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  • What to do if the order on Aliexpress is closed? Why are orders closed on Aliexpress after payment? What does the status of an order closed on Aliexpress mean?

What to do if the order on Aliexpress is closed? Why are orders closed on Aliexpress after payment? What does the status of an order closed on Aliexpress mean?

Aliexpress is a large trading platform that is popular with a huge number of buyers from many parts of the world. Accordingly, there are also plenty of people who want to “make money” by deception. Aliexpress cares about its customers, but still, some customers fall for the bait of criminals. This article will help you figure out what to do if your order on Aliexpress is frozen or closed.

First you need to understand in what cases orders are closed and frozen

  1. Confirmation of receipt of goods by the buyer. This is the most common mistake that many trading platform clients make. In the best case, the package is delivered to the customer on time, in the worst case, he receives neither the package nor the money.
  2. Cancellation of an order by the customer before the package leaves the store. That is, after placing an order, it was canceled for some reason. If the cancellation is confirmed by store employees, the order is automatically closed.
  3. Completed dispute. Upon completion of the dispute, the order is closed automatically.
  4. The most common reason why orders on Aliexpress are repeatedly closed is because they are frozen. If a seller is suspected of dishonesty, all orders placed in his store are frozen and the money is returned to customers.

What to do if your order on Aliexpress is closed?

The most important thing is not to panic! First, you should find out the reason for closing the order. It is usually indicated opposite the completed order.

If the order is closed by the employees of the trading platform, the money will be returned to you. Yes, not immediately, but still, they will be credited to the account from which payment for the goods was made within 7-15 days. In fact, the money is returned within a few days. If they have not been returned after 15 days, you can write a feedback request. You can check the status of your return by selecting “View Details”.

Then scroll to the middle of the menu and find “Payment”. By clicking on this button, you can see what stage the refund is currently at.

If a suspicious order is closed, you only have to wait 7-15 days, during which the money will be returned to your account.

Please note that regardless of the currency in which you paid for the goods, the refund is made in dollars or an exchange is automatically made, taking into account its exchange rate.

Remember that you can only lose money on Aliexpress through your own carelessness. Until the buyer has confirmed receipt of the goods or the time for its receipt has expired, the money is not paid to the seller, but remains in the account of the Aliexpress trading platform.

Very often, users of the aliexpress website ask questions, such as, for example: “what does the status “order closed” mean and what to do in this case?”

First you need to understand the reason for closing the deal.

The first most common reason is another person closing the deal. Very often, the seller gives someone else’s track code for someone else’s parcel in order to save money. Since the seller pays a commission if he orders a new track code. This is often done by sellers who ordered goods costing less than $20. On the site, it is not your parcel that is tracked, but someone else’s, using someone else’s tracking code, and when the recipient confirms the transaction, his order and yours will be closed. What to do in this case?

If the seller is honest, then the package will arrive anyway, but no one wants to risk their money. If you decide to take a risk, you can wait a little longer and the package will still arrive to you. But if you want to return the money, you must immediately open a dispute for a refund, where you must indicate that the track code was someone else’s. But this must be done quickly, before the buyer’s protection period expires, otherwise, after the protection period ends, it will no longer be possible to open a dispute.

There is another option, you can ask the seller to extend the protection if you have not received anything, but the order is closed. You must tell the seller that you are still waiting for the parcel, despite the fact that the track was someone else's. The seller knows that this is his mistake and if he values ​​his reputation, he will definitely extend the protection period. If he does not respond within 3 days, or does not agree to extend the protection, you must immediately open a dispute.

The second reason is that it is very common among newbie buyers. These customers accidentally click on order confirmation before receiving the package, and then don't know what to do and are confused as to why their order was closed. Everything is very simple, as soon as the buyer confirms the end of the transaction, the order goes into the status of closed orders.

If you did not confirm the transaction, the goods have not yet arrived, and your order suddenly acquired the status of a closed order. Then the reason may be the following: the site administration has frozen all the seller’s orders. Very often, an order is closed by the administration of the aliexpress website for one simple reason: they suspect the seller of fraud, so in order to save buyers’ money, they close all orders.

A third reason for closing an order could be that the buyer canceled the transaction before the item was shipped. If the buyer cancels the order before the goods are shipped, he indicates the reason, for example, “I placed the order by mistake,” then the money will be returned to him immediately. It is important to remember that the seller must confirm the cancellation of the order; if he does not do this, you need to open a dispute.

The last reason for closing an order is if the dispute is completed. That is, after the buyer placed an order, but could not track it, and opened a dispute, the administration of the aliexpress website resolved the dispute in his favor and closed the order. In this case, the buyer will receive the money to the account from which the money was withdrawn or to the electronic Alipay system.

Whatever the reason for closing the order, there is no need to worry, as the money can be returned. First, you need to look at the reason for closing the order; it is always indicated next to the product.

To view it, you must first go to the aliexpress website, log in and go to your personal account. Near the desired product, on the right you can see an inscription, for example, “order closed.” You can also see the reason here, for example, “product not shipped”, “order frozen”, “dispute closed” or “confirmation time has expired”.

You can view the details of the status of your money here by simply clicking on the inscription “view data”, which is located immediately under the order status inscription. If the administration of the aliexpress website closed the order themselves, that is, froze it due to suspicions of fraud and a large number of complaints, then the money will be returned to you within 1-2 weeks.

If you have not received your money back during this time, you need to write a message to the support service.

Whatever the reason for closing an order, you should never leave things to chance; you should monitor everything that happens. Moreover, all the information is indicated next to the product. In most cases, the buyer himself is to blame for losing money, as he was not attentive and did not follow what was happening.

Remember, the administration of the aliexpress website works for the benefit of the buyer, therefore, they always listen to all complaints and in case of suspicious actions of the seller, they simply block his orders until they figure it out. The administration of the aliexpress website always sends money for goods that you have not received back to the buyer. Since the money you transfer to the seller is first frozen on the Aliexpress website, and only after the transaction is completed is transferred to the seller.

One of the very common situations among buyers of the Aliexpress trading platform is that when users log into their account, they see the word “closed” next to the order. In this case, you should not panic, but the first thing you need to do is determine the cause of this situation and find out why the system closed your order.

Order status "Closed"

It is worth noting here that no seller has any rights to independently close an order. These rights are vested exclusively in the administration of the AliExpress trading platform. They are the ones who, under certain circumstances, can close certain orders. And, sadly, it is not possible to count on a refund in all situations.

In what cases does the order status “closed” appear?

Most often, this status indicates that the order has been received by the buyer. That is, he either confirmed receipt or the buyer’s protection ended.

If the status of the product changed to “closed” or “completed” and you did not receive it, and did not open a dispute or extend buyer protection, then the likelihood of getting your money back greatly decreases, since it is, in fact, your fault, and You won’t be able to make any claims against the seller (other than writing an angry review). We can only continue to hope that the goods are simply delayed at the post office.

Below we will take a closer look at the main reasons why a product’s status may change to “closed”.

The order was received by another recipient

This trading platform has its own track status tracking system. If the system displays the status “Order delivered to buyer,” then the order protection period is reduced. In this regard, the time to open a dispute becomes significantly less. Typically, the system reduces protection to five days. If you did not manage to open a dispute in a timely manner, the system closes the order, as it considers it completed and transfers payment for the goods.

It is necessary to monitor the tracking code of the parcel. If you see that the order has been received, but you have not received it, then immediately open a dispute. After a few days, the order status will change to “completed” and you will no longer be able to get your money back.

Buyer protection time expires

If the allotted protection time for the ordered product has expired, and you have not received it, have not extended the timer, or have not opened a dispute, then the transaction, as in the first point, is regarded by the system as completed, and the seller receives his money for the product.

If the goods do not arrive, and there is little time left to protect the buyer, you need to open a dispute, otherwise the status of your order will change to “closed”. Accordingly, the system will think that you have received the goods and have no complaints about it.

Confirmation of receipt of order

You pressed (possibly accidentally, although it is quite problematic to do so unintentionally) the “Order Receipt Confirmation” button. In this case, the system, of course, will think that the goods have been received, you are satisfied with its quality and have no complaints against the seller.

If you have confirmed receipt of the item, its status will change to “closed”

Canceling a product purchase

For example, you have already paid for the product, but for some reason you are not satisfied with it (for example, you read negative reviews, saw details, found it cheaper, etc.), then it is possible to refuse the product if the seller has not yet sent it. Cancellation of a purchase also occurs when the seller does not ship within the agreed time frame.

Ending an open dispute

Regardless of whether you win or lose the dispute, the system closes the order. True, if you win, the money will be returned to your account in full or in part, but in the second case, the money will not be returned to you.

If the dispute is closed, the product status changes to “Completed”

For safety reasons

This reason is quite common. The order is closed immediately after the purchase has been paid for. It is worth noting here that the system automatically returns money for such an order to your account. True, this will take some time. It is worth noting that, as a rule, AliExpress support does not comment on such automatic closures. There are suggestions that orders are “closed” to protect the buyer from fraud by unscrupulous sellers.

If all the previous points are more or less clear, then the average user may not know anything about closing an order in order to protect the buyer from fraud. Therefore, let's look at this moment in more detail.

Closing and freezing an order due to fraud

One common situation when a seller offers their product at a fairly low cost is the possibility of fraud. This, of course, is quite rare on this trading platform, but still. If a seller offers to buy an original iPhone for 1000 rubles, you should think about whether this is a scam.

Review of one of the products on Aliexpress

As a rule, new sellers offer lower prices for goods, whose ratings are still zero, and there are also very few purchases. Overall, this is correct and supports competitiveness. Buyers who want to save money risk money by buying from an unknown seller, but often, of course, the purchase is justified. This is beneficial to the seller, as it will help increase his rating.

But among such cases there may also be precedents for fraud, when a sweet price simply blinds the eyes, and the buyer does not bother to at least carefully read the product page. If there were buyers before you, and many of them complained about the seller, for example, because the product does not match the description, the administration can close your order so that you do not receive a low-quality product. However, the money may be returned to your account after some time.

If the seller has a generally good rating, but the latest reviews about him are negative, you should not purchase the product from him

It happens that the number of orders for a product on a page is quite large, and this fact is a very significant argument for making a purchase. As a result, the seller does not send the goods for a long time or provides the wrong tracking number to the buyer. Accordingly, because of this, many people begin to complain about such a seller, and as a result, the administration decides to check how honest the seller is. In this regard, the security service freezes all transactions made by him.

Have you paid for an item, but once you log in, you find that your order is closed for some reason? Don't panic right away. First, try to find out why this happened.

The most important thing you should know is that the seller never cancels the buyer’s order itself. As a rule, this opportunity is provided only to the system. There are many reasons why the system may close an order after payment. Let's look at the most basic of them.

Reasons why orders are often closed after payment on Aliexpress

  • Receipt of the order has been confirmed. This happens if the client has confirmed receipt of his own parcel. As a rule, after such manipulation all orders are closed.
  • Closed, suspended dispute. In this case, orders are also closed, if, of course, the dispute brought some result. It does not matter whether the client was compensated for the loss or not. Be that as it may, after the required period has passed, the order will still be closed.
  • An order is closed if the buyer cancels it. It often happens that the buyer placed an order, but then for some reason decided to change his mind. If the seller did not have time to send the goods, or the buyer did not pay the required amount for it, then his order will definitely be closed.
  • The order was frozen. This reason is considered the most common. Not every seller on the site is reliable. This is because he has a dubious reputation. In such a case, the site administration decides to freeze all goods that were ordered from this seller. But don't worry. If the system confirms the presence of fraud, then the funds are returned to the buyer’s account.
  • The order was received by another person. And this also happens on. If the system notices that the client has confirmed receipt, then the buyer protection period and the time provided to open a dispute are reduced to 5 days. If the actual buyer does not open a dispute within this period of time, then the order will be considered completed. It will close and the funds will go to the seller’s account.

Why do orders on Aliexpress close after payment? Is it possible to get my money back? How to do it?

If you encounter a similar problem, don't worry. Here everything will depend on the exact reason why your order was closed. If you find in the status that receipt was confirmed, but the goods turned out to be damaged or have some defects, then open a dispute. In this way, return your own money paid for the products.

  • If you have not received the goods in your hands, then do not confirm receipt. Be sure to open a dispute, explaining the reason for your action.
  • In a situation where the dispute is closed due to the bad reputation of the seller, you have to sort it out. As a rule, in such cases, buyers receive their own finances after 1-2 weeks.

  • If for some reason you decide to refuse the order or cancel it, then wait a while until the seller confirms this. If the seller was unable to send the parcel, then you will definitely receive the funds. If the product is already on its way to you, then wait until it arrives. But after this you will not be able to simply return the money.
  • An order is also often closed if its delivery period and protection deadlines pass. In this case, you will have to constantly monitor the status of your own order and not close it. If you do not receive the goods, then open a dispute immediately.

It even happens when the protection time has passed, but for some reason the buyer did not extend the delivery period, plus did not open a dispute. What to do in this case? Such situations happen very often, and nothing can be done about it.

Remember an important point - the administration functions only in favor of buyers. Hence, she tries to listen to every complaint. And, if there is fraud on the part of the seller, then he and his product are blocked. The administration returns the money received for the goods to the buyer. Because the money is frozen along with the order.

Video: Aliexpress is closing orders - how to fix it?

Aliexpress is a well-known trading platform. Here you can find anything at the lowest prices. However, if you receive a product of inadequate quality, you can get your money back. But newbies often have many questions regarding payment for refunds. In this article we will look at closed orders.

In general, it is safe to work with the platform. But there are several nuances. So you placed an order, and some time has passed, and in the list of orders you see the note “Closed”. This can happen for several reasons.

Reasons for closing an order:

  • Confirmation. This happens if you have confirmed receipt. Usually after this the order is closed.
  • Dispute closed. Also, the order is closed if the dispute is resolved and results are available. It doesn’t matter here whether you will be compensated for your losses or not. In any case, after the dispute period expires, the order is closed.
  • After cancellation. It often happens that you made an order and then changed your mind. If the seller has not sent it or you have not yet paid for the purchase, the order is closed.
  • Freezing. This is the most common reason. Not all sellers on Aliexpress are reliable. This happens due to the dubious reputation of the seller. Then the site simply freezes all orders. But there's no need to worry. If it is confirmed that the seller is a fraud, your money will be returned.
Why is the order closed on Aliexpress after payment: reasons

It all depends on the reason why your order was closed. If you have confirmed receipt, you can open a dispute and return the money for the non-conforming product.

If you have not received the goods, there is no need to confirm receipt. It is necessary to open a dispute due to the lack of goods.

If the dispute is closed due to the dubious reputation of the seller, then wait for the trial. Usually the money arrives in your account within 7-14 days.

Order status “Closed” on Aliexpress: what does this mean, how to get the money back, do I need to open a dispute?

If you change your mind and cancel the order, you should wait for confirmation from the seller. If he did not send the goods, then the money will be returned to you. But if the package has been sent, then wait to receive it. In this case, funds will not be returned.

The order is closed after the delivery and protection period has expired. You need to track the status of the order and not close it. If you do not receive it, open a dispute.

Order status “Closed” on Aliexpress: what does this mean, how to get the money back, do I need to open a dispute?

As you can see, Aliexpress is a reliable platform that guarantees receipt of goods or money.

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