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What are they doing with VK. How to add characters and underscores in messages

Greetings! Come on, tell me, many of you have thought about how to create a community in contact and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner profitable group on a social network, perhaps even filled it with content, was engaged in design, but did not achieve the popularity of his brainchild, failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today's article to how to promote a group in contact from scratch. You will learn a lot from my review interesting information, learn what you need to do to the group flourished... All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without delaying long box called "Tomorrow".

Why do we do it

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of publics with different thematic focus. But, profitable in this variety are only individual units. I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The size of the capital, calculated for the creation and promotion of the VKontakte group, in in this case are a minor factor.

Well, imagine, you decide on hastily rivet a resource, recruit subscribers to it and now sit, wait for the haircut to start. I advise you to roll your lip and wipe the dripping saliva. Nothing in this world falls from the sky(and what falls usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pessos, you have to work your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself, what exactly do you want to do? That is, decide on the topic your community. I offer you several options, from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs (in this case, the topic is absolutely not important);
  • running a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby(this could be finance, music, dance, or something else).

Socelin for getting high-quality subscribers to the public

Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to Y

We create a VKontakte group from scratch

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free of charge, I think you can proceed to its direct at the construction site... To do this, follow these steps:

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot


Since you and I are interested, we need to make sure that our community has sufficient number of participants... From quality of design group will depend on its attractiveness in the eyes of users, and therefore I propose to move on to this particular lesson:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community... Please note that the parameters of the photo must be 200*500 ... Edit the photo and thumbnail and then save the result.
  2. Download links leading to your site or other thematic community... Do not forget to leave your skype to your subscribers, a link to a chat in a telegram, to a page on an instagram and a YouTube channel. Edit all titles and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create a popular group in contact, then do not ignore this important point how " Latest news". Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of the fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In chapter " Discussions»Add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project... It's great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. Thus, you will increase the traffic on the channel.
  6. While doing, remember that the sale of goods in it will be effective only if the "Albums of photography" is well maintained... Upload a photo High Quality, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. To the section " Documentation»You can download helpful instructions and manuals... Owners of online stores can keep in this section price lists or lists of services provided, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers... Conduct polls several times a week, encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. It is very good when expanding the audience of the group to use promotions and contests... They can be held once a month, for example.
  9. For those planning to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products with a clear name to it and detailed description ... Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of that product is. Each product must have adequate price, which must also be specified. Do not forget to indicate to whom / where to pay for the order, in what form the payment is made, how and where the delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give your customers (cash on delivery, the possibility of exchange).
  10. Optionally, you can change the group and make it public page... If you do not know what is the difference between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article devoted to this issue.
  11. Create in a group convenient menu, simplify navigation. To do banner and wiki menu in the community I turned to the experts in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal - I'll throw off a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these actions myself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of the content... Please note that commercial posts in the group should contain photographs and make up no more than 50% of all the material you publish. To grow your subscriber base, pay attention to posts with captivating information, and remember that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. More attractive information is presented in the form of images..
  13. To make clients trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them the ability to leave your feedback about your work... To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the "Discussions" section. Offer regular customers discounts and make small gifts and bonuses.

Gather your target audience for your business with

How do you manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dotted icon that is located under the avatar of your group. In the window that opens, you will see the categories:

  1. « Information", Where at any time you can edit the description, title and other fields;
  2. « Participants", Which contains full list all subscribers of the group;
  3. « Leaders". Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing administrators and community editors;
  4. « Black list"- a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or persistent violators of your group's rules;
  5. « Links»;
  6. « Community statistics". This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance- the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Reach audience that views your community's posts in the "My News" section and your subscribers;
  • Activity- actions of subscribers, reposts of your records and reactions of other users of the social network to this data.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you boldly you can start implementing your own selling platform or raise the conversion already existing community... Remember, your every action and decision affects how subscribers treat you, and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there, be open to experimentation and see you soon!

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Popular VKontakte group: rules for creation, design and settings

4.3 (85.33%) 15 votes

When asked what can you do on VKontakte? given by the author Scrape the best answer is

2. Reading the news.

5. Earnings VKontakte.

You can also make money in contact by inviting others to create groups, design their groups, and promote other people's groups and pages.
You can create a group about something and sell some goods through this group.
Source: link

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what can you do on VKontakte?

Answer from Gurgen Ayriyan[newbie]
you can get acquainted to play games and also communicate with friends by the action of correspondence to learn a lot of new things subscribing to new and interesting groups to look for friends even on VKontakte you can listen to your favorite music watch interesting games

Answer from Caucasoid[master]
Listen to music, play games, create groups, add friends and chat with them.

Answer from philosophical[newbie]
1. Communication and new acquaintances on VKontakte.
Vkontakte you can find your friends and acquaintances from real life, and communicate with them through this social network. Or you can make new acquaintances - and this is a very interesting process. Especially if you meet someone who has common interests with you. People with common interests can be found thanks to VKontakte groups. Go to groups and start communicating in them, and make new acquaintances.
Looking for a soul mate or a person with whom you can have a good time in contact is also an excellent application of this social network. After all, there are more people on VKontakte than on any Russian-language dating site. If, for example, you are looking for a girl from your city, then you can specify the gender, age of the person in the search, indicate your city and search. Also, you can set such a parameter in the search - as in active search... And this means that a person is free and is also looking for love for himself. You will not be looking for a partner who is married or married. Although everyone has different interests! After you have found the character you are interested in, you can write him a message or ask to be friends.
2. Reading the news.
In the section of your page - My News - you can read news from groups in which you are standing, and receive information about your friends' notes, about adding photos or video content. It is always interesting to know what is happening in the lives of other people and in the lives of groups.
3. Watching videos and listening to VKontakte music.
Well, there is some fun here. Enter the corresponding words in the VKontakte search and look for music, video, which you then watch and listen to. You can view and listen to music and videos from the pages of your friends, VKontakte groups, and also add to your page. If you know how to download videos and music from this social network to your computer, then you can do it (Read - how to download video and music from a contact).
4. Creating your own groups and pages.
If you are a creative person, or are simply very passionate about something, then you can take and create your own own group vkontakte or a page on the topic of your hobby. Or on your page you can keep your own notes on various issues.
5. Vkontakte you can play games.
Games are another way to have fun on VKontakte. You can find different games in contact, both gambling, entertainment, sports, and logical. So, if you are a gambling addict, you can relax while playing and in contact, where you will be opposed by other people who are also in contact.
5. Earnings VKontakte.
You can make money on Vkontakte. For example, there is a Vacancies section in the contact, and if a social network is looking for someone, and you have all the relevant skills, then you can offer your candidacy.
You can also make money in contact by inviting others to create groups, design their groups, and promote other people's groups and pages. Listen to music, play games, create groups, add friends and chat with them.
You can create a group about something and sell some products through this group.

Now, I'll talk about how to make a VKontakte group interesting for people.

This is a particularly important moment in the development of the group. An interesting, holistic group will be attractive to new visitors, and visitors will be much more willing to be added to the subscribers of this group, they will read the content that you offer, put likes, share your content with friends.

People will be grateful for what you have created interesting group and will express their recognition in the form of: likes, re-posts, comments.

If the group is really Cool, then 8 out of 10 visitors will naturally transform into subscribers, and if the group is boring and lifeless, then the probability of natural growth will decrease to "0".

By making the VKontakte group interesting for people, you will discover an additional source of growth in subscribers to your group.

But how to make a VKontakte group interesting?

1. Choose an interesting topic for the group

Choose a topic that will be interesting to people and that is popular on this moment or if the popularity of this topic is growing rapidly.

Also, an important role in choosing a topic for a group is played by Competition.

If there is a lot of competition on the topic that you have chosen for your group, among other groups, if these groups have millions of followers, great content and high popularity. It will be extremely difficult for a young group to compete with such giants.

So choose a theme that has high level popularity among people and a low level of competition among groups.

As for the rapid popularity ...

For example, if you organize a VKontakte group in advance for a series that has not yet been released, but which will become outrageously popular in the future. At the very beginning, there will be no competition and you will have the opportunity to be the first in new topic... Next, you find a source of cool material for this series, always post fresh series... At the very beginning, when people search for a group in VK about this series, they will find your group and add to it, because you were able to predict what people will love in the future. In this way, you will open up a huge source of new visitors for your group.

2. Create useful and quality content

Let your content inspire, develop, give positive emotions.

Post every day about your group.

The best option is 1 – 10 posts per day.

The more interesting the posts are, the better.

When creating posts, it is very important to define their style. Whether they are Entertaining, Educational or Informative.

Also determine in what kind of content you will submit these posts:

  • Infographics
  • Video
  • Books
  • Articles
  • Funny pictures
  • Something other.

Thus, if you decide to post mainly educational content in your group, then your posts will be: articles, educational videos, infographics, books and everything in this spirit.

3. Create a warehouse with the most useful information

For example, you have 10 great books on the topic of your group. Then in the "Photo Albums" section you can make "Book Warehouse". By building a powerful collection of books, your group will become an especially valuable place for people looking for this kind of material.

Then, the group will be of particular value to users.

Imagine if you have in stock Best collection of books on any topic, it will significantly distinguish your group, it will become more fulfilling and valuable.

Also, you can create any warehouses you can think of:

Best books

Best infographics

Related films


Instructional video

The next thing is what will make the VKontakte group even more interesting.

4. Create a Design and Full Description for the group

Come up with an interesting group avatar and provide a full description of what your group has to offer to people.

As a result, if you publish Cool posts, fill the group with useful "Warehouses" and make great design avatars with full description to the group. Then the group, in this case, will look alive and full. She will have her own special style that will naturally attract new subscribers.

Now you know How to make a VKontakte group interesting.

I wish you a great mood.

People come here by different reasons... Some are to drive traffic to your site. Others - to build. And some just talk, find interesting interlocutors.

Such an attractive platform for promoting their own projects cannot fail to interest small business owners and those who are just going to start their own business.

Where do you start?

How to create a popular Vkontakte group without special knowledge?

Much easier than. Think - what do you pay attention to when you find yourself in an unfamiliar group? What visual signs of popularity do you see for yourself?

Let's try to understand this issue together.

Benefit from the experience of predecessors

If you decide to create a group, then you have already decided on the topic. Or not?

Do a little analysis anyway. To do this, you must select the most frequently requested keywords on your topic, for example, using the service and then use search engine In contact with. By gathering information, you will understand the relevance of your topic. Determine the number of similar groups. Or maybe you can think of a more attractive option for yourself.

The main thing is that you will recognize your future competitors by sight.

Be sure to visit them in the groups. Try to define them strengths, understand their tricks. And decide for yourself - how you will stand out from their background, win your piece of the pie.

Do not neglect their experience, try to extract as much information as possible. After all, these people know how to create a popular Vkontakte group, they have already done it.

Create a portrait of the group members: their gender, age, profession, marital status, area of ​​interest. Do not feel sorry for this time - this is your future the target audience... You create a group for them. To make it convenient and interesting for them there.

Give the rudder the right direction

Now let's move on to the design and filling of the group:

  • Come up with a catchy name for the group. If the title contains keywords - great. Your task is to choose a name that will be popular in search, and at the same time not very competitive. If the group is regional, then it is desirable that the name of the group contains an indication of geography. This allows you to attract more participants.
  • An avatar is the first thing people see when they visit you. It is known that the user keeps his attention on something for only a few seconds. And the first of these seconds belong to the avatar. Try not only to appear in all your glory and design brilliance, but also to show who you are and what your group is dedicated to.
  • The description of the group should be concise and meaningful. The first paragraph in the description should reveal the main idea of ​​the community as much as possible. Users should see a solution to their problem in the description. Be sure to specify contact information your office, shop.
  • The next answer to the question "how to create a popular Vkontakte group?" will relevance of posted content . Content is the content of your group (educational, entertaining and sponsored posts, polls). Many people are wondering. Most of the information is simply copied from thematic sites or friendly Vkontakte groups. It is desirable that some of the information in your group is unique. When writing text unique content use your knowledge, experience in the field of business you are promoting, as well as information from books, printed articles. If you are interested in a more professional promotion of your group, then you can always contact the specialists.

Step on the pedals more boldly

The group has been created. Now is the time to breathe life into it. The group should be found out, it needs members.

We will not dwell on how to attract people to the group. This is a huge topic for another article.

In any case, try to be interested active participants, and not people who dropped in for a tick. You can invite the first members to the group from among your friends or send invitations to members of similar communities. Word of mouth, friends' services and all available funds advertisements to help you.

Perhaps, after all these steps, the answer to the question - how to create a popular VKontakte group - will be obvious to you.

But that's not all.

A tailwind in your back

  • Engage people in the discussion, conduct polls more often, ask their opinion.
  • Fill your group with popular videos and audio. Try an experiment - combine their name with the name of your group. Perhaps this will attract additional visitors to your group.
  • Conduct contests, sweepstakes, interactive games... Give out bonuses and prizes. No matter how serious your topic is, 5 minutes of rest will not hurt.
  • Change the picture on your avatar from time to time. People respond positively to changes in better side... Unless it's your company logo.
  • Study your target audience. Post updates at a time when they are most often on the site.
  • Don't give out everything at once. Stretch the updates for the whole day, use the appropriate ones as an assistant computer programs... Updates will take place without your participation.
  • Be sure to check the position of the group in search engines. If you yourself are not good at SEO, ask the pros for advice on how to create popular groups VKontakte and how to bring them to significant positions in search engines.
  • Do not neglect the services of a moderator. Someone needs to monitor and respond to spam in time. This will keep your group from being banned.

Forward to the heights of popularity!

The success of any group on initial stage depends on the initiative and active actions of its organizer. But even then, having caught the right wave, do not expect the ship to float on its own.

To begin with, it is worth determining the purpose of your visit to social network... V modern world many not only find information for leisure and entertainment, but also earn money by distributing their goods or services on the Internet. But sometimes you need to take a break, to be distracted.

What can you do in VK

Applications and groups.

  • Culinary and household
  • For moviegoers and music fans
  • Needlework, design
  • beauty and health
  • Games, tests,
  • For lovers of literature
  • Sport

It is possible that various topics of discussion within social groups will attract attention. As a result, dialogues with previously unfamiliar people who have similar hobbies will help not only learn something new, but also make acquaintances.


What to do on VK if you're bored and want to distract yourself from absorbing the mass of Internet information? The way out will be correspondence with friends. The World Wide Web offers many ways to do this. Often there is not enough time to call or meet with friends, classmates, or even relatives. On Vkontakte they correspond to private messages, create conversations of several people at the same time, communicate in the comments to the entries.

At the same time, by looking at the walls, video galleries of friends, you can find out how they "live", what events take place in their lives.

Cleaning and renewing subscriptions

A free minute will provoke you to deal with long-attached news, congratulations, notifications in your account, push you to delete banned, liquidated friends' profiles. Such work is usually a shame to waste time.

You can also update the playlist, videos and photo galleries, get rid of game links that are no longer enthralling.

Under any circumstances, the breadth of possibilities and variations of such a pastime will not let you get bored, the above activities will captivate for a long period and not only dispel, but also benefit.

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