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Calculator with curly and square brackets. Difficulty calculating school examples

Online calculator- this is a much needed tool, always available in your browser for a wide range of people who need to quickly make calculations without resorting to any application programs... This online calculator, which we propose to use directly on our website, is devoid of the drawbacks of many similar services and applications, such as incorrect calculation results or insufficient mathematical functionality. Our one of the best and most powerful calculators is designed for any simple and complex calculations: percentages, trigonometric functions, logarithms, root extraction and much more from the field of higher mathematics.

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One of the main features of our calculator is the ability to build graphs, this rare function will come in handy both for schoolchildren and students, and people involved in scientific activities... Our service is designed not only for students and researchers, it can be useful for business representatives, accountants, financiers and many other people, whose professional activity is associated with frequent mathematical calculations. Now you do not need to look for a program for calculations on your computer, or carry a calculating machine with you, just go to this site and use an online calculator

Free calculator Is our new online service, which is based on the idea of ​​providing all site visitors with unlimited access to the calculator for free from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Around the clock, wherever there is the Internet! The site offers to take advantage of this free calculator with the broadest possibilities without user registration.

This free calculator is simple and easy to learn, but not everyone can use it. functionality calculator without special instructions that we have prepared for you. The instruction will inform you in detail about the correct notation of mathematical operations and about all the functions of the calculator on specific examples... All this to make it easy and convenient for you to use our calculator.

Depending on your requirements and the level of complexity of calculations, the calculator can be used as a regular calculator - to perform basic arithmetic operations, or as engineering calculator- for mathematical calculations increased complexity with the involvement additional functions... There are examples in the instructions for all types of operations with a free calculator.

We hope you enjoy our free online calculator!

Online calculator was last modified: March 3rd, 2016 by Admin

Hello friends! Very rarely do I talk about really useful programs that can easily make our life easier and save our time.

In two weeks, it's already the first of September, and what does that mean? True, this is the beginning school year... Someone to school, someone to university and others schools... It's sad, of course, but you also need to learn :). Therefore, today I will tell you about a program that will largely help in this difficult process. Well, with mathematics, it will definitely be easier.

Today I will tell you about the CatchResponse program, which I learned about not so long ago (a pity, I would have found out when I was still in school, perhaps there would have been less twos in mathematics :))... To be honest, I never liked mathematics, I didn't really know it, and all these equations were torments for me. Both at school and at the university. Or maybe I just didn’t want to understand her, but it’s not important, today is not about that :).

Let's get back to the program. Catch the Answer Is a powerful reshebnik (I wrote a calculator in the title, but it's more than just a calculator), with which you can solve a variety of mathematical examples (both the simplest and the most complex)... And yet, the program shows all the stages of the solution, that is, you will not only receive an answer, but you will see all the stages of the solution. For example, you solve an equation and observe the solution in a column - this is very cool. Indeed, very often the final answer will not help us very much, because we need to describe the decision process itself.

What can be solved with this program?

  • Examples of varying complexity
  • Equations (linear and square)
  • Perform actions with natural numbers
  • Simplifying Expressions
  • Work with fractions

And much more.

Features of the CatchResponse program

  • Displaying Solution Steps
  • The program shows the result on a notebook sheet
  • Beautiful, simple and well thought-out interface (you can quickly change the color of the program)
  • There are versions of the program for mobile phones (java), Android, Apple.
  • The program is developing.

Where to download and how to install the LoviOtvet solution?

By the way, while I was writing the article, I discovered online version Reshebnik is located at But not all functions are available there. Therefore, it is better to download the program and install it on your computer.

The program is free, so just download it from the official site and install it. Go to the page And click on the link next to the Windows icon.

Save setup file, or start it right away. The installation process itself is very simple. I think you'll figure it out :). After installation, a shortcut to the program should appear on the desktop.

You may have noticed that on the download page there are more versions for mobile phones and for Android platforms and iOS. This means that you can set yourself a Catch Answer on mobile phone, smartphone, tablet, etc. This is very good, because such a program should always be with you.

Review and work with the program

The main window of the program looks like this:

As you can see, everything is very simple. On the left are all buttons, switches, etc. additional panel can be hidden. Above is the line in which we write the task itself. And below is a sheet on which we will take the solution after clicking on the Answer button.

Here is a demo of the function with the output of the solution steps (even 2 + 2 can be painted :)):

On the left, you can choose how to display the solution.

And by moving the slider, you can quickly change the color of the view of the program.

I think that you can figure out the rest of the program's functions without me. I will not describe anything else, download the program and enjoy all the possibilities.

I hope the CatchResponse program, which I have advised you today, will help you in your studies, or even work.

This calculator tries to estimate the complexity of the calculation without a calculator (on a piece of paper) problems using arithmetic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The calculator determines the number of elementary operations in the example, gives the conditional complexity, expressed in milliseconds, required to calculate the example. The complexity is the sum of the elementary operations multiplied by the complexity factor (the time in milliseconds required to complete the operation). Decoding of elementary operations is given in the table at the bottom of the calculator.

Transcript of operations with an indication of the complexity.
++ complexity 200, increase by one, for example, when multiplying 200 3000 - there will be one multiplication 2 Counting zeros 3 and 5 times
+ complexity 500, elementary addition for example 5 + 4
- complexity 500, elementary subtraction, for example 3-2
* complexity 1000, elementary multiplication, for example 2 * 2
/ complexity 1000, division - the division operation is reduced to the sequential performance of multiplication and subtraction operations, while each time we figure out which factor must be chosen so that the product turns out to be slightly less than or equal to the current dividend. This elementary operation is calculated in this column. The necessary multiplications and subtractions are calculated additionally.
0+ complexity 100, addition with zero - special case highlighted separately as it is more simple operation than addition.
0 complexity 100, substitution of zeros
°+ complexity 700, addition with unit transfer, for example 16 + 7 - contains two operations - elementary addition and unit transfer to the next digit.
=0 complexity 200, reduction - subtraction operations equal values, for example 100-100
°- complexity 600, one loan when subtracted, for example, when subtracting 11-9, one loan and one subtraction will be performed.
** complexity 400, repeated multiplication. it often happens that when performing elementary (and not only) multiplication operations, the same operations are performed. For example 25 33 will contain two elementary multiplications and one repeat, we can simply rewrite the result of multiplication 25 3 one more time.
*0 complexity 100, a special case of multiplication by zero
*1 complexity 200, a special case of multiplication by one
°* complexity 700, multiplication carry, for example 23 4 - two elementary multiplications plus one carry (1) when multiplying 3 4
+- difficulty 300, sign change
complexity 500, permutation of the subtracted, is performed if we try to subtract the larger from the smaller
. complexity 500, floating point

Let's consider the calculation of complexity using the example (4567 + 987-8354) * 32/25:
The example contains all four arithmetic operations.

First, the addition is 4567 + 987 = 5554

As you can see, in this example there are three elementary additions: 7 + 7, 6 + 8, 5 + 9, each of which carries out the transfer of one to the most significant bit.

Then subtracting 5554-8354 = -2800

Since from the less is subtracted more, the result is negative, the operands are swapped before subtraction. The first two digits 5.4 are reduced, then when calculating 3-5, an elementary subtraction is carried out with a loan of one, then simply subtraction 8-1-5 = 2.

The third step is to multiply -2800 * 32 = -89600

Since the first factor ends with zeros, we count their number in order to add zeros to the result at the end of the multiplication. Then we multiply 28 32. When multiplied by 3 8 and 2 8 is carried over to the next. discharge. 2 2 and 2 * 3 are just elementary multiplications. In total, there are 4 elementary multiplications, 2 transfers, 2 calculations.

The last action is division -89600 / 25 = -3584

At each step of division, the multiplier is selected in such a way that its product by the divisor is close to the number made up by the first digits of the current remainder of the division. This operation is counted as an elementary division, after which multiplication and subtraction are performed, the complexity of which is calculated by analogy with the previous steps.
In particular, when dividing the first digits (86) by 25, select the factor = 3. Next, multiply 25 * 3-75, then subtract 89-75 = 14.
In total, when calculating 89600/25, we have: 4 divisions and 4 subtractions, 8 products, 3 abbreviations, two multiplications with carry, in multiplication with carry, one addition is carried out.

In the end, during the calculation of the entire example, 52 elementary operations were performed - taking into account the indicated weight coefficients, the total complexity is 28500. Thus, to solve this example it will take about half a minute (28.5 seconds).

P.S. All time estimates and the algorithm for calculating the complexity itself are made on the basis of the author's subjective assumptions, comments and remarks are welcome.

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