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What is the difference between a mobile phone and a smartphone. How is a smartphone different from a mobile phone? Possibilities of smart gadgets thanks to operating software

Many do not know the differences and similarities between a cell phone and a mobile phone at all. Is there a difference in them, and in what, if most people call cellular mobile? It is true that all cell phones are mobile, but not all mobile phones are cell phones. It's hard to understand, but if you put everything on the shelves, it turns out that everything is simpler than it seemed in reality.

Mobile phone

A gadget for transmitting voice messages using radio communication is considered to be a mobile phone. This is a fairly large concept, which can be included and cell and satellite phones. Essentially, a mobile phone means small, handy, pocketable, portable, wireless. This is any such device that can communicate.

The peculiarity of such devices is that they are completely wireless, and even tuning is done using pre-built channels. There are satellite mobile phones and cellular mobile phones. Their difference is both in external characteristics and in the method of communication.

Among the whole set of mobile phones, the most popular are still cellular, they are sold in every specialized electronics store. But, the greatest productivity is provided by satellite. To begin with, not all countries and not all localities can establish a cellular connection. For example, in different countries, this is hindered by frequent cataclysms that affect the connection, as well as problematic terrain (a large number of forests).

As for satellite communications, everything is much simpler here. Each satellite operator carries out work with several satellites. This is a kind of satellite coverage. But the satellite is not affected by earthquakes and even volcanic eruptions, so in the worst weather, with an earthquake in the mountains, you can quickly contact any corner of the world.

Cellular telephone

A gadget that operates at specific frequencies in cellular-only networks is called a cell phone. For a good, normal connection, the cellular must be within the base station - the cell, in other words - the subsystem. It provides uniform coverage in the area, and also communicates through operators.

Each standardized cellular communication has its own personal frequency range. Thanks to this, messages and communication are not lost, but reach the recipient.

It is customary to place base stations at a certain distance from each other, and in order to cover the maximum area without loss, this is done according to the principle of hexagons resembling honeycombs, from which the name appeared.

Feature and main advantage of cellular communication - availability. Such a phone can be very easy to buy, as well as ensure its stable operation. Also, cellular communication is available in most countries, and this simplifies the use while traveling.

What common?

Mobile and cellular have a number of similar characteristics:
  • A mobile phone, in a broad sense, can be called any portable device capable of transmitting a voice signal, that is, a cellular phone also belongs to it, like a satellite one.
  • A mobile device needs a base to work. Communication is carried out through a base station or satellite. At the same time, the operation of a cellular requires being within cellular networks, without which it is useless. This leads to the fact that without certain conditions, these devices are useless and cannot perform their primary function - communication.
  • Mobile phones are very popular all over the world, and cell phones are the most popular among their subspecies.
  • The cost of a cell phone and a mobile phone may be the same, as cell phones fall under the category of mobile devices.
  • Depending on the type of mobile phone, its price and dimensions may be the same as cell phones.


But, despite the fact that mobile and cellular, in a sense, are the same, they differ if a mobile device is understood not as a cellular, but as a satellite phone.

  1. A mobile phone can be called different devices, according to the implementation voice communication. But cellular phones are a narrow group of phones that communicate exclusively in a place where there is a cellular connection.
  2. A cell phone can communicate anywhere by connecting to stations nearby. In other words, they depend on the distribution of honeycombs. Mobile devices, depending on the type, can work either from cellular or satellite communications. And the latter, in principle, has no limits and works about the entire globe. That is why travelers and business people tend to use satellite phones rather than cell phones - it makes communication easier.
  3. Mobile can, if desired, include any device that transmits sound through electrical signals. Cellular uses switching equipment for voice transmission, which is provided by the operator.
  4. If by mobile we mean a satellite phone, then it will cost many times more expensive than a cell phone. Moreover, it is not only about the device itself, but also about its maintenance. Satellite communication is very expensive, this is another reason for its unpopularity.
  5. The size of mobile gadgets depends on their type. So cellular phones are usually less bulky than satellite ones.
  6. The duration of work also depends on the type of mobile. If the cellular works for about 12 hours, then the satellite is at least 18.

Cellular phones are classified as mobile phones, but not all mobile phones can be cell phones, since a number of other devices, including satellite ones, fall into this category. That's all, it would seem, difficult science, but in fact, it is much easier to understand these types of devices, simply by understanding the principle of concepts and work.

A large number of mobile devices on the market allows everyone to choose a device that will best suit their needs. However, diversity also has a negative feature: it is sometimes very difficult for an unprepared buyer who is not familiar with the world of high technologies to find the optimal solution.

For example, smartphones that are popular today used to be classified as flagships and mid-range devices, while now even a budget device can be a smartphone.

What is the difference between a smartphone and a regular mobile phone? Let's try to understand this article.

Smartphone is translated from English as "smart phone". The “smartness” of the device lies in the fact that such devices operate under the control of a common operating system, being, in fact, pocket computers. In addition to standard applications, the user can install software from third-party developers, which greatly expands the capabilities of the device. The most popular in our time are Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry OS. Previously, Symbian and Windows Mobile systems were also common, but today smartphones under their control are no longer produced.

Traditional mobile phones are deprived of such functions and the maximum that a user can count on is the installation of simple games and programs written in Java.

Thus, the presence of an OS is the main criterion for distinguishing a smartphone from a phone.

Touch phone Samsung Corby. Works on proprietary shell Samsung TouchWiz 1.0 The phone does not have the ability to install third-party applications, there is no full-fledged operating system, but there is a touch screen. You can't call it a smartphone.

Smartphone Nokia 6630. Does not have a touch screen, but runs on the operating system Symbian 8.0a, which is no longer relevant in our time. Yet, because of this OS and the ability to install applications, this device can be called a smartphone.

Form factor

The first smartphones outwardly did not differ from ordinary mobile phones. They had the traditional look of a "tube" with a 12-button hardware numeric keypad. This state of affairs could be observed until about 2012, already in the heyday of the era of touchscreens.

A modern smartphone, as a rule, has a large screen (more than 4 inches diagonally) with high resolution and almost (or not at all) hardware keys. In some cases, a sliding QWERTY keyboard can be used as an addition.

At the same time, a mobile phone can be either in the form factor of a traditional dialer or with a touch screen. However, the resolution of the displays of such devices is usually lower, and the diagonal is smaller.

The touch screen with support for full input is the second important difference.

Hardware platform

Smartphones are usually based on high-performance chipsets, which include multi-core processors with a frequency above 1 GHz, gigabytes of RAM and special graphics accelerators - analogous to computer video cards.

Mobile phones cannot boast of such a potential; as a rule, single-core processors with a frequency of several hundred megahertz and a couple of tens of megabytes of RAM are installed in their "heart".

The third difference is a powerful hardware platform.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we can highlight the main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone:

  • the presence of a full-fledged operating system;
  • the ability to install third-party programs;
  • large high-resolution touch screen;
  • powerful iron.

If in terms of traditional telephony, smart phones cannot boast of anything special, then in terms of additional features, even the most powerful “dialer” can hardly be compared in terms of capabilities with a budget smartphone. The only thing phones are confidently leading in is battery life. If a smartphone is able to work in standby mode for a maximum of a few days, then many inexpensive mobile phones can hold a charge for more than 10 days.

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Do you remember your first phone? Surely the new generation has not yet caught the Siemens A35, which was almost the limit of desires among teenagers. In those days, other phones were generally popular, including the same Siemens, Motorola, Nokia, Philips ... Today, the situation on the mobile device market has changed a lot and completely different companies “rule the show”. In particular, Samsung and Apple.

However, it should be noted that if 10-15 years ago the most ordinary phones, supplemented with many different functions, were the leaders in sales, today they have taken their place. Of course, the first ones can still be bought at any mobile phone store, but there are very few functions in them. But the cost of such a device can not but rejoice.

A mobile phone is a portable communication device that is used primarily for voice communication, as well as for sending and receiving SMS messages. It does not have an operating system.

A smartphone is, so to speak, the same mobile, but it has all the capabilities of a real computer. Smartphones are created on the basis of operating systems, thanks to which they have a huge number of all kinds of abilities.


As for external data, these two devices can be very different from each other, and in some cases they look exactly the same. Smartphones are usually much larger due to their large screen, where you can watch full-fledged videos or play games. usually have a small screen. However, this has its own plus - it is much harder to break a simple handset than a smartphone, besides, repairing such a device will be many times cheaper.

In addition, smartphones are often completely devoid of a keyboard; only a few buttons can be found on their body. For example, if we talk about the iPhone, then there are only three buttons on its body, not counting the silent mode key. All actions with the device are performed using the touch screen (finger tap). To dial a number from a regular cellular phone, use the keypad. However, modern technologies allow you to use many options with your voice, but this, again, is typical for smartphones, and far from the lowest cost.

Operating system

The presence of an operating system significantly expands the list of possibilities. Firstly, you get multitasking, that is, you can open several programs at once and minimize them without fear that they will be turned off. Secondly, it is support for a huge number of various files. Here's an example for you. If at best you can download an mp3 melody to a regular phone, then to the same one you can download it, but in other formats, for example, m4a. This means that you do not have to sit at your computer and wait for the song to be converted to the required format. The same can be said about other music files, including flac or wav (music lovers will understand what we are talking about). All of the above fully applies to video files.

Or here's another example. Tell me honestly, how many phones do you know that have a built-in GPS module? Don't remember these? But among smartphones, these are the majority. Here, however, there are moments. You can use the maps without even having a GPS module, since all information will be used via the Internet. However, if a GPS module is installed, then the maps can be safely used without the Internet, although for this you will first need to download the maps to your device.

Installed apps

If you open the Google Play store for Android or the App Store for Android, you will simply be shocked by the presence of all kinds of applications for devices. There are so many of them that the eyes just run up!

Here you will find an application for every taste. Let's say you like to cook - download a recipe app for yourself. Or you constantly use the subway - in order not to get lost, you can download the application of the same name. It is worth noting the fact that many programs are distributed free of charge, although some of them will have to pay a lot.

As for games, here is just a paradise for real gamers! Games - any, from the simplest type of cards or dominoes to the latest games, similar in graphics to computer games.


Almost any smartphone allows you to transfer files from one device to another, bypassing the computer. This can be done using technology that has become widespread several years ago. With its help, you can transfer almost any files, and the transfer speed remains very high.

However, most mobile phones in recent years are also equipped with a "blue tooth", so in this regard - a draw.


Summarize? As you can see, smartphones are easily ahead of conventional phones and have much more capabilities. However, they also have disadvantages, which include possible problems during operation, as well as a high cost. Although this is not always the case. For example, younger models from Samsung based on the Android operating system can be purchased for quite acceptable 4-6 thousand rubles. How do you think?

Spotting the difference at a glance

If you pick up two almost identical outwardly models from different categories, it may seem that they are identical. However, it is enough to turn on the gadget and evaluate the applications installed on it, as it immediately becomes clear how a smartphone differs from a phone.

Here are 5 main differences that will help you figure out whether a mobile device belongs to a particular type of technology:

1. The presence of an OS. Only smartphones come pre-installed with an open operating system (iOS, Android, Windows Phone).
2. Variety of programs. Thanks to the presence of an OS on a smartphone, you can install many useful programs. The functionality of the phone is expanded only by a limited number of simple java-applications.
3. Installing new software. Downloading and installing a new application on a smartphone is easy and simple using special paid and free online stores. Installing java applications on the phone can cause some difficulties.
4. Multitasking. In new generation smartphones, you can run multiple applications at once. This allows you to simultaneously listen to your favorite music, read the news, chat with friends and spend time on the Internet. In the phone, each program runs separately, and the user has to switch between them in turn.
5. Productivity. All functions implemented on a smartphone are several times higher than similar capabilities of a mobile phone. This applies to data transfer speed, Internet connection quality, media content playback level, photo and video recording.

What is better to choose: phone or smartphone?

The difference between a smartphone and a phone is no longer a mystery to you. But the question remained unresolved about what is better to purchase for your own use. Our recommendations will help you with this.

Do you need a reliable communication device that is not afraid of bumps and drops, water and dust? Looking for an inexpensive device with a long battery life? Are small dimensions and weight of a mobile phone important to you? In this case, you should stop your choice on the phone.

Are performance and versatility the main criteria for you? Do you want to have at hand a mini-computer with the maximum set of functions? Then you should pay attention to trendy smartphones. However, keep in mind that they have increased fragility, often have quite impressive dimensions and high cost.

You can always buy a budget mobile phone or a premium smartphone on the pages of the MOYO online store. Buy only high-quality equipment from leading manufacturers directly from the pages of a convenient virtual catalog!

Currently, a person cannot imagine his life without mobile communications. After all, with the help of the phone you call, send messages to your relatives and friends. Recently, people have often become interested in the difference between a smartphone and a phone. After all, with the help of both of them, you can send SMS, take photos, and also transfer pictures, files, and more. Both the first and the second have access to the Internet. But in fact, these two things are very different from each other. To understand in detail what exactly, read the article to the end.

Smartphones have dominated the mobile device market for many years.

They are used by a huge number of people around the world. The question of how a smartphone differs from a telephone can be answered by a seller in a mobile device store. Even a person who does not understand this issue can compare a simple phone and a smartphone. In fact, people make the right choice when they take a smartphone. It has more useful features than a phone. That is why a smartphone is superior to a simple cell phone. Let's do a comparative analysis.

Mobile is only for calls and sending messages. Of course, in addition to this, you can perform other actions on it, for example, go online and play Java games. A smartphone is, one might say, a portable computer. You can do a variety of things on it: read a book, watch a movie, and more. On a simple mobile phone, you will not be able to watch movies normally - if you peer at a small screen for a long time, this can negatively affect your vision. Smartphone literally means "smart phone". With it, you can access the Internet via WiFi, while you will have to pay money for accessing the network from a regular phone.

Device operating system

An OS for mobile phones plays an important role, since it is a full-fledged RAM that distinguishes a smartphone from ordinary cellular phones. The operating system gives the device a large number of features and functions. It ensures the operation of the entire apparatus. At the moment, there are a large number of operating networks for smartphones. The most popular are phones with Windows 8. As a rule, you can see a similar one on Nokia smartphones. Apart from Windows, there are other popular operating systems:

- Android. A popular system developed by Google. It is the fastest growing and competitive operating system.

- IOS (Apple). Many people now have Apple phones. This is a popular system that has its own design and interesting features.

- bada- is an OS developed by Samsung. Phones on this system are not in great demand, and it is not considered a full-fledged system.

But smartphones also have disadvantages.

For example, if you drop a simple phone, then the chance that it will crash or break is small. And if you accidentally drop your smartphone, then there is a high probability that it will break. Now you know the difference between a smartphone and a phone. Always be mobile.

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