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  • The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the networking capabilities of the Linux operating system and to provide directions for finding further information and implementation details. Purpose and main features of the Li operating system

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the networking capabilities of the Linux operating system and to provide directions for finding further information and implementation details. Purpose and main features of the Li operating system

Linux is an operating system created by Linus Torvalds for personal computers and is dated September 17, 1991. Linux, as well as software built on the principles Open source and GPL licenses. In fact, Linux and open source software is a perfect product postindustrial society when a person is open to new ideas. Thanks to this, the development of the system was connected big number independent developers. The result of this working together- the most modern, stable, reliable and rapidly developing system, which almost instantly absorbs the latest technological innovations.

The interface (appearance) and methods of working with Linux are identical to those in Windows, there are themes and it has long been possible to use a three-dimensional desktop, which is presented as a novelty in Windows Vista just now.

When you migrate to Linux, you get a reliable operating system that meets the highest requirements and standards and is not inferior to commercial operating systems such as Windows. In short, switching to Linux will keep you familiar with the way you work on your computer, and will also retain the ability to comfortable work with your usual programs.

Operating room users today Linux systems there are more than 20 million and the number of its adherents all over the world is constantly increasing. There are many office and multimedia applications, allowing you to comfortably surf the Internet, chat, watch videos, listen to music, play, work with your documents, spreadsheets and presentations, burn CDs and DVDs and much more, designed for both home use and for fully functional workstations.

Contrary to popular belief that UNIX-like systems, and in particular Linux are suitable only for servers and advanced "Linuxoids", we can safely say that this is not so. This operating system is very user friendly. Working in the environment is extremely convenient and intuitive. It might turn out to be the best operating system you've ever had to work with.

Currently, you can find GNU / Linux on both workstations in offices and game consoles, phones and home computers. The benefits of using GNU / Linux are obvious: low total cost of ownership, which is achieved through savings in product costs with comparable or lower levels of maintenance costs, open source code that allows the system to adapt, high stability and security of solutions built on the platform.

Almost all programs that you use in Windows have free and sometimes direct analogs in OC Linux, which perfectly open, process and save document files created in Windows software. This is an excellent replacement for MS Office (Word, Excell, etc.) - OpenOffice, and Gimp - a replacement for PhotoShop, Brasero - instead of Nero, InkScape - instead of CorelDRAW, Scribus - a PageMaker / QuarkExpress replacement ... Moreover: even menus, toolbars are similar to paid Windows counterparts.

If it becomes necessary to launch a Windows program, this also does not cause problems. Operational is guaranteed on Linux irreplaceable windows programs such as 1C, Garant, Consultant Plus, Adobe photoshop, CorelDraw, MS Visio and many others. Standard Linux distribution has about the same capabilities as the last Windows versions with the established software for $ 5000. Moreover, it is more stable and less demanding on hardware.

Drawing an analogy with operating systems, I would like to say that the only thing that "Vent" will never learn is maternal love for the user. Windows will always be a closed system, and in the next, and in ten versions (God bless her). Therefore, there will always be a place in the world for a system about which the user can learn everything from the documentation, or, at worst, digging into the supplied sources, and for which he will not owe anyone anything.

Of course, the ability to dig into the source is important for professionals and hackers, but the end user is interested in something else. So, about what the free Linux operating system can do.

The most important thing is multiplayer multitasking. This means that several people can simultaneously run their programs, using the resources of the system to the fullest. In addition, lightweight processes (threads) are supported that work within one task and therefore consume less memory and run faster. Linux multitasking is stable, one process cannot crash the entire system, as it happens in Windows 95. Moreover, two processes also cannot crash the system ...

Further, Linux supports many platforms. The most common Linux version for Intel 386+ processors, Motorola 680x0 platforms (Amiga and Atari computers, old Macs), PowerPC, DEC Alpha, Sun SPARC are also supported, currently work is underway on versions for MIPS and ARM processors, and a kernel for embedded systems that will run on Intel 8086. You can also make Linux compatible with SCO, SVR3 and SVR4 at the executable level and with other POSIX or BSD-compatible versions of Unix at the source level using a special module.

In addition to running on various processors, Linux can also work with SMP (Symmetric Multi Processing) multiprocessor systems on Intel platforms and SPARC, and is used in some specific systems such as Beowulf clusters and Fujitsu AP1000 + SPARC-based supercomputers.

The powerful virtual memory system allows you to load only those portions of programs that are required and maintains copied-on-write memory pages between processes. This means that when you run two copies of the program, memory will be allocated only for one, and separate copies will be created only for those areas in which the recording will be made. It also increases the performance and stability of the system that you can allocate specially formatted partitions for swap on different disks.

In order not to be unfounded, I will give as an example my own computer, 5x86-133 / 16 MB. Even when performing a resource-intensive task such as compiling Pretty Good Privacy 5.0i while browsing HTML documents, the swap size did not exceed half a megabyte, and there was still 2 MB left for the cache disk. There is no need to explain how Windows 95, let alone NT, works in this configuration.

Among other amenities, it is worth noting dynamically loaded libraries, saving an image of a destroyed process for "posthumous" debugging, emulation of a mathematical coprocessor at the kernel level, a "virtual consoles" system that allows you to work in several sessions simultaneously, and support for localization (including three Russian layouts ( two koi8 and one alt-codes (MS-DOS)) and many Russian fonts).

Linux uses its own file system, ext2 (partitions up to 4 terabytes and file names up to 255 characters), but can also work with other unix file systems, DOS FAT, Windows 95 VFAT, OS / 2 HPFS, Macintosh HFS and all standard formats CDROM. Moreover, Linux can be installed on a DOS partition, on top of which the UMSDOS system is deployed, in each directory it writes a file with attributes missing in FAT such as long names and access rights.

In terms of networking capabilities, the standard Linux kernel typically includes support for TCP, IPv4, IPX, DDP (Appletalt), and AX.25 (amateur radio). There are also modules that allow Linux to act as a client or server on NetWare networks, and share drives and printers on networks based on the Session Message Block (SMB) protocol, also known as NetBIOS or LanManager, which is used on Windows 3.11 / 95 / NT networks.

Minimum configuration for Linux is 386SX-16, 1 MB RAM and floppy drive, but 4 MB RAM is recommended for text mode and 8 MB for X / Windows. As I already said, in the client configuration, AMD 5x86-133 and 16 MB of RAM are enough with a margin, more is needed only for servers or graphics stations. The amount of disk space required is highly dependent on the set of programs used. For a basic set of system utilities, 10 MB is quite enough, the rest is added to user files and software packages, and can range from 60 to 300 MB.

The list of supported hardware is called the Linux Hardware Howto and is tens of pages long and can be found at HOWTO / Hardware-HOWTO.html or in the standard documentation set. As an example, I will only say that the newfangled 3D accelerators Voodoo and Riva 128 are supported in Linux.

Now about the poor choice of software. In the field of communication programs and development tools, only other Unixes can compare with this system, all conditions for fruitful work are created for a Linux programmer: dozens of programming languages, hundreds of editors, visual development tools - all this is included in most serious Linux distributions. The same is with the processing of textual data - in Unix, the stake was initially placed on storing information in a text format, and a great many of the corresponding tools were written.

There are also quite a lot of graphical programs for Linux - from simple viewers to powerful editors and tools for 3D modeling and ray tracing (including non-commercial ones!). A more or less complete list can be found in the Linux Graphics Mini-Howto on the same sunsite. The same with sound - there are a lot of different kinds of players in the Linux distribution, but you will have to look for a program for serious sound recording, or even buy it.

Databases are more complicated. Of course, there are a lot of them under Linux, including the free Postgres95 DBMS that works with a superset of SQL, but no matter how many of them there are, few people will dare to transfer the whole company from the good old FoxPro to who knows what. And for less serious tasks, a database is usually not required.

Now about the fly in the ointment. Indeed, Linux is very fast. And everything in it can be customized. The only trouble is that a lot of it NEEDS to be configured. Companies that develop and distribute Linux distributions struggle with this problem with varying degrees of success and offer preconfigured packages, but there is always the possibility of getting into the system by hand. This is the price of flexibility.

So that you do not have to overload the computer to switch from one to the other and not use it, which necessarily eats up half of all resources! To make it comfortable, finally! Dream? Already a reality!

The idea of ​​having a complete (or almost complete) Linux environment on Windows haunts many people. Of course, nothing prevents us from running virtual machine using for example free solution VMware Server, and install whatever your heart desires as a guest OS. But do you really want to run a resource-intensive virtual machine every time just to use a few applications? You can still put up with the fact that it works slowly and inconveniently, but sacrifice hundreds of MB random access memory and time is often simply unrealistic. But if not, then how?

Good old Cygwin

The ability to combine Windows and Unix without using virtualization has been around for a long time. Who among us has not tried to use the infamous Cygwinspecial environment, intended for porting programs from POSIX-compatible operating systems to Windows. Many nix utilities ported with Cygwin feel great under Windows and are still in development. I myself remember very well how happy I was when I first compiled some kind of Linux program (I think it was an exploit) right under Windows. In fact, Cygwin is a library that implements the application programming interface of unix systems based on Win32 system calls (standard for Windows). The product still copes with its tasks perfectly, and in the case of using assemblies (Cygwin + GNOME) and (Cygwin + KDE) it even allows you to run some windowed applications. Story? Well, not quite. Even despite the emulation of niks, there is a feeling of incompleteness and lack of integration into the system itself. The console window in Cygwin, claiming to be a tux in Windows, is not exactly what we wanted. The command shell in the system remains the same: the same notorious cmd.exe and nothing else. But people who are accustomed to bash or other convenient nix shell are unlikely to compromise with the limitations of Microsoft's solution. Yes, you can install the GNU utilities for Win32 collection, which includes 26 ported nix utilities (for example, the beloved grep by many), partly compensating for the lack of familiar tools, but again, there is no question of integration into the system. An extended shell from Microsoft - PowerShell - although it provides a huge scope for activity (which you can read about in a separate article that we have posted on disk) and is thoroughly integrated into the system, it has nothing to do with niks' bash. So what can be done?

Solution from Microsoft

The solution was found where you are not looking for it - on the Microsoft website, in the form of a special package Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) which is freely available for download. The developments themselves position it as a special subsystem for IT professionals who want to painlessly crawl to Windows from nix systems. The subsystem was named Interix and this, I can tell you, is something! The latest SFU release includes more than 350 favorite unixoid utilities (among them vi, ksh, csh, ls, cat, awk, grep, kill), which are fully integrated into the system. SFU also includes GCC 3.3, GDB debugger, server and NFS client and many more useful things in the household. Unfortunately the mentioned command shell bash, file manager Midnight commander, OpenSSH daemon, emacs editor or Apache http daemon will have to be installed manually, but ready-to-install packages can be easily downloaded from Especially, listed programs- only a small part of what is there.

As a result of installing SFU, you get the full feeling that you are in a * NIX environment. That is one bash, which is executed by the kernel subsystem and therefore runs at the same speed as Win32 applications. By installing the ssh daemon, you convert regular Windows XP into a multi-user server that can run multiple active accounts at the same time. And you don't need to use any additional tools, like Terminal Services - here you go ready-made solution and even with many features of niks. Well, if you don't like working in the console, then nothing prevents you from installing a free X-Window server, specially optimized for SFU - X-Win32 LX... Let me remind you that the X Window System is a protocol by which video output can be sent from one computer to another. As a result, we get a full-fledged Remote Desktop. In conclusion, it is worth noting that all of the above is set for one or two, like any usual applications for Windows. One thing is upsetting: the last release of SFU was released back in 2006, and new versions, apparently, are not expected.

Linux for Windows: Really?

Even if experts from Microsoft are dealing with the issue of creating a Linux environment in Windows, then it is reasonable to assume that there are similar solutions on the other side of the barricades. A big problem in launching nix applications under Windows is in the absence of the corresponding kernel operating system, and the team of programmers from Japan perfectly understood this. Puzzled by this snag, they presented first the concept, and then the implementation. Linux kernels fully ported to Windows! The project was named Cooperative Linux or, in abbreviated form, coLinux... It was the first free development software that allows you to run Linux under Windows without any virtualization or the need to recompile applications! This is achieved through a special driver that maps Linux system calls to Windows calls... When the application tries to call the familiar Linux feature, its work does not break off with an error - the call is translated into a set of system calls of the Windows itself and is successfully executed. All this works much faster than in any virtual machines since the native is used for Windows kernel and resources are not wasted on virtualization.

Despite the fact that with the help of coLinux you can run not only Linux applications, but in general the tux itself, we will not consider it in detail. But let's focus on two other projects that use coLinux as a framework, but are more user-friendly, eliminating the need to waste time on configuration, which in the case of the "naked" would have to be done manually. The first of these projects is andLinux.

How to make from Windows Ubuntu?

If someone asks you “What is andLinux? ", Then the best answer is:" This is practically full distribution Ubuntu Linux that works right on the Windows system! " Yes Yes exactly! The kernel is coLinux, but andLinux is far superior in its capabilities. A ready-to-use distribution kit is available to download from the official site. In general, a common program, except for the weight: 131 MB for the version with the XFCE graphical shell and minimal set utilities - and as much as 653 MB for full version with KDE. If you don't know what it is, choose the second option - you won't be mistaken.

The installation of the package into the system does not stand out in anything special, but you will have to answer a few questions from the wizard, specifying some parameters of the andLinux operation:

1. The amount of RAM that Linux applications can use is better to choose "at least 256 MB", although everything will work, even if you allocate only 128.

2. Regarding the question of how to start andLinux, I advise you to choose the option with automatic start as a Windows service.

3. For the add-on to have access to the main file system, you will have to configure Samba ( special service on nix systems, allowing you to connect to shared resources Microsoft networks). To do this, you need to create a folder in Windows and make it accessible from the network (share), and during the installation of andLinux - specify its name and, if required, login and password for access.

After installation, a panel appears in the system (in the case of a distribution kit with XFCE) or a tray icon (in the case of KDE), with which preinstalled Linux applications are launched. For regular user it looks like a bunch of the most common programs! It is not at all surprising, because they all have the usual Windows frame (as opposed to the ugly Cygwin). Therefore, confuse "foreigner" with regular program very simple!

You can run absolutely everything that is in Ubuntu Linux... By at least, we did not find any restrictions and without any problems instructed a bunch of software from the Ubuntu repositories, using the package managers apt-get and Synaptic. If you are not familiar with it yet, this is your real chance to appreciate their power and convenience. I opened the window, found the name of the required program, clicked "Install" - that's the whole installation. The manager itself will download the necessary distribution files, as well as all required libraries and present the user with a ready-to-run application. It's even easier than installing the program on Windows! Naturally, nothing prevents you from building programs from source. In general, andLinux works amazingly, and the only inconvenient moment is the exchange of files between Windows and Linux through shared folders and Samba.

Last decision

Perhaps our experience of turning Windows into tux would have ended there if Ulteo had not announced the launch of beta testing of its new application on May 19 of this year - Ulteo Virtual Desktop... Essentially the same as andLinux. The novelty is also based on coLinux and allows you to run a wide variety of nix applications without the need for recompilation. Due to the fact that this is still an early beta, the developers recommend using only the preinstalled set of programs (Kopete, Konqueror, KPdf, GIMP, etc.) that run from special menu immediately after installing the package and do not require any additional customization... But if you do not take this limitation into account (all the more, you can actually install applications, however, at your own peril and risk), then already now we can highlight several serious advantages of development over andLinux (in fairness, I note that the final release of this development also was not).

Ulteo Virtual Desktop developers have implemented a file sharing system with Windows much more conveniently. Folder account user on Windows is automatically mounted to home folder Linux, which is incomparably more comfortable than sharing through shared resources. Out of the box great sound and printer support is another strong point of the system. It remains only to add automatic program updates and data synchronization via. I sincerely hope that Virtual Desktop will develop rapidly and will please us with a release in a few months.

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Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ..

1. Linux OS ……………………………………………………………… ..

2. Functionality Linux OS ………………………………

3. Advantages and disadvantages of Linux OS …………………………………

5. OS Knoppix ……………………………………………………………….

6. Functionality of OS Knoppix ………………………… ..

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Knoppix OS …………………………… ...




There is enough in the world a large number of operating systems deciding different tasks... Modern users are accustomed to the most common Windows operating system, most of them do not even suspect that there are other operating systems that are not only in no way inferior to Windows, but even superior to it. In this course project, we will get acquainted with the most famous of them - these are Linux and Knoppix operating systems.

Linux OS

Linux is an operating system that is one of the variants (clones) of an operating system like Unix. In its original form, it was created by Linus Torvalds as a version of UNIX for IBM-compatible personal computers. At the same time, Torvalds published the source codes of his system on the Internet (the files of the first version of the Linux OS, published by Torvalds on the Internet, are dated September 17, 1991), and a large number of independent developers were involved in the development of the system. Thanks to this, Linux is currently the most modern, stable and rapidly developing system, almost instantly absorbing the latest technological innovations. It can be used both as a server OS and on networked workstations or personal computers. In 1998, Linux was the fastest growing server operating system, increasing its distribution by 212% in the same year. There are over 20,000,000 Linux users today. There are many Linux applications available for both home use and fully functional UNIX workstations and Internet servers.

Operating system Linux, alternative to Windows. Appearance similar to Windows, the same menus, icons, cursors and other interface elements. This is a full-fledged operating system, suitable both for work on a home computer and in offices, and is even used as a server. Supports Russian. It is considered quite stable. The big advantage is low cost, and Debian systems are generally free, but despite this, they are not inferior to Windows in terms of performance.

Linux functionality

Linux includes many software packages: multimedia (audio and video players), graphics editors, web development tools and integrated programming environments, programs for working on the Internet, office packages(text editors, tables), many useful utilities. Linux has everything you need to work at home and office, and the problem of finding the right application is removed. It is no coincidence that distributions occupy several CDs. The distribution discs include reference guides and source codes. In reality, a distribution kit is a set of installation utilities and a set of software packages (which can be installed as desired) supplied on CDs or posted on the Web. Each distribution has its own name and version. In addition, an important part of this operating system is its kernel, which also has a version. Therefore, very often the question "what versions of Linux are there" sounds somewhat vague. It is necessary to clarify what you are interested in: the kernel, the distribution kit, or something else.

Linux compatibility with Windows. First of all, it should be said that initially these are incompatible systems. In Linux, through special utilities (for example, Wine), it is possible to run Windows applications, although, most often, complex programs it still fails to start for execution. With the formats of other files (text, multimedia, and other projects), the situation is simpler: Linux uses both its own document formats and those compatible with Windows. Linux operating systems use their own file allocation tables (ext, ext3, nfs and others), it is possible to work with Windows disk partitions - FAT16, FAT32, NTFS (working with NTFS in write mode can lead to partition corruption and data loss). And to work from under Windows with Linux partitions it is necessary to acquire a special program.

Equipment. Modern computer hardware basically works without problems under Linux management... It is possible to work with scanners, printers, digital cameras, DVD, CD-RW, DVD-RW, USB-Flash, USB devices and other computer hardware.

Safety. Linux operating systems are considered resilient systems and data loss is rare. The system of differentiation of access rights will not allow an ordinary user to destroy the system, no matter how much he wants. To access vulnerabilities in the system, in order to configure it, you need to log in as root (in WindowsNT / XP - administrator). And another plus is that there are fewer viruses under Linux than under Windows.

Office... Package OpenOffice programs is an alternative to Microsoft Office from Windows. The applications from both packages are very similar to each other, i.e. if you know even one of them, you can work comfortably in both.

Alternatives table

What else can be useful in the office? Scanning and OCR, printing, faxing - all the software you need is available. So there is everything you need for office work.

Multimedia. XMMS audio player (very similar to WinAMP) supports wav, mp3, audio CD. Has a friendly interface. XINE video player allows you to view avi and mpeg-4. You can stop your choice on any other multimedia player from the Linux package.

Graphics. These include viewers and editors of graphic files, PDF readers (Adobe Acrobat Reader from Windows), programs for scanning and OCR.

I would like to pay special attention to professional graphic GIMP editor, which is a serious alternative to the well-known in Windows Adobe program Photoshop. GIMP can do everything that a designer and decorator needs: working with layers, a lot of tools and graphic effects, I can't list further, since I have a poor idea of ​​design.

Development. The KDevelop integrated development environment in collaboration with QtDesigner allows you to easily and quickly create programs for Linux (although this still requires some knowledge of the C or C ++ programming language).

The life of web developers is made easier: KDevelop and Quanta Plus, and even some text editors (for example, KWrite, Kate) provide syntax highlighting for various programming languages ​​and scripting languages. And the most important thing is that it has an Apache server (with PHP support), MySQL databases. In addition, other scripts (eg Perl, Python) and databases are supported.

In addition to software development environments, there is a QCad editor for creating drawings (by analogy - Compass and AutoCAD from Windows).

Internet... Internet browsers, mail programs, chat programs (ICQ, IRC), download manager. Linux has good LAN support and many utilities for working with it.

Utilities. Basically, for ordinary users, the following programs can be useful:

- CD and DVD recording (K3b);

- work with sections hard disk;

- organizer, address book, alarm clock, reminders, calculator;

- setting up equipment and systems;

- and many others.

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Explore the capabilities of the Linux operating system

Using the Ubuntu operating system as an example

    multitasking: multiple programs run at the same time. multi-user system: several users can work on one machine at the same time (and without a multi-user license!). multi-platform: works on different processors, not only at Intel. multiprocessing: SMP support is available on Intel and SPARC platforms (work in progress for other platforms), and Linux is used in several loosely coupled MP applications, including Beowulf systems (see /beowulf/beowulf.html) and the SPARC-based supercomputer Fujitsu AP1000 +. multithreading: has built-in kernel support for many independent threads within the space of a single process. runs in protected mode on 386. has interprocess memory protection so that one program cannot destroy the entire system. load executables on demand: Linux only reads the portions of programs from disk that are actually needed. shared copy-on-write memory pages between programs. This means that many processes can use the same memory to run. When one of the processes tries to write to this memory, this page (4KB chunk of memory) is copied somewhere. Copy-on-write has two advantages: increased speed and reduced memory usage. virtual memory uses paging (rather than swapping the entire process) to disk: on a separate partition or in a file in the file system, or both, with the ability to add additional swap areas at runtime (yes, they are still called swap areas). A maximum of 16 swap areas of 128 MB (2GB in fresh kernels) can be used simultaneously, theoretically a maximum of 2 GB of usable swap space. It is easy enough to increase these values, if necessary, simply by changing a few lines of source code. a unified memory pool for user programs and disk cache so the whole free memory can be used for caching, and the cache can be reduced when running large programs. dynamically linked shared libraries (DLLs); and static libraries. a core dump is performed for post-mortem analysis of programs, allowing a debugger to be used for the program not only when it is running, but also when it crashes. is mostly POSIX, System V, and BSD source-compatible. using iBCS2-compliant emulation module, mostly compatible with SCO, SVR3 and SVR4 at binary files... all source code is available, including all kernel and all drivers, development tools and all custom programs; also, all of this is freely distributed. A bunch of commercial programs is provided for Linux without source code, but everything that is free, including the entire base operating system, remains free. POSIX job management. pseudo-terminals (pty). emulation of the 387 coprocessor in the kernel, so programs don't need their own emulation. Every Linux computer is thought of as having a math coprocessor. Of course, if your computer already has a math coprocessor, it will be used instead of emulation, and you can even compile the kernel without emulating the math coprocessor to reduce the memory occupied by the kernel. support for many national or custom keyboards, and it's easy enough to dynamically add another one. multiple virtual consoles: different independent sessions on one console, you can switch between them using a keyboard shortcut (independent of video equipment). Consoles are allocated dynamically; you can create up to 64 consoles. Support for various common filesystems including minix, Xenix, and all common filesystems System System V also has its own extended file system that allows partitioning up to 4 TB, with names up to 255 characters long. transparent access to MS-DOS partitions (or OS / 2 FAT partitions) using a special filesystem: you do not need special teams to use an MS-DOS partition, it looks exactly like a regular file Unix system(except for weird restrictions on filenames, permissions, and so on). Compressed partitions MS-DOS 6 is currently not available without an additional kernel source patch (dmsdosfs). VFAT (WNT, Windows 95) and FAT-32 support available in Linux 2.0 special file system called UMSDOS, which allows you to install Linux on a file DOS system... read-only access to HPFS-2 for OS / 2 2.1 (In 2.4 there will be write access. Translator's note) HFS file system support (Macintosh) is available separately as a module. file CD-ROM system which works with all standard CD-ROM formats. networking opportunities TCP / IP including ftp, telnet, NFS, etc. Appletalk server client and server Netware client and server Lan Manager / Windows Native (SMB) many network protocols: basic protocols available in the latest development kernels include TCP, IPv4, IPv6, AX.25, X.25, IPX, DDP (Appletalk) , Netrom, and others. Stable network protocols The stable kernels include TCP, IPv4, IPX, DDP, and AX.25.
5.2 First Boot We installed the system and rebooted. Meet GRUB in front of you! As I promised at the outset, Ubuntu will make sure we can boot both Ubuntu and Windows. Grub is a boot manager that allows you to boot into normal mode, in recovery mode or, for example, boot Windows. Note that if Windows is not installed, then you will not see the menu, but you will see something like this: In this case, if you want to enter the menu, press Esc. We choose booting Ubuntu(or just don't touch anything, it will automatically start after a few seconds). The download process has started.
After a while, we will see the following picture (if during installation you checked the "Login automatically" checkbox, then you will not see the login screen.): Enter your username and password. Also, if you wish, you can reboot or turn off your computer if you suddenly change your mind or accidentally boot up, and planned to go into Windows. If everything is ok - we have Gnome! 5.3 Gnome (Review) Well here we are booting for the first time. Before us workspace Gnome. You can click on the picture to enlarge it.
In this article, we will cover the basic elements graphical shell Gnome and compare it to Windows elements... A few words about localization at once. We chose Russian during installation and nevertheless we see English interface mixed with Russian. The reason here is that there is only one disk, and there are a lot of languages, and, as I suppose, there was simply not enough space to add support for all languages, so initially only English is fully supported as a universal one. Subsequently, after we connect the network and update the system, we will install a full-fledged Russian language. So, let's begin. It is immediately striking that there are two panels, unlike Windows: above and below. This is very convenient, believe me, especially when we add applets, adjust the weather, etc. etc. Main menu The main menu is located in the upper panel on the left. It has three points. First point: Applications(Programs). It is analogous to Start - Programs in Windows.

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