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What the radar does. What frequencies do road radars work on? Optimal choice of radar detector

What could be more beautiful - to push the trigger to the floor until it stops and race along the empty and spacious highway on your favorite "iron horse".

Mass of adrenaline, feelings, emotions. Yes, of course you can afford it, but only on a specialized track. Otherwise, the driver will be fined for speeding traffic and creating an emergency, if he is not warned by the "radar detector" about approaching the traffic police posts with a speed fixing device.

In this short but extremely interesting article, you will learn how the radar detector works and what kind of device it is.

Differences: radar detector and radar detector?

Radar detector Is a device that determines whether traffic police have radars by their radiation.
Antiradar Is a device that can interfere with traffic police radars, and therefore it is not possible to accurately record the speed of a vehicle.

In the absence of interference on the highway, the average range of the radar fixation is up to 4 km, in the urban cycle from one block to one and a half kilometers, depending on the density of radio signals. Modern devices are capable of operating in three bands: X, K, and laser.

Accordingly, the cost will differ depending on the number of scan ranges. Modern devices with an accuracy of 99.9% will be able to warn about the presence of mobile radars nearby.

Brief frequency response:

X-band (10.5 GHz)- devices of constant action, which are obsolete (15% of users), work.

K-band (24.15 GHz)- devices that work by sending pulsed electromagnetic waves. Widely used in RF (65% of users).

Ka-band (34.7 GHz)- anti-radars of a new type (35% of users). The principle of operation is to determine the speed in the shortest possible time with a probability of 97%.

According to the rules for fixing the speed of a car, a traffic police officer must fix the final data only after re-fixing the speed, for objectivity and accuracy. But in the interval between the first and second fixation, the driver can reduce the speed, respectively, there can be no talk of objectivity.

Basic principles of antiradar operation

The principle of operation is somewhat similar to a radio receiver, operating in the same range as the radars of law enforcement agencies.

By pressing the start button, the traffic police officer with the help of the device sends a signal in the form of a wave towards the car of interest to him.

The wave reaches the vehicle, hits it and returns back to the radar, which, having processed the data, shows the speed on the display.

So, at the moment when the sent wave hits the car, the anti-radar "intercepts" it and sends a buzzer to the driver, warning of the impending danger. Further, much depends on the driver and his skill and ingenuity.

As for the quality of the devices themselves, there is no doubt that they are made on the verge of maximum sensitivity to "enemies", despite the different pricing policy, which depends mainly on the year of manufacture, the form and quality of the material for assembly, only.

The main difference is the frequency capture range. The radars used by the traffic police take bearings at different frequencies, so the radar detector should be no worse.

According to information on the forums of car owners, it follows that domestic production is popular and in demand, due to its greater adaptability and accuracy than foreign "brothers".

Parameters characterizing the accuracy and quality of the device:

Number of definitions of frequency ranges.
Signal range.
Accuracy of distinguishing between false and real signals.
Data processing speed.
The percentage of confidence in the result.
Reliability, quality.

Interference with the device

The main condition for the correct operation of the anti-radar is its installation. If it is installed incorrectly, then the work will be unstable, since any obstacle reduces the signal quality.

Mount the device as high as possible to extend the scanning distance. You should also consider the type of radar detector and its DF ranges.

Although the models are improving from year to year, you should not break the rules of the road and be polite both in relation to yourself and to other participants.

Recently the topic car radar detectors is very popular.
What could arouse such interest?
In fact, there are enough reasons. Many motorists ask questions: why do we need a radar detector, the principle of its operation, which radar detector is better, the price of the issue, and, importantly, the legality of using this device.
So let's discuss all of this.

Before answering this question, you first need to define this device, and understand the principles of its operation.

A radar detector is often also called a radar detector, which is essentially wrong. Radar detectors are classified as active and passive. The active ones suppress the signals of the traffic police inspectors' radars, while the passive ones (radar detectors), on the contrary, do not suppress the signal, but only warn you about entering the area of ​​the police radar. Therefore, do not confuse these two devices!

So why do you need a radar detector?
This device informs the car owner in advance about "ambushes", namely, that ahead of the road inspection officers catch speed violators. In our time, fines for speeding cannot be called a "trifle". Therefore, a radar detector (radar detector) will help you save money and time. Also, the presence of this device will have a positive effect on the safety of your ride. Each signal will remind you to slow down and not rush. They are waiting for you at home!

Functions and principle of operation of the radar detector

A radar detector is essentially a radio receiver that is tuned to specific frequencies... The radar detector works according to the following principle. The police radar sends a signal towards the vehicle. Then the traffic police radar receives reflected radiation from your car, but with a different frequency (due to the movement of the vehicle), after analyzing the received signal, the police radar determines the speed of your car. Such radars are called radio frequency... There are also devices that do not emit a radio signal, but small laser pulses that determine the speed of a vehicle by measuring the distance over the time interval from the moment the signal is emitted to its return. These devices are called laser radar or lidar.
The main function of a car radar detector is to promptly warn the owner that speed control is being carried out on the nearest section of the road. The foresight apparatus will notify the driver in advance about such control, and will give an appropriate signal. The driver, having such information, can slow down if suddenly required. Moreover, an important feature: the radar detector is ready to work before the inspector has time to measure the speed of the car.

Design features and specifications

Types of designs for radar detectors

Now let's see what differences the design type of radar detectors has.
There are such types on the market as:

  1. Ordinary detectors(separate device, monoblock)
  2. Separate installation devices(include several blocks)
  3. Built-in detectors(for example, built into the DVR or
    in the rearview mirror)

The most popular among these three types is the detector of the first type - monoblock... The reason for the general acceptance was simply the ease of use. Their installation will not take much of your time. In addition, they are very compact - the size of a pack of cigarettes, and will not take up much space in your favorite car. Basically, this type of device has suction cups, which means you can easily place it, for example, on the windshield.

As for the category of detectors of the second type, their name speaks for itself. An apparatus of this type consists of several structures, a radar unit and a display with an indicator. The radar unit and control with indicator are installed separately. A display with an indicator is usually installed in a car interior. Car owners, who have athermal glass in their car, should think about installing this type of radar. It is these glasses, which, in particular, also have a metallized film that interferes with the passage of radiation, directly affect the operation of the radar detector.

Radar detectors of the third type (built-in) are in less demand. Recall that we are talking about detectors built into the rear-view mirror or a video recorder. Yes, on the one hand, built-in detectors save a lot of space in the car. But the flip side forces them to abandon them - this is a loss in quality, a decrease in the level of functionality due to smaller sizes.
So, before buying a radar detector, you should first decide which specific design to choose. Using the reference material in this article, you can make your choice easier.

Adaptation for Russia

It is worth noting that the radars used by the police in Russia were just developed taking into account the conditions of our country. If we compare similar radars from manufacturers from other countries, for example, Japanese radars, then here the Russian manufacturer is the undisputed leader. Russian devices are more efficient.
Making a decision to buy a radar detector is a completely deliberate choice of a motorist who wants to have timely information in order to control his speed limit and avoid spending money in the form of fines.
Does the law prohibit the use of a radar detector? The law does not prohibit. The purchase and further use of the radar detector will not be prosecuted by the law of the Russian Federation. Moreover, traffic inspectors themselves believe that this device will even bring more benefits: it is believed that it is able to reduce the number of emergency situations. No licenses, permits, or anything else are required to purchase this device. We emphasize again - radar detector is completely legal on the territory of the Russian Federation.
However, do not forget that there is a significant difference between a radar detector and a radar detector.

The radar detector only warns the driver about the work of the police radar, and the principle of operation of the anti-radar is completely different - the device emits a powerful field that suppresses the signals of devices for measuring speed. The key word here is "suppress". It is this difference that affects the legality of using the anti-radar. Therefore, the use of this device is already a violation of the law and, as a result, a fine, and even with confiscation.

In what frequency ranges they work. Strelka-ST radar support

Radars in the Russian Federation operate on the following frequencies:

  1. X-band (10525 MHz)
  2. Ku range (13450 MHz)
  3. K-band (24150 MHz)
  4. Ka band (34700 MHz)
  5. Laser.

To date, the optimal radar detector supports: X-band (already obsolete), K, Ka-bands (more modern), laser wave detection function (Laser), detection of short-wave pulses from radars in ROP mode (I must say that a large number of detectors perceive this impulse level as normal noise). In addition, a very useful feature of the radar detector will be the ability to selectively disable ranges. This will have the most beneficial effect on overall functionality and performance. In addition, it will reduce the number of false positives.
Particular attention should be paid to the "Strelka-ST" radars. Very tricky radars. Their signals are often invisible to conventional radar detectors. Many detectors work only on the Strelka infrared searchlight, but they ignore the signals from the video camera itself. What kind of radar detector will be able to catch the "arrow"? The only detectors capable of detecting Strelka are detectors with a GPS receiver, or as it is also called a GPS informer. Such a GPS detector has a database that contains the coordinates of the location of the cameras. When the driver approaches such a point, the device will give a signal in advance. The databases are regularly updated, as are the coordinates of the cameras. Moreover, databases are located throughout the Russian Federation. If desired, the owner-car enthusiast can carry out such an update himself via the Internet.

Only a radar detector (radar detector) with a GPS informer can detect Strelka. Other detectors are not able to pick up its signals and the "Arrow" simply remains invisible to them.


What does the "sensitivity" indicator of a radar detector affect? The sensitivity level just determines the detection range of the traffic police radar: a high sensitivity level allows you to detect signals earlier and gives the driver more time to react and slow down. The sensitivity should be at a good level both in the optical range and in the radio frequency range. Another characteristic, "Selectivity", determines how well the device is able to distinguish the real signal from noise and interference.
Unfortunately, other signals and noises cannot be completely eliminated. And yet, a good radar detector has significantly fewer such false alarms.

Useful functions

Let's take a look at some other useful features. For a deeper understanding of the operation of this device, you should also inquire about the presence of the following functions:

  • Fast data processing(possible in the case of a powerful microprocessor).
  • Automatic muting.
    An interesting function: the volume of the signal after the warning about the detection of the police radar gradually decreases and turns off.
  • Mode for lower brightness of the screen.
    Apparently in order not to "shine" at night.

Now let's take a look at the design. When choosing a radar detector, of course, design is taken into account. After all, the device will be mounted on the windshield, thereby constantly being in the public eye. It seems that any car enthusiast will be pleased to have a device with a stylish display and a pleasant-to-touch coating. What do you think?

The most popular brands of radar detectors

Which brand of radar detector to choose? As for the producing countries, first of all, American detectors are worthy of attention. In general, a good half of all radar detectors available in Russia are manufactured in the USA. There are also detectors from Korea.

  • Whistler Is a very well-known American brand. Its main drawback is the price. You have to pay at least 3-5 thousand rubles for quality, while some models are estimated at 10 thousand rubles. However, the quality is worth it. Experts say that these radars are among the best in terms of signal detection accuracy and reliability. In addition, this detector is able to always notify the driver about events occurring on the road.
  • Sho-me... These are Koreans already. By the way, a very popular brand. Its advantage is that there are models of various price categories. You can buy a radar detector even for 2 thousand rubles. True, one should not forget about the quality of such a device. They appreciate Sho-me radars for their good adaptation to radars on Russian roads. This is undoubtedly a great advantage of this brand.
  • Cobra Is a well-known brand from the USA. This company, in addition to radar detectors, also sells other types of devices for motorists, ranging from alarms. It is quite possible to buy a radar detector of their production from 2 thousand rubles. It is well known that Cobra is a long service life + great functionality.
  • Stinger and crunch... These two brands are produced by one company. A high level of reliability, good functionality - these are all Stinger and Crunch. That's just the price for them relative to other brands is high. Be ready to “fork out” 7 thousand rubles. On the other hand, if the budget is not of paramount importance to you, then you can safely take these stamps. Their apparatus is very "big-eyed", capable of detecting a large number of signals. You will be notified in a timely manner.
  • Valentine one... This is already the elite, friends. If you don't mind spending 25 thousand rubles, then this brand is the best choice! In general, this company itself sells its products via the Internet, not trusting the sale to other legal entities and individuals. Valentine One radar detectors have been recognized as the best for many years. Their detectors bypass interference, easily calculate radars even behind noise.

To summarize: Which radar detector is better to choose

So which radar detector should you buy? Better to choose among well-known brands. Remember, the price is not the most important indicator, because if a radar detector passes signals and cannot see the radar, then this is money wasted. It is imperative to buy such devices in trusted stores, where the good quality of the product is guaranteed. If you are offered to buy a radar detector - refuse without hesitation! Remember, they are prohibited by law. Otherwise, on occasion, the radar detector will be taken away and a fine will be issued. Take the time to read reviews for specific brands and view the rating of radar detectors on the Internet.
Of course, the choice of the brand is yours. Hopefully, the thoughts and advice in this article will help you make the right choice!

This video will help you choose a radar detector:

A radar detector, or radar detector, is a device that determines the location of traffic police officers, the actual operation of their radars, which monitor the speed of moving vehicles. The main equipment of the antiradar is a laser range, capable of informing the driver about the approach of the beam from the police control device and the advance speed reduction.

Service employees are obliged to ensure safe traffic on the road, a multifunctional type is able to adequately perceive speed and ensure safe movement of transport. The presence of this device in the car will protect the driver from speeding, entailing penalties.

Radar detectors generate interference, thereby suppressing the work of police radars.

Their use and distribution in Russia is prohibited. You can use radar detectors; they do not interfere and do not interfere with the operation of other types of measuring equipment, since all receivers have the same frequencies.

Varieties of devices

By type, this or that model can be passive or active.

Antiradar brand Cobra 715

The passive type, or radar detector, does not interfere with the operation of devices used by traffic police, therefore it is allowed for use by drivers. Due to this electronic device, it is possible to identify the area where the guard service is located, the distance to it.

Sound or light warning, depending on the modification of the device, informs the driver about the approach of the radar and the exact time during which he can reduce the speed to the required rate.

The guard's radar is capable of capturing readings up to 1 km, while a high-quality detector can give a signal to warn the driver 4-5 km away. There is sufficient time for proper and early driver maneuver. These radar detectors are affordable and approved for use by motorists.

The disadvantages of the radar detector include:

  • unable to detect video devices from traffic police officers;
  • late triggering of the device, when the car enters the zone of the main beam;
  • sometimes within the city, in an increased radiation zone, the device gives out false information that does not coincide with the time, the distance of the nearby traffic police radar.

Active varieties create a powerful response signal and drown out the operation of the devices of the guard personnel. They operate on the same frequencies and generate interference in radio waves. They interfere with the work of traffic police radars, and are prohibited for use by drivers in our country.

Snooper 3Zero RUS, LYNX series

A radar detector under the pressure of anti-radar radio waves is not able to give a real assessment of what is happening or does not inform the traffic police at all.

Laser anti-radar

The laser works with an offset, a shift, that is, the DPS device shows a speed lower than the real one. Laser radar detectors are not prohibited by law for use, do not interfere and affect the devices of the service employees. They cost much more than passive radar detectors.

The sale of such gadgets is prohibited, their presence in the car leads to administrative liability and, of course, confiscation. Radar detectors can be purchased at any specialty electronics store. They differ in brands, firms, brands, the presence of functions and built-in VIP technologies.

When buying a radar, you should find out if the device can be used in Russia. Brands Cobra, Beltronics, Whistler, Stinger are adapted in Russia and are popular among car owners. These devices differ in frequency range, sensitivity to signal, warning due to light, or sound.

The starting price in Moscow and the region is from 1400 rubles, a foreign-made detector is an order of magnitude higher. Chinese goods can be purchased for 800 - 1000 rubles, but its quality is rather doubtful.

Principle of operation

Unlike the DPS radar, the car detector has direct radiation. In this video, they will tell you how car radar detectors work.

Locating a guard's radar position occurs much earlier than measuring the speed of a moving vehicle. The stable readings of the police station device are calculated at a distance of 400 m, while the detection of an active radar is recognized at a distance of 4000 - 5000 m.

The ranges of operation of the Ka, X, K device are capable of picking up signals from any road radars. The presence of a display in the new Beltronik RX65i and Threat Display models allows tracking and specifying the parameters of two or more signals at the same time.

The quality of work of a particular model depends on its perception, sensitivity, as well as the ability to filter out all false information and signals that do not correspond to reality to the maximum. The detector is equipped with a signal amplifier. Amplification can be direct or heterodyne.

Radar detector

The direct amplifier has no radiation, low sensitivity and almost no interference pickup. Today this amplifier is not in demand, it is used in the production of only domestic radars. The heterodyne type is more sensitive, with a wide frequency range.

The activity of the device increases, false interference. To eliminate and filter out false information, the device needs to be tuned to the desired radio frequency. Radio frequencies in the X-band were previously used by traffic police officers in the Sokol and Barrier radars.

Today they have been replaced by more modern K-band configurations. With a small size of the device, the frequency range is much wider, in a short time it allows you to detect an approaching object at a distant distance.

The K-band has less interference and is used in the Berkut and Iskra radars. Ka-band road radars have an even more powerful frequency. The high energy potential of the device is more accurate. Allows you to detect an object from a distance of up to 1.5 km.

How radar works against the arrow

The bandwidth of the range is 1300 MHz, which does not lead to interference for determining the exact speed of approaching vehicles. The frequency of the K-band is 132450 MHz.

The radar is powered by satellite television, therefore such models are not widely used in Russia, and their sale is not practiced. Any radar is equipped with a unit that processes incoming signals and other additional functions.

It is in the block that the existing errors are detected and the result is returned. The signals are processed by hybrid, analog, or digital processing. With analog processing, the speed is greatly underestimated, it carries a lot of false information.

With hybrid technology, all data is processed by the BIOS. The false signals are negligible and the processing speed is quite fast. During digital processing, a microprocessor is built into the unit, which operates due to the programs embedded in it. Information is processed very quickly, interference is excluded.

This block is capable of receiving 8 signals at once. The future belongs to laser and K-radars, and soon all radars will operate exclusively in these frequency ranges.

Device selection

In this video, you will be shown and told how to choose a radar detector and what you need to know when choosing this device. Happy viewing!

Today the market offers not only high-quality, but also aesthetically attractive models for a wide range of buyers. Stationary radar detectors are installed under the hood or visor of the car.

An approaching radar alarm is displayed on a miniature display installed in the cabin on the driver's dashboard. Portable radars are more affordable.

The device is installed in the passenger compartment on the dashboard holder or is attached to the windshield with a suction cup. The device works under a voltage of only 12 W, it can be connected to a car cigarette lighter.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the bearing of the device. With a bearing of 360 degrees, the radars will be noticeable from all sides, an approaching traffic police car - from behind. It is important that the device works and does not give false information, therefore it is better if there is a voice notification and a noise suppression system.

The main indicators when buying are:

  • fast data acquisition;
  • truthful results, the presence of interference and false information to a minimum;
  • the ability of the device to determine all ranges that traffic police officers may have;
  • availability of additional functions;
  • availability of a license certifying the quality and long service life of the product.

It is important that there is a balance between sensitivity and the ability to recognize certain radar signals. The performance of the device will be severely distorted at high sensitivity. The best solution would be a radar capable of correcting interference.

Within the city limits - to lower them, and accordingly, to increase the sensitivity on an open road.

Traffic police officers today use radars in the X, or K-band. K-band is more progressive, works in tandem with sighting devices. The device has constant radiation, or pulsed operation.

A device with constant radiation is capable of scanning, analyzing and isolating from the total number of cars the one that is clearly exceeded. The device, equipped with a pulse mode, captures radiation at 100%.

To send a signal and determine the exact speed of a moving vehicle, just 0.4 seconds is enough. Low-cost radars are considered not expensive, easy to operate, with a minimum set of functions.

The cost of a particular modification depends on the popularity of the manufacturer and the availability of functions that are sometimes useless for the driver. For professional drivers, the "Stinger" models are suitable. They are equipped with a GPS system, in which the traffic police posts have already been identified, or you can display their coordinates yourself.

More promising today is a radar with a range of K.

Radars can make it easier to drive a car, but you should not neglect the speed on the roads, because the life and safety of both the driver and the people around him depend on it.

Radar detectors are modern devices that are able to detect the sources of signals emitted by police radars, and immediately inform the driver about this in order for him to reduce the speed of the car. What is a radar detector for? Radar detectors, in essence, are electronic devices of small dimensions that are capable of detecting in the field of their own action the presence of laser beams, traffic police radars and, if detected, immediately inform drivers about it. Physical principle of operation of a radar detector lies in the fact that it is a passive receiver that only works to receive signals of the required frequency range. As a rule, in the course of its operation, a radar detector, unlike anti-radar detectors, does not drown out any signals.

How radar detectors work, how they work, how does a radar detector work?

In order to decide whether you need a radar detector, you need to read the description and consider the principle of its operation and the device of the antiradar. Traffic police radars, like other various types of autoradars, detect certain radiation to measure the speed of vehicles reflected from the vehicles themselves. In turn, the radar detectors take on direct radiation and, thanks to such actions, can detect the presence of various traffic police radars in advance even before they record the speed of your car.

Functions, structure and effectiveness of radar detectors, what and why is it needed?

Modern radar detectors can detect active radars at a distance of up to five kilometers in good weather on a straight section of the highway. Radars can clearly record the speed of any vehicle at a distance of only one kilometer. It must be understood that in most cases, radar detectors should be used only in order to pre-register the radiation emitted by traffic police radars even before the police officer uses his device to determine the speed of a car that is far ahead of you. That is why, when choosing a radar detector for yourself, special attention must be paid to certain technical parameters, such as the percentage of false alarms and the sensitivity possessed by the detectors. Usually, effectiveness of radar detectors in different price ranges can differ significantly in these two important characteristics.

How to use a radar detector? Radar jamming

One of the most important points for reliable operation of the radar detector is the installation of the device. If the radar detector is installed incorrectly, then it will not work at full strength due to interference: do not expect maximum performance from it. It will be possible to use the radar detector, but the efficiency will be low. When installing the device, keep in mind that absolutely any obstacle in its path will reduce its performance. It is necessary to try to mount the detector as high as possible, as this increases the detection distance of police radars. But if the device is placed at the top of the windshield, then in this case, the reception of various laser signals will simply be impossible or ineffective. To properly install the device, it is necessary to consider the type of radar itself, as well as whether it uses laser ICs.

Most models today have special horn antennas that provide "protection" by almost 360 degrees of interference from various radars, which increases the efficiency of the radar detector. There is no more perfect and better device than a radar detector yet, but the price of some of these radar detectors can reach 25 thousand rubles. It is worth saying that such devices cannot be simply purchased in any store, since they are brought only to order.

Do you need a radar detector or radar detector?

More and more often on the forums and in the comments there are requests: "Advise the radar detector!", "Is it worth buying?" We give a couple of tips. The main thing when choosing and buying an anti-radar is not to purchase an already technologically and morally outdated model, which is not able to determine the signal of new radars only because it was not provided for by its design. Better to focus on models released in 2011 or 2012, which can identify the latest types of radars. Why you need a radar detector (radar detector), whether it helps, is up to you.

Automotive radar detectors are compact devices that are able to track signals that are emitted by radars from mobile and stationary traffic police posts. In other words, the radar detector warns the driver in advance when approaching police radars. Many people mistakenly believe that a radar detector and a radar detector are one and the same, but in fact, this statement is fundamentally wrong. Anti-radars are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, as they suppress the operation (drown out) of radar complexes and create all kinds of interference. The radar detector, in turn, is a passive receiver that does not drown out the signal, but simply warns of its presence.

In Russia, radar detectors have become very popular, as they greatly save their owners money, allowing them to avoid a serious speeding penalty. The features and principle of operation of radar detectors will be discussed.

Principle of operation

Speeding is one of the most common violations on domestic roads. Traffic police officers are equipped with modern radars to determine speed, as a result, the number of fines has increased dramatically. The size of speeding fines increases every year.

The radar detector is able to detect a signal from mobile and stationary traffic police posts, informing the driver by means of a light or sound signal. Moreover, any radar detector can detect the proximity of the radars long before the car enters their range. Accordingly, the driver, having received a timely signal, can simply reduce the speed of movement and, thereby, avoid a fine. Most often, the power supply of the radar detector is carried out through the car's cigarette lighter, and its compact dimensions make it possible to mount the device on the windshield or dashboard of a car.

The principle of operation of a radar detector is quite simple. The traffic police radars are based on the so-called Doppler effect - the frequency of the reflected signal from a moving vehicle is compared to the original frequency. At the same time, for optimal reception and processing of the reflected signal, the outgoing radio signal must be strong enough. Since traffic police radars deal with a reflected signal, and radar detectors only with a direct signal, the latter are able to detect the guard service radar before the vehicle's speed is fixed.

Traffic police radars can measure the speed of a car at a distance of 400 to 800 meters, but radar detectors record a radio signal at a distance of one to three kilometers. In fact, the radar detector works as an early warning system about approaching the traffic police post, which gives the vehicle owner time to slow down.

Features and types of radar detectors

The main condition for the correct operation of the radar detector is that it must operate at the same frequency as the traffic police radar. It is important to note that most of the devices used by police in Russia operate in the X (10 525 MHz) and K (24150 MHz) bands. At the same time, radars with the X-band are quite outdated and recently there are more and more radars that operate in the K-band. Also, there is another type of radar, which began to be used relatively recently and they operate in the Ka-band with a frequency of 34 700 MHz. Based on this information, it should be understood that before purchasing this or that radar detector, you should make sure that it works in the listed ranges, otherwise, the efficiency of the radar detector will sharply decrease.

The devices that traffic police use to measure speed are pulsed, that is, they send short waves that radiate out in beams, which are then reflected from objects they encounter. Despite the fact that this type of radar allows you to quickly determine the speed of a car, such a signal is also quickly intercepted by a radar detector.

Almost all radar detectors on the market today can be divided into two groups. Devices in the first group use "direct detection", in other words, they are tuned to pick up the frequencies that are emitted by radars. They catch a small amount of interference and do not create any radiation, as they are sowing.

But technology is advancing and most manufacturers have already abandoned direct amplification in favor of superheterodyne-based amplification. These are radar detectors from the second group, which differ in that the devices themselves generate the same frequencies that the traffic police radars emit. Further, these frequencies are compared, and if they match, the device issues a warning signal to the driver. The advantage of such radar detectors is that they are more sensitive. Actually, sensitivity together with the ability to filter out false signals are important parameters for any radar detector.

Signal processing methods

One of the main parts of a radar detector is a data processing unit from sensors and antennas. There are several signal processing methods. The most obsolete method is analog. It is practically not used anymore, since it has a low processing speed and poor capabilities for filtering out false interference. The most common are digital-to-analog and digital signal processing methods. They have a high processing speed and are able to effectively filter out false signals and interference.

The unit itself is a microprocessor complex that can process up to 8 signals simultaneously. Naturally, it is preferable to purchase radar detectors with digital signal processing.

Additional functionality

Also, when choosing a radar detector, you need to pay attention to such technical characteristics as operating range and protection against false alarms. The radar detector can also have a variety of additional functions. In particular, the possibility of alerting the driver with a voice warning signal or adjusting the backlight so that the device can be used comfortably when driving in the dark. However, the main criterion for choosing a radar detector, as mentioned above, is precisely the ability to process several signals at once.

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