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The lower the ping, the better. What is Ping

To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping is used, which sends an ICMP request to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result that comes in response from this device.

That is, the ping command helps to determine the amount of time it takes to transfer certain data from one device to another.

The shorter the latency, the faster the connection between the two nodes is.

What is ping

Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one device on the network will be delivered to another device on the network and will be returned back.

The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open a web page.

There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the speed of access to certain network devices. It can be used as the primary means of determining the return period for packets along the route of interest.

Ping should be used with any Internet site, including to control the quality of connection with terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly establish the presence or absence of connection problems at the physical (broken, damaged cable, failure of the network card, etc.) and software (for example, blocking all network traffic) levels.

Pinging is when you send a certain number of data packets from one device to another device, both on the local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packages, you can get information on the quality of the connection.

If there are no received responses from the device being tested, then there are connection problems. Packets that did not come back are called "losses". The higher the number of lost packets, the worse. If all sent packets are lost, then this means either the absence of a network connection, or the unavailability of the pinged device.

The ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable the connection between nodes.

Video: ping check

Verification methods

To test the connection using pinging, you can either run the ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

Through the command line

To check the ping through cmd, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  • open a command prompt in one of three ways:


An alternative option to check the ping to the server online is to use online services. These Internet services allow you to check the availability of an information resource and the waiting time of users.

Let's consider the most common ones:

How to check the ping to the router

The fastest and easiest way in Windows to check the ping to the router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its ip-address. It is usually printed on the back of the router case. Most often, the router has the following ip address

In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

If the router has an IP address of (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

This result indicates that the ip-address is available and responses to ICMP requests are coming. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its availability from the workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the settings of the router through its web interface.

If the IP address of the router is not available and there is no response from the device, then the result of the ping command is as follows:

Photo: the result of the ping command

In such a situation, you need to check which ip-address is set in the settings of the network card, try to change the port in the router and, in extreme cases, reset the router settings to the factory settings.

Usually, ping is discussed in the case of an increase in the time between operations on the local network or the Internet, or in the absence of a response from the addressee. For example, it is quite often required to check the ping in relation to search engines. Often the comfort of online games depends on ping.

It is wise to check the ping to the game server before playing. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable the network is.

Do you play online games? Shot at the enemy, and he teleported a few meters to the side? Because of the high kick, there are still not such jokes, and how do you find out your ping?

First, clarification: what is ping. The time it took by the client to send a packet of information or a request to the server plus the time it took to receive the information or a response is a ping. Translated from English into Russian, you get a "whistle". Which is quite consistent with the measurement speed - ping is measured in milliseconds, i.e. one millisecond is 1/1000 of a second.

In simple terms, ping is the time it takes for a computer to respond to a request. The answer doesn't come out of thin air. It is born in the bowels of another computer. First, a question over the network reaches this other computer. Then it is returned in the same way over the network as an answer. All this happens on the Internet. And the time spent on the question-answer is the ping.

Knowing your ping isn't just curiosity

From this it follows that the shorter, less, and lower the ping of the computer, the better, faster, and the faster the exchange of information. If the ping is high or large, the dynamics is slowed down, it will simply not be possible to issue commands on time or respond quickly. In the game, this is almost a guaranteed loss.

Knowing your ping means realistically assessing your capabilities in the game or communication. But these capabilities are installed or dictated by the computer, in this case its ping. And how do you know this very ping? What does that require? There is no particular difficulty in finding out the ping. You can do this on your computer or use dedicated websites and online services.

Determining the ping speed: method number 1

Here is one way that can determine if there is a data packet transmission or a ping to the server. Perhaps it does not work at all, "is silent". In case of "silence", either the server itself is to blame, it is not responding, but the rest of the websites are working. Or it is necessary to look for the reason on the line. A call to the operator will help: you need to clarify what the matter is. In parallel, it is possible to calculate the ping time in milliseconds.
This is how it looks: go to Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run. The next step: enter, if the server IP address is known, in the ping line or, knowing the site address, ping

Next step: press Enter. You can immediately see that requests are being sent to the selected address.
Particular attention should be paid to whether the packages will be exchanged, how many of them have gone, how many have been received, what is the percentage of losses, if any. Generally, ideally, the percentage should be zero. And below the speed will be visible. For example, if it is about 66 ms, and the request was sent to the Google server, there is every reason to believe that everything went very well.

How to find out your ping: method number 2

This method is for online services, for example, a ping test. Follow the link first. Then you need to select the city where the service will be located, which, in theory, should accept the request. On the map and you need to click on this city.
This is where the test itself begins. Besides him, i.e. speed test, you can find out the ping of this particular connection. In this case, it is not the speed that interests, but the ping determined first.

You need to know an approximate good level: the optimal figure for a good ping is about 100 ms. There is a very decent data transmission channel behind this. For the same, and a fairly close distance of the server from the location of the computer.

Method number 3

And here is the recommendation of an experienced user, which is recognized as one of the best (quoted verbatim):
“The easiest and most common way is to check online at, where you will be shown ping, Internet speed for both incoming and outgoing streams. One of the advantages is that you can check the speed and ping of your Internet connection to a different source, be it New York, London, Moscow, any city in the world with which you need to check the connection speed. "

Knock. And they will open to you

In general, the Internet is not just a web. This is the place where you can always get an answer to the seemingly difficult question. Moreover, the answer is with options. One of them will cover the problem of a particular user with a computer as much as possible. Including, it will help you to find out your ping. But first it is necessary, speaking in the army language, to study the materiel. Perhaps, it is much more important to understand the computer language, special terminology. And, of course, to understand the programs, without the installation of which the newest and most powerful computer will be just a heap of hardware and plastic.

What is ping in internet speed? This parameter denotes the signal delay from the user's computer to some server. The value is shown in milliseconds (this is one thousandth of a second). The smaller it is in a multiplayer game, the less the delay for various actions performed in the game software. Today we will take a closer look at how ping is measured, how normal it is, how it is interconnected with the connection speed.

Many factors affect ping: the stability and speed of the network connection, the range of the server with which data is exchanged, the type of connection, and the congestion of the Internet channel.

Due to the high ping in the game, there are many control problems, which include the hero's reaction to user actions or unforeseen teleportations of other players. An increase in the value can occur due to unstable Internet, long distance to the connection point, the functioning of background software, which gives additional load. If the ping speed is low, then everything works fine, there is no need to change anything. If the latency is high, you should definitely reduce it.

What is the normal ping and how to find it out? It's pretty simple to do this:

  • you can use the command line available in Windows. You open it;

  • enter the command "ping resource name or ip address" (like "ping");

  • information on the immediate delay appears, as well as the number and% of lost packets.

What is ping in Internet speed: we use additional commands to check

You can diagnose signal delay using more complex commands:

  • ping -t allows you to start a permanent check of the parameter. This helps to determine more accurate values ​​or to check the stability of the connection over a long period of time;

  • tracert- used to trace to some resource or server. This will help you figure out exactly where the spike in latency or packet loss is occurring.

Other commands, most likely, will not be needed by ordinary computer users, but to view them, you can simply enter "ping" or "tracert" on the command line.

  • Deactivate all background applications or utilities that load the Internet;
  • If you are using a Wi-Fi router, you should connect your PC to the network via an Ethernet cable. With full use of the wireless connection, the signal becomes weaker;
  • Check that there are no kinks, breaks, twists on the Ethernet cables;
  • Do not use the drivers for network cards or routers that come with the operating system, they rarely function correctly. It is better to install software from the developer of a network card, Wi-Fi adapter or modem;
  • If mobile data transmission is used, you should ensure a stable signal quality by installing a modem or 4G router near the window. It's important to choose good quality USB cables;
  • Download the latest version of the browser to go online;
  • Check your computer hardware regularly for viruses and other malicious software.

If all of the above points did not help, it is worth contacting the technical support of the provider, because it does not provide a high-quality level of Internet connection.

Reducing ping in games

The previous instructions will help with this procedure, but there are other methods to reduce ping:

  • Many multiplayer games have a server selection feature. You do not need to choose servers that are too overloaded or located as far as possible from you;
  • Use only official gaming software;
  • Eliminate third-party modifications and add-ons, they often seriously load the processor or Internet channel;
  • Sometimes an increase in ping occurs due to a lack of power of the central processor, in which case it is necessary to lower the graphic parameters that affect the CPU (the video card is not taken into account here);
  • Activate the "Game Mode" in the OS antivirus settings, this will stop downloading updates and the rest of the background work;
  • For the most dynamic PC games, you shouldn't use mobile data. The quality of this connection is not enough for good gameplay, which can lead to a serious increase in performance. Many users are wondering if ping depends on internet speed? Of course it depends. So the speed should be maximum.

What is ping in internet speed? As you can see, the quality of the computer depends on this value. Try to check this figure regularly and keep it constant.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. If you actively use the Internet, and especially if you play online games, then you have undoubtedly heard about such a thing as ping.

Sometimes problems arise with it when it is too high, and the question arises of how to lower the ping. Sometimes, for the sake of this, they even change the Internet provider, reinstall the system and perform other difficult actions.

However, many have heard this word only occasionally and do not really know what it is. So I'll start from the beginning, namely what ping is, why is it so important and how you can check it. Well, in conclusion, I will mention what can affect its reduction. Hope it will be interesting.

In general, the word "ping" has two similar meanings. In everyday life ping is called checking the quality of the Internet channel on the subject of how quickly the signals pass through it. If it is fast, then the channel is good, which is especially critical for those who play online games in which events unfold a little faster than in chess.

You've probably heard about such a game as Counter Strike - an online shooter (first person shooter), when you play over the network with a group of players like you and each of you controls the actions of your character through the Internet. And what does ping have to do with it, you ask? But with that.

Let's say that you've spotted your enemy and pressed the shot button. What happens then? The signal from the game program installed on your computer goes through the Internet to the server (a special computer that can be located anywhere on the network) where the game is running. But the Internet is not an abstract thing, but physical devices through which the signal you send will go. AND signal flow rate along this path can be completely different.

Very often in everyday life it is the response speed that is meant when they talk about ping. Those. how quickly a signal from your computer will travel through the network to another computer (or server) and then return back to you. If the ping is very large (it is usually measured in milliseconds), then your game will shamelessly lag, slow down and stupid. And you'll be ready to split the mouse and keyboard on the monitor screen.

And how else, if you do not have time to do anything with such monstrous delays in the transmission of your actions and receiving a response to them. While your signal of a shot goes to the server and returns back, you may already be shot (and more than once).

Low ping can drive an inveterate player to a frenzy, and an ordinary Internet user will not be very pleasant to wait a long time for the pages to open in the browser. But nevertheless, the issues of checking and reducing ping (increasing the response speed) are primarily of concern to online players.

How to check ping?

A little earlier, I said that the word "ping" has two interpretations. One of them (everyday) I explained a little higher. But the second is based on the fact that there is such a ping program (on all operating systems that can work with the Internet), which allows you to send a test message to any Internet node with an IP address (a computer on the network, server, router, etc.) ) and measure the time it takes for it to come back.

Exactly this time is called ping(delay or lag). The test package is lightweight and is sent using a special service protocol. Due to the latter circumstance, not in all cases a high ping (a long delay between sending and receiving) will indicate a bad Internet channel, because problems with signal transmission can arise only through this service channel, and everything will fly with a bang through the main channel ...

But in most cases, you can equate a high ping with a bad channel (not suitable for online games). It is impossible to play an online shooter (and any other game other than a turn-based strategy game) if the ping is 300 milliseconds (one third of a second). But if it is 15-20 ms, then everything is just fine and you won't even need to know what it is, and even more so how it is measured. Interest in pinging arises mainly when problems and serious lags appear.

So, to check the ping, you do not need to download or install anything else. If you are, then in the interface of your game, the current average (or maximum) ping value (and often fps - the rendering speed in frames per second) will most likely be displayed somewhere.

If you didn’t find it, or if you are interested in the speed of response without applying it to gaming fun, then there are no special problems here either. As I mentioned, all operating systems have built-in ping programs. Due to the fact that I am not familiar with Linux, I will explain it using windows as an example.

What needs to be done in Windows, what to check the ping? Too little banality:

There is also online services for, which will often also check ping (the time it takes for a test signal to travel from your computer to their server). But still, the method described above is the most reliable in terms of measurement accuracy.

In addition to measuring the transit time of a test signal, this program (ping) is often used to ping server or router. In this case, the fact of receiving an answer will be important in itself, and not the time that was spent on sending and receiving it. By pinging different network devices, you can often localize a breakdown in the chain of devices (at work, this is exactly what I do). In general, a useful thing 🙂

How to reduce (lower) ping?

If your ping value is very critical, and it is very large as evil (such that it creates problems with online games or even when working in a browser), then you naturally begin to wonder - is it possible to somehow lower it. In principle, it is possible, but it is far from always possible to achieve a decrease in ping by simple manipulations.

What the response time can depend on:

  1. From your internet service provider.
    1. It is not even the channel width that is important here, but its quality. You can get a ping of 300 ms on a 100 megabit channel (), and you can get 4 ms on a 10 megabit channel. If carried out, then a six-lane gravel road will be a priori slower than a two-lane, but asphalt one.
    2. However, the channel width does matter. A narrow channel can cause degraded response times. lags can arise due to the banal congestion of the channel (packets simply cannot be pushed through). This can be compared to traffic jams on a road with a luxurious surface, but too narrow to cope with the existing traffic.
  2. From the game server. It may have insufficient quality or too narrow Internet access channel, which is why many people experience brakes and lags in games.
  3. From the location of the game server. It may be trite to be too far from you, and the signal passing through many tens of intermediate nodes slows down and may even be partially lost.
  4. From the signal flow from the network card of your computer to the file of the game that you are running. There can be a lot of reasons affecting ping - from viruses to broken operating system settings.

Actually, from all of the above, advice follows that can help you lower your ping to an acceptable value, when it will no longer affect the comfortable use of your computer on the network.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Team PING it is perhaps the most used network command line utility. PING is present in all versions of all network-enabled operating systems and is a simple and convenient means of polling a node by name or its IP address.

For the exchange of service and diagnostic information in the network, a special protocol of control messages is used. ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol). Team ping allows you to send a control message like Echo Request(the type is 8 and is indicated in the header of the ICMP message) to the addressed host and interpret the response received from it in a form convenient for analysis. The data field of the sent icmp packet usually contains English characters. In response to such a request, the polled node must send an icmp packet with the same data that was received and the type of message Echo Reply(the type code in the ICMP header is 0). If any problem occurs during the exchange of icmp messages, the ping utility will display information to diagnose it.

Command line format:

Ping [-t] [-a] [-n number] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r number] [-s number] [[-j HostList] | [-kNodelist]] [-w timeout] endName


-t- Continuous sending of packets. To terminate and display statistics, use key combinations Ctrl + Break(output statistics and continue), and Ctrl + C(statistics output and completion).
-a- Determination of addresses by names of nodes.
-n number- The number of echo requests to send.
-l size- The size of the data field in bytes of the sent request.
-f- Setting the flag prohibiting fragmentation of the packet.
-i TTL- Setting the packet lifetime ("Time To Live" field).
-v TOS- Setting the type of service (field "Type Of Service").
-r number- Route recording for the specified number of hops.
-s number- Time stamp for the specified number of transitions.
-j list of Nodes- Free choice of route according to the list of nodes.
-k list of Nodes- Rigid route selection according to the list of nodes.
-w timeout- The maximum waiting time for each response in milliseconds.

Examples of using:

ping echo request to node named with default parameters - the number of packets is 4, the length of the data array = 32 bytes.

ping -6 ping node using Ipv6 protocol

ping -a perform a ping with the definition of the name of the horse node by its address.

ping -s computer- ping node computer from source It is used when the computer has several network interfaces.

ping w 5000 ping with a wait timeout of 5 seconds (by default - 4 seconds).

ping -n 5000 -l 1000 site- node polling site 5000 times, in data packets 1000 bytes long. The maximum allowed data length is 65500.

ping -n 1 -l 3000 -f ping with prohibition of packet fragmentation.

ping -n 1-r 3 send 1 echo request per node with the display of the first 3 transitions along the route.

ping -i 5 ping with TTL = 5. If more hops are required to reach the end node, the router that interrupted the delivery will respond with the message “Time to Live (TTL) exceeded when transmitting the packet.”

  • PING application for step-by-step diagnostics of Internet access problems:
  • A generalized diagram of connecting a computer (tablet, laptop of a home network) with a remote end node can be represented as follows:

    The home network is the most common network with IP addresses / We are talking about IPv4 - IP protocol version 4, where 4 bytes are used for addressing. It is customary to represent IP addresses as decimal byte values, separated by periods. Each device on the network must have its own unique address. In addition to the address, the network settings use mask network (subnet mask). The mask has the same presentation format as the address. The combination of address and mask defines the range of addresses that belong to the local network - The first and last addresses in the range are not assigned to individual network devices, as they are used as the network address and broadcast address. Usually, the router address is made equal to or This is not an obligatory standard, but in practice it is used quite often. One bits of the mask define the permanent part of the IP address of the network, and zero bits are allocated to individual nodes. Meaning 255 is a byte with bits set to one. The netmask serves as a means of determining the range of IP addresses that belong to a local network. Devices with such addresses are reachable locally, without using routing... Routing is a way of exchanging data with network devices that do not belong to this local network through a special device - router(router, router). Routers are specialized computers with several network interfaces and specialized software for forwarding IP packets between a sender and a receiver on different networks. Several routers can participate in such a forwarding, depending on the complexity of the route. A home router is the simplest type of router that provides forwarding of packets addressed to external networks to the next router along the route in the provider's network. The next router checks the reachability of the end-node address locally, and either forwards the data to it, or passes it on to the next router according to the route table. This happens until the data reaches the recipient or the packet's lifetime expires.

    The PING command can be used to diagnose individual nodes:

    ping is the ping of the loopback interface. Should run without errors if the network software components are installed and operational.

    ping your IP or name- ping to your own address or name. Should exit without error if all IP software is installed and the network adapter is working.

    ping the IP address of the router- should be performed if the computer's network card is working, the cable or wireless connection used to connect to the router is working, and the router itself is working. In addition, the IP settings must be such that the address of the computer and the router belongs to the same subnet. This is usually the case when the network settings are made automatically using the router's DHCP server.

    ping perform a poll of a node with a name If the poll ends with an error, then the reason may be not only the lack of communication with the provider's router, but also the impossibility of determining the host address. due to problems with the name resolution software.

    ping to poll the node with the IP address If polling by address completes without errors, and polling by name ends with an unknown host message, then the problem is in name resolution. The reason may be the inoperability of the provider's DNS server. In this case, you can try changing it in the network connection settings to Google public DNS servers with addresses and Also, the problem can be caused by poor quality of connection with the provider, which is accompanied by too long response time and dropped packets.

    ping -t ping until CTRL + C is pressed. When CTRL + Break is pressed, statistics are displayed and the node polling continues.

    Ping -n 1000 -l 500 - ping 1000 times using messages that are 500 bytes long. Ping with standard 32-byte packets can be performed without errors, and with long packets - with errors, which is typical for wireless connections with a low signal level in an environment of intense interference.

    Ping -n 1 -r 9 -w 1000 - ping 1 time (switch -n 1), issue a route for the first 9 hops (-r 9), wait for a response 1 second (1000ms)

    As a result of executing this command, the route trace is also displayed:

    Exchange of packets with with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes = 32 time = 36ms TTL = 54
    Route: -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0
    (0% loss)
    Approximate round-trip time in ms:
    Minimum = 36ms, Maximum = 36ms, Average = 36ms

    In this example, a chain of 9 routers is built between the sender and the receiver of the packets. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the version of the utility ping.exe for Windows, the number of jumps can range from 1 to 9. In cases where this value is not enough, use the command tracert

    A failure to echo is not always a symptom of a problem, as sometimes, for security reasons, some peers are configured to ignore ping pings. An example is the node and some routers in small ISP networks.

    Using PING in batch files.

    Often times, the PING command is used to create delays in batch files. The loopback interface is pinged with the desired value for the packet counter specified by the parameter -n... Echo requests are sent every 1 second, and the response on the loopback interface comes almost instantly, so the delay will be approximately equal to a counter minus one:

    ping -n 11 a delay of 10 seconds.

    The PING command is used in batch files to determine the availability of IP addresses. Since the poll result is not reflected in the ERRORLEVEL variable in any way, instead of analyzing it, the search for certain features in the PING standard output data is used. If you look closely at the messages of the ping.exe program when polling the available and unavailable nodes, you will notice that they differ significantly

    ping 456.0.0.1- ping to a non-existent address

    The answer to such a command may differ from a specific version of the utility, and may be something like this

    Ping test failed to locate node 456.0.0.1. Please check the hostname and try again.

    ping ping to the host address

    Responding to ping an accessible node:

    Exchange of packets from to 32 bytes:
    Reply from bytes = 32 time = 10ms TTL = 55

    Thus, to solve the problem of determining the availability of a node in a batch file, it is enough to analyze the characteristic words in the output of ping.exe with a successful response. Most characteristic in this case is the presence of the word TTL... It is never encountered when an error occurs and is just English characters. To search for "TTL" in ping.exe results, it is most convenient to chain its execution with the command to search for a character string FIND.EXE(ping and find pipeline). If the text is found with the FIND command, then the value of the ERRORLEVEL variable will be equal to 0

    ping -n 1 COMPUTER | find / I "TTL"> nul
    if% ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto LIVE
    ECHO computer not available
    unavailable state routine
    : LIVE - start of the node availability state processing routine

    In a simpler version, you can use the commands:

    PING | find "TTL =" && ECHO Yandex pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is 0, i.e. node replies to ping.

    PING Server64 | find "TTL =" || ECHO Server64 not pingable- the ECHO command is executed if the ERRORLEVEL value set by FIND is not equal to 0, i.e. knot Server64 did not respond to ping.

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