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  • Integrity and structure as well. The concept of integrity as a generalization of philosophical and specific scientific concepts

Integrity and structure as well. The concept of integrity as a generalization of philosophical and specific scientific concepts

The concept of integrity, like other philosophical concepts, is very complex in its content and composition.

On the one hand, it synthesizes those ideas about the features of integral objects, which in this moment possesses specific scientific knowledge. On the other hand, it is included in the system of philosophical concepts and categories, which in their totality constitute theoretical basis worldview and act as the principles of cognitive and practical activities. In that the latter case the concept of integrity plays not only a synthesizing, but also a critical role in relation to specific scientific concepts, showing their incompleteness and limitation by the available level of knowledge. Fulfillment of such a role becomes possible due to the abstractness and relative independence of philosophical concepts from available knowledge and due to the conditioning of each of them by the content of other concepts that form the philosophical system. In other words, the specificity of philosophical knowledge is manifested here, which distinguishes it from concrete scientific knowledge.

It is important, however, to note that for all the complexity and ambiguity of the relationship between philosophical and scientific knowledge, they are always closely related, and this connection between philosophy and science in each historical period is summed up in the content of philosophical concepts. Integrity is a prime example of this. In order to make this reasoning more specific, let us consider how the problem of integrity was posed in science and philosophy of the 18th-19th centuries, that is, the period when the canons of classical natural science were finally formed.

Analytical Natural Science and the Problem of Integrity

It would be wrong to believe that experimental natural science, for which mechanics was the ideal of scientific knowledge, and the mechanistic materialism based on it, generally ignored the problem of integrity. Here is what, for example, P. Holbach wrote in The System of Nature: “If under nature

we will begin to understand the heap of the dead, devoid of any properties and purely passive substances, then, of course, we will have to look outside this nature for the principle of its movements; but if by nature we mean what it really is, it is the whole, different parts of which have different properties, act according to these properties, are in continuous interaction with each other, have weight, gravitate towards a common center, while others parts move away towards the periphery - they attract and repel each other, unite and separate, produce and decompose by their continuous collisions and approaches all the bodies we observe - then nothing will force us to resort to the assistance of supernatural forces in order to understand the formation of the things and phenomena we observe ".

This is a statement by the eminent French materialist of the 18th century. allows us to judge that at that time the concept of the whole occupied important place in the structure of philosophical knowledge, while fulfilling not only a methodological, but also a worldview and ideological role.

Emphasizing this circumstance, one cannot fail to note that this concept itself received a very narrow and limited interpretation here. This is already evident from the cited quotation, in which Holbach, in fact having in mind all the diversity of nature, speaks only of the mechanical properties and relationships of things. Various combinations and proportions of elementary things, atoms, according to the French materialists, give rise to both a stone and a thinking person; at the same time, the qualities of the newly formed combinations find their explanation in the properties and qualities of their constituent elements. This characteristic feature summative understanding of the whole, that is, such an understanding in which the whole, in fact, is reduced to the sum of its parts. Mechanistic materialism treated the whole as a simple collection of parts, as "all together." He failed to work out the concept of integrity as an integrated set.

A number of important consequences follow from this approach. Firstly, all objects, properties and connections of the world are understood as being of the same quality, since within the framework of this approach, the emergence of new properties (qualities) becomes inexplicable, or requires an appeal to supernatural forces. Secondly, since all properties are derived from a single elementary basis for all things (mechanically attracted and repulsed atoms), such an explanatory principle as reduction becomes superfluous, that is, the reduction of a given integrity to something external to it, and such an external , which has already received a scientific explanation; this principle becomes superfluous because, in fact, it is, in advance, a priori, implemented in the structure of scientific knowledge. In other words, reductionism as a special explanatory principle loses its meaning, since all knowledge is reductionist through and through. Thirdly, the cognition of any wholes does not present fundamental difficulties, since there is a single method equally suitable for studying each of them. The fact that our knowledge is still incomplete is due to insufficient ability to use this method or the incompleteness of factual material.

Finally, considering mechanics as the ideal of scientific knowledge (and later classical physics, which was based essentially on the same principles of unambiguous causal explanation), the science of that time saw its task in expressing the connections it studied in the language of mechanical relations; a typical example of such an approach in biology is the "mechanics of development" by Wilhelm Roux, the principles of which were formulated already in the last quarter of the 19th century. Thus, science strove to become monodisciplinary, that is, based on the postulates of one branch of knowledge, accepted as fundamental.

One cannot but pay tribute to the scientific optimism that permeates the entire structure of thought we have outlined. However, this optimism was largely based on the extreme simplification of the ways of cognizing integral objects. The only possible and feasible was the path from parts to the whole, the path of the analytical division of the whole. Other ways of reasoning, proceeding from the fact that the whole cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts, were considered to have been brought in from another, non-scientific sphere. Even now, such a cognitive scheme cannot be considered the property of history. In this regard, the statement of D. Lerner, the editor-compiler of the book "Parts and Wholes", published in New York and London in 1963, seems to be typical. continues to cause concern "that feature of empirical Knowledge that it deals with parts, and not with wholes."

This statement, of course, should not be considered a characteristic of all modern empirical knowledge. Already at the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX century. the problem of integrity was posed in a new way, and, as evidenced by at least the previously considered examples, it was posed precisely at the empirical level, in such sciences as biology and psychology. True, the idea that scientific knowledge is capable of moving only from parts to the whole and fundamentally cannot overcome the summative approach, so strongly rooted in the minds of scientists that many of them questioned and criticized these new experimental data, which proved the objectively holistic nature of phenomena. organic and mental life. On the other hand, for some of the scientists and philosophers, these same facts served as the basis for idealistic interpretations and attacks on materialism.

The long process of refusal to identify scientific knowledge in general with those of its forms that reigned supreme in previous times, which took place at the turn of the past and present centuries, proceeded in a very diverse and sometimes painful way. It was at this time that many philosophical concepts gained a certain popularity, criticizing science and scientific thinking from an irrationalist position.

To a large extent, this criticism was centered around the problem of integrity: acting in the only inherent way, that is, dismembering and analyzing the whole, science in the course of these operations inevitably loses its integrity, is unable to comprehend it. As a way out of this situation, it was proposed to go either into the mystical "direct experience" of the whole, or into the world of art, which is only one capable of adequately expressing integrity, or, finally, into the sphere of religious life. Below we will take a closer look at one of such concepts - intuitionism, but now we will only note that this criticism was based on a simplified, one-sided understanding of scientific thinking (identified with its mechanistic form) and, as a result, an underestimation of its fundamental capabilities. Further development science has shown that the problem of integrity itself has many facets and aspects that could not even be noticed within the framework of a mechanistic worldview, that is, it turns out to be much more complicated than it seemed to critics of scientific knowledge. In addition, scientific thinking, overcoming serious difficulties and delusions, has developed and continues to develop new, more and more powerful methods for investigating the integrity of objects.

Philosophical disputes around the problem of integrity have not been erased to this day. Taking advantage of the fact that in Soviet philosophical literature this ideological struggle has received a fairly thorough coverage, we will not dwell on it in detail and will only emphasize that of all philosophical trends of the past and present, consistent and the right decision only dialectical materialism was able to give problems of integrity. This decision is based both on the generalization of the latest data of specific scientific knowledge, and on the account of all the positive that has been accumulated in this area by philosophical thought.

Let us try in a concise and generalized form to present those definitions of the concept of integrity that are currently used by philosophical and scientific knowledge. Note that in in this case we mean definitions of this type, which are expressed in the form of a known set of characteristics describing general properties holistic formations.

The concept of integrity as a generalization of philosophical and specific scientific concepts

Such definitions of integrity are intended to perform a generalizing function in relation to the level of knowledge achieved at a given moment: each of them fixes what is common that is highlighted in various objects, which at this stage of the development of science act as integrity.

In the first place in this set of characteristics of integral objects of various kinds, it seems to us, we should put the property of integrability: integrity is characterized by new qualities and properties that are not inherent in individual parts (elements), but arising as a result of their interaction in a particular system connections... It's really the most important feature holistic formations, allowing you to understand all the other specific features of the whole. These features include: the emergence of the new in the process of development; the emergence of new types of integrity; the emergence of new structural levels and their hierarchical subordination (which is especially clearly manifested in the development of living nature); division of integral systems into inorganic and organic, based on the fact that in an inorganic system the properties of parts, although they reflect the nature of the whole, are still determined mainly by the internal nature of the parts, while in an organic system the properties of parts are entirely determined by the properties of the whole.

Wanting to briefly and aphoristically characterize the essence of the concept of integrity, they often use the well-known formula "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." However, this expression is logically vulnerable, since it indicates only the quantitative side of the matter ("more") and implicitly proceeds from the assumption of the additivity of the properties of the whole: integrity here is a kind of remainder from the subtraction of the sum of parts from the whole. In addition, in the methodology of scientific knowledge, there are often cases when it is necessary to use the principle “the whole is less than the sum of its parts”; below we will dwell on this in more detail.

Contains logical contradictions and taken in general view posing the question of what precedes what - the whole to the parts or vice versa. As Hegel showed, in relation to the part and the whole, neither side can be considered without the other. A part outside the whole is no longer a part, but a different object, since in an integral system, parts express the nature of the whole and acquire properties specific to it. On the other hand, the whole without (before) parts is inconceivable, since an absolutely simple body, devoid of structure and indivisible even in thought, cannot have any properties and interact with other bodies.

So attempts like the above short formula to capture the essence of any integrity cannot be considered successful. Just as little is given by attempts to extrapolate the properties of any one, even the most highly organized, type of integrity to all other types of integral objects. Turning to the history of the development of science, in particular, to the history of biology, one can notice that the understanding of integrity, which was formed at one level of the study of living matter, was far from being transferred to other levels in its original form. It is known what a great contribution to understanding the problem of integrity in biology was made by I.I.Shmalgauzen, starting with the appearance of the work “The organism as a whole in the individual and historical development"(1942). However, the ideas of integrity he formulated, very detailed and accurate, were by no means immediately used at other levels of the study of life, in particular, at the molecular or population levels. It was impossible just to take these ideas and use them as a kind of template, in accordance with which it would be possible to build an understanding of other levels of development of living matter. Even within the same field of knowledge - biology had to develop different ideas about integrity in relation to different levels

In an even more complex and indirect way, philosophical ideas are formed and used, which, by their very nature, cannot be guided by any one type of integrity, but should take on the most general features of any integrity.

A detailed concretization of a certain integrity, undertaken in general theoretical terms, at the present stage of the development of science seems to us superfluous. Apparently, we can limit ourselves to a short list common features integral objects determined by the property of integrability. We have given one of the examples of such a list above, of course, by no means considering it as in any way exhaustive.

It seems to us that the methodological meaning of the concept of integrity in scientific knowledge... Limiting ourselves only to this function, we would come to an oversimplified understanding of the relationship between philosophy and science. In this case, philosophy would act as a simple generalization of the experience of specific sciences, with the goal of formulating such general definitions that could be "applied" to any field of knowledge.

From our point of view, methodological analysis allows us to identify the most effective ways to study integral objects from among those actually used in specific sciences. The methodologist identifies the research methods initially developed in science in relation to a certain narrow class of objects, and assesses the possibilities of their application to a wider range of objects. Methodology, therefore, not only does not limit the research apparatus of specific sciences, but, on the contrary, contributes to its enrichment. In other words, it does not impose prohibitions, but opens up new horizons for the scientist's creative activity.

It should also be noted that in the process of theoretical reproduction complex object its dismemberment, that is, the selection of elements, parts, subsystems, etc. in it, can be done different ways(some of them will be characterized by us in the course of the further presentation). Therefore, a single theoretical concept of the whole cannot be "superimposed" on a complex object. Investigating such an object, we are not dealing with one whole or one level of integrity, but with various “slices” from this object, each of which represents a certain picture of the whole; the degree of combination of all such separate images in a single picture largely depends on the level of scientific knowledge and the methodological equipment of science.

The possibility of various dismemberments of a complex object and their change in the course of the development of science necessitates a transition, at a certain stage of research, to a new systemic image of an object, to a new type of connections (say, from organismic to molecular in the transition from the ontogenetic to the molecular-genetic level of the study of life). At the same time, there is a transformation of existing ideas about integrity - some of them retain their meaning, some become unusable, and it is usually impossible to predict the fate of both in advance.

All this shows that any generalizing definition of the concept of integrity is historically conditioned, transient. Integrity criteria are established in this case on the basis of consideration of a certain set of objects that are considered integral in advance, so that in the future it is these objects that satisfy the definition. Definitions of this type are correlated with the notions of integrity that are currently available in specific areas of knowledge, since they are built to clarify and justify these notions. As a result, at every significant turn in scientific thinking, when the very composition of the set of objects that are considered in the given time indisputably holistic, a definition of this kind turns out to be unsuitable.

If the considered definitions fix the achieved level of knowledge, then the definitions of the second type act as guidelines that indicate the direction of the further movement of scientific thinking. Such definitions could be called methodological - they characterize not the integral objects themselves, but those cognitive situations that develop during the study of these objects.

Integrity (Integrity) as a quality of personality - the ability to maintain a constant higher connection of the soul with God; live in harmony with the laws of the universe; experience a state of inner completeness, abundance, success and happiness; to be satisfied with the realization of the realization of your life purpose; not to be tormented by contradictions, pressure of perverse personality traits; systematically satisfy their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs; be able to give and receive love.

A long time ago, when life was just beginning to emerge on Earth, work was already in full swing in the heavenly office on the approval of new forms of existence. The best souls flocked to God - inventors with their proposals and God, sitting on his heavenly throne, listened carefully to each of them. The first soul flew into the Father's study with some kind of heavy model. Barely heard it, she put the model on the cloud and began to demonstrate her innovation. - I propose to create something unique. By my calculations given form life is the most optimal shape existence on Earth. She easily adapts to external conditions and harmoniously interacts with the external environment. I named my invention "Body". For the "Body" to work, you just need to take care of it and feed it all the time. True, there is one drawback - it is subject to wear and tear and is discharged at night. To recharge it, you need to give it rest and sleep. - Well, - said God, thinking. - What is the point of your invention? - The point is to get sense gratification. This is something amazing. The body can react to external stimuli, - said the soul, and, approaching its invention, made it so that the "Body" began to shudder. - Interesting, - said God, carefully examining the layout. - But, what is most interesting, - the soul continued its presentation. - Since the body is subject to aging, one new one will be created from two bodies, thereby existence on Earth can be constantly renewed. - Excellent, - said God and spread with light. - I liked your idea, and I will take it into account when creating life. The soul grabbed its model and flew up to the highest cloud more than ever satisfied and happy.

- My father, - said the second soul, - I thought for a long time about what form of existence would be the most perfect and came to the conclusion that there is no more perfect than what you have already created. Therefore, I propose to settle on Earth, namely us, your sons and daughters. Imagine, souls will now be able to dwell not only in the sky, but also on the Earth, and the Earth will turn into a huge glowing ball of love. My proposal to you is called “Soul”. - Great, - said God and shone even more. - But what will be the purpose of the souls' stay on Earth? - The main goal is to love each other and fill the Earth with love in order to serve you not only in heaven, but also on Earth. All the time we will happily whirl and dance, feel like your parts and shed light on everything around. - Well, - God said politely. - I will definitely think about your proposal, and now you can fly. The second soul flew so high that her head was dizzy with happiness.

- Lord, - said the third soul learnedly. - Analyzing all the processes taking place on Earth, I came to the conclusion that the most universal form of existence will be something that can understand, compare, remember and explain all life phenomena. Without this mechanism, life will have no meaning, because it cannot be conscious. My model will be called "Mind". “Very curious,” God said thoughtfully. “And for what purpose will the“ Mind ”function on Earth? - In order to analyze Life as one of the greatest creations of God. The "mind" will be able to constantly comprehend this immense science and exist forever. - Excellent, - God said infinitely happily. - I liked your model, and I will take it into consideration. The learned soul was also delighted and jumped out of the Father's house.

- Lord Almighty, - said the fourth soul. - I thought for a long time and realized that the Earth can only be inhabited by the Supreme Intelligence, the one that seeks to know you through itself, the one whose mission is to serve you and accept your will for a great gift, one that is constantly developing and strives for you in order to find integrity. My creation is called “Spirit”. “Great,” God said, clapping his hands in happiness. But why should the “Spirit” dwell on Earth if it can live in heaven? - So that he always looks at you from below and remembers that he has much to strive for, who to serve and whom to know. “Excellent,” God said, blinding him with his light. Your creation is beautiful and I will definitely use it. Inspired with happiness, the soul flew high into the sky, circling between the clouds.

- My children, children, - God thought lovingly. - You still did not understand that you could not imagine and invent anything, whatever I was. And since you are my children, you are what you told me so happily. And God created his greatest creation in his own image and likeness. And he called him "Man". He presented the “Man” with four thin threads connecting him with him and allowing him to know what it means to be a “Part” of the whole. He named these strings - "Body", "Mind", "Soul" and "Spirit" and ordered to use them according to the instructions. Since then, the "Man" who maintained his connection with the "Part" was called "happy", integral, and when at least one thread was cut off, he was already called "unhappy", incomplete.

Man is the most complex system we know of. To know which person can be considered integral, a systematic approach is needed, initially orienting the researcher to consider the object under study as an integral complex of interrelated elements. Man as an integral system is not the sum of its constituent elements - body, feelings, mind, mind, false ego and soul. It is impossible to reduce the qualities of a person to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and to deduce from them the properties of the whole. Man possesses new properties that are absent in the elements and parts that form him.

Personal integrity comes from higher beginning. A person who has not come to God cannot be whole, he will be gnawed at by fear, suffering, hesitation and unbelief. Faith is fearless, fear is unbelief. If a person lives at the level of connection between the soul and God, his whole life is harmonized on all planes. If there is no such connection, a person is torn apart by contradictions, he is doomed to conflict coexistence with feelings, mind, reason and false ego. Discontent with life and God arises. A person begins to look for excuses, to blame others for his troubles and misfortunes. One person came to the hairdresser. While cutting and shaving, they talked to the hairdresser about God. The hairdresser said: “No matter what you tell me, I don’t believe that there is a God. - Why? The client asked. - It is enough to go outside to make sure that there is no God. Tell me, if God exists, where do so many sick people come from? Where are the street children from? If he really existed, there would be no suffering or pain. It is difficult to imagine a loving God who allows all of this. The client thought about it. When the hairdresser finished the job, the client paid handsomely. Leaving the hairdresser, he saw an overgrown and unshaven man on the street. Then the client returned to the hairdresser, invited the hairdresser to the window and, pointing to the tramp, said: There are no hairdressers! « How come?" - the hairdresser was surprised, - “And I don’t count? I'm a hairdresser. " “No,” the client exclaimed, “they don't exist. Otherwise, there would be no overgrown and unshaven people like that person walking down the street. " - "Well, dear man, it's not about the hairdressers, it's just that people themselves don't come to me." “That's the point,” the client confirmed, “and I'm talking about the same thing. There is a God, just people do not seek him and do not come to him. That is why there is so much pain and suffering in the world. "

A necessary condition for the integrity of the personality - live in harmony with the laws of the universe... A whole person lives in harmony with the outside world and with himself. He knows the essence of the laws of the universe, and this knowledge makes part of his experience. Understanding the objective and fair nature of their actions, a holistic person experiences peace, that is, is in a state of peace of mind, peace of mind and grace. A holistic person is a person satisfied with life. For example, a person knows how the Iron Law of the Universe works - the law of cause and effect. He realizes that life is a boomerang - what you sow is what you reap. You will do good to people, and you will live under the "sail" of the energy of prosperity, you will be accompanied by good luck and success.

Whole person experiences a state of inner completeness, abundance, success and happiness. Most people are focused on external success - to make a dizzying career, break through to power, achieve financial independence... Few of them care about the ecology of their actions. A paradox often arises - the greater the external success, the greater the internal emptiness, despondency and disappointment. A person all his life has set material goals for himself, achieved everything, but at heart it is stench and disgusting. He somehow did not think about the needs of the inner world, and now the hour of reckoning has come: depression, despair and pain. When the inner world is a full cup, a person pours into the world the energy of inner success and inner happiness.

Once, when it was a gray, rainy day, a boy named Pat could not find a place for himself and circled around his father, preventing the latter from preparing for his report. When his father’s patience came to an end, he pulled out one of the old magazines from the heap, tore out of it a large colorful sheet with a map of the world, tore it into many small pieces and handed them to his son with the fame: “Pat, put these pieces together again card, and for that I will give you money for ice cream. " It seemed that even for an adult, it would not be work for 5 minutes, especially for little Pat. What a surprise the father was when his son knocked on his room with a completed assignment after 10 minutes. “How did you manage to complete the assignment so quickly?” My father asked. “It wasn’t really hard,” Pat replied. “Just on the other side of the map, there was a large drawing of a man. I just turned over all the pieces with the map on the contrary, assembled the image of the person and turned the sheet over again and got it right collected map the world. I thought that if a person is whole, then the world will be whole. " The father smiled and handed his son the money for ice cream. “If a person is integral, then the world will be integral,” the father reflected, realizing that he definitely had the title of the report.

Whole person is states satisfaction from the realization of the realization of their life purpose. A person who has not found his vocation, his life purpose, cannot be whole. Integrity assumes that a person has learned the true taste of happiness, fulfilled his sacred duty to himself and the Creator. Everyone is endowed with some talents. Someone is destined to be a talented mother, someone is a talented plumber, and someone is a talented artist. If an artist, for his intended purpose, becomes a banker for the sake of market conditions, earns a lot of money, he will still not be happy. Everyone has their own path in life. Happiness is possible only along this path. Turned out of his way, went beyond the boundaries of his nature, resist the laws of fate, that's all - there will definitely not be happiness. And there will never be integrity, for the personality is torn apart by the circumstances of life. Personality achieves integrity if it lives in harmony with the higher will, if it realizes its life purpose.

A person achieves integrity if do not torment contradictions, do not crush vicious personality traits. A holistic person constantly cares about cultivating virtues in himself, He knows that cultivated dignity naturally replaces some of his vicious inclinations. They may not be sufficiently manifested to acquire the status of personality traits, but they exist in a conserved form and are just waiting in the wings. For an integral personality, vices are not essential, they do not "have the right to vote" in the conversation between the soul and the mind, but a certain self-control and austerities are necessary for all people.

Whole person systematically satisfies their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. If a person is concerned only with satisfying the needs of his mind and feelings, that is, he reduces his requests to the physical level - food, sleep, sex, protection, an internal conflict is inevitable, a rift between the mind, mind and soul. In this state of affairs, it makes no sense even to hint at some kind of personality integrity.

Once King Milinda asked the monk Nagasena: - The eyes are you? Nagasena laughingly replied, “No. Tsar Milinda insisted: - And the ears are you? Is the nose you? - Not! - And the language is you? - Not! - But your personality is in the body? - No, the material body has only an apparent existence. - Perhaps your true substance is mind? - Also no! Milinda was angry: - Since sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, reason - all this is not you, is not your true, existing substance, then where do you stay? Bhikshu Nagasena smiled and, in turn, asked: - Is the window a house? Milinda got angry, but through force answered: - No! - Are the doors a house? - Not. - Are bricks and tiles a house? - Not. - Well then, maybe the columns and walls are a house? - Also no! Nagasena smiled and said, “Since the windows, doors, bricks, tiles, walls and pillars are not home, where is the home? Here King Milinda felt awakening and realized the unity of causes, conditions and effects, realized that they are inseparable, and they cannot be considered separately. A house becomes a home due to the combination of many reasons and conditions, a person also becomes a person when a certain unity of causes and conditions is observed, when all his needs are systematically satisfied.

A professor at the university asked his students the following question: - Is everything that exists created by God? One student boldly replied, “Yes, it was created by God. - Did God create everything? The professor asked. “Yes, sir,” the student replied. Then the professor asked: - If God created everything, then God created evil, since it exists. And according to the principle that our deeds determine ourselves, it means that God is evil. The student became quiet upon hearing this answer. The professor was very pleased with himself. He boasted to the students that he proved once again that belief in God is a myth. Then another student raised his hand and said: - May I ask you a question, professor? “Of course,” the professor replied. The student got up and asked: - Professor cold exists? - What a question, of course there is. Have you never felt cold? The other students laughed at the student's question. But the young man, as if nothing had happened, replied: - In fact, sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we think of as cold is actually the absence of heat. A person or object can be studied to see if it has or transmits energy, and absolute zero minus 460 degrees Fahrenheit is complete absence heat. All matter becomes inert, unable to react at this temperature. Cold, therefore, does not exist. We created this word to describe how we feel when there is no warmth. The student continued after a pause. - Professor, does darkness exist? “Of course there is,” the professor replied, but a little more thoughtfully. “You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness also does not exist. Darkness is also really the absence of light. We can study light, but not darkness. We can apply a Newtonian prism to decompose white light into many colors and study the different wavelengths of each color, but you cannot measure darkness. A simple beam of light can burst into darkness and illuminate it. How can you tell how dark any space is. You measure how much light is represented, right? Darkness is a concept that a person uses to describe what happens when there is no light. Finally, the young man asked the professor: - Sir. Does evil exist? This time the professor answered hesitantly: - Of course, as I said, we see him every day, cruelty between people, crimes and violence around the world. These examples are nothing more than a manifestation of evil. To this the student replied: - Evil does not exist, sir. Evil is simply the absence of God. It looks like darkness and cold. This is a man-made word to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not faith or love, which exist like light and warmth. Evil is the result of the absence of divine love in a person's heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat. Or like the darkness that comes when there is no light. The professor fell silent and sat down.

Petr Kovalev 2013

Many different things disturb every day modern man... Nowadays, access to almost any required information is open, which complicates life somewhat. Therefore, many are beginning to worry about the issue of the integrity of a person and the whole world.

The meaning of the word "integrity", according to modern explanatory dictionary, lies in the inner unity of the object, in its totality and completeness, as well as in detachment from the surrounding world. But this information must be perceived relatively. It is not worth treating it as a truth, because an object cannot be by itself, it is in any case connected by numerous threads with the environment and exists only with it in unity.

Various sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, are engaged in the study of the concept of "integrity". What is this integrity and what is it eaten with? There is no exact answer to this question yet. But there are some formed theories about this. This article will cover the main ones.


The integrity of a person, first of all, lies in a harmonious life with oneself, nature and its laws. To live in harmony with the surrounding world, to know the essence of the principles of the universe, to understand justice and objectivity in the nature of their actions, to perceive any incident as an experience - these are the canons of an integral individual. Such a person constantly feels at peace, is in balance and feels universal grace. He does not think that life has cheated him in something, and is happy with everything he has. He knows how the law of cause and effect works, so he does not regret or lament anything. If you do good for people, it will surely return in the guise of prosperity, luck and success.

Inner happiness

How to understand integrity? What is to be done to achieve it? This is a question that worries many. Most people set themselves external success as a goal: a dizzying career, a breakthrough to power, material independence. But there are few of those who really care about the purity of their thoughts and actions. This creates an interesting paradox. For example, the richer and more successful a person is, the more he feels an inner emptiness, apathy and despondency. Disappointment goes hand in hand with such people. They have a constant disgust in their souls. This comes from the fact that they put financial goals first, but did not think about personal development. This comes at the price of depression and despair. When it becomes a full cup, then inner success and happiness comes.

Realization of destination

An important component of integrity is the fulfillment of the purpose in life and the further state of satisfaction from the path taken. It is impossible to be a whole person without fulfilling your mission. What does integrity imply? What is a concept like the taste of happiness will not be an empty phrase for an individual. To achieve inner well-being, one must fulfill a sacred mission, which is individual for each person. All people have some kind of talents to a greater or lesser extent. The main thing is to discover in yourself a natural gift. Someone can be a great artist, someone is destined to become a skillful turner, and some find their role in the family and caring for loved ones. But if a person with the talent of an artist works as a plumber, he will never become happy and whole.

Everyone has their own path in life, which must be followed, On this road is happiness. But when a person turns off his path, rests against fate and goes beyond the boundaries of his essence, then the opportunity to catch the blue bird will be lost for him. You won't have to wait for integrity either, because it will scatter along with the original personality, which will be torn apart by life's circumstances. The individual will be whole only if he lives in harmony with the higher forces and their will, as well as the realization of his purpose.

Getting rid of vices

Only when a person is not tormented by contradictions and does not go along with his desires, he will be able to find integrity in himself. What is vice? This is bad personal quality, with which it is necessary to wage a tough fight. The whole individual constantly cultivates virtue in himself, so that it subsequently supplants some bad character trait. Such a person does not worry about his vices, since they are insignificant and do not affect the soul and mind.

Satisfying desires

To maintain the integrity of the individual, it is necessary to satisfy a number of needs. It is impossible to focus only on the physical and emotional factors. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to intellectual development and spiritual gravitation. In a different state of affairs, internal conflict will be inevitable, and the conversation about the integrity of the individual will lose all meaning.

Not only receive

A whole, complete person is not able to act one-sidedly. He is not selfish, so he always takes into account the wishes of others. He not only accepts love, but also gives. This shows the level of spiritual development. always requires disinterestedness and unconditionality. The whole individual cannot be happy alone. He needs to take care of someone and love someone. Sharing everything, including love, is the main priority of a complete person.

Another kind of integrity

Integrity may not only refer to a person. There is also data integrity, which refers to the accuracy and consistency of their content. Integrity is broken when errors or failures are present. In such cases, the system cannot ensure the usual processing of data and their correct issuance. In a way, this concept can be correlated with the integrity of a person. Indeed, in the presence of disharmony in mental states, the personality loses its integrity.

Self control

To answer the question of how to check the integrity of a person, there are three important factor: physical perfection, moral perfection, mental well-being.

To achieve physical impeccability and excellent health, a person needs to lead a disciplined lifestyle. Go to bed before midnight, get up with the first rays of the sun, eat healthy food, and regularly communicate with the opposite sex. When all the conditions are realized, a state of inner peace will descend on a person, he will be able to think about achieving his innermost desires and goals.

It is also important to have a clean and bright morality. The mind is closely tied to the emotional range, the mind can exercise control over sensations, and the imaginary ego gives a sense of freedom and autonomy. Therefore, it is necessary to honestly control your manifestations with the help of discernment and attentiveness. A person can behave like an outside observer of his thoughts and emotions, seeing himself in a pure light, without prejudice and prejudice.

And finally, the highest degree of development of the established personality. A person's mental, moral and intellectual desires prevail over the mundane. The material sphere worries him much less. The individual is able to perceive all failures and failures as a necessary life experience. Manifestations of anger, fear, shame are becoming a great rarity.

You should not close your eyes to any of the above three factors. A person should pay attention to all needs and not bypass any of them. Happiness can be achieved only if all three spheres are mutually united. Then the person will feel complete and fully understand the integrity of the world. After all, you always have to start with yourself. You need to be able to keep your thoughts and feelings in discipline. Only by changing his state, a person will relate to the world around him in a different way.

We have identified that for any system the primary attribute is integrity, which characterizes the completeness of all its parts. Integrity -the presence of integrative properties, qualities arising from the interaction of elements

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, there are several approaches to determining the characteristics that characterize the integrity of systems. We will consider the main features of an integral system identified by Gershunsky

    Every system is characterized by the presence of a set of elements, which are its structural unit. Moreover, there is limited number such elements, each of which has a divisibility limit. This is important to preserve the integrity of the system, because the endless division of elements will lead to a violation of the quality characteristics of the system.

The composition of the elements determines the nature of the system. Element is the smallest backbone unit that has a divisibility limit. The minimum number is 2. Each element, in turn, can be considered as a subsystem of a given system, which is a kind of integrity.

    The integrity of the system is characterized not by the mechanical addition of elements, but by a set of interrelated and interacting elements.

This set is determined by the ordering of the elements. If such order is connected clear dependence of elementsrigid structure... It occurs mainly in mechanical systems. V social systems where the final result is influenced by many, both external and internal factors, there is some disorder in relation to the elements.

The specifics of the system is determined (in many ways) structure systems.

STRUCTURE Is a way of connecting these elements. May be:

- rigidly ordered: a) the elements are connected by a rigid dependence; b) do not have a choice of behavior; c) all functions are firmly delineated; d) any autonomy is excluded) - these are mechanical systems;

May be static if it reflects stable ties;

- dynamic, reflective connection, both a functioning whole and developing ones.

COMPOUND- a set of elements of subsystems, largely determines the properties and characteristics of the system, the end result of its functioning.

CONNECTION Is an interaction in which changes in one component of the system lead to changes in other components. At the same time, the component that caused this interaction also changes. Links exist between elements and between an element and the entire system. This is what connects the elements and properties of the system into a whole. With the help of backbone connections individual elements are combined into a system.

The system-forming ties include all target ties, management ties (subordination, disciplinary, regime, initiative), continuity ties (between members of the teaching staff, between individual subjects in the course of their teaching, continuity ties during methodical work, in the development of general educational abilities and skills, in the activities of students, etc.).

In social systems - the elements have:

- the ability to choose ways and methods of action;

- the influence of many factors on the formation of the final result;

- a certain tendency towards disorder in the relations of the elements;

    The system has a certain integrity level.

INTEGRITY - the presence of the system of integrative qualities, properties that arise as a result of the interaction of its elements, but are absent from each element separately.

The level of integrity is determined by the completeness of the set of its elements, the coordination of all functions of the elements of the system, the leading role of the whole in relation to the elements, the presence of a single goal for all elements of the system, the unity of the response of all components of the system to external and internal influences, the presence of developed feedback and system-forming connections.

    Hierarchy. According to V.S.Sadovsky, each component of the system under study can be considered as a system, and the system under study itself is one of the components of a system of a higher order.

Hierarchy is characterized by:

Every system consists of subsystems;

These subsystems are mutually subordinate to each other;

The higher-level subsystems direct the activities of the lower-level subsystems;

Subsystems of the lower level operate taking into account the commands given from above

The hierarchy is characterized by:

The ramification of the system of coordination ties;

Vertical subordination of subsystems and elements within the system;

The right of intervention of subsystems and elements top level into the processes of lower-level subsystems;

The dependence of the actions of the upper-level subsystems on the actual performance by the lower-level subsystems of their goals.

In addition to coordination links, there are subordinate ones.

    The presence in the object under consideration of subordinate links between elements, subordination of elements.

It must be borne in mind that the elements of the system have different meanings. There are those, the absence of which disables the system, and the absence of others impairs the effectiveness of the system.

SUBORDINATION LINK is a bond, the sides of which depend on each other, and one of them determines the existence of the rest (L.N.Suvorov).

THE ESSENCE OF COORDINATION LINKS is the synthesis of the dynamics of the whole from the behavior of individual elements.

The essence of the links of subordination is the impact of the whole, its dynamics on behavior.

The relationship of subordination is the relationship of management and administration, on the one hand, and the execution of subordination, on the other.

In social systems, considering them through the prism of subordination, the following properties can be distinguished, manifesting its qualitative side

- the presence of management levels in the system;

- the existence of official leaders;

- the relationship between the manager and the governed is built on the basis of subordination.

Subordination can express both the formal structure of the team, when vertical ties reflect the difference in positions of different leaders, and informal, which is not provided for by the staffing table.

    The presence of purposefulness in the behavior of the system. PURPOSE- (as V.S. Lazarev notes) - this is an image of the desired result, correlated with the possibilities, determined in time, operationally delivered. The efficiency of the goal means that there is a way to check the achievement of the result, without which the board becomes meaningless, because it loses the most important component - feedback and the ability to make adjustments to the implementation of specific steps.

Without a goal, the system cannot function effectively. Each element acts in the name of one goal facing the system. Basic requirements for building a goal tree. ( Yu.A. Konarzhevsky).

      The goal tree should be built "from above", defining the final result of the system's functioning through the design of the general goal.

      General goals are formulated in the form of abstract concepts. The construction process is from the abstract to the concrete.

      To achieve the goal of this level, it is necessary to fulfill the subgoals of the lower level.

      The means to achieve the goal are sub-goals that….

      The goals of the top and bottom levels should be logically related.

      Decomposition (dismemberment of goals) stops when an elementary level is reached.

      Elementary (the event level of the goal tree should be considered the n-th level when alternative means of achieving the n-th level appear at the next n + 1 level).



The goal is transformed into a task if the formulation specifies the ways to achieve it. (on the basis of…., at the expense of…, for what…, by…, etc. (pp. 40-41 Technologies of management activities, deputy director of the School.))

Variants of problem statements:

    To create additional conditions for the development of the creative potential of the personality of the teacher and the student by increasing the variability of the content of education, the introduction of technologies for developing and modular training, differentiation and individualization of educational institutions.

    Develop and start implementation of the Development Program ....,

    To ensure the growth of the qualitative level of training of students, their achievement of the compulsory level in the most important priority skills in accordance with the requirements of standards based on the development of education by choice, differentiation and individualization of training and upbringing.

    To lay the foundations for a system for diagnosing the effectiveness of students' activities, to disseminate new forms and methods.

    To streamline the extracurricular activities of students in interaction with the educational process in the context of multilevel education and deepening interagency interaction.

The main or general goals are dictated by the society, private goals, the goals of a particular stage are the goals of the educational institution.

    The presence of communicative properties, manifested in two forms: 1) in interaction from the outside environment (environment is the totality of all conditions that surround a thing, plant, animals, person and directly or indirectly affect them; distinguish between ideological, political, economic-production, social, cultural, natural-ecological environment);

Any social system is an integral part of a social organism being connected with other systems. There is no system in the world isolated from external environment, which affects the life of the system. The external environment creates the conditions for the existence and functioning of the system.

2) during interaction of this system with sub- and supersystems , i.e. with systems of a lower or higher order.

    Availability of management. This is a specific feature characteristic of systems of biological and social origin.

PEDAGOGY gives management the concept of an object. All management is object oriented. Governance in education is different from governance in health care, commerce, etc.

The object of management in education is a specific EDUCATION SYSTEM.

Our task is to consider:

    general concept of systems,

    the concept of the educational system,

    types of educational systems,

    Management concept,

    Principles, methods, functions of management,

Completeness, totality, wholeness and a thing's own regularity. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. began to use this concept in order to consider all things, first of all, in their initially integral interconnection, in their structure, and, that is, to give justice to the fact that the indication of properties component parts will never be able to explain the general condition or general action things; for the separate, "part" can be understood only outside the whole, and the whole, as Aristotle taught, is greater than the sum of its parts. The whole is not "made up" of parts, in it only parts are distinguished, in each of which the whole acts; Wed Organism (dynamic integrity). In psychology, the need is especially ripe to get rid of the mechanistic, atomistic way of thinking, characteristic of the 18th and 19th centuries, and to make the undistorted, original mental life the subject of research; Until now, psychology has escaped the specifically mental, i.e. meaning and meaning (see Holistic psychology). In sociology, thanks to O. Spann, the concept of integrity has become the leading concept of the universalist doctrine of society. According to this teaching, wholes are not only the form of phenomena, "structures", but are driving forces, carriers of causality, which cannot be determined, but can only be discovered. In pedagogy, a new understanding of integrity led to a transformation of teaching methods for reading and writing (from the very beginning, holistic teaching): the method of reading by syllables was abandoned; the word was no longer composed of separately memorized letters or sounds, and letters and sounds were taken as parts of the word, memorized as a whole. With the new method, children began to learn to read and write much faster than before. From the same point of view, the original counting training has been changed. We find a holistic consideration for the first time in Albert the Great, then in the classics and in idealism 18 and early. 19th century At present, a holistic way of considering all phenomena prevails; see also Holism.

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- completeness, totality, wholeness and the regularity of the thing itself. The whole is not "made up" of parts, in it only parts are distinguished, in each of which the whole acts; compare: organism (dynamic integrity). In psychology, the need to free oneself is especially ripe ...

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