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What to do if the Touchwiz screen app on Samsung is stopped. Review of TouchWiz - the proprietary shell of Samsung Android smartphones

For a ridiculous appearance, frequent freezes, a large amount of "garbage", and if the latter is solved by minor updates, then you will have to put up with the design. However, do not forget that TouchWiz is also a bunch of useful features that are not available on stock Android or anywhere else. Meanwhile, many users had no idea about this, so today we will dispel this myth and show what the Samsung system is really capable of, updating through the years and managing to remain “unchanged”.

Below are the most interesting features:

Multi-window mode

Many people want to use more than just one app at a time. For such, the company came up with a multi-window mode, which will allow you to open applications as windows on the desktop, as well as split the screen itself into several applications. All this will significantly speed up and simplify the use of the device, and not constantly switch from one application to another if necessary.

One hand mode

Size matters, which is why the company decided to compromise with one-handed functionality. Hold the steering wheel, cook dinner, stand in the subway: the second hand is busy? "One hand" is your choice.

Call Optimization

Stock Android 5.0 has learned to keep a call in the background in case you decide to go to the desktop and use the device to the fullest. The function is convenient, but in TouchWiz it has been noticeably improved: now you do not need to pull the curtain to open the call window. The subscriber is displayed as a small square on the left edge of the desktop - convenient. In addition, in Note Edge you do not need to go to the application at all, you can answer a call directly from the desktop using a swipe on the side screen.

Sorting the application list

Everyone knows that you can’t change the location of icons in the menu of all applications, however, not for TouchWiz, which is able to sort them in various ways: combine them into folders, show only downloaded ones, and so on.

Hide app is not a problem

Together with the above functional chips, the ability to hide icons from the menu of all applications, thanks to just a couple of gestures, complements the functionality. Do you want to hide personal information from prying eyes? TouchWiz makes it easy.

Quick access to switches

In 5.0, to go to quick settings, you need to pull the curtain twice, in TouchWiz - once: at the top, the curtain has a horizontal scroll menu that includes many switches. Meanwhile, in addition to quick access, editing them is in our power.

Close everything at once

Stock Android does not have a function to automatically close all open applications, on the contrary, TouchWiz is able to surprise you with such a useful and necessary feature.

History of the calculator

For many students and engineers, a functional calculator with the ability to remember previous actions plays a big role in a smartphone, which is exactly what Samsung's built-in solution is.

File manager

Surprisingly, in stock Android, there is no file manager in the list of basic applications. “Android is a symbol of open source,” they said. Of course, there is Google Play. But why, when a beautiful and effective manager is built into TouchWiz?

Quick sound setup

The new version of Android has received a wider customization of sound effects, however, to edit them extensively, you need to go straight to the settings, while in TouchWiz all this can be configured on a pop-up menu from the desktop.

Battery saving

And we continue to compare with the stock version, which received battery savings only in Android 5.0, TouchWiz, in turn, received this feature much earlier; Korean engineers are constantly updating and optimizing it.

Disable or Disable

By pressing the power button, we can turn off our device - everyone knows this, however, in addition to the shutdown button, TouchWiz received a wider menu in which you can switch to Airplane mode, Emergency mode, reboot the device or turn it off.

Swipe to call

Copy fast

According to colleagues from phonearena, text copying always comes with some issues that are even more noticeable on smaller screens, but for TouchWiz this is not a problem, except for the larger edges of the selected text, Note 4 and Note Edge, having an S-Pen, are able to select text only by “floating” on the surface screen without touching it.

On Samsung devices, there are two modes of using the desktop:

  1. "Standard mode" - Provides a familiar arrangement of applications and widgets on the main screens.
  2. "Easy Mode" - Makes the device easier to use with a simplified screen layout and large icons.

For the standard mode, I wrote a little here:

But I will try to describe the simple mode in this short post. Maybe someone will like this option of using the shell. The device I currently have is Galaxy S3 duos, Android 4.3. Everything that will be written here is taken on the example of this specific smartphone model from Samsung.

You can switch to simple desktop mode by following the path:

  • Settings\Device\Easy Mode\Set the switch to "ON";

In the simplified home screen mode, there are only three work pages, which are switched by a horizontal gesture. (When special features are enabled, this is done with two fingers).

The first page of the desktop is intended for a certain number of selected contacts. On the device I currently have, you can assign nine contacts for quick access. That is, there is a three-by-three grid on the first page of the desktop, where in each destination cell it is proposed to "Create Contact". If you make a selection by double tapping on a certain cell, then the following window will appear with such a choice:

  1. Create a contact;
  2. Add an existing contact;

We choose one of the actions, I think many of us will make a choice for the second item, a vertical list of all existing contacts will open, where we confirm our choice by double tapping on a specific contact. And we observe that in the cell with the name "Create contact" is now the name of the selected subscriber.

At the bottom of the display there is a "Logs" button. After activating it, the "Phone" stock application is launched:

On the second page of the desktop, stock widgets of the clock, weather and day planner are collected, which can be easily launched by activating a double tap. If you hover the TalkBack focus on one of the proposed widgets, the information related to it will be read. That is, about the current weather, the current time and the given schedule of the day. There are also basic application shortcuts such as: Camera, Gallery, Internet, Phone, Contacts and Messages. As I understand it here, nothing can be swapped on this desktop page, only a standard selection of the main stock applications is provided.

The third simplified area of ​​the desktop is designed for selected applications. Following the principle of the first working area, a three by three grid for software shortcuts is also created here. By double-tapping the "Add App" cell, a vertical list of all stock and third-party applications will open, where it is possible to assign one of the applications to a specific selected cell for quick access. But for quick access to programs, it is possible to assign a total of nine applications. Therefore, at the bottom of the display is the "Other applications" button, by activating which, the user can always find in the vertical list offered to him any other application that was installed or pre-installed on the device.

By activating the touch left button of the functions on the desktop, you can observe the following series of items in the menu that opens:

  1. "Edit" - The assigned contact on the first workspace is replaced / deleted, or the application shortcut on the third.
  2. "Search" - Opens the "Google search" application window.
  3. "Notifications" - The curtain of the notification panel opens, which we also use TalkBack to call with an angular gesture to the right and down.
  4. "Simple options" - Device settings.

I think that such a simplified version of the desktop will suit that contingent of people who yearn for something simpler and more accessible. In order not to break our brains with different optimizations for our dark needs. The settings are minimal, there is nothing superfluous, nothing is unnecessary to drag on the desktops and, as it were, everything you need is already on them.

Anyway, good luck everyone, keep practicing.

The shell (interface) is the calling card of any Android smartphone. The degree of satisfaction with the device as a whole depends on how well it is thought out and convenient to use. To date, one of the most common shells among Android smartphones is TouchWiz, a proprietary shell for Samsung smartphones. The latest edition of TouchWiz, which debuted with the current year's flagship Samsung Galaxy S4, brings a lot of changes. Soon this shell will be used on all new devices from the manufacturer. In order not to repeat ourselves every time in the reviews of new Samsung products, we described all the features of the TouchWiz shell in a separate article.

The current TouchWiz shell is based on the operating system - the most up-to-date at the time of writing the review, not counting smartphones developed jointly with Google. In this regard, we note that updating TouchWiz to the current edition can be expected along with firmware containing Android 4.2.2 and vice versa, firmware containing updating the operating system to version 4.2.2 will also carry the latest edition of the TouchWiz shell. By tradition, the description of the interface begins with the lock screen, that is, what the user sees first when the smartphone is turned on. But in this case, we will somewhat move away from the usual framework and start from the very beginning - the first inclusion of the smartphone.

Special and basic settings

The first thing the user is asked to do is to select the interface language. Then there are two options: go to "accessibility" or "Next". By "accessibility" is meant the inclusion of automatic screen rotation when changing orientation, backlight timeout, voice pronunciation of the passwords you enter, options for answering / ending a call, and others. If everything is very clear with the first three points, then the subsequent ones require a more detailed description.

Answering/ending calls includes settings for receiving and ending calls. All possible options can be seen in the screenshot below. Among them, receiving a call with a hardware key "Home", a separate key on the touch screen, as well as with the help of voice. You can end the call both in the traditional way, by pressing a key on the touch screen, and by pressing the "Power" hardware key on the right side of the case. Thus, the need to access the touch screen is completely solved, which can be useful in cases where the smartphone does not have a special sensitive layer that allows it to respond to touches with any objects. For example, in winter, when your hands are in gloves and you need to answer the phone. You will either have to remove them, or use the described settings in advance.

Following the call answering settings are font size settings, displaying the “accessibility” menu while holding down the power key, saving all selected settings and then sending them via Bluetooth, NFC or transferring them to a computer, scaling the image on the screen with a triple press, displaying in negative , color adjustment, on-screen text-to-speech, audio adjustment, pop-up menu, and partial lock of the touch screen. As you can see, there are more opportunities than you can imagine, and few of the owners of the Samsung Galaxy S4 know about the presence of most of them. A significant part of these opportunities is designed to help people with disabilities, which is commendable, because finding such devices is very difficult.

Having configured or skipped settings with accessibility, we continue to personalize our gadget - set the date, time, and also add existing or create new accounts to Samsung account and Google. A Samsung account allows you to automatically archive messages and call logs in case you need to restore them. Google has something similar. For example, if you previously used another Android smartphone where a Google account was set up, when setting up a new device, it will be enough to enter it so that the applications available on the old smartphone are installed on the new one. The same applies to saved passwords for Wi-Fi networks, browser bookmarks, contacts, photos, calendar, and so on.

The next important step in setting up a smartphone is "Basic Features". As with the accessibility settings, there are a very large number of various items. Let's list them all in order: S Beam– a function for wireless (using NFC and Wi-Fi Direct) communication with a similar device. To exchange, just turn on the S Beam in the menu and bring it back to another smartphone;

guidance- the principle of operation is explained in the screenshots;

Gesture control– control the device with gestures without having to touch the screen. This is another feature that makes it easier to work with a smartphone in difficult weather conditions;

Intelligent waiting- the smartphone follows your gaze with the help of the front camera and, depending on whether you are looking at it or not, turns on or off the display backlight;

Smart pause– the principle of operation is the same as that of smart waiting, but is used to control the video player – if the user looks away, playback is paused and resumes when he looks at the screen again;

Smart Scroll– works in the browser and mail client. When the screen is tilted to the side, the smartphone automatically moves to the next or previous letter, or flips through the pages;

Easy Mode- a simplified view of the shell, designed for users who have not encountered Android smartphones;

Display optimization- the last settings menu, in which the user is prompted to set an optimized display mode that works in the camera, gallery, video player and browser. Optimization affects the adjustment of color balance, saturation and sharpness of the image.

Everything, with the preliminary settings is over! You can start using your smartphone.

And only now you can proceed to the description of the possibilities of the Desktop, Lock Screen, Notification Panel and other things.

Lock screen

The lock screen is the first thing an Android smartphone user encounters when waking up from sleep mode. On the lock screen, from top to bottom, the following information is located: a clock or a personal message (you can choose a color, font type) with a clock and date, as well as the name of the operator.

Optionally, here you can add five shortcuts for quick access to applications, and remove the inscription-hint on how to unlock the screen. In addition, the user can choose how the screen will be unlocked. To do this, he is offered a choice of seven options, including the option without blocking.

No less interesting is the ability to automatically unlock when you are in certain areas (determined by Wi-Fi networks). In the case of an active auto-unlock mode, the smartphone itself will unlock the screen in user-defined places, while the screen lock will be disabled. It is also possible to choose one of two unlock effects or use the standard one provided by the operating system itself. Finally, the last option for unlocking is with the help of voice. To do this, you need to press the "Home" key and say a predefined or already existing phrase. It should be noted that voice control in the new Samsung models is implemented at a very good level. You can see the operation of voice control in the video review.

The last thing to say when describing the lock screen is widgets. We already wrote about one of them - a watch or a personal message, but there are many others. To get to them, you need to swipe the screen in the clock widget area from left to right or right to left. If the lock screen widgets are enabled in the menu, then when moving from right to left, you will be taken to a page with 11 shortcuts, or launch the camera. All 11 shortcuts can be replaced with any other available in the device. If you slide the screen from left to right, you will find yourself in a window with many widgets, among which there are both pre-installed and downloaded by you. In total, the lock screen, in addition to the main window, can contain four additional windows with custom widgets, and one with quick launch shortcuts or access to the camera. To date, TouchWiz has the widest possibilities for personalizing the Lock Screen.


The desktop is the screen where the user gets after unlocking the smartphone. It can contain from one to seven

windows with widgets and shortcuts located on them.

Clarification: if the smartphone was locked when any application was running on it, then when the lock is released, it will be displayed, and not the Desktop. To get to the desktop, you need to press the "Home" button.

There are five shortcuts at the bottom of the screen: four for accessing applications and one for accessing the Application List. You can change the location of the labels as you wish. In addition to shortcuts, there may be folders with shortcuts at the bottom of the screen. To create them, you need to call the context menu (using the "Menu" key), and select "Create folder" or touch the shortcut and hold it until the icon for creating folders appears in the upper left corner of the screen, where you need to drag the shortcut you selected . The third way to create folders is to hold on a free part of the Desktop and then select the "Folder" item in the menu that appears. Folders can contain more than 35 shortcuts.

In order to display all the desktop windows on one screen, you need to move two fingers. In the menu that appears, you can choose which of the windows will be the main one or delete unused ones.

Moving between windows is carried out both by the standard method for touch devices - paging, and by pressing and holding on the area above the shortcuts at the bottom of the screen, where there are two, three, five (depending on the number of Desktop windows) rectangles one of which looks like a house.

Installing widgets and shortcuts on the desktop is a simple and straightforward task. To do this, you need to drag the object you need from the corresponding section, or press and hold on the free space of the Desktop, and then select the desired item in the window that appears. When you install any of them, thumbnails of all windows appear at the bottom of the screen with a schematic representation of the widgets and shortcuts located on them, which show where there is free space. If there is no free space, but the Desktop allows you to add another window, the smartphone will automatically perform this operation for you. Some of the widgets support scaling - another way to fight for free space.

Application list

List of applications - a menu where all the applications available on the smartphone are collected. From here you can also go to the "Widgets" and "Downloaded" tabs.

Here, as well as on the Desktop, the creation of folders is supported. True, unlike the Desktop, there is only one option for creating folders - through the context menu. All labels are arranged in a 4x5 matrix. Labels can be swapped, sorted alphabetically, as a list, or at your discretion. From here, you can also send links to user-installed applications using any of the available methods, as well as hide any of them.

Notification panel

The notification panel is a window that can be accessed by swiping down from the top of the screen. It contains notifications about current events (letters, messages, information about application activity, etc.), icons for managing various modes of the smartphone, as well as a brightness adjustment scale. By clicking on the icon in the upper right corner, you will be taken to a menu with all possible settings icons. There are 20 different icons in total. To change the mode of operation of a particular module, just touch it. If you want to go to the settings of this parameter, you need to hold your finger on it for a few seconds.

Phone functions: calls, contacts, messages

With each new generation, smartphones acquire more and more new functionality, but, despite the progress, the smartphone is still a means of communication, therefore, it is used to make calls, send and receive messages. Do not forget about these functions in Samsung, improving these parameters with each new version of the shell. The numeric dialing keypad contains not only numbers, but also letters of the Latin and Cyrillic layouts. This means that when dialing a number, the smartphone automatically compares the entered data with contacts from the phone book not only by phone number, but also by letters.

During a conversation, the following functions are available to the user: turning on the speakerphone, turning off the microphone, connecting a Bluetooth headset, as well as turning on increased volume, noise reduction and sound settings (adaptive, soft or ringing). In addition, during the call, you can go to contacts, notes and messages. If the number that the call was made to is not saved, at the end of the call you will be prompted to add it to your contacts.

The call log groups the same numbers, showing in brackets on the right, the number of incoming and / or outgoing calls to the same number. To find out detailed information about received calls, you need to click on the number of interest.

When calling, the contact picture is displayed on half the screen. To quickly dial a number, just swipe across the contact field from left to right. To send a message, from right to left. Simple and very convenient!

A huge amount of information can be added to each contact from the phone book, ranging from a personal melody for voice and video calls to messages. In addition, a contact can contain a date of birth, more than ten phone numbers, the same number of events, one of several call options, and a lot of other information. In the settings, you can set which contacts will be displayed, all or only those that have a phone number, specify the type of sorting: first name, last name and display: first name, last name.

The TouchWiz text keyboard supports predictive input (T9) and gesture typing. By adding a media file to the message, it is automatically formatted as multimedia. Using the volume keys, you can change the font size, and by pressing the menu key, add emoticons or text, as well as set the message to be delayed by setting the time and date when it will be sent. If you wish, you can use a translator, although Cyrillic is not yet supported. The last thing you can do with the message is to add the recipient to the spam numbers.

In the message settings, the user specifies when the limit is reached, old messages and MMS will be deleted automatically. There are also settings for receiving reports, SMS and MMS centers, but more interesting are the choice of message background and style. In addition, in the settings you can set an alert in the notification panel for incoming messages, turn on the backlight of the screen when received, a ringtone and vibration, the frequency with which the smartphone will remind you of an unread message and whether to show the message text in the status bar.

In addition to the described features, the TouchWiz shell is distinguished by a set of pre-installed software, including the well-known Premium Suite, which we considered separately on the example of the Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone and the ChatOn messenger. In order not to repeat ourselves, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the set of applications included in the Premium Suite package at the link, but here we will concentrate on the remaining programs and utilities. Clock - a set of four utilities: alarm clock, world time, stopwatch and timer. There is no need to explain the purpose of each, we will only note the possibilities of the alarm clock, since it has something to describe. So, in addition to the very ability to call at a specified time, the alarm clock allows you to specify the day of the week, select a melody and type of signal, its volume and work only in specified places, pause at a specified repetition rate and, most pleasantly, has an intelligent signal. Location-based triggering is useful when you are not at home. Having determined by the coordinates of the network or GPS that the subscriber is in another place, the alarm clock will not work, even if it should usually wake you up on that day. Convenient if you travel frequently. The pause will be useful for those who find it difficult to wake up from one alarm, but the smart signal is one of the most pleasant features of TouchWiz. The user sets the time until the alarm goes off when the alarm goes off. Its main difference from the alarm clock is that the melody starts playing at minimum volume, and the melody itself is the sounds of nature. As a result, before the alarm goes off, you will already be warned by the pleasant sounds of nature, which will help you avoid a bad mood in the morning.

The calculator with additional functions (in landscape mode) allows you to choose one of three font sizes.

Dictaphone recordings can be stored in the device's memory or on a card, in stereo or mono mode using noise reduction during recording.

Separately, we will talk about applications for listening to music, FM radio and watching videos. The audio player can sort songs by playlists, albums, artists, music square and folders. Playlists include: favorites, popular files, recent files or recently added.

touchwiz. In addition, it is subject to periodic freezes, the accumulation of many "junk" files. If the developers periodically eliminate these shortcomings during the release of new versions, then they do not seem to intend to change the design in the near future. However, along with the shortcomings, TouchWiz has many wonderful and necessary features that cannot be found either on bare Android or on its other modifications. However, many users are not even aware of the interface's true potential. In this article, we will try to consider the main useful features of Samsung's TouchWiz shell, which stubbornly continues to move from one device to another year after year.

Multi window mode

Owners of Android devices usually use several applications at the same time, so the multi-window mode was invented. In this mode, applications can be visually presented as windows located on the desktop, and it is also possible to divide the active display space between several applications. This approach significantly saves the user's time and makes managing the smartphone easier and more convenient. Otherwise, you have to switch between several applications many times.

Support for one-hand operation

As modern gadgets become more and more, the issue of ease of management becomes more and more relevant. The developers have implemented a special "one-handed" mode in which all functions become accessible when controlled with one hand. Thus, you can cook dinner, hold the steering wheel of a car, hold on to the handrails in public transport, and at the same time continue to use the gadget.

Call Optimization

In the standard one, you can no longer interrupt the conversation with the subscriber in the background in cases where you need to go to the desktop and use other functions. This feature is further improved in TouchWiz, where there is no need to drag the shutter to switch back to the calls mode. Instead, the subscriber is always in a small box located on the left side of the desktop, which is undoubtedly much more convenient. In addition, it allows you to answer an incoming call directly from the desktop by swiping on an additional screen.

Sorting the location of applications in the list

Typically, the user does not have the ability to transfer application icons to another location that is not provided by the standard sorting settings. However, TouchWiz does not have such a disadvantage. There you can put several applications into folders, display recently downloaded ones, etc.

Ability to hide the application

Along with the above functions, if necessary, you can hide icons from the general list of applications with just a couple of gestures. This is especially useful when you need to hide confidential information from prying eyes.

Convenient access to switches

To get into the quick settings of Android 5.0, you need to pull the curtain twice. In TouchWiz, one such gesture is enough. At the top of the top menu there is a scroll menu, where the most necessary gadget switches are located. In addition, the list of these switches can be changed at your discretion.

Close all applications at once

The standard Android interface did not receive support for closing all running applications at once, while this option was provided in TouchWiz from the very beginning.

History of the calculator

Often, those who use a calculator may need to double-check their calculations, but this cannot be done on a regular calculator. It is a completely different story with the Samsung calculator, which at any time will provide a complete history of calculations made on it earlier.

File Manager

For some reason, stock Android lacks a file manager. Sometimes it can be frustrating, especially when there is no way to download such an indispensable application from Google Play. That is why TouchWiz already has a convenient, bright and effective application manager right away.

Instant change of sound settings

In recent versions of Android, sound customization support has been effectively greatly improved, but it doesn't compare to TouchWiz's capabilities in this regard. The proprietary Korean add-on allows you to adjust the sound very quickly using a pop-up menu right on your desktop.

Energy saving settings

Finally, stock Android 5.0 has battery saver settings. In TouchWiz, such features were implemented much earlier, in addition, developers improve the efficiency of this software with each new version.

Samsung, it would seem, is a serious giant specializing in smartphones lately, offering its customers ideal devices! Oh no! If you are reading this article, then you are not all right. Quite often, users of this brand are faced with a problem when the interface starts to lag a little, as a result of which an error appears in this format: "The TouchWiz Screen application has stopped." What to do in this case? Flash your phone? Take it to the workshop? Take under warranty, if it is still valid?

You can solve the problem yourself. Not the fact that it appeared due to improper operation of the device. Most likely, this is a bug of the shell itself installed in your Samsung. In this article, we will talk about several ways to solve this problem.

We will proceed from simpler methods to more complex ones, so we recommend that you perform them in the same order. If you have an error for the first time, then there is a high probability of removing it by removing the battery.

Here's what we do:

  1. Without turning off the device, remove the battery from it;
  2. Next, press the power button (power), press for about 30 seconds;
  3. Put the battery back, close the lid, try to turn on the smartphone.

Why is this being done, you ask? With this method, we completely deplete the capacitors until they are completely discharged. After that, the phone's memory is already rebooting without any problems and interference.

After this procedure, we need to turn on our Samsung in safe mode (this procedure is temporary). Don't know how to do it?

For Samsung devices, the operation is as follows:

  1. Press the button Powerso that our device starts to turn on.
  2. Next, press and hold the Menu key, waiting for the device to boot into safe mode.

Did not work? Then we try another method.

  1. We press three keys at the same time - Home, Power and Menu. We are waiting for our device to turn on in the appropriate mode. Please note that in this case, the operating system will not load third-party programs. You can easily remove unnecessary and problematic applications.

If you have done all the above steps and you still receive a notification with the text "TouchWiz Screen application has stopped", go to the next step.

Enable disabled apps

It may be that standard programs and systems that are necessary for the correct operation of the device are disabled in your smartphone. To do this, we perform the following operations:

  1. Go to "Settings" of your Samsung and go to the tab "Application Manager";
  2. At the top of the screen, click on the item "Disabled"so that the system displays a list of disabled programs;
  3. Now we restore each software one by one and check if the error still appears or not.

If you still haven't succeeded, move on to the next step.

Clear cache and data

  1. Go to the "Settings" of your device, select the tab "Application Manager";
  2. Select the parameter there "All";
  3. Find the item "Contacts", go in and clear the cache;
  4. Then you return to the previous menu, select phone settings there. Press the button "Clear cache and data".

Please note that after clicking this tab, all settings you created earlier will be deleted.

Clearing Touchwiz Cache

As a rule, any widget located on your screen can also be the cause. Try to remove them all first and restart your smartphone. If it does not help, then click "Settings" and go to the application settings. In the general list, find "Details" and click on "Touchwiz Screen". It remains only to clear the cache and restart your phone again.

If this method did not help, then you will have to do a full factory reset so that all user data is completely deleted from the phone. We also recommend that you check your OS version for updates.

Samsung has been aware of this problem for a long time, and for most versions and skins, fixes have already been released that completely solve the problem. Just be sure to create copies, because all information from the phone will be deleted, that is, you will completely lose all contacts stored on the phone. In some cases, a full phone firmware may also be required, for example, if your version of Android is no longer supported by the developer.

If this error appears, and at the same time you cannot go to another menu item or the “Back” button does not work, and the phone seems to freeze, you can use the quick menu by swiping down and selecting “Settings” from the list. Users very often forget about this, although in many cases this method saves.

If we talk in general about the situation of users, then most often the problem occurs due to stopping applications, as a result of which a notification appears. And sometimes it is not the user himself who is to blame, because. he might not have disabled them, but additional programs that were installed from third-party services or various utilities to speed up the system, cleaning programs, for example, the same Clean Master.

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