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What if I accidentally closed it? How to recover a closed tab

Sometimes it happens that for unknown reasons, either due to a glitch in the computer mouse, or the brain sends a distorted impulse to the hand, and we accidentally close the browser tab that we still need. But we haven’t fully familiarized ourselves with the contents of the page. What to do? How to return or reopen an accidentally closed tab?

Opening an accidentally closed tab

You can, of course, go into your browser history, but it’s so long and tedious.

This problem can be very easily solved using another method. The fact is that every browser (more or less new version) has Hotkeys.

Previously, I had Opera 12. And at random I discovered that the combination Ctrl+Z returns the last closed tab.

Later I switched to Opera 23 and Google Chrome. Both of these browsers have the same Chronium-based engine. Imagine my disappointment when, after pressing the Ctrl+Z keys, it did not bring any results. My first thought was " delete nafig" But reason took over. I went into the instructions and found that for these browsers there is a function “ open last closed tab" To do this you need to use a combination Ctrl+Shift+T .

Yes, at first it was very inconvenient; more than once I thought about returning to Opera 12, which I liked much better. And not only due to the reason described in this article. It is in many ways more convenient than its later versions.

But time passed and I got used to it. Now I automatically use these hotkeys when I accidentally close the desired browser tab. I believe that for other browsers Mozilla Firefox, etc. This diagram will also work.

One of the most annoying situations when working on the Internet is accidentally closing a tab that contained a page with information that you have been looking for on the global network for so long. This happens quite often and greatly frustrates inexperienced users who do not know how to quickly return closed tabs. And it’s not at all difficult to do this. You just need to correctly configure the browser you are using and use its basic tools.

Let's look at ways to restore a closed tab in popular browsers.

Mozilla Firefox
The Mozilla Firefox browser remembers a list of the last ten closed tabs. To view this list, click the orange button labeled “Firefox” in the upper left corner, in the menu that appears, select “Log” and in the next menu, select “Recently Closed Tabs.” Select the desired tab from the drop-down list based on the page names.

If you do not see a list of recently closed tabs, check the value of the “History” parameter in Firefox-Settings-Privacy. “Will remember history” must be selected.

Google Chrome
The Google Chrome browser has similar functionality. You can also see a list of recently closed tabs, but it remembers slightly fewer pages - only eight. But this is also more than enough, and to view them, click the Chrome settings button in the upper right corner in the form of three gray stripes. In the list that appears, select “Recently opened tabs” and in the next “Recently closed sites”.

The capabilities of this browser to save a list of tabs closed during the current browser session are truly impressive. It saves more than 50 recently closed tabs. This is more than enough for most users. To view these tabs, click the menu button labeled “Opera” in the upper right corner, select the top line “Tabs and Windows” in the list that appears, and select “Hidden Tabs” in the next menu.

Yandex browser
The relatively new web browser from the largest Russian search engine does not yet have a tool for viewing tabs closed in the current session. But the browser is young and still has a long way to go. In the meantime, you need to look for closed pages in the general history of visiting sites, which can be called up with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H (English).

Internet Explorer
Not the most convenient browser for those who often accidentally close necessary tabs. There are no tools to view recently closed tabs. Therefore, you can only view the general history of visiting sites. The easiest way to open it is by pressing the same key combination Ctrl + H.

In order not to waste time searching for randomly closed pages on the Internet, if they really are of some value to you, we recommend saving them immediately to your computer after reading them so that you can always quickly access the necessary information.

How to return a closed tab in the browser. This is exactly what we will talk about in today's episode. When working on the Internet, we use a browser: open a tab and enter your query in the search bar. You can make a lot of such tabs, and it’s not uncommon for a loaded page to inadvertently close. A tab can disappear for various reasons: you clicked on the wrong cross, or a small glitch occurred, as a result of which two windows are deleted in a row. I think this has happened to many people.

And now the page you need has closed, what should you do? I think that searching for the desired site through a search engine is a painstaking task, especially if you don’t remember the name of the site or its favicon (the picture next to the page name). In such cases, you need to follow a number of tips, which you can find below.

How to return a closed tab in the browser

Browsing history

All closed and open tabs are stored in history. If you need to find a page that you opened earlier, there is nothing easier than going to your browser history. All information, passwords, what was viewed is stored there. History has been preserved for quite a long time. Even if you come to your senses after 10 days that you need to find one or another closed site, then this can be done without any problems.

Important! Depending on the search engine, the history can be stored from one to three months, after which the old addresses are replaced with more recent ones.

In order to go to a lost tab, use the following key combinations: Ctrl+”H” and Ctrl+Shift+”H”. Or you can use your mouse cursor and find “Browsing history” in the main browser menu. Below I provide a link to an article in which I talk in detail about deleting browser history and more. Of course, you don't need to delete anything. You just need to open the history and start searching.

Internet Explorer

You should find a button in the upper right corner, indicated by an asterisk. After clicking on it, a menu appears with the following tabs: “Web channels”, “Favorites”, “Journal”. You need to go to the last section, all visited sites will be there. After selecting the one you need, left-click on this line.

Google Chrome

The button is in the form of three dots - it can be found at the top right. All you have to do is simply click on it and a list of all the commands will drop down. But we only need “History”. When you click on it, you will go to the list of closed pages, and when you hover the cursor over it, a window with three lines will appear. We need: “History” and “Recently Closed”.

The browser has a search function “Search in history”, among pages viewed previously. It’s convenient when you don’t remember the date of viewing, and the number of sites you visit is large.


Similar to Google browser in functionality. Find the menu button located at the top right. Then the browser settings menu appears. Now you need to select the “History” line. We go to “Recently closed”; if the visit was a long time ago, then we open the history completely.


A special feature of this browser in the Opera23 version is the common Chronium engine with Google Chrome. The settings menu is similar to Google. But there is some difference - the menu button is located at the top left.

Mozilla Firefox

We find the menu launch button on the right side of the screen in order to later find the closed page. A list of commands will open, among which you need to click on “Journal”. A list of recently visited pages will open, and at the very bottom there is a “Show entire journal” button. The “Library” stores the entire history of visits, and you can select the period. The browser has a search window for pages that were previously closed.

Browsing via Bookmarks Menu

Even experienced users often encounter problems such as accidentally closing necessary pages. If you don’t have time to search for them, then you can check to see if you’re lucky: browsers have such a function - adding frequently visited resources to a special bookmarks bar. The so-called visual bookmarks, everything is clearly shown in the image below.

How to bookmark a site

In order not to rely only on chance, but to deliberately remember the site and its page in your browser, use adding the page to bookmarks:

As noted above, browsers have visual bookmarks where you can save website pages in order to have quick access to them. You don’t have to count on automatically adding frequently visited resources there.

How to restore a closed tab using hotkeys and the tab menu

What should you do if you need some site that was accidentally closed, but you couldn’t save the tab? There is another method for this - go through the tab menu. To do this, you need to hover your mouse over the line of the browser located at the top, it contains the names of open pages. When you right-click, a window opens with the function we need “Open closed tab”.

It can also be opened by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+T, the command is standard for any browser. All search engines have this feature. A subsequent click opens the previous tab, and so on down the list.

Don't be afraid to close the tab you need. Working on the Internet should be convenient, so the search engine always remembers the visiting address. If you use the Internet frequently, the function will become automatic, and surfing the Internet will not cause inconvenience.

Video - how to return a tab that you closed in the browser

It doesn’t matter whether you work or relax on the Internet, but one way or another, several tabs are open in your browser. Sometimes situations occur when open windows with the necessary information disappear or they were closed accidentally. Of course, no one remembers the direct address of the link and many, quite possibly, begin to look for information that has disappeared in a new way. Modern Internet browsers (in particular, such well-known ones as Google Chrome and Yandex) have one very necessary option for such cases - you can open one or more accidentally closed tabs or pages visited. There are several ways to do this.

Page recovery

The latest versions of the Yandex browser have an option to automatically restore pages after a reboot or when the browser is turned off. If the computer turns off or freezes and the browser was disabled incorrectly, after restarting the program a dialog box will appear asking you to restore all closed tabs. Having agreed with the proposed option, the browser will automatically load all previously opened sites.

To eliminate the possibility of losing information when closing the browser, you can set the last viewed pages to automatically load. For this:

  1. Open your internet browser menu;
  2. Select “Settings”;
  3. Find the “Open at startup” section in the window that opens
  4. Check the box next to “Previously opened”.

If after these steps the pages still do not open, proceed to the next recovery options.

Keyboard shortcut (hotkeys)

A convenient and simple way to open closed tabs in the Yandex browser is to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T.

Important! It should be remembered that all such combinations work with Latin letters on any language keyboard layout.

When pressed, this combination will open the last closed page in the active browser window (regardless of the time it was closed). Pressing it again will open the penultimate one and so on downwards. Thus, using the brute force method, we can return the information we need, which was accidentally or deliberately hidden. However, this is also a disadvantage of this method; you cannot directly specify a specific link, you can only iterate through it.

Using the context menu

Some people don’t like or don’t know how to use hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts), but prefer working with a mouse. In this case, in order to restore tabs in the Yandex browser, you can hover the cursor over the tab bar and call up the context menu with the right mouse button. In the window that opens, select the item “Open just closed”:

Unfortunately, the disadvantage of this method is that you can only work with the latest actions. If we need to open information from an earlier period, this method is not effective.

Restore using Tablo

In order to return a recently closed page, you can use a special button on the Yandex browser display.

1.Launch the browser or open a new window;

2.Click the “Recently Closed” button;

Back button

If the user simply switched to another site in the same window, you can return to previous pages using special program control buttons:

This method eliminates the disadvantages of the above. When you hover the cursor over the “Back” button (left arrow), an auxiliary window appears with a list of all page transitions (in some versions of browsers you must hold down the press to drop the list). Click on any item in the list and go to the desired resource.

This method also has a disadvantage - the list of transitions is shown only for this specific tab; it will not be possible to restore data if this window was closed.

Browsing history

This recovery method is more cumbersome, but it has some advantages over the two described above.

As you know, any browser, including the Yandex browser, keeps constant statistics of all user actions. All these statistics are available and with its help you can easily open a closed tab, to do this you need to:

  1. Open browser menu;
  2. Hover the cursor over the “History” item;
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the desired link;
  4. A window will open with the previously visited page.

The full list of visited pages can be seen using another keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H, or accessed through the browser menu:

  1. Click on the browser menu icon;
  2. Select and click on the “History” section;
  3. In the pop-up window, also click on “History”;
  4. A window will open in front of the user with all the pages visited for the entire time he has been using the Internet browser.

If you actively use the Internet, the list can be quite extensive. The developers have provided for this and all hyperlinks are conveniently sorted not only by day of the week, but also by time of visit to a particular site. In addition, you can go to this section using a direct link: browser://history/.


In order not to lose important information or just an interesting site accidentally found on the Internet, the Yandex browser functionality allows you to save links to these resources in a special “Bookmarks” section.

By adding a link to a bookmark, you can easily and without unnecessary movements go to the desired page, even if you accidentally closed the tab with it. It's easy to do. There are two types of bookmarks: text and visual (Tableau), and, accordingly, two ways to add the desired page.

To add a text bookmark, just click on the star located on the right in the address bar:

To add a visual bookmark to the scoreboard, in principle, you do not need to do anything; when you visit one site multiple times, a link to it will automatically appear on the scoreboard. However, you can also do this manually.

1. Just open a new window and select the “Add” button below the visual tiles.

2.In the window that opens, enter the link in a special line.

3.Click “Finish”.

As you can see, there are many ways to restore closed windows with information in your browser. Each user will choose the option that will be most convenient for him to implement.

Finally, a few more useful browser features.

To open a new tab in the Yandex browser, you just need to click on “+” next to the already open one. For lovers of hot keys - the combination Ctrl + T.

To switch between tabs can be used as a regular mouse, or the Ctrl+Tab key combination. This combination will switch open pages alternately from left to right. To switch in reverse order, you can use the combination Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

Using the context menu:

  • move the cursor to the desired hyperlink,
  • right-click to open the menu,
  • select “open link in new tab”
  • The "Open in new window" menu item opens new windows instead of tabs.

The second option is convenient for those who are comfortable with keyboard shortcuts. We move the cursor over the link, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and simply click on the link. It will automatically open in a new tab. To open a new window, you need to hold down the Shift key instead of Ctrl.

There is also a third option - hover the cursor over the link and click on the wheel on the mouse. Simple and convenient.

Grouping tabs

For convenience, the developers have provided the ability to group information. To do this, you can simply hold down the left mouse button and drag the page to the desired location. In addition, pages can be grouped in different windows; to do this, hold the page with the left button and drag it to a free space on the desktop. This will automatically open a second browser window. You can then drag the others one at a time to group them.

Pin tabs

It happens that we have one or more tabs open all the time. This could be social networks, mail, or other necessary material that needs to be saved. In order to prevent accidental closing, as well as to save space in the browser window, it is possible to pin an open page. To do this, call the context menu with the right mouse button on the active window and select “Pin tab”. Now these sites will be separately grouped on the left side of the browser window until you force close them.

Close tabs

There are several options here too.

On the active tab, click on the cross “X” on the right.

On the active page, right-click and select “Close”.

On the active tab, use the keyboard shortcuts that close it: Alt+F4 or Ctrl+W.

In addition, you can close all pages except the active one, or close all tabs to the right of the active one. This can be done using the same context menu by selecting the appropriate items:

Working with a group of tabs

All of the above actions can be performed not with one tab, but with a group. To do this, we need to select a group of tabs. We hold down the ctrl key on the keyboard and, without releasing it, click on the ones we need. Further, by analogy, we can close, move, group selected tabs.

Tabs at the bottom

Perhaps someone will find it convenient to display pages at the bottom of the browser window. To do this option, you need to open the context menu on the browser tab bar using the right mouse button and select “Show tabs below”:

By doing the reverse procedure, we will move the tabs up accordingly.

When you open many tabs, each tab shrinks to fit on your screen. Using the program menu, you can reduce or increase the display size of tabs:

Go to Menu -> Settings -> Minimum tab size -> “select the desired item”.

So, we see that Yandex has made a lot of effort to make its program easier to use and with each new version it increases the number of useful functions of its product. Each user can choose the settings he needs. Take advantage of convenient options in everyday work or use data recovery and search mechanisms.

Every modern user should be able to work with browsers. Otherwise, surfing the Internet will be difficult. What if it happens in one case or another? Is this always possible? Next we will try to find answers to these questions. As practice shows, working with tabs is elementary. Even a novice user can handle it.

When not to restore

It is not always possible to return a closed tab in Chrome and other Internet browsers. Therefore, everyone should know under what circumstances the corresponding function will not be available.

At the moment, possible methods for restoring tabs in whole or in part will not work if:

  • the person closed the browser (the session ended);
  • the user works in "anonymous browsing" mode;
  • The user has disabled the function of saving the history of visited pages.

In all other cases, there should be no problems with bringing the idea to life. The main thing is to know how to behave correctly.

Through history

First, let's look at some universal tips. Did the girl close the tab? How to return it in any Internet browser?

You can do this using your browsing history. The technique is not in great demand, but it allows you to go to a site that has ever been opened in a browser.

Ideally, it is proposed to act this way:

  1. Open browser.
  2. Go to the main menu of the browser. Typically, the login button is located in the upper right corner of the application, near the address bar.
  3. Place the cursor on the line "History...".

Then the user can act in different ways. He will be presented with a list called "Recently Closed". Tabs that were closed not so long ago will be displayed here. Typically 6-10 sites are displayed in the list. If you click on the corresponding line with the mouse, you can restore one or another site.

The second option is to go to the "History" tab. During the manipulations performed, the history of visits to pages on the Internet will appear on the screen. You can select one or another site with the cursor. After that it will be opened in the browser.

Function menu

Do you need to return the closed one or Chrome? This can be done in any browser using the function menu. No skills or knowledge are required to bring your idea to life.

The user is offered the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Log into your internet browser.
  2. Right-click on the line located above the address bar. We are talking about the area in which open pages appear.
  3. Select the "Restore tab" option.
  4. Click on the corresponding line with the left mouse button.

This technique does not work in hidden browser mode. It only helps if pages are restored in the same session.

Keyboard to help

Closed the tab? How can I return it to the browser? The following technique cannot be called universal. It will work differently in all browsers. We are talking about using "hot keys". They will help you figure out what to do when you close a tab. How to get the page back?

To do this you will need:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + T. The function returns the last closed tab. When you press it again, the second closed page opens and so on. The keyboard shortcut only works in the current session.
  2. Use Ctrl + Z. This combination works in Opera 12.

In Mozilla, it is better to use the function menu or browser settings. The listed combinations may not work in Mozilla Firefox.


Have you closed the last deactivated page? The answer to this question will no longer make you think.

We have studied all possible methods for restoring closed pages. Now everyone can easily cope with the task.

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