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The computer block inside which are located. PC devices

By its purpose, a computer is a universal device for working with information. According to the principles of its design, a computer is a model of a person working with information.

Personal Computer(PC) is a computer designed to serve one workstation. In terms of its characteristics, it may differ from large computers, but it is functionally capable of performing similar operations. According to the method of operation, there are desktop (desktop), portable (laptop and notebook) and pocket (palmtop) PC models.

Hardware. Since the computer provides all three classes of information methods for working with data (hardware, software and natural), it is customary to speak of a computer system as consisting of hardware and software working together. The nodes that make up the hardware of a computer are called hardware. They perform all physical work with data: registration, storage, transportation and transformation both in form and in content, and also present them in a form convenient for interaction with natural information methods of a person.

The collection of hardware in a computer is referred to as its hardware configuration.

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Software. Programs can be in two states: active and passive. In the passive state, the program does not work and looks like data, the meaningful part of which is information. In this state, the contents of the program can be "read" by other programs, like books are read, and modified. From it you can find out the purpose of the program and how it works. In a passive state, programs are created, edited, stored, and transported. The process of creating and editing programs is called programming.

When a program is in an active state, the content of its data is considered as instructions according to which the hardware of the computer operates. To change the order of their work, it is enough to interrupt the execution of one program and start the execution of another containing a different set of commands.

The set of programs stored on a computer forms its software. The set of programs prepared for work is called installed software. The collection of programs running at one point in time or another is called software configuration.

Computer device. Any computer (even the largest) consists of four parts:

input devices

information processing devices

storage devices

information output devices.

Structurally, these parts can be combined in one body the size of a book, or each part can consist of several rather bulky devices.

Basic PC hardware configuration... The basic hardware configuration of a personal computer is the minimum set of hardware that is sufficient to start working with a computer. Over time, the concept of a basic configuration gradually changes.

Most often, a personal computer consists of the following devices:

System unit




Additionally, other input and output devices can be connected, for example, speakers, a printer, a scanner ...

System unit- the main unit of a computer system. It contains devices that are considered internal. Devices connected to the system unit from the outside are considered external. The term peripheral equipment is also used for external devices.
Monitor- a device for visual reproduction of symbolic and graphic information. Serves as an output device. For desktop PCs, the most common monitors are currently based on cathode ray tubes. They vaguely resemble household TVs.
Keyboard- a keyboard device designed to control the operation of a computer and enter information into it. Information is entered in the form of alphanumeric character data.
Mouse- "graphical" control device.

Internal devices of a personal computer.
Internal devices are devices located in the system unit. Some of them are accessible on the front panel, which is convenient for quickly changing information media, such as floppy disks. The connectors of some devices are located on the rear wall - they are used to connect peripheral equipment. Some devices of the system unit are not provided with access - for normal operation it is not required.

CPU. Microprocessor- the main microcircuit of a personal computer. All calculations are performed in it. The main characteristic of a processor is its clock frequency (measured in megahertz, MHz). The higher the clock speed, the better the processor performance. So, for example, at a clock frequency of 500 MHz, the processor can change its
fortune 500 million times. For most operations, one clock cycle is not enough, so the number of operations a processor can perform per second depends not only on the clock speed, but also on the complexity of the operations.

The only device, the existence of which the processor "knows from birth" - is the random access memory - with which it works together. Data and commands come from there. The data is copied into the processor cells (they are called registers), and then converted in accordance with the content of the instructions. For a more complete picture of how the processor interacts with RAM, see the chapters on programming fundamentals.

RAM. RAM can be thought of as a vast array of cells that store numeric data and commands while the computer is turned on. The amount of RAM is measured in millions of bytes - megabytes (MB).

The processor can refer to any memory cell (byte), since it has a unique numeric address. The processor cannot access an individual bit of RAM, since the bit has no address. At the same time, the processor can change the state of any bit, but this requires several steps.

Motherboard. The motherboard is the largest board in a personal computer. On it are the highways connecting the processor with the RAM - the so-called buses. A distinction is made between a data bus, through which the processor copies data from memory cells, an address bus, through which it connects to specific memory cells, and an instruction bus, through which the processor receives instructions from programs. All other internal devices of the computer are also connected to the buses of the motherboard. The motherboard is controlled by a microprocessor chipset - the so-called chipset.

Video adapter. A video adapter is an internal device installed in one of the motherboard connectors. The first personal computers did not have video adapters. Instead, a small area was allocated in RAM for storing video data. A special microcircuit (video controller) read data from the video memory cells and controlled the monitor in accordance with them.

As the graphics capabilities of computers improved, the video memory area was separated from the main RAM and, together with the video controller, was allocated into a separate device, which was called a video adapter. Modern video adapters have their own computing processor (video processor), which reduces the load on the main processor when building complex images. The video processor plays an especially important role in the construction of three-dimensional images on a flat screen. In the course of such operations, he has to perform especially a lot of mathematical calculations.

In some models of motherboards, the functions of the video adapter are performed by the chipset microcircuits - in this case, they say that the video adapter is integrated with the motherboard. If the video adapter is made as a separate device, it is called a video card. The video card connector is located on the rear wall. A monitor is connected to it.

Sound adapter. For IBM PC computers, work with sound was not originally provided. The first ten years of its existence, computers of this platform were considered office equipment and did without sound devices. Nowadays, the means for working with sound are considered standard. For this, a sound adapter is installed on the motherboard. It can be integrated into the motherboard chipset, or it can be made as a separate plug-in board called a sound card.
The sound card connectors are located on the back of the computer. To reproduce sound, speakers or headphones are connected to them. A separate connector is provided for connecting a microphone. With a dedicated software, this allows you to record sound. There is also a connector (line-out) for connecting to external sound recording or reproducing equipment (tape recorders, amplifiers, etc.).

HDD. Since the computer's RAM is cleared when the power is turned off, you need a device for long-term storage of data and programs. Currently, so-called hard disks are widely used for these purposes.
The principle of operation of the hard disk is based on the registration of changes in the magnetic field near the recording head.

The main parameter of a hard disk is its capacity, measured in gigabytes (billions of bytes), GB. The average size of a modern hard disk is 80 - 160 GB, and this parameter is growing steadily.

Floppy disk drive... To transport data between remote computers, so-called floppy disks are used. A standard floppy disk (floppy disk) has a relatively small capacity of 1.44 MB. By modern standards, this is completely insufficient for most data storage and transportation tasks, but the low cost of media and high availability have made floppy disks the most common storage medium.

To write and read data located on floppy disks, a special device is used - a floppy drive. The inlet of the drive is brought out to the front panel of the system unit.

CD-ROM drive. For transporting large amounts of data, it is convenient to use CD-ROMs. These discs can only read previously written data - you cannot write to them. The capacity of one disk is about 650-700 MB.

CD-ROM drives are used to read CDs. The main parameter of the CD-ROM drive is the read speed. It is measured in multiples. The reading speed, approved in the mid-80s, is taken as a unit. for music CDs (audio CDs). Modern CD-ROM drives offer read speeds of 40x - 52x.
The main disadvantage of CD-ROM drives - the inability to write discs - is overcome in modern write-once devices - CD-R. There are also CD-RW devices that allow rewriting.

The principle of data storage on CDs is not magnetic, like floppy disks, but optical.

Communication ports... For communication with other devices, such as a printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, etc., the computer is equipped with so-called ports. A port is more than just a connector for connecting external equipment, although a port ends with a connector. A port is a more complex device than just a connector, which has its own microcircuits and is controlled by software.

Network adapter. Computers need network adapters to communicate with each other. This device makes sure that the processor does not send a new portion of data to the external port until the network adapter of the neighboring computer has copied the previous portion to itself. After that, the processor is given a signal that the data has been taken and new ones can be supplied. This is how the transmission takes place.

When a network adapter "learns" from a neighboring adapter that it has a portion of data, it copies it to itself, and then checks whether it is addressed to it. If so, it passes them on to the processor. If not, it exposes them to the output port, from where the network adapter of the next neighboring computer will take them. This is how data moves between computers until it reaches its destination.

Network adapters can be built into the motherboard, but more often they are installed separately, in the form of additional cards called network cards.

Interested in many users, including experienced users, not to mention beginners. In this article we will try to explain in detail and as simple as possible what a computer is and what elements it consists of.

To begin with, let's define the term “computer” itself or an electronic computer (ECM) - a computer designed to transmit, store and process information. That's the whole difficulty.
Oddly enough, but the first computer (more precisely, a computing mechanism) was created a long time ago, when you and I were not yet there. It all started with the simplest counting (abacus) - why not a computer? It processes information, is particularly reliable and there can be no errors that depend on the device itself, even theoretically (although the human factor plays a decisive role here as well).
But, much more interesting, a really computational mechanism, was the Antikythera mechanism, which was invented around 100 BC.
With the advent of electricity, and later transistors with integrated circuits, into our lives, life has become better - life has become more fun.
Every year, more precisely for about two years, the number of transistors in processors doubles, therefore, the power of computers increases. Few people now can be surprised by the abilities of modern technology - progress does not stand still. The interest of mankind in personal computers is growing every day, and many want to know in more detail about the PC device, so let's start.
Each computer consists of several parts, each of which is responsible for a specific action (transmission, storage, processing). The main component of any PC is the system unit, which contains its entire essence.

Usually, system unit Is the largest box with a lot of wires coming out of. But there are PC variants in which the system unit is absent as a separate phenomenon, and all the filling is built into the monitor. We will consider in more detail the structure of the system unit a little later.
The second component of the PC is the monitor. Naturally, a computer can work without a monitor, but this is of no use to you. Until recently, monitors were of two types: CRT and LCD.

Due to technological progress, cathode ray tube monitors have given the palm to liquid crystal matrices, and it is almost impossible to find CRT monitors on sale. LCD monitors differ from each other in physical size (diagonal in inches), matrix resolution (in pixels), directly by the type of matrix (TN, PWA, MWA), the type of matrix backlight (lamps or LEDs), the number of available connectors for connecting video sources and directly by design.
For normal operation with a personal computer, information input devices are still required - mouse and keyboard.

It is pointless to consider these devices in detail, since every person, even the most distant from the information world, knows what it is.
The rest of the PC, which some consider to be indispensable parts of a computer, are completely optional for normal operation. We will consider printers, scanners, tablets, acoustics, webcams and other devices in the following articles and reviews. Now let's move on to a detailed examination of the insides of the system unit. And we will try to figure out what each element is responsible for.
Opening the side cover, you will see a lot of interesting, shiny and colorful. Surely the first thing your glance discovered was a large printed circuit board the size of an A4 sheet.
it motherboard- the chassis of the system unit, which is responsible for connecting all other components into a single system. At first glance, the "motherboard" will seem to be something very complex and intricate. From the technical point of view, it is so, because a lot of things are hidden inside the board itself and cannot be seen with the naked eye. But, in fact, from the practical point of view, there is nothing complicated in the device. As you probably already noticed, other boards are inserted into the motherboard, a little smaller. Consider the available connectors on a typical motherboard in the following figure.

1. Socket for processor installation ( Socket). Depending on the model, the type of processor differs and the number of holes in the socket, therefore, it is physically impossible to install an Intel processor into a socket for an AMD processor. It is impossible to see the socket in the assembled system unit, since a processor is already installed in it, and a heatsink with a fan (cooler) is installed on the processor.
2. Sockets for RAM. Usually there are a couple of them.
3. Connector for a video card.
4. PCI (large) and PCI-Express x1 (smaller) slots for additional expansion cards (TV tuners, audio cards, network cards, modems).
5. Connectors for connecting hard drives and drives.
a) SATA connectors (7 pins) - there are three types that differ only in bandwidth. SATA (SATA revision 1.x or SATA / 150 option) data transfer rates up to 1.5 Gb / s. SATAII (option SATA revision 2.x or SATA 2.0) - up to 3 Gb / s and SATA Rev.3.0 (SATA 6Gb / s) - up to 6 Gb / s.
b) IDE connector (40 pins) - is losing popularity at a steady pace and should soon disappear completely (some motherboard manufacturers have already abandoned this connector).
6. Power connectors. At the moment, the AT standard (12 pin) is used on older PCs. In the new ones, the ATX standard is used - a 20-pin connector or ATX2.0 - a 24-pin connector. An additional 4-pin connector is used to power the processor.
It seems that all the connectors on the motherboard have been considered.
Oh yes! There are also a whole bunch of connectors on the side of the motherboard, but we'll talk about them some other time.

Let's just say that they are designed to connect the very same mouse and keyboard, monitor (if the video card is built-in), acoustic system, USB devices (printers, scanners, flash drives) and other "irreplaceable" devices.
Let's return to a detailed overview of the insides of our system unit.
The arrangement of the components can be seen more clearly in the following diagram.

Typical layout of components inside the system unit

CPU- the brain of a computer, which is responsible for processing information. The more powerful the processor, the faster the data calculation will be performed and the faster the PC as a whole will function.

Processors differ in size, performance, heat dissipation, the number of contacts, or rather a socket. For example, for Intel processors, today the most common are three sockets: Socket T (775), Socket H (1156), Socket B (1366). Three sockets are also popular for AMD: AM2, AM2 + which have the same number of legs (940) and socket AM3 (938 for processors and 941 for motherboards).

Cooler(cooler) - designed to remove heat from the heating processor and dissipate it.

Coolers are passive and active (with a fan). There are also extreme cooling systems (liquid nitrogen, freon) that are more efficient and less noisy.

Random access memory (RAM)- the purpose is quite simple, to hold the most requested data, and provide the processor with this data for processing. The creation of RAM was required in order to speed up the processor, since the main delay in operation is caused not by the speed of the processor, but by the speed of data exchange between the processor and physical memory (hard disk). The more RAM you have, the faster your computer as a whole will run.

There are several types of RAM: DDR- the standard that has practically gone into being; DDR2- it has a doubled data transfer rate, the number of contacts is 240 (120 on each side); DDR3- the last available type of RAM, with lower power consumption and increased bus frequency. The DDR3 type also has 240 pins, but is not compatible with the DDR2 socket, since the key is located in a different place.

Video card- another important part of the system unit, designed to display images on the monitor. A responsible task falls on the video card, and it is distinguished by high performance and considerable power consumption. Therefore, the video card (graphics accelerator) is equipped with its own cooler.

The more powerful the accelerator, the more modern games you can play with maximum comfort and quality. In cases where special graphics performance is not required, the video card can be built into the motherboard. At the same time, the performance is quite enough for normal work with office applications, Internet surfing and undemanding games. To determine if your motherboard has a built-in video card, you can look at the side of the "motherboard" and find one of the possible connectors for connecting a monitor.
There are several standards for video card slots. AGP- outdated slot, currently found only on fairly old PCs. PCI-Express х16- there are several versions: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, differing in bandwidth.
The video cards themselves have their own graphics processor and their own RAM (the exception is built-in video cards, which use the common RAM of the system). The higher the frequency of the graphics core, the frequency of the memory and the larger its volume, the more powerful the video card (in theory).

There is another box above the motherboard - power unit.

I think there is no point in explaining what it is for.

A little to the right of the motherboard is a basket with hard disk drive (HDD)... It is also one of the most important elements of the system unit, so to speak, your data storage. Modern hard drives have reached memory sizes in the hundreds of gigabytes, and some models are available up to 2 terabytes.

Although it is possible to work at a computer without a hard disk, it is an indispensable component of a PC, of ​​course, the larger the hard disk, the more information you can store on your computer (movies, music, photos, documents).

Slightly higher is usually card reader.

A device that replaced the Floppy drive. The card reader allows you to directly work with memory cards ( SD, xD, MMS) at the same time get a higher data exchange rate than when using additional cables (for example, when connecting a phone with a memory card).

Situated even higher optical disc drive.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find CD drives or combo drives. Most common DVD-RW drives that allow you to write and read data from both CDs and DVDs. There are also new Blu-ray drives that allow you to write on a single BD disc from 25 GB to 500 GB (according to the latest data), this is made possible by the 10-layer disc. But so far Blu-ray drives are not popular enough due to their high cost.

Well, I think that's all. I hope our article will help you at least a little to understand the structure of a personal computer, and in the future not to fall face down in the dirt, calling a big black box not a processor, but a system unit.

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System unit

The main part of a personal computer is a system unit. Yes, this is the same box that is on the table, on the floor underfoot and makes noise, I do not mean a laptop, everything is compact and quiet there. Inside there are all the main components of the computer. In this very box, the most important elements of this amazing invention of mankind are hidden, where we will now look.

We iron his rough sides, and quietly groom and cherish our selfish interests, that this piece of iron will finally provide me with material well-being, and I will go on vacation to my godfather in Likino-Dulyovo and finally buy myself a bicycle.


Here in such a beautiful (sometimes not very) the case and all the main components of our friend are found.

Motherboard - all this is that even if we spend one more life on learning how it all happened and was embodied in such cute little cylinder plates, connected by beautiful threads, we will not know how it all works. We don’t need it. Let us admire this great creation of man and forget about it. Because we have other tasks.

Processor -
the heart of the computer. All those calculations take place in his artificial brain, which are then transformed into streams of necessary information, which we will eventually turn into banknotes that we need so much.

(RAM). - a system for storing short-term digital information for processing data arrays, inserted into the motherboard, into the appropriate connectors, has a high processing speed. In short, a very necessary system and he, the computer, uses it to the fullest and as he pleases.

Sound card, it is also called audio card - serves to reproduce sound, exists as an additional equipment that allows you to output sound to acoustic devices. It is inserted into special connectors (slots) on the motherboard. Typically, computers are shipped built into the motherboard.

Video card
(same way graphics card, video adapter) - the device is used to convert the digital signal generated in the processor into a signal for output to devices intended for viewing images (monitors, televisions). Also in modern computers it is supplied integrated into the motherboard. But if you need a high quality monitor output with high speed. then you should purchase more serious and expensive video cards, with a large amount of memory, sometimes costing more than the computer itself. But this is not our story.

HDD(HDD, hard, hard drive) - a storage device, a hard drive, usually aluminum, less often glass rotating plates covered with a ferromagnetic layer, chromium dioxide. The principle of operation of the disk is based on magnetic recording. The hard disk is the main storage of information in modern computers.

DVD drive
- another name Optical drive, which, using a laser, reads the recorded information, as well as writes (burns) onto an optical storage medium, which is a special plastic disk (CD, DVD)

And finally, all these systems are powered by electrical energy. Power Supply. It straightens, reduces to the required size in Volts the electric power of the network and gives it to the computer systems for their stable operation. Everything is just like the world.

Of course, when the computer is running, the microcircuits are heated, and compact fans are used to cool them. They regularly do their job, but they wear out over time and begin to make noise. It's not a big deal, they are sold in every component store and cost a penny. You can always change and not worry about their serviceability.


Peripherals are devices that are connected to the system unit by means of cables, in the corresponding slots (connectors) defined for them. Although they are usually called assistive devices, they are still integral parts of the computer.

- a system for entering information (with fingers) into a computer from its user. The people call her affectionately "Klava". One of the main devices. Keyboards are different, I personally love Klava white.

Mouse Is a mechanical manipulator, ingeniously invented by an unknown inventor, which converts the movement of a hand into a control signal. Without it, work with a computer is vaguely imagined. There are alternatives to the mouse, these are the so-called scrolls, a ball rotated by the palm, tried it, it is inconvenient. But everything has a place in the operation of the PC, and "To each his own," as it was written on the gates of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

And finally, the most pleasant periphery of our personal computer, which we most look at, in which we see the magical world of the miraculous transformation of human thought into reality, which makes us think and dream, work and enjoy, which arouses curiosity about our vast world of knowledge, which makes us to work and think is our Monitor. And I don't even want to describe the processes of obtaining an image on this flat plate. Let it remain a mystery to us, let the intrigue remain, and we, as children, remain the same naive and dreamy.

Computer device with pictures

Computers are one of the most common means of obtaining information and earning money from the population. In this article, you can get acquainted with the device of most PCs that you can meet in everyday life, unless you are an expert in the field of computer technology.

Why is it needed

First, let's define the term. PC is a personal computer that you see every day when you come to your workplace.

Few of the people working at the computer have an idea of ​​how it works. Meanwhile, knowledge of even the simplest elements can save a person a lot of time in the event of a breakdown. If he knows the device of the PC, at the slightest problem he is able to quickly determine and fix its cause on his own, without waiting for professionals.

This review article will consider all PC devices that a user may encounter, as well as the simplest schemes of interactions between the elements of your computer.

First meeting

Think back to the first time you saw a computer. If you were then asked about what it consists of, at most, what would you be able to answer? Surely this is the common main device of a PC:

  • system unit;
  • monitor;
  • mouse;
  • keyboard.

Understandably, any system administrator would laugh at the user for such a response. Meanwhile, you are not far from the truth. With the exception of the system unit, these items are PC peripherals designed to interact with the end user, that is, with you.

The most curious from early childhood try to disassemble the system unit to see what's inside. Those who succeed in doing this, hardly could immediately say without preparation what was in front of their eyes. A lot of microcircuits and wires, the purpose of which we will talk about below.

The internals of a PC are the lifeblood of your personal computer. In general terms, we can say that its insides consist of data transmission and processing devices. This is the so-called technical device of the PC.

External devices

A separate group is the equipment that a person sees in front of him every day. External PC devices are allocated to work and interact with the user.

  • Input Devices is hardware designed to enter information and data into a computer.
  1. Mouse.
  2. Keyboard.
  3. Scanner.
  4. Joystick.
  5. Microphone.
  • Output devices are PC devices that show and display information to the user in any form.
  1. Monitor.
  2. Speakers, headphones, or other audio devices on your PC.
  3. A printer.

The further logic is quite simple to follow, so we will not list absolutely all the peripheral devices of the PC. In most cases, external ones are quite simple to replace. If they break, either the computer stops recognizing them, or they simply stop working. Accordingly, it is not difficult to determine which technical device of the PC has failed.

Let's take a look inside

At first glance, the internal elements are too complex, but even their combination has a strict structure. At the heart of everything is the motherboard, which ties together all the devices in your PC. The connection diagram will be considered a little later, but for now let's look under the cover of the system unit and list what we saw:

  • motherboard;
  • RAM;
  • CPU;
  • video card;
  • sound card;
  • HDD;
  • power unit;
  • disc reader;
  • cooling system;
  • network card or built-in Wi-Fi adapter.

In addition to the devices themselves, in the system unit you can see a large number of connecting cables, thanks to which PC devices interact, as well as power cables, thanks to which all elements are powered. As you can see, there are a lot of internal components, so it makes no sense to consider them together, and we will describe them separately.


In general, "brains" in the slang of programmers is the central processor of a personal computer. It is used to process all data and signals, as well as to process the processes stored in the PC memory. It looks like a small plate with many pins-connectors, placed on the motherboard, usually completely covered on top by its own cooling system - a cooler (fan).

The development of technology does not stand still, and processors are becoming more powerful every year. Back in 1995, a 350 MHz processor could be considered the ultimate dream of an ordinary user. This was enough for all computer tasks. Today, CPUs have several cores - 2, 4, 8, each with capacities up to several gigahertz.

However, nothing revolutionary has happened in this area over the past decades. Capacities are growing slowly, and no breakthroughs are expected in the field of information processing speed.


Some users believe that computer memory is how much information it can hold, and this is partly true. The memory device of a PC can be divided into two types, just like that of a person. There is long term and short term memory.

PC RAM is a short-term memory that contains all the data and processes when you are working on your computer. When you run any program, its working part is transferred to RAM. It is from there that the data is transferred to the microprocessor for processing. The volume of the OP determines how much information can be contained in it, and the speed of its processing.

From the point of view of its development, no particular breakthrough was noticed either. The volumes are growing by one level, the speed of processing and transmitting information to the microprocessor, but nothing grandiose is foreseen.

A hard disk is a permanent, long-term memory of a computer, with which the user directly works. This is where you write your information, programs and games. The size of the hard disk memory is much larger than the RAM.

Volatile memory is located on the motherboard. Serves for storing the most general and basic settings of a personal computer, such as date, time, passwords, information about the system boot. This memory got its name from the fact that it needs constant replenishment of energy, which it receives through a battery, also located on the motherboard.

It is also worth noting that memory is part of PC devices, since it contains information on processor requests.


A thesis that any student can understand: all PC devices consume electricity. A failure in the computer's power supply leads to the loss of data from the RAM and volatile memory, and if the computer turns off while the user is working, not only unsaved data may disappear, but existing information may also be damaged, which may lead to unreadable files.

Using the power cables, the unit supplies +12 and -12 volts, as well as +4 and -4 volts to personal computer devices, so you are not in danger of death from electric shock. However, it is better not to take risks and follow safety precautions.

Picture and sound

To display the image on the screen, a video card is used, also mounted on the motherboard. In many cases, there are built-in video cards on the "motherboard", but they are too low-powered to work with graphics programs or games. Therefore, people usually purchase more efficient components in a complete set.

Graphics cards in a computer are one of the hardest parts to work with. Based on this, experienced system administrators install additional cooling inside the system unit in addition to what is already there.

The best video cards have several ports - for connecting not only a monitor, but also a TV.

An integral part of the image is sound. The personal computer also has built-in sound cards. They provide a fairly high-quality sound, however, for fans of special effects, the purchase of additional elements is also recommended.

Sometimes you may have noticed that the PC is making high pitched sounds when booting up. They are produced by a built-in speaker, which, depending on the BIOS manufacturer, informs the programmer about the loading status with sound signals. In older games, this speaker was also sometimes used to create ambiance.

The foundation

The article has already mentioned the motherboard more than once. It is the heart of the computer, linking all of its parts together in a single-piece microcircuit. It serves to provide absolutely all devices of a personal computer.

Physically, this is a board on which all internal expansion strips are attached, as well as components located inside the system unit. This is the main device of the PC.

The logical structure of the motherboard is divided into north and south bridges. Although many companies are beginning to abandon the implementation of the former, transferring its functions to the central processor.

Let's figure out what is called the north bridge. This is a part of the logic diagram of a personal computer, designed to ensure the interaction of internal devices and the south bridge. The latter is the part of the circuit that is responsible for the interaction of I / O devices.

The motherboard contains slots for expansion cards, ports for connecting external devices, as well as one of the most important parts of a personal computer - BIOS. He is responsible for the fundamental settings of the computer, loading the operating system, as well as the possible setting of some of the physical parameters of the PC.


PC devices are connected directly to the motherboard. For internal elements, there are special wires - loops, consisting of several small wires, each of which carries a specific function. Also, all internal devices are connected to the power supply with power wires. A small tip: when connecting expansion cards, it is better to support the motherboard from the back side, however, due to the fact that it is attached to the case of the system unit, you can use a pencil, carefully slipping it under the microcircuit.

External devices are connected to the part of the motherboard that is open on the back of your personal computer - the so-called ports. In the past, each external device had its own dedicated connector, but over time, developers have come to a single standard for connecting wires. And now USB ports are used to connect external devices. The table above shows some of the older port names.

Remember that almost any device connected to your personal computer requires installed drivers to work.


Many are skeptical about some safety requirements when working with a personal computer, but its effect on the human body is not fully understood, so it is better to follow them.

  • If you are going to work with your computer and, moreover, disassemble it, be sure to dry your hands dry.
  • Before touching the motherboards with bare hands, be sure to discharge static electricity by touching the PC case.
  • Work at a personal computer with breaks, at least 2 hours.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Clean the computer from dust inside the system unit.

By following these tips, you can extend the life of not only yourself, but also your computer.


Thanks to this article, you were able to gain basic knowledge of the structure of your personal computer. This should help you in solving a number of problems related to the repair and purchase of PCs, as well as the organization of your workplace or the place of your employees. And it will also help protect yourself from unnecessary spending on spare parts with proper and timely care of your computer.

With all this, having raised the level of your erudition, you will be able to communicate with your friends on computer topics and not look stupid in dialogues.

Description of the internal structure of the computer (for beginners).

A home or office computer (in the common sense - an ordinary computer) consists of a system unit and peripheral devices (monitor, keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer, etc.).

I will not describe what the monitor, printer and keyboard with a mouse look like, but I will go straight to describing the insides of the main computer component - the system unit.

We remove the side cover of the system unit and see the following picture:

Photo of the internal device of the computer

The main components of the system unit:

1. Frame is a very important part of the computer. They come in different sizes and form factors. The choice of the case of the system unit should be approached carefully. In principle, the larger and heavier the case, the better - it will be easier to provide good cooling and low noise levels. Buy only cases from well-known brands, for example: InWin, Thermaltake, Chieftec, Asus, etc.

2. Power Supply- one of the most important components of the computer system unit. You can save on anything but the power supply. Oddly enough, but the quality of the power supply can be indirectly determined by weight - the heavier the better. Take a cheap unnamed power supply in one hand, and an expensive branded power supply in the other, and you will understand everything. High-quality radiators and transformers are quite heavy. The power supply provides power to all components of the system unit, and the quality of this power has a significant impact on the health of all components. A poor-quality power supply can cause unstable operation of the computer and even cause burnout of expensive components. Branded cases are usually equipped with fairly high-quality power supplies. When choosing a power supply, you also need to pay attention to its power, for example, 300 W will be enough for an office computer, and 500 W may not be enough for a gaming one.

3. Microprocessor(CPU - Central Processing Unit) with cooling heatsink and fan. The microprocessor is the main computing device of the computer, it is he who executes the instructions, from the sequence of which the programs consist. The performance of the computer largely depends on the speed of the processor. The speed of a processor is determined by the frequency at which it operates, the number of cores and architecture. There are two main brands on the market now: Intel and AMD. The choice of processor is determined by the tasks for which the computer is purchased. Top models are usually needed for games, video processing and similar tasks. (site)

4. Case fan... It is necessary to create air circulation inside the system unit: it usually works by blowing, removing warm air from the computer case and causing cold air to flow from outside.

5. RAM modules... Random access memory (RAM - random access memory, RAM) is the high-speed memory of a computer. It is with this memory that the processor directly works. After turning off the computer, the information stored in it is erased. Taking into account the gluttony of modern programs, the rule is: the more RAM, the better. At the moment, the optimal amount of RAM will probably be 4-8 Gigabytes.

6. Video card(video adapter, video card, videocard, videoadapter) - deals with the processing and display of graphic information on the monitor. The video card has its own specialized graphics processor that processes 2D / 3D graphic information. This reduces the computational load on the central processing unit (CPU). For office applications, almost any video card (even built into the motherboard) is suitable, but for toys you will have to fork out. To choose a video card, I think, you should first decide on a set of games that you would like to play. When choosing a top-end graphics card, make sure that the power of your power supply is sufficient.

7. Modem... (Probably in Moscow it is already irrelevant device)

8. Network Card... Through a network card, the computer is connected to a local or global network (Internet). Nowadays, network cards are usually integrated into motherboards.

9, 10. CD or DVD drive(CD / DVD-ROM). There are both writing and non-writing. May vary in read and write speed.

11. HDD(hard disk drive, harddisk, HDD) is a non-volatile memory device, the data is not erased when the power is turned off, the operating speed is much lower than that of RAM, and the capacity is much higher. All your installed programs, documents, music and films are stored on your hard drive. Its capacity is measured in Gigabytes - the more, the better, although 40-80 Gigabytes is sufficient for most office applications.

12. Motherboard- the main component of the system unit, tk. it unites all the listed devices, and also contains additional components: network adapter, video card, sound card, input-output devices, etc.


When choosing components, you should make sure that they are compatible with each other. Don't skimp on the case and power supply - it's better to save on a video card, and then eventually buy a new one. It is also better to buy a motherboard "with a margin" in order to further upgrade the processor, memory, etc.

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