Visible / Anchor Text: You may have seen this text - blue, bold, or underlined - that is interactive. Clicking on it takes you to another web page. These links are called anchor text.
  3. Link Closing Tag: As you might guess from the tag, this is a signal that directs the search engine to the end of the link.

You will need the above information when you start creating links.

On average, the higher the score, the more domains will be associated with the web page.

Good! We now have an idea of ​​some of the communication parameters. Moving on. You need to figure out how you can get links.

I think I was able to influence your thinking about link building. Now you have a better understanding of external SEO ...

Where to go next?

Now that you've gone through the SEO guide, you might feel like I'm missing out on a lot of important information, especially if you're not a beginner.

Yes, I did it deliberately.

I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and detailed manual. But trust me, it would irritate beginners.

There are many such tutorials on the internet. Why did I decide to add my own?

My goal is to give you some basic understanding of the concepts. You can read more about them in other guides.

As you continue on your way, try the following:

Once you've done all of these things, keep learning and improving. Explore the sub-points of my guide - you will find more and more information thanks to the experts in the field of SEO.

Parameters like domain authority, page authority, trust level, citations, backlinks, and spam are very important. They can significantly affect your rating. Use Google to study the issue in more detail.

Summing up

I'm sure you've improved your SEO knowledge with this guide.

Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!

Magomed Cherbizhev

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