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How is Microsoft Word different from WordPad? Work with a text editor WordPad.

Tabular display of data, nowadays, is a very good way to organize and organize a certain set of data. With the help of tables, we can display anything we want. Moreover, even the old and almost forgotten text editors know how to work with tables, although not in the way we used to do it in word or open office. Wordpad is no exception, as it also knows how to work with tables, although most users do not even know about it.

It's important to understand that wordpad is an old text editor. It is the editor, since its functionality does not reach the level of a full-fledged word processor. The first time, it was used in the old windows 95. Probably, many do not remember such an operating system anymore. Wordpad evolved from Windows Write from Windows 1.0. But enough theory, let's get down to creating tables in WordPress.

Creating a table in Wordpad is very simple, using the insert object function, which allows you to insert almost any object of programs whose editors are located on your PC. Let's take a closer look:

Creation by inserting a table object. Perhaps the most important difference between Wordpad and other text editors is its ability to use objects. Almost any object can be part of a document, from a drawing to another document. Can also be inserted into document and tables. To do this, look at the toolbar at the top and look for "Insert object" or if you have an English-language windows, then this menu will be called "Insert object":

After that, a window for selecting the type of the inserted object will open. This window will list the types of supported objects. You can also note that you can create a new "Create New" object, or you can create an object from an existing "Create from File" document. To create a table, you need to find "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" in the list:

After clicking the "OK" button, a table object will be created in your document. The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor will immediately open where you must enter the data that should be displayed in tabular form in your Wordpad document. Then close the spreadsheet editor:

In the example above, I've created a border for the table, regular and thick around the table. Let's see how to deal with this Wordpad:

Not quite the result expected. If you have the same situation, then you have made an incorrect insertion of the object. Make sure that in the object selection window NOT there was a check mark "Display as icon" or "Display As Icon":

After that, your table will display normally in your document:

Here is something like this. If you need to edit the created table, right-click on it and select "Object Sheet" → "Modify" or "Open". Next, the MicrosoftExcell editor will open where you can change the data of your table:

It should be noted that inserting objects is applicable only to those objects, programs for editing which you have installed on your computer. That is, if you want to insert a table into a Wordpad document, then you must have a table editor on your computer.

That's all, now you have created a table in Wordpad, and you have the necessary knowledge to edit it.

There are many programs in the Windows operating system that can replace third-party applications. At least in theory. These utilities include Windows Resource Monitor, disk defragmentation program, Notepad, Paint and other applications. Needless to say, these programs have almost no functionality. Therefore, users use third-party programs. One such built-in application is the WordPad text editor. What is this "Wordpad"? This is a program that can be somehow useful to the user.

What is WordPad?

So, WordPad is a program for creating and editing documents. It first appeared in Windows 95 and there were no changes until Vista. And only in "Windows 7" the developers decided to somehow diversify this utility. After the redesign, the application became similar to Microsoft Word 2007. In addition to the new design, the program has received richer functionality. Now it could easily be used to create normal documents.

Nevertheless, advanced users preferred the Word. Why? Yes, because this free alternative was deprived of the lion's share of the "Word" functionality and it was terribly inconvenient to use it. During the formation of the top ten, the functionality of the application has not changed at all. Only the design was changed. Still, WordPad can be used to create documents. But only if there is nothing better at hand.

Key features of WordPad

So, what is WordPad in a computer, we have already understood. Now it's time to review its main features and capabilities. This will not take much time, since this editor does not differ in particularly rich functionality. Here are the main features and functionality of the app:

  • Creation of documents. The program allows you to write and save text in TXT format. This is the simplest format. There is also the possibility of saving to DOC. Then the text formatting will be saved.
  • Editing. The application allows you to edit an already prepared text. However, it is not a fact that it correctly recognizes the font and encoding. You will have to configure everything yourself.
  • Insert pictures. This utility also has this option. But if in "Word" the process of inserting pictures into the text is strictly regulated and everything works out the first time, then in "Wordpad" this option is implemented a little crookedly.
  • Support for various encodings. The most useful feature of this editor. Basically, he can read any text. You just need to choose the right encoding manually. Plus - the text will have to be reformatted.
  • Creation of tables. This editor supports the creation of simple tables. But, unlike the "Word", it does not have such a versatile and convenient tool for creating them. Everything has to be drawn by hand.
  • Inserting objects. Useful for creating charts and graphs. However, creating such a complex element in this editor is still an adventure. He still won't let you make a diagram that is too cool.
  • Printing a document. Almost the only option that is implemented normally in WordPad. He prints well. Although it all depends on the settings of the printer. The editor himself takes little part in the printing process.

These are the main features and capabilities of WordPad. What is an application is in the list of standard programs and comes bundled with the OS, of course, well. But its functionality is not as rich as that of paid applications. Let's continue our review by looking at how to work with WordPad.

Creating a new document in the editor

Now let's talk about how to create a new document in WordPad. There is nothing difficult here, since the program's interface is extremely simple and intuitive. Moreover, in Russian.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and move to the "Standard - Windows" directory.
  2. Here we look for the item "WordPad" and click on it.
  3. The main program window will open. Here we click at the top of the item "File" and select "New".
  4. A "sheet" with a cursor will immediately appear.

That's all. You don't have to perform such a long chain of actions; after opening the "Wordpad" program, you need to press the "Ctrl + N" key combination. You can start writing text, formatting it, adding tables, diagrams and pictures. As you can see, the process of creating a new document is extremely simple. Now let's move on to the next step.

How to insert a picture?

Let's continue looking at the WordPad program. How to insert a picture in this text editor? In principle, there is nothing complicated about it. Difficulties will begin when you need to bring the picture to the required form. But that's a completely different story.

So, the algorithm for inserting a picture is as follows:

  1. In the main window of the program, click on the "Image" item.
  2. In the next window, go to the catalog with images.
  3. Select the desired picture and press the "Open" button.
  4. The picture will appear on the "sheet" in the document.
  5. Now, using the control elements, we bring it to the desired form.

That's all. It's easy to insert an image. It is much more difficult then to figure out its size and bring it to the desired form. But let's continue talking about how to work with the "Wordpad".

How do I insert the date and time?

There is also such an option in WordPad. Date and time pages may be needed when doing some specific work. Some users add it in order not to get confused in the stages of document creation. In any case, there is such an option and you need to know everything about how to use it.

To insert this component, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the main window (at the top of it), look for the "Date and Time" item and click on it.
  2. A window with a choice of the date format will open.
  3. Select the desired format and click "OK".
  4. The date and time will appear where the cursor is currently located.

That's all the wisdom. As already mentioned, the interface of this program is extremely simple, it is impossible to get confused in it. Now let's summarize. Let's summarize the information received about this application.


The text editor WorPad (what it is, we discussed above) is designed for creating and editing simple documents. In terms of its functionality, it is very far from the usual "Vord". It can be used to create notes, small notes accompanied by simple illustrations, but nothing more.

For more complex documents that require building graphs, diagrams or adding complex tables, it is better to use "Word" or some equivalent free program (there are also such programs).


Microsoft's WordPad was created at a time when no one had heard of a full-fledged Office from Microsoft. And in those realities, she was really in demand. Without it, it would be difficult to work on a computer. But in modern realities, this OS component does not look very presentable. However, Microsoft continues to support the utility in every possible way.

Perhaps, in the next versions of the OS, this editor will not be very different in functionality from the "Word", which will allow users not to spend money on the purchase of expensive software. In the meantime, you can use this option to create simple documents and edit them.

The most famous office application for creating and editing documents is undoubtedly Microsoft Word. On computers and laptops with Windows 10 preinstalled, it is sometimes included in the software package that comes with the operating system.

A demo version is offered, which you can use for a certain period of time free of charge. There is also WordPad preinstalled. At first glance, it has a lot in common with Word: they have a similar interface, they both open .doc and .docx files and are able to edit them. Many users confuse them and are surprised when they cannot find any function in WordPad that is only in Word. The fact is that Microsoft Word and WordPad are not the same thing, but what are the differences between them, read below.

1. A different class of programs

Despite the similar interface and functions, the programs belong to different software categories. Word is a complete office document editor. WordPad is a text editor designed for much simpler tasks.

2. Functionality

Functionality WordPad

Word has much more functionality. This, however, is obvious: if you look at the interface of the two programs, you can see that in Word it is much more extensive. Accordingly, there are also more functions in it. Here, the appearance of the document can be changed beyond recognition, and WordPad makes it possible to only slightly edit the text, changing the type, style and size of the font, changing its color and inserting images into the document. As a result, many documents created in Word may not display correctly in WordPad. There may be no formatting in places. If a lot of its different tools have been applied, then the document may even be displayed as a blank Word page.
It is noteworthy that WordPad does not support older document formats. All versions of Windows after XP do not support the .doc format.

3. Distribution format

WordPad is a free program that comes with the operating system since Windows 95. Word is a paid program. There has never been a free version of it, nor do they exist at the moment.
The question of what are the differences between Microsoft Word and WordPad is similar to the question of the differences between a calculator and a full-fledged computer. Both are calculating machines, but the first is much more perfect. The same is observed here. The range of application of Microsoft Word goes far beyond the personal interests of a particular person. It is used by many of the largest corporations to solve serious and large problems. In the extended office suites, in addition to it, there are various services and services (for example, a place in the cloud service), which simplify work with serious projects. Naturally, developers ask to pay for such a powerful tool.
WordPad is only suitable for creating text documents, which, however, can be made a little more beautiful and presentable than those created by very simple editors like Notepad. Also, WordPad helps out well in situations when you need to quickly view a DOCX file, and there is no Word program on your computer. Of course, there may be display problems, but in most cases they are insignificant and hardly interfere with viewing. Naturally, the program is absolutely free. Agree, it would be strange to demand money for such an application. No additional services are provided to it, since this is simply not necessary.

WordPad is the simplest WYSIWYG word processor. Unlike Notepad, this program allows not only editing, but also formatting text. Formatting, as we already know, is the task of aligning, changing the font, etc. All this can be done using the WordPad program, which can be called from the All Programs> Accessories menu.

WordPad interface

If you look at the program window (Fig. 11.4), you will notice that compared to Notepad, some menu items have been added, and toolbars have also appeared. In addition, directly above the working area of ​​the document there is a ruler that displays the borders of the document and the current paragraph in width.

Rice. 11.4.

The top toolbar contains buttons for creating, opening and saving a document, printing it and previewing it before printing, a search button, as well as buttons for working with the clipboard, a cancel button and a date / time insert button that displays a window from which you can choose the option that suits the format. All these functions, except for the preview, which allows us to see the document as it will be printed, are already familiar to us from Notepad, so the bottom panel, or formatting panel, is of greatest interest. There is a drop-down list on it that allows you to select a typeface for the selected text, then - a list that determines the size of the font size, then - buttons that make the selected font bold, italic or underlined, as well as a color selection button. Note that the formatting buttons affect the currently selected text. However, if you change something when nothing is selected, and then immediately start entering text, then it will be displayed already taking into account the changes made. At the very end there are paragraph alignment buttons (unfortunately, there is no width alignment) and a marker insert button, which is very useful for creating lists.

Create documents in WordPad

WordPad can work with TXT and RTF files, so creating a new document starts with choosing a file format. If you need WordPad as a plain text editor (like Notepad), then select a text document, and the extra formatting bar in this case will be removed from the screen. In addition to regular text, WordPad can work in Unicode text, which allows, if you have the appropriate fonts installed and multilingual support from the operating system, use any characters, up to hieroglyphs.

Unlike ASCII encoding, Unicode uses not one, but two bytes to represent each character. This made it possible to predetermine 65,536 characters instead of 256. At present, 39,000 are defined, of which more than half - 21,000 - are occupied by Chinese characters. Some text editors (for example, Notepad from Windows 9x) cannot correctly read text documents written in Unicode.

The rules for entering and editing text here are the same as in Notepad. But remember that transferring in WYSIWYG editors should not be done by you using the Enter key: the program will transfer letters to another line automatically when they reach the right edge when typing. Press Enter only at the end of a paragraph. One more rule: in formatted documents (RTF, DOC), never use spaces to align anything. So, in order to align the heading in the center, you just need to click the Center button, and not put 20-30 spaces in a row. And to set the indentation, it is more expedient to use the tab character (Tab key).

Text formatting

If you can only edit text in Notepad, you can also design it in WordPad. For this, the program has all the fixed assets. So, in order to select a word in bold, select it and press the Bold button (or Ctrl + B). Similarly, the text is made italic (Ctrl + I). And if you need to change several font parameters at once, then use the Font item from the Format menu, not forgetting to first select the text for which the changes are intended. This will open the font parameters window, shown in Fig. 11.5.

Rice. 11.5.

If you have already customized the font for Notepad, you will notice that a Modify group has been added, which is responsible for such parameters as color and appearance. When choosing a typeface, make sure that it contains Cyrillic characters, and when choosing a color, keep in mind that it should be clearly distinguishable not on a gray (as in the sample), but on a white background. In addition, if the printing is done on a monochrome printer, then all colors will be displayed as shades of gray, while, say, dark green will be almost indistinguishable from red. Also, do not make the font size too small, or it will be difficult to read.

As for the formatting of paragraphs, they are initially aligned to the left. If you need to align any paragraph (for example, a heading or epigraph) in a different way, it is not necessary to select it - a sufficient condition for changing the parameters of a paragraph is the presence of the input cursor anywhere in it. But if you want to change the alignment of several paragraphs at once, then all of them should be selected. By the way, in WordPad to quickly move from one paragraph to another, there are special combinations of "hot keys": Ctrl + Up Arrow moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph, and Ctrl + Down Arrow - to the beginning of the next. In addition, in RTF editors there is also such an action as a triple-click with the mouse, with which you can immediately select the entire paragraph.

It remains to consider one more way of text decoration - markers. In WordPad, a bullet is a bullet at the beginning of a paragraph. In this case, the text itself slides to the right. In more powerful editors, such as Word, you can use any character or even a picture as a marker. To select paragraphs with a marker, select them and click the Bullets button or select the appropriate item from the Format menu. If you start a new paragraph after the bulleted paragraph, it will also have a bullet. To cancel this, press the Marker button again. The same goes for the alignment of paragraphs: if you start a new one by pressing Enter after a paragraph is centered, it will be centered as well. Therefore, in order not to do unnecessary work, make it a rule to always enter the entire text of the document first and only then deal with its formatting.

ActiveX and object insertion

In many editors, in addition to text, you can enter other information, such as graphics, and WordPad is no exception. In general, in Windows, there are several different ways to inject data from one program into another. The simplest of these is the clipboard. In particular, in WordPad through it you can insert not only text, but also graphics: for this, you just need to click on the Paste from clipboard button, and if there was a graphic object in the clipboard, it will be inserted into the text of the document.

A more complex but powerful way is the OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) mechanism, for some time now called the more buzzword ActiveX. With ActiveX, you can do two fundamentally different things: embed an object (such as a picture or spreadsheet) into a document, or associate an external object (the same picture or table) with a document. The difference is that during embedding the object remains static, that is, changing the same table in Excel does not in any way affect the state of the table embedded using embedding in Word or WordPad. But when linking, it happens differently: if you open both the source document (in Excel) and the document in which this object is embedded, and then change something in Excel, the changes will also occur in the linked object. However, in order to insert a link, full OLE (or ActiveX) support is required from the application providing the inserted information. In addition, editing of "simply embedded" objects, as a rule, occurs directly in the editing window, while editing a linked object calls up the source file along with the application that created it. Another important difference is that the information about the associated object is stored in the source program file, that is, it remains where it was, while when deployed, it is stored inside the main document. This is important to remember if you are transferring such files between computers.

If you have not yet understood anything from the previous paragraph, then it's okay: you will figure it out over time. In the meantime, for clarity, open the Calculator program, use the View menu to switch it to engineering mode and press Alt + Print Screen. This keyboard shortcut takes a "snapshot" of the selected screen window (to capture the entire screen, just press Print Screen) and puts it in the clipboard as a bitmap (bitmap). Then start WordPad and in the top line enter the phrase: "Screenshot of calculator in engineering mode." Since this will be the heading, center align it by clicking the Center button. It would be nice to make it bigger, so select the entire line in any way you like:

  1. if the insertion cursor is at the very end, then by pressing (and holding) the Shift key, press Home;
  2. if the cursor is anywhere between words, then first press Home, and then Shift and, while holding it, End. Or, conversely, first End, and then Shift and Home;
  3. move the mouse to the field in front of the highlighted line so that the pointer takes the form of an arrow tilted to the right and click the left button;
  4. move the mouse pointer to the beginning of the sentence, press and hold the left button, move the pointer to the end of the sentence;
  5. quickly make three clicks with the left mouse button anywhere in the paragraph (sentence).

It should be noted here that the first three methods are suitable only if the fragment of the text to be selected occupies exactly one line.

Then choose a font size (for example, 14), make it bold (the Bold button) and at the same time change the typeface from Times New Roman to Arial. After all the manipulations have been done, start a new paragraph. To do this, go to the end of the line (by pressing the End key or moving the mouse pointer to the position immediately after the last character and clicking the left button) and press Enter. Please note: the created paragraph will start from the middle of the page and have the same design options as the previous one. If you start to enter text, it will "spread" in both directions from the middle of the window.

So, if you entered something in a new line, then erase it using the Backspace key. Then press Ctrl + V (or choose Paste from the Edit menu). The image of the calculator window will be inserted into the document (Fig. 11.6).

Rice. 11.6.

In addition to the usual insert, there is also a special one. It is also on the Edit menu, but before actually inserting the object, you will also be asked in which format to insert the picture - as a bitmap or a DIB (Device Independent Format) picture. In fact, in this case, the result will be the same (you can check it), so there is no need to do unnecessary work: pressing Ctrl + V is much easier and faster than climbing the menu and dealing with formats.

Printing a Document

The easiest way to print a document from WordPad is to click on the printer button on the toolbar. But it may also happen that the predefined print settings do not suit you: the margins are too narrow (or, conversely, wide), the layout of the sheet does not fit, etc. Just like in Notepad, in WordPad there is a possibility of adjusting the page settings, but unlike its simpler cousin, WordPad does not provide for the creation of headers and footers. But there is another menu item - Preview, by calling which you can see what will be printed.

As for the Print item from the menu, it behaves in the same way as in Notepad: before sending a document to print, a window will appear where you can specify which printer should be printed (if there are several), which pages should be displayed and how many copies you want to make.

2011-07-05 // Any questions, suggestions, comments? You can

The WordPad program (Start ^ Programs Accessories> WordPad) is a fTjfc word processor, that is, it is intended for preparing presentation documents that must be viewed on a screen or printed on a boom p

In such documents, not only the content plays an important role, but also the design.

How is a word processor different from a text editor?

Unlike a text editor, tex i o i! -or the processor controls not only the content of the document, but also its external view, or format. The word processor, in addition to the operations of editing the contents of the document, allows you to carry out operations of format, which allow you to accurately determine the result of issuing documents for a specific device (usually sheets of paper of a certain size, less often a screen).

What are the main parameters of the printed page?

If the document is intended for issuing for printing, then when drawing it up, it is necessary to take into account the size of the sheets of paper on which the issuance will be made, as well as the size of the margins that remain on all four sides of the sheet. In Wort / Parf, the appropriate settings are made using the File> Page Setup command. In the Page Setup dialog box that opens, you can specify the paper size in the Size drop-down list, select the vertical (Portrait) or horizontal (Landscape) orientation of the sheet, set the margins (in mm or 11 meters) in the Left, Right, Top, Bottom text boxes ...

How is text created and edited in WordPad?

The possibilities of creating and editing text in the WordPad program practically do not differ from those of the Notepad program. The main differences are the presence of a hum of tools, which facilitates, mainly, work with the clipboard, as well as the ability to control the format of the date and time when they are inserted into the document (the command Insert> Date and Time and the Date / Time button on the panel tools).

What is document formatting?

Formatting a document is setting up its appearance. Formatting a document determines how it should look when viewed on screen or when printed. First of all, word processors are designed specifically for preparing paper documents, allowing you to determine with absolute accuracy where the information is located on the page. You can use formatting commands to change the style of individual characters, as well as determine how entire paragraphs are displayed. Compared to most powerful word processors, WordPad has limited formatting capabilities.

How does the presence of formatting affect the content of a document file?

Formatting information should be stored in the document file along with information about its content. This means that the file is larger in size than a pure text file with the same content. Moreover, the method of recording information]<>formatting is different in different text processors, which is why you can open formatted text documents only if<: жении, в каком они были созданы, или в совместимой программе. В Windows XP программа WordPad предполагает сохранение документов и ф(фмате RTF, хотя способна открывать документ].! некоторых других фор u;i гон, например файлы.DOC в формате программ ы Word,

What is the main formatting element in WordPad?

The main unit and time formatting in WordPad is the paragraph. Some of the MI formatting commands affect smaller text elements (words, individual characters), but no command can automatically affect a large part of the text.

How much of the text is affected by the formatting commands?

If a fragment of text is selected before using the command (> \ лл, then the command affects the selected fragment. Paragraph formatting commands affect paragraphs in which f r is the selected text. If there is no selection, then the command format) ^ out of paragraph affects the current paragraph , that is, the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned. The formatting command with a character in this case affects the characters that will be entered after using this command at this point in the document. Moving the cursor terminates the command.

How do I change the typeface?

To change the typeface, that is, the type of displayed characters, you can use the Font drop-down list in the format bar (the bottom of the two toolbars). This list contains all the fonts installed on your computer. Another way is to use the Select Font dialog box, which opens with the Shapes command; i> Font or the Font item of the context menu. Required headset 11; | pa nybi- | Tirnes New Romar is in this case in the Font list

How do I change the font size?

Changing the font size is done in the same way as choosing a font. You can use the Font size drop-down list in the formatting bar, as well as the Size list in the "- ™ Font selection" dialog box (Format> Font). Font size is set by I zsh in points, and you can not only use the values ​​included in the list, but also enter arbitrary values ​​in the field, specified with an accuracy of 0.5 points.

What is the Font Style drop-down list in the Format Bar for?

Unlike other controls, this list is for informational purposes only. For fonts that support the Unicode standard, it contains a list of the character sets included in the installed font. The required character set is selected automatically \ „..- h | Cyrillic - * & ticheski when changing keyboard layout. "^

How do I change the font style and color?

The buttons on the formatting bar allow you to use bold (Bold), Italic, and underline text. If the corresponding mode is enabled, the button is displayed pressed; to disable it, click on it again. Different types of style can be used at the same time. When using the Select Font dialog box (Format> Font), bold and italic are specified in the Style list. The underline mode is specified by selecting the Underline check box, and the Strikethrough check box allows you to enable an additional text strikethrough mode. The text color is selected from the menu that opens when you click the Color button, or from the Color drop-down list in the Select Font dialog box. The ability to use a color not included in this list is not available in WordPad.

What is a ruler for?

The ruler is a special WordPad tool that is located below the toolbars. The ruler is a measuring scale that allows you to judge the position of text in relation to the left and right margins of the page. In addition, the ruler contains controls that allow you to set paragraph boundaries and adjust tab stops.

How do I change the text alignment?

Text alignment commands are related to paragraph formatting commands. WordPad supports three alignment modes: Left-aligned (lines start from l<:впго поля листа, так что их левые края образуют вертикальную линию), По i (ентру (строки размещаются симметрично относительно середины стран! цы; режим использу- г-".^1^ ется для оформления заголовков) и По правому краю (строки f^-[ -заканчиваются у правого поля листа, так {го их правые края образуют вертикальную линию; такой режим используется при оформлении эпиграфов и обращений в официальных документах). Выбор режима осуществляется щелчком на соответствующей кнопке i ia панели форматирования или с помощью раскрывающегося списка Выраинивание в диалоговом окне Абзац (Формат >Paragraph). The possibility of alignment in width, with even right and left borders, generally accepted for texts in Russian, is absent in the WordPad program.

How do you manage indentation?

Indentation defines the left and right r |:.; Paragraphs, as well as the amount of indentation in the first line of a paragraph ^ red line * -). You can set paragraph boundaries using triangular markers on the ruler (markers located and -; iy define the left and right borders of the paragraph, the marker located at the top sets the indent of the red line). 11: The attachment of markers can be changed by dragging. As you drag the square handle, the left paragraph border and the red line indent change while maintaining relative position. Another way to change paragraph borders is to use the Paragraph dialog box. Paragraph parameters are set in the Indent panel, in the Left, Right and First line boxes. The first line indent value can be negative, in which case a paragraph indent is obtained.

How is tabulation used when formatting?

Word processors, unlike tech editors, usually allow you to customize the effect of the TAB key. When pressed, the cursor moves to the next tab stop. But by default, tab stops are positioned every half an inch, which is indicated by small vertical vn serifs at the bottom of the ruler. the position of the tab stop, you should click on the ruler in the right place. The created tab stop marks!: i on, in the form of a black corner; standard npt tab stops in the manually specified line are ignored in this case. So you can create any number of positions tabs .To delete tabs, drag

General purpose standard programs corner off-line. More precise setting of tab stops can be done in the Tabs dialog box (Format> Tabs). The tab stops are in centimeters from the left margin. The installed items are listed in the list. After specifying the position of the new tab stop in the existing field, you can click the Set button. Tab stops are removed using the Clear and Clear All buttons.

How do I create a bulleted list?

Each bulleted paragraph is marked with a left margin marker to indicate that the paragraphs are thematically related. To convert the current paragraph to a bulleted list, click the Bullets button on the format bar or choose Format> Bullet. You can cancel the bulleted list mode with the same command. If you are entering text, after you turn on the bulleted list, a bullet automatically appears in each paragraph you create by pressing the ENTER key. To stop creating the list, you will have to use the same comantu again.

What is Preview Mode?

Although formatting commands affect how a document appears in the WordPad window, sometimes you want to see it exactly on the screen as it will be printed. For this purpose, use the Preview button on the toolbar or the File> Preview command. In preview mode, you can flip through the document and change the scale of its display. To return to edit mode, click the Close button.

How is the document printed?

Printing a document from Word Pad is done in a standard way. To print the entire document with the default settings, use the Print button on the toolbar. You can open the Print dialog box using the File> Print command (or the alternative keyboard shortcut CTRL + P), or using the Print button in preview mode.

What are the options for saving a document in WordPad?

To save a document in WordPad, you can use the standard commands File> Save (CTRI. + S) and File> Save As. When using the Save As dialog box, you can choose the format of the document. The IG / "(RTF file) format is a generally accepted standard for describing formatted documents and, as such, is recognized by many word processors. In Windows XP, only this format ensures the preservation of information about the formatting of the document. Different formats for saving text> i< жу мента сохраняют только содержание документа, отбрасывая информацию о форматировании. Они отличаются только используемой кодировкой символов.

Does WordPad allow you to create combined documents?

Yes, WordPad lets you create; n> combined documents, in this case text documents containing graphic illustrations, multimedia inserts and other objects.

How do I create an object within a combined document?

In order to create an object in a combined document, give the command Insert »Object. Select the Create new check box and select the Object type R from the list. Depending on the i n of the selected object, either the window of the corresponding application will be opened, or toolbars and other elements of the corresponding application window will appear right in the window of the WordPad program. After creating i t with i and editing the data, close the separate window or click on the document page outside the object area. The new object is embedded in the edited document.

How do I use an existing file as an object in a combined document?

Having given the command Insert * Object, set the Create from file switch. The name of the file can be entered in the File name i n n nprat by using the Browse button. By default, the file is embedded and the. Document. If linking is required, check the Link box.

How do I create an object using the clipboard?

To insert an object from the clipboard into a combined WordPad document, you must first create the desired object (or fragment) in the appropriate application and place it in the clipboard. If the object cannot be interpreted as text, you can paste it using the usual Edit> Paste command. If you need to specify exactly what format should be used when pasting, you should use the Edit> Paste Special command.

How to play multimedia information?

Multimedia information cannot be presented in full within the combined document. Sound recordings are represented as an icon, video recordings - as an image containing the first frame. To play, you must double-click on the object. Typically, this will bring up a console in the document that you can use to control playback.

How do I change the inserted object?

Not all objects can be falsely edited (changed). If you click on an area of ​​an object once, the object is selected with a frame and resizing handles (small squares at the sides and corners of the area). With these handles, you can drag the size of the area selected for the object. In this case, the object image is usually rescaled. To change not the image of the object, but the object itself, you must double-click on the object area. If it is possible to change the object, then either it will be possible to edit within the document, or the parent application window for the object will open. For a linked object, you can also edit the original file and then update using the object properties dialog box (Edit> Object Properties).

How do I remove an object from a combined document?

To remove an object from a combined document, you must select it. and then give the Edit> Clear command or just press the) DELETE key,

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