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Fast word saving. Word keyboard shortcuts

Word is the most widely used text editor for personal computers. It is used by both beginners and professionals. For comfortable and fast work in Word, there is a keyboard shortcut for saving a document, also called "hot keys", which allows you to perform certain actions at one moment, without leaving the keyboard. This article explains how to save a document to Word with a keyboard shortcut.

Normal save (fast)

You can save a document in Word of any version with the combination Ctrl + S... This shortcut key executes the Save command. However, there are software packages on the Internet in which this combination does not work. In this case, you need to configure it yourself.

Keyboard shortcut Shift + F12 also saves the document to Word. This combination is guaranteed to work in all software packages and all release years. Also, this method may be more convenient for left-handed people.

Saving with the choice of the path to the file ("save as")

Hot Key F12 is responsible for performing the "save as" action in the Word. Unlike Shift + F12, this command opens a window asking for the save location, document name and preferred format. This button is needed if you want to create a separate copy of the text, change the format, or save the file somewhere else.

In addition to the indicated combinations, you can set new ones, customized for yourself. In Options, select a keyboard shortcut setting. In the pop-up window "Keyboard settings" in the category settings, select the item "File tab", and in it - "FileSave" and "FileSaveAs" for "save" and "save as", respectively. Now type in the desired button or combination.

I hope this article was helpful and helped you solve your problem or just improve your Word skills.

We guarantee you - if you familiarize yourself with this material and use this information in your work, the use of hot keys will reduce your working time at times!

To simplify the work with the computer, the main and frequently repeated actions were duplicated by the developers in the keyboard shortcuts. So, working in a certain program and pressing a combination of hot keys, you will get a certain result. This can be opening a menu, copying data, and much more. Please note that there are constant combinations that are the same for all programs - a striking example is Ctrl + C, which means copying active data. And keyboard shortcuts that only work in a specific program.

Today we will analyze the basic keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word. We will use the 2010 version of the editor in our work.
Table of contents:

We control the program from the keyboard

For your convenience, all considered combinations will be divided into groups.

Pay attention to how you should decrypt the recording. In writing, the designation of a separate key is involved - a separate letter or a control button. The "+" sign means that the specified buttons must be pressed together to get the result.

As an example, consider the following entry - closing the active window Alt + F4. This means that in order to close the currently active window, you must press the Alt and F4 keys on your keyboard.

Common Tasks

note... In the last article, we discussed in detail how to translate pdf to word. You can use it for your own purposes.

We'll start by looking at the keyboard shortcuts for the word program, which are responsible for general control tasks.

  • To create a non-breaking space, use - CTRL + SHIFT + SPACEBAR
  • To put a non-breaking hyphen - CTRL + DEPHIS
  • If you need to put in bold style - CTRL + B
  • In turn, italic style is set - CTRL + I
  • Underline - CTRL + U
  • If you change the font parameters, then reduce to the previous size - CTRL + SHIFT +<
  • Accordingly, increase to the next - CTRL + SHIFT +>
  • If you need to decrease the current font by 1 value - CTRL + [
  • Increase - CTRL +]
  • To remove formatting from an item - CTRL + SPACEBAR
  • Copy the active object - CTRL + C
  • Delete active object - CTRL + X
  • And insert it - CTRL + V
  • To use Paste Special, press - CTRL + ALT + V
  • If you need to paste only formatting - CTRL + SHIFT + V
  • To undo the last action - CTRL + Z
  • But its repeat - CTRL + Y
  • To open the "Statistics" window - CTRL + SHIFT + G

Documents and web pages

note... inserted using the built-in editor.

Let's get acquainted with the functions of creating documents, viewing and saving them. The following word hotkeys will help us with this.

  • If we have already worked with some document and want to create a new one of the same type - CTRL + N
  • If you need to open a document - CTRL + O
  • Close document - CTRL + W
  • If you need to split the document window - ALT + CTRL + S
  • To remove the created split, press - ALT + SHIFT + C
  • Save the document by pressing - CTRL + S

Find and replace in a document

note... All kinds can be downloaded from our website.

The microsoft word hotkeys will allow us to search the document using the specified criteria, and, if necessary, replace characters, words and sentences.

  • Find information in a document - CTRL + F
  • Repeat search by previously specified criteria - ALT + CTRL + Y
  • Replacement of characters is carried out with the keys - CTRL + H
  • Go to document elements - CTRL + G
  • To navigate between the last four places where changes were made, press - ALT + CTRL + Z
  • To open the list of search parameters, press - ALT + CTRL + HOME
  • If you need to move to the place of the previous change - CTRL + PAGE UP
  • And if to the next - CTRL + PAGE DOWN

Document view modes

Keyboard shortcuts for the word program can help us customize document viewing modes.

  • Activate layout mode - ALT + CTRL + P
  • Turn on outline mode - ALT + CTRL + O
  • Draft mode - ALT + CTRL + N

We work in the "Structure" mode

This mode makes it easier to work with a document that contains a large amount of information.

  • If you need to move a paragraph to a higher level - ALT + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW
  • In turn, downstream - ALT + SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW
  • Make a paragraph the body text - CTRL + SHIFT + N
  • Move Selected Paragraphs Up - Alt + Shift + Up Arrow
  • If you need to expand the text under the heading - ALT + SHIFT + SIGN PLUS
  • To collapse it - ALT + SHIFT + MINUS SIGN
  • Expand or collapse all headings, or all text - ALT + SHIFT + A
  • Show / hide character formatting - Forward slash (/) on the numeric keypad
  • If you need to display all the text, or the first line of the main text - ALT + SHIFT + L
  • Show all headings that are formatted with the "Heading 1" style - ALT + SHIFT + 1
  • Tab character - CTRL + TAB

Preview, print

Once we have created a Word document, edited it, you can use the preview to get an idea of ​​how everything will look on paper. And then print it out.

  • Send document to print - CTRL + P
  • Close / Open Preview - ALT + CTRL + I
  • If you are viewing in an enlarged scale, navigate the page - using the arrow keys
  • If at a reduced scale you need to move to the previous or next page - PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN
  • Go to the first page - CTRL + HOME
  • On the last one - CTRL + END

Document review

Microsoft Word allows you to review the current document.

  • To insert a note, press - ALT + CTRL + M
  • Enable / disable the recording mode of corrections - CTRL + SHIFT + E
  • Close Checking Area - ALT + SHIFT + C

Works with footnotes and links

  • To mark an element of the table of contents, press - ALT + SHIFT + O
  • Mark the link table element - ALT + SHIFT + I
  • Mark the index - ALT + SHIFT + X
  • Add a regular footnote to the document - ALT + CTRL + F
  • Insert an endnote - ALT + CTRL + D

Video for the article:


Use hotkeys - they will help to shorten the work time.

User manual -.

Lets you create document navigation.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected from us?

As soon as you write the title, immediately save the document so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, you do not lose the document on which you have been working all day!

Saving a document in Word 2010 and newer versions

To save the document in word 2010, go to the File tab. Then move the cursor down and click the line Save as

Rice. 2

In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, the folder is highlighted in gray My documents, in which it is proposed to save the new document by default. But you can choose another place to save. Scroll through the list using the slider (highlighted in red) and click the desired folder or disk (flash drive)

The File name field is automatically filled in with part of the first line of your text. You can agree with the proposed document name or change it to your own. Leave the File type field unchanged.

If necessary, below you can specify additional information for your document: author, keywords, title, subject, etc.

Paying attention! If you forgot the name of your last document and the folder where you saved it, then go to the File tab (Fig. 3) and select the Recent item. On the right, you will see a list of the text documents you worked with, as well as the folders in which you saved them.

Rice. 3

Saving a document in Word 2007

To save the document in word 2007, press button 1 (Figure 4). Then you move the cursor down to the Save as 2 button, and from it, follow the arrow to the right and press the Word Document 3 button

Rice. 4

The "Save Document" window will open:

Rice. 5

In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, the Documents folder is highlighted in gray, in which the computer offers to save a new document. You can disagree and, by clicking on the folders, open the one where you want to save.

In the File name window, the name that the computer wants to give to your document is highlighted. You can, right there, replace this name with your own.

Paying attention! If you have not changed the name of the document and the destination folder, then at least remember where the document was saved. Because novice users often click the button Save, and then, half a day looking for where the saved document is.

Saving a document in Word 2003

So, you typed the phrase " A very useful article", now, at the top of the Word window, press the File menu button, and in the menu that opens, select Save as... .

Rice. 6

In the opened window Saving the document you see the name of the folder (My Documents) in which Word offers to save the new document. Under the folder name, we see a list of documents already in that folder. Instead of the suggested folder, you are your computer. The main thing - do not forget where you saved it!

The computer also suggests the name of the file, but you can immediately replace it with another. File type: The Word document should remain that way. In the future, to open the document, it will be enough to click on the title of the article, and it will open immediately in the Word window. It will not be necessary, it will be, to first launch Word! Now press the button Save and the document is saved!

Saving a Word document using the keyboard

Above, I showed you how to save a new document using the menu. However, there is a faster method of saving a document - you just need to remember the required key. Key F12 located in the top row of the keyboard. After pressing the F12 key, a window will open
save the document (Figure 6 - for Word 2003, Figure 4 - for Word 2007). Then you act according to my tips under the pictures.

If, after saving the document, you continue to type, Word will automatically periodically save the text you are typing. But you can yourself, right there, after making changes to the document, save it by pressing the keys Shift + F12... I am this
I do this: I press the right Shift key with my right thumb, and the F12 key with my middle finger. Try it - it's very convenient and quick.

Working in Microsoft Office will be much more efficient and faster if you know keyboard shortcuts for, for example, highlighting text and underlining or undoing actions. This is much more convenient than, for example, selecting the Undo item from the Edit menu with the mouse. It will be much faster to simply press ctrl+z... These hotkeys work not only in the MS Office program, but also in others, as well as in the Windows operating system itself.

These combinations are suitable for all versions of Office products up to

Explanation: when designating, I use the "+" sign, which does not at all mean that you need to press it on the keyboard, you just need to press the keys before and after it.

So, when pressing the keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + O- an explorer will open, with which you can find and open a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

Ctrl + N- creating a new Microsoft Word document.

Ctrl + S or Shift + F12- saving a Microsoft Word document on your computer.

Ctrl + W- closing the document.

Alt + F4- exit from the Microsoft Word program.

Ctrl + P- Print for the given Microsoft Word document.

Ctrl + Z- Undoes the last action in the Word document.

Ctrl + Y- reverts the last undone action in the Word document.

Ctrl + A- all text in the Microsoft Word document will be highlighted.

Ctrl + X- the selected text will be cut.

Ctrl + C- the selected text will be copied.

Ctrl + V- the selected text will be inserted.

Ctrl + B- the selected text changes to bold text.

Ctrl + I- the selected text will change to italics.

Ctrl + U- the selected text will be underlined.

Ctrl + H- find and replace text.

Ctrl + F2- document preview.

Ctrl + Shift + W- the selected text will be underlined without spaces.

Ctrl + Shift + D- the selected text will be underlined with a double line.

Ctrl + Shift + G- document statistics.

Ctrl + Shift + C- copying the selected text format.

If you put the cursor in front of a word and press the keys Ctrl + Shift + RIGHT ARROW then one word will be highlighted.

Shift + End- one line BEFORE the set cursor will be highlighted.

Shift + Home- one line will be highlighted AFTER the positioned cursor.

Shift + Pg Up- text with page up will be highlighted.

Shift + Pg Dn- the text with the page down will be highlighted.

Shift + F3- capitalizes the selected text.

Ctrl +]- the selected text will be enlarged (the font will become larger).

Ctrl + [- the selected text will be reduced (the font will become smaller).

Ctrl + equal sign- the selected text will change to subscript.

Ctrl + Shift + plus sign- the selected text will change to superscript.

Ctrl + Shift + K- the selected text will be changed to small uppercase letters.

Ctrl + L- the selected text in the word document is aligned to the left.

Ctrl + R- the selected text in a Microsoft word document will be right-aligned.

Ctrl + E- the selected text in the word document is centered.

Ctrl + J- the selected text in the document will be justified.

Ctrl + F- a search window will open (to search for text in a document).

While holding down the key Ctrl and scrolling the movie on the mouse zooms in the Microsoft Word document.

Alt + Shift + D- inserting the current day, date and year.

Alt + Shift + T- inserting the current time.

Alt + Ctrl + L- insert numbering.

Alt + Ctrl + minus sign- an em dash will be displayed in the word document.

Alt + Ctrl + dot sign- ellipsis will be set in the word document.

Greetings, dear guests of the computer site. In this article, we will consider combinations of Microsoft Word hotkeys to increase your skills in work, as well as reduce the time for using various functions in this program.

As I already said, you can increase the speed of work several times if you use hotkeys. As with the program, many people work in the text editor Word. This is another useful program from Microsoft Office. And so let's look at the keyboard shortcuts most used in work.

Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word.

Ctrl + A- Select the entire document.
Ctrl+ C- Copy the selected fragment.
Ctrl + X- Cut the selection.
Ctrl + V- Paste the copied / cut fragment from the clipboard.
Ctrl + F- Open the search box.
Ctrl + Y- Repeat the last action.
Ctrl + Z- Undo the last action.
Ctrl + B- Highlight bold selected text.
Ctrl + I- Highlight in italics selected text.
Ctrl + U- Underline selected text.
Ctrl + K- Insert link.
Ctrl + S- Save an open document (alternative combination Shift + F12).
Ctrl + W- Close the document.
Ctrl + N- Create a document.
Ctrl + O- Open document.
Ctrl + D- Open the font window.
Ctrl + Space(Space) - Make the default font for the selected text.
Ctrl + M- Paragraph indent.
Ctrl + T- Increase the indent on the left.
Ctrl + E- Alignment of the paragraph to the center of the screen.
Ctrl + L- Alignment of the paragraph to the left side of the screen.
Ctrl + R- Alignment of the paragraph on the right side of the screen.
Ctrl + J- Format alignment.
Ctrl + Shift + L- Bulleted list.
Ctrl + 0 (zero) - Increase or decrease the spacing before the paragraph by one line.
Ctrl + 1 - Single line spacing.
Ctrl + 2 - Double line spacing.
Ctrl + End- Move to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home- Move to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + [arrow left]- Move one word to the left.
Ctrl + [arrow to the right]- Move one word to the right.
Ctrl + [up arrow]- Move to the beginning of a line or paragraph.
Ctrl + [arrow to down]- Go to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Del- Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace- Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + F- Change the font.
Ctrl + Shift + > - Increase font size.
Ctrl + Shift + < - Decrease font size.
Shift + F3- Change the case of letters. Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Each Word. UPPERCASE or lowercase of the selected text, to change you need to press the combination of these keys several times.
Ctrl + F1- Open the Taskbar menu.
Ctrl + F2- Display preview.
Ctrl + Enter- Move to the next line.
Ctrl + ] - Increase the font of the selected text.
Ctrl + [ - Decrease the font of the selected text.
Shift + Alt + D- Insert the current date (DD.MM.YYYY).
Shift + Alt + T- Insert current time (HH: MM: SS).

Using function keys in Microsoft Word.

About function keys F1-F12 I have already said that they are widely used in Microsoft Windows, in many programs. Function keys allow you to access any functions very quickly, just press one of the buttons, and what each of them means for Microsoft Word, you can find out below.

F1- Open the "Help" menu.
F2- Move text or picture.
F3- Insert element "Autotext".
F4- Repeat the last action (Word 2000+).
F5- Open the "Edit" menu.
F6- Go to the next area.
F7- Check spelling and grammar of the selected text.
F8- Expansion of selection.
F9- Refresh the selected fields.
F10- Go to the "Menu" line.
F11- Go to the next field.
F12- Open the "Save As" menu.

In addition to the above keyboard shortcuts for Word, you can also use your mouse for convenience. By the way, do not forget to read an interesting article in which you will find very useful functions.

  • Double-clicking the left button will highlight the clicked word.
  • Triple-clicking the left button will select the entire paragraph.
  • Grab the selected text with the left button and move it to the desired place, then release the button.
  • Hold the key Ctrl and twist mouse wheel to reduce or increase the size of the document.

Here are some small tips for beginners on working with Microsoft Word, using keyboard shortcuts and using keyboard shortcuts.

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