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What can you do with your phone before you turn it on or what is Recovery and Factory mode. Backup user data what is it on Android? (and translation into Russian)

Hello, tell me how to use Android mode System Recovery 3e, there is such a huge menu that half of the items are not clear.

Answers (2)

  1. This comment is edited.

    Recovery (aka the recovery menu) is a separate small operating system that has a minimum of functions and works independently of the main one. Distinguish between stock and custom recovery. The first is "native", the second is modified and improved, it must be installed independently.

    The most common custom ones are CWM and TWRP, they are supported by most devices.

    To enter the recovery on android you need:

    • be sure to charge the battery to 80-90%;
    • turn off the device;
    • simultaneously hold down the on / off buttons, volume control "louder", sometimes also the "home" button (depending on the model);
    • wait until the manufacturer's icon appears;
    • release, the recovery menu will appear.

    To move around it, a volume control carriage is used - "louder" up, "quieter" down. To enter the sub-item, you must press the "on / off" or "home" button.
    Returning to the previous menu is carried out with the “go back” item. After selecting any command, a list with sub-items "no" and one "yes" appears, which must be pressed to start.

    The number of points depends on android system recovery. The instructions for use are as follows:

    • "Reboot system now"- reboot, through it you can exit android system recovery, depending on the device, the menu may contain this item in the "power menu" section;
    • "Wipe data / factory reset" - reset to factory settings, delete all information from the device, after which the smartphone will be like after purchase;
    • "Wipe cache partition"- this item is responsible for deleting the cache of the system and applications, that is, cleaning unnecessary files;
    • "Install from sdcard" - installation of zipped files from a USB flash drive.

    Some items have additional sub-items, so I'll tell you about each of them. Chapter " backup and restore ":

    • "Backup" - a backup copy of the operating system is created, which is saved on a USB flash drive;
    • "Restore" - installation of a backup, by opening the item, a list of firmwares will appear;
    • "Advanced restore" - restoring a part of the operating system, the command works with the same partitions as the next function.

    You need to be very careful with the item "mounts and storage", as it can damage the device. It is used for formatting - irreversible deletion all information and mounting, that is, connection to the system. This item works with the following sections:

    • "Mount / system" - system;
    • "Unmount / data" - for storing user information;
    • "Mount / sd-ext" - mounting part of the operating system on a USB flash drive to expand its capabilities;
    • "Unmount / cache" - cache, temporary files;
      "Mount / sdcard" - sd card.

    The "format" command works with the same sections, but only clears all the content. Applying this item to "system" or "data" will kill the smartphone.

    In the recovery there is a submenu "advanced", which includes additional features... Here is a list of them:

  2. "Wipe dalvik cache" - cleaning unnecessary files of the dalvik machine, which runs programs on the phone;
  3. "Wipe battery stat" - clears information about battery usage;
  4. "Restart adb" - loading into adb mode, which is needed to control the device via command line from a PC;
  5. "Fix permissions" - the command returns the file permissions to their original state.
  6. This comment is edited.

    Rarely, but a situation arises when android system recovery 3e does not respond. What to do with this problem and the ways to solve it depend on the reasons:

    • not unlocked bootloader;
    • installation experiments custom recovery, as a result of which the family is out of order;
    • breakdown of volume or power buttons.

    The most common reason android system recovery 3e may not respond is a locked bootloader. It is unlocked in different ways and depends on specific model devices.

    An unsuccessfully delivered recovery must be "rolled back" to the native one. First you need to find stock recovery for the right model- it is best to search on our and American forums.

    Recovery is stitched through ADB program which is installed on the computer as follows:

    • download the zip archive;
    • open it, find the ADB.exe file;
    • in the menu that appears after clicking on it with the right mouse button, select the item "run as administrator";
    • then a blue window will appear;
    • write "y" and press "inter" repeat this 3 times, thus we agree to install the program and drivers;
    • go to the ADB folder, it should be at the root of the C drive;
    • copy the downloaded recovery here and rename it to recovery.img;
    • press "shift" and right button mice;
    • select "open command line";
    • enter "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" this is the command that will install the downloaded recovery;
    • by pressing "inter" we start it;
    • we write "reboot".

    After that, you can go to the updated recovery.

    If the buttons fail, connect the device to the computer as described above, enter "reboot recovery" and press "enter".

For other uses of Backup, see Backup (disambiguation). In information technology, a backup or the process of backing up is making copies of data which may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. The verb form is back up in two ... ... Wikipedia

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Data Execution Prevention- (DEP) (Data Execution Prevention) security feature built into the family operating systems Windows that prevents an application from executing code from a data-only memory location. She will allow ... ... Wikipedia


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Friends! Today there is so much talk about OS, recovery, all sorts of words with the root -boot- that if you don’t know something, you feel stupid (I’m not humiliating anyone, no). Therefore, I decided to tell you about it.
Attention! For all your actions, no one except you is responsible!
And it's not for nothing that this topic has such a name, because I will talk about Recovery and Factory mode ... I think many have heard of recocery, but what is it? This is a set of programs for operating the OS, such as backup and data recovery, and so on. But few have heard of factory mode. This is a mode that allows you to test your phone for functionality. You can check all at once or separately. But more on that later. Important: before taking action in recovery and factory mode, charge the device at least 50%, since all actions in these modes consume the battery very much.
1. How to go: If you have a volume rocker, then turn off the device. If not, then hold down the "home" button. Then, holding them and the power button, wait for such a window (it may not be there, it's okay):
2.Mode selection: now we choose what we need. For recovery - sound +, for factory mode - sound - respectively.
3.We figure out what is why and how:
This is how recovery looks like:

Let's analyze what's what:
reboot system now = system reboot;
apply update from sdcard = unpacking archives and installing firmware and other contents of the archives (in most cases, you need root rights);
wipe data / factory reset = full reset settings;
wipe cache partition = wipe cache;
backup user data = backup of all data. Needs ~ 200 MB on a memory card);
restore user data = restoring data from the backup made in the previous step.
Now factory mode (not everywhere):

1.Tpupgrade = upgrade touch pad at the bottom of the device;
2.Full Test = full test of the phone;
3.Item Test = selected test;
4.Test Report = test notification;
5.Signaling Test = SIM card signal test;
6.GPS Test = everything is clear here, GPS test;
7.Reboot = reboot.
4.Precautions: follow the rules written and you will reduce the risk that something happens to your phone.
1. Charge the device at least 50% if you want to make a backup or reflash, etc. ;
2. Let the device cool down: while performing the above actions, the device gets very hot. If it gets too hot, it is better to remove the battery.
Basically, that's it. Good luck with flashing, etc.!

Hello everyone. We are studying incomprehensible things in Android, this time we will think about what it is. Backup user data. So guys, as I understand it, Backup user data is an item in the menu Android Recovery... But what is this item for? Everything is simple here, this item is needed to save all your settings, including personal information, contact list, SMS / MMS messages, installed applications.. V Backup principle User Data is translated into Russian: backup of user data.

I read on the Internet that not all phones support this backup, but if there is a Backup user data item in the menu, then the phone must support. And one more thing, why is this thing needed at all? This means that with the help of a backup, you can save all your personal data in the form of a backup copy. It seems that you can save it to a memory card.

And here is the Android Recovery menu itself:

As you can see, there are many items here, there is also Backup user data. And there is also an item Restore user data, as I understand it, this is the reverse process, that is, restoring data from a backup. In general, if it all works without jambs, then I advise you not to ignore the opportunity to make a backup. And you also see in the picture it says something like Use volume up / down and power, what is that? Yes, here it is not entirely clear, it seems to be written here that to navigate in the menu, use the volume buttons and the power button of the phone, like so ..

When the backup is over, something like Backup user data complete will be written, and the backup itself must be on the memory card. The backup name will be something like userdata_20140823_022749.backup, as you can see in the name there is the date of the backup, which is convenient. It is also easy to restore everything, select the Restore user data in the menu and then select the backup file and the restoration will begin.

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