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  • System cleaning windows 10 programs are the best. Standard OS cleaning capabilities

System cleaning windows 10 programs are the best. Standard OS cleaning capabilities

Windows Registry Is a hierarchically structured database operating system containing settings and other information, concerning work the system itself, user profiles, third-party software, as well as computer hardware. This data is directly contained in registry keys- string parameters with specific values. Keys are cataloged by their subfolders, which in turn are part of parent folders, subsections and sections.

Littering a critical Windows work area

The more data is contained in the registry, the correspondingly wider the search area. And the more time the operating system needs to access to the data you want. This negatively affects productivity... Increasing the database system registry promotes dynamics of work with a computer in terms of experiments with third-party software. When installing the program, they register their keys in the registry, which are stored there even after these programs are removed from the system. Invalid keys of remote software over time accumulate and litter such an important Windows work area.

The way out of the situation is periodic cleaning... But it is important to understand that this kind of optimizing operation will not solve the problem globally. low-power computers, in particular, with slow HDDs on board.

Cleaning can be done by manual removal each of the unnecessary keys, or in staff editor Windows Regedit.exe, or using special third-party programs... The latter usually provide for the possibility automatic search non-working keys is an option suitable for most users.

Regseeker utility

Registry cleaning feature is included in the free portable utility Regseeker. Launch program, switch to the section " Registry". Before further action you need to check the option " Backupbefore deletion", This creation backup Windows registry. Then we press “ Clean the Registry».

The program window will display scan results- keys, defined by the program as non-working. V context menu a number of operations are available for each key, in particular:

For deleting of all the keys found, click " Select all».

We confirm deletion.

We give the name of the backup.

And that's all. If after that there are problems with the system, previous state can restore from a backup. In the same section “ Registry"Click" Backups».

Click on the backup and click below " Restore».

CCleaner program

Free CCleaner - the world's most popular Windows cleaner - contains functionality similar to the one discussed above. In the program window, switch to the section " Registry"And click" Search for problems».

When you press the " Fix Selected»CCleaner prompts you to create a backup. We press " Yes"And indicate the storage location of the backup file on the disk.

Further we can delete found keys - either one by one using the " To correct", Or all together in one click with the button" Fix marked».

If after that Windows will not work properly, we go along the path of saving a backup copy in the system explorer, launching file double click and confirm recovery.


Defragmentation is a separate system-optimizing function that can be part of a disk cleaner or defragmenter. What is its essence? When it comes to defragmenting the registry, I mean combining fragments its files - files Default, Software, System, located on the C drive in the "Windows" directory. it not optimization the data structures within it are believed by many. And therefore, there is simply no point in such an operation. First, Windows is constantly appeals to the registry data, and its files on the disk will, accordingly, also permanently fragment... Secondly, the process of defragmenting the HDD is included in the number of automatic Windows service 7, 8.1 and 10.

Important: it is impossible to allow defragmentation of even the disk as a whole, even of its individual files in relation to SSD- to storage devices... And Windows knows this very well. These devices have a different storage mechanism than HDDs: their read speed does not depend from a continuous sequence of clusters of data. Conversely, overwriting data during defragmentation will reduce the SSD resource.

How to remove a program from the registry

To remove a separately selected program from the registry, i.e. destroy all her keys, it is necessary to run staff editor Regedit.exe.

The principle of restoring the registry from a backup is the same as in the case of CCleaner.

How to prevent cluttering up your important Windows workspace

Than cleaning something is better prevent littering it. Prevent keys from clogging up the system registry remote programs possible if used for uninstallation special softwareuninstallers with cleaning of residues. Among those - Uninstall programs Tool, Soft Organizer, Revo Uninstaller.

The registry is the base Windows data which the system uses to store keys, values ​​and other similar parameters, cleaning Windows 10 registry manufactured to increase system performance and stability. In the future, registry settings are used by applications to perform a wide variety of operations. Damage to any keys leads to the failure of the program, certain errors in Windows, changes the behavior of the system and many other consequences.

To perform cleaning, it is highly discouraged to use manual method when the user independently cleans, in his opinion, unnecessary or wrong parameters, because it is fraught with failure of the system. And there is no point in performing the procedure manually, since a lot of tools have been developed to ensure productivity and high-quality cleaning of the storage.

Clean up Windows 10 registry using CCleaner

Regardless of this, registry cleaning occurs on high level, as evidenced by 150 million users of the program. The rest of the functionality can be used at will, this includes such interesting actions:

  1. Accelerates Windows work, registry and access to the network (usually this acceleration is visually imperceptible);
  2. Performs all diagnostics and elimination actions in 1 click;
  3. Includes antivirus scanner;
  4. Turbo acceleration - allows you to disable minor, unnecessary processes, service and clear the RAM load;
  5. Spectacular design and beautiful design memory loading indicator.

The program is delivered in Russian and works with all popular operating systems. To complete the procedure, you should:

  1. Download the utility;
  2. Run, in the "Cleaning and Optimization" section, set the selection "Registry Cleanup";

  1. Click on "Start";

  1. Then the result of the procedure and the number of problem sectors found will be indicated, click on "Fix".

Glary utilites

The application does not have mass popularity, but the functionality is really extensive. Thanks to Glary Utilites, not only registry cleaning is achieved, but also a high level of security / system optimization, there are tools for working with files and some other features.

In order to perform cleaning using this application, you must:

  1. Download the utility on the website;
  2. In the main window go to the "Cleaning" tab;

  1. Select "Fix Registry";
  2. The system is assessed and the characteristic result is indicated;
  3. Then start cleaning.

Optionally, you can explore secondary functions programs that will be useful on all computers to provide an increase in speed and reduce the load on the system.

Wise Registry Cleaner

This application is one of those rare cases when the name really reflects the essence of the utility. The garbage detection algorithm is really "wise", and the program is easy to learn. Its only task is to work with the registry, while there is a Russian interface. Additionally, it can optimize and compress the registry regardless of the complexity of the procedure and the level of clutter.

  1. Download the utility from;
  2. Opening the window stay on the "Registry Cleanup" tab;

  1. Before you a whole range of parameters for which the library is checked, click on "Scan";

  1. Then start cleaning.

There are also alternative options help, but they all work on the same principle.

Important! It is best to back up the registry before performing any of the suggested optimization procedures. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent a harmful, erroneous effect on the library and the subsequent restoration of the entire system.

By cleaning the registry, you can keep your database in the correct state, keep Windows running smoothly, and prevent errors from occurring. In this case, the procedure is recommended to be performed once a week with active use of a PC, but there are no contraindications to more frequent use.

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The Windows 10 registry is a part of the operating system that resembles a database of all OS settings and parameters. This means that all software and hardware changes are reflected in this editor.

Work with the registry editor without special knowledge Microsoft developers not recommended, much less cleaning, since any wrong change can affect Windows health 10.

How to get into Windows 10 Registry Editor?

Registry new windows 10, as in previous versions operating system, consists of the group individual files, each of which is stored in the "Windows", "System32", "Config" folder.

It is strictly forbidden to edit or clean these files in order not to harm the system. The exceptions are those cases when it is necessary to solve some problem and the developer has provided clear recommendations on how to properly clean the registry and which file.

You can get into the "Tens" registry editor in the following way:

  • We press "Win + S" or enter in search bar"Regedit" and select "Run command".

  • The Registry Editor will open with 5 main branches.

How to clear registry data in Windows 10?

To optimize the operating system Windows registry can be cleaned manually or using programs. However, before performing any manipulations, it is worth making a backup copy of the registry. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Click on "File" and select "Export". We put the mark "Entire registry" and click "Save" by selecting a disk or folder.

  • We check the existence of the saved file.

What programs are suitable for cleaning the registry in Windows 10?

It is recommended to clean the registry in case of system and software failures. To do this, you can use various programs... Among them, it is worth highlighting the utility CCleaner Free latest version, which is adapted to the parameters of the new operating system. To clean your registry Widows 10 CCleaner, it is worth performing the following actions:

  • Download the program. We launch it on your PC and go to the "Registry" section. We start the analysis and search for problems. After the results are displayed, click "Fix".

  • When finished, close all windows and reboot the system.

Also, the Windows 10 Manager program is designed to clean up the registry, which has a section designed for this purpose.

Registry repair

You can restore registry values ​​in Windows 10 only if a backup was performed before making the changes, that is, the files were exported. If you have performed backup, then you should start the registry editor, click on the "File" button and select "Import". Next, we search desired file and select it.

We agree to make changes and restart the PC. Windows 10 registry restored.

For those who monitor their computer on Windows 10, we recommend that you regularly clean the registry. In this article we will tell you about the most simple ways cleaning the registry - by the program or manually.

Registry on Windows 10

The registry on Windows 10 "gets dirty" and swells over time just like on the previous ones Windows versions, so you need to clean it regularly. Windows Registry, namely, this is the name of the registry in English version OS contains necessary information, but over time, obsolete data, duplicates and other informational garbage accumulate. In turn, a bloated registry can affect the performance of your device and the stability of the OS. In this case, you have two options on how to clean the registry:
  • Manually;
  • Using the program;
Most users will do software solutions... This is the easiest way and does not require any deep knowledge from the user. But if you do everything efficiently and to the end, then you also need to clean it manually. No program can clean your registry 100%, but you can do better by hand.

Registry cleaner for Windows 10

There are dozens of programs out there to clean up the registry. We call such programs - or. As a rule, programs include, in addition to cleaning the registry, some additional functionality, and allow you to adjust the work if the computer slows down. The most popular utilities for cleaning the registry on Windows 10 include: The most popular and at the same time free solution is CCleaner. At the same time, in addition to cleaning the registry, the program allows you to customize the operation of the computer, set up autorun required programs and remove the problematic software. If you download CCleaner in Russian, then you will not have any difficulties to clean the registry, the interface and functionality is as clear and accessible as possible.

Please note - be sure to make a backup of the registry before any cleaning. It happens that the cleaning fails and you have to restore the system. In this case, fresh backup copy registry will definitely help you.

How to manually clean the registry on Windows 10

The task of manually cleaning the registry on Windows 10 seems difficult at first glance. In practice, even a novice PC user can handle this task. The first thing you need to do is call command line by pressing the hotkeys WIN + R. In the window that opens, set regedit and click "OK".

Be sure to make a backup. To do this, click on the "Export" button and specify the location to save the backup of the registry. Only then can you start cleaning.

In Registry Editor, select the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" key. In this section, find the Software sub-item and carefully study the folders. If you come across a program folder that you have deleted a long time ago, you can safely erase it.

If you have only recently revised and removed programs, then in order not to waste time, use the registry search. To do this, use the hotkeys Ctrl + F. You can delete both the folders themselves and the internal content. We recommend erasing entire folders so they don't get confused the next time you manually clean them.

For professionals, we recommend using both methods in conjunction. First, clean the registry with the program, then clean up the tails with your hands. Those who are not versed in computers are not advised to meddle in manual cleaning, since the consequences can be as bad as possible, up to the point that your computer stops starting.

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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

The Windows registry is a hierarchical system database that contains all settings, presets, changes and other information vital for the operation of all software and Windows itself. It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of correct organization, since the entire performance of the system depends on its content, and any mistake made in it can have completely unpredictable consequences. And while Windows 10 has been able to dramatically reduce the number of errors in the registry, the remaining ones can still cause problems of various sizes. Next, let's figure out how often cleaning is required and how to properly carry it out.

Registry errors and reasons for fixing them

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that cleaning the registry means correcting its errors.

If you want to clean up some hard disk space by getting rid of system junk(sometimes inexperienced users take this for cleaning the registry), enter "% temp%" in the search, open the found folder and delete all its contents.

90% of system junk is located here

As already mentioned, the registry is an operating system database that accumulates all settings and presets. It is constantly being rewritten and changed: with any changes in the system parameters, the installation of new applications, each update and even the start of the computer. In other words, active interaction with the registry occurs very often and any system failure, a sudden power cut or even a bug third party application are capable of causing a registry error if it happens at the wrong time.

The consequences of this can be absolutely any and each time unique: one of the applications refuses to start, the computer will no longer see drive D, the main Windows language will change to Arabic and, of course, " Blue screen of death". The cause of any problem on your computer, if it appears after starting Windows boot, there may be a registry error.

Many critical errors are treated with a simple rollback to last point recovery, but the main problem is that registry problems are rarely noticed in time and it is completely incomprehensible where to roll back.

If we classify all errors very roughly, we can distinguish the following variants of their consequences:

  • The registry error is so minor that it does not and will never cause absolutely any problem for your computer.
  • Some kind of insignificant change that you happen to notice only at the most inopportune moment, for example, complete rejection in deleting something.
  • An error invisible to the user, but very unpleasant for the system. A registry error can cause poor performance on your computer.
  • A time bomb that will manifest itself long after the error occurs.
  • The error triggers a chain reaction and problems are moved outside the registry. This option is the saddest, since a simple registry cure will not help here and all that remains is to reinstall Windows.

Based on all of the above, fixing registry errors is not so much the elimination of the problems that have arisen, but rather a preventive procedure, which is recommended to be done about once every three months, even if the computer does not have any noticeable problems.

It should be borne in mind that correcting registry errors may not always be correct, and the very concept of a registry error determines the program or utility with which you are treating.

Correcting registry errors can cause them to be created, which happens very rarely, so it is recommended to make backups before each treatment.

How to clean the registry using standard Windows 10 tools

Unfortunately, the standard Windows tools 10 do not have at their disposal to cure the registry or the ability to check it for errors. For these actions you will need to download an alternative software as described in the next chapter.

All actions described in this chapter will be carried out through the registry editor, which can be accessed by entering "regedit" in the search through the "Start" menu or in the "Run" utility.

If you have problems with entering the registry, see how to fix it at the end of the chapter.

Change settings

It is worth clarifying right away that manual change registry settings, you will not fix the errors that have arisen in it. It is theoretically possible, but it is a titanic work and in a similar way not even the most experienced users.

This section of the article is intended for users who already know what they want to change and the path to necessary setting but are not familiar with the registry editor.

Changing the registry settings is used to make any targeted changes to the standard Windows services... There is no intuitive interface here and with one simple glance it is impossible to understand what is responsible for what. Therefore, it is not worth going into the registry editor for no reason, without first having found out on the Internet the path to the setting you need.

We'll look at how to make changes to the registry using the example of returning the Downloads folder to the This PC section, which was previously deleted from there using the same registry editor.

We need to return one of the missing folders

All we need to know: the path to the required setting (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ FolderDescriptions \ 7d83ee9b-2244-4e70-b1f5-5393042af1e4 \ PropertyBag), the name of the parameter (ThisPCPolicy (Show) and the decryption of its values show, Hide - hide).

  1. First you need to get acquainted with the interface. On the left side of the window, you select the path to the required setting. By clicking on the check mark next to required folder, you will open its nested folders. By clicking on the folder itself, you will see the parameters written inside, which will be displayed on the right side of the window.
    First, you should get acquainted with the interface.
  2. Let's go along the path we need. The last folder does not need to be expanded, click on it to display the parameters.
    The last folder does not need to be expanded, click on it to display the parameters
  3. On the right side of the window, open the parameter you are looking for. If it is not there, press right click mouse on free space and create the required string parameter yourself.
    On the right side of the window, open the parameter you are looking for
  4. Introduce desired value and confirm the change.
    Enter the desired value and confirm the change
  5. The Downloads folder is back in place.
    The Downloads folder is back in place

Create a restore point and rollback

At the very beginning of this article, we mentioned the registry restore points to which you can roll back in order to restore the system's health. Unfortunately, Windows 10 does not create backups on its own and you need to do them yourself.

A restore point, a return point, a backup, and a backup are one and the same when it comes to the registry.

It is recommended to create restore points after Windows installations and drivers, but only after a couple of computer reboots, when everything is set up and works great; as well as before fixing registry errors and installing questionable programs.

What to do if access to the registry or some of its sections is denied

By default, access to some registry keys is closed even for computer administrators, and only the system itself has the right to change them. In limited versions of Windows or after some kind of trouble (for example - viruses), even access to the registry editor itself may be closed. Fortunately, all of this is very easy to treat.

If you have problems accessing a particular section or changing its parameters, first try the following method:

If previous way did not help you or you have problems entering the registry editor itself, this will definitely help:

Checking and cleaning the registry in Windows 10 using programs

Operating room Windows system 10 does not possess in their own ways to cure the registry. From the point of view of Microsoft itself, the protection of the registry from acceptable errors is organized on Windows 10 at the highest level and similar function just not required, but all harmful changes should eliminate the built-in windows defender... But as practice shows, the occurrence of registry errors has not gone anywhere, as well as the need for their treatment with the involvement of third-party programs.


CCleaner positions itself as a program for cleaning windows from system garbage, but most users are only interested in its function of cleaning the registry, which over the years of its existence has not yet seen worthy competitors.

Microsoft does not like CCleaner and it is possible that Windows Defender will swear at the actions of this utility.

It is far from the fact that this program is the best, but together with the simplicity of the interface, proven and widespread, it is ideal for most users.

Alternative programs

If CCleaner does not suit you or you want to be on the safe side alternative program, here is a list of the most reliable ones:

Regularly fixing registry errors can almost double the lifespan of your operating system before reinstalling it. Most importantly, do not forget to scan it at least once every three months, and save the return point created before that until the next scheduled error correction.

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