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Which is better windows or linux. What is better Windows or Linux: strengths and weaknesses of operating systems

In fact, Linux users are different from Windows users in the same way that their operating systems differ. Built on top of Unix systems and in opposition to Windows, Linux has created a complete opposite ecosystem. Although new Linux users come directly from Windows, they behave differently in some respects.

After a long 17-year observation of Linux users, Canadian journalist Bruce Byfield offers 7 theses that distinguish Linux users from Windows.

Linux users do everything themselves

Windows users tend to mess less with the operating system for a number of reasons. Windows Registry it is very difficult to read and edit, and if users have a problem, they tend to seek professional help. In fact, quite successful tech companies, which for $80 an hour help make backup or delete unnecessary files.

In contrast, Linux is perceived as a hobby, the system was designed for those who like to do their own tuning. For a long period of time professional support was not available. Instead, Linux users exchanged information among themselves and learned to help each other. Today, this tradition is slightly broken, for example, due to GRUB 2, which excludes manual editing. But the basic concept of manual manipulation remains.

Linux users confidently work with the command line

Contrary to popular myth, Linux users can comfortably work without leaving their desktop. However, most of the features are available from the command line and perhaps due to the general concept manual editing, many users sooner or later start working with it. Once at the command line, they find a powerful and effective alternative that turns out not to be as scary as they feared.

In comparison, when Microsoft developed its own command line, she did not get accustomed to ordinary users. Porting the Bash shell didn't fundamentally change the situation either, because Windows has a hands-off approach for inexperienced users.

Linux users care more about security

Despite numerous stories of password sniffers and malware ah, many Windows users refuse to use a password or run applications with limited privileges. This practice, in their opinion, is inconvenient (although it is actually much more convenient than reinstalling the operating system every six months to clean up infections).

Bruce has only met a couple of users who visit the Internet with as root, but they are exceptions. Designed for security, Linux makes users immediately concerned about security. Bruce is aware of users who consider surfing the Internet on Windows to be a potentially dangerous activity.

Linux users want more customization

Perhaps because many Linux users come from Windows, they prefer to tweak the operating system settings themselves. For them the opportunity to change background image and font in Windows are insufficient. Linux offers not only a wide choice window managers and desktop environments, but also more detailed features: for example, desktop activity conditions or positioning of icons in the title bar of a window.

This preference is so popular that over the past 8 years, when customization restrictions have been introduced, it has led to user rage against some desktop skins.

Linux users are used to diversity

Unix design implies small specialized applications. Applications such as LibreOffice and Krita made it possible to bypass this feature. By at least with office applications on Linux, everything is in order, which simplifies adaptation for former users Windows.

However, even now, many categories of applications, including music players, messengers, mail clients and web browsers, have several full-fledged alternatives.

Moreover, since almost all alternative applications are free, Linux users can try several applications before making their final choice.

This situation is different on Windows, where many users are surprised to find that alternatives are available. In fact, many Windows users are opting for open source alternatives such as Firefox or LibreOffice.

Linux users are used to not paying for software

Free licenses refer to the availability of software and are distributed free of charge. Linux Users not used to paying for programs. If there is no free software of the desired specialization, Linux users go to cloud services, for example, free service Google Docs.

Some Linux users pay for specialized non-essential software. Others buy professional products, but these cases can be considered exceptions. Unlike Windows users who believe that if a program is free, it is of poor quality, Linux users do not see obvious reasons pay for software.

Linux users familiar with licensing

The understanding of licensing still dominates the Linux user community. Majority Linux applications distributed freely ( open source) as opposed to Windows programs which have usage restrictions. In this case, the license governs how the application is copied, modified, and distributed. Often license agreement The modified program uses the original original document.

Some Linux users only use free software, others use proprietary software because there are no alternatives or based on business requirements. However, very few Linux users are unaware of licensing issues.

View from the outside

These differences form a completely different approaches to using a computer. One of the reasons for this has to do with fewer products for Linux users and fundamental difference this market from the Windows systems market.

Many developers aim to make Linux more and more like Windows. The Snappy and Flatpak packaging systems try to mimic installation programs Windows. However, it is likely that their efforts will not be successful. Most Linux users believe that this change will bring minimal gain. In any case, they are deeply convinced that their habits are correct.

According to materials. Photo: Linux Format

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The choice of the operating system is the issue in which you have to understand thoroughly. A few years ago this problem did not exist. But now all PC users can choose which OS to put on their computer. A lot depends on this. Linux or Windows - which is better? Answer this question to come next. What should users pay attention to? Which operating system should be preferred in this or that case? What do users say about them? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of each operating system from all sides.

Work speed

It's no secret that the first parameter of any operating system is its speed. I do not want to use slow software, it brings a lot of problems to users.

Linux or Windows - which is better? If we evaluate operating systems in terms of speed, then it is Linux that allows you not to worry about the speed of processing commands and operations. Even Microsoft says that "Windows" is a very slow OS. Yes, you can make it work pretty fast, but the previously mentioned Windows system still can not be compared. It is significantly inferior in terms of speed. Especially some assemblies like Vista.

PC Requirements

"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better to choose? It's hard to decide. You should pay attention to such a feature as the requirements for computer hardware. This parameter everyone has operating systems and software.

Windows is a rather demanding product. Some system versions will not run on older computers. To ensure minimum performance, you will have to take care in advance that the PC is very powerful by modern standards. But there are exceptions. For example, Windows 10 should now run on weak computers. It was for such purposes that it was created.

Linux is an operating system that is suitable for any computer. The distribution kit, in comparison with Windows, cannot be called demanding. It will run on both weak PCs and powerful ones. With all this, as already mentioned, the user will receive the speed of the OS.


Which is better - Linux or Windows 10? A similar question is asked by many PC users. In particular, if they do not have too powerful computers. You have to pay attention to many nuances and features.

A distinctive feature of "Linux" is that all the settings in this operating system are located in one place. At the same time, the interface is clear, you do not need to look for this or that item all over the computer. No multiple windows, utilities and drop-down menus. Everything is extremely simple and clear. A few mouse clicks - and all the settings of the operating system at a glance.

In Windows 10, as in all other versions of the OS from Microsoft, there is a confusing settings menu. Each item is located in separate place. To find this or that setting, all the time you have to wade through numerous dialog boxes, submenus and lists. You can not call the settings in "Windows" understandable. Therefore, it will be easier for novice users to set certain OS parameters in Linux.

Software installation

But that's not all. Linux or Windows - which is better? To understand the answer to this question, the user must pay attention to the numerous pros and cons of each operating system.

The OS itself is an environment for installing utilities and programs. Accordingly, it is important for each user to initialize the software necessary for work. In Windows, this is not as easy as it seems. And this despite the fact that the process of finding and installing applications is familiar to many users. Initially, you need to go through the following steps:

  • search for the site of the creator / developer (or another place from where to download the installation file);
  • checking the utility for viruses;
  • analysis of the nuances of installing the program (each software may have its own characteristics).

In fact modern users nothing special in this process do not see. Yes, Windows 10 introduced a specialized application called Windows Store, which somewhat facilitates the search for certain programs. But at the same time, the utility has a meager selection of software. So far, there is no hope for it.

Linux has simplified the process of installing programs. In this operating system, you can find almost all the software in specialized application. It is built into the system. Just 2 clicks - and desired program will be installed. None additional search, downloads and security checks!


"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better to choose? It all depends on the user's preferences. An important role is played by the interface of the operating system. After all, people, both advanced and novice users, should be comfortable working with the software.

In Windows, as already mentioned, it is not easy to find certain settings. Particularly because of the interface. Once the developers removed the only menu item that "saved" users and allowed them to work normally with the OS. It's about about Start. Fortunately, this component was returned.

If we talk about Windows interface in general, then users are already accustomed to it. But here in the "top ten" there are a lot of restrictions and incomprehensible elements. Some ironically rejoice that Windows 10 allowed you to change the color of the window panels and the Start menu, as well as set wallpapers on your desktop. Unfortunately, Windows has more and more restrictions.

But "Linux" interface is simpler and more understandable. Here, according to the users, you are your own masters. You can change the interface the way you want in no time. For example, in Linux Mint it is proposed to zoom in using special settings environment to Windows or MacOS. Very comfortably. And this is despite the fact that a user accustomed to Windows notices for himself not the most convenient "appearance" of Linux. But you can get used to everything.

About security

Which is better - Linux or Windows 7? An important point is to ensure the privacy of data, as well as the security of the operating system. What can be said about OS data?

Much can be said about the situation with Windows of any version. In short, Windows is constantly under the threat of being infected by some kind of virus. It could be a harmless browser hijacker or a serious Trojan. Also in Windows 10, for example, the operating system collects user data and sends it to Microsoft, thereby endangering information and violating privacy. It is difficult to "wean" the operating system from such actions. Among other things, official updates Windows sometimes cause a lot of problems for users. This is no secret to anyone.

In "Linux" similar problems missing. Some people say that there are very few viruses written for Linux. Therefore, you can call the OS safe to the maximum. In addition, the distribution does not collect any data about the user. Confidentiality is fully guaranteed here. Even anti-virus programs may not be needed!

Availability and choice

Linux or Windows - which is better? An important role is played by the availability of a particular product. After all, the user must purchase this or that software before using it.

Windows is inferior to Linux in this area. Not much is known in the world Windows versions, some of them are not in demand (like "Vista"), some are already "out of fashion" and are not used in principle (for example, Windows 98). Accordingly, most often users choose between XP, Windows 7, 8, 10. And then support for the first OS has been discontinued.

Windows can be called affordable - the operating system can be found in any store, on almost every computer. Both in the form of already installed software, and as separate installation disks. Only for use you will have to purchase a system for money. You can download a pirated copy, but it's not the best the best solution. So Linux or Windows? Comparison of these systems will help determine the answer. What can be said about each of them?

Linux is basically a free distribution. The operating system has many different versions that are in free access. Installation disks or in the form of software already installed on the computer, the system is also sold. But most often Linux is positioned as a free operating system with a wide choice of versions.


"Linux" or "Windows" - which is better for games and for other purposes? Based on the foregoing, we can come to the conclusion that it is the first operating system that is in the lead. And indeed it is. Many say that preference is best given to Linux. However, gamers should keep in mind that most games still run predominantly on Windows. But developers are struggling with this problem.

Linux or Windows - which is better? User reviews are shared. This is an eternal dispute in which it is impossible to come to a common opinion. According to statistics, about 90% of users work with familiar Windows, despite the numerous shortcomings of the system. But Linux, too, is being embraced with great success.

What to choose? It all depends on the personal preferences of users. Can be run on any operating system. But Linux has a number of advantages that are unlikely to be realized in Windows. This should always be remembered.

Almost every user personal computer the same question arises: “What to put on the computer: Windows or Linux ?!” Today we will try to find the answer to this difficult question. Although it is unlikely that it will be possible to draw an objective conclusion, we will still try.

Let's start with the fact that neither one nor the second system is ideal, no matter what the defenders of a particular operating system say, in each system you can find a flaw, defect or feature that will not suit you. Hence, the first and only correct advice follows from this: To understand what is bestWindows orLinux - You need to work on both systems yourself. And not just launch a browser, watch a video file or listen to music track. For an honest analysis, you need to work on an unfamiliar operating system (this is usually Linux) - 2-3 weeks, no less! Personal testing will show shortcomings new system, its features, and most importantly, you will understand how flexible it is for your own needs.

Let me give you an example: A desperate computer gamer will never get along in the open spaces of the Linux operating system. But at the same time, a novice programmer (hacker, as they say) OS Windows will seem closed, boring and limited system with a lot of shortcomings.

Of course, most of us are not gamers or programmers, but mediocre users. But we thereby wanted to convey to you simple thing if you don't want to deal with computer programs, look for analogues, understand elementary pieces of code - operating Linux system It will seem to you a complex and incomprehensible system. On it you will not be able to fully feel free. All actions will cause anger rather than pleasure. What can I say, even installing conventional printer drivers will seem an unusually difficult, and possibly unsolvable task.

However, if you are a person who is not afraid of difficulties, and even loves them, then we certainly advise you to use UNIX operating systems. This environment is for those who want to study the computer not just superficially, but configure it so that it perfectly performs all the tasks.

Windows for the housewife or busy businessman is certainly more suitable, although Linux OS must be given its due! For the average user who only uses a computer to watch movies, listen to music, and surf the Internet, Linux distributions such as Ubuntu may be fine.

Since most of our readers use a Windows system, and they are the ones who are thinking about choosing between Linux and Windows, we would like to take out the advantages and disadvantages UNIX systems in separate lines. This gives you a choice.

How Linux is better Windows:

  • Most Linux distributions are absolutely FREE!

  • Programs (software) are also all free. This is very important for firms that are required to use exclusively legal software.

  • In one of the most popular distributions– Ubuntu - all basic package programs ( office applications, browsers, media players, etc.) are installed along with the operating system, thus eliminating unnecessary hassle.

  • All in the same Ubuntu - all applications / programs / games are collected in a single directory, from which you can both download and install by pressing just one button. Something like App Store at Apple or Android Market in the Android mobile operating system.

How Linux is worse than Windows:
  • Windows is still more familiar to 98% of PC users. For them, any Linux distribution will be a mystery.

  • It is almost impossible to play on Linux OS computer games, you have to be content with either "old samples", or try to run this or a game for Windows using an emulator. That is, this system is clearly not for fans of computer games.

  • Linux does not have all the analogues of programs. The fact is that some manufacturers of specific programs are not interested in releasing versions for UNIX. There are a lot of reasons, starting from the monetary component, ending with a relatively small audience.

As you understand, our advice boils down to the fact that the average static user choose Windows, not Linux. It has less hassle and more productivity.

We intentionally did not mention speed in the article. The fact is that it is incorrect to compare the entire family of Linux distributions with the Windows family.
Good luck!

Unsubscribe in the comments which operating system you have chosen. And why? I think that everyone will be interested to know other opinions.

Briefly about the main: Are you wondering why and how Linux is better than Windows? Do not wonder. Linux is better than Windows, and in this article, I will describe Advantages of Linux over Windows.
If you are not an advanced user, it may seem that "Windows" is the best choice(or easier) compared to Linux. In any case, if you don't like working on Linux, then Windows is obviously better for you.

However, in reality, having experience in different operating systems, we can compare them and draw our own conclusions in which Linux is better than Windows.

1. Open Source - Open source code

What it is? Imagine you are buying a car, but you can't see what's under the hood? The same is true when you are using a Windows system.

However, unlike Windows, Linux has a completely open source. You can look at the Linux source code, which is a huge plus.

I know that most users do not pay attention at all to whether the system has open source or is it proprietary closed source software, for me, open source in Linux, this is the most important feature when using GNU/Linux.

2. Security

Let's face it. The Windows operating system is vulnerable to various types attacks. So far, Linux is not as vulnerable as Windows, because Linux has not yet gained such a level of popularity that one in two people use Linux as their main platform. Of course, it cannot be said with certainty that Linux is completely the ideal that is not susceptible to viruses, but compared to Windows, it is much safer.

This is exactly the way Linux is designed, which makes it a safe operating system. In general, the process of package management, working with repositories, and many other features allow for more features that give Linux more security than Windows.

After installing Windows OS, you need to download/purchase an antivirus program to keep your computer safe from hackers and malware. However, Linux does not require the use antivirus programs. Of course there are software, such as firewalls, which will help your system be protected from threats, but to a greater extent this is not necessary if you use your computer only for work, games, watching movies and surfing the net.

3. Can work on computers with old hardware

As operating systems evolve, their hardware requirements grow exponentially. For example, if you purchase a licensed a copy of Windows 10, you will have to update your hardware to at least the minimum requirements that this OS requires in order to start the system successfully, and so that all applications run as expected and do not slow down, random access memory not less than 4 GB, otherwise it will be horror, not work.

However, with Linux, you can even use your most old computer with old hardware and the system will do everything necessary tasks. This does not mean that every Linux distribution will run with 256MB of RAM coupled with an outdated processor. You have a choice and you can choose from many options, you can install a system on such equipment with minimum requirements to work, like Puppy Linux.

As a result, if you compare the efficiency of Windows and Linux, in any case, Linux will win, since here you will find a distribution kit for your equipment, whether it is an old computer or a new one, you can choose a distribution kit in which you can work with minimal loads. Unlike the operating Windows systems, which has higher hardware requirements without giving you a choice and regardless of whether your hardware is old or new.

In general, even if you compare Linux and Windows, in Linux you have a choice, unlike Windows where you are forced only that you must install the system and use it on an ongoing basis. Those who have tried Linux at least once already have experience working both on one side of the barricades and on the other and can compare where it is better and what is better and why you need to buy licensed software there, but there isn’t, and the choice is huge, take it, take another whatever you like, install it. Why do you think most servers around the world prefer to run on Linux, here is the answer to the question of which OS is better.

4. Ideal for programmers

Linux supports almost all major programming languages ​​(Python, C/C++, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc.). In addition, he offers wide range applications used for programming.

The Linux terminal is superior to the command line. You can find many libraries developed natively for Linux. In addition, many programmers note that the package manager in Linux helps them install most applications easily and simply.

Interestingly, the scripting capabilities of BASH is also one of the most compelling reasons why programmers prefer to use the Linux OS. Linux has a built-in SSH support, which will help you easily manage your servers.

5. Software update

Microsoft only offers software updates when they have a large number of bugs or other problems, and only then major updates are released, in other words, Windows is in no hurry to release updates every day if there is only one security bug to fix or something else, unlike Linux. On the other hand, sometimes one could observe software updates to solve minor problems.

On Linux, you will notice more updates that mostly offer to fix found bugs or install security updates or simply update your applications to more new version, all of which you may encounter. Not only will you see a large number of software updates, you will also see a lot of quick update and without the need to restart the computer unlike Windiws.

6. Tweaking and styling Linux

One of the main advantages Linux usage compared to Windows is fine tuning systems to suit your needs. If you don't like appearance your system, in Linux you have the ability to customize everything perfectly as you need.

In addition to installing themes , there are many beautiful icon themes available for you . In addition to this, you can use Conky to display system information on the desktop in a place convenient for you by placing the appropriate widget for this. This is just a small part of what you can do with your desktop.

7. Variety of distributions of Linux distributions

On Linux, you'll find hundreds of distributions, each with a specific focus on doing certain tasks. Thus, you can install any of the available Linux distributions according to your requirements.

For example, there are Linux distributions for hackers that have a huge set of software that is pre-installed and you do not have to look for everything individually on the network, there are Linux distributions for programmers, there are distributions for very old computers, there are also Linux distributions for games. There is also Linux for everyone, it all depends on you and what choice you make, which is not in Windows.

8. Free use

Linux is available to use completely free of charge! However, not in the case of Windows!

You don't have to pay 100-250 dollars to get your hands on original copy Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora). Everything is completely free.

If you use the system completely free of charge, that's good, in our case we will save a certain amount of funds that we can direct in a more useful direction, for example, you can consider upgrading your computer hardware.

9. Support. Better community that will always help out

You don't need to hire an expert to solve your problems if you run into problems using Linux. You just need to look for a solution on the Internet if there is no solution on the Internet, although this rarely happens because before you, the question you are looking for the answer to has already been asked by thousands of users. If you still don’t find the answer, you can ask the community on the forums where users who have already encountered this problem will help you and you will definitely find a solution and you won’t have to pay for it.

If you have questions, you can ask in these communities:

  • and many others of which there are many.

10. Reliability / Stability

Windows, as we already know, becomes more and more unusable day by day, if the system is not monitored and regularly cleaned of garbage, in a few months you will definitely need to reinstall the system.

If you're using Linux, you don't have to worry about re-installation in order for the system to work faster, you just also need at least a little care for cleaning the cache after installing applications, cleaning up garbage after installing applications, for all this there is ready-made free software, although you can do everything using the terminal by executing a certain set of commands, everything is very simple and your system will work stably on an ongoing basis. Yes, even if you work on Linux, you need to follow the updates that you install, do not rush to constantly update the kernel, if the system is stable, there is no need to update to a newer version of the kernel, another thing is if these are security updates, this is of course necessary install. On the personal experience passed stage, strongly frequent updates cores will not lead to good, because somewhere you will definitely meet a flaw or some other bug.

Back to Windows again, using this operating system, you will have to develop the habit of permanent reboot systems both with and without a reason.

  • If you just installed software, reboot!
  • If you recently uninstalled software, reboot!
  • If you just installed windows updates Yes, reboot again!
  • If the system is running slow again, reboot!

However, in the case of Linux, you don't have to restart your computer for the situations mentioned above. You can comfortably continue your work, and Linux will not bother you as annoyingly as Windows.

Another fact that proves the reliability of Linux is web servers. You may have noticed that most of the Internet giants such as Google and Facebook run on Linux. All supercomputers run on Linux.

So why not Windows, Linux is preferred? Linux happens because it is much more reliable than Windows OS.

11. Privacy

You have probably already heard that Microsoft collects data received from each user, often this happens precisely when updating the system, you don’t even suspect, but Microsoft will already know everything that you did on the network and what sites you visited with whom you communicated on social networks. -networks or what they talked about with a girl on Skype. Many have heard about Windows 10 and how much dirt was poured on it, how it collects data, what it collects, etc., etc.

If you've ever used Windows 10, you may have seen that in the privacy settings, everything is on by default. Even if you choose not to share information about your data, Microsoft will continue to collect your data and send it to Microsoft server. Using Windows, you can not be calm when using this operating system, since at every stage there are used spy modules which cannot be disabled.

In contrast, Linux will ideal solution and confidential information will not be merged anywhere, you do not need to worry about it. First, distributions don't collect your data. Plus, you won't need additional tools to protect your privacy, or rather in the installation of an antivirus, in extreme cases, you can install the Gufw firewall, which will allow you to protect yourself from possible network threats, although in order to suffer from something in Linux, you have to sweat a lot or break something yourself, as in most cases it happens.

Do you also think Linux is better than Windows?

After reading the material, you learned about all the advantages of using Linux in comparison with Windows, what do you think about this?

If you're still hesitant to switch to Linux and continue to use Windows as your primary operating system, what's holding you back from switching to Linux? If you have already made your choice and are already using Linux, what is the advantage for you compared to other OCs that you have used before?

It just so happens that the vast majority of beginners usually choose Windows as their first operating system. Apple Products, unfortunately, is not available to everyone, and free Linux systems seem to many so harsh that they don’t even look in their direction.

But now we have witnessed interesting processes that can greatly change the established ideas. Computers from Apple in light of recent economic upheavals have become even more expensive. Microsoft started a global update, which resulted in Windows 10, which is a confusing labyrinth of the wreckage of old systems and new ideas. And Linux, meanwhile, got rid of past shortcomings, improved user interface and got a solid set of software.

Let's compare some aspects Windows usage 10 and the popular free distribution Linux Mint.


After exit Windows 10 about the complexity of the settings of this operating system, only the lazy did not write. Most of the necessary options are concentrated in the new control panel, others remained in the old one, and some could not be found at all. Yes, in the next Microsoft updates I continued to finish the settings system, but you still can’t call it easy and understandable.

In Linux Mint, all settings are concentrated in one place - in a special utility called "System Settings". Here you can change literally any parameter of the system without having to wade through a series of additional utilities, dialog boxes and dropdown menus.

Installing programs

The operating system itself is only an environment for executing software. Therefore, each New user First of all, he must install the programs he needs. On Windows, you have to search for developer sites, then look for a download link, then deal with the intricacies of installing each utility. Yes, there is now the Windows Store, which aims to make this process easier. But its content is so meager that not all users use its services, preferring to install programs the old fashioned way.

Linux Mint, like most other free distributions, has a built-in directory of available software. You only need to type in the name necessary program in the search bar and click on just one button - "Install". Easier than you can imagine.


An epic story about how Microsoft company first removed the Start button, then returned the Start button back, it will haunt the minds of outraged Windows users for a long time to come. This really matters to them, since such changes in the interface can only be made by system developers. It's good that users were left at least the opportunity to change the color of the panels and put their wallpaper on the desktop.

Things are quite different in Linux. Here you are your own boss and can customize your working environment exactly the way you want. The layout and appearance of panels, buttons, applets, menus, tooltips are completely under your control. And if you feel like installed environment does not suit you, then you can in no time. Linux Mint users, if desired, can transform the interface of the operating system in such a way that it resembles Windows or Mac OS. Or they can not change anything, because by default everything is beautiful and thought out to the smallest detail here.

Security and privacy

About the situation with viruses repeatedly already. In this section, I want to draw your attention to the problem of Windows tracking users. Such a problem really exists, and it worries you, judging by the popularity of those dedicated to it. Yes, Windows 10 is constantly collecting user information and sending it to Microsoft. It is quite difficult to wean her from this occupation, and this will require the presence computer knowledge, especially since with each update new loopholes appear for leaking the collected information.

On operating systems Linux based there is no such problem at all. That is, you can install almost any popular distribution kit for yourself and forget forever that someone can spy on you and eavesdrop on you. If privacy issues are important to you, and it is a pity to spend time and effort on fighting spyware in Windows, then the choice is obvious.

No imposed software

Almost all novice users love games. Even more they love free or hacked games. If this passion is not combined with at least minimal computer literacy, then very quickly their operating system is clogged to capacity with junk software, which is installed along with toys and some free programs. All these additional panels in browsers, fake antiviruses, Internet accelerators and other rubbish very quickly bring Windows to a state of complete unusability.

Linux users are generally not familiar with this phenomenon. To install programs and games, there is, as I wrote above, special shop Software in which all programs are tested. In addition, you can use Steam to install games, the safety of which no one doubts.


Updates to Windows and installed software is another problem that users face. System updates often very cumbersome, installed long time and require a reboot. It's so annoying that many just shut down the system automatic update although this should never be done. Regarding the centralized update system installed programs, then it simply does not exist in Windows. The developer took care to build the "update" into his program - well, if you are too lazy, then you will continue to use the old version.

Installing updates in Linux Mint is easy and pleasant. Once a day special utility itself will check for new packages for the operating system and all the programs you have installed. If they are found, you will see a small icon in the system tray. You just need to click on it, and then in the window that appears, click on the "Install Updates" button to bring your software to the most up-to-date state. No reboots, no waiting, no problems.

As you can see for yourself, the modern look of free Linux-based operating systems, at least the most popular distributions, has nothing to do with the myths that often scare novice users. They are simple, convenient, beautiful and so friendly that even those users who have minimum level computer literacy. In addition, Linux offers the highest level reliability and safety, which is especially important for beginners.

Personally, I have already done many experiments on Linux installation Mint on the computers of novice users and invariably heard only positive reviews. What do you think about this?

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