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What to do if Xiaomi phone fell into water? What to do if the smartphone fell into the water.

The phone fell into the water, the sensor does not work - a common occurrence in our lives. What to do? Do the following.

Smartphone in water

Turn off your smartphone

This must be done to prevent a short circuit. If possible, remove the battery pack. With a non-removable source, hold down the off button for five seconds, no more. Otherwise, the device will turn off and on again. Wipe the outside of your smartphone with a soft, dry towel.

  • You can not shake the device, hoping to shake out the water from it. The liquid will only penetrate deeper into the smartphone.
  • Do not connect the device to power. This can also cause a short circuit due to the water in it.
  • Don't press any keys. This will push the water into the device.
  • You can not dry the device with a hairdryer! Firstly, under the action of an air jet, water spreads throughout the body. Secondly, the increased exposure temperature will damage the components.

Device disassembly

Remove the back cover of the smartphone, the headphone jack, if any, remove the SIM card and memory card. If you are not an expert in the field of device repair, stop here to avoid possible damage through ignorance.

To remove water that has got inside, you can use a vacuum cleaner designed to clean the computer keyboard. This must be done carefully. To avoid damage to the screen module, place the smartphone face up if you decide to let it dry naturally. The rest of the water will drain from it under the influence of gravity. It is better to place the device near a warm heating radiator, where the air is not only warm, but also drier.

Smartphone disassembly

Drying the device with absorbents

Drying a smartphone that has fallen into water can be accelerated. To do this, use absorbents, substances that absorb water, such as silica gel in granules. It is used to dry equipment during conservation to avoid metal corrosion, used in cat litter as a filler, etc. And in our case, it will serve as a good absorber of moisture.

silica gel granules

Get a small, tight plastic bag with a zip-top seal. Pour two cups of silica gel into it. Now put the wet smartphone that you disassembled into the bag, immerse it edgewise in absorbent, sprinkle it with granules on the sides. When closing the bag, try to remove as much air from it as possible by squeezing the bag on both sides. If there is no latch on the bag, tie it tightly so that there is no air inlet.

Place the bag in a warm place for 24 hours. Silica gel during this time will absorb all the water remaining in the smartphone, which could not be pulled out with a vacuum cleaner from all its nooks and crannies.

Silica gel can be replaced with dry rice, which you probably have in your house. He is also able to draw water into himself, being a unique absorbent of natural origin. True, you will have to hold the wet device longer in a bag or a jar of rice, about two days.

Before opening the package, check if the screen is fogged up. In case of fogging, you need to keep the bag closed for some more time, perhaps for one day, until it dries completely.

Drying a smartphone with rice

Putting the smartphone to dry, do not rush, do not turn it on before the allotted time. It is difficult to be left even for an hour without your faithful assistant, without communication with friends, relatives and colleagues, without information. And this is understandable. However, premature activation may result in a short circuit. It is known that device microcircuits made of silicon are able to retain moisture for a long time. Be patient.

After holding the phone for the specified time, remove it from the package, connect it to the power source. See how he behaves. There is a high probability that the smartphone will come to life, recover and work pretty well. Android and iOs operating systems will start loading in 10% of such cases. But here the question is also how long the smartphone will live after getting wet. It doesn't hurt to ask a specialist for advice.

What to do if the phone fell into the water and does not turn on?

First you need to dry it according to the above method. Contacts begin to oxidize immediately after exposure to water on the cables and the board, especially when the water is warm.

From this on the monitor appear:

  • yellow or white spots;
  • different kinds of stripes;
  • Loss of sensor sensitivity
  • pixels light up in a separate order.

If partial oxidation has already occurred, use a special spray that can remove oxidation from the motherboard.

What should I do if the sensor does not work after the smartphone has been dropped into water?

In this case, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. Since this is not an easy operation, it would be more correct to give the smartphone to specialists in a service center to replace the sensor. They have the necessary knowledge and skills in this business.


Most likely, in a couple of years, all smartphones, and not just their expensive representatives, will be made waterproof. And it will not be scary if you drop your phone into the water. In the meantime, to protect yourself from the worries and problems associated with a possible wet device, you can purchase a waterproof case for it.

Smartphone in a waterproof case

There is a consolation moment in case the device is exposed to water. Smartphones that are not waterproof also have some protection against water. For example, in the iPhone 5 series of smartphones, the cable connectors are glued. The Apple iPhone 6 has a rubber layer behind the side buttons.

If, after conscientiously following all these steps, the smartphone is unstable or refuses to work at all, the only thing left is to send it to a service center for repair.

I think that everyone knows the person to whom the phone fell into the water, and even worse, this person is yourself.

The phone after getting into the water, no matter which lenovo, samsung galaxy, maze, htc, asus, nokia, huawei or iphone, you need to try to save - restore.

Don't worry, water for electronics isn't as scary as it's made out to be.

Most flooded mobile devices can be salvaged and no extra action is required on your part.

Instructions - save the phone that fell into the water

First of all, remember that the most important thing is time. As soon as your cell phone has fallen into the water, pull it out as quickly as possible and remove the battery immediately.

Throughout the rescue operation, this is the most important step for recovery.

If the battery is not removable, turn off using the button. Then remove all cards: SIM cards, memory card and so on.

If you have the keys, disassemble the case. Do not shake the device - all the water will not be shaken out, and this can cause even more damage - water will fall from surface spills into relief depressions, where it will hardly evaporate.

As I wrote earlier, time is of the essence, so you can't procrastinate in this phase.

As a rule, they say goodbye to mobile phones after water gets into them, within 48 hours.

This peak can cost the life of your device. If the phone is dropped into a river, lake, soup, or any other place where various impurities are present, you will need to wash it.

For this purpose, it is preferable to rinse with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol (alcohol is a non-corrosive element).

If you have already dismantled and cleaned the device, leave it to dry (some people recommend putting it in a bowl of rice, but I personally never do this - dust from rice can damage the smartphone).

Dryer, oven and other dehumidifiers are prohibited if you don't want to have a fried smartphone.

Also, then the water evaporates at an accelerated rate and can deform the inside of the device, which we definitely want to avoid.

Keep the device for at least 48 hours in a warm place, although 24 hours would probably be enough, but why risk short circuiting and total death.

Before starting, do not assemble it completely, but just insert the battery and try to turn it on.

If everything goes smoothly, you can slowly start adding up and testing all the functions for correct operation, if yes, then you were able to successfully save your phone - 100% restore.

However, if the phone does not turn on, do not try this again (it will not be better).

Then immediately contact the service, where specialists manage to save 90% of flooded devices.

Personally, I have a rescue operation according to the procedure described below and the phone served for a very long time.

How I saved the phone from falling into the toilet with water

They say one in ten people drops their phone in water. Mine fell into the toilet, although it is no different from a bath or a pool in terms of harmfulness.

NOTE: Remember to take your phone out of your pocket before entering the toilet. If, however, the trouble came, follow the instructions:

  1. Quickly pull the phone out of the water - fast response, avoid water getting inside the device.
  2. Switch off - in case of water getting inside the device to avoid possible short circuit / burning of components. If your smartphone is turned off or turned off, do not try to turn it on.
  3. Remove parts you can - if your smartphone has a removable battery, immediately remove it and remove the SIM card.
  4. Dry your phone with a dry paper towel - do not use a dryer.
  5. Get rid of moisture - insert the device into a bag with silica gel (of course, if you can find it).
  6. Restore the phone - leave the device for at least 24 hours in a warm place.

Have you had an adventure with a flooded smartphone? How did you save him?

Jeans that are currently fashionable have too narrow pockets: one unsuccessful move and your phone winks goodbye from a puddle.

How to save such a drowned man:

  1. Pull the casualty out of the water quickly. If it is still running, turn it off immediately. Be careful not to shake so that the water does not penetrate deeper.
  2. If your phone is disassembled, remove the battery immediately. If water gets on the contacts, a short circuit is possible, which will “kill” the electronic stuffing of the phone.
  3. Remove the SIM card. This is especially important if you store numbers on it. The longer the SIM card is in a wet state, the more likely it is that the contacts will oxidize and it will lose its performance.
  4. If you can remove or pull out something else, remove it. Of course, this also applies to the case and SD card.
  5. Blot any visible moisture with a tissue or towel. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle at hand, it’s very successful. It takes about ten minutes to dry with a vacuum cleaner, bringing the tube in turn to all the openings of the case.
  6. In no case do not try to dry your smartphone with a hairdryer, on a battery or in the sun! High temperatures are dangerous for electronics, and a hair dryer will also drive water deeper into the case.
  7. What is worth doing? Put the phone near a cold air stream (for example, near a fan or air conditioner). Fill it with rice or silica gel (they absorb moisture). You can dry your phone well by putting it in a whole jar of rice. No matter how you wipe it, moisture will remain in the internal cavities, which will gradually evaporate - this is what the rice will draw out.
  8. In no case do not try to assemble and turn on the phone earlier than after two days of drying (and if the "drowning" was long, it is better to let it lie down for a week). But it is better, of course, after taking emergency measures to take a fighting friend to a service center.
  9. There is an entertaining (albeit risky) folk method of rescuing the drowned: dip the disassembled phone ... in alcohol. Not in vodka - it contains 60% of the same water, but in the purest alcohol. It is not dangerous for the electronic filling and also “absorbs” water, preventing it from damaging the contacts. Yes, and it evaporates much faster. Reviews about this method on the Internet vary: someone says that he saved the device in this way, someone - that he finally finished off ... use at your own peril and risk!

What to do if the phone does not understand?

In this case, only the service center will help you. Get your phone back there as soon as possible. Best of all - in the same jar with rice (rice will draw out some water).

You should also immediately contact the service center if you drowned your phone not in a puddle or in a sink, but in sea water or borscht.

Evaporating, the water will leave salt, which will gradually “corrode” the microcircuits, and only specialists can remove it.

We wish you never had to put this information into practice!

Electronics is terribly afraid of water. Therefore, if your phone fell into the water, quickly start saving the "drowning man". The sooner you come to the rescue, the more likely it is that the mobile device will "come to life" under your strict guidance. Analogies with a drowning creature are appropriate here. Think less whether the patient is alive or dead, start acting faster! Slow down for a couple of minutes - and the phone will no longer be saved.

This recipe for saving a mobile device applies to any hardware. It doesn't matter if it's a phone or tablet, Android or iPhone. Water can seep into the player, electronic watches, and fitness trackers.

Cases of dangerous water penetration into the phone

  • The phone fell (in a puddle, sea / river, etc.) and does not turn on
  • You climbed into the water with your phone, forgetting to get it out of your shorts
  • You foolishly dropped it down the toilet while taking selfies or looking at pictures
  • Poured water on the phone
  • Washed the phone in the washing machine and it is still intact
  • Ate and dropped the phone in the soup during a call

So the liquid got inside. What are the urgent procedures to be performed with a phone that has fallen into the water?

First measures when water (liquid) gets into the phone

Get the drowned phone out of the water as quickly as possible. Do not make sudden movements so that the liquid is not distributed inside and does not penetrate even further: into the electronics, under the case.

Every second is precious. In the best case, water will not get on the electronic components of the phone. At worst, if the phone falls into the water - even a waterproof phone or tablet, unable to withstand the depth and will fail instantly.

Advice. If you dropped your cell phone in the toilet, you can put on gloves (do not hesitate: the life of your iron friend is at stake). And for the future, know that in the toilet it is better not to talk on the phone and write at the same time. This is inconvenient and even dangerous.

Quickly turn off the phone (remove the battery)

Turn off the phone (if it is still working) and remove the battery by removing the phone cover. This will prevent a short circuit - one of the main dangers and the reason for the failure of the phone.

Advice. No need to test the phone's performance immediately after you saved it from drowning. The worst thing is to leave the battery in the phone and start calling friends, checking the quality of the connection. With these rash actions, you will literally kill the phone.

Make the most of your phone

In addition to the battery, you need to remove all parts that can be dismantled. SIM card and sd card - first of all. This is done:

  • to preserve the removed components ()
  • so that the phone dries faster and there is no air interference during drying.

If you know how to remove other, smaller parts of the phone, do it.

Drying your mobile device

Remember also that the faster the water dries, the greater the chance that it will not penetrate inside. First, gently wipe the phone with a dry cloth, wipe off all moisture on the surface.

To speed up the drying of the phone, a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner is suitable. Use a narrow nozzle so that you can dry the holes. The iPhone is especially sensitive to such temperature fluctuations.

You need to dry the phone carefully and at a sufficient distance so that the microcircuits are not subjected to thermal effects - they simply do not melt. For hair dryer on cold dry mode only!

Advice. Dry your phone at a distance that you feel comfortable with. The fact is that a hair dryer can do a disservice if you do not wipe the phone. Moisture under air pressure will penetrate inside.

Additional drying of the insides of the phone

The drying process is not rushed. After making sure that there are no droplets of moisture on the surface of the phone, leave it alone for 48 hours. Place your phone on a dry, absorbent cloth (such as a towel).

Advice. For effective drying, dip your phone in a pile of dry rice. It perfectly absorbs moisture. After drying, it is advisable not to eat rice. Especially if you got your phone out of the toilet.

Conclusion. What to do if you can't save your phone from water

These methods do not always help in cases where the phone fell into the water and does not turn on (often some component falls off - for example, a microphone or a camera - which is located on top). We hope these tips have helped you save money on a new iPhone or Android.

If it didn’t help and the phone still gave up, contact the workshop.

Think positive and believe in miracles. You did everything you could. If you managed to save your friend in this way or you have questions, write, share.

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Every day, more than 100,000 smartphones fail due to water ingress, and hardly anyone wants to replenish this statistic with their gadget. At the same time, according to the insurance company Protect Your Bubble, men are 57% more likely to drop their phones in the toilet than women. And 40% of the ladies who damaged their smartphone did it in the bathroom. Therefore, it does not hurt everyone to know in advance how you can help your phone in such a situation, and what you should not do in any case. By the way, waterproof phones also have their weaknesses - as a bonus, we will share tips on how to help them too.

website knows how to quickly bring your smartphone back to life without compromising its performance.

What not to do with a wet phone

  • Do not turn on your smartphone if it has turned off and do not press any buttons.
  • Do not shake or hit the phone.
  • Do not try to dry the phone with a hair dryer or “blow it out” in any other way, as this may cause water to get on parts that have not yet been wet, which will cause even more damage.
  • Do not heat the smartphone (for example, do not place it on the battery).

What can and should be done

  • Turn off your phone (if it hasn't already done so). Try to keep the gadget upright.
  • Remove the SIM and microSD card, as well as the battery, if the phone model allows. The same applies to other removable parts, including the case (again, if the model provides for it).
  • Blot the phone well with a paper towel or dry cloth, but try not to smear the liquid on the victim.
  • For drying, it is better to use silica gel or any other desiccant. But, if you don’t have it, you shouldn’t run to the store to get it: you can use rice. In addition, he will certainly be at home, and you need to act without delay.
  • Place your smartphone in a bag of rice or silica gel. Leave it there for 1-1.5 days, turn the phone over from time to time.
  • After drying, place the phone on a paper towel, napkin, or any other absorbent material. If after a while the cloth becomes damp, repeat the step with the desiccant.

What to do after drying

  • Insert the battery into your phone and try turning it on. If it does not work, put the gadget on charge.
  • If the phone still does not turn on after charging, the battery may be damaged. It remains only to replace it or contact the service center.
  • If the phone turns on, check if all functions work: test the touchscreen, try listening to music with and without headphones.
  • Back up your important data in case the "resurrection" of the phone turns out to be temporary. Yes, and in general it does not hurt.

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