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The Great Encyclopedia of Survival. Survival Encyclopedia

All books, encyclopedias, recommendations and guides on survival in extreme and emergency situations presented on this page are taken from open sources. Offered for download, in this form, as is and for free. Most books and reference books in *.pdf format. Reading them requires Adobe Reader or similar program.

Encyclopedia of Survival. One on one with nature.

What should a person do who, by the will of fate, finds himself face to face with harsh nature, away from settlements, in the open sea, mountains or desert? Reviewed in this encyclopedia.

384 pages. Russian language. djvu file in zip archive, 13.3 mb.

Tourist medical guide.

Medical support of tourist trips. Prevention and treatment of diseases in the campaign. Use of medicinal plants and wild berries.

20 pages. Russian language. .chm file in zip archive, 0.5 mb.

Nodes and networks.

This edition is practical guide knitting and netting. The acquired skills will allow you to avoid unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous situations.

98 pages. Russian language. PDF file in zip archive, 3.2 mb.

Golden rules for safe driving.

The book outlines tips for safe driving on the roads.
- Starting on a slippery road
- emergency braking
— emergency maneuvering
and others

49 pages. Russian language. pdf file in rar archive, 1.8 mb.

Bodyguard in Russia.

The book tells about the training and work of bodyguards in private business in Russia. All the topics presented are considered from the point of view of psychology and practice, which makes it easier to understand the essence of the problem.

Russian language. 154 pages. djvu file in zip archive, 4.4 mb.
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High-speed taxiing in critical situations.

High-speed and power taxiing technique, preparatory, basic and additional exercises, counter-emergency actions. Practical recommendations on the technique and tactics of high-speed taxiing.

Russian language. 42 pages. PDF file in zip archive, 1.6 mb.
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Marine knots.

For whatever needs the rope is used, it is unthinkable without knots, ligaments and loops. As soon as we pick up the rope, we immediately begin to think about how to tie it.

Russian language. 129 pages. doc file in zip archive, 2.9 mb.

Providing first aid to victims of road accidents. Reference manual.

The life of victims often depends on what kind of assistance they will receive in the first minutes after a traffic accident or road accident.

Russian language. 25 pages. djvu file in zip archive, 3.5 mb.


Collected in the book big number nodes grouped into sections according to their area of ​​application. Each node is accompanied sequential circuit tying.

Russian language. 11 pages. The chm file in the zip archive, 1.2 mb.

This encyclopedia is very useful book. It tells about how to survive in the wild. Below I will give screenshots from the table of contents of the book so that you can understand what in question In the meantime, I will share my impressions.

Download survival book can .

Survival Encyclopedia. One on one with nature” - this survival book will be of interest to those who want to know how to survive away from civilization. The book is aimed at those who have fallen into an extreme situation and are looking for a way out of it. I was really surprised by the survival advice for those who got to the Arctic and Antarctic - but who knows where fate may take us.

This book does not contain stupid advice like how to determine the cardinal points while on a raft in the middle of the ocean. No, the advice itself on determining the cardinal points is good, but what's the point? On a raft - row, do not row - it all depends on the current, but on the wind. And the definition of the cardinal points will not help.

But in this survival book there are a lot of really useful tips for survivalists. So, for example - how to collect evaporation from plants to obtain water in a desert area. After all, there were real cases emergency landings of aircraft in desert areas, almost catastrophes, when some of the passengers did survive during the landing, but died from lack of water. However, with regard to survival in the desert, there are tips on how to determine where the water may be and how to dig a well. Well, how to find an already dug well is also described. A whole chapter talks about. Of course, getting into the desert seems unlikely, however, when we fly to rest in Egypt, the plane just flies over desert places. And knowing about the possibilities of potential survival will never be superfluous.

The encyclopedia of survival also tells about survival in other places of our planet - in the taiga, forest (do not confuse these two concepts), in winter and summer.

A separate section of the book describes hunting traps. This survival book contains tips and drawings for making snare traps, self-made crossbows (self-acting), shock traps and falling traps. I liked the selection of traps, it is quite possible to make such ones with only a knife from tools, well, in extreme cases, you can also use a chipped stone.

You can retell the book for a long time, look at the pages of contents - from them it is quite possible to understand what this survival book is about.

Olga comments:

My husband loves to go hiking. Generally interested in the topic of tourism. His birthday is coming soon, so this book is a good option. Thanks for the tip!

Sergei comments:

The book is not bad, it describes all the basic options for survival in the wild. It is especially detailed about obtaining water and food. What you need to know before going there.

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The most extreme zones of our planet are of considerable extent, they are little or completely uninhabited and are quite aggressive in relation to a person who first got into them. Extreme zones are: the tundra and especially the sea coast throughout Europe, Asia and North America, including ...

The causes of car accidents are poor driving skills; speeding in prohibited or dangerous areas; passenger actions that distract the driver; alcohol or drug intoxication; sleep at the wheel; severe overwork; sudden death while driving; mental imbalance caused by severe stress; loss of visibility (at night when ...

Underground labyrinths From the point of view of origin, caves are divided into natural (karst, lava) and artificial (mines, mines, mines, quarries, salt mines). The caves are very different. They are horizontal, vertical, inclined and are divided into dry and flooded, simple and labyrinthine. Usually, …

Name: Encyclopedia of survival - One on one with nature.

Almost daily, the press, radio and television inform us of aircraft and ships in distress. Accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters claim tens of thousands of lives. Tourists get lost on the routes, lost travelers die in the deserts and taiga wilds. What should a person do who, by the will of fate, finds himself face to face with harsh nature, far from settlements, in the open sea, mountains or desert? What should be done to save life? How to send distress signals, get water and food when supplies ran out, how to build a fire in bad weather, build shelters from improvised materials to protect from rain, cold or scorching sun? What are the means of rescue and how to use them, what to do when evacuating aboard a rescue helicopter? And in general - how to survive?

The answers to these questions are given by the author - a professional specialist in survival and rescue, who has been dealing with this problem for over 20 years. The book takes into account the experience of training military pilots in special survival centers, training special forces units, experiments of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine, as well as foreign experience U.S. Army Survival Training.
Everyone whose profession and hobbies are associated with a certain risk will find for himself helpful tips which will contribute to a safe exit from a critical situation. The book is presented in a popular form, contains many drawings and is intended for a wide range of readers.
Can also be recommended as study guide for secondary schools in the discipline "Fundamentals of safe life".

Dangers meet us at every step, in the city, in nature. This is an undeniable fact, in which for some reason few people want to believe. In our minds, the belief is firmly ingrained that if a stone is destined to fall, then it will fall on someone else's head. We often tend to see the causes of our misfortunes as ignorance or inexplicable coincidences rather than as the result of our own wrong actions. Meanwhile, real cases indicate the opposite: often we ourselves are to blame for our misfortunes. A significant share of the blame for this should be taken by our parents and teachers, who did not take care to inoculate us with constant complacency about saving our own lives in extreme situations.

Preface 5
From the author. . . . 6
Arctic ...... 13
Glaciers of the Arctic 13
Polar deserts 15
Tundra 16
Forests, 19
Coniferous forests of the cold zone - taiga. . . . 19
Broad-leaved forests - neighbors of the taiga 22
broadleaf forests Far East 24
Subtropical forests 26
Subtropical forests of the Mediterranean type 26
Subtropical Forests of East Asia 28
Tropical forests - jungle.... 29
Jungle Animals 32
Dangerous plants in the jungle.... 34
Steppes 36
Steppe forbs 37
Steppe climate 38
Steppe waters 39
Fauna of the steppes 39
Deserts 42
Flora and fauna of the desert 45
What are the deserts 47
Semi-deserts 48
Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan 49
Mountain deserts of the Pamirs 52
The mountains. 52
Dangers in the mountains 53
Mountain water resources 54
Floods and mudflows 55
Flora and fauna of mountains 56
Seas and oceans 56
Currents of the oceans 59
Salinity of water in the oceans and seas 61
Natural Hazards 61
Shelves - the main habitat 63
An accident in a deserted area... 65
Assessing the situation and making a decision 65
Air transport emergencies 67
Forced landing of an aircraft on land and emergency evacuation... 67
Airplane fire 76
Forced landing of an aircraft on water 77
Shipwreck 79
Making a decision to leave the ship 79
Ways to leave the ship 79
The sinking ship has been abandoned, what's next? 82
Clothes for extreme conditions 89
Clothing in areas dominated by snow and ice 91
Foot care 93
Protection in the summer tundra 95
Hot climate survival protection..96
Shelter Location 98
Organization of camp activities. one hundred
How to build shelter 102
Shelter equipment
Types and arrangement of fires..... 118
Compass orientation..... 122
Sun orientation 123
Orientation by the stars 124
Moon Orientation 125
Determining the sides of the horizon by plants and animals 125
Determining the sides of the horizon by relief, soil, wind and snow 126
Determining the sides of the horizon by buildings 127
Weather forecast for today 130
What the weather will be tomorrow? 132
Mountain weather forecast 133
Winter weather forecast 134
Water supply...135
Features of water supply in the Arctic 137
Features of water supply in the taiga and tundra 138
Features of water supply in the temperate zone 138
Water supply in the desert 139
Wells in the desert 140
Water sources in the mountains 141
Water supply at sea 142
Features of water supply in the jungle. 143
Nutrition in survival conditions... 144
Obtaining food by hunting. 146
Fishing 156
Other food sources. 161
Cooking in a survival setting. 163
Utensils for cooking 163
Meat cooking... 164
Cooking with fish... 169
Good to know... 170
Harvesting fish for future use 172
Methods of preservation, meat. 172
Plant food 174
Edible plants 174
Plant bread 181
Herbal spices 182
How to determine the suitability of a plant for food 183
Mushrooms. 184
Snakes and insects 185
Snake bites 186
Arthropod bites 187
Spiders 187
Arachnids. 188
Scorpions 188
Centipedes. 189
Sting by bees and wasps 189
Tick ​​infestation. 190
Providing first aid for bites 193
Bite prevention 195
How to spot poisonous snakes 198
Leeches. 199
Large animals and predators. 199
Dangerous marine animals 200
Sharks - the top predators of the sea 201
What is the mechanism of shark attacks? 203
Can shark attacks be prevented? 206
Shark relief 207
Killer fish. 207
Fish with poisonous meat. 207
Ordinary fish can also poison you 208
First aid for fish poisoning 209
Giant man-eating catfish 210
Toothy moray eels 210
Sea Swordsmen 211
Barracudas 212
Piranha: legends and facts. 213
Vampire Candiru 214
Fish that strike electric shock 215
Poisoned Thorns and Needles 216
Scorpio 216
Sea dragons 220
Spiny Catran Sharks 221
Stingrays 221
First aid for injections inflicted by poisonous fish" 222
Sea snakes 222
Sea urchins 223
"Many-armed" octopuses and squids 224
Dangerous mammals 228
Harmless giant - manta 229
Poisonous clams 229
Blooming water 230
Giant clam - tridacna 230
Poison "arrows" cones 231
Poisonous and dangerous jellyfish. . . 231
Anemones 233
Polychaete worms. 234
Dangerous and poisonous mushrooms. 234
Poisonous Plants 237
Grain poisoning of stone fruits 242
Plants that replace soap. 249
Preparing for the transition.. 251
Transition Tactics 252
"SOS" on the trail. . . . . 254
Features of making transitions to various conditions 256
Transitions in the taiga. . . 256
Assistance with falling through the ice, 258
Swamp movement 260
Overcoming water barriers 262
Crossings in the Arctic. 271
Crossings in the desert. 275
Jungle crossings. 280
Crossings in the mountains 281
Safety rules in the mountains... 281
Caution - danger! 283
Movement in the mountains 287
Driving on snowy slopes and glaciers 290
Moving on difficult terrain and rocks 296
Equipment 303
Insurance. 304
Communication of the insurer with the partner 308
Rope Anchors 310
Climbing technique 310
Descents with rope 314
Basic factors for survival at sea 320
Protection against adverse effects external environment 320
Alarm 325
Water and food 327
Psychological aspects 330
Life on a raft 331
Landing 333
Rescue containers KAS-150, KAS-150M 335
Radio communication and visual signaling means 337
Radio R-855UM 337
Automatic radio beacon iKomar-2Mi 339
Automatic radio beacon "Accident-2i 341
Means of visual signaling. 342
Personal lifeboats 345
Life jacket ASZH-43P 345
Life jacket ASZH-58. 345
Life jacket ASZH-63P 347
Rescue belt ASP-74 348
Boat MLAS-1 "OB" 349
Raft PSN-1. 350
Group rescue boats 351
Boat LAS-5M-3 351
Raft PSN-b 355
Emergency supplies 358

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