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  • What to do if you don’t join classmates. How to log into Odnoklassniki's page? Detailed description Why can't I log in to Odnoklassniki?

What to do if you don’t join classmates. How to log into Odnoklassniki's page? Detailed description Why can't I log in to Odnoklassniki?

Login to Odnoklassniki via “Site Login”

If you are not logged into Odnoklassniki, first try logging in via “Login” (opens in a new window). This is a very simple site for logging into all popular social networking sites, including Odnoklassniki. It’s best to set it as your start page and go wherever you want with one click.

There will be a “Make start” button at the top left - don’t forget about it. If you can't log in, just come back here and read on.

What other reasons could there be?

Let's see why you can't log into Odnoklassniki. There is always some specific problem and its solution, but if you simply say “I can’t log into Odnoklassniki on my page” or “the page has disappeared,” this does not mean anything specific.

Options could be:

  1. You think you are entering the password correctly, but in fact it is incorrect.
  2. You forgot your Odnoklassniki password and need to recover it.
  3. You have a virus on your computer or the consequences of its presence - see below how to cure it.
  4. Your page is blocked - if you receive such a message, read here: “Blocked by Odnoklassniki. What to do? »
  5. Other problems related to the browser (internet browsing program) or to the computer or tablet.

Now let's try to understand what of this applies to your case. For starters, don't panic. Perhaps the reason is simple: you have Caps Lock enabled. In this case, all letters are entered in capital letters, but large and small letters for a password are completely different. Find the Caps Lock key on the left side of the keyboard and try to press it - the Caps Lock indicator goes out (if it was on). Now the letters will be entered in small letters. Try typing your password again.

The next case is when you forgot your password. Look again at the Odnoklassniki website and look for the link “Forgot your password or login?” - it was made just for you.

Click and follow the instructions. What, exactly, will the instructions be? You will be asked for your login, email address or phone number. You should remember one of these, because you are already registered on Odnoklassniki. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this page.

In addition, there you will need to enter the characters from the picture (this is done to protect against intruders). Pay attention to this: if there are English letters, then you need to enter English ones. It may turn out that the characters are difficult to make out - then click on the “Show another picture” link or simply refresh the page (usually this is done with the F5 key).

Next, if you specified a phone number during registration, the site will inform you that you will now be sent a code to recover your password. Click on the “Continue” button and wait for the SMS (you may have to wait a few minutes, they warn about this). And when you enter this code on the site, you can set a new password instead of the forgotten one. Here's the procedure. For more information about password recovery, see here:

Error "404 Page not found" (404 Not Found)

This means that the malicious program has changed the settings on your computer, and now instead of Odnoklassniki you are redirected to the attackers’ website. Such sites usually do not live long, and now you see the result - error 404, page not found. What to do in this case? Most likely, the problem lies in the hosts service file - you need to check its contents and remove extraneous entries from there. This is discussed below.

And keep in mind that the malware (virus) may still be present on the computer. Therefore, you need to check whether your antivirus program is working and run a full scan of your computer (read our recommendations for virus protection at the end of the article).

Clean hosts file

If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki and some left page opens with SMS activation or it says that the site was not found, here is the recipe for you. Perhaps some malicious program has changed the hosts file, and it is very important for proper operation. Check if there is anything unnecessary in it.

If you have Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista, first run Notepad with administrator rights. To do this, find it in the “Start → All Programs” menu, then right-click and select “Run as administrator.” If you have Windows XP, just launch Notepad.

In Notepad, select File → Open.

How to find the hosts file? Search here:

You need to go through “My Computer” to the drive where Windows is installed (usually C:), then to the Windows directory → System32 → drivers → etc.

Now you need to erase all its contents (select it with the mouse or just press Ctrl-A, then Delete). Then select “File → Save” (or you can press Ctrl-S). This is what your hosts file should look like:

You can leave only this line if it is there: localhost

Clear cache and cookies

Go to your browser settings and clear the cache and cookies (this may also be called “Delete temporary files”. This should be done just in case. It is quite possible that they are interfering and you cannot log in normally.

How to clear cache? This is done slightly differently in different browsers, but the essence is the same. You need to go to a certain place in the menu and there click the button that deletes temporary files.

Most likely, your browser is GoogleBot.

Try a different browser

A browser is the program you use to view pages on the Internet. It is also called a browser or viewer.

You are currently using the GoogleBot browser. Maybe that's where the problem lies. If you have another browser on your computer, try logging into Odnoklassniki through it. If you don't have another browser, download it and install it - it's easy. We recommend you try Chrome or Firefox.

Try another computer, tablet

Login problems may be related to problems on your computer, laptop, tablet or phone you are trying to log in from. Don’t torture him, but try to log in from another device. For example, if you are currently on a computer, try accessing the site from a tablet (or vice versa). If it works, then you will immediately understand that the Odnoklassniki website is not to blame, but the problem lies precisely in the computer - which means you need to give it to someone to fix it or reinstall it.

Check for viruses

What antivirus do you have? Does it work? Is it being updated? Everything is fine? Then, just in case, run a full scan of your computer and go have some tea while it checks.

Remember that if you have a Windows operating system, you cannot work without an antivirus program. More precisely, it is possible, but not for long - soon you will definitely have problems.

Maybe the date on the computer is wrong?

When the wrong date is set on the computer, this can also interfere with logging into Odnoklassniki. The browser reports a “security problem” (or that it cannot verify the certificate). Or Odnoklassniki writes “Your connection is not secure.” Check what date you have set - maybe it’s not 2020 at all? Click where the time is shown, or open the settings. If the date and time are actually incorrect, correct them, click OK and try logging into the site again.

If the date on your computer often gets lost, you need to change the battery in it - it’s inexpensive. Invite someone who knows how to do it.

Login to the Odnoklassniki website

Try logging into Odnoklassniki again! Now you can go to the main page to enter the Odnoklassniki website.

I can’t log in to Odnoklassniki, the profile does not load. All pages of my sites open except this site, what happened? Now we will look at almost all the reasons why this could happen. Why couldn't you access your page? To solve the problem, you will need a little time and no financial costs. We will also explain how to prevent this problem from occurring again and not need to send any SMS anywhere. Don't fall for scammers' tricks.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki

Friends, I understand that this article is being read by ordinary users who have a great desire to get rid of the problem with one click and get to their favorite site, unfortunately in most cases, this same click will not help and if you want to get rid of the problem yourself, but The most important thing is to understand why you cannot log into your profile on Odnoklassniki, you need to do a little more clicks.

  • You need to be sure to remember about technical problems with your classmates themselves; this happens, although rarely.
  • If our article does not help you, check out two more detailed articles on the same topic, they should definitely help: or
  • A great solution to the problem in your situation is scanning the drive (C:) with a free antivirus utility (I recommend it).
  • Try using , or if you roll back to a time when you didn’t have such problems, it’s not difficult and can really help.
  • Also, do not forget about the classmate support service, copy this address and paste it into the address bar of your browser, press Enter:
  • Now attention, perhaps when traveling on the Internet, when visiting some site, suddenly a small window pops up in front of you (there’s no other way to describe it) with an unpleasant sound and a warning that your page in Odnoklassniki has been hacked or blocked, you will be asked to click “Unblock” "

    and you click naturally, then go to a phishing or, in other words, a fake site, designed in the style of classmates, there you will be asked to enter your username and password (supposedly to solve your non-existent problem - hacking your page), which immediately falls into the hands of attackers. Now further development of the situation.

    Spammers will not change your password on your classmates’ website, since your page is linked to your phone, but will send spam from your profile, ask your friends to put money on their phone (naturally, they will do everything on your behalf). At this time, you cannot access Odnoklassniki, because having visited the scammers’ site, you have planted a virus in your operating system. What did the virus do? The virus has changed a simple text file hosts on your system (in this text file you can manually enter a ban on visiting any site or register another, you will type and end up in a completely different place), details in our article "Sites won't open" (link to article above), after that you naturally constantly end up on the fake website of your classmates or nowhere at all, it depends on the imagination of the scammers. A natural question arises. What to do?

  • Here's what you need to do. First, type in the address bar of your browser instead of their direct IP address: sometimes this trick helps to outwit the virus located on your computer. You can also find another computer, for example with a friend, go to your Odnoklassniki profile (in most cases this will be possible) and change your password, then on your computer WITHOUT going to (the password will be stolen again) we correct the hosts file and we are looking for a virus, how to do all this step by step, read further in our article. If you are too lazy to look for another computer, then you need to immediately edit the hosts file automatically or manually, as described step by step below. Then you definitely need to check your computer for viruses, this article will help or simpler
  • Also look at the registry branch, it contains routing tables
    there shouldn't be anything in it at all.

  • Perhaps everything was simpler and you had a simple simple password and you were hacked using a program that works by brute-force passwords. You need to request password recovery on the Odnoklassniki website (read how to do it below).
  • Often, a complete reinstallation of the browser helps to solve the problem with logging into Odnoklassniki, rather than a partial one, since you cannot log into Odnoklassniki due to errors in the temporary browser files located at C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\ Opera and also C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Roaming\Opera, as well as C:\Users\Your username\AppData\Local\Temp, then reboot and install the Opera browser again, the contents of these folders need to be deleted, complete the process is described in the article
  • Try using an alternative browser, if you have Mozilla, try Opera.
  • If you are at your workplace, your boss may have blocked access to Odnoklassniki (this can be done in different ways; organizations constantly contact our service with similar requests).

So let's edit the file hosts. Do it best automatically on the official site Microsoft . Follow the link, click on the Microsoft Fix it button, download this small utility and run it, you will automatically fix the file hosts.

Also file hosts can be fixed manually, it is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ hosts . Before editing it, you need to enable the system to display hidden files and folders, then remove the read-only attribute from the file.

Open this file by double clicking. When prompted to choose a program to open the file, select Notepad. Look through the text carefully. The last line in the standard file should be local host, remove the excess. Everything is shown in the illustrations of our article, and at the end there is the original content of the hosts file, you can copy it. Then click save and close this file.

Hosts file

File contents hosts , you can copy and replace

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.
# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must
# should be in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.
# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.
# Additionally, some lines may contain comments
# (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated
# from it with the symbol "#".
# For example:
# # origin server
# # client node x localhost

Important note: If, after editing the hosts file, you again cannot log into your Odnoklassniki page, then you need to change the entire folder (etc), taking it from a healthy computer, believe me, this will solve the problem in 90% of cases.

The etc folder weighs 36 kilobytes, your friends can send it to you via Skype.

Friends, recently virus writers have come up with a trick if, for example, you open the hosts file
in a notepad, then at first glance nothing suspicious will seem to you, the contents of the hosts file will be standard,
but if you scroll the scroll arrow to the end, to the very end of the hosts file, then there you can find, for example, such malicious entries; of course, they need to be deleted.

One more important note. If you have problems accessing the Odnoklassniki website, be sure to check the Local Area Network Connection Properties; very often the virus writes the addresses of its DNS servers there.

You can do it like this:

Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings, then go to Properties Local Area Connections
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and Properties

If your Internet provider assigns IP addresses to all computers on the network automatically, then you should have the following set here:

Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain a DNS server address automatically. But sometimes a virus registers its Preferred DNS server here.

For example, as in this example, the virus has written the Preferred DNS server here, you need to delete it and check the " Obtain the DNS server address automatically. Automatically". Or call your provider and clarify what data should currently be entered in the Properties window: Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

How to change the password on Odnoklassniki correctly.

If you cannot log into Odnoklassniki and when entering your login and password you receive an error (The login and/or password is incorrect)

Click Forgot your password and login?

Further, when I personally fix such problems, I first enter the email address that was specified during registration, for example: [email protected] and he receives a letter from the administration of his classmates with a proposal to change the password. Sometimes I bring up my phone number, and I receive an activation code with which I can change the password on Odnoklassniki. You need to be careful with your phone, you don’t need to send money anywhere, you should understand this from the contents of the SMS you received from your classmates.

Well, one last thing: Remember what not to do if you are on the Internet.
You don’t need to open suspicious emails from strangers, enter your password from classmates anywhere, visit suspicious sites, don’t click on suspicious pop-ups on unfamiliar sites, you need to constantly update your antivirus database.

If you have problems logging into Odnoklassniki, this article will help solve the most common problems. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations are designed specifically for troubleshooting errors on your own when people are looking for the answer " I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page».

You cannot log into Odnoklassniki for the following reasons:

Forgot the address of your Odnoklassniki page.

One of the most common cases is when people are just starting to learn how to use the Internet and if the browser settings go wrong, they don’t know and therefore cannot log into. Launch the browser: Opera, Mozilla FireFox, Chrome.

As a rule, the program shortcut is located on the desktop or taskbar; double-click on it with the mouse.

In the address bar, enter the address: or

In the window that opens, enter your username and password. If the data was saved before, you will automatically log in to Odnoklassniki without a password.

Forgot your login or password for Odnoklassniki...

Go to the page of the social networking site and click “Forgot your password”.

You will be prompted to enter your login, email address, or phone number. After entering the data, you will receive a message by email or phone containing the access code to the page. After this, you will need to re-create the password combination to log into Odnoklassniki.

Access to classmates is closed.

Very often, offices or companies specifically block social networks so that employees do not waste their working time. But there are times when you really need to read or send a message, congratulate someone, or simply take the necessary information from your page. What to do in this case?

One of the options is to go to the site from your phone or use the special Anonymizer service.

The anonymizer allows you to bypass in most cases the restrictions of system administrators and installed network filters.
Several services that provide access to Odnoklassniki:

They ask you to enter a phone number or send an SMS.

You will be asked to enter a phone number if you visited the page from different IP addresses, and they are very different geographically. This can happen while traveling, using an anonymizer, or your page has been hacked (the attacker lives in another city), or they have been sending SPAM. In the first two cases there is nothing wrong, you need to confirm the phone number and enter the code in the received SMS message.

If you have not traveled and do not use an anonymizer for Odnoklassniki, there is a high probability that your page has been hacked. We strongly recommend that you provide your phone number or email and restore access.

Go to the page settings and check your data (phone number, email), and then change your password.
If you are asked to enter a phone number and then send an SMS message to confirm, these are scammers. The official website of the social network never requires you to send an SMS to any number to restore access. It is difficult for a visually untrained person to distinguish a real page from a fake one, so one of the recommendations is to try to access your wanderer from another computer or through a smartphone (). If you log in without problems, it means there is a virus on your computer or the Host file has been specially modified.
Read on to learn how to fight the virus on Odnoklassniki.

The virus is blocking the Odnoklassniki website.

If a virus blocks a site from your computer or you go to a site and you are asked to send an SMS message, but from another you can freely access your page, then you need to take appropriate measures.

First step. Check the Host file.

It is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

Click on it and open it using notepad. The last line should contain: localhost,
There should be no other entries after this line; all unnecessary entries should be deleted. Look carefully to see if there is any scrolling in the notepad, because... Sometimes entries are hidden at the very end of the page, with a lot of empty lines added before it. If the hosts file is in perfect order, the next step is to scan your computer for viruses.

From the official website, download one utility to choose from for searching and removing viruses:
- Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool
- Dr.Web CureIt!
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

For example, Dr.Web CureIt!

Download the utility and run it.

In the window that appears, click “Start scanning”

At the end of the scan, the program will show a list of viruses found that were detected and neutralized (quarantined). After restarting your computer, you can try to access the Odnoklassniki website.

Remember! To avoid catching the virus again, follow simple rules.

  • no need to open suspicious emails from strangers that arrive by mail;
  • enter login and password from classmates on sites other than the official one;
  • click on suspicious pop-up windows that ask you to perform this or that action;
  • Be sure to install an antivirus on your computer.

This is interesting:
Grandmother cooks toast for her grandson for dinner. To prepare them, she uses a small frying pan that can only hold two bread slices. It takes one minute to fry each side of a slice of bread. To cook three croutons, grandma only needs three minutes instead of the obvious four. How does she manage to do this?

The Odnoklassniki website does not load, the login and password are incorrect, what to do in this situation? Let's see why you can't log in to your page. There is always a specific problem and its solution, but if you simply say “I can’t log into my Odnoklassniki page,” this does not mean anything specific.

Why I can’t log into Odnoklassniki - reasons and solutions

  1. You are entering the password incorrectly.
  2. Forgot your password for the page.
  3. There is a virus on the computer or the consequences of its presence - how to cure it, see below.
  4. The page is blocked - if such a message is displayed, read here: ""
  5. Other problems related to the browser (internet browsing program) or to the computer or tablet.

Now let's try to understand what of this applies to your case. For starters, don't panic. Perhaps the reason is simple: Caps Lock is turned on. In this case, all letters are entered in capital letters, but large and small letters for a password are completely different. Find the Caps Lock key on the keyboard on the left and try to press it - the Caps Lock indicator goes out (if it was turned on). Now the letters will be entered in small letters. Try typing your password again.

The next case is when you forgot your password. Let’s look again at the Odnoklassniki website and look for the link “Forgot your password or login?” - it was made just for you.

Click and follow the instructions. What, exactly, will the instructions be? They will ask for your login, email address or phone number. You should remember one of these, because you are already registered on Odnoklassniki. Step-by-step instruction .

In addition, there you will need to enter the characters from the picture (this is done to protect against intruders). Pay attention to this: if there are English letters, then you need to enter English ones. It may turn out that the characters are difficult to make out - then click on the “Show another picture” link or simply refresh the page (usually this is done with the F5 key).

Next, if you specified a phone number during registration, the site will inform you that you will now be sent a code to reset your password. Click on the “Continue” button and wait for the SMS (you may have to wait a few minutes, they warn about this). And when you enter this code on the site, you can set a new password instead of the forgotten one.

Why Odnoklassniki doesn't work

This means that the malicious program has changed the settings on your computer, and now instead of Odnoklassniki you are redirected to the attackers’ website. Such sites usually do not live long, and now the result is a 404 error, page not found. What to do in this case? Most likely, the problem lies in the hosts service file - you need to check its contents and remove extraneous entries from there. This is discussed below.

And keep in mind that the malware (virus) may still be present on the computer. Therefore, you need to check whether your antivirus program is working and run a full scan of your computer.

How to clear the hosts file on your computer

If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki and some left page opens with SMS activation or it says that the site was not found, here is the recipe. Perhaps some malicious program has changed the hosts file, and it is very important for proper operation. Check to see if there is anything extra in it.

If you have Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista, first run Notepad with administrator rights. To do this, find it in the “Start → All Programs” menu, then right-click and select “Run as administrator.” If you have Windows XP, just launch Notepad.

How to clear cache and cookies in your browser

Go to your browser settings and clear the cache and cookies (this may also be called “Delete temporary files”. This should be done just in case. It is quite possible that they are interfering and you cannot log in normally.

How to clear cache? This is done slightly differently in different browsers, but the essence is the same. You need to go to a certain place in the menu and there click the button that deletes temporary files.

  • Internet Explorer: Tools - Internet Options - General - Browsing history - Delete - Temporary Internet files - Delete files.
  • Firefox: Tools (or click the Firefox button) - Settings - Advanced - Network - Cache - Clear now.
  • Opera: press Ctrl+F12, then go to Advanced (Advanced) - History - Disk cache - Clear now.
  • Google Chrome: Tools (Ctrl+Shift+Del) - Clear browsing data - Select cache - Clear browsing data.

Try a different browser

A browser is the program that you use to view pages on the Internet. If you have another browser on your computer, try logging into Odnoklassniki through it. If you don't have another browser, download it and install it - it's easy. We recommend trying or Opera.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki because of a virus

What antivirus do you have? Does it work? Is it being updated? Everything is fine? Then, just in case, run a full scan of your computer. If the operating system is Windows, then you cannot work without an antivirus program. More precisely, it is possible, but not for long - problems may soon appear.

When the wrong date is set on the computer, this can also interfere with logging into Odnoklassniki. The browser reports a "security problem" (or - that it cannot verify the certificate). Check what date is set - maybe it’s not 2018 at all? For example, move your mouse to where the time is shown and double-click. If the date and time are actually incorrect, correct them, click OK and try logging into the site again. Try again! Now you can go to the main page

Hello dear friends! I receive letters again saying that I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what could be causing the problem with logging into Odnoklassniki? In this article we will look at the main reasons why you cannot log into Odnoklassniki. Be sure to read the article to the end, because if one solution did not help you, then maybe another method will help you find a way out of this situation.

The question has already been raised on my blog when users could not get in touch, read the article, in it you will find other solutions to this problem: “”.

Before we move on to solutions, I want to remind you that there are a lot of people on the Internet who want to scam you out of money in one way or another.

Do not include your phone number. Don't send money andSMS. Do you think scammers are so nice and kind?

Before we begin, I want to tell you right away that there may be viruses on your computer. While you are reading these lines, download the Dr.web CureIt! and check your computer for viruses. Even if an antivirus is installed, it does not mean that there are no viruses on your computer! You can believe me, but this often happens, since there is no ideal protection, no matter what anyone tells me. Guys who agree with me can support me in the comments after this article.

Let's tell you a little about how to use this program, for those who have never checked their computer for viruses with this program. The program is distributed free of charge and does not require installation; you do not need to remove your antivirus! If you already have experience, then just do a virus scan.

On the day of the beginning, you need to download it, to do this, go to the website. Click “Download” at the top right.

If you do not want to receive news from Doctor Web, then uncheck the box “I would like to receive newsletters from Doctor Web” and click “Next”.

On the next page below, click “Download Dr.Web with the function of sending statistics.” If you click “I refuse to send statistics”, in this case you will not be able to download this utility for free, since only the paid version does not send statistics.

We go down to the bottom of the page, agree to the license, check the box “I accept the terms of the License Agreement. *" and click "Continue".

This will open your browser window, asking you where to save the utility. If this does not happen, then look for the program in the default folder of the browser.

So, after downloading, launch it. A message will appear where you can choose in which mode you will scan the computer, work in enhanced protection or not. In our case, you can disable enhanced protection so that when you scan your computer for viruses, you can continue reading the article. To do this, click “Cancel”.

In the window that appears, put a checkmark that we do not mind taking part in order to improve the quality of the program, and click “Continue.”

Viruses are located on the “C:\” drive and therefore now we will not scan the entire computer, as this can take a lot of time (depending on how full your computer is of data). If you don't have a lot of data on your computer, you can check your computer completely.

In order to select only the C:/ drive, click “Select objects for verification.”

Next, click “Click to select files and folders.”

Check the box next to “C: (C:)” and click “OK”.

If you did everything correctly, then below you will see that the “C:\” drive has been added for verification. Also click on the box at the top (check the box) “Scan objects”. After this, all objects in your program will be marked with check marks.

Now you can start the scan, click “Start scan”.

If any files are found, they must be disinfected; if these files cannot be treated, then they will have to be deleted. Now, while your computer is being scanned for viruses, you can continue reading the article.

Let's go over the main solutions to this problem.

If you can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what next?

— The first and not the main problem is that the Odnoklassniki website may have unexpected technical problems, and it is also possible that they are carrying out maintenance work. Therefore, the site may be unavailable for some time. You shouldn’t immediately think that if the site doesn’t open, then scammers or viruses are to blame. As they say: “Any technology tends to break,” and the site is no exception.

— Check other sites. If all sites do not open, then the problem is not in the sites, but in your computer.
Necessarily! Check your Internet, because if you do not have Internet, then you will never see any social networks and other sites. Only if you don’t imagine them mentally 😉 . You can call your ISP and find out if they have any problems with the Internet.

— If you had system recovery enabled, then try to roll back the system to the state when you had access to the classmates website. When you roll back the system, remember what programs you installed, or rather on what day. Because by rolling back the system a day earlier, before installing programs, those programs that were installed will no longer be in the system.

— Let me remind you, maybe it will be a discovery for someone that the Odnoklassniki website has a “Questions and Answers” ​​section. If you cannot enter your profile or you have been blocked, then be sure to check out this section.

— The main reason for the problem with logging into the classmates’ website is ordinary viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of the article, I gave you instructions for checking your computer for viruses.

This is where I will go into more detail. The main principle is phishing pages. The virus changes the hosts file, in which you can write a ban on any site or make a redirect - go to one site, and you are redirected to another. Thus, the user is deceived so that you do not understand what is happening and how. The site you are redirected to is similar to the Odnoklassniki website. And therefore, when users see a familiar website design, they think that this is actually it.

Important! Pay attention to the address bar. Maybe you're not in class right now?!

Important! If you checked your computer for viruses with your standard antivirus program, this does not mean that there is any point in convincing yourself that there are no viruses on your computer. Be sure to scan your computer with the utility recommended above.

First, let's do the following, open the command line. Click “Start” - “Run”, type “cmd” and press “Enter”.

Enter “ping” and press “Enter”.

Pay attention to the 4 digits, in my case: This is the address of the Odnoklassniki website, only in numbers. Don't close the command line because this data will be useful to us.

Let's go to the site to check domain names and enter the IP that we found out.

Now we need to see what kind of domain this service will show us.

As we can see, this IP address is used for the Odnoklassniki website. If you have or have had a virus, then there will be a different domain and organization. Since some changes have most likely been made to your hosts file.

When the program downloads, run the file, check the “I Accept” box and click “Next”.

In a few minutes the program will make the corrections itself.

After this, you need to restart your computer for all the changes to take effect.

You can also use the Reset Hosts program, which will fix and protect your hosts file. You can read about this program on the blog.

If someone likes to “do everything by hand,” then I’ll tell you how to do it by hand. So, this file is located in the following path - “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts”. There is a small nuance: you can edit this file without unnecessary movements if you change the attributes. Right-click on hosts and select “Properties”.

In the “General” tab at the bottom, uncheck the “Read Only” and “Hidden” checkboxes. Click "OK".

After changing the attributes, you can now open the hosts file. This file does not have an extension, because of this we need to specify with which program we want to open this file. To do this, right-click on the hosts file and select “Open with...”. Or open the hosts file like a regular file (with two mouse clicks) and select notepad.

Please note that after the line “ local host” there was nothing else. If there are any entries below, feel free to delete them. As an example, I’m posting what should be in this file. If you are afraid of deleting something in this file, then you can copy the text below and paste it into your file. After that, close the notepad and savehosts.

# © Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.

# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to hostnames.

# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must

# should be in the first column and must be followed by the appropriate name.

# The IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.


# Additionally, some lines may contain comments

# (such as this line), they must follow the node name and be separated

# from it with the ‘#’ symbol.


# For example:


# # origin server

# # client node x localhost

Important! When opening a file, scroll to the bottom, because attackers can insert text a little lower.

If you find records on sites that you use for work, I mean office workers, then ask your admin about these records. Otherwise, the admin will be unpleasant if you call him, but you yourself have deleted these records. After that, he will definitely ask why you did this and then he will have to tell you that you are on social networks at work.

— If after changing the hosts file you cannot log into Odnoklassniki, then we do a bypass. Copy the entire folder "etc» from a computer that is free of viruses. I think that you have good neighbors or friends who are now on the Internet. Ask them to copy the entire etc folder and send it to you by mail or through any messenger, for example, skype. Then you insert all these files where they should be. When copying occurs, select copy and replace.

— The virus may have changed the settings in the local network connection. Your attention should be paid to checking the DNS server addresses. So, to go to the network connection properties, click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - on the left in the window that opens, click “Change adapter settings”. You can also access these settings through the tray. To do this, right-click on your connection in the tray and select “Network and Sharing Center.” Next, click “Change adapter settings.”

Right-click on “Local Area Connection”, if you have a wireless connection, then “Wireless Network Connection”, select “Properties”.

Now select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button. Or double-click, whichever is more convenient for you.

IP addresses can be distributed automatically (DHCP) or be static, that is, assigned manually.

If your provider or device (router) distributes IP addresses automatically, but is configured manually in the properties, then you must change the settings like this:

That is, set the settings in such a way that IP addresses are registered manually. Just in case, write down all the data (IP addresses) on a piece of paper or take a screenshot.

If the virus has registered its own DNS servers, then this matter needs to be corrected. Select "Obtain DNS server address automatically." Automatically”, if you are an inexperienced user and do not know what IP addresses should be in these settings, then you need to call your provider and ask what IP addresses should be registered. Of course, not all providers are “kind” people, but you can try.

Male nky advice - when you call your provider, the answer is usually from a girl who doesn’t know much about computers. If you understand that you won’t be able to hear any specific answers from her, then please feel free to switch to the technical department.

— One of the interesting ways out is to enter the IP address into the address bar of your browser: “” — classmates’ website. Sometimes this method can help you, but be sure to read the article to the end. If you still can’t access the Odnoklassniki page, then move on to the next point.

— The virus may have corrected the path of the hosts file. But you can't fool us! To check for fixes, go to the registry: “Start” - “Run” - enter “regedit” and press “Enter”.

After this, the “Registry Editor” will open. Now you need to go to and pay attention to DataBasePath.

If your value = %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etс then everything is ok . Otherwise, you need to change it.

When you fix it, restart your computer and try logging into Odnoklassniki.

— We must not exclude the possibility that you may be hacked, then you need to use the function in Odnoklassniki, “Password reminder.” By the way, very often users forget that they changed their password yesterday before going to bed, and in the morning they start a riot that they were hacked. Have you ever had such a situation?

To recover your password, click “Forgot your password or login?”. After this, you need to indicate your email that you used during registration or phone number.

If you enter your email, a letter from the Odnoklassniki website will be sent to your email, then follow this letter as a guide. When you specify your phone number, you will receive an SMS with an activation code, which you need to change your password on Odnoklassniki. If somewhere you are asked to send money, they say the weather is -40 and we want you to warm us up, then simply forget about this message.

— Repeatedly the way out of this situation was to delete the browser. But you need to remove it not as novice users are used to, but to clean your computer of debris after removing the browser. In order not to burden you with searching for various folders on your computer in order to clean it of garbage, I recommend reading the article “”, in which you will find in detail with pictures everything you need for this procedure.

If you have several browsers installed on your computer, then try logging into Odnoklassniki using a different browser. It is possible that it did not work out again, then install another browser - not the ones that were installed, but from a different developer. For example, the browsers installed are Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Then install Google Chrome and try to log in from it.

— There was a funny incident in my life. A friend from work calls and complains that he has some problems logging into Odnoklassniki. I clarified some points a little and suspicions fell on the admins or, most likely, on the management;). So if you are at work, you need to check with your colleagues or your boss whether access to Odnoklassniki is open. If your company does not allow access to Odnoklassniki, then anonymizers will help you in this case.

To find such sites, open Google or Yandex and enter “anonymizer”. And try to join classmates.

Important! Anonymizers are needed if access to a certain site is blocked, and if you have a virus or incorrect settings in the operating system, then you need to fix these jambs.

- It doesn’t matter what the outcome was: whether you went to your Odnoklassniki page or not, check your computer for viruses. You have only changed the settings of your computer, but the virus itself may be hiding in your system. Remove it now!

— Try not to enter passwords for websites from other computers. If you need to at least crack, then use the on-screen keyboard. To launch the utility, go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Accessibility” - “on-screen keyboard”. If you log in from a computer that has a keyboard logger, without using the on-screen keyboard, you can say goodbye to your passwords.

— Do not open suspicious links that your friends send you. To check that the link was sent by a friend and not a virus, simply write something in response: “Is this for me?” Although viruses can be cunning, they cannot think, since they are just programs. If the virus does not contain a code that you need to respond to this message, then you will only hear silence in response. This way you will find out whether your friend’s account was hacked or not. Advice - when you receive such a message from your friend, write him an SMS or call him on his mobile phone, telling him the whole situation. After all, many of his friends do not know that he is not him.

— Each computer must have an antivirus installed, free (Avast, AVG, AVIRA, etc.) or paid. It doesn’t matter which one, the main thing is that it must be installed. " ".

— Installing an antivirus is good. But do not forget to update the antivirus databases for your antivirus; only with updated databases will your antivirus be an antivirus. Without updated databases, an antivirus is just a program that interferes with its work.

Dear friend, do not forget that when you follow all the recommendations, you need to pay attention that you must be on the official website of Odnoklassniki, and not on a phishing page. Because all your work can lead to zero.

That's all for today. See you soon!

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